• 2 days ago


00:00So, what do you think? Well, you've got yourself a lodger.
00:08I can move three feet a day. Even if it's just a few inches. We can be out of here in a couple of months.
00:13Blackmail and perjury are taken very seriously.
00:16So what are we talking about?
00:17Another three years.
00:20When do you break out?
00:25What do you want about?
00:26Cut the crap, you. I've seen it.
00:28Underneath them floorboards.
00:30I brought you some fresh towels, Gem.
00:32Thanks, mate.
00:37I'm gonna double how far we get each day.
00:39Oh, yeah?
00:40Be out of here by the end of the week.
00:42You watch.
00:43I can't let you do it.
00:44Are you crazy?
00:45Well, I might ask you the same thing.
00:47Three more years.
00:51Hello, Mum.
00:56Has anyone seen Bookie Lester?
00:58No, Miss.
01:01Oh, my God!
01:25Zulu to Control.
01:44Send backup on crash team. Urgent!
01:59Oh, my love!
02:02You stupid, silly girl!
02:06Come on!
02:20I don't believe this.
02:22It's only 16 days, Mum.
02:25All for a pair of bloody hipsters.
02:28What do you have to go out nicking for, eh?
02:31Don't your dad give you enough money?
02:34What, nothing?
02:36I don't live with my dad anymore.
02:38Has that slag chucked you out?
02:41She has, hasn't she?
02:42I said no!
02:43Stay in!
02:56Tell me, Rhiannon.
02:59Um, I'm living with my boyfriend, Damien.
03:03Oh, darling.
03:05You're only 16.
03:10So, I love him.
03:15Well, how old is Damien?
03:17He's 25.
03:1825! Jesus!
03:20Well, I hope he's got a good job.
03:21Yeah, he's in business.
03:22Well, what's that mean?
03:23Oh, for God's sake!
03:28Oh, come here.
03:33Times I've dreamt of seeing you.
03:36Yeah, well, here I am.
03:41I don't see she's out.
03:43Oh, keep breathing.
03:46You, go and find that bloody crash team.
03:48What's first?
03:49Do a heart or mouth to mouth?
03:50Out of the way.
04:10Got to go.
04:12What is it?
04:14It's lock-up, love.
04:18I'd give you more time if I could.
04:21Lucky she's only here for bed and breakfast.
04:23Could have got a lot worse.
04:25Say that if it was one of yours, would you, miss?
04:29Can't you put me in with someone else?
04:32Most girls would be pleased to have a room to themselves.
04:34What, with Moteli?
04:36What do you expect me to do?
04:38You could always try thinking about your crime.
04:40Yeah, like, um, kneeling that security guard in the bollocks.
04:44Can always put you down the corridor with a couple of smack heads if that's what you want.
04:47Suits me. I could do with a fix.
04:50That had better be a joke.
05:11That's it! Come on! Come on! Spit it out! Spit it out!
05:16About flaming time! Come on!
05:19What's her name?
05:20Bukie Lester.
05:25Can you hear me, Bukie?
05:27Nice work, Soph.
05:28Joe, the public have got no flipping idea.
05:30If she'd been under that lot any longer, she'd-
05:32Wily and blood would be wishing they were six feet south by the time I finished with her.
05:52Roche, you stare at it much harder and you'll wear it out.
05:56They need you for everything.
05:59Getting them dressed, getting them fed.
06:01And soon you'll be back home playing mum for them again.
06:05You think I'm that heartless?
06:07I could just turn my back on you and leave you stuck in this place for God knows how many years.
06:13I can tie my own laces.
06:15Been doing it for a while now.
06:17So stop tearing yourself up and get some sleep.
06:46Oh, look, Joe.
06:51It's just a baby.
06:56Come on.
07:02So, they dig a dirty great hole, shift half a ton of soil right under our noses,
07:08and not one of you, not one of you notices a single bloody pissing thing.
07:18It's only thanks to Sylvia we haven't got a major incident on our hands.
07:21Who knows what germs I've caught.
07:23My Bobby says I'm odour metal.
07:25I've already made a note on your service record.
07:27Always said this place would be the death of me.
07:30Wily and blood are on a 47 down the block till further notice.
07:33Lester's due back off the hospital wing later on today.
07:37We'll take her punishment as read.
07:40As for you lot...
07:44Try wiping the sleep out of your eyes in the morning, eh?
07:47Go on, hop in.
07:57Rhiannon Dawson, Julie Johnson's daughter.
08:00What about her?
08:01She was coming on a touch cocky last night.
08:03You might want to do her induction sooner rather than later.
08:06Sure, if you think so.
08:13This thing between you and Mark...
08:15Oh, having a thing now, are we?
08:18Well, are you?
08:20Don't believe my contract says I have to tell you details of my private life.
08:36Darling, darling, come here.
08:37Come out, come out.
08:38It's not her turn.
08:39Piss off.
08:40Bit of everything, eh?
08:43June, you got that toast?
08:45Sleep all right, did ya?
08:47Not with all that screaming and shouting going on.
08:49Oh, well, some of them aren't the poor bakers, are they?
08:51Here, darling.
08:52Have some toast, nice and warm.
08:54Don't fussing over Auntie June.
09:04Did you get through?
09:06What did the solicitor say?
09:08Hasn't heard yet.
09:10Doesn't see why I shouldn't be out by next week.
09:13Just be happy.
09:14You're on a winner.
09:15This isn't the races.
09:17This is torture for me.
09:18It's what you want.
09:20How can I want to leave you here?
09:23How can you want me to, Cassie?
09:26Because I can cope.
09:27Better than you, anyway.
09:29Oh, you pretend you were so tough.
09:37She not going to eat that?
09:39Um, no, I don't think so.
09:41Well, I can't eat for two, ma'am.
09:43Sure, help yourself.
09:45What a cookie!
09:46There you go.
09:52Well, well.
09:53Look what's wriggled its way back.
09:55The human worm.
09:58Lucky for you, I take staff, health and safety training seriously.
10:03What's the matter?
10:04Mouth still full of dirt?
10:06My tubes are, miss.
10:08Doctor reckons it's a miracle I'm still alive.
10:11After what I sucked in,
10:12I must have been dead and gone for at least two hours.
10:15You were unconscious, not dead.
10:18No, miss.
10:19I went to heaven.
10:20I seen angels and God and everything.
10:24Sitting on a cloud in the shining light.
10:27Oh, my God.
10:28It's true.
10:30I wouldn't have come back if you hadn't saved me, miss.
10:32Just give me the kiss of life, innit?
10:37I'm not going to do what you haven't bothered.
10:40Thanks, miss.
10:41I owe you one.
10:42You better thank the Lord he watches over all you sinners and all.
10:47So, why did you let the thing cave in on me, then?
10:50It wasn't in that baguette.
10:52It's a pygmy.
10:53She has Wylie and she owes me.
10:54Where is she?
10:55Down the block.
10:56And body bags threaten to leave her and Denny there till Christmas.
11:00Shit, man.
11:02I'm strung out.
11:24New girl.
11:26Yeah, my name is Rhiannon.
11:28Got any skag, Rhiannon?
11:30Rocks, whiz?
11:32If I had, I wouldn't be sat here feeling like crap now, would I?
11:35I need something to take the edge off in this place.
11:38Especially at night.
11:40It's when the screws creep into your cell.
11:43Do they?
11:44Only reason most of them work here is to get their leg over.
11:47Not just the men, neither.
11:49Well, do you know where I can score them?
11:52I mean, how to?
11:54Might be able to help you out.
11:57Costs you, though.
12:02How much?
12:03Not cash.
12:05In here, we trade.
12:07Nice watch.
12:11You're right.
12:13How soon can you?
12:15Soon as.
12:20Who's Damien?
12:22He's my boyfriend. He gave it me.
12:24What's going on here?
12:27Why are you giving her your watch, then?
12:29It's my watch. I can do what I like with it.
12:31There's only one reason trash like her want your valuables, Rhiannon.
12:34Who are you calling trash? You. Now give it back.
12:36Mum, will you just leave it out?
12:39You. Take a like.
12:40No, no, no, don't.
12:41Get out.
12:44You've got no right.
12:46I'm only trying to protect you, sweetheart.
12:50You've never done nothing for me.
12:52What makes you think you can start now?
12:54It wasn't my fault your bastard dad took you away from me.
12:57I never knew where you was, Rhiannon.
13:00Yeah, well, we all knew where you were.
13:02In here, or flat on your back in some grotty little sauna.
13:05You ain't my mum.
13:07You're just some sad, selfish old slag.
13:27There are a lot of hard girls on G-Wing.
13:30Some of them in for things that make even my eyes water.
13:33That's why we have rules.
13:35Keeps things running smoothly.
13:39We make them, you follow them.
13:42And we all get on nice and friendly.
13:49So, anything you want to ask while you're here?
13:53Um, no.
13:57If you've got any questions, now's your chance.
14:01Well, there, um...
14:03There is one thing.
14:05Go on, don't be shy.
14:07One of the girls said that...
14:10She said that the officers come into your room at night.
14:15I think she was having you on, love.
14:20Now, all the officers in Larkhall only have one thing in mind, Rhiannon.
14:24It's your welfare.
14:28So, um...
14:30If there's anything I need,
14:33then you're free to ask.
14:35Is that right, Mr Fenner?
14:40I'm going to keep a special eye on you.
14:45Bye, Nick.
14:47Take Rhiannon back to the work room, will you?
14:50I thought I was taking her.
14:52No. I want a quick word.
14:58I've been, er, picking up a few signals of late.
15:02You and Karen?
15:04She said you'd been pending her ear.
15:07Tell you everything these days, does she?
15:09What goes on between me and Karen isn't up to me.
15:12Do yourself a favour.
15:14Go piss on someone else's lamppost.
15:18You had your chance, mate.
15:23It's not my fault you blew it.
15:43Neither of you going to work today?
15:45She's not feeling too well. Couldn't eat her breakfast.
15:48Prison food can take some getting used to.
15:50She's not been sleeping either. Keeps worrying about Cass and her kids.
15:54Have you seen the doctor?
15:56It's not that I'm ill.
15:58Let's get you a check-up, just in case.
16:00He could give you something to help you sleep.
16:02Come on.
16:13All these years, June.
16:15My kids thought their mum never cared.
16:18It's just Rhiannon's almost talking.
16:20I write them all the time. Cards, letters,
16:23pleas forward to new addresses.
16:25Oh, no.
16:26Used to draw little kisses inside, you know, hundreds of them.
16:29One for each night. I miss putting them to bed.
16:32Well, you can guess who didn't play Mr Postman.
16:35Mr Bastard.
16:42Leave her now.
16:44Let her Auntie June put her right about everything.
16:51You've got me in the wind here.
16:53Your mum can see you. Stop there.
17:08Is that it?
17:09That watch is worth loads.
17:11Girls take a big risk scratching it in here.
17:13Can't expect street prices.
17:15Yeah, well, these ain't going to last me.
17:22For a bag, yeah?
17:25I'll see what I can do.
17:30Annie, don't go getting space till after lock-up, yeah?
17:42Oh, my God. Can't you just strip off?
17:45It's a swan.
17:49No, I was dead before I joined in.
17:54What will they give you?
17:56Nothing. Doctor says I'm not sleeping
17:58cos I've yet to accept I've received a custodial sentence.
18:01What's he qualified in? Nobology?
18:03Made me feel like a right idiot. I told you it was a waste of time.
18:06Well, you've just got to hang on in there till you're out, babe.
18:09Stop going through hell cos of me. I'll be fine.
18:12Yeah. You'll always find someone to have a laugh with, won't you?
18:15They were telling me there's a group going off to the gym.
18:17Oh, sorry. Am I holding you up?
18:19There's the list up. I meant if you wanted to sign on for it with me.
18:22Don't you worry about me, Cassie. You go and play with your new friends.
18:42Your mum's in the right state.
18:45Are you cheering?
18:49Why don't you make it up with her?
18:51She loves you and your brothers to bits, you know.
18:54Yeah, but you're not my real auntie.
19:01I'm not your real auntie.
19:03I'm not your real auntie.
19:05I'm not your real auntie.
19:09Well, me and your mum, we're better than sisters.
19:11So if that ain't family...
19:18Are you all right, darling?
19:27Are you on something?
19:43Nasty, shitty, druggie little lowlife!
19:45What are you on about?
19:47She's just a kid!
19:49She's your kid, you dirty druggie yourself, do you hear me?
19:51Because if I ever find her like that again,
19:53I shall garb on an iron and spank her, she'll face personally.
19:59OK, OK. I never offered her. She asked me.
20:02I'm just telling you, stay away from her.
20:10You made me feel guilty.
20:12No. It's nice to be cooking for two again for a change.
20:17Listen, um...
20:19I don't want to talk shop all night, but, um...
20:23Could be.
20:25Karen Betts and Mark Waddle.
20:27She's moved fast. What was it you said?
20:29Can't get enough?
20:31Well, I've seen the photos, eh?
20:33Quite an exhibition, isn't it?
20:37She's only with him to get at me.
20:39Messing with both our heads.
20:41Let it go, Jim. You're best off out of it.
20:44Well, what worries me is it's going to affect the running of the wing.
20:47Well, you and me, it shouldn't.
20:49So I take it I've got your full backing?
20:52Whatever you need.
20:57All yours.
21:00All yours.
21:20Have you got, you know, my present?
21:25I think you're looking in the wrong place.
21:28What? You said...
21:38I'm retired.
21:41But I need something for tonight.
21:43I don't know anyone else.
21:45Are you deaf or something?
21:47I don't deal no more, all right?
21:49So why don't you just piss off out of it?
21:59Must have seen the light in that tunnel after all.
22:19I know it's shit going with that, yeah?
22:22I want to help.
22:24You've got a funny way of showing it.
22:26You've got too many eyes on you, you know what I'm saying?
22:29I'll sort you in it safe, yeah?
22:38Gets in your head so you can't think of nothing else.
22:41Yeah. Big star.
22:45So how long have you been using them?
22:47Since I met my boyfriend, Damien.
22:49He said it'd help, cos, well, it's my fault.
22:52So I couldn't, you know, just...
22:54check out.
22:56Why does he want you to check out?
22:58It's only when we need the money.
23:00He says it'll stop soon.
23:02We're back to being him.
23:04He feels bad about it.
23:06About what? Bastards pimping you, ain't he?
23:08It's not like that.
23:10Gets you on the git and then makes you screw dirty old men.
23:13There ain't no other way of saying it.
23:15You don't understand. He loves me.
23:17Yeah. You and all his other tarts.
23:19Shut up. He looks out for me.
23:21You don't even know him.
23:23I knew a geezer just like him.
23:25Stuck a six-inch blade in his gut.
23:38Fill your flasks. Ten minutes and counting.
23:43Hey! Game's over, Tyler.
23:45There's one lousy ball left.
23:47Not now, there isn't.
23:50Where the hell are you from, Alcatraz?
23:52Move. Move that.
23:54You jumped up a little low.
23:56Right, you are on report.
23:58I'm wetting myself.
24:00You will be when Mr Fenner hears about this.
24:02Come on, move yourself.
24:12God, you'll be being lucky.
24:14Now what?
24:16Now I know what's right about you, you little pusher.
24:18So push off.
24:22What are you picking on her for?
24:24She's been selling Rhiannon drugs.
24:26I know I ain't.
24:28Look, Rhiannon might be buying, but Bookie ain't selling.
24:30What you sticking up for her for?
24:32I was there. I saw. She told Rhiannon no.
24:34Look, God's my witness, innit?
24:36It's your daughter who needs sorting out.
24:40Drugs ain't the worst of it.
24:44Oi, wait up.
24:46Crystal, I done what you said.
24:48What you on about, and the drugs ain't the worst of it?
24:50Her boyfriend, for starters.
24:52He's the one got her into it.
24:54She tell you that herself, did she?
24:58Only it's not just her boyfriend, is it?
25:00It's her pimp.
25:04He's got her on the game.
25:16You think you're going to cope in here?
25:18Picking fights with the screws?
25:20What's the old bad gonna do? Lock me up?
25:32They can do what the hell they like to you, can't they?
25:38A poor, big, fat, hairy,
25:40knobbing deal.
25:50Can I sleep with you tonight?
25:54You think you have to ask permission?
26:38It's the number one's concern more than me.
26:40That right?
26:42He feels relationships between officers on the wing
26:44compromise integrity.
26:46We're playing squash.
26:48It's his words, not mine.
26:50You better tell Karen.
26:52Yeah, I will.
26:54And you can tell the number one to shove it.
27:12I'm going to talk to her.
27:14I'm going to tell her I know about the drugs.
27:16But I still love her, no matter what.
27:18Judy, son, I...
27:24Just tell her she can tell you everything.
27:26All right?
27:42Knock, knock.
27:52Knock, knock.
27:56Mind your brothers.
27:58All right.
28:06Yeah, didn't Julie come and talk to you?
28:08Look, I thought they'd help me sleep, OK?
28:10Not this any of your business.
28:12Well, that's how most get started, love.
28:14I'm not a junkie.
28:16No, I'm not saying that.
28:18Well, what then? You never popped a pill in your life.
28:20I'm not doing anything you haven't then, am I?
28:26You think I don't know what a rotten mother I've been?
28:28Don't break my heart seeing you in here.
28:30Yeah, right.
28:34Will you take a good look at me, Rhiannon?
28:36Because 20 years from now, you do not want to be sat
28:38in another room like this one wishing on what might have been.
28:40I ain't going to end up like you.
28:42Well, you will if you get yourself a habit.
28:44You see it over and over in here.
28:46Girls come in for Nicky and Eminence
28:48and it's like, ah, junkies.
28:50That's what prison does.
28:52To me? Cos I ain't coming back.
28:54No, cos you're smart. Smarter than me.
28:58But you've got to stay clean, yeah?
29:02I'd like to say something.
29:04So do you know you can talk to me about anything?
29:06So do you know you can talk to me about anything, love?
29:16Have you got any phone cards?
29:20What do you need them for?
29:22To phone my boyfriend.
29:24Said I wasn't a junkie, didn't I?
29:26But you obviously seem to think that I'm a liar and a smackhead.
29:28No, I don't.
29:30No, just forget it.
29:32Never there, never were, and you never will be.
29:36You know,
29:38this Jim and Neil side show is really starting to piss me off.
29:40Well, the way it was talking,
29:42I'd say one of us is looking at a transfer.
29:44Oh, no.
29:46He is not getting away with that.
29:50In here, you eat when you're told,
29:52sleep when you're told.
29:54Yeah, whatever.
29:56Speak when asked a question.
29:58Look, all I'm saying is one more minute and I'd have had it potted.
30:00Darling, you don't have a say in here.
30:02Or am I getting the feeling you think you are?
30:04Or am I getting the feeling you think you're a bit special?
30:06Six-figure salary, penthouse flat,
30:08BMW 325 Cabriolet.
30:10Yeah, I reckon.
30:12Tell you what I think, shall I?
30:16I think you're just another mixed-up dyke
30:18playing with balls God forgot to give you.
30:22Cos underneath all the smart answers and back-chat,
30:24I know you for what you are.
30:26Just another street butch we'll break within a week, tops.
30:28This is shit.
30:34This is me giving you a caution, sweetheart.
30:38So you'd better start behaving like a good girl.
30:40Cos next time, I won't be so nice.
30:52Take it back to the wing.
31:00Got a minute?
31:02Sylvia's right.
31:04That one's trouble.
31:06It's the trouble you're stirring up concerns me.
31:08You pretend you're being professional.
31:10What do you expect?
31:12I'm going to stand by and watch you two cosy up.
31:14I've told you.
31:16Whatever is or isn't going on between me and Mark
31:18has got sod all to do with you, all right?
31:20Well, I'm sorry, but it has.
31:28I miss you, Karen.
31:32You just can't stand the idea of me being with someone else.
31:34So there is something going on?
31:36As far as I'm concerned, I'm a free agent.
31:48She's just coming round, I swear.
31:52And then she hurls me for something.
31:54The one time she has.
31:56Oh, Jew.
31:58No wonder she hates my guts.
32:00Maybe she's right.
32:02She's better off without me.
32:04No, she ain't.
32:06She needs you, Jew.
32:10Now more than ever.
32:20What'd he say?
32:22Our usual crap.
32:24Oh, Cass!
32:26Just piss off back to suburbia, will you?
32:28Leave me to get on with it.
32:32I can't believe it.
32:34He explains why she was on the gear,
32:36why she was nicking in the first place.
32:38He took her away from me cos I said I wasn't fit to look after her.
32:40But they was wrong.
32:42Oh, she was such a good little girl, Jew.
32:46Never any trouble.
32:48Oh, no.
32:50Wanted to be a dancer.
32:54Used to copy all those routines off the telly.
33:00Pop my little pants, people.
33:06I won't ever live my life, I just won't.
33:08She ain't gonna.
33:10Cos I couldn't bear it. I just couldn't bear it.
33:12Thinking it was all my fault.
33:14Don't worry, Jew.
33:16I've got a plan.
33:22You sort out your personnel problem?
33:26Didn't win me any popularity points,
33:28but I guess it's better to be respected rather than liked, eh?
33:32You're not being in charge of suits, are you, Jew?
33:34Anyway, my show tonight.
33:36I don't know a great place we can go and watch the match.
33:39Oh, sorry, but I'm watching it with Tom.
33:43My son.
33:45Well, tell him you're working late.
33:48Well, I promised him.
33:50I promised him.
33:52And Marilyn, she's cooking me a steak.
33:55Right then.
33:57Sorry, mate. Some other time, eh?
34:21I'm gonna get them to take me to the workroom.
34:24Just sit down and talk to me, will you?
34:26Why don't you come out too?
34:28No, Pam.
34:30If you asked me to, I'd stay.
34:33Don't be soft.
34:35Well, just tell me you want me.
34:37Give up. You want to be with your kids, not me.
34:39Tell me you love me, Cassie.
34:42What's so bad about saying it?
34:44You know what I think about you?
34:46That you're the most beautiful, piss-off, sexy woman I've ever met.
34:49The most piss-off, sexy woman I've ever clapped eyes on.
34:57Yeah, I love you, hun.
34:59But we can't make each other happy, can we?
35:05I'm gonna miss you like I can't even imagine.
35:14P.S. I'm begging you to come and see me next Friday,
35:17or I'll kill meself.
35:19I ain't kidding. I'm going mad in here.
35:22Love you forever and ever.
35:29Got the V.O.? Yeah.
35:34You'd better come, Jo.
35:36Cos I'm gonna have me mind here.
35:38He can't make any money if she tops herself, can he?
35:42He'll come.
35:49And when we meet him?
35:51Cup of tea, love?
35:53Careful, sweetheart. Cos he's hot.
36:00Yep. CPS have dropped it.
36:03Cos I can't be cross-examined, the case collapses.
36:06So, looks like the Julies are walking.
36:09Rubbish. They're in elastic bands, those two.
36:12Bounce back before breakfast.
36:14I wanted to bring up Rushing Connor. I'm still worried about her.
36:19Well, she's hardly been out of her cell all week.
36:22Thought she'd seen the doctor.
36:24Yeah, and he's refused her any medication.
36:26Must have his reasons.
36:28I agree with Karen. She's going downhill fast.
36:31You're a doctor now, are you, Mark?
36:33No, but...
36:35I'll tell you what she's suffering from.
36:40Good old-fashioned guilt.
36:42Well, whatever you said to that little friend of hers worked a treat.
36:46Meek as a lamb all week.
36:49Piss off, Sonia.
36:51Come on, love. You haven't spoken to me for days.
36:54I saved my talking for Damien.
36:56Cos I've got a phone card now. No thanks to you.
37:00Wait, wait!
37:02I wanted to show you something.
37:04What is it?
37:06I've got to go.
37:08I've got to go.
37:10I've got to go.
37:12I've got to go.
37:14I've got to go.
37:16I wanted to show you something.
37:23It's you.
37:25Last birthday we had together.
37:29I said, God bless, I love you to this,
37:31every single night since they took you away from me.
37:36Every night in my heart.
37:47They're burnt on our pictures, are you?
37:51But I saved one.
37:53Used to look at it every night, just before I went to sleep.
37:57Maybe you always look at them at the same time, mate.
37:59I was just a kid.
38:01Well, you're still my kid, and I never stop caring about you,
38:04even when you're old and grey and I'm...
38:06sat dribbling me gin somewhere.
38:13Got any cigs?
38:23Taking a last look round.
38:28What's wrong?
38:30I've just spoken to our solicitor.
38:35Withdrawn my statement.
38:38You've done what?
38:40I told him it was a pack of lies and I...
38:42I couldn't let you do my time for me.
38:44He wasn't pleased.
38:47You are having me on.
38:52What the hell are you thinking of?
38:55I think how I feel with you.
38:58And then I think about going back to Aidan.
39:00You idiot!
39:01But I had to.
39:03I can't go back to sleeping in his bed, not after being with you.
39:07This is a disaster.
39:09Cass, please.
39:11I need you to be happy.
39:13I've done what you wanted.
39:15I've chosen to be with you over my own kids.
39:19Sorry, Roshi,
39:21but you are not hitting me with this shit.
39:35Thanks, mate. Get through.
39:43Get through.
40:09Rhiannon Dawson.
40:12Well, she's not down here.
40:20Oscar to Lima.
40:24Why are you being so hateful?
40:26Look at the state of you.
40:28What have you just done, what I've done?
40:32You're going to regret this for the rest of your life.
40:34And you're going to blame me.
40:36It's my decision.
40:38But it's true.
40:40But it's true, isn't it?
40:42It's what you've always wanted, to have me to yourself.
40:44No kids cluttering things up.
40:46See? There it is already.
40:48Cass, I need you now more than I've ever done.
40:52I don't want you hanging on my coattails, Roshi.
40:55I'm not responsible for myself half the time.
40:57Don't ask me to be responsible for you.
40:59But I did this for us.
41:02You did it for you.
41:04All that walk up the aisle, ring on the finger, next 25-year stuff is you, not me.
41:09What have you said?
41:28Rhiannon Dawson.
41:31Is she coming or what? Cos, like, time's money, yeah?
41:35Sit down. She's on her way.
41:39He's always doing stuff to surprise me.
41:41You must have sent him a visiting order.
41:43No, I just sent him a letter saying how much I missed him.
41:56Hot drink?
41:58No sugar.
42:00Sweet enough.
42:04Timey, isn't it?
42:08Who's asking?
42:09Oh, my name is Julie Johnston.
42:11But maybe you know me as Sonia.
42:13Sonia Dawson.
42:15No, don't think so.
42:16That's funny.
42:17Cos she's mentioned you.
42:21My daughter.
42:28She never said she was in a nick.
42:30Said she was an heiress, Des.
42:32She said you put her on the game.
42:35Want me to fill out for you?
42:54I'm calling an ambulance.
42:57We'll get this lot back to the cells quick.
43:01What have you done to me?
43:02Visiting's over. Everyone out. Now!
43:06Damien! Damien!
43:12What have you done to me?
43:43I, er...
43:45I heard you can get me something.
43:47Like what?
43:49Well, you know.
43:53To help me sleep.
43:55Pills, maybe.
43:57Nice watch.
44:01In God's name, did you think you were playing at me, you two?
44:04She's my daughter.
44:05Yeah. Bastard deserved it, and worse.
44:07I don't regret any of it, miss.
44:09You will.
44:10The CPS have dropped the charges against you.
44:13I won't.
44:15Now Virginia's dead, there's no-one to say you ever worked as the two Trudies.
44:19You were going to be released on Monday.
44:22Come on.
44:23I'm not going.
44:25I'm not going.
44:27I'm not going.
44:30Come on.
44:55Going over, buddy?
44:56Yeah. You know.
44:58What, er...
45:00Wham, bam, thank you, Marilyn?
45:02Yak, yak, piss off, Jim, or like.
45:08Oh, it's for the best, I suppose.
45:12Could have been a real can of worms.
45:14Ah, well.
45:16Care for a nightcap?
45:19I'll make you a coffee, then.
45:21No, you're all right.
45:23I think I'll hit the sack.
45:25Yeah, right, then.
45:26See you in the morning.
46:15Still, did the right thing, didn't we, Jew?
46:21Had it coming.
46:23You reckon she'll forgive me?
46:27Worth it, though.
46:29Well, anyway, what's a few more nights in this place?
46:38Going to throw the book at us, aren't they?
46:41I'll bleed in library, mate.
47:30I don't have a problem.
47:32Yeah, I hope so.
47:34It'd be a shame to spoil everything you've got going for you.
47:37Wouldn't it?
47:39Roisin, can you come with me, please?
47:41What is it?
47:43Drugs test.
47:45You shagged apart plans to get out of here.
47:48And you lost me my job in your garden.
47:50I fricking died in that dodgy tunnel of yours.
47:53So watch your back, booty, cos we're going to get you.