Bad Girls 1999 -S02 - Ep-11

  • 2 days ago
Renee makes enemies of many of the G Wing inmates. Nikki's appeal process reveals new information. Helen begins the lifers group sessions. Fenner is more interested in drinking than working. Denny and Shaz cause trouble for Silvia.


00:40Thanks for this.
00:41Oh, no problem.
00:43So when do you get your car back?
00:45Uh, Monday.
00:46Maybe Tuesday next week, they say.
00:49Oh, sorry, holiday brochures just stood in the back.
00:53Thinking about taking me mum to Spain for a week.
00:56Heaven help me.
00:59What about you?
01:00No plans.
01:01Oh, you should have a look at them.
01:02Great family bargains.
01:03No, sorry.
01:04No, read them in the lunch hour.
01:06Guy, I said no thanks.
01:09We've decided not to go abroad this year.
01:12Oh, right.
01:15Christ's sake, I've got to use that sink too, you know.
01:18What's your problem, girl?
01:19It's filthy, that's what.
01:21And get those bloody jungle beads off there.
01:24You'd better watch your math.
01:32For what?
01:34Crystal, leave it.
01:36Afraid of this scumbag.
01:39Time for work.
01:45Is everything all right?
01:46Couldn't be better.
01:48Eh, girls?
01:59Right, I'm on.
02:26That's just for starters.
02:36You're going to have to watch her.
02:39I'll go and look after meself.
02:46Hiya, Dominic.
02:47Does this mean you'll be basically here for good now?
02:50Oh, that's good.
02:52I guess I'll see you around then.
02:53Yeah, definitely.
02:56You should be working, not eyeing up women.
03:05What's in that?
03:06It's shepherd's pie.
03:08I asked what was in it.
03:10Potatoes and dead cow.
03:14And a nice ice cream to follow.
03:16Give me two.
03:17Strictly one each, I'm afraid.
03:19I said I'll have two.
03:22You're starting your diet today, aren't you, Felicity?
03:26Don't you want to know what's in them?
03:28You usually do.
03:30Reconstituted skimmed milk.
03:33Chocolate flavouring.
03:36Lots of E's.
03:38Everybody else, make sure you drink plenty of water.
03:41Cut the cabaret.
03:46Chopped mixed nuts.
03:47Salt flavourings.
03:49Stick it.
03:51You heard.
04:01When did you come in?
04:03This morning. I've been in meetings all day.
04:05You here for long?
04:07I'm setting up a lifers group.
04:09We are going to be seeing a lot more of each other.
04:11In private, I hope.
04:13You're going to have to keep your hormones under control, Nicky.
04:16Listen, I've got some good news.
04:19I sent a copy of your file to a lawyer friend of mine.
04:21She wants to meet you.
04:22She knows about my case?
04:24She thinks that you could appeal your sentence.
04:26I can't believe it. You're joking.
04:29It's all fun and hares.
04:31Oh, don't wind them up.
04:32I kind of broke the rules when I photocopied your file.
04:35Listen, we've got a long way to go, so don't get your hopes too high.
04:38Yeah, but just do we even have a hope?
04:41I've got to go. I've got more meetings.
04:44I'll see you tomorrow.
04:54I don't envy you sharing a cell with her.
04:56On and on about the frigging food.
04:58What's in this? What's in that?
05:00Only we should choke on it.
05:06Why don't you piss off back to the jungle?
05:17OK, I want to make a complaint about that new woman, Rene Williams.
05:21You know the procedure for that, Kristen.
05:23There's signs all over this prison saying we're to report racism.
05:26Well, she's a racist.
05:28Rene Williams has been racially abusing her.
05:32Leave it with me. I'll have a word with Mrs Williams.
05:35Don't worry.
05:37I'll handle it if you want.
05:39We'll throw the bloody book at her, all right?
05:41I'm not having it.
06:06Gave you a fright, did I?
06:08I'm making a bloody complaint about you.
06:10That's funny, cos I've just had a complaint about you.
06:13Yeah? Well, big deal.
06:15I hear you've been racially abusing your cellmates.
06:18It's a free country, mister. I'll think what I bloody well want.
06:22Hmm. So long as you keep your thoughts to yourself.
06:25I've got to go.
06:27I'll have you.
06:29And I mean it. Believe me.
06:31You don't scare me.
06:37What have you got in here?
06:39Just shampoo and stuff.
06:41Well, you think I believe that?
06:43That's all there is.
06:45Well, it's my job to act on my suspicions.
06:48Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk.
07:01It's just hair stuff.
07:03So you say.
07:05You bastard!
07:07Sit down!
07:09And watch!
07:27OK what?
07:29OK, I heard you.
07:32Always nice to see one of the girls turn over a new leaf.
07:44Our low cleaner got shipped out this morning.
07:47You got the job.
07:49Don't worry. You'll get used to the smell.
07:54Tsk, tsk, tsk.
08:06Lock up, girls!
08:09Come on, move it!
08:25Don't let Hollanby see it, Den!
08:27You what?
08:46Hello, miss. We're just having a laugh.
08:58What the bloody hell's going on?
09:02You're on a charge for this.
09:04If we're gonna get in trouble, so are you.
09:06Cos it's against the rules to come into a cell and leave the door unguarded, innit?
09:10Now, come on, girls. The joke's over. Let me out now.
09:14Miss, how can we, miss? We haven't got the key.
09:17You've got it, miss.
09:19Now listen carefully.
09:21You've had your laugh. This is your last chance.
09:24I'm going to hand you out my keys and you're going to unlock this door.
09:27And we'll say no more about it, as long as you do what I say.
09:31No, she has.
09:32No, Den, we have to. Otherwise Miss Hollanby's gonna give us...
09:37Now, come on. Get a move on.
09:39Yes, miss.
09:42You coming, Den?
09:44Eh? Where?
10:09Ah, Mum.
10:11Yeah, you go.
10:13Not too bad, folks, yeah?
10:36Would you like a drink of water, miss?
10:41I knew screws were thick,
10:43but you really take the bleedin' biscuit.
11:20What about you?
11:21There's enough there for both of us.
11:25I think I've just seen all Bradshaw's.
11:27Eugh. Let's get out of here.
11:36Jesus Christ, can't you ring the alarm bell or something?
11:39I want my kip.
11:41Mrs Hollanby.
11:43Open this door. Immediately.
11:46Me and Denny want to get back in our room.
11:48Well, open the flaming door.
11:50We're scared you'll get us into trouble, miss.
11:52You will get into trouble if you don't open this door now.
12:07Everything all right?
12:09Stupid girls.
12:11Lot of rubbish about an asthma attack.
12:58Morning. Morning.
13:00Just take a seat.
13:04Are you the last one? Yeah.
13:10All right, miss?
13:13So, my name's Helen Stewart, for those that don't know me.
13:16I suppose I'd better start by letting you know what I'm doing here.
13:19Basically, it's going to be my job to represent you
13:21as a special group within the prison service,
13:23make sure that your particular needs as lifers
13:25are being taken into account by the management and staff.
13:28That ain't happening just now.
13:30We're treated just like the bed and breakfast girls, ain't we?
13:33You all need to maximise your chances of early release,
13:36so we're going to look at your offending behaviour.
13:42And make sure that you're ready for review and parole board and fuse.
13:47Miss, if you're representing us, can you get us a wage rise?
13:50Say 100 a week? Stupid tart. Shut it, will you?
13:53Why don't you do the same, Nicky?
13:57Can we move on from here, please?
14:01Now, I know that you're all at different stages in your sentence.
14:04You, Sharon... Shaz, miss. Call me Shaz.
14:07Shaz, you're just starting out,
14:09whereas, Shell, you've already had your first progress report.
14:14Just don't come anywhere.
14:16Hiya. Hiya.
14:23All right, well...
14:25Can you hurry up, lovely?
14:27When you do find out, let me know,
14:29because I think she needs an eye-keeping on her,
14:31cos she's really, really unruly.
14:33OK. She's young. I think it's her first time.
14:36I'm OK. See you later. You all right?
14:38Come on.
14:42What I want you to do is fill in these questionnaires for me.
14:46It just helps me to draw up individual programmes for you all.
14:50I mean, they're pretty straightforward,
14:52but if you've got any trouble reading them or if you need a hand filling them out,
14:55then just let me know.
14:56Well, this is a first, innit? Being asked what we think.
15:00OK, so if you fill them out tonight,
15:03then I'll see you back here tomorrow.
15:10I'm going to phone my lawyer now about my appeal.
15:13Are you still in touch with Tricia? Why?
15:15Because you're going to need friends on the outside if this goes ahead.
15:18Publicity, lobbying, that kind of thing.
15:20She still runs our club, so we keep in touch.
15:23Good. Hard to believe I'm a businesswoman, innit?
15:27We're doing well, apparently.
15:30I'm going to show you a good time when I get out.
15:33I hope so.
15:38Dominic, is there something that you want?
15:41I was just going to lock up in here.
15:43Fine. Yeah, we're just leaving.
15:55Please, just give me five minutes.
15:59Yeah. Yeah, I heard. Fine.
16:06You look like you could do with a drink.
16:09Well, I know I could do with one. Come on.
16:11I can't. I'm busy.
16:16Well, some other time then, Tommy.
16:24I'll take an early lunch when I finish this.
16:26That's more like it.
16:29Hey, miss. How's it going?
16:31Want to swap places again?
16:33You're that away from the block, Wiley.
16:44Have you lot seen my hair oil?
16:47Where is it, then?
16:50I don't know.
16:51I don't know.
16:52I don't know.
16:53I don't know.
16:54I don't know.
16:55I don't know.
16:56Where is it, then?
16:59What are you grinning at?
17:00Did you take my hair oil?
17:02After you used it.
17:04Are you joking?
17:07Well, somebody did.
17:09£2.50 that cost me.
17:11Hope you know what the Bible says about a knife for a knife.
17:19Maybe that'll take your mind off it.
17:21Right, I'm going straight to bed.
17:23I thought you liked bananas.
17:25So much for being generous, eh?
17:27Would you rather have an apple, then?
17:49It's mouldy!
18:11Shouldn't you be back on the wing by now?
18:13I'm not going back on the wing.
18:15Shouldn't you be back on the wing by now?
18:21Can I see another?
18:24No time.
18:25Come on, we'd better get back.
18:27Please yourself.
18:31Put another one in there, will you, love, please?
19:30You know, Rainie,
19:32you really should try and get on with the rest of the girls.
19:35You're in for a long stretch.
19:37Do you not think you're going to need some support?
20:17Rainie, are you all right?
20:20What's the matter?
20:22What's the matter?
20:27Are you all right?
20:33Are you all right? Breathe.
20:38Just stop breathing.
20:41Drop a little arsenic in her tea, did you?
20:44I wish!
20:46There's going to be an investigation.
20:48Don't bother me, Shell.
20:50You're the one that serves the food, remember?
20:53In fact,
20:55didn't you say that you'd like her to choke on it?
20:58Yeah, well, that was just saying, wasn't it?
21:01Well, you try telling the police that.
21:03I'm sure they'll believe you.
21:06They're still waiting for a full autopsy report,
21:08but they know she died of some kind of poisoning.
21:12Christ, what's happened to you?
21:14Me and Marilyn.
21:16We were to do it at the golf club.
21:18Didn't get back till four.
21:21Well, you could have chosen a better day to be late.
21:25I'll put in an extra hour tonight.
21:27I should hope so.
21:29Anyway, I've set the police on their way.
21:33Anyway, I've set the police up in the probation office.
21:36Lunch and dinner will be served in cell,
21:38and there'll be no association.
21:40Oh, good. Can we have a murder every day, please?
21:46The police want to start with Chas Wiley.
21:48The why, I don't know, since she didn't have access to the cerberi.
21:51Yeah, they'll have looked at her records, though.
21:54Yeah, and made assumptions.
21:56She shared a cell with William's mum.
21:58Plenty of opportunity there if she wanted to bump her off.
22:01Anyway, the police know we've been laying rat poison after lock-up.
22:04They think that might have played a part.
22:06Obviously, they'll want to interview all of us too.
22:09Make sure we're all what we say we are.
22:21You look like you could do with a few aspirins.
22:25Are you fit to work?
22:26Of course. It'll wear off.
22:33Thanks for not giving me a hard time.
22:37Don't know why.
22:46Right, who's this?
22:53She didn't deserve to live. She stole my hero.
22:58Miss Barker!
22:59The police would like a quick chat.
23:01It didn't have nothing to do with her, miss.
23:03It's OK, then. Sorted.
23:14You want to watch what you put in your mouth, girl.
23:27Mind if I join you?
23:31What do you want?
23:32Orange juice, please.
23:36As if we haven't got enough to do here without all this police palaver.
23:44Do you think she was murdered?
23:46Who knows?
23:50It's just...
23:51The other night, I had to give that Chas creature my keys.
23:57She locked me in her cell for a joke.
24:00Then when I handed them over, the stupid girl ran off.
24:06She might have got into the survery.
24:09Oh, I don't think it's anything to worry about.
24:13Don't you?
24:14I don't know.
24:16Oh, I don't think it's anything to worry about.
24:20Don't you?
24:21I mean, she had a million other opportunities to poison Williams if she'd wanted to.
24:26Admit it, Sylvia. You've been a stupid bitch.
24:30Do yourself a favour and tell Betts before Sam Condov.
24:39Do you want another?
24:40I've had enough. Thank you.
24:42Put another one in there, will you, love, please?
24:46Why are you picking on me?
24:48You are already a convicted poisoner.
24:51That was oysters.
24:53You don't get oysters in prison.
24:55You can get things brought in.
24:57I only had one visit since I've come here.
24:59So how can I have got stuff brought in?
25:01I mean, what's she supposed to have died of?
25:03We'll find that out very soon.
25:15Come on.
25:40Oh, sorry.
25:41Oh, Christ.
25:43You're on your own.
25:45The screws let Barbara out because she makes their tea.
25:48I've come to collect the questionnaire. Did you fill it in?
25:53My board review's in two months' time.
25:55My appeal might be underway by then.
25:58If it's granted.
26:04What's this?
26:06I'm not usually the soppy type, but...
26:09it says a lot of the things I don't get a chance to say in this place.
26:14I'll wait till I'm in bed. I'll read it then.
26:21Sorry about this lock-up.
26:23I was not going to go on too long.
26:25Depends how long the investigation's going to last.
26:27Yeah, well, I need to meet with the lifers on Monday, no matter what.
26:30Of course.
26:32Bye, Nicky. I look forward to reading your views.
26:35Yeah, I'm in every word.
26:44Must have hurt a lot, all that name-calling.
26:48Well, we don't need to look for a motive where you're concerned.
26:51Every girl on G-Wing had a motive.
26:57We'll be in touch.
27:00Not planning on going on holiday, are you?
27:12It's probably not important, but I feel I should let you know
27:16that I was duped into handing my key over to Shaz Wiley the other day.
27:21She and Denny Blood locked me in their cell.
27:23It was only a stupid... Stop, stop, stop.
27:25You gave a prisoner your key?
27:27Well, I couldn't open the door, Mum.
27:31I just wanted to get it all out in the open.
27:33I mean, no harm's come of it, but...
27:36Well, they could have had access to the survery.
27:41Oh, for God's sake!
27:43It all happened out of the blue, Mum.
27:45Not only do we have a police inquiry on our hands,
27:48we're going to have to have every cell locked changed too.
27:51I don't think that's necessary.
27:53It's going to cost us hundreds of thousands of pounds.
27:57I'm sorry, Mum.
27:58You have stepped over the line once too often, Sylvia.
28:01I'm not letting you off this time.
28:03Make an appointment with my secretary. Now!
28:09Did you get on well with Rini?
28:16You were heard to say you wanted her to choke on her food.
28:20It's just a laugh, innit?
28:26Does that sound funny to you, Detective Greer?
28:28No, sir.
28:31It's not mean for poisoning folk, is it?
28:33It's that nutter, Shaz Wiley. She done it.
28:36But she doesn't get near the food.
28:38What about Yvonne Atkins?
28:40Rini Williams was shagging her man.
28:45And how do you know this?
28:47I don't want anyone thinking I'm a grass.
28:50You don't want us thinking you're a poisoner.
28:55Can I see you for a second?
29:01You know, I told you Sharon Wiley didn't have access to the servery.
29:05It now seems she did.
29:12Hiya, miss. How's it going?
29:14The police want to question you again, Shaz.
29:17Me? Why?
29:19About your little expedition to the servery.
29:22I don't think you're going to get away with it, either.
29:55Come on.
30:16Hiya, Dominic.
30:18How you doing?
30:20Bet you're not missing G-Wing now, then?
30:22No. Managing you, hinging back, stabbing bastards, I think not.
30:26If that's how you feel, I won't tell you I was missing you, then.
30:29Oh, go on.
30:31Listen, we should have a catch-up drink.
30:33Yeah, I want to pick your brains about Shel Dockley.
30:36What about tomorrow night? We could have a curry or something.
30:39Yeah, good idea. You don't mind if I take notes?
30:42I can sum her up now, if you like.
30:44Born, abused, took drugs, committed crime, ended up in prison.
30:49Same as most of the women in here.
30:52See you.
31:08See you, Jim.
31:10Hey, Dom, do you fancy a pint?
31:12No, not tonight.
31:14Tomorrow night?
31:16I've made arrangements. Sorry.
31:18No. Hot date, is it?
31:20Something like that.
31:25In a drink?
31:27Well, she always kept it by the side of her bed.
31:29Want to tell us where you got it?
31:31From the bin in the servery.
31:34We're getting somewhere now, Shares.
31:36Well, it's just mould and stuff from the bin.
31:39Yeah, and a big helping of rat poison.
31:41No way!
31:45And we're gonna get charged with another murder?
31:48What do you think?
31:57I've spoken to Simon, and he's of the same opinion as me.
32:01Such serious breach of duty, you'll have a month's wages docked.
32:05I was tricked, Mum!
32:07And you'll be demoted to basic-grade prison officer with immediate effect.
32:13Oh, no.
32:16Your pips, please.
32:18What about my pension?
32:21Obviously, there are implications.
32:23I'm sure the POA will be able to tell you what they are.
32:26After all I've given to the service, one mishap...
32:30You neglected your duty with disastrous, possibly tragic consequences.
32:36You're lucky you're not being sacked.
32:40Your pips.
32:58Pleased to meet you.
33:01I'll come back in an hour.
33:03You should be fine.
33:15You know, for your interest in my case.
33:17Well, you are the only woman in Britain serving life for murdering a police officer.
33:22It's very high profile.
33:24Well, I look forward to seeing you interviewed on the telly.
33:29Why does your defence not make you take the stand?
33:32I'm not known for my diplomacy.
33:35What does that mean?
33:37They reckoned I'd end up mouthing off about the pigs.
33:41Have you ever had a conviction for violence?
33:43No convictions for anything.
33:45Doesn't sound like somebody who can't control herself.
33:50I think they were wrong not to call you.
33:52It always makes you look guilty.
33:54Too late now.
33:56I've been doing some preliminary inquiries about the dead police officer, Detective Gossard.
34:04Your defence team were denied access to some important information about him.
34:09A year before he died, his wife left him,
34:13citing mental and physical cruelty as her reasons.
34:17Seems Detective Sergeant Gossard was a man with a violent history.
34:22Did you know that?
34:30We'd like access to your record books.
34:33Who was on the landing on the night of the murder, that kind of thing.
34:36And we'll want to interview Mrs Hollanby. Yes?
34:39We might be looking at a conspiracy charge here.
34:42Look, I'm not saying she's the brainiest officer we've got, but she's not a murderer.
34:47You'd be surprised.
34:49Maybe you'd like to give me a few tips on what to look out for.
34:53I mean, I've only been locking up murderers for 11 years.
34:56Who was in charge on the day of the murder?
35:03Jim Fenner.
35:05He's our principal officer.
35:07We'd like to speak to him, too.
35:09No problem.
35:10Right, that's it.
35:18I think you've got a problem.
35:22Jim wasn't on the landing when Rainey died.
35:25Well, where was he?
35:29You get me Jim Fenner right now!
35:36Come on.
35:48Yeah, well, there's no need to smile about it, Mrs Atkins.
35:51Eh, my bleeding pillow's wet floor with the tears I've been crying.
35:56So why can't we bring that out of our rooms?
35:59Well, I shouldn't really say this...
36:02If it gets out, it didn't come from me, Miss.
36:07Shaz Wiley's confessed.
36:11She mixed poison in with her drink.
36:14Is this a wind-up?
36:16If you don't believe me, you can ask her yourself.
36:20She's left that bitch to me.
36:22I was going to smother her over the pillow.
36:24Yeah, then you'd have got life.
36:25I mean, me, I'm already doing life.
36:27And they can't give me any more.
36:28I can't live twice.
36:30I'm going to get over here without you, Shaz.
36:32Why don't you go and stab our body back then? Do us all a favour.
36:35OK, Yvonne.
36:37What do you think you're playing at?
36:39Confessing to the murder of Rainey Williams.
36:41I done it, Yvonne.
36:42No, you didn't.
36:43She did.
36:44Dropped some scabby filth in rubbish bins and dumped it in her drink.
36:49How do you know what she died of, anyway?
36:50Cos we seen her sicking up after her, done it?
36:52Remembered then.
36:57She didn't murder Rainey Williams.
36:59She deserved all she got.
37:00She was an evil bitch.
37:01Look, Denny, don't tell me what she was.
37:05You're going to feel like shit if that little girl of yours goes down for a murder.
37:08It really don't matter, Yvonne.
37:09They'll just put her back in here.
37:12Poisoning people.
37:13It's mad stuff.
37:15She's going to end up in an hospital for the criminally insane.
37:18Nah, man.
37:19They can't do that.
37:20Can't they?
37:22We'd better make up an alibi.
37:24And make it fast.
37:33Do you want a pint?
37:34I'm on duty.
37:36So are you.
37:37Oh, sod it.
37:39Karen wants to see you.
37:41What for?
37:45I had to tell her.
37:47Her police were going to find out anyway.
37:51She knows you weren't there when you left.
37:53I know.
37:54Her police were going to find out anyway.
37:58She knows you weren't there when Rooney started fitting.
38:04That's it then, I suppose.
38:07Might as well just go on.
38:14His statement to the police didn't help you much.
38:16It kind of gives the impression you couldn't have cared less.
38:18When I saw him lying there, I was totally shocked.
38:24The police wouldn't believe me or Tricia that the guy was trying to rape her.
38:28No matter what we said.
38:31They questioned me for hours.
38:35I just lost it.
38:38Do you still have a relationship with Trish?
38:41Will she testify again for you?
38:43Of course.
38:45It's nice when you can still be friends, eh?
38:52So how did it go?
38:53We've just finished.
38:56I can't thank you enough.
38:59Bye, I'll see you to the gate.
39:02I'll be in touch.
39:04Nice to have met you.
39:11You look pleased enough.
39:14I am.
39:15The guy I killed, turns out he had a record of violence.
39:19First I heard of him.
39:21She's really good.
39:22Your friend.
39:25You known her for long?
39:30That all she is?
39:32A friend?
39:34I've told you before, I've never been into women.
39:38Just men.
39:40Oh, stop being jealous.
39:43Look, that letter you wrote me.
39:46I feel exactly the same.
39:49Trust me.
39:59I'm sorry about this, but...
40:00Denier would like a word.
40:02She reckons you got it all wrong about Sharon Wiley.
40:04Sharon Wiley?
40:18So, um...
40:19Sharon didn't take the crap out of that bin, like she said.
40:22What's brought this on?
40:23She never did it.
40:25Sharon says she did.
40:26She's at it, sir.
40:28You should book her for fibbing or something.
40:30Listen, dear.
40:31Sharon Wiley's confessed.
40:33Not for me, so off you go.
40:34She never did it, you dickhead.
40:36Do you want a caution?
40:37Well, miss, why don't you believe me?
40:39Because you're lying.
40:42I can prove she didn't do it.
40:44She just said it to protect me.
40:46Cos it was me who put the stuff into Rini's drink.
40:57Oh, good.
41:03Are you sure, for Christ's sake?
41:06Yeah. Yeah, OK. OK, thanks.
41:12You beat it.
41:21Come in.
41:26Anaphylactic shock?
41:27Apparently, it's...
41:29Yes, I know what it is. I'm a trained nurse.
41:32So, what's she allergic to?
41:41Could you bring me Rini Williams' file, please?
41:46It could have been deliberate.
41:48Of course it could.
41:50Then again...
41:51Here you are, Miss Bairds.
41:52Oh, thanks.
41:58There's no mention of the allergy here.
42:00Probably kept it quiet.
42:02For obvious reasons.
42:05And Chas couldn't be guilty, could she?
42:07If she'd put nuts in that poison,
42:09Rini would have fallen dead on the spot.
42:12Someone could have known about it.
42:14Impossible to prove.
42:16For all we know, it could have been suicide.
42:18Still, you tried very hard to pin it on someone.
42:22Well, the place is full of killers.
42:26Anyway, Detective Sergeant, it's been lovely.
42:31Safe journey home now.
42:47I was just...
42:48Did you find Jim, then?
42:52It's a simple enough question, isn't it?
42:56Yeah. Yeah, I did.
42:58So, where is he?
43:01He's gone home.
43:02What do you mean, he's gone home?
43:04What, he's just walked off the job?
43:07I don't know what's got into him.
43:09Oh, for Christ's sake.
43:12I'll deal with this later.
43:25Can I have a bit of quiet, please?
43:33I just wanted to let you know
43:35the police have found the cause of Rini Williams' death.
43:41A severe allergic reaction to nuts.
43:48Miss, does that mean she went murdered?
43:53But it doesn't mean you two are off the hook.
43:55No way.
43:57I want Denny Blood and Sharon Wiley put in soap tonight.
44:00At now, in fact.
44:02And as far apart as possible.
44:04That's not going to go damn well.
44:12Do you want to give me an hand?
44:14I've got to take the lovebirds down the block.
44:20Do you want to give me an hand?
44:22I've got to take the lovebirds down the block.
44:26Shit, I've got to meet Ellen Stewart in 15 minutes.
44:31It'll be nice.
44:32Yeah, well, it's just a drink and a curry.
44:36Sounds like a lethal combination.
44:39Hope it goes well.
44:40Yeah, me too.
44:42Come on, let's get on with it.
44:50Come on.
45:21What's happened?
45:29Where's Marilyn?
45:38She's left me.
45:50I've got to go.
46:16I'm sorry, Karen.
46:20Why didn't you tell me?
46:35I'm a failure.
46:40I've lost everything.
46:46She's taken the kids.
46:51I don't know where they are.
46:57Jim, come on.
47:01You've got to get a grip.
47:20You've got to get a grip.