Bad Girls 1999- S03-Ep- 04

  • 2 days ago
Dom's replacement PO arrives on G Wing. Barbara gets a visit from her stepchildren. Yvonne arranges a legal meeting with her "solicitor". Di tries to persuade Josh to make a change of career


00:30Come on, Jesus! We've been here all this bloody time.
00:33It's only round the bloody corner.
00:35Are we actually here?
00:36Jesus Christ almighty, give him a medal.
00:39I'll go round Lansin next time.
00:41It'd be twang quicker, Muppet.
00:44Excuse me.
00:48I'm sorry.
00:50I'm sorry.
00:52I'm sorry.
00:54I'm sorry.
00:56I'm sorry.
00:58I'm sorry.
01:11You've had a good long sleep.
01:15You looked so peaceful, I didn't like waking you.
01:22What have you done to your lip?
01:24Now, I've told you not to wear your watch in bed.
01:27You've slept on your wrist and you've cut yourself.
01:30No, I haven't.
01:32You'll have to get some TCP and clean that up.
01:35It wasn't me. My watch.
01:39What are you talking about?
01:41Your watch is here on your wrist, look.
01:44If it happens again.
01:46Oh, now, if you're feeling hard done by,
01:49well, I'm sure we can find you a nice little home
01:52with lots of friendly nurses to look after you.
01:56They've got all sorts of ways in those places
01:58of making you feel comfortable.
02:02Now, get you cleaned up and onto your chair
02:06and then I'll make a nice cup of tea.
02:08After all I've done for you.
02:10If I hear one more word...
02:16..I'll just get that TCP.
02:26I sometimes think you want to spend the rest of your life in jail.
02:29I don't, miss.
02:31Well, you're going the right way about it. Now, get out.
02:33Thanks, miss.
02:44She's had several weeks in solitary.
02:46I can't condone any more.
02:48I don't see why. I'd keep her until she goes to court.
02:51Really, Sylvia? Well, that makes a refreshing change.
02:56You miss this?
02:58Gina Rossi, new officer reporting from D-Wing.
03:01I'll see you later.
03:03What, I'm here now?
03:05If you don't mind, I'm in a meeting.
03:15We're not getting Rossi, are we?
03:17That's all we need.
03:19Things just go from bad to worse in here.
03:44She's got a lovely house, hasn't she?
03:46Monica, yeah.
03:48Two bathrooms.
03:50God knows how many bedrooms.
03:52Two bathrooms? Yeah, and we're gonna stay there when we get out.
03:56Well, you can stay there as well.
03:59She wants to turn it into an halfway house.
04:01We're old friends.
04:03Don't see why not.
04:07You all right, Barb?
04:09Not really. I'm expecting a visit from my stepchildren, Amanda and Greg.
04:11I thought they didn't like you.
04:13Understatement of the year.
04:15So why are you seeing them?
04:17Well, I'm assuming they've got something to tell me.
04:19Like piss off and die?
04:21I don't think they'd waste their time doing that.
04:23I'm sure they'll forgive me for marrying their father.
04:25And for taking all his money as well. You'd be lucky.
04:27But if they did change their position,
04:29it could influence my appeal.
04:31Or am I being over-optimistic?
04:33Your words. Nicky.
04:35Bloody hell. Guess who I've got a visit from this morning.
04:38You don't waste much time, do you? You won't know what's hitting.
04:40He's a professional, isn't he?
04:42Well, he's gonna have to be.
04:44I'll give you a blow-by-blow account.
04:48So, Gina, what brings you to G-Wing?
04:50Well, they like to move people around, don't they?
04:52So you don't stagnate and that.
04:54Uh-huh. And I've been there two years.
04:56Felt like a fresh challenge.
05:00So, assaulting the inmates there wasn't challenging enough for you?
05:05Or fighting with your fellow officers?
05:07Do you honestly think I don't know why you've been transferred here?
05:10I wasn't fighting. Mark's my fellow, isn't he?
05:12We were just having a row.
05:14Some row?
05:16You've been chatting up one of the inmates.
05:18Is it true you slapped her across the face?
05:20She was winding me up. You can't let them all call over you.
05:25It was only the once.
05:27You do it only the once here, and you're out.
05:30Is that understood?
05:36You just keep your hands to yourself from now on, yeah?
05:39They'll need all the strength they've got to keep me happy.
05:46I'd better go.
05:48See you later, babe.
05:51That phone is for business use only.
05:53You've not changed.
05:55Nor have you.
05:57If you think we're manning the barricades while you drool and drivel into that thing...
06:00Cut the crap, Sylvia.
06:02You never ring your old man's turn to get your hemorrhoid cream.
06:06You leave my Bobby out of it.
06:08We haven't met. My name's Di Barker.
06:10Gina Rossi.
06:12Gina's our replacement for Dominic, if you can believe that.
06:16She will get on fine.
06:18What was he like then?
06:20This Dominic.
06:22He stuck to the rules, if nothing else.
06:24Ooh, St. Bloody Dominic.
06:26What'd he do, lick your arse?
06:28Dominic McAllister was one of the best officers I've ever worked with.
06:31If not the best.
06:33And if you can hold a candle to that, you'll be doing well.
06:43What's got to her?
06:47I suppose Atkins is on legal aid, is she?
06:49Yeah. Yes.
06:51All these criminals walking the streets.
06:53Then when they are sent down, the taxpayers coughing up to get them out.
06:57How much do you charge by the hour, then?
07:01Too much, I'm sure.
07:03Which firm are you from?
07:05Not that she'd mean much to me.
07:07You get younger every day, I know that.
07:09In here.
07:15Don't look so worried. There'll be someone outside if she gets stroppy.
07:18We have done this before, haven't you?
07:20Explaining the appeals procedure.
07:22Dozens of times.
07:24Never gets any easier, though.
07:31What did you say your name was? Gina?
07:34Said nothing in your file about you being deaf.
07:36Oh, there's a lot in my file that you won't find.
07:38Oh, yeah? Like what?
07:40Like, does it say that I've got a mate on D-Wing
07:42that told me a screw had been transferred here
07:44because she had a bust-up with her boyfriend?
07:47Is it true that you were moved against your will?
07:49Is it true you got on everyone's tits?
07:51Cos if it is, we've got a problem.
07:53Forgive my directness.
07:56It's the only way to get through to some screws round here.
08:01I hope that's not incitement to mock my fellow officers.
08:05I'd take a very dim view of it if it was.
08:17I'll be outside. You've got half an hour.
08:20It should be long enough.
08:39You OK?
08:43Just boyfriend problems.
08:47I've been dumped, haven't I?
08:51No shit.
08:54Do you know what really gets me?
08:57He'd known for ages he was leaving.
09:01Didn't tell me till the last minute.
09:04He gone off with someone else, has he?
09:07Younger model who doesn't live with their mother.
09:12Should have seen it coming, I suppose.
09:14Sounds to me like you're better off without him.
09:18I've finished with men.
09:20If they knew the damage they cause...
09:22Women are just as bad, you know.
09:24It was a woman who got her claws into him, from what you're saying.
09:30That's true.
09:32You know the best way to get over these things?
09:34Just find someone else and forget about him.
09:45I'm just off to a visiting.
09:47Are they still in there?
09:49Unless they've blown the wall out and got away by helicopter.
09:52Well, haven't you been listening?
09:54I've got this thing called a life, thanks very much.
09:56And I've got this thing called a job.
09:58You can't be too careful in this place.
10:05I can't hear anything.
10:07You know, I've got to go.
10:09I'll see you later.
10:14I'm not convinced he's a lawyer.
10:16He didn't look devious enough.
10:18He was pretty tasty, I know that.
10:21Is that all you can think about?
10:26She just giggled.
10:27Give us a break.
10:29If he's giving illegal advice, he's doing it in sign language.
10:35I'm going in.
10:40What's going on?
10:41Do you mind?
10:42I'm entitled to privacy in this room.
10:44Let's have a look at those papers.
10:46Will you excuse me?
10:47What firm are you from?
10:49Like it says on the letter.
10:51Pakeman and Spears.
10:53Is there a problem?
10:55There's a number on top of the letter, miss.
10:57Why don't you go and ring it?
10:59Only do it quick before I make a formal complaint.
11:02Come on.
11:13I told you it was best to wait.
11:15You were pushing it.
11:17What if she'd rung?
11:19She hasn't got the bottle.
11:25Good copies.
11:29I'm a pro.
11:31Does that mean I, er...
11:33won't be disappointed?
11:35Did you not read our guarantee?
11:38Right. Now you know the rules.
11:40Nothing on the tables.
11:42Keep your hands to yourselves.
11:44No picking things off the floor.
11:46If I see a tongue down anybody's throat,
11:48I'll chop it off personally.
12:02I'm sorry.
12:04I'm sorry.
12:07Well, they're for you, aren't they, Hunt?
12:09Yes, they are.
12:11Well, go on, then. Wave.
12:28Nice to see you both.
12:30Although I must say I'm a bit surprised.
12:33What brings you here?
12:37We've been doing some thinking.
12:39And there are one or two questions we'd like to ask you.
12:42About our father?
12:44Look, we've been through all this before.
12:46You know why I did what I did.
12:48We're not here about why you killed him.
12:51We want to know why you married him,
12:53when you were never divorced from your first husband.
13:02That better?
13:04I'll be gone for a couple of days.
13:06Five more minutes.
13:08Look, my daughter Lauren has settled up with you.
13:10I might even open an account after that.
13:16You're good.
13:23Don't waste our time.
13:25We've used a private detective on this.
13:27I got divorced when?
13:29Years ago. 1986.
13:31So where are the papers?
13:33I've no idea. Do they keep them?
13:35The decree absolute should be lodged at the court where it was handled.
13:39But it was Woodgreen, wasn't it?
13:41That's right.
13:43They've no record of your divorce from Arthur Roper.
13:45But that's impossible.
13:47Where is Arthur?
13:49I haven't the foggiest and I can't say I care.
13:52Why don't you get your private eye on to him?
13:54We have. He can't find anything.
13:56I can't have seen him for 15 years.
13:58He could be dead now, for all I know.
14:00What do you mean, could be?
14:02I'm sorry, what are you saying?
14:04There's no record of the divorce.
14:07We can't find him.
14:09Now look here.
14:11I'm already locked up in this place
14:13because of your disgusting accusations.
14:15I've had just about enough.
14:17It's you who are the gold diggers round here.
14:19We're only trying to get at the facts.
14:21And the facts suggest that our father wasn't your first victim.
14:23How dare you, you little bastard!
14:25Hey! Hey! Hey!
14:27You pair of shits!
14:29What are you doing?
14:31Did you hear what he said?
14:33Stay down!
14:43You up late as well?
14:45Not especially. I'm just not sleeping.
14:47That's my problem at all. My fella won't leave me alone.
14:49It's even worse since I got transferred.
14:51Talk about absence makes the you-know-what grow fonder.
14:53Have you got a bloke?
14:55Not any more.
14:57We're better off without him, I reckon.
15:00I've had enough of my time farting other women off.
15:02They're like flies on dog shit when they see him.
15:04People say I'm lucky, but I don't know.
15:06I think you're the lucky one, being on your own.
15:08Just bottle it, will you, Gina?
15:15How are you today?
15:17Still a bit iffy or what?
15:19Oh, you know.
15:21Takes time to get over a bust-up, doesn't it?
15:23What do you care?
15:25I like to see people down, I suppose.
15:27Well, I do feel a bit better, actually.
15:30That's what I like to hear.
15:32No point crying over something you can't fix, is there?
15:34Yeah, well, you smile, but there's some truth in that.
15:36You should be a counsellor.
15:38Well, I get enough practice. Girls in here are always crying on me shoulders.
15:40Well, there you go.
15:42That's not something you do for a living, though, is it?
15:44Now, I think I'll stick to what I'm good at.
15:46See you later, eh?
15:55You coming for breakfast?
15:57Not sure I can face it.
16:00I'll bring you some back if you like.
16:02You won't mind a cup of tea?
16:06Earl Grey.
16:08One spoonful, heat the pot and the cup.
16:10Milk him first or last.
16:14At least you can still smile.
16:19How are you feeling, Barbara?
16:23Like shit, if you want the truth.
16:26I seem to be using that word rather a lot.
16:30I know some people that can pay these arseholes a visit, if you'd like.
16:33They wouldn't listen to anyone.
16:35These people don't talk, Barbara.
16:37They pull teeth out, things like that.
16:41Well, that's very kind of you, Yvonne,
16:43but I don't think it would do any good.
16:46Well, you know where I am if you change your mind.
16:50See ya.
16:52She means well.
16:54That's one comfort.
16:59Eve, are you in with us?
17:01What's that? Our campaign?
17:03Against Barbara's shitty stepchildren.
17:05We start with anonymous phone calls.
17:07Yeah. Working relays, wear them down.
17:09Then we write them letters. They'll get about ten every day.
17:11I'm doing it.
17:13Me too. Gonna have loads of fun with this.
17:15Make them really suffer.
17:18Yeah, all right. Count me in.
17:20What kind of things are we gonna say?
17:22Well, you ain't gonna say much in a letter.
17:24You can't even write, spazzer.
17:26I'm not gonna say anything.
17:28Yeah, you can't even write, spazzer.
17:30You're some bloody cunt.
17:32We say she's suffered enough.
17:34And that they should leave her alone?
17:36No, what they want, blood?
17:38I'll give them blood. Buckets of it.
17:40Shut up, Cheryl. You gonna tell Barbara about this?
17:42Don't know. What do you think?
17:44Well, I offered her some help and she didn't want to know.
17:46We'd best keep it quiet.
17:48Good idea.
17:50You lot are looking very cheerful.
17:52What, you're plotting?
17:54Oh, we're trying to think of ways to cheer up Barbara, miss.
17:57You got any ideas, miss?
17:59Like something's brought a twinkle back in your eye.
18:01Just tell her every cloud has a silver lining.
18:05That's great advice, miss.
18:07We'll tell her.
18:15I see Atkins had yet another legal visit today.
18:17She's just had one, hasn't she?
18:19She had a visit.
18:21Don't know how legal it was.
18:25If that was a lawyer, then I'm a jumbo jet.
18:28They're at it like rabbits in there.
18:30Did you see them?
18:32Oh, no. They were too clever for that.
18:34But you mark my words.
18:36Well, next time, perhaps keep an eye on her.
18:38With pleasure, ma'am.
18:47Is this Amanda Hunt?
18:51She's suffered enough, all right.
18:53Just leave her alone, bitch.
18:55Never mind who we are, darling.
18:58If you two sickos don't leave off Babs,
19:00we're gonna come round there and pull your fingernails out, right?
19:02If this is some kind of joke...
19:04We ain't laughing this end, sweetheart.
19:06And you won't be neither when you get a razor blade down your cuticles.
19:10Cheeky cow. She's hung up.
19:18You don't get rid of us that easy, Mandy.
19:20You could always play them at their own game.
19:22Hire a private dick of your own.
19:25To do what?
19:27Well, they're trying to prove you're not divorced.
19:29You've got to prove you are.
19:31That's not a bad idea.
19:33Provided you've got the money.
19:35Why didn't I think of that?
19:37Takes a devious mind, Barbara.
19:39And as I'm the real criminal, and you're not.
19:44Do you want to have kids one day, Amanda?
19:46Cos if we cut your bits and pieces out, you won't be able to.
19:49This isn't funny. I'm gonna hang up.
19:51Give me that!
19:55So you're Sheldockley?
19:57Who wants to know?
19:59Your new personal officer, Gina Rossi.
20:02You usually have a man.
20:04Yeah, well, it's your lucky day, sweetheart.
20:06They're giving you someone with real balls for a change.
20:19Dear Miss Hunt...
20:21You are a...
20:23I can't be serious.
20:27It has come to our attention...
20:29Yeah, it's a good one.
20:31..that you and your brother...
20:33I've got it in for...
20:35..for your stepmother, Barbara.
20:39If you do not mend your ways...
20:41..we'll pump cement up your flue box...
20:43..and dump you out at sea.
20:45You've heard of a concrete overcoat?
20:47Well, this is a concrete undercoat.
20:54Better than the top?
21:09Bloody hell.
21:12Bit of jackpot here, girl.
21:14Enough juice here to keep us going for hours.
21:16I reckon we should have a go at him next.
21:18Who, Greg?
21:20Tell him we're coming round with the garden shears.
21:23To trim his bush.
21:25If he's got one.
21:27You all right, miss?
21:31That's something to do with nice.
21:33You know, he's got a reputation.
21:37Yeah, can you leave that talking at the table?
21:39It's still more than a minute.
21:49You getting well with the girls?
21:51I'm just being friendly.
21:53Look, I know this must sound daft...
21:55..but you're really on their wavelength.
21:59I think you should consider being a prison officer.
22:03Why not?
22:05I'm not a job man.
22:07Well, I think your talents are wasted.
22:09Come on, be serious.
22:11You need qualifications for a starter, yeah?
22:13Well, I've only got one O-level.
22:17Anyway, there are other qualities that are just as important.
22:22I think you cheered up a little too quickly, mate.
22:24You were a bit like a rash to the brain.
22:27Well, I only speak as I find.
22:29Yeah, well, find someone else here.
22:31I've got a bug to unblock on D-Wing before I go in.
22:33See ya.
22:42Mr Hunt? Yes?
22:44Are you screwing that sister of yours, Greg?
22:46You'd better stop this, whoever you are.
22:48Cos I think that's her problem.
22:50She needs a good say or two.
22:53You should screw her instead of an innocent old woman,
22:55you evil little wanker.
22:59Oi, knobhead, are you listening?
23:06Do you mind, miss? This is a private conversation.
23:08I'm afraid that's where you're wrong.
23:10Did Barbara put you up to this?
23:13No, miss. She didn't know nothing about it.
23:16Then who decided?
23:19It was me, miss.
23:21It was both of us, miss. We did it together.
23:24Who else was involved?
23:26No-one, miss.
23:28You know what you've done is a serious offence.
23:30You've made a mistake.
23:32You've made a mistake.
23:34You've made a mistake.
23:36You've made a mistake.
23:38You've made a mistake.
23:40We won't do it again, miss. Honest.
23:42It's a bit late for good intention, Sharon.
23:45I'm giving you both 42 days
23:47on top of your existing sentences.
23:50It'll go on your parole board reports,
23:52so don't expect any remission.
23:54Oh, miss.
23:56And you can thank your lucky stars I'm not going for a criminal prosecution.
23:59Threatening behaviour,
24:01attempting to pervert the course of justice, harassment...
24:04Now get out.
24:11What on earth did you think it would achieve?
24:13Well, we thought it'd make them back down.
24:15It'll only make them more determined.
24:17They'll assume I put you up to it because I've got something to hide.
24:21I'll never get them to drop their case now.
24:23We was just trying to help.
24:25Are you backward or what? You've done exactly the opposite.
24:27I wish you'd told me.
24:29Well, blame me for that.
24:31I don't believe anyone could be so stupid.
24:33Did you really think they wouldn't guess who was doing it?
24:35God, I feel terrible now.
24:37I'm sorry.
24:39God, I feel terrible now.
24:41How's it going to look if I have to go back into court now?
24:43The prosecution will walk all over me.
24:45We're really sorry, Barbara.
24:47Yeah, well, not half as much as I am.
24:52God, we really messed up, haven't we?
24:54Big time.
25:03We're really sorry, Barbara!
25:05Mum! We'll make it up to you!
25:10We'll find some other way to get the bastards!
25:13You've got a lot of friends out there.
25:15With friends like these.
25:29Hiya. DS Hamilton for Karen Betts.
25:31Cheers, mate.
25:35You could look at it this way, of course.
25:37If Greg and Amanda were going to intimidate an innocent woman...
25:39I can't complain if they get a taste of their own medicine.
25:42Well, except they're doing their intimidation through the legal channels.
25:45The girls here are just behaving like hooligans.
25:47Miss Betts wants to see you in her office, Barbara. Now.
26:10This is Detective Sergeant Hamilton and his colleague, DC Hill.
26:13They just want to ask you a few questions, Barbara.
26:17If it's about those phone calls, I...
26:19I'm sure they'll explain everything.
26:21I'll leave you to it.
26:23Thanks. Will you take a seat, please, Mrs Hunt?
26:28Will you take a seat, please, Mrs Hunt?
26:37Right. Do you recognise this man?
26:44Yes, it's my first husband, Arthur.
26:48Have you found him?
26:50Well, yes, we have.
26:52Now, you said you were divorced in 86.
26:54That's right.
26:56Well, we've interviewed Mr Roper at length about your break-up.
26:59And it would seem, Mrs Hunt,
27:02that there are some irregularities.
27:18How did it go?
27:22Was that bad?
27:27They've got to see those phone calls weren't your fault. Surely.
27:32Honestly, I could kill those bastard step-kids.
27:34You've got to get back at them, Barbara.
27:37What about your private detectives? Did you do some ringing round?
27:40It's not about the phone calls.
27:45It's my first husband, Arthur.
27:48They found him.
27:50Come on, that's good, isn't it?
27:52Means you're in the clear.
27:54If only.
27:57I'm afraid I haven't been telling the truth, Nicky.
28:02What do you mean?
28:07Arthur and I were never divorced.
28:11That's why they can't find the papers.
28:16I'm sorry.
28:18The papers.
28:34I've checked on the qualifications that you need.
28:37What, are you a recruitment officer?
28:39You're supposed to have GCSEs, but nobody bothers much.
28:43They're more concerned with how good you are at the job.
28:46You get commission for this, don't you?
28:48I'm doing it because the service needs all the good people it can get.
28:52You've said, the girls are always coming to you with their problems.
28:57They've got no-one else to talk to, have they?
28:59They've got specially trained personal officers.
29:02You must have something if they come to you instead.
29:05You're being serious, aren't you?
29:07Would I encourage someone who's no good?
29:10I mean, this job's hard enough without bringing more rubbish in.
29:15I can't believe you don't need no qualifications.
29:18Well, there's an entrance test.
29:20See, I knew there'd be a catch. I'm useless at exams. Useless.
29:23It's dead easy, Josh, honestly.
29:26God, if I can do it.
29:28But you're bright.
29:30I'm no brighter than you.
29:32And once you're in, you can work your way up.
29:35I mean, the pay's all right. £1,200 a month for a rookie.
29:39And then there's holidays, a pension.
29:41Don't put me in a graveyard, May.
29:43Whichever way you look at it,
29:45it's got to be a better career than you've got now.
29:48Yeah, well, maybe I'll think about you.
29:53You've got nothing to lose.
29:59So you've been lying through your teeth the whole time?
30:02Only about the divorce, I swear.
30:04Only? Preckly swore on the Bible about that.
30:06You still would be if the police hadn't found you out.
30:09I'm telling the truth now. How do I know?
30:17I mean, why did you lie about the divorce?
30:22It just seemed easier.
30:25I didn't think it would come out.
30:29Arthur's a Catholic, you see. He didn't believe in divorce.
30:32He said it was against God's will.
30:34Although I think he did it out of spite, really.
30:39You've got to believe me.
30:43You're about the best liar I've ever met.
30:46I trusted you.
30:49We all did.
30:51You're a shit.
31:03You're her personal officer, Di. Can you keep an eye on her?
31:06Oh, yeah, of course.
31:08How does this affect Will?
31:10Well, the stepchildren want to contest it.
31:13If she wasn't legally married to Peter,
31:15then technically she had no claim to his estate.
31:18So how much are we talking about? Do we know?
31:21That's the other extraordinary thing.
31:23She came into three and a half million when he died.
31:29How much?
31:31She's worth three and a half million pounds!
31:34Jesus. I think I might have popped him off for that.
31:37We don't know that's what happened.
31:39But the fact Bigamy's illegal
31:41makes it look like Barbara only married her husband for his money.
31:46I've said it before and I'll say it again.
31:48The quiet ones are the worst.
31:50We're going to have to keep an eye on Barbara.
31:53The police are sending her case to the CPS.
31:56They're going to charge her with Mr Hunt's murder.
32:02I've had enough of you pulling my chain.
32:04Yeah, me and all.
32:06Well, ask Mrs Hunt herself when she comes down.
32:09Or should I say Mrs Roper, since she's still legally married to him.
32:14Babs the Bigamist.
32:16You know, she's a bleeding dark horse, eh?
32:19Babs, you wouldn't hurt a fly.
32:21No. People do all sorts of things
32:24when there's three and a half million at stake.
32:27Three and a half million? You've lost it, miss.
32:30Ask yourself if you don't believe me.
32:32Yeah, this ain't true, is it, Babs?
32:34Are you not devoting your old man?
32:41I'm afraid it is, yes.
32:43You bitch! Yeah, you lying twat.
32:46We've put our frigging necks on the line for you.
32:48I never asked you to do those things.
32:50Is that all you can say? Me and Chas got extra time cos of you.
32:53You should have come clean, Barbara. You've disappointed us.
32:56I think she needs a kick in for that.
32:58Hey, hey, that's enough.
33:00Back in your chair!
33:02Back in your chair, now!
33:04Well, I've not had enough. No-one takes a piss out of me and gets away with it.
33:08You saw he was trying to help and you just let us.
33:10I didn't. I was horrified. I'll show you what horror means.
33:13Let go of her. I'm trying to get out of my nasty sleep,
33:16but right now you're really pushing me.
33:18Now, get back to your cell, OK?
33:27Anyone else about to crack?
33:33Right. You can keep some small change for refreshments.
33:37And everything else must go in the lockers.
33:40Excuse me.
33:44Ian Ravenscroft. I'm here to see Von Atkins.
33:48It's a legal visit.
33:50Oh, yes. We're expecting you, Mr Ravenscroft.
33:55Oh, thank you.
33:57Oh, yes. We're expecting you, Mr Ravenscroft.
34:01That's a very legal-sounding name.
34:04Gina, take this gentleman to the interview room, please.
34:08I've got my ID somewhere.
34:10That won't be necessary. You'll find everything ready and waiting.
34:15Well, thank you.
34:18There'll be someone outside, OK?
34:29You're not as cute as the last one.
34:32Still, as long as the equipment works.
34:38Where do they find you?
34:46What the hell do you think you're doing?
34:49Come on, darling, don't be shy. We haven't got long.
34:52Don't worry, you'll still get paid.
34:54I think there's been a misunderstanding, Mrs Atkins.
34:57I'm already being paid. I'm Charlie's lawyer.
35:01He's preparing his case for the High Court.
35:04He wants your help.
35:07Well, I know it must seem like you've got a mountain to climb,
35:12but you've got to stay focused.
35:16On what?
35:19Well, on your case,
35:22on how you're going to present your arguments.
35:26For God's sake, I think about nothing else.
35:28That's one reason why I'm going to the High Court.
35:31Well, every cloud has a silver lining.
35:36The only silver lining I can think of right now is ending it all.
35:41You must never give up hope.
35:45I gave up hope the day I came in here.
35:49And with people like you around to help me, can you wonder?
35:56I'm not going to give up hope.
36:00Charlie wants to make you an offer.
36:04Does he now?
36:07When he was arrested, the police found a package
36:10with 20 kilos of cocaine in his house.
36:14Our house.
36:17That's the only really hard evidence they've got on him.
36:22And they wonder why the crime rate's rising.
36:25He wants you to tell the court that you took delivery of it.
36:30Isn't he wonderful?
36:33He sets me up.
36:35He cheats on me.
36:37And then it's, oh, by the way, darling, can you take the wrap for me as well?
36:40You wouldn't be taking any wrap.
36:42You say you thought it was a birthday present for him.
36:46Like they'd believe me.
36:48They'd never prove you were lying.
36:50What do I get out of this?
36:53Do what he's asking. He'll set you up for life.
36:56Once you're out.
36:58He owes me that already.
37:00After what he's done to me, I wouldn't trust him further
37:03than I could push him with my piss.
37:05Well, that is a pity.
37:07Because he still thinks a lot of you.
37:09Oh, yeah.
37:11He's got a funny way of showing it.
37:14He's got a funny way of showing it.
37:17He told me to give you this.
37:40If there's anything else...
37:48Right. This man is a gigolo or a drug stealer. Possibly both.
37:52Search the two of them.
38:07I've let you all down.
38:11I don't know what I can do to convince you.
38:15Peter knew I couldn't get a divorce, but he still wanted to marry me.
38:19He wanted to take care of me in every way.
38:21Including financial.
38:23You've every right to be sceptical.
38:26You made a complete fool of me.
38:30I trusted every word you said.
38:32You've got to believe me now.
38:35Oh, Nicky, you've been my mainstay here.
38:38If I lose you, I don't think I can cope.
38:41Just tell me straight.
38:43Did you kill Peter for his money?
38:48The only thing I lied about was my divorce.
38:50And the 3½ million.
38:52Only by omission.
38:53Come on, Barbara, what else haven't you told us?
38:55There's nothing else.
38:57And if that's a lie, may God strike me dead, there is nothing else.
39:03Turn out his papers.
39:05This is completely out of order.
39:07Spare us the pantomime, Mr Ravenscroft.
39:10Do you think I was born yesterday?
39:12If he does, he needs glasses.
39:14Save it for the Governor Atkins.
39:16What is it?
39:18It's his ID for court.
39:20He's kosher.
39:22Are we happy now?
39:27Yes, well, I'm sorry, Mr Ravenscroft.
39:30There appears to have been a mistake.
39:32Doesn't there just?
39:34Mrs Hollanby, wasn't it?
39:36I was acting on orders from above.
39:39You should have had more sense.
39:41Here, let me help you, please.
39:43No, thank you. I think you've done more than enough for one day, don't you?
39:58You'll think about what I've said.
40:04Can I send him your love?
40:08Yeah. OK.
40:11Why not?
40:19What I don't understand is why you never mentioned the money.
40:22Oh, all sorts of reasons.
40:25I was embarrassed about having it.
40:28I was worried people might think I was a gold digger.
40:31I was scared I might get a hard time for being rich,
40:34beaten up, blackmailed.
40:37Oh, I don't know. It's all a nightmare.
40:41I didn't even care about his wealth.
40:43Not many people in here will believe that.
40:46How am I going to convince you all?
40:48That's for you to work out.
40:54Another triumph for your softly, softly approach.
40:57You told me to keep an eye on her, ma'am.
40:59I didn't tell you to put the jackboots on and strip-search the lawyer.
41:03The DST is the last resort in these cases.
41:06You make absolutely sure before calling them in.
41:09Yes, ma'am.
41:10If this firm does kick up a stink, don't expect me to protect you.
41:14No, ma'am.
41:16You've only just got those pips back.
41:19No more cock-ups. Right?
41:26Don't say a word.
41:29I got these for you, after what we were saying.
41:33What's that?
41:35It's about becoming a prison officer, how you apply and so on.
41:38And then you just need the governor's approval and you go ahead.
41:41It's as simple as that, yeah?
41:43Well, it is that straightforward, actually.
41:46Are you really going to take me seriously?
41:48I think they'd jump at you.
41:52Anyway, I'm off.
41:54I think they'd jump at you.
41:58Anyway, I've said my piece.
42:00I'll leave you to think about it now.
42:03Night, Josh.
42:05Yeah, night, though.
42:07And thanks, yeah?
42:12Monica Lindsay?
42:14My name's Barbara Hunt.
42:16I'm an inmate at Larkhall G-Wing.
42:20I got your number from Nicky Wade.
42:29I'm sorry.
42:31I'm sorry.
42:33I'm sorry.
42:35I'm sorry.
42:38You cheered up.
42:40Oh, put on a long face, if you like.
42:47No sugar!
42:49I'm sorry, I'll get you some.
42:54Have the tickets for Spain come yet?
42:58I was thinking...
43:00Spain's really hot this time of year and there's loads of lager louts.
43:05I was just wondering if a few days in Cornwall might not be a better bet.
43:09You promised me a holiday in Spain.
43:12I'm only thinking of you.
43:14You know you don't like a fuss being made of you.
43:17Getting on and off the plane in that chair and all those connecting buses.
43:21I won't mind that.
43:23And there's the heat.
43:24I knew you'd find a way out of it.
43:26Look, what if something happens to you over there?
43:29There's the language problem, medical insurance.
43:32I sit here.
43:34Day in, day out.
43:36Chained to this flaming chair.
43:38And what about me?
43:40How do you think I feel chained to you?
43:43Here's your bloody...
43:45I'm sorry.
43:49You said Spain.
43:51And Spain it is.
43:53I'll just go and get a cloth.
44:04Oi, rich bitch.
44:06I've run out of bog roll. You got any 50s to wipe my arse on?
44:09I don't think you'd find them very absorbent, Shell.
44:13If I could just say something.
44:15Put some money in me spends for a phone card.
44:18Yeah. You owe us.
44:20I don't blame you for being angry.
44:22You gave me support and I let you down.
44:25But I hope I've done something just now to redress that balance.
44:29A lot of you know about Monica Lindsay and her halfway house.
44:33It's been said there aren't more of them to help women coming out of prison.
44:39After what I've just agreed to, there's going to be another one.
44:44You've given Monica some money?
44:46I've set aside half a million in a separate account.
44:49My stepchildren might try and take the rest of it,
44:52but they won't get their grubby little hands on that.
44:55What about us in here?
44:57What about us in here? What do we get?
45:00Shut up, Dockley.
45:02Straight up? A halfway house?
45:04Straight up.
45:06Do you hear that, miss?
45:08I'll believe that when I see it.
45:10After what I've just been through, I'd hardly lie, would I?
45:15Any chance of a teeny little phone card at all?
45:18I might just manage that.
45:22You're top, Bebsie.
45:27You're top, Bebsie.
46:27You're top, Bebsie.
46:57You're top, Bebsie.