Bad Girls 1999-S03-Ep-06

  • 2 days ago
The two Julies discover a stray cat. Di shows Josh the ropes. Helen moves Podger to G Wing, much to the annoyance of everyone else. Someone sets fire to Nikki's cell.


00:00Right, so some of you will have to get packing today because all the lifers on G-wings are
00:27moving to single cells on the threes. Then I'll be gradually moving over lifers from
00:34other wings.
00:35You're going to shove Atkins off out then? She ain't a lifer, is she?
00:38Yvonne Atkins is in isolation on another wing pending a police inquiry into her husband's
00:43What, like you think she'll get done for it then?
00:47Moving on.
00:48Excuse me, right? All of us done murder first go off. Well, Atkins bodged hers up, didn't
00:54It's not clear. It isn't a competition.
00:56Well, we want to keep it special, don't we?
00:59Miss, I don't want to go on two threes. I want to stay in the dorm for when Denny gets
01:04Wait till I see how she is. I'm going to the hospital this afternoon.
01:07Can I come with you, miss? Oh, please, go on.
01:10Why, bug brush. Get in the queue. I'm first, innit?
01:24Oh, no wonder we got rats. Guess we could do with another bin.
01:36Shh, shh, shh. I'm sure I heard something. Bark.
01:40Shh, shh, shh. What was that?
01:44Sounds like a cat.
01:46Yeah, but where?
02:09Where are you going with Pudgy?
02:11Her name's Pam and she's moving on to G-Wing.
02:13Shit's sake. And you just had to bloody well wind us all up.
02:16Maybe you should see a counsellor, Jim.
02:24Here comes the mobile library.
02:29I bet poor old Babs is going to miss her bedtime story.
02:34You should try reading sometime. Feed your tiny brain.
02:38Feed my bleeding arse.
02:43Fucking hell.
02:54Give me a swan, Pam.
03:24You OK?
03:28No, I'm not OK.
03:30How many more raving loonies is Stuart moving on here?
03:32Is she going to shift the whole Muppet house?
03:34Well, do you want your wing turned into a no-go zone?
03:36Please don't start this again.
03:38Look, Karen, I'm not getting at you.
03:40Yes, you are, Jim, actually.
03:42I'm sick of your Auntie Helen Stuart campaign.
03:44It makes you sound like Sylvia.
03:46I don't mean it like that.
03:48Well, I've asked you before.
03:50Why do you keep on?
03:53What do you expect me to do?
03:55I'm sorry.
03:57It's just that since this,
03:59I lose it sometimes.
04:03I need a bit more time to get my nerve back.
04:07No, I've just got to get a grip.
04:11You're doing great.
04:13For Christ's sakes,
04:15a weaker guy would have left the service.
04:19Let's get a tea.
04:23Come on.
04:40I'll leave you to unpack your bags.
04:42Then you can come down and get some lunch.
04:44I'm not listening.
04:46Pam, I'm putting a lot of trust in you.
04:48You've got to try and make this work.
04:51You're telling me you want to take my rosary away.
04:55When I say my rosary,
04:57they can't get through to me.
04:59But I can't say it non-stop, can I?
05:01No-one's going to take your rosary away.
05:03My mum used to say
05:05if anybody wants to steal my wedding ring,
05:07they'll have to cut my finger off.
05:11That's why I wear it round my neck.
05:13So they'd have to cut my head off.
05:17It's my own fault.
05:20I should try to be more like other people, shouldn't I?
05:24You'll be fine, Pam.
05:48can I ask you to do me a favour?
05:52Can you introduce yourself to Pam Jolie
05:55and take her down to lunch with you?
05:57She's going to need a lot of support.
05:59She's very scared.
06:01And who wouldn't be after what she's been through?
06:03She's a scary one.
06:05So you agree with Jim Fenner?
06:07Listen, 12 years ago,
06:09Pam was at college training to be a teacher.
06:11In less than a year,
06:13she's eligible for parole.
06:15The whole time she's been in prison,
06:17that single person's tried to have an intelligent conversation with her.
06:19I'm just asking you.
06:21All right.
06:24What, is that a principle for action?
06:26No, it's just an
06:28I care about you.
06:32Just give her a chance.
06:48All right, my darling.
06:50Now you go night-night.
06:53Yeah, OK.
06:55Shh, shh, go to sleep.
06:59Lie down.
07:07Everything all right, Julies?
07:09Yeah, Miss, no problems.
07:11Thought we'd start on the middle landing today,
07:13work our way up.
07:15Well, up, then down.
07:17You know, we like to vary it.
07:19Variety is the spice of life.
07:21They've got their own little ways, these two.
07:23Oh, you remember Josh, don't you, Julies?
07:25Hi, Josh.
07:27Yeah, well, you'll be calling him sir in a few weeks' time,
07:29when he comes back from prison service training college.
07:33What, are you turning screw?
07:35Yeah, I got my mortgage and I said...
07:37We always did say he looked gorgeous in a uniform, didn't we, Joe?
07:39And I've warned him about remarks like that.
07:47He's over there,
07:52Oh, come here.
07:54Oh, you'll shut a little chinker.
07:56Hey, Joe,
07:58that's his name.
08:06We've got to think this one through, Jew.
08:10What goes in is going to come out.
08:12Where's he going to do his toilet?
08:20You, er...
08:22You got any plans for tonight?
08:24Have you?
08:26Well, I could go for a nice meal out, then.
08:28You invite me back to yours.
08:30Because yours
08:32still might get a visit from Marilyn.
08:36you know I'd move in with you tomorrow
08:38if you get me off and not.
08:40I just
08:42don't want to rush you.
08:47could be
08:49finished about half five.
08:51Ask the big guys.
08:53What's the most important
08:55job of a baby screw?
08:57Make the tea.
08:59I'll do it. You sit down.
09:01No, it's OK. I know my way around a kettle.
09:03Girlfriend's got you well trained, then.
09:05No, I, er...
09:07I ain't got a girlfriend.
09:09I sort of take care of myself.
09:11Talk about going to waste.
09:14Tell you what, Josh.
09:16Come and get a sandwich with me and Mr Fenner.
09:18I mean, sort you out of schedule.
09:20Plus, you've got to keep a daily diary, son.
09:30See what kind of a sandwich she's after?
09:32Where's the filling?
09:34Do you have to be so crude?
09:36What you got between your legs, darling?
09:38A picture of Jesus?
09:44You have to pick up a tray.
10:00Why do they call her Podger?
10:04You got something to say, Sharon?
10:13You got something to say, Sharon?
10:15Just wondering who's your new girlfriend.
10:17This is Pam.
10:19You got the name right now?
10:21Or do you want it smacked into your head?
10:23It's Pam, right?
10:27Yo, Spam. Respect, Spam.
10:29Just ignore them, they're stupid kids.
10:31Hey, Pam.
10:33You come straight up here to the front.
10:35Swap with me.
10:37Come on.
10:39What is that to you?
10:41Come on.
10:47What do you want?
10:49Bit of everything?
10:51Forget dolloping, Dawn.
10:53You want to watch that Lizzie Wade?
10:55She's worse than mad Tessa Spall.
10:59Now, if I was you,
11:01I'd go up and scoff it in your cell.
11:03Your nasty Nicky might take it off you.
11:05Just a sec.
11:08What are you saying?
11:10Run for it, Codger.
11:12Yeah, leg it.
11:14We don't want her putting us all up ours, do we?
11:16You're a sick bitch, Dawn.
11:18Give us mine.
11:30Shaz, private word.
11:32I'm going to see Denny now,
11:34if you want to come with me.
11:37I don't go blabbing to Cheryl Dockley.
11:39Nicky, did Pam come down to lunch, OK?
11:41She came down,
11:43just didn't hang around for the floor show.
11:45Come on.
11:51You need anything?
11:53Got something for your compost.
11:55Saved it specially.
11:57Make some lovely manure with it.
11:59Nice and fresh, and loads of it.
12:01What you on about?
12:04Hail Mary, full of grace,
12:06the Lord is with thee.
12:08Blessed art thou among women,
12:10and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
12:34Is Josh back from lunch yet?
12:38There's smoke on the trees.
12:40Oh, my God.
12:42Wait, I'll get the bell.
12:44Stop there!
12:58it's off the critical list.
13:00I need to get back to work.
13:02Need to keep her under observation.
13:04How long for?
13:06You just think yourself lucky you haven't killed her.
13:08How long?
13:11Assuming there's no further setback,
13:13ten to fourteen days.
13:15Then I hope you punish this pair
13:17for wasting my time.
13:29It's me, Shaz.
13:32Can you hear me?
13:39I feel so shit I've done this to you, Den.
13:41It should have been you done it to me.
13:47Hey, look!
13:53Don't try and talk, Denny.
13:57You're gonna be okay, Den.
13:59Just a couple of weeks.
14:02Then you'll be back in the dorm with Shaz.
14:12It's like Mr. Stork went plop.
14:14And new little baby.
14:16Cats know how to find the suckers,
14:18don't they?
14:20And I get the prize.
14:22Oh, no, won't be any trouble.
14:24Will you, Tinker?
14:26We're doing the looking after.
14:28Well, I'm not having Tinker shitting in my shed.
14:31We can come and go.
14:33Like a cat flap?
14:35Cat flap, yeah.
14:37Yeah, that'll really keep the screws off the scent.
14:39Have to make him a tunnel down the side here
14:41so he can nip out under.
14:43Think of something to camouflage it.
14:45We knew you'd help us, didn't we, Jo?
14:47We're ever so grateful to you, Nick.
14:49And so, Tinker.
14:51We'll just tell him there's no S
14:53in front of his name, right?
14:57Oh, and just watch out for the practical jokers
14:59because they'll all try and catch you.
15:01Not me.
15:03I've been and done fetching them long stands
15:05and cans of tartan paint.
15:07You OK, Di?
15:09There's been a cell fire on G3
15:11in Nicky Wade's.
15:13I didn't hear the bell.
15:15No, well, we put it out quickly before it got going,
15:17but you could tell it was done deliberately.
15:19Right, I'll check it out.
15:21You'll find Jim with probation.
15:24Tell him I want all the threes brought back
15:26from activities and banged up.
15:30Well, this'll give you something
15:32to write in your diary, won't it?
15:34Yeah, you're lucky you put it out quick.
15:36Yeah, you're lucky I don't wrap you on the knuckles
15:38for being late back from lunch.
15:42Look, I'm not asking or expecting you
15:44to become the best of friends.
15:46Just that you get along and that you make the most
15:48of what the Lifers unit has to offer you.
15:50Well, it's like G3's
15:53And me and Pam's neighbours.
15:55Honey, you can't choose your neighbours, can you, Pam?
15:59You've just got to say a cheery hello,
16:01lend a cup of sugar.
16:03Well, not that you can lend anything in here.
16:05It's against the rules, but...
16:13I don't think she's listening to me, miss.
16:17Sorry to interrupt, Mum,
16:19but there's been a cell fire on G3.
16:22I think Miss Betts wants the threes brought back.
16:24What? In my cell, is it, miss?
16:26It's Nicky Wade's.
16:38Not my books.
16:48First thing you ever gave me.
16:50I'll buy you another copy.
16:52I warned you not to bring that fathead case up here.
16:54But you always know best, don't you?
16:58Everyone on this unit is a suspect, Nicky,
17:00including yourself.
17:02I'm not accusing anyone till I've got proof.
17:10I want every inmate on the threes
17:12individually questioned.
17:14Tell them I'll cancel their association
17:16if the culprit doesn't own up.
17:19You can't fart in here without a witness.
17:21It must have been started during free flow,
17:23which means they all had an opportunity.
17:25I'll interview Pam Jolly myself.
17:27She's number one suspect.
17:29Got to be.
17:31There's another two known arsonists on the landing.
17:33But not one fired till you lumped us with Podger.
17:35Sorry to be blunt, only stating a fact.
17:37I'm looking for a motive.
17:39The only person that Pam has a history with
17:41is Shel Dockley.
17:43Why would she go for Nicky Wade's cell?
17:45Same reason she belongs on the Muppet wing.
17:48So she's a nutter.
17:50It could just be because books make a good bonfire, Helen.
17:52We can't assume...
17:54Don't let's assume anything.
17:56All right?
18:00OK, guys, split the threes up between you
18:02and go and grind them down.
18:20I need to talk to you.
18:22We're interviewing everyone
18:24on the landing about the fire
18:26that was starting Nicky Wade's cell.
18:28I need you to answer me truthfully.
18:36Did you have anything to do with it?
18:48Sanitary pads?
18:50Has she done that before?
18:52What does it mean?
18:54It means what we know from her record.
18:56The woman's criminally insane.
18:58I'm sorry, Doctor, that isn't a diagnosis.
19:00That's an oxymoron, isn't it?
19:04Well, if she's insane, how can she be held responsible
19:06for a crime and vice versa?
19:08I'm sorry, Miss Chur.
19:10I haven't got time for these verbal gymnastics.
19:12Then tell me.
19:14I need to know, does she have a mental illness or not?
19:17Because in the past nine years,
19:19all she seems to have been treated for is depression.
19:21And that's only a symptom, isn't it?
19:23In the past nine years, she's had sufficient
19:25and appropriate medication to keep her under control.
19:27What I doubt
19:29is the wisdom of moving at her normal location.
19:33Can I just clarify a point, Doctor Nicholson?
19:37Do you or your staff have any specialised
19:39psychiatric or mental health training?
19:43Pamela Jolly's your problem now.
19:47Including two in the kitchen?
19:49What we like to hear.
19:53That's us.
19:55Right. Josh. Home. Op it. Go on.
19:57Well, the late shift will have you making their teas.
19:59I'm going to take him for his first drink
20:01in the officers' club.
20:03Mm, lucky you, son.
20:05Just give me a sec.
20:09Yeah, um...
20:11Sorry, no can do tonight, though.
20:15I've got to meet someone else for a drink.
20:17It's all fixed up.
20:21Yeah, an old mate of mine. I haven't seen him in ages.
20:23Oh, well, I could come for one, couldn't I?
20:25Can't be late back for me mum, anyway.
20:29Just leave it to another time, eh?
20:33Just, you know, it's no big deal, is it?
20:35There'll be loads more nights.
20:37Oh, just say it, Josh.
20:39You're embarrassed to be seen with me.
20:41What are you talking about?
20:44Just leave it to another time, that's all.
20:46I've done it again.
20:50What do I sound like? I'm sorry, Josh.
20:52It's what happens in this job.
20:54Your whole life gets sucked in.
20:56You forget what it's like to have friends on the outside.
21:00Look, you go and have a nice lads' night out, eh?
21:04I'll see you tomorrow.
21:14Thanks, Jessica. Night.
21:16You know,
21:18I still don't believe nobody saw who lit that fire.
21:20It bugs me.
21:22Just keep everyone on the alert.
21:24Look, Karen,
21:28in case you thought I was joking
21:30about me wanting to move in with you,
21:32I'm not, you know.
21:36It's not that simple, is it?
21:38I'm trying to tell you
21:40that I'm
21:43in love with you.
21:45I know I've got a lot of stuff to sort out on that,
21:47but it's me and you.
21:49That's how I want the future.
21:53I want that too, Jim.
22:01Thanks to your managing world,
22:03my body's meant to buggery.
22:05Oh, we're really sorry, Nick.
22:07Oh, we thought it was just us got bit.
22:09It's not poor little Tinker's fault, though.
22:12Listen, Julies, you better think up
22:14how to get poor little Tinker's and flea treatment.
22:18Or he's moving out of my potting shed, right?
22:22We could phone Monica.
22:24Oh, yeah, she'd send some stuff in.
22:26Now we're going to get past the screws.
22:30Hey, girls,
22:32I catch you saying something about a cat.
22:36What cat's that?
22:38The cat that's got fleas.
22:40Luckily you heard nothing about anything.
22:42I know all bets.
22:44Because if she does, your face is going to need surgery.
22:46What are you saying that for?
22:48Like I'm not a cat lover?
22:50I know exactly what you are, doll.
22:52And I'm warning you.
22:56Don't have to lick pussies to like them, do you?
23:00I was going to say, swap me a phone card
23:02and I'll get you a mink with my new Mr. Fetchit.
23:04Bring anything in for an handjob, him.
23:06But if all I get's a slagging...
23:10Well, what's another handjob?
23:24How do you like it so far, then?
23:26Being locked out with dangerous women all day.
23:28Not to mention the crims.
23:30Yeah, I still have to pinch myself.
23:32I never thought I'd have a proper career, you know.
23:34Same as me.
23:36I spent pints for proxy living.
23:39Where's Josh?
23:41We're doing locks, bolts and bars.
23:45It's home office instructions.
23:47We've got to do a security check each day on every cell.
23:49Hey, sir.
23:51Our toilet's blocked up again.
23:53Are you going to fix it for us?
23:55Hey, cheeky. He doesn't do that anymore.
23:57But then it won't get done for ages.
23:59I'll get him to make it urgent for you, yeah?
24:01Cool, man.
24:03Hey, and Denny said to ask, did you hear out from Crystal yet?
24:05What's she mean by that?
24:29Excuse me, sir.
24:31Sorry. Did I scare you?
24:33What the hell's that?
24:35My app to the gov to get some new clothes brung in.
24:38I had to give it this morning.
24:42I think Fender's lost his bottle.
24:44You all right, Jane?
24:46Oh, here, deal with that, will you?
24:56Can I have a word, Chas?
24:58We're only swapping a bit of scram, this.
25:00About you cheeking Mr Mitchell this morning.
25:04Making personal remarks.
25:07We all thought they'd get it together.
25:09I called him sir, didn't I?
25:13Yeah, well, um...
25:15Just watch yourself.
25:21Go away.
25:23Go away, I can hear you.
25:25How are we going to give him his lunch if she's at the bloody shed?
25:27Well, tell her to blob off somewhere else.
25:29You tell her.
25:33Let's have a fag and go and wait for Nicky.
25:35I must give Sylvia a ring
25:37when we get back.
25:39We never did replace her clock.
25:43You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?
25:45We bought her this gold clock for her 30th wedding anniversary.
25:47And some tea leaf stole it.
25:49And that's like, er, pick a name, yeah?
25:55Dominic said there was only one person it could have been.
25:57Crystal Gordon.
26:04You remember her.
26:06She used to work in the kitchen.
26:08Yeah, um, religious.
26:12I thought she was lovely.
26:14Especially to poor Zandra.
26:16But as Dominic said,
26:18she was in the office when the clock was on the table.
26:20And I remember turning my back.
26:22Yeah, but you said they don't release prisoners
26:24until they're in search, right?
26:26Yeah, if you go by the book.
26:28But we'd already yelled her up.
26:30Made a right mess of her papers.
26:33Anyway, Dominic said it's best forgotten.
26:35So, just forget I said anything.
26:39It's mine!
26:41It's mine!
26:43It's mine!
26:45It's mine!
26:47What's the matter?
26:49He's in there! I've heard him!
26:51What are you talking about?
26:53I've heard him! He's been taking his headcat away!
26:55It's a matter of life!
26:57He can't help himself!
27:08Hey, Julies.
27:10You must have done a real pro job with Mr Fetchit.
27:12He's said to tell you for you, anytime.
27:14In case you need something else for your pussy.
27:16I ain't got one now, have I?
27:18You saw that podger kicking the shed in.
27:20She scared him off, didn't she?
27:22That's funny.
27:24What's funny, Shell?
27:26It could be strawberry jam.
27:28No, I meant...
27:30I thought I heard this cat sound.
27:32Like, really realistic.
27:34Only I thought it was podger doing her spazzer act.
27:36What, you mean...
27:40You mean she could have got him in her cell with her?
27:42Well, I was just thinking, cos you said he was missing.
27:44Kick him out?
27:46I mean, don't go by me,
27:48but she could stuff anything up that tentress.
27:53I hate people who are cruel to animals.
27:55Like my stepdad.
27:57Like my shit pimp.
28:00It's as if she's got him.
28:02Or what she's done to him.
28:04So you in with us and Shell, then?
28:06I'm in.
28:08Just come on, sugar, all right?
28:18My Wolverine.
28:20I told you.
28:22You're not having my Wolverine.
28:26We want our cat back.
28:31She's evil.
28:33Where is he?
28:35Come on, tell us.
28:37Maybe I...
28:43Where's the cat, bitch?
28:45Come on, tell us.
28:51Oh, crudeness.
28:53Made a right royal mess.
28:58I'm sick of this.
29:05Why wasn't one of you on watch up there?
29:09I said to keep up the alert, didn't I?
29:11We had our hands full down here.
29:14With Jim gone off again.
29:16Gone off where?
29:20I think he might have his drink problem back.
29:26You all right?
29:28Not if I get asked that again.
29:33You know what's happened.
29:35And I know why it shouldn't have.
29:37I balled up.
29:39I'm sorry.
29:41Oh, shit.
29:43Oh, shit.
29:45Oh, shit.
29:47Oh, shit.
29:49Oh, shit.
29:54I'm going to get on top of this, Karen.
29:56I know I've said that, but...
29:58So give yourself a chance. Take a few days off.
30:02Go and see your doctor, will you, please?
30:04What, just give in? Run away?
30:06That would be the worst thing I could do.
30:08I've just got to push myself.
30:10Jim, you are totally stressed out.
30:12No wonder.
30:14I think you need some professional counselling.
30:16I really, honestly do.
30:21Well, that's just the kind of talk that makes it 100 times worse for me.
30:23Can I say that? Do you mind?
30:27I'll take my bollocking and get my act together.
30:29Or you just sack me.
30:35I'll see your report first thing in the morning, then.
30:39Oh, er...
30:41You were right about Pam Jolly.
30:43I'm going to get her moved.
30:51First it's a fire.
30:53Then she goes berserk at exercise.
30:55Now she wrecks her cell.
30:57We don't know who wrecked her cell.
30:59I'm sorry, Helen, but the point is we can't cope with her on this wing.
31:01And if you don't agree with me,
31:03I'm going to have to speak to Simon.
31:05You mean take the easy way out and wash her hands?
31:07Look, you know bloody well if there was any other option...
31:09There is, Karen, if you'll help me.
31:11I want to get Pam assessed by an independent psychiatrist.
31:13That way we can find out exactly what's wrong with her
31:15and if she can be treated.
31:17We'll get nowhere going through Dr Nicholson.
31:20But your friend, the counsellor,
31:22that helped us with Shell,
31:24she could recommend someone, couldn't she?
31:26And what if in the meantime there's another incident
31:28and someone gets killed?
31:30Honestly, Helen,
31:32I know what you feel,
31:34but it's taking too big a risk.
31:36Then it'll be my head in the block, not yours.
31:40Read my report.
31:42See what we think.
31:46Morning, Mike.
31:48How are you?
31:52Dr Waugh.
31:54Helen Stewart.
31:56Hi, Thomas. How do you do?
31:58I'm very grateful you could come so soon.
32:00Listen, I've set aside an office for you.
32:02I read your report.
32:04It's very interesting.
32:06I'd better add to that
32:08that Pam has had a precious rosary stolen.
32:12Oh, well, that's good.
32:15I'm just amazed that Pamela's not been referred before.
32:17I take it
32:19you don't normally work for Her Majesty's Prisons.
32:31Tell me what you did, Pam,
32:33after God spoke to you.
32:39What do you mean?
32:41About when God told you
32:44you were going to give birth to the second saviour.
32:46Did you start knitting little booties
32:48and buying nappies?
32:52But why not?
32:54That's what people usually do when they're expecting a baby, isn't it?
33:00What did you do then?
33:02I packed my suitcase
33:06and put it under my bed.
33:08Then I waited for the door.
33:10And somebody came to the door, didn't he?
33:15Gasman came to the door to read the metre,
33:17but you thought he was sent by God to fetch you.
33:19He had blonde hair like an angel.
33:23That's why I let him in.
33:27But when I asked him where he was going to take me,
33:31he just laughed.
33:33Why do you think he laughed?
33:35To mock me.
33:39To make me not believe
33:41in myself.
33:45That's how I knew he was sent from the devil.
33:47Have you ever thought that it's possible
33:49that he might have laughed
33:51because he was just an ordinary gasman?
33:55Because he was a bit embarrassed
33:57by what you said to him.
34:01I know that's what everyone else thinks.
34:03So what?
34:07I knew right away
34:10he was sent to kill me.
34:12So you went and fetched a knife
34:14and you killed him?
34:16I had to, didn't I?
34:18Doesn't seem very Christian.
34:20I had to save the second saviour
34:22so he could be born of my body.
34:24Why doesn't that make sense?
34:28I think maybe we'd better stop now.
34:30I'm not finished!
34:34I feel I'm really patronising you here, Pamela.
34:37I am, aren't I?
34:39I'm assuming I know better than you
34:41about the facts of your life.
34:45you're the doctor and I'm the nutter.
34:47So you do think
34:49you're a nutter, then?
34:53But I am, aren't I?
34:57Personally, I don't think anybody's a nutter.
34:59I think some people have an illness
35:01that distorts the way they think.
35:03You mean anyone
35:06who doesn't believe the same as you?
35:08I suppose I do, basically.
35:10You can't prove
35:12that gas man wasn't sent from the devil,
35:14can you?
35:16No, I can't, but you can't prove he was.
35:18Then what's true
35:20is what someone believes, isn't it?
35:24Is it true that the world is flat, then?
35:28Or that women are inferior to men?
35:30Or that
35:32animals can't feel pain?
35:36Tell me what you did after the gas man was dead.
35:40You know what I did.
35:42I set fire to him.
35:44Why did you do that?
35:46Why do you think?
35:48So he'd go back to hell.
35:52But he didn't, did he?
35:54He still talks to you in your head,
35:56doesn't he, Pat?
36:10So, how'd it go?
36:14her symptoms clearly indicate
36:16paranoid schizophrenia.
36:18Prominent and persistent delusion,
36:20hallucinatory voices,
36:22persecutory beliefs,
36:24sort of.
36:26And she's been in the hospital
36:28for about a week now.
36:30And she's been in the hospital
36:32for about a week now.
36:34So what did you tell Pam herself?
36:36Yeah, well, I've been very open with her.
36:38I've said I'm going to start her on a course
36:40of antipsychotic drugs right away.
36:42It'll take a week or two before they begin to work.
36:44And I've explained that it's not a cure.
36:46But it should do a lot
36:48to control her symptoms
36:50and improve the quality of her life.
36:52If that concept has any meaning in a prison.
36:56Yeah, I also think she'll benefit
36:58from some talking treatment.
37:00She's got a lot of negative beliefs about herself.
37:03Very repressive, religious upbringing.
37:05Sounds like her mother's probably schizotypal too.
37:07Sounds like her mother's probably schizotypal too.
37:09I'm going to set up some cognitive therapy sessions
37:11for her, if you agree.
37:13Yes, of course.
37:15I need you to be very open with me.
37:17I need you to be very open with me.
37:21What's your professional view of her treatment to date?
37:23What's your professional view of her treatment to date?
37:27Totally incompetent, no question.
37:29He said that any medical practitioner
37:32would have seen that she's delusional
37:34if they'd bothered to engage with her.
37:36Now, if she'd been properly treated from the start,
37:38she'd be much further down the road to recovery.
37:40Now, how many more women's lives
37:42are we going to allow this man to waste?
37:44You're right.
37:48I'm going to go and see Simon now.
37:50Are you coming with me?
38:06I'm back, baby.
38:32Morning, Pam.
38:34Morning, Miss.
38:36Listen, I've got some good news for you.
38:38I think we'll soon have a place for you in an open prison.
38:40I don't have the details yet,
38:42but I thought you'd like to know.
38:44And don't worry, you'll still be able to see your therapist
38:46just in a different day.
38:48So that's all right, then?
38:50That's why I'm smiling, isn't it?
38:56I wondered if you'd like to do a bit of gardening this morning.
38:58I wondered if you'd like to do a bit of gardening this morning.
39:01I saw from your notice board you like flowers, eh?
39:07Well, if I can fix it with the screws.
39:17Devlin. Jessie Devlin.
39:19They tell her her daughter phoned
39:21and I'm back on the wing.
39:25Like birds, yeah?
39:27Just tell her that.
39:32how do you like locking girls up for a living?
39:34I ain't done that yet. I don't get my keys
39:36till I get back from training college. A couple of weeks.
39:38Yeah, well, I still ain't calling you sir, all right?
39:40Then, I've got something I've got to ask you, yeah?
39:42One of the screws was telling me
39:44some shit about a gold clock.
39:46Oh, body bags?
39:48Yeah, they said Crystal nicked it.
39:50Who said?
39:52It don't matter about who said. I just need to know if it's true.
39:54Why? Crystal ain't nothing to you now, is she?
39:56Yeah, well,
39:58she is.
40:00She's living with me.
40:02What? Yeah, we're going to get married.
40:04But you told me... I know, I had to. She made me promise her.
40:06It's because of this job.
40:08She thought if they knew about us, then I wouldn't get it.
40:10I felt like shit not telling you then.
40:12You know, I owe you.
40:14You and Crystal is getting married?
40:20That's wicked, mate.
40:22You've got to promise not to tell no one, though.
40:24Not even Shaz. You've got to swear to me.
40:27So you see what I'm saying when I got to know about this gold clock?
40:31Like you're saying it'll put you off her?
40:33No, it's not that. No way.
40:35So what?
40:37It's because of people saying bad shit I don't know about her.
40:39You know, that does my head in.
40:41Because if that's true, then what's coming next?
40:43And why hasn't she told me?
40:45I'll tell you why you're pronged, because it's bollocks.
40:47Look, I know who nicked that clock,
40:49and her name ain't Crystal.
40:51All she wanted out of here was you, mate.
40:57If she hadn't got Tinker, why didn't she say?
40:59She might have said a whole lot
41:01if that bookie hadn't put the boot in.
41:03Leave him cracked.
41:09Oh, Jew.
41:11He knew we loved him
41:13whilst he was with us, didn't he?
41:17Well, that's a shame, isn't it?
41:19It's a shame.
41:21It's a shame.
41:23It's a shame.
41:26He knew we loved him whilst he was with us, didn't he?
41:28Yeah, course he knew.
41:34Better stop putting the food out for him now, eh?
41:40Don't want a pet rat, do we?
41:50Take your bin bags outside,
41:52and I'll meet you by the bins, all right?
41:55Got a spokesperson, Greenfly.
42:08Just tell us if he's good or bad, Nick.
42:10Just look.
42:18Better change it to Tinker Bell.
42:22Oh, I can't.
42:24Why are they crying?
42:26They're nutters.
42:30We need to have a little chat.
42:38I love the cat in our kitchens,
42:40called Tinker Bell.
42:42It's OK. Julie's got a good home lined up for them.
42:44Monica Lindsay's.
42:46I just need you to sign their release warrant
42:48so she can come and collect them.
42:50Leave it with me.
42:53I've got to apologise to you.
42:55You were dead right about Pam Jolly.
42:59Well, you were right.
43:01I was putting my neck on the block.
43:03But I really feel I can change things now.
43:09Nearly forgot.
43:11I know it's not the same, but...
43:23Oi, spazzer.
43:25You forgot something.
43:27Round thing.
43:29You know, called a plate.
43:31Excuse us.
43:39What's this?
43:41Silver service.
43:43Cat got your tongue, Doctor?
43:47It's the cat.
43:50Cat got your tongue, Dublin?
44:06Better dash.
44:08Got the hairdressers.
44:10Yeah, well, thanks for looking after me in that year.
44:12You've been great.
44:14See you next time in uniform.
44:17Thank you very much.
44:23Get on to the next sucker.
44:25God help him.
44:33Permission to have a new sheet, please, sir?
44:37Cos you'll warm up without making swingers?
44:39No. Cos I come on.
44:47Don't worry.
44:49I'll ask Miss Rossi.
45:17Go, go, go.
45:47I need Pam Jolie's file.
45:55Are you all right?
45:59If one more bitch...
46:07You want a file?
46:17Or shall I show you what you really want?