Bad Girls-1999-S02-Ep-03

  • 2 days ago
Julie J gets news that her children will be in England for their grandfathers funeral and Yvonne helps her to see them. New officer, Di Barker, arrives to replace Fenner. Karen becomes the new Wing Governor. Fenner plots to get his job back. Sylvia gets her comeuppance when she is confronted by the inmates


00:33There you go, Steph.
00:35Nothing today.
00:38Sir, have you got anything for me?
00:40Sorry, Zandra.
00:43One for you, though, Denny.
00:46Hey, my mum's coming next visiting.
00:49Bully for you.
00:52Mr Fenner been banged up yet, miss?
00:54Trouble with you lot is you don't know when you're well off.
00:57We liked Mr Fenner, didn't we, June?
00:59He was always very kind to us, June.
01:01Yeah, kind to her as well, till she went and blew it.
01:04Lost our favourite screw because of you and your lies.
01:09Who are you calling a liar?
01:11He never give you a slap.
01:13What do you call that, then?
01:15You've probably done it yourself.
01:18Do something and get yourself a chance.
01:20Yeah, give us some peace.
01:22Don't need to, now. Mr Fenner's getting sacked.
01:29You all right, Nicky?
01:33I thought you'd be celebrating now Jim Fenner's gone.
01:36Yeah, maybe I'll crack a champagne open later.
01:40One for you.
02:03Dad? What are you doing in here?
02:06Come on, you two. Get yourself ready for school.
02:08Come on. Chop, chop.
02:12I thought I told you not to bother coming home.
02:15Where am I meant to go?
02:18I haven't even got a job any more.
02:23Found out about you and Dockley, have they?
02:25It's worse than that.
02:27The little cow says I assaulted her.
02:29And did you?
02:31I was set up.
02:33Dockley's been chucking herself at me for months.
02:35And you just couldn't resist.
02:37I tried. But she just kept on and on at me.
02:40Day in, day out. Innuendo. Propositions.
02:43I understand. You couldn't help yourself, could you?
02:46Most men wouldn't last a week inside Larkhall.
02:49Don't play the bloody victim.
02:52Look, I know you're upset.
02:54And you've every right to be.
02:57What I did was stupid and wrong.
03:00What I did was stupid and wrong.
03:03But we can't just chuck away 12 years of marriage
03:06because of one stupid mistake.
03:09Please, Marilyn.
03:13Come in.
03:16Morning, Karen. Sit down.
03:24I'll come right to the point.
03:26Helen Stewart's resigned as governor of G-Wing.
03:29My God, that's a turn-up.
03:31This obviously leaves us with a problem.
03:33With Jim out of the running,
03:35owing to his current predicament,
03:37we've got no-one to run G-Wing.
03:39I see.
03:40So I want you to take over.
03:42Me? Wing governor?
03:45Well, I'm flattered, obviously.
03:48It's a big promotion.
03:50I wouldn't offer you the job if I didn't think you could do it.
03:53Well, I hope I can do it.
03:55From the little I've seen, it's a bit of a hornet's nest.
03:58Perhaps now that certain personalities have gone,
04:02things should quieten down a little on the wing.
04:05You mean Jim.
04:06Well, actually, I was referring to Helen Stewart.
04:12Can I ask why Helen resigned?
04:15You know, how should we put it?
04:18Man-management problems, usual thing.
04:21She never really got the support she needed from those below her,
04:25but I know you won't have that problem.
04:28I'll expect the support of those above me, too.
04:30Of course, girl, 100%. You know that.
04:42Room service.
04:43Do you want to come back later?
04:45No, you're all right.
04:46You should hang a little card on the door saying,
04:48''Do not disturb.''
04:49Yeah, well, please make up the room now.
04:55Are you Julie?
04:57What was your married name?
05:02Do you have any relation to Eddie Dawson?
05:04Eddie the Drill?
05:06Yeah, he's my ex's dad.
05:11Have a look at that.
05:18''Eddie the Drill Dawson,
05:20''one of South London's most notorious gang leaders.
05:23''He leaves behind one son and three daughters.''
05:26Does it say how he died?
05:28''Slowly, I hope, in as much pain as possible.''
05:31You two didn't get on, then?
05:33Don't get on the subject of Andy's old man.
05:35He never forgave me for marrying his precious son.
05:37Treated me like dirt.
05:38Why was he called Eddie the Drill?
05:40Because he was a big DIY enthusiast.
05:42Why do you think?
05:44I wonder when the funeral is.
05:46Are you thinking of sending a wreath?
05:48Yeah, a great big one in the shape of the word ''bastard''.
05:52Here you are.
05:53Next Wednesday, the funeral cortege
05:56will leave for Brockwell Park Cemetery at 2pm.
06:00You know what this means, don't you, Jo?
06:03Martin and Rhiannon, it's their kids.
06:06Andy's bound to bring them over for their grandad's funeral.
06:11They'll be in England, Jo.
06:13Of course.
06:15They'll come over.
06:16Hey, maybe they'll meet my mum.
06:18She's coming next visit in Tyrell Hall.
06:20Fat chance.
06:21Don't you want them visiting you in prison?
06:23Of course she does. It's that bastard man of hers.
06:25He ain't going to let them come, is he?
06:27No decent father's going to stop his kids from seeing their mum.
06:30Yeah, well, he's got a court order against me.
06:32Horrible sod.
06:34Yeah, you said it.
06:35If only he'd let them write.
06:37Or even send a picture.
06:39They're my own kids.
06:41I don't even know what they look like any more.
06:44Hiya. Dominic McAllister.
06:46Die Barker.
06:47I've seen you around, haven't I?
06:49Yeah, I'm a transfer from H Wing.
06:51Oh, good, yeah.
06:52Well, we could do with some experience round here.
06:54Sylvia, this is Die Barker, Jim's replacement from H Wing.
06:58Welcome to the madhouse.
07:00The natives are restless out there.
07:02I'm not surprised, after what Jim did.
07:06There was a time when a prison officer was given the benefit of the doubt.
07:10Especially from his colleagues.
07:13Changed days nowadays.
07:16Yeah, well, I was never comfortable about him and Cheryl Dockley.
07:19Why don't you go and put the boot in with Miss Stewart?
07:22God forbid the man gets a fair trial.
07:26Still, at least you didn't go snitching on him like some I could mention.
07:30Snitching? It was a serious assault.
07:33It's not only Jim who's going to suffer, you know.
07:36They're going to make all our lives a misery, including yours.
07:39Mark my words.
07:41Morning, everybody.
07:42Oh, morning, sir.
07:44I know there's been a considerable period of unrest on G Wing, for whatever reason.
07:50And I'm sorry to have to tell you that Helen Stewart has decided to leave Larkhall with immediate effect.
07:57I'm sure we all wish her every success in her future career.
08:01And I'm very pleased to tell you that Karen Betts is to take over as Wing Governor with immediate effect.
08:09I'm sure you're all going to make her feel very welcome.
08:12Now, I know Karen has a few words she'd like to say to you. Karen?
08:16Thank you, Simon.
08:17I'll just...
08:22A madhouse.
08:25What if he was to go to the funeral?
08:27Eh? I can't tell that uninvited. And he'd get the police.
08:30Well, he wouldn't want to cause a scene at his own dad's funeral now, would he?
08:33You're onto something there, June.
08:35Course I am. We'll get an application for a compassionate licence,
08:38we'll fill it in, and we'll give it to him to the mechanics.
08:41I'm going to fight her.
08:43I'm glad you think it's funny.
08:45If I lose my job, you can kiss goodbye to all this.
08:48You'll have to get another bloody job.
08:49Get real, Marilyn.
08:51Ex-prison officers aren't exactly in great demand,
08:53especially when they've been booted out of service.
08:59Look, if you don't help me out of this mess, we're in deep shit.
09:03Oh, we're in deep shit, are we?
09:06We're in deep shit, are we?
09:08I just want to make sure you know what's at stake.
09:11Dad, there's a policeman at the door.
09:17So, come on, right, pretend you, yeah?
09:19I'm Mr McAllister, you're about to hand over the form,
09:22and I want you to look really sad, like you can't face the world anymore,
09:25now Eddie's gone.
09:27You know, it makes us smile.
09:29Oh, no, but whenever I think of Eddie being dead, it makes me smile.
09:31Well, they won't let you go to the funeral if you tell them that.
09:34Do you want to see Martin and Rhiannon?
09:36Yeah, of course I do.
09:38Can you make yourself cry?
09:44How's that?
09:46Hang about.
10:01Get smelling.
10:10No, nothing.
10:14Close your eyes.
10:16Just do as I tell you.
10:21Keep them closed.
10:26Open them.
10:28Ah! Ah!
10:32Oh, Joe!
10:35Now, I know this has come as a bit of a surprise to some of you,
10:38but I'm not going to make any apologies.
10:41I've been appointed to the job,
10:43and it's the job I want to do and I'm going to do.
10:46Now, I'm not someone who's soft on inmates,
10:49but I will not tolerate lazy, negative officers either.
10:53Oh, and one other thing.
10:55If you've got a problem, tell me to my face, OK?
11:01You want to get on the wrong side of her?
11:03Talk about out of the frying pan into the fire.
11:06You should be pleased.
11:08One of us getting the top job.
11:10And won't she just love lording it?
11:12You watch.
11:13She'll be out of that uniform into a suit faster than Clark Kent.
11:19Come on, I'll show you the wing.
11:21Excuse me, Mr McAllister, sir. Can you come and see Julie?
11:24She's worried about her, sir.
11:31How's your mum?
11:33That little bit of extra money coming handy for her, did it?
11:36Yeah. She's never had that much money in her life.
11:39I had a letter from her today. She's coming next visiting.
11:42Oh. Yeah, your pal Josh.
11:44He couldn't run an errand for us, could he?
11:46As long as you stick together, it's easy to bring in, yeah.
11:49Oh, yeah, of course, no.
11:50There's a little heart pendant I got from Tiffany's.
11:52There's a tiny weeny diamond in the middle. I just miss it.
11:57And you say it's her father-in-law who's died.
12:00Yeah, well, it was more like her real dad the way she spoke about him.
12:03Oh, the poor thing.
12:05I've never heard her mention him before.
12:07Jude's a very private person.
12:11Can I give you this, sir?
12:13What is it?
12:15It's an application for a compassionate licence
12:17so she can go to his funeral.
12:19Is it now?
12:20Oh, I'm sorry, love,
12:22but I'm afraid it's only close-blood relatives that can go to funerals.
12:26Excuse me, Miss Whoever-You-Are, but we're talking to him.
12:29Hey, less of the cheek. This is Miss Barker.
12:32Can't you both see how much he's suffering?
12:35I'm sorry, sweetheart, if it was up to me.
12:39I suppose they've got to draw the line somewhere.
12:43There's no way you could have hit out in the heat of the moment.
12:46I took evasive action, which is what I'm trained to do.
12:49Look, it's all down in my rapport.
12:51She says you're having an affair.
12:53Well, it's crap. Why would I want to do that?
12:56I'm a happily married man.
13:02Well, that's all for the time being.
13:09What now?
13:11Your word against hers?
13:13I know who I'd believe, but I'm not at the CPS.
13:16You reckon it will go to court?
13:18Prisoners' rights are very high on the agenda these days.
13:21Who knows?
13:29Oh, very pally.
13:31I'm facing assault charges.
13:35Do you know what it's like for an ex-screw in prison?
13:40Come on, you two. Go and get your coats on quickly.
13:44If, and I mean if, I was to help you,
13:48I'd only be doing it for the children.
13:58Bloody rubbish place.
14:00I just want to see me kids for half an hour.
14:03Tell me about it.
14:04I wanted to go and have my belly button pierced,
14:06they wouldn't have it.
14:07Oh, shut your face, you heartless bitch.
14:09Well, why should she get special treatment?
14:11She's no different from anyone else.
14:12Well, you got plenty of special treatment off of Jim Fenner.
14:15Till you went and blew it.
14:16Got your bleeding nose off to spite your face there, didn't you?
14:19I'll cut your bleeding nose off in a minute.
14:22Just try it.
14:25No-one's scared of you no more, Dockley.
14:27Not now Loverboy's gone.
14:29You're just one of us now.
14:42Right, what do I put?
14:44Dear Miss Dockley...
14:49I can't believe I'm doing this.
14:52Look, isn't she going to find this a bit fishy,
14:54me writing a letter to her?
14:56I want her to think that she's broken up our marriage.
14:58Well, that shouldn't be a problem.
15:00Put something like, um...
15:03I hope you're satisfied now.
15:07Look, why don't you write it?
15:09I mean, let's face it, you're the one that knows her so intimately.
15:13Look, she's going to believe it if it comes from you.
15:17And if she believes it, maybe she'll do something about it.
15:19Well, she's not going to drop the charges.
15:21Not after what you did to her.
15:22Look, Marilyn, do you want me to go to prison?
15:27Here, start again.
15:29Um, put, um...
15:31I'm writing this because I want you to know the full extent
15:36of the pain and misery that you've caused.
15:46What's up?
15:47Wait, got another job for you if you're interested.
15:49Depends what it is, I suppose.
15:51Shall we?
15:53I've got a job for you.
15:55Got another job for you if you're interested.
15:57Depends what it is, I suppose.
15:59She wants you to bring her a piece of jewellery, a necklace.
16:01Same deal as last time.
16:03Why are you doing all this? What, are you getting a cut or something?
16:05Looking after my mum, innit?
16:07We're going to get a place together when I get out.
16:10Yo, Crystal, give some of them tea bags.
16:12Why? So you can sell them on to buy drugs with?
16:14No, so I can make a cup of tea, bitch.
16:17Well, if you want tea, you can go to the servery.
16:22Who's she?
16:23Oh, forget it, mate. She's in love with Jesus.
16:37Can we hurry this up, please?
16:39This floor's like a skating rink.
16:46I'll be back in five minutes.
16:48If this isn't finished, you're on report.
16:54It serves you bloody right.
16:59What did you say, madam?
17:03She didn't say nothing, Mason.
17:06I said it serves you bloody right.
17:09You dried-up old bag!
17:18I think we're going to have to make an example of you girls.
17:22Oh, no, miss, she's only in her right mind, miss.
17:24Saunders! Mop this up now!
17:27That's for you.
17:28This for you.
17:37Get in that cell.
17:43You can stew in there till your adjudication.
17:46What's going on here, then?
17:48Julie J just lost it. Had a right go at Olinby.
17:51I got a little something in the post this morning.
17:53Guess who from?
17:54I don't know.
17:55Have a frigging guess.
17:57I can't.
17:58I'll give you a clue.
18:01Dear Miss Duckley,
18:02I'm writing because I want you to know the true extent
18:05of the pain and misery you have caused me.
18:07Millions of people could have wrote that show.
18:09I just keep reading it over and over,
18:11trying to picture her writing it.
18:13Picture who?
18:14Fenner's wife. Shit for brains.
18:16No way!
18:18And listen, it gets better.
18:20You'll be glad to know that Jim has now left me.
18:23He says he feels nothing for me anymore.
18:25And he says the only woman he cares about is you.
18:28Hear that?
18:30He's in love with me.
18:32Yeah, right.
18:33His bloody wife says so.
18:35He's left her. It says so in the letter.
18:38Pity you're never going to see him again then, innit?
18:50Well, obviously I'm disappointed.
18:52Apart from anything else,
18:54I was hoping to spare Mara in the ordeal of a trial.
18:57Like I say, I've got nothing to hide.
18:59And thanks for calling in person.
19:02OK, Simon. I will. Thanks. Bye.
19:05Simon says hello.
19:07Going ahead with the prosecution?
19:10I can't believe Duckley and not me.
19:12Because she's telling the truth.
19:14Why? Isn't the little bitch playing ball?
19:16She must have got that letter by now.
19:18Oh, dear. Maybe she's not as in love with you as you think she is.
19:22You'll just have to write another, won't you?
19:25This time, lay on really thick.
19:27And what good is that going to do?
19:29There's no way I'm going under for that little bitch.
19:42Hello. What are you doing here?
19:44I haven't come at a bad time, have I?
19:46No, no, no. Come in.
19:53I always knew me and Jim were special.
19:56Is that why he beat the shit out of you?
19:59Yeah, well...
20:01He was asking for it, I suppose.
20:03Finding me his wife like that.
20:06Look, I've told you.
20:08Find yourself a new screw, Cheryl.
20:10Jim Fenner's well out of the picture.
20:13Joe? Ask him to let you out.
20:18Can't be bothered, Jo.
20:20Miss you, Joe.
20:30I ain't never seen her like this, Yvonne.
20:33I'd give her this dream, see, that we'd get out
20:35and we'd search the whole of America and we'd find her kiddies.
20:38Now they're only a bleeding bus ride away because of their stupid role.
20:41She's glad to see them.
20:43It's her crime.
20:45I tell you, if someone stopped me seeing my kids...
20:47If she don't see them when they're over here, then they are gone for good.
20:50She's gonna give up.
20:53Well, I think it's an absolute disgrace the way you've been treated.
20:56If it was up to me, we'd all be out on strike.
20:58A few years ago, maybe, but...
21:00nowadays, everyone's out for number one.
21:03Karen Betts certainly didn't let the grass grow under her feet.
21:06What? What's she done now?
21:09I haven't heard.
21:10Heard what?
21:12Helen Stewart's resigned.
21:14And guess who's got her job?
21:20Hello, Charlie.
21:23How are ya?
21:25No, no, no, listen, listen.
21:27Are you going to Eddie Dawson's funeral?
21:32Well, I think she is.
21:36Now, there's a really big favour I want you to do for me.
21:41The sly bitch.
21:43I just wish there was something I could do.
21:46Well, actually, there is something.
21:50I hate to ask.
21:52Jim, I said if there's anything I can do.
21:55If I could just talk to the girl for five minutes...
21:58I know she'd drop all this nonsense, but I can't.
22:01So the next best thing is to write her a letter.
22:04And how does that involve me?
22:06Well, you could take it in for me.
22:10Oh, if I post it, I risk it ending up in the wrong hands.
22:14I could be done for nobbling a witness.
22:16Oh, I don't know, Jim.
22:18It's highly irregular.
22:20If anyone ever found out...
22:21Oh, come on, Sylvia. It's only a letter.
22:24You could be saving my career.
22:27I feel like we're stooping to their level.
22:31Can you imagine what Betts would do
22:34if she saw me walk back on that wing, hmm?
22:59Julie's still banged up?
23:02How's she coping?
23:04She cried all through the night last night.
23:07Listen, you tell her that I fixed it for her,
23:10for her kids to visit her next week.
23:12What? You ain't!
23:14How do you manage that?
23:16My Charlie's gonna sort it.
23:17Oh, before when you were a doll.
23:19Oh, innit, innit, you innit?
23:21My mum's fixed it to help Julie's kids brung in.
23:24Oi, don't go broadcasting it. My Lauren's taking a risk here.
23:27What's it got to do with your Lauren?
23:29She's fetching them in.
23:30How's she gonna do that, then?
23:32Stick a couple of sacks over their heads and sling them in the boot of a car?
23:36But if we're now, is she gonna bring them in?
23:38Julie has to send Lauren a visiting order.
23:44Then when they go to the funeral,
23:46she goes over to Martin and Alan
23:48and asks them if they wanna visit their mum.
23:50And what if they don't want to?
23:51Well, if they don't wanna visit their mum, I can't wave a magic wand, can I?
23:54Yeah, but no trouble, eh? I don't want you getting upset.
23:56Listen, I'm trying to do your pal a favour here.
23:58You wanna forget it, you just say the word.
24:03Hello, love.
24:04Move it, Jocelyn!
24:27What's this?
24:28It's a visitor's order.
24:29And you wanna fill it out to Miss Lauren Atkins.
24:34Yvonne's daughter.
24:36Oh, no, Ju.
24:38I can't be bothered doing nobody no favours right now.
24:41Ju, she's bringing Martin and Rhiannon in with her.
24:49Well, how can she do that?
24:51Don't ask no questions. She just is, all right?
24:54Get writing.
24:57I went to visit Jim last night.
25:00How is he?
25:01How is he?
25:02How do you think? The man's shattered. It's a tragedy.
25:07Well, you never know. He might get off.
25:10Do you read the papers, Dominic?
25:12There's no such thing as a fair trial for a prison officer in this country.
25:16You're paranoid, Sylve.
25:18I've got good reason.
25:20Especially now she's in charge.
25:22Out to make her mark, isn't she?
25:24No matter who has to suffer in the process.
25:27Why don't you stop bitching? That's all you bloody do.
25:30Well, excuse me!
25:32Some of us care about the service.
25:34And if you're the future of it, Dominic, heaven help us.
25:37I'll tell you what damages the prison service.
25:40Bent officers. People who step over the line.
25:43You grease my palm, I'll grease yours.
25:45Assaulting prisoners when no-one's looking.
25:47That's right, Dominic. You slag us all off if it makes you feel happy.
25:51I think it's time you lived in the real world, young man.
25:54All I'm saying is...
25:58Oh, forget it.
26:00Don't know why I bother.
26:04Anyone fancy a cuppa?
26:15Won't you let them get you now, Jo?
26:17Good as gold, Jo. Promise.
26:19What are they doing to Joey?
26:21It's their adjudication, isn't it?
26:24She should have poured that water right over our bodybags' heads.
26:27She went mental.
26:28She ain't right in the head.
26:30She ain't seen her kids for over a year.
26:32That sort of thing will bother you, cos you're weird.
26:35I don't see my kids cos I don't want them seeing me here in this shit, all right?
26:39I get plenty of photos and letters off them. They know who I am.
26:42At least I haven't got a court order stopping me from seeing them.
26:45I'll swing for you one of these days, I swear.
26:48Just try it.
26:54It was her fault.
26:55You're out of order, Shell.
27:00Here, Shell.
27:02You got a letter?
27:10It's from Jim.
27:11Leave now.
27:13Dear Shell, I know I'm taking a big risk doing this,
27:16but I had to write and say how much I'm missing you.
27:19I love you, Shell, and I can't bear being apart from you.
27:22He wants you to get him his job back. It's obvious.
27:25He wants me back. That's what's bleeding obvious.
27:27So he can slap you about again?
27:30I am so sorry I hurt you.
27:33I don't know what came over me.
27:35I just wish there was some way I could make it up to you.
27:37Well, there ain't, is there?
27:39But Jim wouldn't have written all this if he didn't mean it.
27:42He misses me.
27:44And I miss him.
27:46We belong together.
27:53Well, they're taking me private spends with me for two weeks
27:56and a week's remission.
27:57Oh, it was worth it, though, wasn't it, to see all of me's face?
28:01Yeah, I'm ever so grateful to you for what you're doing.
28:03I'm a mum meself, Julie.
28:05It will be all right, though, won't it?
28:06Course it will, I've told you.
28:08Don't ask no questions, the less you know, the better, all right?
28:11Now, what are you going to wear?
28:13Oh, there's this thing I'm making.
28:18What do you think?
28:23Can I be honest with you, Jew?
28:43So, everything you told us, everything you told the police,
28:47it was all lies?
28:50I made it all up, sir.
28:52I wanted to hurt him.
28:58I made a pass at him more than once, as a matter of fact.
29:02He didn't want to know. I hated him.
29:04I'm sorry, this is ridiculous.
29:06It's true.
29:08Carry on, Michelle.
29:11Anyway, he came to see me to tell me I had to stop.
29:15I was so angry, I just lost it.
29:17I made a pass at him, really went for him, and he threw me off.
29:20That's how I got the bruises.
29:24I'm really sorry, sir.
29:27Why the sudden guilt trip, Michelle?
29:29It ain't sudden. I've been worrying about it for ages.
29:32So what made you decide to come in here and tell the truth?
29:35I wouldn't have lied in the first place if you hadn't...
29:37If I hadn't what?
29:39Well, it was you who put the idea into me, Ed.
29:41Asking me if it was an officer who'd done it, telling me how to report it.
29:44I didn't tell you to lie.
29:46I've heard enough.
29:48Take Miss Dockley back to her cell, would you please, Dominic?
30:04Well, it's obvious what happened.
30:06Is it?
30:07Jim Fenners got to her and persuaded her to change her story.
30:10And how has he managed that, exactly?
30:12You're telling me you believe that crap?
30:15Anyone can see she was lying.
30:17She wouldn't be the first prisoner to launch a vendetta against an officer.
30:21Oh, come on, Simon.
30:23Don't take this the wrong way, but if there was an element of you coercing her...
30:28Not intentionally, of course.
30:30Oh, this whole thing stinks.
30:33You know that as well as I do.
30:35What you or I think is neither here nor there.
30:37What matters, as far as the police are concerned, is hard evidence.
30:41Well, there's plenty of evidence.
30:44You're not thinking of dropping the matter just because she's changed her mind?
30:48There has to be at least a full internal inquiry, I insist.
30:52Costly and pointless.
30:54If, for whatever reason, Michelle Dockley withdraws her allegations,
30:58Jim Fenner has no case to answer.
31:07Hi, Pauline.
31:09Afternoon, Frank.
31:11Hi. You're back, then?
31:13Oh, yeah.
31:22Oh, God, my heart's going ten to the dozen.
31:24Don't worry. It's going to be all right.
31:26I won't know what to say to him.
31:28I'll clean up as soon as I see him.
31:30No, you won't. Now, calm down, Jo.
31:33Hey, I just got this. What do you think?
31:35Ooh, very nice.
31:37Bet your mum would like that as well.
31:39Good luck, then. Be thinking of, yeah?
31:41Oh, yeah.
31:50You, er... you not got no visitors today, then?
31:53What's it to you whether I have or I haven't?
31:55Oh, hey, I'm nosy that way.
31:58What's that, a Bible?
32:00Well spotted, Mum.
32:01It's funny, you get a lot of religious folk in prison, innit?
32:04Not if that chapel's anything to go by, you don't.
32:07I'm Josh, by the way.
32:10Oh, bye, Josh.
32:19Can I remind you all to stay in your seats, please?
32:30Hey, Brenda.
32:38You're late.
32:39Sorry, I got held up.
32:41Yeah, well, you're here now. There you go, it's in the envelope.
32:52Well, you all set, then?
32:54Come on. You do want to see your mum, don't you?
32:57Well, you all set, then?
32:59Come on. You do want to see your mum, don't you?
33:28Your mum not here yet?
33:30She probably missed her bus.
33:38Martin? Rhiannon?
33:40Over here, darlings.
33:48Oh, I'm so thrilled to see you.
33:51I thought you weren't coming.
33:58Well, sit yourself down, then.
34:08You look gorgeous.
34:10Both of you.
34:14I can't tell you how much I've missed you.
34:18Did you miss me?
34:28What have you been up to, then, eh?
34:30Come on, I want to know everything.
34:33What's America like?
34:35It's all right.
34:38Do you like it, Martin?
34:42Don't mind.
34:46Look, I know you must feel awful having to come here
34:49when you haven't seen me all this time,
34:52but we ain't got long. We've got to make the most of it.
34:58Do they keep you locked in a cell all day, with bars on the doors?
35:02Shut up, Martin.
35:05They call it a room, Martin,
35:07and they usually only lock it at night.
35:11Has it got rats, Martin? I'm only asking.
35:14No, no, darling. It ain't got rats.
35:17It's quite nice inside, actually.
35:20Your Auntie Julie and me made it lovely.
35:22Oh, your Auntie Julie sends her love and says she's sorry she can't see you.
35:26So it's not as bad as it seems in here.
35:32Sod off. I am not sitting with those sad gits.
35:35She'll be here in a minute, all right?
35:37Nobody's going to show up now. Come on, let's be having you.
35:40I said sod off!
35:42Come on, Denny, walk back to the wing with me, eh?
35:45Come on.
35:57To be honest, I can't think what possessed Dockley
35:59to make those stories up in the first place.
36:01I'm just glad the whole sorry mess is finally over and done with.
36:05Unless she changes her mind again.
36:07I don't think that's likely, do you?
36:09Who knows what goes on in that head of hers?
36:12If there's nothing else, I'm keen to get back on the job.
36:15Surely you won't want to put yourself in a position
36:18where you can be wrongly accused again?
36:21Dockley made a fool of herself.
36:23I'm sure she'll be keeping a very low profile from now on.
36:27Wouldn't it be better if Jim was moved to another wing?
36:30What kind of signal does that send out to the women?
36:33A signal that we take incidents like this very seriously.
36:36They'll think we've got something to hide.
36:38I was cleared of all the charges.
36:40That's not the point!
36:41I'm sorry, Mum, but I think it is the point.
36:43All the situation needs is a bit of goodwill from all sides.
36:49You're absolutely right, sir. I'm sorry.
36:52Ah, if you don't mind...
37:00I think I'm probably the last to congratulate you on your promotion, Mum.
37:08She wouldn't just not turn up. There's got to be a reason.
37:11Is there no way you can get in touch with her?
37:13I sent her money and everything.
37:15She must be sick or something.
37:17She wouldn't let me down otherwise. I know she wouldn't.
37:23Have you made loads of friends over there?
37:25Bet you have.
37:28Are you a prostitute?
37:37Des says you're a prostitute
37:39and that you're not fit to look after us.
37:42Like why they put you away.
37:44It's just your dad trying to turn you against me.
37:47I told you it was all lies, didn't I?
37:50It is.
37:52Isn't it, Mum?
37:56I don't know how to say this.
38:00Look, if your dad had looked after us properly in the first place...
38:08Look, I don't want to get into all this.
38:10I'm just telling you, it's not black and white.
38:13I broke the law and I got caught.
38:16But that don't mean I'm a bad mother.
38:18Do you think I'm a bad mother?
38:23I haven't seen you for ages.
38:25No, but before I got put in here, was I? I mean, say if I was.
38:30You were a good mum.
38:34I'm not trying to make excuses.
38:36Who are those two children sitting with Julie Johnson?
38:39I don't know.
38:41They're not her children, surely.
38:43I know for a fact she's barred from seeing them by a court order.
38:46I'm so sorry.
38:49But I'll make it up to you.
38:51I promise I will.
38:54Excuse me.
38:56Do you mind telling me who these children are?
38:58This is a private conversation.
39:00Are they yours?
39:01Yes, we are.
39:03I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
39:06Leave them alone, you fat cow.
39:08Please let them stay till the end, Mrs Ollenby.
39:10Leave it, will you? What harm's it doing?
39:12They've no right to be here in the first place.
39:14It's in breach of a court order.
39:16Come on, up.
39:18The visit's nearly up. They'll be gone in a few minutes.
39:21Can I have some assistance over here, please?
39:23No, wait. I want to say goodbye to them properly.
39:27Real on.
39:28I want to say goodbye to them properly.
39:30It doesn't matter if I'm away for a few hours.
39:32I want to say goodbye to them.
39:34I want to say goodbye to them.
39:42Hello, Nicky.
39:43Hello. Don't you wangle your way back in.
39:45Do you miss me?
39:47Oh, I get it. There's been a cover-up.
39:50I'm letting them know.
39:51Shut it, Wade.
39:53You're not Teacher's pet any more.
39:55Now your little Miss Stuart's gone.
39:57So, you'd better keep that nice and clean.
40:08Enjoyed that, did you?
40:10Separating a mother from her kids.
40:12Why is she separated from you?
40:14Ask yourself that.
40:17Pleased to see me.
40:20Well, you can get off this oak box now, can't you?
40:23Don't start, Sylvia.
40:25It's no wonder you're looking bounced.
40:27You had Jimmy Fenner hung, drawn and quartered.
40:31And there he is.
40:33Totally vindicated.
40:41Not ignoring me, are you?
40:43Course not.
40:45I just don't want people getting the wrong idea, that's all.
40:48I hope you're grateful I done what you asked.
40:51You sounded pretty desperate in your letter.
40:54They'd never have got the court, though.
40:56No-one really believed a word you said.
40:59Yeah, they did.
41:00No, just going through the motions, that's all.
41:04You do love me, don't you, Jim?
41:06For Christ's sake.
41:08Why didn't you announce it over the bloody tannery?
41:11I mean, you meant what you said in your letter, didn't you?
41:15Course I did.
41:17It's just that we've got to be even more careful than ever now.
41:21They're going to be watching us like hawks.
41:24So go on, hop in.
41:26I'll try and come and see you later when it's quieter, all right?
41:33He's an evil bastard.
41:36What with him and what with Ollamby?
41:38She did it out of spite, no other reason.
41:40Fat slag.
41:42Do you see the smile on her face?
41:44She loved every minute of it.
41:46Evil she is. Bleeding evil.
41:48Yeah, now that Fenner's back, they're untouchable, the lot of them.
41:52I don't know about that.
41:54There are ways and means to get back at them.
42:06I've taken them away from me.
42:09I've taken my babies away from me.
42:14I didn't even get an address in America.
42:37Oh, I've missed you.
42:39Come here.
42:44I'm sorry, Cheryl. I can't do this.
42:47What do you mean?
42:49Oh, it's not because I don't want to.
42:52So what's stopping you, then?
42:54I can't lay myself open to any more threat, Cheryl.
42:57Oh, you won't be.
43:00That letter I sent you, telling you about my feelings.
43:04You could use that letter to blackmail me if you wanted to.
43:07Why would I do that?
43:09If you're angry with me, you've already done it once.
43:13Look, things are going to be different now.
43:17I'm sorry, Cheryl.
43:23Have this sodding letter.
43:25Go on. Burn it if you want.
43:30Any more incriminating evidence in you?
43:33Like what?
43:37The letter from Marilyn?
43:42How do you know she wrote to me?
43:44Because I told her what to write.
43:50I don't understand.
43:52Oh, I think you do.
43:55Do you really think I'd leave my wife for a little slut like you?
44:00You bastard.
44:03I'm going straight to the governor.
44:06Oh, yeah? What are you going to tell him?
44:09You've changed your mind? Again?
44:12I don't think he's going to believe you, Sarah.
44:19I don't think anyone's going to believe a single word you ever say again.
44:23So you'd better be on your best behaviour, sweetheart.
44:28Can we have a word in my office?
44:31Sure. Don't you want to check Dockley's still alive first?
44:36Everything all right?
44:39Yes, ma'am.
44:55I'm sorry, I really am.
44:57I can't tell you what to do.
44:59I can't tell you what to do.
45:03Yes, ma'am.
45:19I told you not to go into Dockley's room on your own.
45:22I just had a chat, that's all. Clear the air.
45:25Let her know there's no hard feelings.
45:27You think you can get away with anything, don't you?
45:30I know you hit Dockley.
45:32And somehow, I don't know how, you got to her.
45:35I hope you're prepared to put your theory to the test.
45:38Or else my union...
45:40If I were you, I'd consider applying for a transfer.
45:43Would you now?
45:45I don't want you on my wing. I don't trust you.
45:48Well, that's a shame, cos I'm staying put.
45:53In that case, you'd better hang on tight.
45:55You're in for a rough ride.
46:13What's happened?
46:18He conned me, didn't he?
46:28The evil bastard conned me.
46:43Put more polish on it. Make it thicker.
46:51Dominic? Yeah.
46:55You're a personal officer to how many prisoners?
46:58Well, I used to be four, but Die Barker's taken two off my hands now, so...
47:02So you're having an easy time, then?
47:04I wouldn't say that. Why do you ask?
47:06I think you're making a few changes.
47:10Michelle Dockley?
47:12She's coming.
47:17Taking your time, aren't you?
47:22That's all right.
47:24It's all right.
47:26No, I'm perfectly all right.
47:28No, I'm perfectly all right.
47:30That's enough. I'm all right.