• 2 days ago


00:00Yvonne Atkins, I'm charging you with the murder of Virginia O'Kane.
00:07What are we supposed to be looking for?
00:09I don't know. Evidence.
00:11What sort of evidence?
00:12That Venetran, Virginia.
00:14Kinky old sod.
00:18I've been reading this.
00:20Helen Stewart's sexual harassment case against you.
00:24How could I make this place go dark?
00:28You know, make it a real surprise.
00:31What are you up to?
00:36Miss, I'm sorry.
00:38Don't panic, you stupid girls.
00:41It's only a power cut.
00:42I've never seen them before.
00:45Even on Maxie Purvis's backside.
00:47Who says they're hers?
00:49Fine. I'll go and check her list of possessions, shall I?
00:52This is Daniel Atkins. She must have planted them.
00:55In your locker.
01:26Jim, get round the other side. Pull the back up.
01:33Come on. Give it up.
01:35It's over, Atkins.
01:36Is it, arseholes?
01:39Pull, you bastards. Pull.
01:41Come on, you lot.
01:42We've got you.
01:43Later, spats.
02:02Get off me!
02:03Get off me!
02:32Are you all right?
02:33Oh, shit.
02:39How the hell did you get these?
02:42If it was me believing you, it had nothing to do with O'Kane's murder.
02:46I didn't murder O'Kane. It was Maxie Purvis.
02:49Oh, yesterday it was Mr Fenner.
02:51It's a conspiracy.
02:52He's as bent as a pig's dick.
02:55Ask Miss Stewart. She knows.
02:57Knows what?
02:58She asked me to help her. Now the bastard...
03:04Are you all right?
03:05Yeah, I'm fine.
03:07Take Atkins down the block. Put her in strips.
03:09You're not listening to me.
03:11None of you are listening to me.
03:13I never killed O'Kane. It's a set-up.
03:15Come on.
03:19That's enough, girl. Come on.
03:23You all right?
03:24You should have seen him. Like bloody Superman.
03:29Good job, both of you.
03:31Yeah, well, I was on my way home.
03:34Police will need to talk to you.
03:36They can talk to Ken.
03:45We've all got keys.
03:47Could have happened to any one of us.
03:49Just happened they were mine.
03:50Of course.
03:52My nerves are wound so tight, Hank Marvin could play on them.
03:56Come on, let's get you to the club and have a drink.
03:59At least I won't have Atkins turning up on my doorstep,
04:02putting me and Bobby through hell.
04:04Excuse me.
04:05Oh, Sylver, this is Barry Pearce from D-Wing.
04:07He's going to be joining us as of tomorrow.
04:09Oh, reinforcements at last.
04:11Hi, I'm Di.
04:13Pleased to have you, Barry.
04:14Cheers, Di.
04:15Hope you know what you're letting yourself in for, mate.
04:17Yeah, I hear it can be a bit of a challenge on G-Wing.
04:20That's the understatement of the century.
04:22Well, I can't wait to get stuck in.
04:27She'll be well away.
04:30Just think.
04:33God, what a gift to be in her place now.
04:36I'm innocent, you bastards!
04:38You made me innocent!
04:40I didn't say I'm innocent, you bastards!
04:44Everything's in hand, sir.
04:47Atkins has been placed on governor's report and segregated.
04:50And she's been put on the escape list.
04:54Yes, the police have been informed.
04:56So has the press office.
04:59Yeah, I appreciate that, sir.
05:02But she didn't get over the wall
05:04and there wouldn't have been any danger to the public.
05:07Everything's under control.
05:09This is a set-up!
05:12I never laid a finger on her!
05:18I'm innocent!
05:21Can you hear me?
05:32I'll tell you one thing.
05:34If they're going to be expecting me to do all this hero stuff,
05:36I'll tell you one thing.
05:37If they're going to be expecting me to do all this hero stuff
05:39on a regular basis, they can start paying me some danger money.
05:41You and me both can, mate.
05:43That's the wife of your ex-army, guys.
05:44You're used to all that.
05:45Oh, I might have guessed you were a soldier.
05:49Well, the way you wear a uniform.
05:51Oh, right, no.
05:52Well, I did my bit, but I wasn't a hero.
05:54I'll bet.
05:55No, really.
05:57When have you ever heard of anyone getting a VC in the catering corps?
06:01Right, I'm off.
06:03If you want a lift, Di, Bob is outside in the car.
06:05Oh, right, well, I suppose I'd better be going.
06:08You don't have to get off, Di.
06:10I'll get you a taxi later.
06:13Right, well...
06:16looks like I'm staying, then.
06:19So I see.
06:21Right, my round.
06:34I was trying to get out before you got back.
06:36It would be best.
06:43I know I was wrong.
06:46Atkins told me Helen went to her looking for help to nail you.
06:50It's obvious now what's been going on.
06:52Is it?
06:55Shame it wasn't so clear when you accused me of rape and fraud and shit knows what else.
07:00Oh, for God's sake, Jim, look at it from my side of the desk.
07:03I don't give a toss about the desk.
07:09After everything there is between us,
07:12you still believed Atkins and Stewart over me.
07:15OK, I fell for it.
07:18I am sorry.
07:25It's finished.
07:28No more accusations.
07:33And you think that fixes everything, do you?
07:37I wish it did.
07:49Coming in this place, is it? I'm just getting warmed up.
07:52Back to yours, Di?
07:54No, I don't think so. Early start tomorrow, eh, Di?
07:56Yeah, right.
07:58Oh, come on, mate, there'll be a lock-in at the jug.
08:00We could get a drink there, if you can make it.
08:02I can race you.
08:04Oh, sorry.
08:08I think I've had a bit too much, you know.
08:11Well, that's OK.
08:13If you can't enjoy yourself, there's no point in living.
08:16That's what I think.
08:18You're right.
08:20Well, I suppose we'd better get going.
08:23Don't want you late tomorrow for your first day on G-Wing.
08:26I'm all right.
08:28I'll wait with you until your taxi comes.
08:31I'll be fine. It'll only be ten minutes.
08:34Well, I wouldn't hear of it.
08:36You'll get cold.
08:39Or bored.
08:42Or both.
08:44No, I won't.
09:13That's what they tell me. Name?
09:15Neil Grayling.
09:18Who are you here to see, staff or con?
09:20Both. But you've been told to call a prisoner's residence, not cons, haven't you?
09:24Sorry, mate.
09:26If your name's not on my visiting list, you don't get to see no-one.
09:29Well, you're on my list now, mate.
09:32I'm your new number one.
09:38Accuse me straight to my face.
09:40I'm telling you, after the blood and guts I've spilled for this sodding place,
09:44if that's how Betts thanks me, I've a good mind to tell her where to shove it.
09:47You don't know who's gonna stick the knife in next, a con or your own governor.
09:51Too right itself.
09:53Aren't we supposed to be getting a new officer today?
09:55Lot from D-Wing?
09:57He'll be here for a long...
09:59Barry, wasn't it?
10:01Yeah, like he didn't get his inside leg measurement last night.
10:04What are you talking about?
10:05Oh, come on, Dad, you had your tongue hanging out.
10:07Rubbish! I'm just glad we're gonna be up to strength again on the wing, that's all.
10:13Excuse me, is Miss Betts about at all?
10:16Not here.
10:17Must be dreaming up new allegations to chuck at her staff.
10:21Can I ask, who are you?
10:23Neil Grayling.
10:25Governing Governor?
10:28Oh, Senior Officer Hollandby, sir.
10:33We're ever so sorry, but Miss Betts is late.
11:00I think the most important thing to say is that we're all in this together.
11:03This is not so much HMP Larkhall from now on as HMS Larkhall,
11:06and we're all on board a sink or swim.
11:08But this is one skipper who doesn't intend to go down with his ship.
11:12Are you saying Ares got the knives out for us, sir?
11:15Well, it's not unreasonable, is it, Mr Fenner?
11:17I mean, a couple of escapes and the odd murder all on the same wing
11:20tend to suggest that things are not quite right.
11:22Well, if things are not quite right, it's got nothing to do with us.
11:25The wing management here is the worst I've ever had to deal with,
11:29and that's saying something.
11:33Mr Grayling, Karen Betts. Sorry I'm late. Car trouble.
11:37You should try riding a bike.
11:39More reliable than cars and it keeps you in shape.
11:41I'll bear it in mind.
11:43Right. Jim, how about a tour of the wing?
11:46I'll do that.
11:47No, you get yourself together and I'll see you at 11 o'clock.
11:51At 11 o'clock? My office.
11:53Of course.
11:54Jim, ready when you are, sir.
11:59All right, Julies. Look lively.
12:01So what was going on last night, then, Miss?
12:03The blackout.
12:04If you don't know, Atkins tried a runner and you two helped her steal my keys.
12:10Now, why, Miss?
12:12Well, Atkins better get used to feeling away in the dark,
12:15cos she's not going to see daylight again for a long time.
12:18If I could prove it,
12:20neither would you two.
12:25That Virginia's?
12:28It's pure silk.
12:30For you.
12:33It's lovely.
12:37I want her back, Maxie.
12:41That ain't going to happen, is it?
12:43Still, you can watch Atkins rot in hell.
12:45Once that bitch gets off the block,
12:47I'm going to tear her guts out through her arse.
12:51And I'll frigging help you.
12:53It's more like it, team.
12:55None of us again.
12:57You're precious, ain't you?
12:59Well, it was a damn silly idea in the first place.
13:01Well, you thought I had to do Sammy.
13:03Sammy? Otherwise she was going down, weren't she?
13:05So what's she achieved?
13:06She's painted herself into a corner looking more guilty than ever.
13:09If you're innocent, the last thing you do is run.
13:12You don't really think she'd done it, do you, Barbara?
13:14Well, kill Virginia.
13:28Ooh, hello.
13:30Who's the new Mr Cute?
13:33All right, girls?
13:35Getting better with your time, sir.
13:37You're a new face round here, ain't you?
13:39Yeah, over from Deerwing.
13:41Keep an eye on you.
13:42Time, sir.
13:46Very pleasant.
13:48Got my juices going.
13:52Shouldn't you Julies have a mop in your hands?
13:55Oh, I'd rather have a handful of that new Mr Pierce, miss.
13:57Oh, yeah, bit of all right, ain't he, miss?
14:00Well, Mr Pierce doesn't need to be embarrassed by you lot,
14:03so keep your remarks to yourselves, all right?
14:05Now, work.
14:13It's the women I feel sorry for, sir.
14:15I mean, how can we rehabilitate them
14:17if they're stuck in their cells 24-7 because of the lack of officers?
14:20The truth is, Jim, we're not going to get more resources
14:22unless we're prepared to change our ways.
14:24Now, if we could tackle the long-term sickness syndrome,
14:26we'd have 14 more officers on the roster already.
14:28We're desperate for strong leadership, sir.
14:30You'll find the staff on G-Wing will give you 110%.
14:33Good. I'm going to fight all the way for this prison.
14:36Money's available, but we have to find ways to cut our cost, too.
14:39All cost-cutting will be grown around lunches.
14:41Now, that's the kind of radical thinking I like.
14:43Do you know how much private prisons can make on their canteen services?
14:46Three times as much as the public sector.
14:48Do you see where I'm coming from? I certainly do, sir.
14:50Privatising the canteen is going to be my first big project.
14:53Now, I need an officer prepared to be unpopular.
14:56I think I can supply a name, sir.
15:01Hey, what are you doing? You ain't allowed in here.
15:03Says who?
15:04Oh, we don't want no trouble.
15:06That goes for me and Al and all.
15:08It's just that with Atkins out of the way, things need to change around here.
15:11Oh, yeah? Like how?
15:13Like from now on, you guys and us guys need to start getting on.
15:16Oh, I don't know. I mean, Vaughan will be back here soon.
15:20Haven't they shoved up your jacksie?
15:22Leave it, Al.
15:24I think the Julies and I are on talking sense, don't you?
15:26We need your red bands, you need our protection. Simple.
15:36Sylvia Hollanby?
15:40I'm not sure she's the right person for a job like that.
15:43Well, she became highly recommended by Jim Fanner.
15:45Don't you value his opinion?
15:47Yes. Yes, I do.
15:49Look, all I'm saying is, Sylvia's a P.O.A. rep.
15:52We're talking serious old school.
15:56She's not exactly willing to embrace new ideas.
15:59That's precisely why I want her and her comrades on side.
16:02She won't help you sell anything to the inmates.
16:05She's too confrontational.
16:07Well, she's a senior officer with a lot of experience.
16:10I demand that she be fired.
16:12I don't want to be fired.
16:14I don't want to be fired.
16:16She's a senior officer with a lot of experience.
16:19I demoted her a few months ago.
16:21Your predecessor reinstated her.
16:26Are you always out in the limb care room?
16:29I make up my own mind.
16:31Well, that's something.
16:33I don't like a lot of sheep working for me.
16:35Look, I want you to know I've no time for glass ceilings.
16:38Given the will and the vision,
16:40we can turn Larkhall into the model for every other prison in the UK.
16:43Now, we've all got to pull together on this,
16:45and I'm afraid we're going to have to cancel all leave for the next couple of months.
16:49That's not a lot of notice.
16:51Yeah, well, G-Wing's a mess.
16:53I think yesterday's escape attempt shows that.
16:55Until we get things sorted out, we need a full staff compliment.
17:05I hate to say this, but in your position,
17:08the most sensible course of action
17:11is a plea of guilty.
17:16It'll help ensure a lenient sentence.
17:18You're a lawyer,
17:20and you don't know that life is automatic for murder?
17:23It's not for manslaughter.
17:25We'll say that you lost your temper with Miss O'Kane,
17:29you lashed out,
17:31the next thing you knew, she was drowned.
17:34You're talking like I did it!
17:36I never touched the old cow!
17:38I'll give you my best advice, Mrs Atkins.
17:41Look at the evidence.
17:43By your own admission, you were in the bathroom when the corpse was found.
17:47There are witness statements that you'd been arguing with the victim.
17:51And there's her book, found in your cell.
17:54I was fitted up.
17:56I didn't do it.
17:58Except that you can't prove that.
18:00And that means you'll go down for murder.
18:03It's almost inevitable if you plead not guilty.
18:06But you know how the justice system works.
18:10Plead guilty to manslaughter,
18:12and 15 years might, at least might,
18:15become five.
18:19Play the game for your own good.
18:23Up yours.
18:25I don't believe this, June.
18:27Playing skinny with them bunch of headbangers.
18:30Come on, I get much worse than this.
18:32You wait. They're only just getting their feet under the table.
18:35Get nowhere. Bomb was here.
18:37She soon saw that meany-faced Maxie out.
18:40Well, she's only on what came.
18:45What are you two doing?
18:47Spilled some water, miss.
18:48Water, miss?
18:49Out there, and we're just cleaning up what came in here.
18:51Did you hear that, miss?
18:53Looks lovely.
18:59Nice perfume and all. Have a sniff, June.
19:02Oh, yeah.
19:04Right classy, that is.
19:05Right classy.
19:07Chanel No. 5.
19:09Marilyn Monroe scent.
19:14So, what, you got somebody you're not telling us about, miss?
19:17Well, you'll just have to watch this bit.
19:22Poor Gator, whoever he is.
19:26Staff are informed
19:28that no more leave will be granted for the next eight weeks.
19:32Well, you can't do that.
19:34It's just until we get things sorted out on the wing.
19:37Looks like she's got it in for all of us now, not just Jim.
19:41For your information, I have not got it in for Jim.
19:45And I personally apologise for any misunderstanding.
19:48Well, that makes it all all right, then, doesn't it?
19:50Forget it, Syl.
19:52We all know Karen's got a tough job to do.
19:59That man's given his life to this job, and that's how he gets treated.
20:03It's a disgrace.
20:05Well, things can only get better under the new governor.
20:08Yes, well, it was Mr Grayling who cancelled your leave.
20:14I'll shut her up.
20:18Oh, and, Sylvia, you'd better go and do an inventory of the canteen.
20:21Whatever for?
20:23It's to be privatised.
20:25What's that got to do with me?
20:27You're in charge of it.
20:31I don't know about you, but I'm sick to the back teeth of that woman.
20:37What does Betts think I am? A flaming shop assistant?
20:40I am a highly trained professional.
20:42Er, who's saying you aren't?
20:44Oh, I... I'm not one for complaining, sir.
20:48But I've just been saddled with this privatised canteen malarkey
20:51without so much as a badge of honour.
20:53Anti-malarkey? Without so much as a buy or leave?
20:56Well, I'll hold up my hands. I picked you for the job.
21:01Well, you came highly recommended, and I need someone I can trust.
21:04Oh, well, that wasn't explained.
21:07I'm sorry. That was an oversight.
21:10You see, privatisation of the canteen
21:12is an important stage in my mission plan for Larkhall.
21:15I see.
21:17The commercial imperative, Sylvia.
21:19I'm afraid it's coming into every walk of life these days.
21:22I need you to review the canteen's operation and devise a strategy.
21:26Rationalise it. Make it pay.
21:28Well, I do have a good head for figures.
21:31I do all my husband's accounts.
21:33He left the prison service to become a funeral director, you know.
21:39Yet, of course, if you reach your targets, there'll also be a bonus for you.
21:45Well, I'm sure you can rely on me, Mr Grayling.
21:53Milk and sugar?
21:55Just milk.
21:57I'm sweet enough.
22:03Here you go.
22:05That's pure assam.
22:07None of your prison diesel.
22:10Mm. It's lovely.
22:12I brought it from home.
22:16Very domesticated for a man.
22:19Oh, that's the army.
22:21Makes a housewife out of you.
22:23Well, catering corps does, anyway.
22:25Well, you're no housewife, Barry.
22:29I'm just surprised you haven't been snapped up by one.
22:32You want to see what I can do with a couple of King Edwards
22:35and a tub of creme fraiche?
22:39Maybe you could show me sometime.
22:41If you like.
22:44One night this week?
22:46Take your pick.
22:48Where do you live?
22:49In Tooting.
22:51Well, I could bring some grub over.
22:54How about Thursday?
22:56You'd come over to my house?
23:00Why can't you cook at your place?
23:02You wouldn't like my place.
23:04Your wife'd get in the way, would she?
23:09Come on.
23:11The bloke offers to cook you a meal, but not at his place.
23:15You've got to be hiding something.
23:20I'm not like that.
23:23It's just that I was in the army a long time,
23:26and my place isn't much more than a bed and a couple of kitchen chairs.
23:31I thought your place would be more comfortable.
23:39I see.
23:41I'm sorry.
23:43Forget it.
23:45Better get these out to the governor.
23:59Here you are, mate.
24:01Thought these might make you feel a bit better.
24:09Thanks, Julius.
24:11Bag of shit you're getting caught for.
24:14Max and her gang are stomping all over the place now.
24:17They're even running a bleeding protection racket.
24:20Can't say no while they're hanging us off the door frame by our nips.
24:24We wish you were out of here, Von.
24:26No chance.
24:28Bleeding wanker lawyer.
24:30What happened?
24:33Wants me to face the manslaughter.
24:35I'll stuff that.
24:37Scrooge will have to bury me first.
24:51Common hawhound.
24:53Pardon? For you, miss.
24:55It's flowery herb, innit?
24:57It's great.
24:59This gardening gig's the best, miss. You're a star.
25:01I'm glad you're enjoying it.
25:03I reckon I'm outside more now than I ever was when I was, well, outside.
25:07And I'm learning loads.
25:12You forgot your plant.
25:19Look, erm...
25:21I'm sorry about before.
25:24Forget it. I understand.
25:27Sorry I was stroppy with you, but it's just that I'm not like that.
25:31I don't cheat.
25:34Well, erm...
25:36The offer still stands, if you're interested.
25:39Cook you a meal?
25:42Yeah, sure.
25:45How about tonight, then?
25:47You're keen.
26:02Yes, Neil? What is it?
26:04Yes, Neil? What is it?
26:06I wanted a word.
26:08Just between us about morale among the officers.
26:11Well, with respect, you've just cancelled any leave they had coming.
26:15No, I think there's more to this than the question of leave.
26:18I get the sense that there's, well, let's call it a communication block
26:22between you and your officers.
26:24Not that I'm aware of.
26:26It's OK. These things happen.
26:28Sometimes you get so focused on what you're doing, you know the job in hand,
26:31that you lose sight of the bigger picture.
26:33Just try and be a little more open with your staff.
26:36I find it works wonders.
26:38I'll try and do that.
26:40Yes, less stress all round, and it can avoid all sorts of nastiness,
26:43like the Jim Fenner and the corruption allegations.
27:22You look lovely.
27:28Is it smashed out?
27:30I know now that Mum's not here, but...
27:34I've got plans.
27:38Yeah, I was thinking about putting an en suite into the master bedroom.
27:42Just need someone to share it with.
27:45Kitchen. Right.
27:52You're working late.
27:54It's fairly normal for me.
27:56Are you, er...
27:58You settling in all right, are you, sir?
28:00Yeah. Yeah, I find it my way.
28:02Listen, Jim.
28:04Um, this is confidential, just between us and the water cylinder.
28:09What's your view on your wing governor?
28:11Who, Karen Batts?
28:16I know you value honesty, Neil.
28:18So, as far as I'm concerned...
28:21She's a first-class officer.
28:25Only, um...
28:27I've seen the same thing happen to other women governors.
28:31They let the heart take over from the head.
28:34They get involved emotionally. This leads to bad decisions.
28:37Yeah, I know what you mean. Though let's keep off the sexism.
28:40Oh, it's just an observation. I'm sure you make up your own mind.
28:43Yeah, I will. Though, to be honest, I'm still you, me.
28:47So far, I'm not that impressed.
28:49In fact, I'm worried.
28:53See you Monday.
29:06You are going to get lipstick all over you.
29:18You know you're coming over again tonight?
29:22Don't you want some time to yourself?
29:24I feel like I'm imposing on you.
29:28No, you're not.
29:30I want you to feel at home in my house.
29:35I've had a great time when you die, I really have.
29:38I feel I know you so well already.
29:41Me too.
29:43So, what do you fancy for dinner?
29:46Cocker Risling?
29:49What about cock-a-die?
29:53You're trying to make me blush.
29:58So, um...
30:00why don't you bring some shirts and things over
30:02and then you can keep me fed all week?
30:11Morning, Karen.
30:13Good weekend.
30:16Nothing to get excited about, no.
30:18I know what you mean.
30:20But B&B's not much fun on your own.
30:22This isn't what I wanted.
30:24You know that.
30:28Look, what about a drink?
30:30Well, I'm not sure.
30:32Later in the week?
30:36Let's just give it a bit more time, eh?
30:38See how things pan out.
30:40All right.
30:42If that's what you want.
30:44I think it's probably best...
30:48stick to the job for a while.
30:50Give ourselves room to breathe.
31:00Haven't we got no strawberry jam?
31:02No, we haven't.
31:03Hello, miss.
31:05So, how's it going with the new fella, then?
31:07Really well, as a matter of fact.
31:09Well, come on, then. Don't keep us in suspenders.
31:11Yeah. What's he like?
31:13Well, he's really good-looking.
31:16Used to be a soldier, but he's not a macho man.
31:19He's really attentive.
31:21And he's a good cook.
31:23Bloody hell.
31:24Lucky cow.
31:25Talk about...
31:26And he doesn't exactly need a jumpstart between the sheets, I can tell you.
31:29You've got it all, miss.
31:31Well, come on, then. Who is he?
31:33Anyone we know.
31:34Got any brothers?
31:36A certain new prison officer I've seen you two ladies eyeing up.
31:40Mr... Mr Pearce?
31:42Take them all out of the wrappers
31:44and stick a finger in each of these lucky bags.
31:46Lucky bags?
31:49One chocolate finger, two chews, three toffees,
31:53two mint humbugs and a chocolate digestive in each one.
31:56Not bad for 50p, is it?
32:00There's nothing lucky about that,
32:02unless we get away without them lynching us.
32:04That's the trouble with the mindset in here.
32:07No commercial nous.
32:09Luckily, I've learned a lot about running a business from my Bobby.
32:12He's an undertaker.
32:14So? You don't lose sight of the financial imperative
32:18just because you deal with dead people, you know?
32:30You're like a pig in shit, aren't you, Atkins?
32:33Even in here.
32:34Go screw yourself, Vinna.
32:36I'd be a bit more civil if I were you.
32:38Won't take much for the BOV to extend your stay down here.
32:42I won't hold me breath.
32:50You must be getting old, love.
32:53I'd have expected you to keep your nerve.
32:56Making a run for it like that,
32:58you might as well have written killer right across your forehead.
33:01Drop it, love.
33:03Drop it, love.
33:05We both know I never killed O'Kane.
33:08Oh? And who did, then?
33:10Your little tart, Purvis.
33:12That's who.
33:14You really are all washed up, Atkins.
33:19You bastard.
33:21And as for getting off the block,
33:23I reckon I'm going to have to tell the board
33:25you haven't learnt your lesson yet.
33:34Chap this lot in the bin
33:36and put the murderer back in strips.
33:40All right, come on, keep in line.
33:43What's with these order forms?
33:45What the frig's in a lucky bag?
33:47It's a surprise, isn't it?
33:49Surprises don't cost you 50 pence a go.
33:51Well, don't have one, then.
33:55This privatisation bollocks.
33:57Profit's one thing, ripping people off's another.
33:59Even this lot.
34:01It seems it's the new policy.
34:03We all have to be prepared for change.
34:05I suppose so.
34:07How are you managing?
34:10Well, I heard about you and Jim.
34:15We're just taking it easy for a while.
34:18Oh, right.
34:20I didn't mean to nose.
34:32You enjoying being top dog?
34:34Now Atkins is off the wing.
34:36What's it to you?
34:38You want to be careful you don't throw your weight around.
34:41I don't rule out aggro.
34:43Not with a new boss on the march.
34:45I always watch me weight, Mr Fenner.
34:48Which reminds me,
34:50were you done with my father,
34:52would you have done the same with me?
34:54I don't think so.
34:56I always watch me weight, Mr Fenner.
34:58Which reminds me,
35:00were you done with my knickers?
35:07Knickers don't interest me, Maxie.
35:10I've got a habit of getting found.
35:14It's what goes inside and gets my fancy.
35:18Sometimes, ain't it?
35:24I knew it was a con.
35:26I knew it.
35:27A couple of frigging biscuits and some cheap chewies.
35:31I want a packet of cheese and onion crisps.
35:36You've got three pence left.
35:38Shit, I've already got five of these tokens.
35:41Miss, can I swap this packet?
35:44But, Miss...
35:45Hey, hang on.
35:46These are out of date.
35:47They should have been out by last month.
35:49You'd better hurry up and eat them then, hadn't you?
35:51Before they get any older.
35:53It's a rip-off, is this?
35:54All right, move along.
35:55I could die of food poisoning.
35:57Serve you right if you did.
35:59Come on.
36:00Oi! Watch it, you!
36:04Ed, you want to get your bleeding nails cut?
36:06Unless if you're living.
36:09Get off!
36:16You did that deliberately.
36:18You bastard.
36:22You're on rule 47.
36:26It seems like some of the women aren't taking too kindly to the new privatised canteen.
36:30Change is always hard.
36:32I'm not opposed to change, I just don't want them ripped off in the name of it.
36:35Admit it.
36:36You were never very keen on the idea, were you?
36:38I understand the philosophy behind it.
36:40Maybe the execution needs a second look.
36:42Go on.
36:43To tell you the truth, I'm still not convinced Sylvia's the right person for the job.
36:47She's getting the prisoners' backs up.
36:49Karen, I need people in charge to embrace new ideas and run with them.
36:52If I don't have the right team behind me, I will fall flat on my face.
36:55And that is not going to happen.
37:02I've got you some lunch ready.
37:07Are you all right?
37:09I just had a run-in with one of the roughs.
37:12Chas Wiley.
37:13Had to put her on report.
37:15Oh, no, not Chas. She's a good kid.
37:18She's a nasty one.
37:20She's a nasty one.
37:22She's a nasty one.
37:24She's a nasty one.
37:26She's a kid.
37:28She's a nasty piece of work with a mouth like a toilet.
37:31She doesn't mean any harm.
37:33She gets a bit overexcited sometimes.
37:36Look, Barry,
37:38I'm a personal officer.
37:41Leave her to the warning. Just this once.
37:44You're too soft, Di.
37:46They're going to walk all over you.
37:48Not Chas. I'm really getting somewhere with her.
37:52All right, then.
37:55Only cos you asked.
38:02I'm just not used to a man doing something nice for me.
38:07Get used to it.
38:25They put sell-by dates on these for a reason, you know.
38:29Oh, stuff for nonsense.
38:31The sort of substances these women are putting up their noses and whatnot.
38:35Do you really think a few pieces of middle-aged chocolate's going to hurt them?
38:39No. They should be treated like everybody else out there.
38:42Well, stop locking them up, then.
38:55Di said you were after these.
38:57Oh, thanks.
39:05What do you make of Neil?
39:07Well, it's early days, yeah.
39:10He's very keen on the team spirit.
39:13Isn't he, Jack?
39:17He's got a bit of a temper, doesn't he?
39:20He's very keen on the team spirit.
39:23Isn't he just?
39:25The trouble is, I don't think he thinks I'm on the same team.
39:29How do you mean?
39:31I get the feeling everything I say or do seems to rub him up the wrong way.
39:36No. You're imagining it.
39:39Neil's got his own pressures from above he's having to deal with.
39:43I'm sure he's got nothing against you.
39:46And don't work too late.
39:59You trying to put me off?
40:04I think some of the girls have twigged it, wearing item.
40:08They reckon I'm dead lucky.
40:12I'm the lucky one.
40:15You know, I was pretty lonely before I walked in here that night.
40:19Met you.
40:21Me too.
40:24I'm not now that you're here.
40:28Cos I'll be here as long as you can put up with me.
40:40You know I rattle around in that big house?
40:45I've died. You know what you're saying?
40:47I'm not drunk.
40:50I want you to move in with me.
40:53If you want to.
40:57Tomorrow'd be great, mind me.
41:04Oh, well, I'll tell you what.
41:08Ask me again when you're sober enough to throw a straight dart.
41:16Here you are, mate.
41:20Oh, thanks, Julius.
41:25How are you feeling?
41:27Like I've had the soul kicked out of me.
41:30I was due out of here early on next year.
41:32Gold, Yvonne.
41:34Thought of an whole lifetime in here.
41:36I don't know how you're surviving.
41:39There's no point in pretending, Jo.
41:41I mean, if it was me, I'd go mad.
41:43I'd do anything I could to shorten it.
41:45What's to lose? I wouldn't give a monkey's.
41:50See you later.
42:03Tell Miss Betts
42:05that I want to see my lawyer first thing tomorrow morning.
42:08Of course, mate.
42:09Do you know?
42:17Scotch, please, mate.
42:21You know they're playing our song now.
42:33What do you think you're doing?
42:35Watch your hands, mate.
42:37What's yours?
42:42Come on, calm down.
42:44Come on, calm down.
42:46Oi, come on.
42:48Right, that's enough. That's enough!
42:50What the hell's got into you two?
42:52We're all mates here, aren't we?
42:54It's going to be all right, Barry. Just leave it, please.
42:58I'll keep this short.
43:00After what I saw in the officers' club last night,
43:03it was a scene more fitting the Crazy Horse Saloon
43:06than a recreational facility on Home Office premises,
43:09which is why I'm closing it down.
43:11That's a bit over the top, isn't it, sir?
43:14We need somewhere to unwind after a day in here.
43:17Not if brawling's your style of recreation, you don't.
43:20And definitely not with my name above the door.
43:23Sir, Ken and me are good mates.
43:25It's just a couple of punches.
43:27Just a couple of punches? You think that's acceptable, do you?
43:30This is not the army now, Pierce.
43:32We need intelligence in the prison service,
43:34not tanked-up testosterone.
43:36You're supposed to be professionals.
43:38Act like it!
43:40I'd like to see you sometime today, Karen.
43:43What about a sandwich lunch? My office.
43:46Of course.
43:56I am so sorry.
44:02It's all my fault.
44:04I shouldn't have got drunk.
44:09I've messed everything up, haven't I?
44:14I've never had a fight over a girl before.
44:20I've never had anyone throw a punch over me before.
44:24I love you.
44:33Cos I've packed my bags
44:35and I'm going to see the estate agent about renting out my place.
44:38Oh, that is fantastic!
44:44I can move in straight after work.
44:48I'll see you at lunch.
44:52not today.
44:55I've just got to nip out for a while.
45:00See you tonight.
45:05Virginia O'Kane and I were both in the bathroom when we started rowing.
45:11She'd been getting on my case ever since she'd come onto G-Wing.
45:15And this is the first time I've seen her.
45:18I was rowing.
45:20And this time I'd just had enough.
45:24There was no-one else in there.
45:27And I'd just lost control.
45:31I grabbed O'Kane as she lay in the bath.
45:35We struggled.
45:39And I got a fistful of hair in each hand...
45:43and pushed her head under the bathwater.
45:48She suddenly went limp.
45:51It was all over in seconds.
45:56I knew I'd killed her.
45:59I didn't mean it.
46:37I've spent the last week or two trying to find out what makes larch oil tick.
46:42Hmm. Very wise.
46:44Unfortunately, I don't believe that everyone's in quite the right role
46:48to help me achieve what I need to.
46:50What do you mean?
46:53G-Wing is a big problem here.
46:55I mean, so many of your officers were involved in that melee last night.
46:58I'm sorry, Karen, but I need all my governor grades fully in tune with my vision,
47:01otherwise it's not going to filter down to grassroots.
47:06Are you demoting me?
47:09You're simply not right as my G-Wing governor, Karen.
47:14You'll retain your grade five, but be back in uniform from tomorrow.
47:19And I suppose I'd better clean out my desk.
47:21Look, I know this is a shock, but I have to do what's best for larch oil.
47:27I'm sure that back on the landings you'll make a great contribution to G-Wing's recovery.
47:33Do you have anyone lined up to replace me?
47:36Well, I haven't made a final decision, but yes, I have someone in mind.
47:45I'm sorry.
47:52You dried up old tar.
47:54You think you can get away with murder?
47:56Well, your life's going to be a bloody misery from now on.
47:59I'm going to make sure of it.
48:01You're all invited to attend a wedding three weeks on Thursday.
48:04Well, who's getting married?
48:06I am.
48:08I'll consider your request along with the others, Purvis.
48:10You're not entitled to special treatment.
48:12I'll drive it.
48:42I'll drive it.