• 2 months ago
Patriots win?! Jerod Mayo out as HC. Pats drop from 1 to 4 in draft. What was your instant reaction to the win and Mayo news?
00:00Fairly or unfairly, and it will never be again, a Mayo Monday on this show, as approximately
00:09one hour after a Patriots win yesterday, the New England Patriots call Gerard Mayo's career
00:17as a head coach one and done.
00:22I know what that's like, Mayo.
00:25One and done.
00:26Yeah, that's true.
00:27He only had one go at it in Brockton, unfortunately.
00:31I think he knew at the press conference after.
00:34His post game press conference, the way he was talking to the media, he knew it was over.
00:39That's interesting.
00:40I mean, when do you think he found out?
00:42I mean, listen, the conspiracy theories are big on this, but is it possible that he went
00:50out and won that game and screwed up the, the, uh, draft potential of the New England
00:56Patriots as a big, uh, FU in the direction of Robert Kraft.
01:00Cause he knew what was coming.
01:02Cause Robert would be stupid to say that to him knowing he's going to fire this guy.
01:06Well, I think Curtis made this point, I think on social media yesterday, Curtis, good morning.
01:11Hi Greg.
01:12Good to see you.
01:14Why, if you're getting rid of him, why is he coaching that football game?
01:18Which I thought was a great question that you asked yesterday.
01:21It doesn't make any sense, whatever you think we can get, I'm sure we will, whether it was
01:25right to be fired, all that you do not allow someone the keys to a car with that much on
01:33the line.
01:34And it's delicate.
01:35Wiggy's right.
01:36You're never going to tell people you're losing on purpose, but everybody kind of knows it.
01:41And to have Gerard Mayo on the sideline, it'd be one thing if it was reported late last
01:46night and then they have the statement today.
01:48And I know this is stupid and small, but they wrote that statement on Monday.
01:54There's no way the game ends with as litigious as these organizations are, that they would
02:00have that approved ready for print within an hour of the final bell of that game.
02:05So, you know, you're going to fire them and you don't take them off the sideline.
02:11And to win that game.
02:13I mean, we were, we were there yesterday.
02:16What a game.
02:17What was your favorite part?
02:18Honestly, it reminded me when it came to the, when it came to the crowd that was there,
02:23it reminded me of a pandemic game.
02:25I was a big fan of the tumbleweeds.
02:30I felt like I saw some cardboard cutouts watching that game in this, in the, but, but to win
02:36that game, you set the franchise back another five years.
02:42It pisses me off.
02:44There's no reason why you win that football game.
02:47And then I, I mean, you make a great point, Courtney.
02:50I don't know.
02:51He was, Gerard Mayo was different in that post game press conference than he's been.
02:58And I, I, I guess maybe he had an inkling of what was coming or maybe he got the dreaded
03:04let's meet immediately an hour after the game as opposed to let's meet on Monday.
03:12Because it would be stupid for Robert to even keep that guy there just in case he tries
03:17to spite you going out the door, because there's situations in that game.
03:22It's fourth down.
03:23You go for it knowing that you're not really trying to win the football game and you're
03:27giving your team, you know, you're putting your team in a worse situation on winning
03:32when you're going for it on fourth down.
03:33If you got the ball at midfield rather than kick field goals or something like that.
03:36Do you think they issued the, do you think the crafts issued the code red and told them
03:40to lose that football game?
03:42No, it's unstated.
03:44You don't even whisper that you don't even have to say it's, I mean, other than Jelani
03:47Tavai, everybody knew, by the way, good start, benched first ever benching by me.
03:53I love it.
03:54Uh, no, but, uh, the, um, if you're going to do that, everybody knows what's at stake.
04:01You don't verbalize it.
04:02You don't because that's the only way you get in trouble.
04:04Everybody on the, in the Patriots organization knew what they had to do and they've been
04:10really good at it.
04:12Lose the game.
04:13They did it to a certain extent because you started, you basically played Joe Milton,
04:19your third string quarterback, 99% of the game.
04:22So you were trying to lose the game, right?
04:25Well, you should have started over Jacoby for set the beginning of the season.
04:29No, no, no.
04:30But what I'm saying is when you start a third string quarterback who hasn't played all year
04:33long, we were all saying this going into the game, start Joe Milton, because if you do,
04:40that looks like you're tanking.
04:42And unfortunately he just happened to have a really good game.
04:46And the other thing you could control is rather than the kick, the field goals, you can maybe
04:50go for it or on fourth down, or you could be like, all right, it's third and six, third
04:55and five rather than throw the ball, let's run the ball.
04:58And that gives us a better chance of getting stopped.
05:01There were things that they could have done even more so to lose the game.
05:05But they, by them starting Joe Milton was them telling us, all right, we're trying to
05:11But don't you think if you're Joe Milton, you want to get a good tape out there.
05:14You're a third string quarterback.
05:15You want to make sure people know that you can play.
05:17So I actually think playing Joe Milton, I don't care if there was a memo sent out to
05:21the entire locker room saying, throw this game.
05:23If I'm Joe Milton, I'm saying F you guys, I'm not throwing this game.
05:26I'm going to play my ass off.
05:28But the players, they're not telling the players throw the game.
05:31The players will go out there and they're auditioning and trying to put good tape on.
05:35I think you had a better chance to lose it with Jacoby Brissett out there than Joe Milton.
05:40But nobody was saying, play Jacoby Brissett.
05:42Everybody was saying, play Joe Milton.
05:44What if they traded for Mac late in the year would have been too obvious what they were
05:47trying to do?
05:49Young Thunder will speak at one o'clock today.
05:54And Curtis, what would you guess finally put him over the edge was Jelani to buy?
06:00No, I'm not kidding.
06:02You think it was on this show?
06:04A thousand percent.
06:06I think Ken's been right.
06:07When he walked in here and he goes back with the bang, you just sealed it for Mayo.
06:13And he was spot on that, that their reaction as an organization to Tavai tells you everything
06:21you need to know.
06:23All the things that Mayo was supposed to be good at, he failed and that's why he doesn't
06:28have a job.
06:29And I don't want to hear about fairness.
06:31Is Gerard Mayo the most qualified coach when he was hired?
06:35Probably not.
06:37So then don't bitch about the fact that it wasn't fair.
06:39It's not fair.
06:40It's a business.
06:41Yeah, correct.
06:42I mean, if you're, and you know, and no disrespect to Gerard Mayo because he's a great guy and
06:48it was a lot of fun to interview him and it was a lot of fun to hear him come and walk
06:53things back that he said on this show or elsewhere.
06:56So, um, but that being said, if you're going to be meeting secretly with your boss's boss
07:03and trying to get your boss's job, then you have to understand the kind of people that
07:08you're dealing with.
07:09I mean, I would, one could assume that maybe even over the last few weeks, Robert Kraft
07:15was meeting with Mike Vrabel precisely behind Gerard Mayo's back about Gerard Mayo's job.
07:21I would think that that is highly likely.
07:23How you get them is how you lose them, right?
07:27But they, it's, it's one of the true laws of, of romance.
07:32What they do with you is what they are eventually going to do to you.
07:37I mean, that's the way it goes.
07:38I think, I think it was, it was Vrabel meeting with the jets.
07:41I think that was the final straw.
07:42I think once, once they saw all those reports, they said, all right, we got to make a change
07:47and we got to do it quick.
07:48Well, yeah, you don't want, if you want Mike Vrabel, you don't want him coaching in the
07:51division, obviously.
07:52And he's a new England Patriot and a Patriot for life and you want to, so, I mean, I think
07:58that was a factor.
07:59Gerard should have knew as somebody who's been in the NFL, who's been around, you should
08:05know from jump street, you don't trust anybody, no matter what they say, no matter how much
08:10smoke they blow up your ass, no matter how cute of a nicknames you got, everybody is
08:17They did it to Brady.
08:18They did it to Belichick.
08:20They'll do it to you.
08:22Vrabel probably knows coming in.
08:24You might be telling me all these things craft, but I still got to keep, I still got to sleep
08:28with one eye open.
08:30That is the, that's something that, you know, in this business.
08:33And so I think Gerard probably looked at it and like, you know, I will, I don't expect
08:40it, but if it happened, I get it because of the performance, I think Gerard's probably
08:44more upset because he feels like you made me the guy without giving me a fair hand to
08:52fight with.
08:53Well, yeah, I think they sold them a bill of goods and I will, I will agree with that.
08:58And, and, uh, that's unfortunate, but, and I have a nugget that I was told I couldn't
09:03share by someone, but now that Mayo's gone, I feel like I can say, okay, yeah.
09:09He hasn't spoken to Bill Belichick since October of last season.
09:16So that's surprising though.
09:18So there, there was a chasm between those two.
09:23And it was said to me that he felt bad for Mayo in that a guy that begged Mayo to be
09:28a coach in the NFL in Bill Belichick felt that rightfully so, or wrongly, I don't know
09:33what happened that Mayo had gone behind his back and Bill Belichick locked him out from
09:39October of last season until today.
09:41But you would do the same thing.
09:44You would do the same thing if somebody is behind your back trying to get your job.
09:47That's what they did to, uh, Mac Jones.
09:49Somebody that you feel like you gave a leg up and then turns around and stabs you in
09:54the back.
09:55Judas style.
09:57Well, I mean, like, uh, if you said that they're doing this with Vrabel, why would Vrabel know
10:03or, or want this job?
10:07He wants this job.
10:09Mike Vrabel wants this job.
10:10I might be better.
10:11How can you look at Drake May and the, and the money that they have to spend in free
10:14agency and the fourth pick, not the, not the first pick, but the fourth and not want this
10:20Like I think maybe Ben Johnson doesn't want this job and we can talk about that, but I,
10:25I wouldn't want this job.
10:26You wouldn't want this.
10:27I still think it's a great job.
10:29No, I don't.
10:30Not if Elliot Wolfe's still in charge.
10:31Or is it a better job than going to the Jets?
10:33Or I think he's supposed to meet with the bears on Wednesday.
10:38See, he doesn't have a relationship with those owners.
10:43So he's going to come in and he might, it doesn't, don't the crafts now look like they
10:49can't be trusted if you're, if you're a coach.
10:53But you think now they look like that?
10:55I mean, this was their guy that they handpicked five years ago and he's one and done.
11:00Do you think Tom Brady felt like he could trust the crafts at the end?
11:04Do I think Brady felt?
11:05Yeah, he probably felt like, I don't think he does.
11:08I don't think he did.
11:09He was standing there and telling you, go ask Mr.
11:11Why he wasn't being paid.
11:13I think he felt the same way that, that, that others have felt, which is that they will,
11:17that they will.
11:19That's what I'm saying.
11:20You said, you said now, now Mike Rabel may understand that the crafts can't be trusted.
11:27I feel like there has been a trust factor issue I'm sure for quite some time.
11:32Well, I'm talking about for him personally with potentially being the next head coach,
11:38he might look at it and go, okay, everything that they did to Brady, Belichick, now Mayo.
11:44I don't know.
11:45I don't know if I can necessarily trust the crafts.
11:49There wouldn't be leaks that he wants this job because if he was putting it out there,
11:52he knows that they would have to fire Mayo in order to get him.
11:55So could he be just using that for leverage?
11:57Isn't that what everybody does?
11:59They leak stuff out there for leverage.
12:00I think he wants.
12:01I think he wants.
12:02I think he wants.
