Bad Girls-1999-S02-Ep-04

  • 2 days ago
The Julies do some matchmaking for Crystal. Denny gets the wrong idea when her mum fails to arrive at visiting time. Fenner decides to file an official grievance against Karen


00:31My Bobby said to me, he said,
00:33Sylvia, you should be sat at home taking it easy, not going into work.
00:37Maybe he's right.
00:38Oh, no. That'd be playing right into their hands, that would.
00:41Nothing that murdering lot would like more than to get me off their backs for a few weeks.
00:45Well, I'm not about to give them that satisfaction.
00:48Besides, I want a full investigation.
00:51We've already had one. Nobody saw anything.
00:54Well, of course they're going to say that.
00:56There's nothing else we can do. The stairs were slippery. You said so yourself.
00:59Perhaps you'd be paying a bit more attention if they managed to kill me.
01:03Looks like I'm going to have to take it up with the union.
01:05Fine. Just make sure you've decided whether it was attempted murder or an accident before you ring them.
01:11Helps to get your facts straight.
01:16After unlock Di, you're on post.
01:18Sylvia, Dominic, locks, belts and bars. The rest of you, usual stuff.
01:22Jim, we have a few prisoners being transferred from Newby today.
01:26They'll need an extra hand.
01:28Why don't you send Di?
01:30I like to think all my staff are prepared to pitch in when it's needed.
01:34Whatever their status.
01:36I'll do it.
01:38No, I want you to have a chat with Shel Dockley.
01:41It would be better if you took over as a personal officer.
01:44For obvious reasons.
01:46Right, that's it. Thanks.
01:51You saw that, didn't you?
01:54Now tell me that coward's not to get me.
02:01Hey. I've been sent to check a leak.
02:05I didn't notice no leak.
02:07Well, that's what it says here.
02:09I'm white. You can't argue with that, can you?
02:11Yeah, well, the breakfast trolleys will be down in a minute. Make it quick.
02:20Oh, yeah. By the way, you know when you saw me the other day in the yard with Denny?
02:24I wasn't selling her no gear or none, so...
02:27So what are you telling me for?
02:29I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. I don't do that sort of thing.
02:32Listen, I've been in here long enough to know
02:34that what folks say and what they do is two separate things.
02:37Yeah? That apply to you and all?
02:39You won't hear no devil's lie sliding off my tongue.
02:42So that time you got caught shoplifting, that not count, though?
02:46Denny been running her mouth off, has she?
02:49Look, I was asking.
02:51Very interested in me all of a sudden, ain't you?
02:56Look, I ain't saying I wasn't a sinner, too,
02:59but them rich geezers who run all them shops,
03:02what they're doing are devil's work and all.
03:04Filling folks' minds with greed and desire,
03:06making them want things they can't afford.
03:09Handbags at 250 quid, dresses what cost thousands.
03:14I know what Jesus would do if he was here.
03:16And I suppose you're gonna tell us all, yeah?
03:18He'd go marching round all them shops, pulling the clothes down from their racks,
03:22throwing fistfuls of jewellery up into the air
03:24till they shat back down on all them sinners.
03:27Proper villain, then, yeah?
03:29You tell him that on Judgment Day.
03:32What's the story?
03:36Did you find it, then?
03:39The leak?
03:40Oh, er... No, no, there was nothing there.
03:43You must have been wrong.
03:50Come on, let's get him, you! Come on!
03:53Come on!
03:56Come on!
04:05Come on, move it!
04:07Morning, Miss McAllister.
04:10Nice, isn't he?
04:12You know you're not supposed to stick pictures to the walls.
04:15Use a board.
04:16Oh, but then I won't be able to see him smiling at me from across the pillow.
04:20That's all us girls have in here, a bit of fantasy.
04:23Michelle, take it down.
04:26You're getting very bossy all of a sudden.
04:28You don't have to prove yourself.
04:31I've been assigned as your new personal officer.
04:34God help me.
04:36Oh, I see.
04:40who needs him?
04:44If you, er, ever feel like popping in some time,
04:49you know you're always welcome.
05:03Look, if you don't want that, I'll have it.
05:06Go on, then.
05:10How much?
05:14Everyone's bleeding skin.
05:16Roll on payday!
05:18All right, Denny?
05:20Any news of your mum yet?
05:23I rang the hostel again, but she ain't been there for over a week now.
05:27So? Maybe she's moved out.
05:29Maybe she found another place with the money we gave her.
05:32Still doesn't explain why she ain't visited.
05:34It must be hard for her, Denny.
05:37I mean, it must have been a shock coming across you like that after all these years.
05:41I wouldn't like to find out that Denny was my daughter.
05:44Me and Denny are having a private conversation here, love.
05:47So if you don't mind.
05:53Maybe that is why she hasn't turned up.
05:56Maybe she's decided she don't want nothing to do with me.
05:59You told me yourself how happy she was.
06:02Listen, I don't know why she didn't turn up,
06:05but I do know one thing.
06:07It's not because of you.
06:09She was really proud of you.
06:11So she should be.
06:13Got a lot going for you, girl.
06:17And don't let anyone else tell you anything different.
06:20And don't let anyone else tell you anything different.
06:37Daniela Blood?
06:41You'd better get back out in that yard
06:43and clear up the mess you were supposed to this morning.
06:45I'm eating.
06:47Breakfast for you until you've cleared it up.
06:51Didn't want it anyway.
06:53Tastes like shit.
06:57Fag out.
06:59I've only just...
07:00You heard.
07:06Here, Zan. Enjoy, mate.
07:29So, what did she do, anyway?
07:31The usual shell stuff.
07:33You know, trying it on.
07:35You want to come down heavy on her, son,
07:37or she'll just take you for a ride.
07:40It's funny when you're not on the receiving end.
07:43You log it, son. Cover your back.
07:45I'd better go and do the governor's little errand,
07:47or she'll be ringing down at reception to check on me.
07:49I don't mind doing it for you.
07:52I wouldn't want you getting into trouble on my account.
07:55If she feels the need to score points, that's fine by me.
07:59More than fine.
08:05Hello? Do you ring?
08:13OK, erm...
08:17No, thanks.
08:19Thanks for letting us know.
08:23What is it?
08:25St Martin's Hospital.
08:27It's Danny Blood's mum.
08:31Hey, Deb, you know that girl you share with Crystal, yeah?
08:34Erm, can you give her this letter for us?
08:36Oh, yeah? What's in it?
08:38Let's just say it's a couple of things I'd like to say to her face,
08:41except she's a bit scary.
08:43You don't know how scary, man. Not as the word.
08:45Yeah, well, I like a challenge.
08:47So, will you do it, yeah?
08:49Cost you.
08:51You're joking me.
08:54Here you go.
08:59Danny. What?
09:01It's your mum. There's been an accident.
09:04She got knocked down by a car.
09:06It's OK. I mean, she's conscious and she's feeling a lot better.
09:09Right. I knew there was something wrong.
09:11Well, I've got to go and see her.
09:13Well, Janine Buxton got out on a visit when her dad was ill,
09:16so I'll be allowed to see my mum.
09:18Won't I?
09:30June, that's fantastic.
09:33Here, look, Yvonne, my first ever letter from Rhiannon.
09:36And guess what? I'm moving back to London.
09:38Oh, I'm really happy for you.
09:40She'll never forget what you've done for her, you know.
09:42No, I'll never forget.
09:44She can come visit.
09:46Not whilst he's got a court order against me she won't.
09:48Still, at least I know where they live now, eh?
09:50Yeah, and when we get out of here, we'll go and get them
09:52and take them as far away from Andy Dawson as possible, right?
09:55You're right.
10:01What you doing up here?
10:03Oh, piss off, you nosy old bag.
10:22I don't ever use a strip search.
10:24The governor wants you to go up to the medical wing when you've finished here.
10:30She wants you to supervise the piss tests.
10:33I've got better things to do with my time.
10:35You know that and I know that.
10:37Bollocks! I've had enough of this.
10:43You look right, huh?
10:44Yeah, I was right. My mum was ill.
10:46She got knocked down by a car.
10:48Well, that ain't nothing to smile about, Dan.
10:50No, that's why she didn't turn up.
10:52Cos she couldn't, not cos she didn't want to.
10:54Anyway, she's better now.
10:56Mr McAllister's going to fix it so I can go and see her.
10:58Hang on, Danny, I never said that.
11:00How come you can fix the day out for her
11:02and you can't even fix me with a few aspirin?
11:05Cos you're always asking for pills for one thing or another.
11:08It's not up to me anyway, it's up to Dr Nicholson.
11:11He's sod all use, isn't he?
11:13NHS bloody reject.
11:16Come here.
11:24You know why you're in pain?
11:26Cos you're still on a smack, aren't you?
11:28You've got to get off, Alexandra.
11:31You nearly did it before, you can do it again.
11:33Yeah, but I had reason to before, didn't I?
11:35I've got sod all now.
11:36You've got yourself.
11:38Do it for you, not for anyone else.
11:41Look, you're not going to be in Larkhall for much longer.
11:45Get clean while you can,
11:47otherwise you're just going to end up back here again.
11:49What, you care?
11:51Don't call me stupid.
11:54Karen, I think you ought to know
11:57that I've decided to start a grievance procedure against you.
12:02And what would the grounds be exactly?
12:05Your unprofessional conduct towards me.
12:07Unprofessional conduct, eh?
12:10I'm not going to do it.
12:12I'm not going to do it.
12:14I'm not going to do it.
12:16I'm not going to do it.
12:18I'm not going to do it.
12:20I'm not going to do it.
12:23Well, you'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Jim?
12:27The POA seems to think I've got a very good case.
12:29Do they now?
12:31Well, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
12:33I didn't want to have to do this,
12:35but I'm going to tell Simon about our past.
12:37I thought it might help him understand your motives.
12:39I'm sorry, Karen.
12:41A man's got to do, Jim.
12:47Hey, Crystal.
12:50What's that?
12:51A letter from her boyfriend, Josh.
12:53He ain't my boyfriend.
12:55Looks like he wants to be.
12:56He can want them, can't he?
12:58As soon as I'm out of here, this is going in the bin where it belongs.
13:05Good luck, Daniel.
13:20Now, remember, it's temporary release.
13:23That means you come back here afterwards.
13:25So don't go getting any ideas
13:27when you're on the other side of that wall, OK?
13:29Yes, Miss. I promise, Miss, I'll be good.
13:31Miss Barker will accompany you.
13:33You give her any grief and I'll give you a lot more, understand?
13:36I'll be good.
13:38I'll be good.
13:40I'll be good.
13:42I'll be good.
13:44I'll be good.
13:46I'll be good.
13:48I'll give you a lot more, understand?
13:50Yes, Miss. Thank you, Miss.
13:54Come on.
14:14Not a very nice job.
14:16It's work, innit?
14:18You good with your hands, then?
14:20Yeah, not bad.
14:22Mm, I bet.
14:24Let's have a look.
14:27Mm, strong love line.
14:29I bet you've got lots of stamina.
14:36You know, um,
14:38we could always meet up somewhere more private.
14:41I could fix it if you want.
14:44I'll tell you what they're covered in, eh?
14:53You wasted your time there. She's a Bible basher.
14:56Now me, I believe in having fun.
15:00Thanks, but no thanks, eh?
15:03So, what did Josh say in his letter, then?
15:07You didn't really bin it, did you?
15:11What, without even reading it?
15:13Do you want to get out and read it for me?
15:15Do you?
15:17Taxi's here. You ready?
15:19Yeah. Yeah, I can't wait.
15:21I haven't been outside for three years. It's gonna be wicked.
15:23Well, I hope it goes well.
15:29It's gonna be wicked.
15:31Well, I hope it goes well.
15:33Cheers. See you later.
15:35What, if you've got a brain, we won't?
15:39Don't go making the same mistake as me.
15:41I should have stayed out when I had the chance.
15:43Hey, don't you go putting ideas into her head.
15:46I'm not gonna mess up, miss, I promise.
15:48I just want to see my mum, miss, that's all.
15:50Good girl.
15:55Good girl. Just be careful, all right?
15:57Just because you've got a headache
15:59doesn't mean you can slug everyone off, you know.
16:04Mr McAllister!
16:08Mr McAllister!
16:10Mr McAllister, quick!
16:14What is it?
16:16Cockroaches. I can't stand them.
16:20Under there.
16:28I can't see anything.
16:32Just thought I'd give you a personal welcome,
16:34seeing as you're my personal officer.
16:37Jesus, Cheryl.
16:41Don't you want me to be your little girl?
16:53I'll be off in a minute.
16:57I want to buy Mum some flowers.
16:59Where did you get that from?
17:01A mate.
17:02You know the rules, Denny. No money.
17:05Oh, turn a blind eye just this once, miss.
17:07I'm gonna get rid of it, ain't I, on the flowers?
17:10Go on, then.
17:12I'm eating now. Eight pound fifty for them.
17:16I really like those roses.
17:18They're a tenner, Denny.
17:20I've only got a fiver.
17:23We'll take these.
17:25I'll top it up.
17:27You can pay me back when you get out.
17:29But do not go telling any of your mates.
17:33Otherwise they'll all be asking me for handouts.
17:35I won't, miss. Thanks.
17:37You're all right, though.
17:41Jo, you did put enough... Stuff on it, yeah.
17:43You made sure, didn't you? Covered it all up, yeah.
17:45Trust me, Jo.
17:48Bloody rubbish, bloody rubbish
17:51Bloody rubbish, places, seeds, places, seeds
17:55Body bag and fanner, oh, give me a tanner
17:58To wipe them out, wipe them out
18:04Did you get my letter?
18:05Yeah, and I put it straight in the bin.
18:08I'll spell in that badge, yeah?
18:11It's your worst, that's bad, boy.
18:13All lies.
18:15Look, you seem pretty cool, yeah?
18:17I just wanted to get to know you a little bit better.
18:19What kind of girls would you like to get to know better?
18:21What's that supposed to mean?
18:23I've got eyes, you know.
18:25You talking about that girl in the yard?
18:27Oh, she was coming on to me.
18:29And you was loving every minute of it.
18:35Hey, you ain't giving up that easy, are you, Josh?
18:37She won't listen.
18:39So who was this girl, then?
18:41I don't remember her name. She had long, wavy blonde hair.
18:44Looked like she'd eat me in one go.
18:46Cheryl Dockley.
18:48I don't know.
18:49It's Dockley.
18:53I'm sorry, she discharged herself this morning.
18:55Said she wanted to go home.
19:05Right. She discharged herself from hospital this morning.
19:10So Denny wants to go to the hostel. See her mum there?
19:16Well, it's in Hackney. It wouldn't take us very long to get there.
19:30She said OK!
19:33Come on.
19:35My dressing gown just slipped off.
19:37It's not a crime having a slippy dressing gown, is it?
19:39Don't piss me about it. Why did you do it?
19:45I ate it here on basic.
19:47It's better than being down the block, and that's where I should put you.
19:50Well, go on, then. You might as well. Everyone hates me anyway.
19:56And you think coming on to an officer's going to solve anything?
19:59I'd have thought you'd have learned your lesson after Mr Fenner.
20:02I told you, I made all that up.
20:04I'm not going into that now.
20:06What I'm saying is, here you are again,
20:08trying the same thing with Mr McAllister.
20:17The point is, Shell, don't you think you're worth more than that?
20:23My mum's going to be well happy to see me.
20:27We've come to see Jessie Devlin, my mum.
20:30Sorry, she's not booked in with us today.
20:33No way, man. The hospital said she'd come back here.
20:36Not today, I'm afraid.
20:42Oi! Hey! What do you think you're playing at?!
20:45You're soaking my shoes!
20:47Tough titty. You're lucky your head ain't down that carsie.
20:50After what you did.
20:52What are you on about, you mad cows?
20:54Oh, yeah. We know what you did.
20:56Trying to mess things up for Crystal.
20:58Big deal.
21:00You're nothing but an evil slut, Shell Dockley.
21:03Evil slut.
21:05You don't call me that, do you, here?
21:07But that's just what you are.
21:09But that's just what you are.
21:12Piss off, you pair of loonies.
21:15Nothing but an evil little slut.
21:25I'm going to wait for her.
21:26What if she doesn't come?
21:27She will.
21:29I've got to get you back to Larkhall for tea.
21:31Then you're going to have to drag me along the ground, aren't you, miss?
21:40Look, I understand how...
21:42You don't understand anything!
21:47You promised me, Denny.
21:49And I trusted you.
21:51If you don't come back with me now, Miss Betts isn't going to let you out again.
21:57If it was up to me, gorgeous, we'd stay here till Jessie turned up.
22:02But I don't make the rules.
22:09Look, you come back to Larkhall with me now, without any hassle,
22:13and I promise I will help you find her.
22:29Glad you could do a round with me, sir.
22:31Well, it allows us to have a little chat, Jim.
22:35I must admit I was rather surprised to get your letter about Karen.
22:39She's left me no choice.
22:41She seems to have some sort of vendetta against me.
22:46That's a little melodramatic, isn't it?
22:48Well, it's what it feels like.
22:50Karen Betts is a very level-headed woman.
22:55I... I wasn't going to say anything,
22:57but that conference where we met each other...
23:01Well, she was coming on to me and I'd had a few drinks
23:06and we ended up in bed together.
23:08It's not something I'm proud of,
23:10but I think there's a bit of bad feeling on her part.
23:14Why is that?
23:16Well, I told Karen that that was an end to it, but she wouldn't have it.
23:20I tell you, I was glad to get back home.
23:23You can imagine my shock when she turned up in your office.
23:29Why on earth didn't you tell me about this straight away?
23:32I didn't think it mattered.
23:34I mean, it all happened so long ago, I'd forgotten all about it.
23:37I assumed she had.
23:41Well, she hadn't, because she made a point of telling me about it
23:44as soon as she realised how closely she was going to be working with you.
23:49Of course, her account of your liaison was a little less vivid.
23:55You know, if I were you, Jim, I'd learn to cut your losses.
24:00I'm glad the dockley thing's out of the way and you're still in the job,
24:04but don't try and have your cake and eat it.
24:12You're pumped.
24:16There's a taxi round just on the other side for you.
24:26What's the matter?
24:28It's my mum.
24:33I do not think you should be doing this.
24:38What the hell do you think you're doing?!
24:41My arm!
24:45Jessie, it's me.
24:49There you are!
24:53Oh, hey, Billy.
24:55This is my lovely daughter.
24:59Come and meet my pal, Billy.
25:10You're nothing but an evil slut, she'll dockley.
25:14Evil slut.
25:24Little slut.
25:28Evil little slut.
25:32Look at you.
25:35Who do you think you are?
25:39Useless bimbo.
26:05You're nothing but an evil little slut.
26:09Come and give your old mum a kiss.
26:11Leave it out.
26:13Come on, ma'am, what about a cup of tea? We can talk.
26:16I went to the hospital.
26:18Oh, they won't give you a fag.
26:21You can't have a drink.
26:22You ain't supposed to be drinking.
26:26I can do what I like!
26:29I can do what I like!
26:31I can do what I like!
26:33I can do what I like!
26:35I can do what I like!
26:36I can do what I like!
26:39Come on, love, have a drink.
26:40Shut it, you.
26:41Come on, Denny, I think we should go.
26:43Yeah, sod off, you miserable little bitch.
26:45I ain't going nowhere. Not without her.
26:47I do not want to get into a fight.
26:49I'm going to smack him.
26:50You leave him alone.
26:53He's not doing you any harm.
26:56Why don't you piss off back to your cell?
26:59Come here.
27:00Spoil my fun.
27:02I didn't ask you to come looking for me.
27:05I thought we were going to try and make a go of it, you and me.
27:08What about our plans for when I get out?
27:11What about the money I gave you for a deposit on a flat?
27:14You should never have given me that money.
27:18Who do you think paid for all this?
27:23It's you!
27:26You always were nothing but bloody trouble.
27:31I never wanted you in the first place.
27:34Please, stop it.
27:42Sod off, then!
27:44I don't give a shit!
27:53I brought you a present.
28:04We couldn't help noticing you and Josh earlier on.
28:07He's ever such a nice boy.
28:09So marry him, then.
28:11You don't want to take no notice of what old chill Dockley gets up to.
28:14You know what she's like. Right old care.
28:17If you don't see that, it ain't worth nothing.
28:23She likes him.
28:25Hang about.
28:27I don't know.
28:34Let's see what Crystal's tea leaves have to say, eh, June?
28:39I can't say yet.
28:43I've got to concentrate.
28:50I'll sort you some food out.
28:52I ain't hungry.
28:54Look, you know what it's like when you get tanked up.
28:57You say all kinds of things you don't mean.
29:00Look, she'll wake up tomorrow morning and probably not remember what she said.
29:04I will.
29:10You all right, Danny?
29:12How's it go? How's your mum?
29:28Something old.
29:30Something known.
29:33Something borrowed.
29:36This is serious.
29:40I've got it.
29:58All right?
29:59Hey, Ravonne, couldn't get hold of a candle for us, could you?
30:04Well, if you're that desperate, I could figure something better.
30:06No, I didn't like that.
30:07We're on a mission.
30:09Come on, girls, hurry up. Come on.
30:11Yeah, sure. Whatever takes your fancy.
30:16Morning, Mum.
30:20I just wanted to say that I've decided to drop by.
30:24I just wanted to say that I've decided to drop the grievance procedure.
30:28Oh? Bit of a change of heart?
30:31I've been thinking.
30:33Maybe I deserve everything you've thrown at me.
30:37Well, I have done a lot of stupid things lately.
30:40Is this a confession, Jim?
30:42I was too soft on Dockley.
30:44It was too easy for him to twist things, to make them look bad.
30:48I suppose when you've been in the service as long as I have, you think you know it all.
30:52Well, I have to admit, I'm impressed.
30:56Though I can't say I'm surprised.
31:00Simon gave me a ring last night.
31:02Said he had a very pleasant game of golf.
31:08I suppose you just wanted to watch me grovel.
31:12Well, I hope it's made you feel better.
31:14It's not about me trying to get one up on you, Jim.
31:16It's about wanting to run a unit with officers I can trust.
31:19And the next time you step out of line, I'll be ready.
31:22And it won't just be a suspension.
31:27What's doing my head in sharing a cell with them two?
31:29I don't get much sleep myself.
31:31There's Denny shatting out all night,
31:33and Zandra's tossing and turning when she ain't twitching and shaking.
31:36Yeah, but maybe Zan's still in shock, after having the baby taken away.
31:40Oh, I don't know, but if it comes up, perhaps we'll run.
31:44Danny! Danny!
31:50You stupid, bloody thing!
31:55Was that for the mattress?
32:01Or for your mum?
32:02Piss off!
32:09Go on, hit it.
32:13Hit it.
32:14Hit it!
32:16Go on! Get it out, Danny!
32:18Get it out! Get it out, Danny! Get it out!
32:24It's all right.
32:28It's OK.
32:33OK, Danny.
32:37I took her back, I gave her all that money, and for what?
32:45What were you hoping that happened, Danny?
32:47Just that she loved me.
32:49But the trouble is, you can't buy people's love.
32:54They either give it to you, or they don't.
32:57Why does it always don't with me?
33:00Do people treat you with respect, Danny?
33:03Yeah, well, that's cos you don't treat yourself with respect.
33:06Always putting yourself down, saying that you're nothing.
33:09Well, other people are going to feel the same way.
33:11They're going to walk all over you.
33:14You've got to learn to like yourself.
33:17There ain't nothing to like.
33:19Well, I like you.
33:22And there's no-one forcing me, is there?
33:26Well, you must have something going for you, then.
33:30Cos I'm very choosy about the people who I like.
33:35Now, that's better.
33:37Now, listen, I'd like you a whole lot more...
33:40if you helped me clear this bloody mess up.
33:55I could have done myself an injury with these.
33:57Janet's got them from the sewing class.
33:59She wants them back within the hour, yeah?
34:01No problem.
34:02You and Sam?
34:04Can you give Sam with this?
34:10Something old, eh?
34:12Yeah, isn't it blue?
34:13Here, do you reckon they're the same size?
34:15Yeah, good as.
34:41What's the matter with you?
34:43Don't know. I've got a bit of a sore stomach.
34:45What's up? Are you sore already?
34:47Yeah, I've got flu coming on or something.
34:49Well, maybe you've been doing too much smack.
34:51Yeah, thanks for the sympathy, Danny.
34:58Guess who's come to see you.
35:01Your mum, your divvy.
35:03No shit.
35:05Well, I've got to go.
35:07Your mum, your divvy?
35:09No shit.
35:11What state is she in?
35:12Clean and tidy.
35:14And sober.
35:17Well, are you coming or what?
35:26Oh, did you bring it?
35:34Oh, Christ.
35:37Oh, Jesus.
35:42Look, are you sure that this is going to work?
35:45We've been planning this for ages.
35:47Ages. Can't go wrong.
35:52Have I got any blood sample?
36:15I'm sorry, Den.
36:20I felt awful
36:22when I woke up and remember what I'd done.
36:27I didn't mean any of it, you know.
36:29It's just the booze talking.
36:34I don't even remember half of what I said.
36:38You said I should piss off back to me cell.
36:44Well, it's just the booze.
36:48And I swear
36:50I'm never going to touch another drop again.
36:55As soon as I got up,
36:56I went and booked myself into detox.
37:00So everything's going to be all right.
37:02Is it?
37:04Yeah, it is.
37:06You and me, Den.
37:08We'll be fine.
37:11And when you get out of here,
37:13we'll get that house we were talking about.
37:17You never know, if I get job,
37:19we might have it sooner than you think.
37:24What, they might even let you come home for the odd weekend.
37:33And you're going to say nothing?
37:38I'll give you a year.
37:43If you're still off the booze, Den, I'll think about it.
37:46I don't want to hear from you till then.
37:49But, Den...
37:50Till you can show me.
37:53I've been picturing some nice, rosy life waiting for me on the outside.
37:58It's all bollocks.
37:59No, it's not, Den.
38:01It's not, Den. This time...
38:02Don't. You're doing me nutting now.
38:10Fingers crossed, eh?
38:28Hang about, Crystal. Don't you want to finish clearing out first, eh?
38:31I'm starving, girl.
38:38It's your red tub.
38:40I found it in the washing machine and I can't get it out.
38:42I never put it in the wash.
38:43I put it in with some of my stuff.
38:45I was only doing you a favour.
38:47Take me away from here, lords.
39:04I think it's going to be all right. I just want you to...
39:06How many times have I told you just to leave my things alone?
39:10I, er...
39:12Well, I'll take you out for a meal, if that's OK.
39:16Is this your idea?
39:17No, it's of Julie's. I just helped.
39:20Well, a few of us did, actually.
39:26For you, sir.
39:30Mm. Fruit little bouquet there.
39:36Madam, we thought you might like a little dinner.
39:38A romantic meal for two?
39:40It's à la carte.
39:44Hope bangs and mash are OK.
39:46Oh, it's lovely. Thanks.
39:49Crystal, Julie made them napkins out round top.
39:52Oh, yeah, but Zandra lent us her bracelets for the napkin rings.
39:55Oh, and Yvonne got us the candle.
39:57And we used the old bed sheet for the tablecloth.
39:59Yeah, but we made sure we washed it first, though.
40:01Oh, yeah, made sure there were no nasty stains.
40:05Right, well, enjoy yourselves.
40:09We'll leave you to it. Yeah.
40:11Oh, yeah, yeah, we'll leave you to it.
40:24A group therapist?
40:27Where's the money coming from for that?
40:29General Purposes and Finance Committee.
40:31Money down the drain, if you ask me.
40:33But I'm not asking, Sylvia.
40:36Now, I'd like all personal officers to have a think
40:38about who would benefit from these sessions.
40:40Oh, I was wondering about Denny,
40:42after what she's been through with her mum and everything.
40:44Yeah, good idea.
40:46I've also had Zandra Plackett put forward as a possible.
40:48And I think Michelle Dockley's a definite.
40:50Dockley? What kind of message are we sending out here?
40:53Cry, rape and we'll pay someone to give you a bit of encouragement?
40:56You sound worried, Jim.
40:58It's just that men are vulnerable in women's prisons.
41:00Aren't they, Dom?
41:02That's why it's best not to get yourself into compromising positions.
41:05We could all do with someone to sit and listen to our problems.
41:08We've got plenty of them sitting out there.
41:12Sylvia, I've had about as many snide comments
41:14as I think I can stomach from you.
41:16I'm not looking for your opinion, I'm telling you.
41:19The first session starts next week,
41:21and I want 100% cooperation.
41:25That's rich, coming from Madam Starling.
41:28That's the way she wants to play it.
41:30As far as I'm concerned, from now on, it's every man for himself.
41:37Never eaten in a posh restaurant before.
41:39Oi, I've never had to see Gracie in one either, so...
41:45How do you come to work here?
41:47I don't know.
41:50How do you come to work here?
41:52I don't know.
41:54I suppose I just sort of fell into it.
41:56You know, you don't need no qualifications,
41:58which is good, cos I haven't got any.
42:01Same here. I've started studying for my GCSEs now, though.
42:04Good for you.
42:06Schoolwork, schoolwork, my thing.
42:08I'd go in with the wrong crowd and I took a bit of trouble.
42:12What sort of trouble?
42:15Twerking, mainly.
42:17Twerking, mainly.
42:20Nicking people's cars, joyriding, that sort of thing.
42:24I don't know, it used to give me a buzz.
42:27And then one night we came round a bend,
42:30and nearly hit this kid.
42:32He must have been, like, er...
42:34six, seven.
42:36Same age as my little brother.
42:40Never did it again after that.
42:42It's just as well, I suppose, it could have ended up...
42:46Well, it ended up in a place like this.
42:55I, er...
42:57I wanted you to forget about it for a night.
42:59Oh, you did?
43:05It don't seem fair they got you banged up in here just for shoplifting.
43:09Well, it was my third time.
43:12I should have learned my lesson when they gave me suspended sentence.
43:16When I get out of here, with the help of the Lord,
43:19I won't be coming back.
43:22Well, you've not long now, have you?
43:24And when you do get out, I'll take you to a proper restaurant to celebrate.
43:28As if you'll let me.
43:33Well, I might.
43:36What did you take me for?
43:38What did you take me for?
43:43I mean...
43:45well, it's our first date, innit?
43:51You can hold my hand if you like.
44:05They're holding hands.
44:08Yeah, but that means it's serious, innit?
44:10True love.
44:13Here, kiss my hand.
44:27Are you all right?
44:29Yeah. Yeah, the, um... the door was stuck, but, er...
44:32Oh, it's all right now.
44:34Yeah, just going to empty the last load.
44:38Well, hurry up. You've got 20 minutes, no more.
44:42All right.
45:05Penny for him.
45:08Listen, Mr Fenner,
45:10you could offer me a grand and I still wouldn't tell you what goes on up here.
45:14It's the only piece of privacy I'll get.
45:17Probably thinking about your fellow, weren't you?
45:19What's his name? Charlie?
45:25I don't know.
45:27I don't know.
45:29What's his name? Charlie?
45:35It's a hell of a long time to be away from him.
45:39But if you're thinking of stepping into the breach, don't bother.
45:42You're not my type.
45:45I like to keep my distance.
45:50There's not many women who'd hire a hitman to sort out their husband's problems for him.
45:54You must love him a lot.
45:59But you can cut the crap and the sympathy.
46:01What are you after?
46:06Making your life a bit easier, and my own.
46:11Next visiting time, I could fix up a private room for the two of you.
46:15No questions asked.
46:19Depends what's in it for you.
46:21Just a few hundred?
46:23Peanuts, really, to a man who must be worth a fortune.
46:26Who knows? Could become a regular thing.
46:30Do I detect the ever-so-faint whiff of corruption?
46:38Listen, love, I've been in this job 14 years and I've never crossed the line, not once.
46:44But all you get for keeping your nose clean is chaton.
46:49I've had enough.
46:52So, what do you say?
46:57I'd say...
47:00It's been a pleasure talking to you, Mr Fenner.