• 2 months ago
Boomer Esiason joins! Does he believe it was fair to let Mayo go? Who does Esiason think is the Patriots next HC target?
00:00Hey Boomer. Oh, good morning. Thank God. It's over. It's over for the Jets. It's over for the Giants
00:06It's over for the Patriots and now we can start looking forward as opposed to wallowing in this just misery
00:11Well, it's also over for Gerard Mayo is is is that fair or not? You know football is not fair, man
00:18It's not fair. There've been a lot of guys that have gone down this path and I feel bad for Gerard
00:23I think that a rookie quarterback a lot of moving parts a questionable roster
00:29I mean no matter who was coaching this team. It was not going to be pretty
00:33Felt like we have come from a lot from Cincinnati to now is such a long way and so many things happen on that first
00:40Game or at that first game in Cincinnati to where Gerard is now
00:44so I I certainly feel bad for him, but he knows that you know, this is the life that he chose and
00:50Unfortunately, whatever happens internally sometimes we are not aware of so whatever
00:57Really nudged Bob Kraft across the finish line here. I don't necessarily know that we'll ever know that but what that answer is
01:03Well, it happened so quickly that we have been trying to ascertain
01:09whether the crafts gave the code red with regard to losing that football game yesterday and
01:15Gerard Mayo had one job and and one job only it didn't do it. Do you think that's a possibility?
01:21I don't think that's a possibility
01:23You know what? I think I think what most other people think and that is that Mike Braybull's out there
01:28and I think with the Jets interviewing Mike Braybull last week and
01:33We all know about the relationship between brave Braybull and Bob Kraft
01:37We saw that when he went into the Patriots Hall of Fame during the season when he was the coach of the Titans
01:42I think that tells us all we need to know. I I think all of us
01:47Really think that Mike Braybull is going to be the next head coach of the Patriots as we sit here right now this morning
01:52Is it a job that that is still desirable?
01:56I mean is is is it a job that somebody like Ben Johnson wants?
01:59I you know, that would be an interesting one for me
02:03But you know, you have your rookie quarterback who is you know got through with the year and I think he showed enough
02:09I also know that you have a lot of money
02:12Probably the most money under the cap to be able to spend in free agency if you spend it, right
02:16And then you have a high draft pick
02:18So I think all of the ingredients are there for the Patriots to come out of their funk now over the next two to three years
02:25Assuming that they select the right guy. I I personally think and I have no inside in information on this
02:31It's all speculation on my part. I think it's got to be variable. I think this is why Bob Kraft would have went
02:37You know this quickly this this this soundly and this decisively boomer
02:43If you're in the position of the owner of this franchise
02:46Do you go down this road again where I think a lot of fans are like well
02:51they should really open up the search and look for candidates that could potentially be really qualified or
02:58Do you go with hey, we know Vrabel we've seen what Vrabel's done
03:02Were there some familiarity there or are you picking somebody completely new that has no connection to the Patriots at all?
03:09Like you brought up Ben Johnson. Yeah, I just kind of feel like would Ben Johnson want the Patriots gotta remember
03:15Ben Johnson is going to be in high regard
03:17He may have impact on you know
03:19who he wants as his general manager and there will be certain owners that will give it to him a shot con down in
03:26Jacksonville if in fact that job comes open we all think it's going to happen today. So I
03:31Think it's about fit. I think it's about understanding the culture within the building
03:35I know that Bob Kraft is super comfortable with Mike Vrabel. You know that we know we all know that
03:41So I would think that Ben Johnson is probably going to be looking elsewhere
03:45But you know Chicago job is gonna be also very very coveted
03:50But you're gonna have to accept Ryan Poles as the GM who I think has done a really good job with that roster
03:56they just need somebody in there that is going to
03:59You know unlock Caleb Williams future and I think that future is still very bright for him
04:04And I think it's still very bright bright for the the Bears. So
04:08He's got either Trevor Lawrence or Caleb Williams
04:11I'm sure Ben Johnson could have either one of those jobs and I think those jobs would present a better situation
04:17For him personally than maybe the Patriots boomer
04:20How much added pressure is there for the crafts to hit this time though when it comes to Drake May and making sure that he?
04:25Doesn't find himself in a revolving door of coach
04:28Situation where it could put him back in his development or am I overreacting there and Drake May it's all on him to make sure
04:35That doesn't happen in effect his play. No, I think a lot of it is on the player
04:40You know when I when I watched Joe Milton yesterday, and by the way, let me just tell you something that guy is
04:46He's got so much juice to him. It's ridiculous and he showed that at the combine
04:51I don't know why he fell in the draft at six foot five two hundred and forty pounds
04:55It could run a four five forty and could throw the ball 80 yards in the air. That's what you call
05:00Explosiveness guys, I mean, you know Shadour Sanders doesn't have any of that explosiveness in his body
05:06What he has is he has the ability to stand in the pocket. He's got a dad who was an all Hall of Fame player
05:12He's been around it his whole life much like Patrick Mahomes was around Major League Baseball his whole life and Shadour has this
05:19I guess the sense that he belongs and he will belong he will
05:23belong and he will not be
05:25Intimidated and I just you know watching Joe Milton yesterday
05:28And the reason I bring Joe up is because you know, Joe has all the physical attributes that you want now
05:35I hope this kid takes this offseason really seriously and he dedicates himself to his craft as should Drake
05:42May both of them should and I think the Patriots got a nice one-two punch right there
05:47And you never know what happens with Joe Milton down the road
05:50But I have to tell you watch the ball come out of his hand yesterday
05:52And I know it was against the Buffalo team that really wasn't playing for anything
05:56But man, oh man. Oh, man, the guy is exposed got a cannon for an arm. They were playing to lose
06:03There are a lot of teams that were playing to lose
06:05Yeah, some teams did it better than others like the Chiefs like like the Chiefs like the Giants
06:10Yeah, Brian Dayball was was coaching his team. It was like going for it fourth and seven at the 50-yard line
06:16You know, you know, they're not gonna make he's like, okay go for it guys. So there were cuts over some coaches
06:22We're doing some pretty obvious things yesterday
06:24I wanted to get your perspective on a bit of a kerfuffle that broke out on this show Friday when Patriots linebacker
06:31Jelani Tavai said that fans who boo at a sporting event should know their place and
06:39Should not be critics
06:41Where do you stand on that in general? I'm with the fans man because I am a fan
06:45You know, I'm a New York Ranger fan and my team stinks right now and I can't figure it out
06:49Why so I have gone to the I have gone to MSG and I have booed. I'm sorry
06:55So I've been a victim of booze and I've actually booed players
06:58Okay, so look I never fight the fan base never fight the mob. You can never win that one these people
07:05Spend so much money on this sport and it's one of the reasons why
07:09These players make so much money these days is one of the reasons why these coaches make so much money these days
07:14I know that it can be very frustrating for the player. I would just never ever
07:20enter into the fray and start going after the fans especially in the era of social media where the fans can get right to you and
07:27Just absolutely eviscerate you no matter how good you are
07:30just remember you got to be a politician at times and you got to appreciate the fans and what they do for us as former
07:37players and
07:38for the players of today
07:40Jelani was also mad with us when we were talking about the fact that fans wanted them to lose when it came to the
07:45Game on Sunday to secure that number one overall pick as a former player when you're in a locker room
07:50Are there discussions that go on behind the scenes of all right the future?
07:54It's better for us to lose this one or is that really difficult to do?
07:58nobody gives a crap about the future especially the guys who are not going to be there and
08:02Anybody who wants to put something on tape to try to win a game and so they could show that you know
08:07Look, I could still play. I you know, the player has to go out and he has to play hard now the coaches
08:13That's a different story and the GM's they can decide to hold key players out like the Chiefs did yesterday
08:19The Giants could make different crazy offensive calls like the Giants did yesterday that could affect the outcome of the game
08:26They'll never admit that they are doing that so they could lose a game other coaches or the GM's but the players when they're on
08:32The field man, they're all competing. So I agree with Jelani and that in that part
08:37Like I understand the fans part of it like they want the higher draft pick
08:41they won't be able to get maybe Travis Hunter or somebody like that which I still think they're gonna have a really good shot at
08:46or even a better an edge rusher or a top-end receiver, so they'll they'll have their chance to get a
08:52What should be an impact player for next year?
08:55the other thing with all the amount of money that they have they should be able to go after somebody like T Higgins who would
09:00Look great in a Patriot uniform, by the way
09:02But but I would say like, you know to go back to your original question. I am the players are not gonna tank at all
09:09That that's just not in our brain, we don't think that way we don't worry about next year
09:14We only worry about the moment that we are on that football field
09:18Boom, you brought up Ben Johnson and you know, whether or not he would want to come to New England
09:22Is there any chance that Mike Vrabel goes?
09:25Maybe I don't want to go to New England after the way they treated Bill Belichick the greatest coach of all time
09:30Then the way they treated Gerard Mayo where they basically just gave him one and done and he didn't they didn't give him a bunch
09:36of talent if you're a Vrabel
09:39Is there like real confidence that if it doesn't go the way that they expect in year one that they wouldn't pull the plug on you?
09:47Yeah, I I think that Braves is sitting in a spot right now where he can pretty much write his contract
09:53I think they're gonna be a number of teams at least three teams that would really want him to be their head coach
09:59So, you know the Jets could go, you know five years the the Patriots could go six years
10:04Maybe the Raiders go five or six years. Maybe the Bears go five or six years
10:08I mean even if he gets fired after one year believe you me
10:12Wigs you and I would be more than happy to take that contract and fired after one year and then just go on a cruise
10:17or something
10:19You more than me. I'm not a cruise guy. I don't more of a cruise guy
10:25It's hard to say no to the midnight buffet
10:28He is definitely a buffet guy. There is no question
10:31I'm wrong with a good buffet boom, but the cruises tend to get a little bit wild and violent nowadays
10:38The thing, you know, I'm more of an a la carte guy because I'm a quarterback
10:41I'm not really I'm not it they you know, picking up somebody else's snot
10:46And you know, and there's a the norovirus is going on right now
10:49It's like the last thing I want to do is go to a buffet and or else all over the place
10:54Boomer this is Wiggy's position and it's fine and it's held by others that it was one and done. It was unfair
11:00I just believe that Mayo was fired not because of how he coached but because he was a disaster
11:05Off the field in terms of walking back comments all the things that he was supposed to be good at before he had this job
11:12Meaning he was in the media know how to talk to the media
11:15He was a defensive guy both of those elements of this organization have gotten worse since he got here
11:21Yeah, you know it's a big seat to sit in man and until you sit in it
11:24You don't realize how many different things are coming at you and you know, he'll learn from this
11:29Maybe he'll have another opportunity somewhere along the line to become a head coach somewhere else
11:34As bad as I feel for him because in the beginning you remember I was telling you man
11:38It really sounds like the players love this guy and you know, maybe he was still still too close to the players
11:44Maybe that's what the craft family saw. I'm not really sure. I think I still think this has to do with Mike Rabel
11:49I think that Bob craft did not want to see Mike Rabel wearing green and white now that could still happen
11:55But I kind of feel like that's the the motivation behind this that you know
12:00If you're gonna get very well, you got to get him now and you can't wait and it's it's a hard decision
12:05I saw Bob craft statement. I do believe it
12:08I do believe that he had a really hard decision to make because let's face it Gerard was the
12:13You know, he was the hand-picked successor to Bill Belichick and you never want to be that guy
12:18I swear to God you never want to be that guy that comes after the great one
12:22You want to be the guy that comes after the next guy and whoever gets this job?
12:27He's gonna be stepping into what I think is one of the best positions in terms of the NFL when it comes to money to
12:33Spend in free agency and draft picks and draft capital. Well, we'll get to hear how Robert craft explains that at one o'clock
12:41Today question of the week for boomer brought to you by McFarland energy
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12:52Comm some called last night the most important regular season game of all time
12:59Boomer do you agree or disagree?
13:00I did call it that and you have to
13:0314 win teams as the first time that two teams with that many wins have met in the regular season
13:08They were fighting for the number one seed or the number five seed in the NFC
13:13There was a lot on the line last night, and I think Sam Darnold, unfortunately was too amped up early in this game
13:19He missed some wide-open throws. He had guys he didn't play his best game
13:23But you know the Lions are gonna be really really tough to beat in that building
13:27So maybe this is this is finally the chance for the Lions to make it to the Super Bowl
13:32All right, and finally is Aaron Rodgers retiring is he I would I would say he's done with the Jets
13:38You know, he they were saying during the broadcast yesterday that he had told them that you know
13:43He wants a couple weeks off. He wants to relax get away from everything and then assess, you know his future
13:49He does not want to announce his retirement just yet
13:51But is there a team out there that thinks are a quarterback away and do they want to bring him into that building?
13:57I would I would say that's like a you know, 80-20 situation where they wouldn't want to do that. All right boomer
14:05Oh, oh, by the way, I don't want to make your head any bigger. Yeah, if it's possible
14:09That's right over my my short break. I met Logan McGovern's brother at the ass
14:15Yeah, and he could not stop talking about what you have done for CF so a lot of credit to you and
14:24Pains me to say it but great great
14:28Appreciate that it's been a labor of love for sure. It's been frustrating. It's been gratifying
14:33It's been inspiring and I got to tell you there are a lot of people up there in the Boston area when I got started
14:38In this whole fight that really stepped up for us and have continued to step up for us over the years and you know
14:44DCU happens to be one of them and they've been one of my longest standing partners in our fight against cystic fibrosis
14:50So I didn't do it alone. I could tell you that I've enlisted thousands of people to support us including your radio station
14:57By the way, yes, and I can't say enough about
15:00What everybody has given us as a family and certainly us in the CF community to give us a chance to have our kids
15:08finally outlive us and live a life that is
15:11Productive and it's full of all the trappings of
15:15Family and kids and everything else like that. So I'm pretty proud of that
15:19Well, I hope we get to talk to you next week if you're feeling generous, we'd love to have you on again
15:24So we got to get ready to get into the playoffs and maybe by that time we'll know who's coaching the Patriots
15:28All right, boomer. We'll talk to you in a week. Thanks. Okay guys. Have a great week. See you guys
