• 2 days ago
The Julies are swiftly taken back to Larkhall where they are reunited with an old acquaintance. Di sets her sights on Gina's boyfriend. Al continues to bully Shaz


00:00♪ MUSIC ♪
00:23♪ MUSIC ♪
00:49What were you doing on the 15th of April, 1996?
00:5496? How the bleeding hell am I supposed to know?
00:58What was a Mr Jeremy Stevens QC doing on the 15th of April, 96?
01:02Dunno. I ain't never heard of him.
01:04Then there were the credit cards belonging to a Mr Sinjin Pickard,
01:07a Mr Oliver McAuliffe and a Mr Rahim Shah.
01:12Ringing any bells yet?
01:15For the benefit of the tape, Sonia Dalton is shaking her head.
01:18Oh, leave off, will you? This is bollocks.
01:20I ain't done nothing. I ain't never heard of him.
01:22So why don't you just let me go?
01:24I've got people waiting for me. Family!
01:27Sit down.
01:29♪ MUSIC ♪
01:46Is Denny then?
01:49My girlfriend, is it?
01:51She must be mental if she likes you.
01:53She's not.
01:54Does she dream of me?
01:55I leave her alone.
01:57You gonna make me?
01:59Oh, yeah, you got God on your side.
02:02Well, tell you what, you say a prayer and I'll wait and see what happens.
02:07You see anything happening, bookie?
02:09Nah. No thunderbolts, nothing.
02:11Well, best just get on with it, then.
02:13Or are you gonna stop me yourself?
02:17Look at her. With that snot and tears.
02:20I think she needs a wash, don't you?
02:29Get off of me!
02:43And that's just for starters.
02:53♪ MUSIC ♪
03:11I'm back.
03:13♪ MUSIC ♪
03:21You look nice.
03:24Tam off must have done you good.
03:28Keeping a low profile, were you?
03:31Making out you and Josh were some kind of an item.
03:34Should have seen through it all sooner.
03:39Sad, really.
03:41Still, we can't all have pulling power, can we?
03:52♪ MUSIC ♪
04:06I keep telling you, I don't know nothing about no credit cards.
04:10I could walk out of here right now. You ain't got nothing on me.
04:13Where do you think we get all this stuff from?
04:15Do you think all these blokes are suddenly turned up years later, hammering on our door?
04:20A friend of yours turned Queen's Evidence, love.
04:22She's got a lot more on you than this.
04:24You won't stand a chance when we get you in court.
04:27She wouldn't have.
04:30She couldn't.
04:34A bitch.
04:36After all I've done for her.
04:40She never.
04:42You're an ungrateful little cow, Sonia Dawson.
04:45Do you hear me?
04:47Yeah, I hear you.
04:49And you're the kind old thing, trying to dump me in here so you can piss off with love.
04:53Are you a bitch?
04:54Don't you come out with me.
04:56You're just trying to mess things up with me and Trevor, aren't you?
04:59Cos you're a jealous old bin who's too bleeding ugly to find a bloke of her own.
05:05Listen to her.
05:07She's supposed to be your mate.
05:13Sorry, Chas.
05:16I should have done something.
05:18They only would have got you and all.
05:22What's happened?
05:24It's Al.
05:26She slept to her bat.
05:28She's at her every day now.
05:30She slept to her bat.
05:32She's at her every day now.
05:35Look, you've got to report her.
05:37Go and see Miss Betts. I'll come with you if you like.
05:40If you want a quick death, that's the best way of going about it.
05:44What am I going to do then?
05:46I can't take much more of this.
05:52Look, don't let them see you like that.
05:54What's it matter?
05:56They already know I'm bricking it.
05:59I can't sort it on my own, Yvonne.
06:01You're the only one they're scared of.
06:12You! I'll never forgive you for this.
06:14You didn't think I was going to take the rap for you, did you, you selfish twat?
06:17Me, selfish? All those years I looked after you.
06:20That don't mean to say I shouldn't do it all the time for you whilst you're out playing family.
06:24Smart chance for that now, thanks to you.
06:26You insolent, you bloody outright, you lying cow!
06:35Diet pills.
06:38How's your mother?
06:40I heard she had to go into hospital.
06:43She fell out of bed. Bruised herself quite badly.
06:46It was lucky I was there when it happened.
06:49He was really great.
06:51Helped sort out the ambulance and everything.
06:53So when's she coming home?
06:56I've decided that she needs full-time care.
06:58So I've found a really good home for her.
07:01They look after her properly.
07:04At least you know you did the best you could for her all those years.
07:09Sylvia's right, you know.
07:11You've got nothing to feel guilty about.
07:13Of course you haven't.
07:16I know.
07:18I don't know what I would have done without Jim.
07:20He's been brilliant.
07:22Morning, Mum.
07:24Morning, Sylvia.
07:26Right. I'd better get this lot given out.
07:32I see the staff are pleased to have you back.
07:37I still wish I was on that beach, though.
07:39It already feels like I've never been away.
07:42When we get back to your place...
07:44What's all this, your place?
07:48It's our place now.
07:51Oh, yeah. That's how it is.
08:00I didn't expect you to be back in this late.
08:02I could ask you the same thing. You've ruined everything.
08:05Sylvia, bloody windy!
08:10Enough of that grass, you hear me?
08:12Oh, shut up!
08:13You shut up!
08:14You're the knock!
08:15Oh, listen, don't even speak to me, all right?
08:17I've got nothing to say to you.
08:19Bobby, you'd have to say they're brilliant coppers, didn't you?
08:22I've got to go three times a week or I don't lose weight.
08:25Three times a week? Can't we do something different?
08:28It's always bloody aerobics. Can't you give it a miss for one night?
08:31Like you do when there's a match on.
08:33You'd be the first to complain
08:35if I started walking around with handles for hips.
08:38Oh, come on, G.
08:40Can't we get a takeaway and watch a video or something?
08:42Look, I'm going to aerobics and that's that.
08:45She doesn't know when she's well off.
08:47My Bobby's idea of a romantic gesture
08:49is to take his socks off before he gets into bed.
08:53I bet she's not even going to aerobics.
08:55I bet she's got another fella on the go.
08:58Do you think?
08:59Yeah. She's a real flirt.
09:02Rumour has it that she got herself transferred to our wing
09:05because she'd been through all the fellas on the last one.
09:08Well, it wouldn't surprise me.
09:10There's always one like that.
09:11One flash of the cleavage
09:13and you think the male population will fall at your feet.
09:17Excuse you.
09:27Damn stupid thing!
09:31Virginia! Bloody hell!
09:37Fancy seeing you in here.
09:45An Arabian prince.
09:46Yes, that's what he said.
09:48Supposed to be big in oil.
09:51Mm. Except that he turned out to be an undercover policeman.
09:54No. Bastard.
09:57Well, the upshot was they shut down all my places.
10:02Funny that, innit?
10:04Cos we just got Nick for that time we was working for you.
10:10You bleeding cow!
10:12It was you, wasn't it? You turned QE on us!
10:15You didn't trade us in for a couple of years off, did you?
10:18If you think for one moment that I would demean myself
10:21by entering into any sort of negotiation with the police...
10:24You didn't complain about greasing a few of their palms in the old days.
10:27Half of them are our bleeding clients!
10:29Yes, but that was business.
10:32This is friendship.
10:36Bollocks more like!
10:46You do this, did you?
10:48Of course not. Why would I do something like that?
10:51Have you got four hours?
10:53I swear on my mother's life I didn't do it.
10:58Well, somebody did.
11:00As if we would.
11:02Yeah, well, when I find out who did do it,
11:04I'm gonna bloody kill him.
11:11Fancy accusing us of it.
11:13It's probably some poor girl whose bloat she's been messing around with.
11:17No scruples, that one.
11:22My poor David.
11:24Didn't even know what was happening.
11:26Just see his mum whisked away.
11:28Oh, God knows what Trevor must be thinking.
11:33What are you talking about?
11:35They let us out yesterday, didn't they?
11:37For all the five bleeding minutes.
11:40Darlings, if I'd realised...
11:42Well, I didn't think it would matter.
11:45A few extra days on your sentence was all I thought.
11:48Well, how was I to know they were letting you out?
11:51So you did dub us in it?
11:53God! You cow!
11:57You can see how I'm fixed.
11:59Well, surely you can find it in your hearts.
12:01That's right. Sit there feeling sorry for yourself, why don't you?
12:04Do you know what you've done to her?
12:06Do you know what you've done to her?
12:08She was that close to getting her family back.
12:10She could have been with them now.
12:13I'm sorry.
12:15Don't you bleeding sorry me!
12:17I bet this is a con anyway.
12:19You're just playing for sympathy, ain't you?
12:21A con?
12:25God forbid that one of your children gets muscular dystrophy.
12:36So, Ken, what do you do in your spare time?
12:40Not much, really.
12:42Watch a lot of telly.
12:44That's about it, really.
12:46Don't get to go out much, see, on account of the kids.
12:48If I do go out, it's normally to this place.
12:53I'll be back in a minute.
12:55All right.
13:00Remember me?
13:02I worked with Gina on G-Wing.
13:04Oh, yeah. You were in the mess at lunchtime.
13:09So, she chose aerobics over you, did she?
13:14Oh, sorry, I couldn't help overhearing.
13:20Well, I can't have you drinking on your own.
13:24No, I'm just off.
13:26Oh. So you're going to leave me drinking on my own?
13:34What are you having?
13:36I'll have a white wine, please.
13:45How did you get it?
13:47It's a wasting disease. You don't catch it.
13:51It only affects my legs at the moment.
13:53But it will spread.
13:55That's terrible. Terrible.
13:58Wouldn't that cure?
14:03To be honest, I'd rather not talk about it.
14:05Of course not. Of course.
14:07Gina was winding me up.
14:09It had to be seen to be believed.
14:12I bet you knew he was on gait arrest, didn't you?
14:14Bet you had a right laugh watching us walk out of here.
14:17Believe me, if I had known,
14:19I'd have handed my notice in and walked out with you.
14:22Right, ten minutes, then lights out.
14:26Uh, excuse me,
14:28but how exactly am I supposed to get myself into bed?
14:33Well, how do you do it at home?
14:35With great difficulty and much help.
14:39Good. Come on, let's get this over with.
14:53Right. After three.
14:55One, two, three.
14:58Well, don't just stand there. Get her legs.
15:00And you, move this chair away.
15:03Be careful.
15:07Never mind. What about my back? Hurry up!
15:12That's fine.
15:15Don't blame me if I'm off work tomorrow.
15:17Well, it's one good thing to come out of this anyway.
15:20Yeah, well, I'll help you sit up, yeah?
15:22I'll do it myself, thank you very much.
15:24Wouldn't want to cause any more inconvenience.
15:26It's ridiculous she was sent here in the first place.
15:28Oh, we agree on something, then?
15:30Is there anything else you want?
15:32Well, if there is, the night staff can sort it out.
15:35We're off duty as of three minutes ago. Come on.
15:44Look, the thing about Gina is she can take her pick, can't she?
15:50I mean, there's this bloke on our way,
15:52Josh Mitchell, she has got him in the palm of her hand.
15:57Is that right?
15:59Everybody fancies him.
16:03Mind you, he's not nearly as gorgeous as you are.
16:08I bet you've got women swarming all over you.
16:14I wouldn't say that.
16:18You got a boyfriend?
16:20You got a boyfriend?
16:22No one special. Don't like to be tied down.
16:27Having said that, depends on who's doing the tying.
16:34Oh, yeah.
16:42Get us another drink, shall I?
16:51Is there anything else you need?
16:53You couldn't be a poppet and pass me my hand cream, could you?
16:57You've both been so kind.
17:00And after all I've put you through, too.
17:02It's all right.
17:05Well, you'd have probably blabbed in awe.
17:08In fact, I did.
17:11So what?
17:13We're no worse off than we were before, are we?
17:16So what?
17:18We're no worse off than we were before, are we?
17:21Well, I'm not.
17:23Neither am I.
17:25Besides, I'd rather be in here if it means I can be with you.
17:29I told Trev that if he took me, he'd have to take you in all.
17:32You know what blokes are like.
17:34He might have changed his mind once we got out.
17:37You told him that?
17:39He never said.
17:41He didn't give me a chance, mate.
17:44Won't you?
17:46I feel awful now, all the things I've said about you.
17:50Come here.
18:00I'm sorry.
18:14You know what?
18:18I really need to pee.
18:23Don't be late.
18:44Don't be late.
18:58I wouldn't bother doing that, not just yet, if I were you.
19:31Stay here till they've gone.
19:59So that's where you were.
20:01What are you doing here?
20:03Thought I'd surprise you. I came straight from aerobics.
20:06Oh, right.
20:08Are you still mad at me?
20:10No, no, not at all.
20:13I'm looking forward to making out.
20:18Well, let's go then.
20:20I haven't finished my drink yet.
20:22We'll get a bottle of wine on the way home.
20:24You are in a hurry, aren't you?
20:26I hope you slow down later.
20:28I will.
20:45How can you be so bright?
20:47Oh, well, you see, I didn't put away quite as much as you.
20:50You're joking. You drank me under the table.
20:53Well, that's a score's for you.
20:55Oi, cheeky.
20:56You nearly stand no chance.
20:58Conference was good. I enjoyed it.
21:00Yeah, so did I.
21:02Your paper was a hit.
21:03How would you know?
21:05I was not asleep.
21:07What's resting your eyes on?
21:08I was at the back of the room and you need your eyes testing.
21:11There's nothing wrong with my eyes.
21:19The two Julies. You're joking.
21:21They're like a couple of homing pigeons, those two.
21:24We've also got a new prisoner coming on to the wing.
21:27Virginia O'Kane.
21:28She's never coming on to G-Wing.
21:30Yes, Sylvia, she is.
21:32Now, some of you may be aware she's disabled.
21:35You don't have to tell me.
21:37I had to lift her into bed.
21:39My Bobby spent all night rubbing balsam into my back.
21:41Pick up a few tips from one of her parlours today.
21:46Yeah, but we haven't got any wheelchair access.
21:50It's a health and safety issue, is this.
21:52If we have to carry her up and down stairs for the next two years,
21:55we'll all end up in wheelchairs.
21:57Well, I'm hoping they'll find her somewhere more suitable.
22:00Until then, we'll just have to cope.
22:02I'm going to put her on G-1.
22:04That should solve some of the problem.
22:06I think it's best she shares a cell.
22:09She'll need someone to help her.
22:11What about Barbara Hunt?
22:13Good idea.
22:15Right, any questions?
22:18OK, that's it. Thank you.
22:20There'll be nothing but trouble with that one.
22:22I know.
22:28Well, that went down well.
22:30Don't worry.
22:32I'll keep a special eye on Virginia.
22:34Make sure things run smoothly, yeah?
22:36Thanks, Jim.
22:48All in.
22:51Hey, did you ever find out who ruined your make-up?
22:58Well, I think it's awful.
23:00I'm going to keep all my stuff locked up from now on.
23:02Have you ever had to bother before?
23:07I'm sorry I let it into you like that.
23:09I just thought maybe you'd done it cos of what I said about you and Josh.
23:13I deserved what you said about that.
23:16I'm just really embarrassed about it now.
23:19Well, no hard feelings, mate.
23:21Of course not.
23:32Come on.
23:49Have you two got no sense of direction?
23:52The exit's that way.
24:02Come on.
24:14Oh, can't you be more careful?
24:16For heaven's sakes!
24:18This is someone else's cell.
24:20Yes, and it's yours and all now.
24:22Hello. I'm Barbara.
24:25What? Oh, no, absolutely not.
24:27I insist I have a room of my own.
24:29You can insist all you like. It's Governor's orders.
24:32This way you get someone else to do your running round for you
24:35and we can get on with our job.
24:37Then I demand to see the Governor.
24:39She'll see you when she's good and ready.
24:41In the meantime, if you've got any more complaints,
24:44I suggest you tell the resident agony out here,
24:47and she'll write them all down for you in a little book.
25:02Feels a bit like coming home, doesn't it, June?
25:16Are you all right?
25:20What does a 16-year-old want his mum hanging around for, really?
25:25It's disgusting that they ever sentenced you in the first place,
25:28given your condition.
25:30Well, my lawyer's appealing against it.
25:32But you know how long these things take.
25:36How am I supposed to cope with this stupid thing?
25:39My arms just don't have the strength.
25:41Well, here, I'll help.
25:43Yes, but you shouldn't have to. That's the point.
25:46I'm not going to help you.
25:48I'm not going to help you.
25:50I'm not going to help you.
25:52You shouldn't have to. That's the point.
25:54It's bad enough them taking away my freedom,
25:57without taking my independence too.
26:00I feel as though I've been punished twice over.
26:18So, when's your solicitor coming?
26:20Tomorrow. I'm terrified.
26:23Look, don't be. Just tell it like it was.
26:25Look, I'm no good at talking to posh people.
26:27I get all tongue-tied and it'll come out all wrong.
26:29You get tongue-tied? Oh, that I'd like to see.
26:33Oh, look, he's on your side, Chris.
26:35So is Miss Betts and Miss Stewart.
26:37You know, tell him straight, you want them as your character witnesses.
26:40You know, they'll soon put him right that you don't do no drugs.
26:43Yeah. The Court of Justice.
26:45Yeah. The Court will believe them, innit?
26:48Of course. You'll be out of here in no time, Chris.
26:51And we can get on with our lives.
26:57Oh, dear, I don't think I can manage this gristly meat.
27:00Problems with the throat, you know.
27:03Beer, darling, and give me some more soup instead.
27:16Do you reckon she used to be a model?
27:20A model?
27:21God, you ought to be on the muppet wing, you should.
27:25She's only asking.
27:27Tell her, Al.
27:29Well, Cain's nothing but a bleeding shagbag.
27:32Yeah, it's probably how she lost the use of her legs.
27:35She's wrapped them around that many geezers.
27:37Can't you show any respect?
27:39Don't worry, darling, I didn't understand a word.
27:42I don't suppose there's much call for elocution lessons
27:45when you've been dragged up in the slums.
27:49It wouldn't look too good, you doing over a cripple, would it?
28:00These are for you.
28:02Oh, how lovely.
28:06Beer dear, and pop them in my room, will you?
28:08Oh, they're gorgeous.
28:10Who are they from, Virginia?
28:12Oh, just a couple of geezers I used to know.
28:16Rich geezers.
28:28That's where it was for you.
28:31I'll be looking after you.
28:32See you.
28:40What were you?
28:41Hungover, by any chance?
28:45Mind if I join you?
28:47No, of course not.
28:49God, I am knackered.
28:52Copped off with this fella last night.
28:57Fantastic. Couldn't get enough.
29:00Oh, look, you're embarrassing Mark now.
29:03Sorry, Mark.
29:06So what were you and Josh whispering about?
29:08What whispering?
29:10Was that Josh Mitchell?
29:11Yeah, what of it?
29:13So what were you talking about?
29:15Nothing. Just work.
29:17Oh, yeah?
29:18What's that supposed to mean?
29:21Screw it, Gina. I couldn't care less.
29:28Excuse me.
29:31And fixed handrails next to the loo.
29:34Oh, yes, and the seat needs raising, too.
29:37And ramps.
29:39It would be so nice to be able to get further than the landing.
29:42But the most important thing is my own room.
29:46I must have space to manoeuvre in.
29:49Virginia, I would love to be able to provide all those things.
29:54I don't have the authority.
29:56I've been on to the General Purposes and Finance Committee till I'm blue in the face.
30:00But, in their own words,
30:03the small percentage of disabled prisoners at Larkhall doesn't justify the expenditure.
30:10Have you any idea how humiliating it is to have to ask for even the simplest things,
30:14like going to the loo?
30:17If it were up to me, you'd have whatever you needed.
30:20Well, then, how about my own room?
30:23I'll be honest.
30:25We don't have enough staff to give you the support you need.
30:29At least by sharing a cell, you'll have someone to help you.
30:33But I can manage perfectly well on my own.
30:36I'm sorry.
30:38I really am.
30:46Are you all right?
30:50Have you talked to Mark?
30:54Have you spoken to him?
30:58Have you spoken to him?
31:02Have you spoken to him?
31:06Have you spoken to him?
31:09You talked to Mark?
31:11I tried, for all the good it did me.
31:15Look, I'm sorry.
31:17I was only joking when you said you were whispering.
31:20I didn't know he'd take it like that.
31:22It's not your fault.
31:24That's Mark for you.
31:25And he got a look at a bloke and he goes into sulk.
31:28Well, if he's that possessive, you're better off without him.
31:34Well, I am now, aren't I?
31:36He's only going to dump me.
31:40Come here.
32:07Tomorrow, you're going to tell him you don't want to be a yard girl no more.
32:10All right?
32:11Oh, don't worry about those two.
32:13Already resigned.
32:14From now on, it's a boot gang, Xander.
32:24Yeah, Grandma?
32:26Got something you want to say?
32:32It's friends for you, isn't it, Chas?
32:35You're never there when you need them.
32:47Julie, lights out.
32:49OK, thanks. Lights out.
32:59Right, strip your bed.
33:02You what?
33:03You heard. It's cold tonight.
33:05I fancy a few extra blankets.
33:18Well, the mattress too, seeing as you won't be needing that.
33:21It's a handbookie.
33:35That's better.
33:37Nice and soft.
33:39Now you, strip.
33:41Get lost.
33:47I've just been playing so far.
33:49If you want me to get serious...
33:54I'm going to report you. You can't do this.
33:56I can, and you know it.
33:58Just sit back and watch Mother take it from me.
34:01Just sit back and watch Mother tease her.
34:03Good at that.
34:09From now on, that's your bed.
34:12Go on, then, lie down.
34:14Be a good dog.
34:22She'll freeze.
34:24She needs toughening up.
34:26Shut it. I want to get some sleep.
34:46You all right?
34:47What do you think?
34:49Well, my Charlie used to always say,
34:51if you can't beat them, leg it.
34:53Where to?
34:55How about the threes?
34:57You're a lifer.
34:59You get a sell-on ring in G3.
35:01It'll get you away from Helen that night.
35:03Have a word with Miss Stuart.
35:05Yeah, and what am I going to do at playtime?
35:07I'm still going to run into them then, aren't I?
35:09At least you'll get a decent night's sleep.
35:13Oh, forget it.
35:16Yeah, I will.
35:18I don't know why you're pretending you care, anyway.
35:20You don't give a shit about me.
35:22No-one does.
35:23Oh, well.
35:25I'll just piss off then, shall I,
35:26and leave you to feel sorry for yourself.
35:43I was really sorry to hear about you and Gina.
35:46But if she will go round throwing herself at other blokes,
35:49what do you expect?
35:51You're better off without her.
35:53Is that right?
35:55Look, I know you must be cut up about it, but...
35:59..if you need to talk...
36:01I mean, maybe we could go out for a drink.
36:04Now, why would I want to do that?
36:06Because we're friends.
36:09In fact...
36:11..we're more than that.
36:14If you need cheering up...
36:17..I'd rather have a wank.
36:20I'd rather have a wank.
36:34Would you like a chocolate, Mrs Hollanby?
36:36Oh, no, of course not. I expect you're having to watch your weight, aren't you?
36:42Get on with your work!
36:44Actually, I'd quite like a bath.
36:46Miss Betts did say...
36:47Well, it'll just have to wait, milady.
36:49I've got more important things to do than wait on you hand and foot.
36:52You know what that woman needs?
36:55An orgasm.
37:05Why am I so nervous?
37:07Because you've got a hang-up about soliciting.
37:09I shouldn't have to be going through all of this in the first place.
37:12Just chill. Everything's going to be sorted.
37:14Josh, when you get back, could you take Virginia O'Kane out for a spot of fresh air?
37:18Change of scene will do her good.
37:42Oh, Miss, I need to see Miss Stewart.
37:45Well, isn't there anything I can help you with?
37:47It's life's stuff.
37:51Do you think it'll be today?
37:53Someone will let you know.
38:11What are we stopping for?
38:13I thought you might want to look at the view.
38:15No. If I want to stop, I'll tell you. Carry on.
38:23Oh, don't cry, darling.
38:25Well, I won't be except, yeah?
38:26No, you can't just leave me here.
38:28Well, I'll be one minute, I promise.
38:35So what happened?
38:37Ladies, come on, Joe.
38:40Waste of time, wasn't it?
38:42Why? Did you ask him about Miss Bess and Miss Stewart?
38:45He says it don't matter.
38:47The really big thing they're doing me for ain't possession, it's harbouring criminals.
38:52He reckons they can't help me with that.
38:54Well, tell him what Dockley's like.
38:56You know, tell him he had no choice.
38:58When they're going to believe me with my record?
39:01How are we going to cope if I get sent down again?
39:04Look, we won't have to, cos that's not going to happen.
39:35I thought you wanted to be a yard girl.
39:42Look, I know it's not the most pleasant of jobs,
39:45but it's a bit of extra money for you.
39:48I can't promise to get you anything else.
39:51It don't matter. I just don't want to do it.
39:54I don't want to do it.
39:56I don't want to do it.
39:58I don't want to do it.
40:00I don't want to do it.
40:02It don't matter. I just don't want to do it no more.
40:05Well, I'm sure there's plenty of others that'll be only too glad to do it.
40:11And there's something else. I want to move into the lifers' unit.
40:15I thought you wanted to stay with people your own age.
40:19I changed my mind, didn't I?
40:23Is there something going on?
40:26You don't look too good.
40:28I'm fine.
40:29Are you missing Denny?
40:33OK, I'll put you up in G3 if you're sure that's what you want.
40:37Thanks, miss.
40:43You know you can talk to me, don't you?
40:55See you tomorrow, yeah? Yeah.
41:06That was big of you.
41:09Aren't you going to lamp him one?
41:11Be a bit over the top, wouldn't it?
41:13Yeah, but then you're good at that.
41:15I came to say sorry.
41:17And what's brought this on?
41:19I've been thinking.
41:21I haven't got the right to stop you seeing other fellas, have I?
41:24I haven't been seeing other fellas.
41:26OK, I believe you.
41:30What I'm trying to say is...
41:33..neither of us have got the right to stop us seeing other people, have we?
41:37I mean, it's not like we're official or anything, is it?
41:39Oh, I see.
41:41You want to get back with me, but be able to screw around as well.
41:44Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not into that.
41:47Oh, just listen, will you?
41:52What I'm trying to say is...
41:56..well, let's make it official.
42:01Well, I don't know, move in together or something.
42:07I thought you weren't into commitment.
42:10Yeah, well...
42:12Freedom's not all it's made out to be, is it?
42:16Besides, this way I can carry on being a jealous pillock
42:19and you won't be able to have a go at me, will you?
42:22Oh, Mark.
42:25Come here, you daft sod.
42:41Let's go back to my place.
42:44We can do some proper making up.
42:47Just got to get my stuff together first.
42:49I'll meet you at the car.
43:25I heard the joke about the priest and the hooker.
43:29Only there's one in here.
43:31Along with a few others, involving a couple of judges, some politicians.
43:35Oh, look, even a police inspector.
43:37Give me that.
43:40Oh, I'm enjoying it too much.
43:42It's a good read.
43:45Trouble is, not everyone's as broad-minded as me.
43:48You wouldn't want this falling into the wrong hands now, would you?
44:23Is that all I was to you, then? A quick shag?
44:26Yeah, you were.
44:28Now piss off and leave me alone, will you?
44:37All this time, you've been going on at me.
44:40You've been...
44:45No, it wasn't like that, honest.
44:47It just means nothing to me.
44:52You think that makes it better?
44:55You bastard.
44:58How can you do this to me?
45:01I'm having your baby, for God's sake.
45:08If it's money you're after, you're wasting your time.
45:11They've confiscated all my assets. I'm bankrupt.
45:15Virginia, I hope you don't take me for some seedy little blackmailer.
45:19No, I'm just thinking of you.
45:24You're trying for an appeal, aren't you?
45:26And you've got a good chance of getting it, in your condition.
45:31But what are you going to do when you get out, eh?
45:34Go straight.
45:36Oh, you might have to.
45:39Cos if all this ends up in the papers,
45:41your clients aren't going to want to know, are they?
45:44I haven't got any clients.
45:46The police closed all my businesses down.
45:48Don't give me that. I've been doing my homework.
45:51They might have moved or changed names, but they're all still out there.
45:57How much do you want?
45:59You see, there you go again.
46:01And all I'm trying to do is help.
46:05Someone needs to keep an eye on things while you're in here.
46:08Why not me?
46:15I could look after the girls,
46:17make sure the clients are kept happy,
46:19and collect the takings.
46:21Yours and mine, 50-50.
46:25What do you say?
46:29I think I'd be rather good at that sort of thing.
46:32Oh, yes, I'm sure you would.
47:13Thanks for watching.