• l’année dernière
00:00Wind the clock, put out the cat, wind the clock, put out the cat and wind the clock.
01:06© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:36de son épouse. Son retreat préféré de sa constante gêne
01:40était la solitude de ces éternels chants.
01:43Eh bien, Wolf, je pense que c'est un plaisir de reposer un peu.
01:47Je crois que nous sommes beaucoup plus loin de ce que je voulais.
01:51Oh, pauvre Wolf Boy, j'ai peur qu'il n'y ait pas de repas pour toi ce soir.
01:56Mais de l'autre côté, vieille amie, il n'y aura pas de repas pour moi.
02:00Cependant, nous ne serons pas servis de sermons par Georges.
02:05Et puis, quand nous arriverons à la maison, ma bonne femme ira sourire dans son lit de fesses.
02:10Et cela, vous devez admettre, c'est vrai, c'est un bâton vide.
02:14Oui, c'est ça, mon garçon. Oh, oui.
02:23Oh, quelqu'un m'a appelé ?
02:25Non, non, je devais l'imaginer.
02:28Pas même sa voix pourrait atteindre cette distance.
02:36Oh, pourquoi ? Il n'a l'air que d'un voisin en besoin d'aide.
02:44Ce n'est pas un voisin ?
02:49Pardonnez-moi, ami, vous êtes en effet loin de la maison.
02:54Viens ici, mon garçon, ne t'inquiète pas.
02:57N'aie pas peur, ami, il n'a pas beaucoup d'énergie.
03:00Il n'est qu'un voisin.
03:04Laisse-moi t'aider.
03:06Viens ici, mon garçon, viens ici.
03:10Lorsqu'ils ont monté sur une colline étroite, apparemment le lit de fesses d'une montagne,
03:14Rip et son compagnon ont travaillé en silence.
03:18Rip a pensé à ce qui pourrait être l'objet de la carrière de cette montagne étroite.
03:25Oh, quel endroit est-ce ?
03:36Bowling ? Thunder ? Un jeu de 9 pins ?
03:41Quel endroit étrange !
03:43Rip !
03:44Van Winkle !
03:46Non, non, non. Vraiment, ami, j'apprécie votre hôpitalité,
03:50mais je dois commencer à la maison.
03:52Vous voyez, j'ai une femme à la maison qui va m'éteindre si les potatoes vont froides.
04:04Drink ?
04:05Non, non, drink, non.
04:07Merci beaucoup, mais je n'indulge jamais.
04:10Dame Van Winkle, ma femme, elle ne...
04:13Drink ?
04:14Yes, yes, if you insist, I suppose I can't refuse you,
04:18but mind you, just a friendly sip.
04:35Oh my, yes, a little party.
04:37The little fellas are having a party.
04:40It's the best party I've ever been to.
04:43Drink ?
04:44Oh, no, no, no. Thank you, friend.
04:46I have a wife at home.
04:48Have I ever told you about my wife ?
04:50I haven't, have you ?
04:52Oh, she's quite a woman.
04:54Yes, oh, she is quite a woman.
04:59You see, I live in a little village not too far from this place,
05:03and my house, which is a little of the worse for wear, lies just on the outskirts.
05:09For some time now, I've intended to get around to making some repairs,
05:14but something else always seems to interfere.
05:17And for some reason, my wife, Dame Van Winkle,
05:20she just doesn't seem to understand, she doesn't.
05:23Out with Van Winkle, out, I say.
05:25No very idea of a grown man loafing about as though he hadn't a care in the world.
05:28Fish and hunt, eat and sleep, hang around, never do a lick of work,
05:31when you just get yourself out there and get busy with that pole,
05:34and take that useless dog with you.
05:37Get busy with that.
05:39Just look at that land, will you ?
05:41It's not that I'm lazy, it's just no use to work this place.
05:46Get along out there, you corn cow,
05:49before Dame Van Winkle makes ass out of you.
05:52Look at it, the most pestering little piece of ground in the whole country.
05:56Nothing ever goes right with it, no matter what I do, and that's the truth.
06:01Rip, Rip Van Winkle.
06:04Rip Van Winkle.
06:06Good morning, neighbor-dunkle.
06:09Could you help me, Rip ?
06:11I can't seem to get very far with this stone.
06:15Oh, say, that is a big one.
06:17Here, here, here, here, let me do it, huh ?
06:25Thank you kindly, Rip.
06:28This is one reason why I never seem to get around to performing my own chore.
06:33And it's the same thing with the ladies of the village.
06:42Ah, good morning, good morning, ladies.
06:45Oh, Rip Van Winkle, would you be so kind as to run an errand for me ?
06:50Well, now I'd be happy to oblige, Dame Dutcher.
06:54Would you match this thread for me, please, dear Rip Van Winkle ?
06:58Oh, gladly, gladly, madam.
07:00And would you mind returning this cake tin to Sarah Hendricks for me ?
07:04Rip Van Winkle ! Rip Van Winkle !
07:07Where are you ?
07:09You get to work this very minute, do you hear me ?
07:11Rip Van Winkle !
07:13You lazy, good-for-nothing wanker !
07:15And that goes for your good-for-nothing, ugly hound dog, too !
07:18What a pity Dame Van Winkle doesn't appreciate him.
07:21She should be ashamed !
07:23She should indeed.
07:25Well, sometimes in order to escape the clamor of my wife
07:29and the labor of the farm,
07:31I take my gun in my hand and I stroll away into the woods
07:35with my good friend Wolf,
07:37with whom I deeply sympathize as a fellow sufferer in persecution.
07:45Oh, poor Wolf, thy mistress leaves thee a dog's life of it.
07:49But never mind, my lad.
07:51Willst thou live ? Thou shall never want for a friend to stand by thee.
07:57We may have meat to bring home to Dame Van Winkle.
08:02Oh, it's no use, Wolf, and the creatures will not sit still.
08:06Well, perhaps Dame Van Winkle will feed us something else that could be.
08:11What good of you ! You do no work around the farm of this house.
08:13You cannot even as much as bring home meat to your poor starving children.
08:15Look at poor Rip and Judith, without a decent thing to wear.
08:17Yet you dare to come into my kitchen and expect me to give you some supper.
08:20There will be no supper for you, or that dog tonight, or ever.
08:22Oh, a tart temper never mellows with age,
08:25and a sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use.
08:30You think that over. Is that not true, my friend ?
08:33You know, in spite of my dear wife's low opinion of her spouse,
08:37I like to think that I have many friends in the village.
08:40And the friends that I love best, yes, are the children.
08:44You tell us the story. They marveled with it. Let's go fishing.
08:49Oh, those little tykes. God bless them.
08:52Let me show you how a kite should be flown, children.
08:55Now, when I was a boy, I was the greatest kite flyer in the country.
08:59I remember a kite flying contest with... Who was that ?
09:03Now, no, Ben Franklin. Yeah, I was a gladness.
09:06I wonder what happened to old Ben.
09:13Rip Van Winkle, the very idea of a grown man with responsibilities,
09:16wasting his time playing with children when he should be working on his dilapidated run-down park.
09:19Well, there'll be a day of reckoning, Rip Van Winkle. Just you wait and see.
09:23And when Dame Van Winkle's sharp tongue becomes almost unbearable,
09:27I frequently seek the safety of the King George Inn.
09:31Here one can enjoy the stimulating conversation of the local sages, philosophers,
09:37and other intellectual personages of the village. Do I make myself clear ?
09:43Well, it's been some time since we've seen a newspaper.
09:47And it's only five months old. Oh, that's the best yet. Yes, indeed.
09:51Shall we have a reading ?
09:53Yes. Oh, that's a fine idea. Now, let's see.
09:56Well, now, if I had my spectacles, I would...
10:00Oh, well, since Schoolmaster Van Boomer had his glasses right handy,
10:04he might as well give us a reading, would you ?
10:07Ah !
10:38Well, it seems to me to be a totally inequitable encroachment.
10:42Well, that's right. I... I... Totally inequitable encroachment.
10:48Now then, next item.
10:50Oh, there you are, Rip Van Winkle, you lazy good-for-noth-loafer.
10:53So this is where you are when you should be home, getting to your chores.
10:56I might have known you'd sneak off to be with your lazy loafer friends.
10:58Now, what have you earned yourself ?
11:00Oh, my dear, I was just about to...
11:02Don't you dare, my dear Rip Van Winkle.
11:04My good woman, I do believe that you're proud, Schoolmaster.
11:08And as for you, Nicholas Fetter, if you had a proper establishment,
11:11there wouldn't be a place for loafers to loaf.
11:13Come along, you. You've wasted all the time you're going to waste with your idle friends.
11:17I think we'd better delay this discussion for another time.
11:21Rip Van Winkle ! Rip Van Winkle ! Rip Van Winkle !
11:28And now, my friend, you can see why I can no longer enjoy your hospitality.
11:34Thank you. Yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you very much indeed.
11:39Cheers !
11:41Oh, yeah, yeah. If you insist, I might as well make a real party of it.
11:46It's too late now to worry about Dame Van Winkle.
11:50Shame, this is a party. I wish we had some corn around, we could have a husking bay.
11:55Yeah, yeah. Well, there's no corn, honey, don't worry, we'll have a dance.
11:59Go see if there's a little dance.
12:01Oh, yeah, just liven up a party.
12:03Dee, dee, dee, bah !
12:05And that's a wrap !
12:13Well, very well. Very well.
12:18Well, very well. Very well if you'd rather play at ninepins.
12:22Ninepins it is.
12:24Back home in your village, Dee, the boys call me Nine-Pin Rip, king of the kegglers.
12:31Ah, and here goes.
12:55Get out of here, you pesky bird.
12:58Oh, what's this, what's this ?
13:01Surely a beard can't grow this long overnight.
13:05Oh, that's wicked flagging.
13:07It was the devil's brew the first time I tasted it.
13:11Oh, oh, yeah, yeah.
13:12Little men.
13:13Hey, a party.
13:15And that flagging, that wicked flagging.
13:19Ah, my gun.
13:20Ah, they've taken my gun and put this relic in its place.
13:25These mountain bads do not agree with me.
13:29Oh, my head !
13:32What excuse will I make to Dame Van Winkle ?
13:35Oh, well, I shall have to face her sooner or later.
13:38I've done it before, don't you see ?
13:40Where's that, where's that dog of mine ?
13:43Wolf, here, wolf, here, wolf.
13:46Come along, lad, come along.
13:49It could be that that old wolf is more clever than his master.
13:53No doubt I will find him waiting for me at home on your doorstep.
13:57As Rip approached the village, he was surprised at the way the countryside was altered.
14:02There were houses and farms which he had never seen before.
14:05And places that had been his familiar haunts had disappeared.
14:10That flagging last night has addled my poor old head sadly.
14:15Hey, hey, that looks like Farmer Dunkle with the new wagon.
14:19Good morning, Farmer Dunkle.
14:21Good morning, stranger.
14:24Stranger ?
14:26How could I have mistaken him for Farmer Dunkle ?
14:29I've never seen him before.
14:35Oh, good morning, neighbor.
14:36Good morning, old man.
14:38Hey, hey, you're new around here, aren't you ?
14:41You know, I haven't seen your face before.
14:44No, I've been working this same farm for ten years.
14:50I've passed this place a thousand times and I've never seen that man at all.
14:55Oh, what is happening ? I, it might, oh, I must be addled.
15:00It was with some difficulty that Rip found the way to his own house,
15:04which he approached with silent awe,
15:06expecting every moment to hear the shrill voice of Dame Van Winkle.
15:11Dame Van Winkle ?
15:13Dame Van Winkle ?
15:16Dame Van Winkle ?
15:18Judith ! Son ! Wolf !
15:21I don't understand. Where can they be ?
15:26Oh, she's left me and has taken the children.
15:29I'm getting my just reward.
15:31I should have listened to her, tended to my husbandly duties.
15:35My very dog, he's forgotten me.
15:38My friends, I must see my friends at once
15:41and they will tell me where my, where my family has gone.
15:46I must get around to fixing this porch one of these days.
15:49I've got to do a lot of things. I, I don't...
15:56It's your sacred duty as an American to vote.
15:59If the members of Congress don't fight to get it passed, they lose my vote.
16:03That's what Bunker Hill was about.
16:05By heaven, he was one of the heroes of 76.
16:08And now, which side did you vote on ?
16:10Are you a federal or a democrat ?
16:12I'm a federalist.
16:13I, I don't understand. That's a, that's a strange-looking flag.
16:18Washington ? Who is he ?
16:22Oh, pardon me, sir. Have you seen Nicholas Vetter or Derek Von Boomer ?
16:27Never heard of them.
16:28Are you a federalist or a democrat ?
16:30At last, gentlemen, I am but a poor, quiet man,
16:33a native of this village and a loyal subject of the king.
16:37God bless him.
16:39Autority is mine !
16:42Silence, silence, I say !
16:45This is an orderly voting place.
16:47Now then, suppose you tell me, where did you come from ?
16:50I, I mean no harm, sir.
16:52I, I merely came here in search of some of my friends.
16:56I, I thought they might tell me where to find my wife.
16:59Well, who are these friends ?
17:01Well, where's he, Bram Dutcher, and Van Boomer, and Nicholas Vetter.
17:08Nicholas Vetter ?
17:10Why, Nicholas Vetter is dead and gone these 18 years.
17:15There was a wooden tombstone in the churchyard that used to tell all about him.
17:21But that's rotted and gone too.
17:24And Bram Dutcher, you know him ?
17:27Oh, he went off to the army in the beginning of the war.
17:31He never came back.
17:33Does, does anybody here know Rip Van Winkle ?
17:39Rip Van Winkle ?
17:41Oh, to be sure, that's Rip Van Winkle Younger.
17:45Oh, no !
17:51Oh, I am Adelie.
17:53See here, fellow, just who are you ?
17:56Well, heaven knows I'm not myself, I'm, I'm somebody else.
18:00That's me, younger ? No, no, no, that's somebody else in, in my shoes.
18:05Adel, all right.
18:07Well, I was myself last night, but you see, I, I fell asleep on the mountain,
18:10and, and everything changed, and I, I can't tell what's my name, or who am I, or, or anything.
18:16Please, please, young lady, you look vaguely familiar.
18:20May I ask your name ?
18:22Judith Gardiniere.
18:24Judith, and tell me, what, what was your father's name ?
18:28Oh, poor man, Rip Van Winkle was his name,
18:31but it's 20 years since he went away from home with his gun.
18:34His dog came home without him, but whether he shot himself,
18:38or was carried away by the Indians, nobody can tell.
18:41I was then but a little girl.
18:44Judith, and, and tell me, your, your mother ?
18:48She's gone too, poor woman, just a year ago.
18:51She broke a blood vessel screaming at a New England peddler.
18:54Oh, rest your soul.
18:56Hey, Judith, now, I am your father.
18:59Young Rip Van Winkle once, old Rip Van Winkle now.
19:04Does nobody know poor Rip Van Winkle ?
19:07Sure enough, it is Rip Van Winkle.
19:11My father ?
19:12Yes, Judith.
19:13Welcome home, old neighbor.
19:16Oh, father, poor dear father, where have you been ?
19:20Well, daughter, it's a long and incredible story.
19:24You see, I went up into the mountains.
19:27To make a long story short, Rip's daughter took him home to live with her.
19:31She had a snug, well-furnished house and a stout, cheery farmer for a husband.
19:36Rip, having arrived at that happy age when a man can be idle with impunity,
19:41took his place once more on the bench at the inn door,
19:44and was revered as one of the patriarchs of the village,
19:47and a chronicler of the old times before the war.
19:51And when I woke up, there I was, 20 years later.
19:56I didn't know what had happened.
19:58All I remembered was those little men and their strange game.
20:03There he goes, telling that story again.
20:06Well, let him have his fun.
20:08He has a good imagination, I'll give him that.
20:10I'm not so sure it's made up.
20:12I recall my grandfather used to tell of strange little men and their cat skills.
20:16Hendrick Hudson, he said, and his men playing at ninepins.
20:20Well, it could be.
20:22So you see, friend, every time that you hear a clap of thunder...
20:28So there you are, you lazy do-nothing loafers,
20:31spending your time lollygagging around the inn with your lazy friends
20:34while everyone else has to do your work,
20:36while you just march yourself right home and get to your chores
20:39before another minute passes.
20:41And if I catch you down here again, you'd better watch out.
20:45To this day, it is a common wish of all henpecked husbands in the neighborhood,
20:49when life hangs heavy on their hands,
20:52that they might have a quieting draft out of Rip Van Winkle's flag.
