• 2 days ago


00:00You're all invited to attend a wedding three weeks on Thursday.
00:08Well, who's getting married? I am.
00:11You saying you'd do me a favour without Cain?
00:13You don't think Atkin's top dead, do you?
00:17If you are right about Mr Pearce...
00:18I am right.
00:19...then Miss Barker could be making a dreadful mistake.
00:22You just got this job.
00:23You don't want to be the first wing governor to end up on the other side of the bars.
00:27I'm not so sure this is such a good idea.
00:30All we're doing is giving that dozy cow a chance to change her mind.
00:33I didn't write this.
00:34Well, you are Barry Pearce.
00:35Yes, I am, but I didn't write...
00:36And we had a call from Miss Barker confirming the cancelling.
00:41I don't know where the hell you're coming from.
00:44First you fit me up, and now you're saying let's get Pearce.
00:47Do you want off this rap or not?
00:48Shut up!
02:37Morning, Akins.
02:38Good weekend.
02:39You should just stand up.
02:46I, er... I want to know what you thought about what I said to you.
02:53Are you going to tell them Hurricane's book turned up in my cell?
02:56Look, wait.
02:57Come on, fella. Motive, opportunity, evidence.
03:01I'm still the bloody prime suspect. What have you got on purpose?
03:05Nothing I can use.
03:09Look, I'll set her up for you. Keep her guard.
03:13Then you can beat the crap out of her till she squeals.
03:16Stick my neck out a little bit more, shall I?
03:18We've got to fix her.
03:20You withdraw your statement first.
03:22No strings.
03:24Then I'll think.
03:31He won't have left the butter out for their sandwiches, nor will he.
03:35Be rock hard.
03:38He'll have got on to school, won't he?
03:41Come on.
03:44I was only...
03:47You're not a mother.
03:49Right, you lot. Bags and bedding at the ready.
03:54Who's down for G-Wing?
03:56No-one's told us anything.
03:57Mouth shut, ears open.
04:00When you hear your names, come forward.
04:02Cassie Tyler.
04:04That's me.
04:09Roisin Connor?
04:10It's Roisin, actually.
04:14Any more?
04:15There should be three.
04:17Daniella Blood.
04:23How's it go, miss?
04:25Do you miss me?
04:33Back in the door for you, Blood.
04:37Follow me, you two.
05:13You'll soon find out how much I missed you.
05:16You'll wish you were as dead as Dockley.
05:28What are you doing, Wilson? You're supposed to be at work.
05:30This is for two people.
05:32Some Nick split-up co-defendants. You're lucky.
05:35I've got a wardrobe bigger than this.
05:37Make your beds and get unpacked. Lunchtime's 11.30.
05:40Please, you've got to let me phone my husband. It's urgent.
05:43I've got things to sort out with my kids.
05:45You had your free call in reception, didn't you?
05:47No, told us they didn't have enough staff on.
05:51OK, do you want to make yours, too?
05:53Give mine to her.
05:54Come on, then.
06:41A visiting order. I filled it in for you and the kids.
06:44They said it went to the Post on Saturday.
06:48No, I can't call you back, Aidan.
06:49This is the only time they've given me to make this call.
07:01Hello, you two.
07:02Hiya, mate. Sorry we're late, but I had to go to the hospital.
07:05Cat long?
07:06Cat long?
07:09How'd you do that, then?
07:11She caught it in the car door.
07:14Ouch and the rest, mate. I thought I'd heard language in the forces.
07:18So, did you manage to get it sorted out after what happened at the registry office?
07:21They give you another date?
07:24Not yet.
07:25No, we didn't want to go on honeymoon with an injury, did we?
07:32Look, I've got to go.
07:37Hello, Miss Barker.
07:41So sorry to hear about the wedding.
07:45Mrs Hollanby told us.
08:07It's Fenner.
08:08Does it say me and Al's moving to Enanst?
08:11It better be.
08:15I've, um... I've changed my statement.
08:18Check with your lawyer.
08:22Over here!
08:23It's me, mate!
08:26You're back in here, would you believe it?
08:31Get back here!
08:35Get back from the door!
08:37Ain't never done it, is it, Miss?
08:39All the more shame you're doing time for, isn't it?
08:45Come on.
08:53You're really crazy, mate.
08:55No way, Mary.
08:57Ain't still in here.
08:58How come?
08:59How come, you think?
09:01But didn't Josh get my video?
09:03Didn't make no difference.
09:04Boy, you is in for deep shit.
09:06Sure back and all, is she?
09:08Look, they ain't found her body, so...
09:10Yeah, well, I pray she took a long time drowning
09:13and now she's burning in hell.
09:15Amen, sister.
09:16Look, she didn't know half what she was doing, man.
09:18She was speedballing off her face.
09:19And that's an excuse to go wrecking people's lives?
09:21She didn't kill no one, did she?
09:24Yeah, but those lives ain't even started yet.
09:27She got herself up the pipe since, innit?
09:31So, like, you all know each other?
09:50I want to talk to you, Shez.
09:52You feel good you cancelled my wedding, do you?
09:55And don't deny it, cos I know you must have been involved.
09:59I'd just like to hear what you think.
10:03What do you think gave you the right?
10:05I told you, cos I know he's a bully.
10:08Well, I'll tell you something I know about you, love.
10:12You're a warped, spiteful, jealous little kid who hates men,
10:16and you can't stand seeing someone else happy.
10:19You're not happy with him.
10:21You're kidding yourself.
10:22Just cos he's the first person who told you you're special.
10:26Are you talking about me, Shazza, yourself?
10:29Cos I'm not the one that was dumped by the roadside, am I?
10:32No. You're the one who's a punch ball, aren't you, miss?
10:35You can't hide it from me,
10:37cos I can see right through blokes like your lovely Mr Pearce.
10:40Always say they're sorry after, right?
10:42Didn't mean it. It won't happen again.
10:44Until it does.
10:46And don't pretend to yourself that it was half your fault,
10:49or if you're nice to him, he'll change, cos they don't.
10:53Anyone can do things they regret under stress,
10:57and you don't think any the worse of them for it.
11:01It's the mark of being a grown-up.
11:03Do you want to see my bum, miss?
11:06See what my stepdad did with his belt buckle?
11:10I used to take it to spare him thrashing my dog,
11:12but that's OK he laid into us, is it?
11:15Couldn't help himself.
11:17And I'm wrong calling him a cruel shit bastard.
11:20What do you think?
11:24Well, same goes for Pearce.
11:31I don't know what the hell allocations are playing at.
11:34Could at least have shoved her on another wing.
11:36Well, I think they've done us a favour.
11:38Now we can make her life hell.
11:40And I'm going to get out of her exactly what she knows about Sheldock...
11:43No, you're bloody not! Just leave the Q&A to me, do you mind?
11:50You see what that name does to me?
11:54I'm sorry, Sylvia.
11:56Well, I was only offering, if you'd rather see it yourself.
11:59Only cos it's my job.
12:01You can still do yours, tough as you like, eh?
12:05Sandwich? Ketchup?
12:07I was just going.
12:09How are those pie charts coming along, Sylvia?
12:11Oh, all in hand, sir. Soon have them cooked up.
12:15Right, Jim.
12:17Maybe I can get you to tell me what's been bugging you, eh?
12:22Hey, Shaz.
12:24I promised I'd be back for you, didn't I?
12:26Here I am.
12:28I really missed you, man.
12:30One postcard.
12:33It was you who said to leave you behind?
12:35Didn't take much persuading.
12:37Look, Shell made us.
12:39We've been gone a long time now.
12:41I've got a whole different life in here.
12:43And you're not a part of it.
12:45Yeah, but I want to be. Babe.
12:47You don't own the half of what I've got going.
12:51Welcome home, Denny.
12:53Nice holiday.
12:55It's nice to see you, mate.
12:58Shaz giving you a hard time?
13:00Don't worry. She'll come around.
13:02I'm getting it from body bag and all.
13:04She can't wait to beat the shit out of me.
13:06I'm gonna wish I had drowned, innit?
13:08No, you're not.
13:10You're back on my payroll.
13:12Learn yourself some tricks.
13:16He called you a lesbian.
13:18First time.
13:20He was testing me to tell, and yet...
13:22Maybe you should, then.
13:24Put the boring pug face out of his misery.
13:27Put us out of yours, sweetheart.
13:30You must want me to lose my kids.
13:32I just want you to stop pandering to him.
13:36Especially now, suddenly, we're living together.
13:39Thirteen years we've been married.
13:41And Aidan's not done one bad thing to me, or to the kids.
13:46I was gonna say, would you like me to fix it for her to see the doctor?
13:49You're asking me?
13:53You're not alone, love. A lot of the mums need something to help.
13:57What, pills?
14:01Beats me why they give castellos to women with kids.
14:03That's their danger.
14:05Yeah, well, we never thought they would.
14:11Shit, man.
14:14But I know who did kill her.
14:18They're sitting down there.
14:20They call themselves the Peckham Boot Gang.
14:22I need you to help me lace them up, Denny.
14:24Are you up for it?
14:26Sure, mate. I ain't gone soft in the sun, no worries.
14:28Ah, but soft's what I want this time.
14:32The razorhead, Elle.
14:34I want you to soften her tongue.
14:37Get her juices flowing.
14:39You know what I mean?
14:41Have every you dickless wonders do it, Denny.
14:43Smooch her up.
14:45Get some pillow talk in.
14:47You know what I mean?
14:49Get some pillow talk, yeah?
14:56You want me to crack on to that?
15:00No frigging way, mate.
15:03Get off!
15:05Just there.
15:07There you go. What do you think, Mum?
15:09What she do? Yeah, magic.
15:11Better look like a bleeding drag queen.
15:14No, you don't.
15:16You look like...
15:18a timey-down, begging-for-it chick.
15:20Yeah. Just cos we're both dykes,
15:22don't mean she'll fancy me.
15:24How can that dogface afford to be picky?
15:26Got long hair.
15:28Nice tits.
15:35Look, seriously, Denny.
15:37You pull this one off, I know you big time.
15:46Civvie's on die.
15:48I'm taking you out for a treat.
15:50I've spoken to the registry office.
15:52Next cancellation's ours.
15:56I don't want it.
16:03Have it back. I'm sorry.
16:05What? Have it.
16:09I don't want to marry someone who doesn't love me.
16:12What are you talking about?
16:14You know I love you.
16:16No, you don't.
16:18If you love someone, you don't beat them up.
16:22You only do that if you're sick.
16:24I know.
16:28And I bet I know which Noel cons
16:30for thine, you little head!
16:34I'm gonna bloody well see to her.
16:42Where's Barbara Hunt?
16:44Don't know.
16:47Get off the sack. Get off!
16:53You're the writer in here, aren't you?
16:55The computer expert.
16:57You interfere, and I'll mother up!
16:59I'll tear your dead mouth out!
17:18Eric, please!
17:23What the hell's going on?
17:25Don't ask me, mate.
17:27I was just standing here, talking to this one,
17:29and then whack!
17:31Bloody Noah kicks me!
17:33Oh, no, she didn't!
17:35Tell him, Die. You saw what happened.
17:37Had to defend myself, didn't I?
17:39He's lying! He attacked me!
17:41Well, you two, just shut it!
17:43An arsehole! An arsehole!
17:46An arsehole!
17:48Barry's lying.
17:50Just like he lied about how this happened to me.
17:56What are you talking about, Die?
17:58The truth. You're the bloody nutter who likes beating people up.
18:01You vicious scumbag!
18:05I can't believe this.
18:07I'm telling you, mate...
18:09Look, we'll tell it to the number one.
18:12Stop pissing yourself, Mr Pearce!
18:18You told them, miss.
18:22I did.
18:37Here, check this.
18:40What's that?
18:42It's an app to the top gov to see us urgent.
18:44If he wants to know really snuffed, OK?
18:48You're not going to tell them it was us?
18:50Well, if I have to.
18:52Are you mad? I don't want locked up in here for fricking life.
18:55Then I'd better get us on an arse and keep me quiet, ain't I?
18:58Give me a break, will you? I said no way!
19:00I thought we were supposed to be mates!
19:02I'll speak again, yeah?
19:10All right?
19:12Mind if we join you?
19:14I'm Maxie. This is Al.
19:17You're that take-off artist, aren't you?
19:19Name's Denny.
19:21So Atkins give you the J-book and all, does she, Denny?
19:23Like I want to hang about with an old loser.
19:25We like a girl who don't like Atkins, don't we, Al?
19:28Aye, we do, Maxie.
19:30Yeah, well, like to like, innit?
19:32Yeah, well, you know the score now, Denny.
19:34I'm running this wing, so if you want in with the action, come in with us.
19:39So, like, are you two together, then?
19:42You mean Maxie?
19:44She's as straight as a stalk of rock.
19:48Well, you didn't fancy your chances with her, did you?
19:51Not with her.
19:56Watch this get-up, blood.
19:58Another disguise for your next break-out.
20:00I'll wear what I want, Conor.
20:03Not if it amounts to a change of appearance, no.
20:05You need to make an appearance.
20:07Which you haven't, so you're on report.
20:09For wearing a frigging skirt, piss off.
20:11And that's another offence.
20:13Mr Fenner's office, now.
20:25I'll be outside the door if you need me.
20:27No, you go back on the wing.
20:29I can deal with this little lady.
20:32Welcome back, love.
20:36Hope you're feeling cooperative.
20:38Cos I've got a few questions for you.
20:43Go on.
20:45I want you to feel nice and relaxed.
20:53I'm sorry.
20:56I'm sorry.
20:58I'm sorry.
21:00I'm sorry.
21:09where's that psycho girlfriend of yours?
21:11Still swimming for England?
21:14Look, I've already told cops.
21:16Last time I saw her, she was when we jumped in the water.
21:18She's done for, ain't her?
21:20Police tell you what happened to that poor bastard sailman.
21:23One who helped you leg it.
21:25Banged up in his own cell now.
21:27Do the crime, got to do the time.
21:30You're still claiming, isn't it?
21:37Sheila, call us an escort for blood, will you?
21:41Yes, Mr Whitton.
21:42What? Is that it?
21:45It's nothing.
21:50This is just the beginning for you, sweetheart.
21:58Have you seen Miss Barker today?
22:00No, she's took time off. We asked.
22:02Best thing.
22:04Best thing.
22:05Well, as long as he doesn't get to her again.
22:09Do you know what happened to Mr Pearce? Did they do him?
22:12It's Miss Barker we're worried about.
22:14Look, he's resigned.
22:16If he passes her again, they'll press charges.
22:18You mean they've let him walk scot-free?
22:21Well, I don't know.
22:22I don't know.
22:23I don't know.
22:24I don't know.
22:25I don't know.
22:26Walk scot-free? Yeah?
22:28He wasn't walking too well.
22:31Last a few of my mates saw him.
22:38Queuing for visits now. Ready?
22:40Sorry, just trying to get this spot out.
22:42Don't worry, it won't show under your bib.
22:45If you're so keen to see your kids,
22:46it beats me why you risk what you did.
22:50Weren't you paid pretty good?
22:52I didn't do it for the money.
22:53Well, she did.
22:55And you covered up for her.
22:56She was on the bank side.
22:58Tried to make me pay it back before they missed it.
23:01You thought you'd be the next Nick Leeson, did you?
23:03People's era, mate.
23:16Do I have to keep this on?
23:17It's the rules. Now, take a seat.
23:31All right, find your prisoner and sit down quickly, please.
23:48Where's Michael and Eve?
23:53Will you sit down?
23:54Oh, why didn't you bring my children? I want to see them!
23:59I've just got this in my tray from Maxie Purvis.
24:04Better have her brought up right now.
24:08Sorry, but, um...
24:10I... I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.
24:13She's a right little schemer, Purvis.
24:16She'll just be winding us up to show off to her gang.
24:19Bet you my wallet.
24:21You don't pussy about, do you, Jim?
24:22I like that about you. A lot.
24:25Well, I just think, you know, pull her aside, low-key, call her bluff.
24:30Your call.
24:37This is the cruelest thing you've ever done to me.
24:39Do you think the kids would want to see you like this?
24:41I wouldn't be like this if you'd brought them here.
24:44It's me that's having a hard time with them rushing.
24:46Not you. Hearing them crying at night.
24:49Asking me how come their mother's a thief.
24:51I'm not a thief.
24:52How do I know what you are now?
24:55You would have mercy on your soul if what's coming out in the papers.
24:57I told you, didn't I? That's rubbish.
25:00I said to you straight off, I didn't take to her.
25:02That do with the Dorchester, did I not say that?
25:05If I thought that she was after my wife...
25:08Oh, she was not.
25:09God, how many times?
25:11Look, all she was after was making a big stir.
25:13Aye. Well, she's gone and done that.
25:16Don't blame her.
25:18I'm the one that tried to cover up for her.
25:20That was my own stupid doing.
25:22And God knows do I regret it.
25:24I hope you do.
25:25But you and me made a mistake, eh?
25:26Keeping it secret from the kids.
25:28That's why I've got to see them, to explain to them.
25:31You'll not see them in here. No way.
25:35You'll explain it to them in a letter.
25:37Well, they don't need exposed to the sight of this.
25:39You can't keep them away for good.
25:42No, you can't do this to me.
25:45I didn't even kiss them goodbye.
25:48Do you want me to terminate this visit?
25:50Would you either sit down or go out?
25:52That's fine by me.
25:53Hayden! Hayden!
26:06You going to tell me what happened?
26:10Sorry. Am I getting some kind of piss off here?
26:14Have you told you not to speak to me?
26:18You bloody stupid, stupid shellhouse shit!
26:21Oh, go to hell!
26:45What the shit are you doing, Den?
26:46Trying to look like Shell?
26:48No, I just felt like a change.
26:51I don't know you, do I?
26:55Did you have a sex change in Spain?
26:57Don't ask me.
27:03You can invest in...
27:07Must be sick.
27:08Yeah, love sick.
27:17Now's your chance. Go after her.
27:19I'm not up for this, mate.
27:21Come on, Den.
27:22I told you, I've got enough shit coming off body bag.
27:24Nothing you pay me is going to change that.
27:26Trust me. You get close to Aaron,
27:28and I'll get body bag off your back. Deal?
27:34Hello. May we be introduced?
27:37I'm Barbara.
27:41I perfectly understand why you're here.
27:45I perfectly understand you and your friend
27:47being a bit anxious about mixing in,
27:48but we're not all scary, you know.
27:52It's been a bit of a shock.
27:54Especially for Roisin.
27:56I think I read a bit about you in the papers.
27:59They gave you three years?
28:00Me, yeah.
28:02Gave her four.
28:03Cos I pleaded guilty, she didn't.
28:07It's the old nobbing joke.
28:11After you, doll.
28:14So, you ain't got a girlfriend in here, then?
28:18Well, I've had the nearest fates.
28:20Bet you ain't lost any. Muscles like yours.
28:22Do you like muscles, do you?
28:24I feel less.
28:26I can see why Ron Atkins don't mess with you, mate.
28:29She'll know again, for sure.
28:31Yeah, but you'd better watch her.
28:32She's already murdered one in here, innit?
28:34I mean, respect.
28:36Maxie ain't no match for that.
28:39I bet.
28:40I bet.
28:41Maxie ain't no match for that.
28:43Yeah, well, there's things you don't know, Danny.
28:47And I can't tell you, but if you want to be with a beast...
28:51I just want to be with you, Will.
29:03You, word.
29:06Not a word, Jack.
29:09I know about your act to the number one.
29:11He's not going to see you
29:12and he's not going to let me change your regime, neither.
29:15Right. I'm going to have to fess us up.
29:17Straight to me lawyer, then.
29:19You'd rather see Atkins get off and you and me totally stuffed.
29:23I don't think so.
29:24You don't know the Purvis way, then, do you, Mr Fenner?
29:27Anyone pulls out on me pays.
29:28And that's it. No shit.
29:35Mr Fenner?
29:38It's not about your legal again, is it?
29:40Come on, Atkins. It's OK.
29:44I hope you've had some thoughts.
29:48I know where we can get the juice on Purvis.
29:51That's why I've got Denny blood halfway down a Scotch Dykes wirefrance.
29:55But if you want her to stay on the job until she scores...
30:00..you'd better get Olympia to take the heat off of her.
30:04And keep it off, right? Yeah.
30:07But you'd better turn it up, then, cos time's running out.
30:37Come on, I'm bored.
30:38Yeah, game's over, girls.
30:40Our turn.
30:42Come here.
30:46Where's the phone?
30:50Name's Yvonne.
30:51What's yours?
30:53I'll give you three guesses. You call the odds.
30:55Never take it.
30:57I'm not taking it.
30:59I'm not taking it.
31:00I'm not taking it.
31:02I'm not taking it.
31:03I'm not taking it.
31:05I'm not taking it.
31:06Never take a bet when I'm sober.
31:09Yvonne, do you want a Mars bar?
31:11Black Edith?
31:12Babs got them. Don't know how.
31:14Couldn't tell. Laters.
31:20Oh, Max.
31:23What, you're on your honeymoon already, Al?
31:25Team wants a game four when you're ready.
31:27I owe a date.
31:37So, how's your work in air?
31:39I don't know. I can't get close enough to her to find out.
31:41There's one of them with her around the clock.
31:43Anything, er, Wiglin do?
31:51Excuse me.
31:54Yes? What is it?
31:56Here are your graphics.
32:01Er, I meant to say I've, er,
32:03absorbed my remuneration under damaged stock.
32:12I need a word.
32:15About blood.
32:17Twice on report in one fell swoop.
32:19Yeah, well, er, I'm letting her off with a warning.
32:23I beg your pardon?
32:26Softly, softly, Sylph.
32:27That's how we've got to loosen her tongue about Dockley.
32:30I'll loosen her tongue all right once I get her down the block.
32:33Number one's orders, not mine.
32:35Sorry, but if you want to keep in sweet with him,
32:38you're going to have to come on smiley with blood.
32:40I'm going to wish Bobby and I had press charges against her and Dockley.
32:44Well, we still can, you know.
32:46Sure, if you want it in the papers that you serve them coke,
32:50dressed up as a French maid.
32:55And you don't want blood blabbing it out either, eh?
33:06Come on.
33:13After you.
33:17The thing is, I've got this coleslaw coming back.
33:20Do you think I'm going to rape you or something?
33:22No, I didn't mean it. It's just...
33:25I like to, you know, take things nice and slow.
33:35I've got you a present.
33:37So you'll know how special you are to me.
33:39Only you've got to keep it secret.
33:41Even from Maxie and Tina.
33:43Just wear it for me, eh?
33:45You promise? OK, I promise.
33:47Shut your eyes till I say.
34:14Oh! Ah!
34:16Get out of there!
34:20Sorry you left her conspiring.
34:22What did she say?
34:24What's the fuss now, Mackenzie?
34:26Don't blame Al, miss.
34:28She's sold us!
34:30I ain't got nothing.
34:32Right, off into your gym jabs, all of you.
34:34Straight to your cells, now.
34:36Solders, lock.
34:41Come on, come on, hurry up!
34:43I've got all day!
34:45Move it! Come on!
34:47You ain't fair, miss.
34:49I've got to wake up Dennis first.
34:51Suck her top, then.
34:55Come along, Cinderella.
34:57Trip, we did.
34:59Eh? You're off report.
35:02Wing governor's orders.
35:04Just watch your step around me.
35:24I've never hit anyone sober in my whole life.
35:27You mean you've only hit drunks
35:29or you've always been drunk when you've hit someone?
35:34Big first, then. Lucky me.
35:37Every damn thing with you is a big first for me.
35:41Now it's prison.
35:43Are you ever going to give me a break?
35:46We can't keep going round the blame loop.
35:51I'm all sorried out, OK?
35:53We've just got to get on with it now.
35:56Mix in, make the most of it.
36:03will you please just get into my bed?
36:07I'm going to push you happy out of it, then.
36:20Give your girlie a good seeing to, did you?
36:24She's no srag, Maxie. She's dead shy.
36:27Yeah, well, don't you be shy
36:29when the police come to grill us, will you?
36:33I called Dad tonight to get his briefing to see me.
36:35Looks like we've got to get up on the freezy hard way.
36:37You want to fess up to Marta?
36:39Yeah, but fess up clever.
36:41Fit up Fenn, I like. He got us to do his dirty work for him.
36:44I do.
36:46At least we've got respect for doing the job, eh?
36:50Eh, Maxie?
36:53It didn't even seem like it was an accident.
36:56It was like she wanted to soak us all.
36:59Them duelies are frigging mental.
37:01Take one or no one.
37:03You should have got out of the way quicker.
37:05How could I? It all happened dead quick.
37:09Call it, girl. It's only a bit of water, innit?
37:13I thought you'd enjoy being in a wet T-shirt contest anyway.
37:19Shall I see some sweeties, girls?
37:22Well, we tried, June.
37:25Yeah, we tried.
37:27And then we failed.
37:30Well, it was Denny that failed, if you ask me.
37:32Bleating hammer.
37:34I mean, how long do you take us to get a punter to tell us his secrets?
37:36Well, how long's a finger up the...?
37:38Juliet, you there?
37:41That you, Den?
37:43You want to send us a swinger?
37:47You owe us some chonky, innit?
37:49Oh, yeah!
37:51Oh, we've won and all, don't we?
38:00Is there any chonky?
38:10I want a mug.
38:12And me.
38:14I'm going up to share a mug. Come on.
38:16What do you want?
38:18I don't want.
38:24It's on, Julies.
38:38Bob? You ready for yours?
38:42Swing it.
38:47Oh, sorry!
38:49Go on.
38:51Pull it.
39:29How's the hand?
39:31Healing up.
39:34Thanks for asking.
39:37Morning, everyone.
39:41Right then, Mark.
39:43Perhaps you can fill me in on our new inmates, Tyler and Connor.
39:46Settling down?
39:48Not really, no.
39:50See if you can work your magic charm.
39:54Have we got any legals in today?
39:56Oh, yes. Night shift said they had a call, didn't they?
39:59Booked a room for this afternoon.
40:01Who for?
40:03I'm looking. Maxie Purvis.
40:10Forget to knock.
40:12Just tell me, have you got us anything on Purvis yet?
40:16The tart and toffee's got more upstairs than I gave her credit for.
40:19Well, she hasn't said a bloody dickie.
40:22Her mouth's too busy round poor Denny's neck.
40:26Well, if you don't get her something I can use by lunchtime,
40:29that's you seriously bollocks, love.
40:31Yeah? And that means you and all.
40:33The only reason you're doing deals with me, Fenner,
40:35is because Purvis is twisting your balls as well.
40:37Sod what my reason is. If you can't deliver...
40:42Virginia O'Kane's necklace.
40:44Al gave it to Denny last night.
40:46And I'm sure you'll be able to testify
40:48that the last time you saw this was round O'Kane's neck the night she died.
40:51Yeah, but...
40:53And I know what other proof we need.
40:55And I know we can get it.
40:57I just want guaranteeing that I'll be there when you give it to your boss.
41:19How's your garden growing?
41:21Oh, hi, miss. You're back.
41:24I just had to pack his stuff up.
41:26Put it in the post.
41:28So he's gone for good, then?
41:30No phone calls?
41:32Just the one you warned me about. Rattling the pills.
41:36I told him to take them.
41:40How about you?
41:42You and Denny?
41:44You and me's in the same boat, miss.
41:47One for saps who get shat on.
41:49No, Chas. You're not a bit like me.
41:52God, if I'd had your guts when I was younger...
41:56You stay hopeful.
42:19Get in here.
42:24Look, mate, I'm really sorry.
42:26Shut up, you daft dolly. You're doing fantastic.
42:30One more sesh.
42:32Oh, I couldn't help, man.
42:35On this. You get it all gospel.
42:39Morning, sir.
42:41These graphics, um...
42:43Is this the artist's signature?
42:45I'm sorry. Occupational hazard.
42:47Yeah, just print me a new back page.
42:49You've done me a fab job. I love it.
42:51Oh, well...
42:53No, you've inspired me, Sylvia.
42:55Oh, thank you.
42:57I've got to get back to work.
42:59I've got to get back to work.
43:01I've got to get back to work.
43:03I've got to get back to work.
43:05Oh, well...
43:07Skills like yours should be put to maximum use to hell with demarcation.
43:10What would you say to running a regular IT workshop for the benefit of the inmate?
43:14Right, then. Rough me up a plan.
43:16Let's kick off next week.
43:23Pretend we're out to some swanky restaurant, yeah?
43:25Table for two.
43:27Next to a bog?
43:29At least we can sit close and talk.
43:31I've got things I want to tell you. Private, like.
43:35Shut the door.
43:44And I don't have to wear this lovely chain you give me now, do I?
43:47You like it?
43:49I love it, Elle. It makes me feel dead special.
43:51Aye, well, it'll be even more special when you know how I got it.
43:56Why? How's that then?
43:58Well, I thought I couldn't tell you, but now Max says we're fessing up.
44:03She should have seen her cane's face when she saw us come in the door.
44:06She pure knew we were gonna kill her, no?
44:08Yeah? So, like, you mean, it was really you and Maxie what done her in?
44:12And not Atkins?
44:14I'm telling you, aye. It was Maxie who put her cane's book in Atkins' cell to set her up.
44:19Gonna give us a snog now, then?
44:21I think we've heard enough.
44:25I think we owe Yvonne here an apology.
44:28Big hands up.
44:30I feel terrible.
44:32You've been put through.
44:34Just lucky I'm not the suicidal type.
44:39What can I say, sir?
44:41Totally read it wrong.
44:44Just like those cunning devils planned it.
44:48I don't think Mrs Atkins doubts your integrity, Jim.
44:51Or you wouldn't have confided this evidence to him, would you?
44:58It speaks for itself, sir.
45:02You're telling me shit.
45:04Look, you've gotta believe me, man. Why should I?
45:06Oh, God.
45:08Right, Julies, Julies, come here.
45:11Look, I did all that girly stuff at Yvonne, didn't I?
45:15Got you two to make me up, yeah? Tell her.
45:17You think she could do that to herself?
45:19Kill, she'll be.
45:22Think like a body bag trying to make herself into a bong girl.
45:24Bong girl, yeah.
45:27It's me and you, babes. It's all I want.
45:31It's all I want, then.
45:35You didn't bar brush. What's happened to you?
45:39Hey, hey, hey, hey! Mr Fenner wants to see you.
45:42Huh? Oi, what's going on?
45:44And her.
45:45What? What for?
45:52Life's a bitch.
45:54Just like me.
46:14Miss, is it OK if I show Denny what I planted in that?
46:17Of course you can.
46:18Cheers, Miss. Cheers, Miss.
46:29Come on, Roche, leave me alone.
46:31Go get some exercise.
46:33Or what?
46:35Go and chat up some other dykes.
46:39The one bloody freedom we've got in here is to be ourselves
46:42and not be ashamed of it, and you want us to live in a cave.
46:45Well, why don't you just do what you want, Cass?
46:47For sakes.
46:48No, I mean it. Go on.
46:50This is a sweetie shop for you, I can see it is.
46:52Just go and pick what you fancy.
46:57I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
46:59I'm going to do your time for you.
47:02Yeah, I am.
47:04I'm going to tell my lawyer I lied.
47:06I'll say you only covered up for me cos I forced you.
47:09Otherwise I was going to tell your husband you'd been shagging this guy.
47:12And you got prevalent, had an abortion.
47:16Oh, I'll tell a good bloody story.
47:18Yeah, I'll get you back home with your family,
47:20cos I know for sure you don't want to be with me.
47:32Canal, man.
47:34Three weeks we're going to be out of here, Den.
47:36Just you and me.
47:44What frigging hell is this all about?
47:48You know, don't you, Romeo?
47:52All yours, gentlemen.
48:10There's something going on in here, and I want to know what.
48:14I'll give you a run for your money any day.
48:16Careful. It might take you up on that.
48:46I'll give you a run for your money any day.