• 6 hours ago
What is going on with these #Patriots receivers?! What do you make of K.J. Osborn's TD celebration? Does this put Mayo in a tough spot?
00:00I thought for certain in London that KJ Osborne was holding his phone his hand phone up to his ear
00:10demanding that somebody call and get him out of here because he didn't want to be here but
00:13he clarified that means call God all right so that's what that's what that was think of the
00:18amount of hall of fame championship dynastic players that came through that building over
00:23the last 20 years never complaining once in this collection of stumble bums is bitching every other
00:30day I would love to have been there for the session where I don't know if he did it himself
00:35or had an advisor but where he tried to figure out how do you explain away the fingers to the ear
00:42call me and get me out of here and then the some somebody came up with wait a second if you say
00:48it's called God then nobody can say anything Greg I think it was Haas long to figure out to fix this
00:54only God can judge me I mean wiggy that is a miserable group of wide receivers on that football
01:02team and they're not keeping it to themselves yeah and me and and I think that it's it sucks for Mayo
01:08and here's why because do we believe Alex Van Pelt is Mayo's guy no and all this animosity
01:20and it should really be directed at him right but Gerard Mayo has to stand up there and take
01:24the blame for yes so I think you know that's one way to argue it well I mean he's the head coach
01:30and at some point in life you you probably learned the rule that you know I the saying is I'd rather
01:39get fired for doing what I want to do as opposed to getting fired for doing what somebody else
01:45told me to do so right but I guess it's like how do you go to the uh you know like you gotta you
01:50go to the office to coordinate say hey listen let's try to get these guys involved in the game
01:54plan that that's all that's all you could do um but it's still up to the coordinator to make sure
02:00he's designing the plays that can get these whether it's reverses whether it's you know
02:04quick screens get the ball in the hands of these guys yeah but if it you know I understand there's
02:10not a lot of talent in there but this season is a wash anyway yeah I I'd I'd ship him up out of
02:16here as soon as possible that's why I said Mayo should make an example he should make an example
02:21somebody in that room you would do that right I would I'd get his ass up out of there I mean
02:26Curtis I don't want to go back to Bill but Bill probably wouldn't take this I mean I you know and
02:30Gerard Mayo he's got a different approach to things but you got a bunch of disgruntled babies
02:35right that are whining every five seconds about how involved they are or aren't he kind of lightweight
02:42did it with us a little bit where he said and I would probably go more in this direction if I was
02:48Mayo because it might be hard to ship guys out he's like you're not going to ship out Jalen Polk
02:53but I would go what he did a little bit where he was like if you got to talk to talk walk the walk
03:00and I would I would go even further and I would specifically say to our wide receiver group
03:04you know we got a lot of guys in there that are good plays they want the football but guess what
03:08they got to show us that they can do something with the football when they get it this is BC
03:14Jim hello Jim how you doing I have to tell you I'm biased I'm a BC alum but I think Bill O'Brien
03:21is so refreshing one of the best interviews on the station he's awesome yeah I look forward to
03:26him every single week he is a great interview and he listens to the show which helps and I love
03:32having Bill O'Brien the best he gives us insight into the world of coaching that like we don't
03:39we don't have you know like we don't great and great answer to Curtis's question about Notre
03:43Dame yeah this morning like I really liked it I honestly he's such a breath of fresh air
03:49I mean I really hope he's successful because he is incredibly good at this and he said last year
03:54we stunk yeah you know what I mean like we stunk you know we had issues I think he called it a
04:00horrible situation so for everybody saying how bad it is right now remember that that guy just
04:06told you who lived it yeah that it was a horrible situation I am not disputing that it has gotten
04:12much worse yeah but it was horrible yeah just keep it in house I think we can meet in the middle
04:17there I mean the the argument is going to be and I love when we argue Curtis but the argument is
04:23going to be the situation may have been horrible one could argue because the owner was had already
04:31selected a different head coach and was dragging him upstairs when he should be meeting with
04:36players to have meetings with him it was just a brutal situation and Greg as someone who's endured
04:41many of those I will tell you brutal situations not your good points um you and I can meet right
04:47now that that the whole story remember the story right before the season by Don Vannata about
04:52Bill Robert Kraft's obsession about getting into the Hall of Fame yes yes that colors everything
04:57if you really think about it yeah it it ceased being about the team's success and everything
05:03was about Robert Kraft looking better to Hall of Fame voters and so it was all about getting the
05:09replacement coach that was an african-american and and that would would make Robert Kraft fit
05:14you know be appraised by other owners for doing you know promoting the Rooney rule and all of that
05:20and Robert Kraft was fixated on taking credit away from Bill for success and placing all the
05:27things that went wrong on his shoulders and you're a real schmuck it is a joke that he's not in the
05:32Hall of Fame though of course yeah absolute disgrace joke but what makes me sad is last
05:37season and this season and I want to take completely out of it the fact will would Bill
05:41have taken Drake May in the draft like take that out of it if Bill had Drake May as his quarterback
05:46and not Mack Jones I don't think it would have been as contentious last season I don't think
05:50that there would have been issues in the locker room I think that it would have been a completely
05:54different season so I think it's more on the season the season would have been different
05:58but they have wanted to get him up and out of there for a long time yes yes but I just I put
06:03behind the scenes they were diabolically scheming to get him out of there but the dysfunction
06:09aspect of it I don't think it would have been a factor last season like I think that he would
06:13have really appreciated having a quarterback that bought into whatever Bill Belichick was selling
06:18right and would have just put his head down and done what's best for the team and I think that
06:23leads into extra dysfunction this year too like if you don't have that dysfunction last year even
06:27if you wanted to move on from Belichick it wouldn't have been nearly just as dysfunctional
06:32this year because of what you went through the year before but unfortunately all of this animus
06:38originated when Robert and Bill chose to work together and get a different quarterback because
06:45if Bill had just said Tom can work with Alex Guerrero wherever we don't have to relitigate
06:49this yeah then he has the quarterback he doesn't need to keep finding one Bill Belichick's decision
06:54was to find a new one so it would have happened eventually like Tom Brady was eventually not
06:58going to be playing right and all of this would have come to a head right but what I'm talking
07:03about is the Robert part where he was trying to color himself as absolved from blame for the
07:07departure all of that issue originated in that decision well if Robert would have just said here
07:13Tom here's the money right no issues let's get to this it's time for Larry Bird's not walking
07:20through that door fence would not say that I'm Mona Lisa Vito of the football world dang it they
07:26want you to cook the dinner at least they ought to let you shop for some of the groceries said it
07:34they said it I'm just gonna say all right are we starting with dysfunction chime or what are we
07:39starting yeah I think we absolutely start with dysfunction uh one of the main focal points of
07:43this uh dysfunction has been that wide receiver room uh well Keisha Keishon Booty spoke to the
07:50media yesterday like at his locker just kind of a couple people with cell phones uh said something
07:54interesting uh about last year in relationship to this year here was Keishon Booty I say last year
08:02um probably as we all know got sidelined after the first game eagles with Bill Belichick so just
08:09coming back this season kind of sat with coach Mayo and stuff and I was just like I refused to
08:13go through that I did last year so I say it's just my mindset knowing that I want to be on the field
08:18one of those top players so that's kind of why I'm at my career okay all right I demanded that
08:24the same not happen to me and that I get my time my playing time and my touches and I am not getting
08:33it so I made that demand and I want it now well it seems like there's the difference right it almost
08:39is like he's saying Bill put me in the doghouse because of the sideline catch that I didn't make
08:44against Philadelphia where I told Mayo I don't want like don't hold me accountable or don't put
08:52me in the doghouse for something you know what I mean it's almost like I'm like I like I know it's
08:57old school or old head or whatever but is the employee supposed to be telling the boss what
09:03they want done like is that the way well clearly Mayo has made it clear to his players he wants
09:08them to talk to him about this and how they feel and like this is the result of that and I mean to
09:13booty's credit this year he has made the best catches on the team he's had the best hands on
09:17the team but I don't think it's particularly close but he's out there though like what I don't know
09:21what what's the complaint because they're not throwing in the football I mean Greg he was out
09:25he led all receivers in in plays uh snaps taken last week and yet he had two targets the entire
09:32game all right
