• 2 days ago


00:00You'd rather see Atkins get off and you and me totally stuffed. I don't think so.
00:10You don't know the Purvis way, then, do you, Mr Fenner?
00:14Okay, now, man. Three weeks, we're gonna be out of here dead.
00:18Where's Michael and Eve? School.
00:21Well, why didn't you bring my children? I want to see them!
00:27You want me to crack on to that? No friggin' way, mate.
00:34Virginia O'Kane's necklace. And I know what other proof we need. And I know we can get
00:42One more sesh.
00:43Oh, I couldn't help, man.
00:44On this.
00:45You should have seen O'Kane's face when she saw us come in the door. She purely knew we
00:46were gonna kill her.
00:47I know.
00:49So, like, you mean, it was really you and Maxie what done her in, not Atkins?
00:56I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do your time for you.
01:01Yeah, I am. I'm gonna tell my lawyer I lied.
01:04All yours, gentlemen.
01:26Come on, girls. Let's go.
01:33Come on, girls. Let's go.
01:43What's going on? What's happened? Maxie! Maxie! Maxie! Where have you been? Maxie! Maxie!
02:11You poxy, brain-defective twat.
02:13I'm sorry?
02:14Is that all you can say? We're going down for life cos you do all your thinking with
02:19your dick.
02:20If this is your doing...
02:21Not now, Etina.
02:22I wanna know what's happened.
02:24We had this place in our pocket and now because of you with a shit-on-Atkins shoe.
02:28Maxie! It ain't true what Atkins says, is it? That you did Virginia.
02:38If this is true, me and you have been out forever. I swear to God. Maxie!
02:52Nice place.
02:53Yeah. Yeah, I rattle around here a bit on my own, so like-minded company or make a change.
03:01All right for you?
03:03It's great. It's a few notches up from where I've been.
03:09Dad's on sweet showers, so we won't be on top of each other in the mornings.
03:15You do all this yourself?
03:17Yeah. Yeah, most of it. I draw the line at putting in central heating systems, but apart
03:21from that...
03:22Well, you've got to leave something for the tradesmen, haven't you?
03:24Exactly. Keep them out of trouble. Prisons and prisons.
03:27So, what do you think?
03:32Well, you've got yourself a lodger.
03:35End of the week? Yeah, all right.
03:38Two, three, makes no odds. Unless you want to meet at the Ivy.
03:43That's if.
03:45Yeah, OK. See you then. Bye.
03:48I'm glad he knows about the knob in law, because he don't know a joke.
03:51Are you serious about this, Cassie?
03:53We'll be fine. Just stick to the new story.
03:57Look, do you want to get out and be with your kids?
03:59Look, I want us both to get out.
04:01Yeah, well, that's not going to happen. At least this way, one of us will be free.
04:10I'm sorry.
04:12I'm sorry.
04:14I'm sorry.
04:23You know, if I had to choose a single malt or the wife...
04:27Say no more.
04:29They talk about making it harder to get divorced.
04:32It should make it harder to get married.
04:34What was it Rod Stewart said about dog licences?
04:37Renew it every year.
04:40Cheers. Cheers.
04:43So when it all broke up, you took comfort in the answer of a certain Miss Betts, I gather.
04:50You keep your ear close to the ground.
04:52Well, you have to when you're at the top, Jim.
04:55Well, me and Karen, we go back a long way.
04:58It was good while it lasted, but it's all over now.
05:01Well, I can't say I'm sorry.
05:03You know, Governor Grade shagging the staff can get tricky.
05:07Yeah, well, I guess I've got some packing to do.
05:11Right, shall we say Friday?
05:14Listen, thanks Neil.
05:16Hey, no big deal.
05:18As long as you pay your rent.
05:20OK, I'll see you.
05:36I'm going to clean up here.
05:38You're gorgeous.
05:41In my whole life, nobody's ever put me first.
05:44That's because you've always put yourself last.
05:47I know you would like my kids, Cassie.
05:49If you'd just stop being jealous of them.
05:59It worked in The Great Escape.
06:01That was a film, you spazzer.
06:02It was a true story.
06:04Yeah, but they was all like genius mechanics, innit?
06:06We got stuff to dig with.
06:07We prop it up with chair legs and shelves.
06:09We line the roof with plastic bags.
06:11And how do you get rid of the muck?
06:12I've got a whole garden, haven't I?
06:14I can move three feet a day.
06:16But even if it's just a few inches,
06:18we can be out of here in a couple of months.
06:21We can go out to Spain, South America.
06:24And be together.
06:28You're cat A now, Den.
06:29No parole.
06:31You can't pass up on this.
06:40Damned IT.
06:42Information tommyrot.
06:44Victim of your own successor.
06:46How am I going to teach them anything?
06:48I don't know the first thing about computers.
06:50Maybe you should come clean.
06:52It's a bit late for that.
06:54I'd look all right, Charlie, if I told him now.
06:56You've got to do something.
06:58I wouldn't mind, but it's given them an extra skill
07:00to go out and commit more crime with.
07:03The less we teach them, the better, in my view.
07:06Yeah, but there must be more women than Barbara
07:08who know about computers.
07:10It's women who don't who he wants.
07:12Look, what I'm saying is,
07:14if you fill the class with people who've already used them,
07:16they won't need teaching, will they?
07:18Morning, everyone.
07:19Oh, morning, sir.
07:21Just to fill you in, in case you hadn't heard,
07:23we've got some new evidence on the O'Kane murder.
07:26Looks like Yvonne Atkins is in the clear.
07:30Maxie Purvis and Alison McKenzie have been charged.
07:33Maxie not quite the model prisoner you thought, eh, Sylvia?
07:38Syl, we're going to have to look out for them
07:40because they're coming back on the wing
07:42and it's going to be very dangerous...
07:52Well, do you want it or not?
07:55I ain't got nothing to want yet.
07:57That's all you're getting, so take it or leave it.
08:00I don't think you heard me, bitch.
08:03Oh, she heard you.
08:04We all did.
08:06I'd put her in the slops if you're not angry.
08:08Yeah, and let us know cos there's people waiting.
08:15What are you looking at?
08:18I'm not half as many years as you.
08:29Oh, you shit!
08:37Light at the right!
08:43Take Purvis and McKenzie away.
08:45I want them on Rule 43 for their own protection.
08:47I'll get you, Maxie! I'll get you both!
08:50That's enough!
08:53All right, back to your breakfast, everyone.
08:55Show's over.
08:59Nice one, Yvonne.
09:00I always knew you were the piss-off bouquet.
09:03I'm not that stupid.
09:19I've got it.
09:25What do you think?
09:26It's wicked, mate.
09:29I'd better get these onions I sent me for.
09:32See you later.
09:34See you.
09:38Shit! The body bag!
09:41Are you in there?
09:47Get in there!
09:59Why is this door shut?
10:05Wylie, open this door right now!
10:08It won't be a minute, Miss!
10:10I'm warning you!
10:13Get out behind this door!
10:21There's something going on in here, and I want to know what!
10:25What are you hiding?
10:27I've been doing some re-potting, Miss.
10:29With the door wedge shut?
10:35What's in this bag?
10:36Don't go near that, Miss!
10:37Why? What is it?
10:39It's horse poo.
10:40What's it doing in here?
10:42It goes dry if you leave it outside.
10:44Well, why was it against the door?
10:46I can't stand the smell. I put it as far away as I can.
10:50Don't! You'll let the dung flies out.
10:52Make sure you get cleaned up before you come back on the wing.
10:55I don't want the landing smelling of horse muck.
10:57Yes, Miss.
11:14Put it this way.
11:15When your shit for the garden runs out, there's plenty more down that hole now.
11:23Enjoy it while you can.
11:26Kick's on Monday.
11:29No smoking?
11:30Well, not on duty, anyway.
11:32There'll be a dedicated area of the mess where addicts can indulge if they must.
11:36On official breaks, of course.
11:38May I ask why?
11:39Mission statement.
11:40I'm not a doctor.
11:41I'm a lawyer.
11:42I'm not a lawyer.
11:43I'm a lawyer.
11:44I'm a lawyer.
11:45I'm a lawyer.
11:46I'm a lawyer.
11:47I'm a lawyer.
11:48I'm a lawyer.
11:49I'm a lawyer.
11:50I'm a lawyer.
11:51Mission statement.
11:52Example to the inmates.
11:54Why us?
11:57The bastard.
11:59Well, what did you expect?
12:01Little Mr. Riot-On, isn't he?
12:03That is not why he's doing it.
12:05Every time I light up, he's watching me.
12:07Oh, come on.
12:08You don't believe that mission statement to the inmates crap, do you?
12:12When we're selling them tobacco from the canteen.
12:14He can't ban that, and he knows it.
12:16It'd be bloody riot.
12:18So he's doing it just to get at you, is he?
12:22Have you ever used a computer, Gordon?
12:25No, not really, miss.
12:27Well, you're no good to me.
12:29I have, miss.
12:32I did this course when I left school.
12:34What, on how to steal them?
12:36No, miss.
12:37I got a diploma.
12:39It was, you know, before I went bad.
12:42What diploma was it?
12:44City and Guilds.
12:45Where'd you do that?
12:47At the computer institute.
12:50At the computer institute.
12:52Right. In that case, you can enrol in my class.
12:56What can I do, miss? I'd like to learn about computers.
12:59Next time, perhaps.
13:01This first course is for advanced students only.
13:08We still haven't got very far.
13:10We need more help.
13:11Getting rid of all that dirt's holding us up.
13:13Who can we trust there?
13:15What about her?
13:16You what?
13:17She ain't in the boot gang, no more.
13:19Nah, but look at the size of her.
13:21You'd have trouble getting her through the channel tunnel, let alone our one.
13:28Julie, marker, please.
13:30Coming, miss.
13:31Look at Daisy.
13:33I'm sorry, miss.
13:35Of course, there is another way of looking at this smoking bag.
13:38You could use it to try and give up.
13:40Well, it can't be good for your health.
13:41There is nothing wrong with my health, thank you very much.
13:44I was squash champion in my gym two years running, I'll have you know.
13:47When was that?
13:49Not that long ago.
13:50Not in living memory, then.
13:53I'll give you a run for your money any day.
13:56I might take you up on that.
14:05Food ain't that bad, is it, Tane?
14:31So, what's this about?
14:33There's something I didn't say at the trial.
14:37It's Roisin.
14:39She had nothing to do with it.
14:41She's innocent.
14:45I blackmailed her, didn't I?
14:47Said I'd tell her husband she'd been nobbing this guy at work.
14:51Pack of lies.
14:52Unless she covered up for me.
14:59Is this true?
15:00It's not the sort of thing you'd make up, is it?
15:03Why didn't you say all this before?
15:06I didn't want a longer sentence, did I?
15:09So you let her go down.
15:11Yeah, and that's why I'm telling you now.
15:13I can't stand the guilt.
15:14She's away from her kids,
15:16marriage is on the rocks and it's all because of me.
15:21I want to make it up to her before it's too late.
15:30A tunnel?
15:31That'd be silly.
15:36We've dug five feet down already.
15:38Yeah, but it's miles from the wall.
15:40Yeah, and what happens when we get to the other side?
15:42We've got to come out under the pavement.
15:44We don't go that far.
15:45Once we're under the mesh fence, we leg it to the perimeter wall.
15:48At the low section?
15:49What, just like that?
15:50We stay in the shadows.
15:52It's worth a try, man.
15:53They only do that in the films.
15:55Which is why they'll never think of it.
15:58Well, how are we going to dig if we're meant to be serving?
16:00And cleaning in there.
16:02You don't have to dig.
16:03You just get rid of the dirt, innit?
16:06So you're in.
16:08So what happens next?
16:12I'll need to talk to Mrs Connor.
16:15Then you'll both be interviewed by the police.
16:18You'll sign confessions.
16:20And then she'll get released on bail, right?
16:23Pending an appeal, probably, yes.
16:26That's up to the Home Office, of course.
16:28But it's not like she's a danger to the public.
16:32You realise your sentence will be extended?
16:36Not that much, though, will it?
16:38I mean, I'm coming clean and everything.
16:40That's immaterial, I'm afraid.
16:42Blackmail and perjury are taken very seriously.
16:46So what are we talking about?
16:49Another three years.
16:56Do you still want me to proceed?
16:59Do you still want me to proceed?
17:05Yeah, let's do it.
17:07Only don't tell Roisin about the extra sentence.
17:10Why not?
17:13Because that's my instructions.
17:19I'll build your muscles up.
17:21It's for the flower beds, miss.
17:24Afternoon, miss.
17:25Hi, we are busy bees this afternoon.
17:27No rest for the wicked, miss.
17:42Where are you going to put it?
17:45God, this is taking for bleeding ever.
17:47It just sits in the bottom of the pan.
17:49You can mould it, like balls. It helps.
17:52Yeah, but it will look like...
17:54Number twos.
17:56But they go down a lot quicker.
18:00Oh, for goodness' sake.
18:03Afternoon, miss.
18:05You two are taking a long time in here.
18:07Yeah, it's them toilets every day.
18:09It's a lot of work.
18:11You two are taking a long time in here.
18:13Yeah, it's them toilets. They're never such a mess.
18:15Nearly finished though now, miss.
18:19You've got five minutes.
18:21No problem, miss.
18:22Leave it to us, miss.
18:28Bloody hell, two.
19:10She said I'd get bail.
19:11More or less.
19:12But it's not definite.
19:13Nothing's definite in here, is it?
19:15Well, so if the police don't believe us...
19:17Christ's sake.
19:18You're not the only one who stands to lose, you know.
19:20Can't you think positive for once in your bloody life?
19:26Hold out those hands.
19:30I thought I told you to clean up.
19:32Sorry, miss.
19:33You could be spreading all sorts of germs in here.
19:35Go get scrubbed this minute.
19:39Any more of that sloppy hygiene and you'll be out of that shed for good.
19:44What's she been doing? Digging a grave?
19:47I don't know, do I?
19:52Oh, I wasn't too bad.
19:54You have got to be joking.
19:56Well, I mean, you're still breathing, aren't you?
19:58Very funny.
19:59Dropped me into sending an ambulance away, you know.
20:05Oh, it's the first time I've played in ages.
20:07I know, me too.
20:08Yeah, well, you're a man.
20:09Oh, so that's why I'm here.
20:11Yeah, well, you're a man.
20:12Oh, so that's why I'm not coughing my guts up, is it?
20:14I mean, what are you on now? 80 a day?
20:17Yeah, all right.
20:19I know I should do something about it.
20:22I'm allowed a drink, though, yes?
20:24Are you buying?
20:26I think I can afford one.
20:29You're on.
20:42You made it, then?
20:46God, I'm knackered.
20:47Yeah, me too.
20:48Paperwork never ends.
20:51You up for dinner?
20:52Oh, yeah.
20:53Beers are in the fridge and lasagne is ready when you are.
20:57Well, you're not in a B&B now, Jim.
20:59No, thanks to you.
21:01No, I mean it.
21:04It's a big change from the last dump I was in.
21:07No space.
21:08And you can forget about privacy.
21:10Well, don't worry. You'll get plenty of that here.
21:13Well, I'd better grab a shower.
21:17Don't want to put you off your food.
21:27We can't go through that palaver in the toilets every day.
21:30Why can't we just chuck it out with the rubbish and books?
21:32Because they'll see it in the back of the wagon when it splits open.
21:35And what do they do in the films?
21:37Well, they had, like, them special trouser pockets.
21:40Yeah, like in The Great Escape.
21:42Yeah, pull the strings and it'd come out.
21:44So why can't we do that?
21:45What do you want to show us?
21:47Have you got any better ideas?
21:52Look, I'm sorry I snapped.
21:54No, I'm sorry.
21:56I'm an ungrateful cow.
21:58Just so desperate to leave this place, Cassie.
22:01And that's why you've got to go for it with this confession.
22:03And it's going to sound really weird if it only comes from me.
22:06I know.
22:07Well, what's the problem?
22:09It just doesn't seem right, you doing this for me, getting along a sentence.
22:14It'll only be a few months.
22:16I'll be waiting at the gate for you, Cass.
22:19Go to a hotel, champagne.
22:21What? So we can plan our future together?
22:24And then I'll go back to my flat and you'll go home to your husband and kids?
22:28Look, we've not got much time left together.
22:31Let's not waste it, eh?
22:55I've, er... I've brought you some fresh towels, Jim.
22:58I'll leave them on the bed.
23:00Thanks, mate.
23:02See you down there.
23:34Thanks for the lift, Jim.
23:36Any time.
23:39Thanks, mate.
23:42Morning, Karen.
23:43What's wrong with the bike?
23:45Has it got a puncture?
23:47Look, you, er... you may as well know I'm living at Neil's at the moment.
23:52It's until I find my feet.
23:54I just moved in.
23:56I would have told you earlier, but, you know...
23:58Those funny handshakes really come in useful, don't they?
24:01Give us a break.
24:02Well, it's just a little bit cosy, isn't it?
24:04It's a very professional arrangement. I'm paying a market rent.
24:07You are up his backside and you know it.
24:10Hey, how's that cop coming along?
24:14What was that you said about cosy?
24:19Is he giving you a hard time?
24:21It's fine.
24:27Now, come on, come on, settle down. Pay attention.
24:30Dyson, behave yourself.
24:35This equipment comes from firms who no longer use it.
24:38It may look old, but it's all in perfect working order.
24:42So, switch on...
24:44and off you go.
24:48Go where, miss?
24:50On your computers.
24:52What are we supposed to be doing?
24:54Anything you like.
24:56Aren't you supposed to be teaching us?
24:58You're always saying we cramp your initiative, aren't you?
25:01Here's your chance to shine.
25:03Now, get on with it. Any problems, talk to Hunt.
25:08Barbara, that is.
25:10And don't make too much noise.
25:20How do you turn it on?
25:32At least I'm coming clean.
25:34Pity you didn't do it before.
25:38Something wrong?
25:40No, it's fine.
25:46Right. Well, I'll put the wheels in motion.
25:51Will I get bail now?
25:53I'll be applying for immediate release pending an appeal.
25:56Shouldn't be a problem, considering you're a lawyer.
25:59I'll go and tell him we've finished.
26:06That wasn't too bad, was it?
26:08I can't believe it.
26:10I'm going to see my kids again.
26:18Is everything all right, Barbara?
26:20How would I know?
26:22Well, go round and round.
26:24I'll be back in a minute.
26:26How would I know?
26:28Well, go round and check.
26:40You're aiming high, Yvonne.
26:42Thank you, Barbara.
26:50Hey, Babs.
26:52What's this?
26:57They must have forgotten to delete their files.
27:00How do you get it to print?
27:02Press Control and P...
27:06..then enter the number of copies here...
27:08..and then press Return.
27:14Why are you needing help, Lester?
27:16I thought you had a diploma.
27:20But that was in state-of-the-art computers, isn't it, miss?
27:22Not this old crap.
27:27Not that different, surely.
27:29The operating systems have changed, miss.
27:31As I'm sure you must be aware.
27:52What's with the health kick, then?
27:54Sorry, I thought that's what the number one wanted.
27:57Nanny took over mad, isn't it?
27:59Tennis as well.
28:01Why, is it a bad example to the inmates too?
28:03It's badminton, actually.
28:05Not exactly squash, but it's the best lark all has to offer.
28:16I reckon he's kicking himself.
28:18Letting go of you.
28:20His choice.
28:22Big step. Backing out of a wedding.
28:26Well, you were engaged, weren't you?
28:28For five minutes.
28:31It's over. Believe me.
28:46What now?
28:48You know that letter you found? B&G Supplies?
28:51What about it?
28:53I reckon I know what they were supplying.
29:01Better make a copy, yeah?
29:03Who can know?
29:09What's going on now?
29:11Um, we're, um, just, um, just what?
29:15Uh, printing up some more business letters.
29:18I'm not sure I see the point of all this printing.
29:21It's just to compare different ones.
29:27Lester, get me that letter.
29:29Come on, come on!
29:35What do you call that?
29:38It's a game, miss.
29:40I can see it's a game.
29:42What do you think this is, a penny arcade?
29:44You said we could do anything.
29:46Anything serious. Get rid of it.
29:52There you are.
29:54It's the same as before.
29:56Except Bukie wrote it out for herself this time.
29:59Right. Do another.
30:01I meant another letter.
30:03Uh, sorry, miss.
30:05Well, turn it off!
30:09Just as I thought.
30:10You know as much about computers as a chimpanzee.
30:13Better do it yourself, then, innit, miss?
30:19Only another 96 to go.
30:22What about cancel?
30:24It's too late now. I've printed a lot.
30:39Lester, your card's marked!
30:51Now you see it. Now you don't.
30:54Oh, it works!
30:56Er, thanks to you two.
30:57He's a strain on them toilets.
30:59Them toilets? How far you got now?
31:01About six feet. Needs more support to hold it up, though. Keeps caving in.
31:04What about those shovels in the potty shed? Body bag might miss them.
31:07What about that old table with the legs missing?
31:09In the art room. Yeah, some planks from that should work.
31:12Yeah, do you really think we're gonna get out?
31:14I can just about smell the street from that shed.
31:17I couldn't smell something at all.
31:19Piss off.
31:21What was she saying about that shed?
31:23Oh, she was just saying she's fed up of all the work she's got to do in there and she shies.
31:27You, working, all you do is sit on your arse and roll a sploof.
31:30I bloody don't, you schoolbag.
31:32Just have to come and see what you're up to.
31:34You're bleeding won't.
31:37Anyway, look what I got.
31:42Where did you get that?
31:44Off a computer in body bag's class.
31:46What are you gonna do with it?
31:48Dunno. Any ideas?
31:50Grayling's place?
31:52What's he doing there?
31:54You tell me. Kissing the number ones.
31:56Afternoon, sir.
31:58I'll catch you later.
32:02You have a good workout?
32:04I presume it's the prison gym you've been using.
32:06Well, I'm hardly going anywhere else.
32:09Only getting out for lunch.
32:11Sorry, it's inmates only from now on.
32:15They feel the gym belongs to the officers.
32:17That's bollocks. It's for everyone.
32:19Yeah, in theory. In practice, as we all know.
32:21Staff use it every day.
32:23The inmates miss out cos no-one volunteers to supervise.
32:25I want to put a stop to that.
32:27When did you decide this?
32:29Oh, I've been pondering it for some time now. Why?
32:31Are you sure it wasn't today?
32:33And Jim Fenner told you I was using it?
32:35Oh, I see. Yeah, conspiracy.
32:37There are plenty of gyms in the high street, Karen.
32:40At prices to suit all pockets.
32:42There are plenty of gyms in the high street, Karen.
32:44At prices to suit all pockets.
33:12Come on.
33:14Come on.
33:41So, er, she wasn't best pleased, then?
33:43Took it very personally.
33:45She must have a serious problem if she thinks I'm doing all this to get at her.
33:56I'll catch you later.
34:03This cabinet could do with a bit of a sort-out.
34:06I'm surprised Karen hasn't had a go at it.
34:08She can't get the staff these days.
34:10Best not let Neil see it.
34:12Is this Neil as in your landlord?
34:17She's been shooting her mouth off, has she?
34:21If you want my advice, you'll stay well clear of her.
34:24Relations among staff don't go down too well upstairs.
34:27Is that the voice of experience, Jim?
34:33Get that cabinet sorted out, OK?
34:42Come on.
35:12Come on.
35:14Come on.
35:41I, er...
35:43I didn't know what you were cooking, so I got red.
35:47Spaghetti carbonara.
35:50Good choice.
35:54Listen, Neil, you don't have to keep doing this, you know.
35:58I like cooking.
36:00My ex had a bit of a disaster in that department.
36:03I take it you didn't have kids, then?
36:05No, I was too into the job.
36:08That's why she left me in the end.
36:10Women, eh?
36:12You're both better off without them.
36:14It'd be interesting to see how G-Wing shapes up now there's a couple of men in charge.
36:18To the boys, eh?
36:21The boys.
36:28Look what we've found.
36:30Any art room ever butches?
36:32No, man. Body bagger no Bobby, innit?
36:35Look at her.
36:37Come and have a look at this.
36:40So when's D-Day?
36:43When do you break out?
36:45What you on about?
36:47Cut the crap, you. I've seen it.
36:49Underneath them floorboards.
36:51Quiet, man.
36:52No sweat.
36:54As long as you let me in on it.
37:00The state of your nails, you'll chew your arm off if you're not careful.
37:04It's stress.
37:05That's just an excuse. You can stop it if you want to.
37:08I can't. I've tried.
37:10It's just every time I get upset, I shove my fingers in my gun.
37:14It's her sister's head needs chewing off if you ask me.
37:23It's the first time I've seen you smile.
37:25I've got something to smile about now.
37:28It looks like I could be getting out soon.
37:30How come? You got a magic key?
37:33Cassie's decided to tell the truth.
37:35About how she forced me to cover up for her.
37:37Too much for her, did it?
37:41I feel bad they're leaving her behind.
37:43Not half as bad as Cassie, I feel, when she's sentenced.
37:46It'll only be a few extra months.
37:49For blackmail?
37:55She must really love you.
38:06You spend half your time slagging me off
38:08and then expect me to let you in on this?
38:10Be on your side then, innit?
38:12Yeah, but how do we know you weren't going to gross us out?
38:14Too late now, babe.
38:16The sooner we get it done, the better. Extra pair of hands.
38:19Have you done much digging before?
38:22I used to lay a TV cable. We done all down the South Circular.
38:26What? How much digging you lot done before this?
38:31Human mouldy used to call me Dad, didn't them?
38:37What do you reckon, Chas?
38:39I don't reckon we've got much option.
38:44Here, Boots, will you go?
38:46What? You still got that porn I picked?
38:49Yeah, why?
38:51But you lied about the extra time you'll get.
38:54I know.
38:56Look, I didn't want to lie, but it was the only way I could get you out of here.
38:59I can't let you do it.
39:00Are you crazy?
39:01Well, I might ask you the same thing.
39:03Three more years?
39:05But you've got more to lose than me.
39:07So you keep telling me.
39:08Well, I lose either way, don't I?
39:10My children if I stay here, you if I get out.
39:12What's more important?
39:14Well, you know it's not about either or.
39:16It's a simple question, Roche.
39:18What's your problem?
39:20You are.
39:25All right, all right.
39:27Come on, come on.
39:29Break it up, break it up.
39:31I never knew you had it in you, miss.
39:33What are you talking about?
39:35I had what in me?
39:36A bit of sausage by the looks of it, miss.
39:44Who did this?
39:46Mind you, he is an undertaker, isn't he, miss?
39:48And all about burying stiffs.
39:50I'm going to double how far we get each day.
39:52Oh, yeah?
39:53Be out of here by the end of the week.
39:55You watch.
40:01Yeah, what?
40:03You might need these, mate.
40:05Yeah, yeah, cool.
40:15I'm sorry.
40:17I'm sorry.
40:19I'm sorry.
40:46Oh, look at it, Joe.
40:49I swear that twat's on to us.
40:51Well, go and warn her, Ches, quick.
40:57What are you two doing sweeping the paths?
41:00Just keeping them nice and clean, miss.
41:02Yeah, they're going to have to grab it this time of year, miss.
41:08Body bag. I'm putting the top on, OK?
41:10Yeah, OK.
41:11Don't move till we come and get you.
41:19And what are you doing, blood?
41:21I'm on me exercise, innit, miss?
41:23Oh, speak proper English, girl.
41:26Aren't I?
41:27Aren't you what, miss?
41:30Get back inside, all three of you.
41:32But we've got another 20 minutes, miss.
41:40What are you doing in there?
41:42And don't tell me you've been potting plants again.
41:45And don't tell me you've been potting plants again.
41:47I'm just sorting a few things out, miss.
41:49Mm, and I bet I know what.
41:55What's this?
41:56It's fennel, miss. I've been growing herbs.
41:59There's tarragon, thyme, parsley...
42:03Yes, all right, all right.
42:05You as well. Back to the wing.
42:07But I've got things...
42:16Did you find them?
42:17Not yet.
42:20First he stops me from smoking,
42:22now he's banned me from using the gym.
42:24It's not just you, Karen. It's all staffed.
42:29I think we've got a body missing.
42:32Have you checked with the escorting officers?
42:34No, I was simply alerting you first.
42:37Just tell me when the roll's complete.
42:39You can't just leave her there.
42:41What are we going to do?
42:42You said you could breathe with the cover on.
42:44Yeah, but I was only down there five minutes.
42:46Do you think we should hone out?
42:47What, and blow our chance of getting out?
42:49Has anyone seen Bukie Lester?
42:53No, miss.
42:54Well, you don't sound too sure.
42:56Oh, we are, miss.
42:58Dead sure.
43:02I'm sure.
43:04I'm sure.
43:06I'm sure.
43:09God, why have I got a bad feeling about this?
43:39No, I've never been much for whites.
43:42In my opinion, you can't beat a full-bodied red.
43:47Well, um...
43:48No, I like this.
43:52A bit more, actually.
44:01I'll empty this for you.
44:12You know, it's been bloody fantastic having you at Larkhall.
44:18I mean, you know, me and Simon have gone great, haven't we?
44:22Well, he was a wimp to you.
44:28You know, and he's probably...
44:35Fuck you.
44:44But you, you've got balls.
44:48Big piss-off balls.
44:52Well, you like that, do you?
44:54It's the only way to run a prison.
44:58I need a piss.
45:06Oh, I'm not used to the good stuff.
45:09Got any cheap cider?
45:11Maybe a black coffee.
45:19I think I need a lie-down.
45:21Sorry, mate.
46:26You'd better spill the beans, or you're both for the high jump.
46:29Do you hear me? Where is she?
46:32Don't answer this.
46:34What's all this dirt?
46:36It's everywhere.
46:40Are these yours?
46:42They're me gardening shoes, miss.
46:44Every time I see you lately, you're covered in dirt.
46:47I don't know what you get up to in that shed.
46:50What, miss?
46:54You silly, bloody fool!
47:00Move it!
47:02Come on, out of my way!
47:04You thinking what I'm thinking?
47:07Hurry up now, please!
47:09I don't believe it.
47:18Hello, Mum.
47:45Are you there?
47:50Oh, my God!
48:11If there's anything I need,
48:13then you're free to ask.
48:19I'm going to be keeping a special eye on you.
48:32© BF-WATCH TV 2021
49:02Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk