Bad Girls 1999-S02- Ep-09

  • 2 days ago
Josh calls it quits with Crystal and leaves Larkhall. The girls have a "leaving" party for Zandra. Shell steals Barbara's diary. New arrival Shaz causes a stir.


00:23Oh, yeah. Now I'm taking it off, mm. I'm unhooking my bra.
00:41Oh. You finished, then? All right, then. Till next time, big boy.
00:50Do the shower after that.
00:52So how long are you in for this time, Dawn?
00:54Three months.
00:55Oh, nice one.
01:00Here, them's for you girls. That's if you can face them after that phone call.
01:04You're in a good mood today, Cheryl.
01:06Yeah, well, I'm moving back on to Enhance, didn't I? About time and all.
01:10I suppose you deserve it, after what you've been through with your kiddies.
01:15Must have been hard, though, I guess.
01:17Oh, Lord.
01:21What you up to, then, Barb's?
01:23I'm keeping a weekly record of all the food they give us in this place,
01:26and then I'm going to show it to Miss Betts.
01:28I mean, look at it.
01:30High cholesterol, nothing fresh, hardly any fibre.
01:34Wouldn't want to give you an heart attack, would we?
01:36Just a minute.
01:42Now, why are you being so hard on her? She's all right, Barb's.
01:45She helped us with the internet thingy.
01:47So? She's a smug bitch.
01:49She's only been here two minutes and she thinks she owns the place.
01:52She needs taking down a peg or two.
01:57You can sit with me if you want, Sandra.
01:59You sure you don't mind?
02:00Why would I?
02:01Well, it might be catching.
02:03That's what this lot seem to think, anyway.
02:09I don't know why they give me so much.
02:12You want to do it?
02:13Yes. Enforced by Michelle Dockley.
02:19What are you doing?
02:20It's no good to me, innit?
02:22You've got to keep your strength up.
02:25You're going to die soon.
02:30What are you staring at?
02:36They're just embarrassed. They don't know what to say.
02:39And you do, do you?
02:41Oh, yeah. You're that mercy killer, aren't you?
02:44Want to do me while you're at it, do you?
02:50It's OK.
02:52It's just that no-one talks about it.
02:56They all pretend that nothing's happening.
02:59Apart from Christa.
03:01And now they've gone and taken her away from me.
03:05Well, I'm here.
03:07Anytime you want.
03:18I'm just going to go and see someone.
03:40Did you get a message to her, yeah?
03:43She says she's sorry, but you're really not to worry.
03:46What do you mean, don't worry? She's mad.
03:48Well, because she's not worried.
03:51She's done the whole thing on purpose.
03:54She wanted to get caught.
03:55Because she wanted to stay with Zandra.
03:57In her hour of need.
03:58And she hoped you'd understand.
04:02But I wouldn't want to spoil no-one's plans, would I?
04:05I mean, it's not my plans. They don't count for nothing, do they?
04:15Maybe we could have put that a bit better.
04:21Come on, Dockley. Get a move on.
04:23Aren't you going to go in there and give her a hand, sir?
04:25Shut it, Wade.
04:30I really appreciate all the support I'm being given, sir.
04:33I ain't going to let you and Miss Betts down. I promise.
04:35Cut the speeches, Dockley. There's no Oscars in here.
04:38Don't be a stranger now.
04:40Place won't be the same without you.
04:42Oh, Babs. Don't worry.
04:44I'll keep in touch.
04:51What's up?
04:53Just thinking about Robbie.
04:55What's going to happen to him.
04:59I suppose you think I'm a sad case, don't you?
05:04Choosing to stay in here.
05:06I could have got out.
05:11I'm glad you did, though.
05:17What is it?
05:20It's just the painkillers wearing out, that's all.
05:22We'll get you some more.
05:24Come on, I'll help you get back in.
05:49Hiya, girl.
05:52She let you out?
05:54Laid it on the line, didn't I?
05:56Got extra days.
05:57No problem.
05:58Hey, you should be in your class, not here.
06:02You're the best mate ever.
06:05Come on, move it.
06:08Love you, Crystal.
06:19Oh, yes.
06:21We have a lot of naughty girls here.
06:24I have to keep them all in check.
06:26Punish them if they've been really bad.
06:29Michelle's doing her Olga.
06:31She makes out she's this bitch screw.
06:33Get some of them going, sad bastards.
06:35There are a lot of ways.
06:37Sometimes I give them a strip search.
06:39I make them take all their clothes off and then...
06:43I'm getting turned on myself.
06:45No, it's a laugh though.
06:47I get to give them tosses a load of abuse and I get paid for it.
06:50You should give it a go, mate.
06:52I have to think of a name.
06:54I know.
06:55You could be Hairy Mary.
06:57Hairy Mary?
06:59No, I'm not kidding.
07:01All he wanted her to do was tell him about her shoes.
07:04Then he starts going on about sniffing them and all sorts.
07:09Hey, I could be Nellie with the socks.
07:13I could be Nellie with the smelly...
07:44Sandra, are you all right?
07:49I'm just bleeding, dying, that's all.
07:55What are you all staring at?
07:57What am I, a bloody freak show or what?
08:02Michelle, I can't split open my skull
08:05then you can all have a good go at what's inside.
08:14Come on.
08:41So you come in.
08:49Weren't you pleased to see me?
08:52So, er...
08:54how long did you get?
08:5630 days.
08:59Congratulations. I hope you're happy now.
09:02Don't be like that, please.
09:04You should see the state she's in, Josh.
09:06I couldn't leave her.
09:08I know, but you could leave me standing outside like an idiot, yeah?
09:11Just waiting and waiting.
09:13I was going to tell you,
09:15but I thought you might talk me out of it.
09:17It's not like you think.
09:19I know exactly what it was like, Chris.
09:21Some secret little pact between you and your God
09:23that I obviously weren't good enough to let in on.
09:25What do you mean, my God?
09:27He's yours and all you know.
09:29Even now, you can't let it go, can you?
09:35I'm going to marry someone, yeah?
09:37I want it to be a real person,
09:39not some kind of saint.
09:42I couldn't compete with her.
09:49Well, you know what? You know what?
09:51You might as well have it.
09:53It's no use to me.
09:55And they can sob my notice and all.
09:57I just want out of it.
10:13You awake?
10:19Can I come in with you?
10:23Of course.
10:46I don't want to die.
10:51It ain't dying.
10:54It's like...
10:57walking out of prison
11:00into the fresh air and the sunshine,
11:05leaving all the bad things behind.
11:07You know all this God stuff?
11:10Do you really think it's true?
11:13I know it is.
11:16What if he's angry with me?
11:18I've never been to church.
11:20I've prayed.
11:25You don't understand.
11:29I know a prayer.
11:33I know a prayer.
11:38Someone taught it to me when I was little.
11:43Now I lay me down to sleep.
11:47I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
11:53And if I die
11:55before I wake,
11:59I pray the Lord my soul to take.
12:03Do you think that will do?
12:08I think that'll be fine, girl.
13:02Oh, I forgot my notebook. I think I'll just nip back and get it.
13:05Still recording our diet for pets?
13:08Save you a place in the queue.
13:11I'll be back.
13:13I'll be back.
13:15I'll be back.
13:17I'll be back.
13:19I'll be back.
13:21I'll be back.
13:23I'll be back.
13:25I'll be back.
13:27I'll be back.
13:29I'll be back.
13:31I'll be back.
13:41What do you think you're doing?
13:44Having a good read.
13:46You've got no right.
13:47Oh, really? I reckon I've got every right.
13:49After all, some of it's about me, innit?
13:52Now, where was that bit again?
13:54Oh, yeah, here we are.
13:56Shel Dockley is definitely a psychopath.
14:00Now, that's not very nice, is it, Babs?
14:03Give it back.
14:06I think we've forgotten our manners, haven't we?
14:08Now, what do you say?
14:11Afraid I can't. Not till I've finished it.
14:14I'll report you.
14:15Who to? Ollenby?
14:17That idle, good-for-nothing bigot?
14:33If you're busy, I'll come back later.
14:35No, it's OK.
14:44I heard you got a bit upset yesterday.
14:50I lost it, didn't I?
14:52Yeah, well, it's good to let it all out sometimes.
14:56I think you're coping a little better.
14:59I think you're coping really well, all things considered.
15:04I just wish I was more use.
15:06You are.
15:08You help me get through.
15:10Just like you help me get off the smack.
15:14Sometimes I...
15:23Sometimes I daydream...
15:26about what things could have been like if I didn't have this.
15:31I'd got clean.
15:33I'd have finished my sentence.
15:38And then...
15:40when I got out, maybe...
15:49I don't suppose it would have worked, would it?
15:52Don't suppose?
15:57It might have.
16:41I shouldn't have done that.
16:44I'm sorry.
16:47Don't be.
16:51At least one of my dreams came true.
17:15I'm holding a prayer meeting for Zandra in the chapel in half an hour.
17:19You all coming?
17:20Yeah, we'll come, won't we, Jay?
17:21Yeah, it'll be nice.
17:22I'll come as well.
17:23What, too? Don't we get an invite?
17:25Yeah, you do. We're holding a prayer meeting for Zandra.
17:28Forget it. I ain't sitting around talking to a load of fresh air.
17:31Anyway, if there was a God, he wouldn't have given her a bleeding brain tumour, would he?
17:35Unless, of course, he's a psychopath like me.
17:37How about you, Denny?
17:38No, not much good at that kind of thing.
17:40It's never too late to try.
17:41We thought we'd do something nice for Zanj.
17:43Maybe give her a party. What do you think?
17:46Yeah, right. A party's really what you want when you're about to peg it.
17:49I think it's a good idea. It's a way of showing her we care.
17:52Agreeing with these two, are you?
17:54I thought you reckoned that they was a bit backward.
17:56What do you want about?
17:57Nothing. I don't know where I picked that up from.
18:00Oh, phone.
18:02Hi, Whiplash Wanda. What can I do you for today?
18:06Oh, hi, John.
18:07Well, turn them off in the chapel.
18:09Oh, he's invited me out to dinner, so...
18:14I don't know why you think Mr Fenner's untrustworthy, Babs.
18:17What's he ever done to you?
18:18Keep it shut, Duckley.
18:20Just one of Michelle's little jokes, I suppose.
18:25Come on!
18:29No Zandra today, then?
18:31Crystal said she's not up to coming out.
18:34You all right?
18:36I know she really appreciates everything you're doing for her.
18:39I don't know about that.
18:42I think it might be better if she had another personal officer.
18:45Someone who was...
18:47I don't know.
18:49Less involved?
18:52If you can't step back from it, you hand over to someone else.
18:55It's a good rule.
18:56What's more important, though?
18:58That someone who's had nothing but shit all their life
19:00finds a little bit of love at the last minute?
19:03Or that you have the satisfaction of knowing you haven't broken any rules?
19:08What I'm saying is...
19:10don't beat yourself up about it.
19:22Didn't see you at lunch?
19:24I wasn't hungry.
19:30Come on, spit it out.
19:33It's Duckley, isn't it?
19:37She's got my notebook.
19:40I see.
19:44Didn't think she'd know a word like untrustworthy.
19:47And I can't report her because...
19:49there are things in there about the Screws.
19:52You wouldn't want to do that, anyway.
19:54If you grasped, it wouldn't just be Duckley who was on your back.
19:57Then what do I do?
20:01I would offer to go and kick her face in for you, but...
20:04No, I know.
20:05You've got to keep out of trouble if you're going to appeal.
20:08And not just that. Look, it would only put her off for a while.
20:12She'd catch you on your own at some point.
20:15She'd catch you on your own at some point.
20:18You have to take her on yourself.
20:20Yeah, I can just see that.
20:22Me, a 50-year-old woman fighting Michelle Duckley?
20:25Whatever. You can't keep running away or she'll make your life hell.
20:41Here you are, my darling.
20:44Here, look what Yvonne gave us.
20:46This is so nice of you.
20:52I thought a party would be a good idea, what with you dying and all.
21:01She's right. I am dying.
21:03About time someone mentioned it.
21:07It doesn't stop me from enjoying myself while I'm here, does it?
21:10Cheers, guys.
21:12Cheers, Sam.
21:14Anyone seen John?
21:17Screw it.
21:30What's going on in here, then?
21:32Oh, he just popped in to see Sansa.
21:34Cheer up, like.
21:52One hour, max.
22:03Cheers, Mrs MacKenzie.
22:05Cheers, Sam.
22:13See you.
22:18So what's it like sharing a cell with Wade, then?
22:23It's just that I thought lesbians give you the creeps.
22:26Babs reckons if you could only meet a nice young man,
22:28all your problems would be solved.
22:30I think you'll find your information's a bit out of date.
22:33Isn't it, Barbara?
22:38Why don't you tell us where you got this from, Doc Lee?
22:43All right. I will.
22:47I nicked a little diary, didn't I?
22:49Cos I didn't see why this bleeding oray
22:51should stand around making notes on all of us
22:53without us having a right to see them.
22:58What ain't right is you nicking someone's diary.
23:01That's her private thoughts, isn't it?
23:03Oh. So it's all right for her to sit here being all nice
23:06to Zan, and what she really thinks is you deserve
23:08to have your baby taken off you.
23:10How dare you use Zandra to get back at me like that!
23:14Why don't you go and get the notebook, Michelle,
23:16and then you can show it to them all in black and white?
23:22She won't, because then she'll see all the other things I wrote about you.
23:29But it's true.
23:31I did write those things she said.
23:34But it was stupid and it was ignorant
23:36and it was before I got to know you all.
23:40The only person I haven't changed my mind about is you.
23:44You are a psychopath.
23:46And you are cruel and you are spiteful!
23:50You'd better get out of here now
23:52before I cut your snug little face up!
23:54She ain't going nowhere.
23:56This is my party, and I can ask who I want to be.
24:00This is my party, and I can ask who I want.
24:04It's you that can piss off, Cheryl.
24:08It suits me.
24:11It's boring anyway.
24:16It's like being at a bloody funeral.
24:27You all right, Barbara?
24:29I still think he's disgusting the way they treat his own.
24:32Hell, yeah!
24:35Maybe they're making it all up.
24:39About the brain tumour.
24:40Trying to teach you a lesson, you know, of you being a smackhead.
24:43I wouldn't put you past those bastards.
24:47Well, Danny,
24:49be sure to knock on my coffin, yeah?
24:52Just in case I'm having you on.
24:59Here's a drink, girl.
25:00Oh, hey, June, the phone's vibrating.
25:02I think I'm going to get one of them, you know.
25:06Hiya, darling.
25:07It's Saucy Sonia.
25:08You want to play?
25:11Please don't be bad, though.
25:13Have you ever guessed what he wants me to do?
25:19Like a sheep.
25:25Dang it!
25:33Ask him if he wants a twosome.
25:52What's all that racket coming from the dome?
25:55Leave it.
25:56They're not doing any harm.
25:58Let them have their fun.
25:59They'll be up to something.
26:01Anyway, it's lock-up time.
26:03I said leave it!
26:05Oh, come on, Crystal.
26:06You and you must see the fun side of it.
26:36Oh, my God!
26:37Oh, my God!
26:38Oh, my God!
27:10The guv's holding a memorial service for her.
27:37Two o'clock.
27:39Well, we're the only ones she had, aren't we?
27:42Don't suppose anyone will go to her funeral.
27:45Did she not have any family?
27:48Just the baby.
28:10Come on, girl.
28:13Let's get this over with.
28:39I ain't got nothing, Black.
29:06Nearest I got is Blue.
29:07Do you think Sondra'll mind?
29:10How about this?
29:12It's short, isn't it?
29:15What's the matter? You all right?
29:17Oh, yeah.
29:19I was just thinking about Sondra's kiddie.
29:22I was gonna grow up never knowing who she was.
29:25Just like mine.
29:27Hey, well, they're back in touch with you now, June.
29:30Yeah, it's not the same, is it?
29:32It's not the same as having them with you all the time.
29:38I've missed years, June.
29:53Hey, miss, are pets allowed to visit?
29:55Oh, no, love, I'm sorry. That's against the rules.
29:58Aw, shame.
30:00Do you have karaoke in here?
30:01Yeah, every Friday night.
30:04And have you got a pool table? I'm good at that.
30:07Hey, this is not some kind of holiday camp, you know.
30:50Right, here goes.
30:53Where's Dominic?
30:54Oh, he said he had something to do.
30:56A service is due to start.
31:09I thought Zandra would have wanted him here.
31:12How did you manage that?
31:15Don't ask.
31:17Well done, son.
31:18Come on.
31:31Come on.
31:32Come on.
31:33Come on.
31:34Come on.
31:59We are here today to celebrate the memory of Zandra Plackett.
32:05When Jesus was on the cross,
32:08he said to one of the criminals being crucified with him,
32:13this day you shall be with me in paradise.
32:18It makes no difference to God that Zandra was in prison,
32:22or why she was there.
32:24What is important
32:26is that Zandra made her own kind of peace with God before she died.
32:32And today I believe that she is with him in paradise.
32:48Zandra left me this.
32:50She wanted me to read it to you.
32:53So here goes.
33:02The good thing about knowing you're going to die
33:05is that you get to say stuff you wouldn't get away with if you were still alive.
33:11I can just picture you all sitting there.
33:14My mates and all the screws.
33:18Old body bag.
33:19And Mr Fenner eyeing up all the women when he thinks the gov's not looking.
33:25I want to say thanks to all my special mates for sticking by me.
33:32Denny, who ain't the brightest person in the world,
33:36but who always made me laugh.
33:39The two Julies for being like a mum to me.
33:44Mr McAllister, I'm sure you won't mind me calling him Dominic.
33:48Dominic, who stuck by me and got me off the smack.
33:57But most of all, Crystal, my best friend.
34:03She helped me not to be afraid of dying.
34:07Love you, Crystal.
34:19I've done a lot of bad things in my life that I ain't proud of.
34:24The best thing I ever did was have my baby Robbie.
34:28But I even messed that up in the end.
34:31I'd like to hold him one last time.
34:33Tell him how sorry I am and how much I love him.
34:37But I can't.
34:40I hope one day one of my mates can tell him instead.
34:51I want you to sing Kumbaya when you finish this.
34:57Not because I like it, but I remember I used to drive old body bag mad
35:01when you sang it all the time.
35:48♪ Kumbaya, oh Lord, Kumbaya ♪
35:58♪ Someone's singing, Lord, Kumbaya ♪
36:06♪ Someone's singing, Lord, Kumbaya ♪
36:13♪ Someone's singing, Lord, Kumbaya ♪
36:18♪ Kumbaya, oh Lord, Kumbaya ♪
36:27♪ Someone's singing, Lord, Kumbaya ♪
36:35♪ Someone's singing, Lord, Kumbaya ♪
36:43Oh, cool! I'm sharing.
36:46Yeah. There's two others, Denny and Crystal.
36:49Crystal's just got off the block.
36:51What for?
36:52Losing her temper.
36:54We don't like that in here, so be warned.
36:56I never lose me temper, me.
37:00Anyway, that's your bed, and, er, that's your locker.
37:04So where is everyone, anyway?
37:06Or is it always this quiet?
37:08Well, most of them are at a funeral.
37:10Well, a memorial service.
37:12Why? Who died?
37:16Actually, she used to be in here.
37:18Oh, shit, I've not got a bed, have I?
37:21Do you know this is the second time this has happened to me?
37:24I'll have the other.
37:31So what are they like, the ones I'm sharing with?
37:34So what are they like, the ones I'm sharing with?
37:36All right, yeah. Crystal's got religion and Denny's...
37:41Denny's got charm.
37:49Nice playing, Babs.
37:51Shame about the hands.
37:53How could you? And in church, too? That was blasphemous!
37:56Good at the long words, don't you, Babs?
37:58Not so clever at staying out of my way, Babs.
38:02Well, I'm going to my cell now
38:04to see if I can remember where I hid that nice, sharp razor blade.
38:08Dolly, do us a favour.
38:10When you find it, use it on yourself.
38:20So, where's Robin?
38:22Waiting outside in the car park.
38:24Thought if he came in here, he might get lynched.
38:27Probably right.
38:29Anyway, I'd better get him back.
38:31You did well, Dom.
38:33I know it hasn't been easy for you.
38:35You should be proud of yourself.
38:41Come on, that's enough now. Back to your cells.
38:44Can I just hold him before he goes home?
38:47Yeah, of course you can.
38:54One day, when you're older, I'm going to tell you all about your mummy.
38:58God help the poor little knight.
39:17Hiya. I'm Chas.
39:19Oh, Denny.
39:21So you must be Crystal.
39:23Hallelujah. No, I'm Chell. I'm just visiting.
39:26Chell's an aunt. What's that?
39:28It's where you go when you're good.
39:30Oh, yeah, wall-to-wall carpet, your own private bathroom.
39:34All right.
39:36So, Chas...
39:39Got any stash?
39:40No, I've got some rollies if you want one.
39:45I'd like to take your word for it, but, er...
39:48I think we're going to have to do a little strip search.
39:51Shut the door, Den.
39:54You heard her, Chell. She said she ain't got none.
40:00I don't envy you locked up in here with her all night.
40:03You want to watch your back. And, you know, she farts in her sleep.
40:06I don't! I don't, Mum.
40:08So long as she doesn't set light to them.
40:13Yeah, well, I haven't got time to stand around here talking to a kid.
40:16I'll see you, Den.
40:21See you later.
40:23Grace has gone to a nice place. I mean, he won't want for nothing, will he?
40:27Except his mum. He won't even have a photo of her.
40:31I just want to brush her under the carpet like Andy did with me.
40:34Hey, don't kiddies love you?
40:36No, they don't. You've seen their letters. They're polite, that's all.
40:40Must feel like they're writing to a stranger.
40:42Yeah, but that'd be different. I mean, once we get out of here, we go and get them.
40:46Oh, leave it out, June.
40:48You know as well as I do, it ain't never gonna happen.
40:51I've lost him.
40:53And that's that.
41:15What's the problem?
41:20Why do you people waste my time?
41:23Go and see the nurse and get a couple of aspirin.
41:26And you're gonna give me an eye test?
41:28Then when the headaches get worse, you can put it down to me not wearing my glasses?
41:32I beg your pardon.
41:34And then when it gets really bad and they find out it's a brain tumour?
41:38You're gonna find yourself put on report for this.
41:41You didn't give a toss, did you?
41:43And you don't now, neither!
41:46There he is!
41:48You nervy bastards!
41:50Get off me!
41:52Get off me!
41:54The Lord knows, though, doesn't he?
41:57He'll make sure you burn in hell!
42:03That's for Zandra.
43:13I don't know what you keep staring at her for.
43:15She ain't gonna be interested in you, is she?
43:17No. I'm just watching the game, that's all.
43:31Yes! Nice shot, mate.
43:33Cheers. Do you want a game?
43:35Yeah, yeah, all right.
43:37So what are you in here for, anyway? Nicking gobstoppers?
43:40Triple murder. Do you want a break?
43:44I'm going upstairs. It's boring here.
43:50Right, now's your chance.
43:52I can't. It's all bluff, Barbara, even with her.
43:55Just act confident.
43:57She's got shit for brains. You can outdo her any day.
44:04I'll be waiting outside, but you've got to face her on your own.
44:33Nice to see you, Babs. What can I do you for?
44:36You can give me back my notebook.
44:39Go on, then. I've finished it anyway.
44:45Well, hurry up, before I change my mind.
44:56Too late. I just have.
45:02Shame. Looks like she's chickened out.
45:09I tell you what, make good bedtime reading,
45:11especially the bit about your old man, Peter.
45:13I bet he wasn't dying of cancer at all, was he?
45:16I bet you just got sick of him.
45:18Now, why would that be, eh, Babs?
45:20Wasn't he giving you any...?
45:25Don't you dare even say his name, do you hear? Not ever!
45:37Even if we don't get your kids back to you,
45:39we'll be all right. I mean, we're still going to live together, aren't we?
45:42Yeah, of course.
45:44Yeah. My David will be home in the holidays.
45:46We'll have a great time.
45:48You're like a second mum to him now, anyway.
45:52I love him to bits and all, but...
45:55I don't the same, innit? He ain't mine.
46:01Well, sod it, then. Eh?
46:04Good blood, you all start from scratch.
46:08Well, it ain't too late, Jew.
46:10You've still got a womb and you ain't on the chain yet.
46:13You can have another baby.
46:15Another baby?
46:17But, Al, I'm in here, ain't I?
46:20There's ways and there's means.
46:37Come on.