Bad Girls-1999-S02-Ep-05

  • 2 days ago
New prisoners arrive at Larkhall. Fenner connives to arrange for Yvonne to have conjugal visits in return for cash. The inmate group therapy sessions finally begin


00:00I know you're out there, let me out, please, let me out, let me out, let me out, let me
00:29out, please, let me out, for God's sake, let me out.
00:34Meg Richards is coming in to take the first group therapy session tomorrow afternoon,
00:38so give her plenty of support, please. Now, if you don't see much of me for the rest of
00:43the week, it's not because I don't love you, I'll be combing over budgets. Better get
00:49on looking. All right, come on, off you go. And you two better get off to reception, eh?
00:58OK. G-Wing. Oh, hi, Tony. How's it going up there? You should be arriving about now,
01:06why? Says it all, doesn't it? I don't get a penny to compensate me for this, but there's
01:12always cash to waste for criminals. I wouldn't call therapy a waste, Sylvia. It can really
01:17open doors for some people. Oh, a little opening here is a can of worms. Syl, just
01:23had a tip-off from a mate in Newby, one of our new arrivals, proper hard case. She's
01:28supposed to be on a 28-day lie-down, but they're trying to pull a fast one. Who? Mad Tessa
01:33Spall. Oh, no. Do you know her? Only by repute. Nice girl. Doing life for hacking her sister
01:41to bits. Then one-off on one in Newby and chewed off her screw's ear. Oh, yeah. Apparently
01:47she's HIV positive.
01:53Let me out! Please let me out! I can't breathe!
01:58You've got the right one in here. You've got it non-stop. I'll get the purse.
02:02Let me out! Please let me out! For God's sake, I can't breathe in here!
02:08Let me out! Please let me out! Let's get the rest on first.
02:15All right, which one's Tessa Spall? Need I ask? Any documents with her? No, sorry. Don't
02:23tell me they've gone walkies. How did you guess? Because Newby's trying to dump her
02:27on us, aren't they? When you've got the bags in, get two to help and take her in there
02:33down the block. OK. And watch out. She's infected. Come in here and let me out!
02:45Come on, shall we? Don't you want to watch the telly? What's it to you? It's better
02:52than stopping in here, isn't it? You go and watch it then.
02:58Look, Miss Betts has just told us that group therapy starts tomorrow. Why don't you give
03:05it a try? You might get something out of it. Yeah, well, I'd rather stuff ambulance and
03:11get paid for thanks. That's how you feel? But therapy's your best way of getting back
03:20on enhanced. How's that? Because it would prove you really wanted to try and change,
03:26wouldn't it?
03:34Spall. S-P-A-L-L. She'll be coming straight down to you and we'll process her in situ.
03:44Where's her property, Spalls? She's got two bags of it. Let's have it round here then.
03:50You check this slot and I'll do these. I'd wear gloves if I was you. Right then, who's
03:58got the less most? This one. Just a round bag.
04:06Which one of you is Barbara Hunt? I said which one of you is Barbara Hunt?
04:14Where are you taking me? Take your hands off me! Where am I going? Why are you doing this
04:21to me? Leave me alone. Hunt Barbara. Yes, Miss? Well, clean your ears out and come forward.
04:30Sorry, Miss. Right. You were sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court for three years, is
04:37that right? Yes, Miss. Date of birth, 9-11-49. That can't be right. It's 59, Miss. Typical.
04:52Right. Religion, C of E. Any special diet? No, Miss. Good. We like new prisoners who
05:02don't create problems for us. No! No, let me go, please! No, let me go!
05:19Shut her up for the rest of the night.
05:30Here's the plan. Tomorrow I'll come and tell you you've got a phone call. Your husband's
05:35got liver cancer. You're gutted. Pile it on. Come visiting, I'll put you in a side room
05:40where you can console each other in private. Nice. Just make sure I get Mike. Oh, don't
05:45worry. I'll ring Charlie and tell him. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship,
05:49Mr Fenner. Act a bit smarter, then. Don't keep stirring it with old body bag. Smooch
05:55her up a bit. Get her off your back.
06:06You all right, Alexandra? Would be if I could see a decent doctor. Why, what's up? I keep
06:13telling him that I'm getting his headaches, but he won't give me anything. Do you say
06:18why not? Why do you think he's called Dr No-No?
06:31You all right, Shell? What do you want? I was just wondering, this therapy thing, are
06:37you going? Why? Well, it could be a laugh, couldn't it? Take a piss. Why not?
06:49Turn to the side.
06:55Right. Now, off along there to see the nurse. Then you'll be taken to a dorm for tonight.
07:00Tomorrow morning, we'll move you on to your wing. Yes, miss. Don't forget your property.
07:09We'll give you some charity clothes so you can get your own stuff sent in. Thank you,
07:31Start going out.
07:35Which one's Tessa Spalding?
07:44Have you tried talking to her yet? Just keeping her lid on.
07:48When do you think she'll be ready to go on the wing?
07:51Oh, right now. Well, come and see her after lunch.
08:05I wanted to ask you about another inmate, Sandra Plackett.
08:09Oh, God.
08:10She's still complaining of headaches. Good.
08:14When it starts to be more of a pain than a pleasure, she might do something about changing
08:18her drug habits.
08:19But she has changed, I thought.
08:21So why did she refuse a blood test when she last came to see me?
08:33Yvonne Atkins. I think you'd better step outside.
08:38What for?
08:39There's been a phone call.
08:44Have you got any jellies?
08:46I thought you was off all that stuff.
08:48Yeah, I need something for my head.
08:50Yeah, well, too bad, cos deals is not what I do no more.
08:52So I'm learning to love myself, right?
08:55So I'm going to this therapy group, innit?
09:00I'm going to see if I can talk to her after lunch, when she's come round a bit.
09:04Am I the only one for you?
09:06No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
09:09I'm going to see if I can talk to her after lunch, when she's come round a bit.
09:12Am I the only one fond of my two ears in this place?
09:16Let's leave her there, Dominic, till we can ship her back out.
09:19Oh, Mum.
09:20Don't stop me.
09:21Just thought you should know the new arrivals from yesterday.
09:25Yeah, I'll try and find a space.
09:27Turned out the one from Newby's on the magic roundabout.
09:30Cheeky buggers.
09:31Thought they'd palmer off on us for keeps.
09:35Tessa Spall.
09:38See? We all know that name, Dominic.
09:41Well, I suppose you must have been working there, weren't you,
09:44when the actual ear was bitten off?
09:46So we've got Tessa Spall on the wing?
09:48Well, actually, she's down the block, doped up.
09:50I'm going to move her as soon as she's ready.
09:53We'll have to talk about this later.
09:59Are you sure you don't want to go back to your room?
10:05What's up?
10:06What was all that about?
10:08It's my Charlie.
10:13He's got liver cancer.
10:17Oh, shit. I'm sorry, Mum.
10:23Right then, Barbara.
10:25We'll put your cell card in here so you don't get lost.
10:30Am I on my own, then?
10:32You're lucky.
10:34But we like to give our older girls some privacy.
10:38So, if you'd just like to make your bed up,
10:41the others will be back from their work soon,
10:43and then it'll be time for lunch.
10:47They told me I have to see the governor.
10:49Yes, that's the rules.
10:51But she's a bit tied up for now, I'm afraid,
10:53so it might not be today.
10:55Is that Miss Betts?
10:57She's quite new here herself.
11:04You've not been in prison before, have you, Barbara?
11:08No, Miss.
11:10I'll give you some advice.
11:12Be very careful who you trust round here.
11:15Some people might seem very nice,
11:17but most of them, they'll just be trying to get round you.
11:23Anyway, see you soon.
11:35Come on, love. We've got to eat something.
11:38Yeah, of course I bloody ate it. I'm starving.
11:41Your old man's visiting later, isn't he?
11:43He said I'd get a bloke to drop the dosh off at your house.
11:46You know, give me the address.
11:48Uh-uh. I say where and when.
11:50No third parties.
11:52Cos if I get a hint, anybody else knows about this.
11:54The deal's off and you're in deep shit. Got it?
12:00How come everyone's all Iraq kings all of a sudden?
12:02You know why, Cheryl.
12:04I didn't get no sympathy when my Charlie died.
12:06He was a canary.
12:14Let's go and say hello to the new girl. Cheer her up.
12:17I've got to go and see probation after this.
12:19I'll go myself, then.
12:21Sorry, Cheryl.
12:23I'll see you later.
12:42I'm Cheryl.
12:44You're Barbara, right?
12:45That's right.
12:47So what are you in for?
12:49That's private, isn't it?
12:51Not if I ask you, Babs.
12:53It means you'll tell me, right?
12:55But I don't want to get into trouble with the officers.
13:00I don't think you're understanding me.
13:03I'm the governor on this wing.
13:05What I want, I get.
13:07So let's try again.
13:11What are you in here for?
13:19I just want to eat my lunch.
13:22You're really pissing me off now.
13:26You aren't teaching some manners.
13:30I said, oi!
13:33I don't like people who don't listen to me!
13:43What are you doing in there, Dockley?
13:45It's OK.
13:47I just had an accident.
13:49Clean it up.
13:56Are you all right?
13:57Yes, thank you.
13:59I just went and dropped my dinner.
14:03I'd better get a cloth.
14:11I've got another letter for you.
14:15I thought I recognised the handwriting.
14:17You read it?
14:19I don't, do I?
14:20Anyway, Miss Barker checked them today.
14:24Look, I was wondering.
14:25I've not heard from Helen since she left.
14:27It'd be nice to know she's OK.
14:29Would it?
14:36Don't worry, she's fine.
14:46Well, this is who we've got signed up for you.
14:52Some of them will be piss-takers.
14:54The real hard nuts of the life are Michelle Dockley.
14:57If you crack her, I'll give up smoking.
15:02She's a raving nympho, men mostly,
15:04but she's been carrying on something with a little sidekick here,
15:07Daniela Blood.
15:09Then recently she brought an allegation against one of my senior officers.
15:13He's been officially cleared,
15:15but between you and me, Meg,
15:17I think she was telling the truth.
15:19What, and you can't do anything?
15:21I'm hoping you can.
15:23But I'd rather you didn't let her bang on about him in front of the others.
15:27I'll do my best.
15:29But you know as well as me, in these sessions,
15:31the whole point is to let the group set its own limits.
15:34I just don't want to spark them all off again.
15:37It's a risk.
15:39Let's try and help her to help herself.
15:41Otherwise I can see her going exactly the same way as Tessa Spall.
15:44Remember that name?
15:46Are you kidding?
15:47Yeah, well, we've got her here for a month.
15:49Karen, for God's sake!
15:50Don't worry.
15:51I won't let her get me on my own.
15:53Well, don't, please.
15:54Not even for a second.
15:56Let me out of here!
15:58Let me out of here, you stupid, bloody bastards!
16:18Come on, Atkins.
16:21I cried the last lot off, didn't I, miss?
16:24Anyway, my Charlie's going to be upset enough
16:26without seeing me look like a monkey's arse.
16:29Anyway, I won't say to you.
16:31I was going to ask him for the number of this shit-hot lawyer for you.
16:34If you like.
16:35If I'd like what?
16:36To make a claim for industrial injury.
16:39For your neck.
16:40All right. Out.
16:42Now, hang on a minute.
16:43This guy got 50 grand on the last case like yours.
16:46And him and my Charlie are old mates.
16:50I'm serious.
16:52Why wouldn't I be?
16:53This ass-lot will suffer if you screws her off sick.
16:58No win, no fee.
17:02But if you're not interested...
17:08You can keep some small change for refreshments,
17:11but can everything else go in your lockers, please?
17:14Can you raise your arms, please?
17:16You like filling up blokes for a living, do you?
17:20Which one's Yvonne Atkins' husband?
17:22It's the tall bloke in the front.
17:25She's come over all weepy again. I've put her in the side room.
17:28I'd rather him see her in there than upset the others, eh?
17:31Yeah, it's nice.
17:33Be good for them to cry together.
17:35You bring him through?
17:36Yep. Soon as.
17:45You all right, love?
17:47I've got something for you.
17:51Hello, darling.
17:54I'll leave you two to it.
18:01Sorry I can't get the bridal suite.
18:04Come here, gorgeous.
18:08It's really difficult for me to talk about this, cos, erm...
18:12I ain't never told no-one before.
18:14Just say what happened.
18:16What? Even if it's a bit... not very nice?
18:20Doesn't matter. You're free to talk about anything you're worried about.
18:24Right. Well, erm...
18:27When I was at school, I had this boyfriend, right?
18:31And I really wanted him to die.
18:34Cos he packed me in for some other bitch, didn't he?
18:38So you wanted him to die?
18:41That's what she's like.
18:44So, anyway, what I thought I'd do, right, is I thought I'd bake him a cake
18:48and I'd put rat poison in it, cos he's a rat, right?
18:51Is that what you did?
18:53Well, no, cos then I thought what I'd do is I'd make him jealous instead.
18:57And I thought I'd make him jealous.
19:00Cos then I thought what I'd do is I'd make him jealous instead.
19:03I'd shake his best friend.
19:05So you did that instead?
19:08Well, no, cos it's my problem, right?
19:12When it came down to it, I couldn't bring myself to.
19:18Cos he was a dog.
19:20What, you mean he was ugly?
19:22No. Alsatian.
19:30OK, Michelle, if you really don't want to talk about yourself,
19:33let's move on to somebody else.
19:35Hey, no, look, hang on a minute.
19:37You've had your turn, Michelle.
19:39Yeah, well, I want to know what all this crap's for,
19:41cos it ain't us it needs sorting out, it's the frigging Screws.
19:44We're only here cos they told us to be.
19:46Can we listen to Sandra now, please?
19:48She's right.
19:50I just want to see an ordinary doctor to get some painkillers.
19:54But nobody listens to what we want in here.
19:56Cos we're scum.
19:58That is what we want to talk about.
20:00How them lot can get away with what they want and no-one gives a shit.
20:04That's right.
20:06OK, look, can I make something clear?
20:10The whole point of this group
20:12is for you to talk about yourselves and your own actions
20:15so that you can think about how you can change your lives
20:17by making different choices.
20:20Now, if you want to complain about prison officers,
20:22you should go and speak to the Board of Visitors, not to me,
20:24because that's not what I can help you with.
20:28Might as well sod off, then.
20:30Sorry, Michelle?
20:32Well, this is our lives, innit? Us and them.
20:35It's what we want about.
20:47Get away from me! Don't touch me!
20:51I think you're wasting your time.
20:58Can I just talk to you?
21:00I don't want to talk to any of you people.
21:02I want to speak to my solicitor now!
21:04Come on. Just five minutes.
21:07You're making me ill! I can't breathe!
21:10All right, why don't you sit down?
21:12I want to get out of here!
21:14When you calm down, I'll take you back onto the wing.
21:17We're only keeping you here cos of how you're behaving.
21:20Me?! What?!
21:22You treat me like an animal!
21:24You hold me down and inject me with drugs!
21:27Look, we all know you've had a lot of problems, Tessa.
21:31What are you talking about? You don't know anything about me!
21:33You don't even know my bloody name!
21:37Stop doing this to me!
21:39I can't stand it!
21:42I can't stand it!
22:01I missed you, darling.
22:03I thought me rocks had turned to stone.
22:05Oh, thanks a bunch.
22:07What's the matter? What did you get your narky with me for, eh?
22:11I love you, Evie. You know that.
22:14I'm mad for you.
22:16I don't want you seeing other women, Charlie.
22:18I'm not. I don't want no other women.
22:21I just want you, darling.
22:23We should have this time by rights.
22:25What are they trying to do, break up our bleeding marriages as well?
22:30Nobody's going to split us up, sweetheart.
22:33We've got to make the most of our chances, Tessa.
22:35And now we've got a safe screw, we'll be laughing, won't we, eh?
22:39Come on.
22:41Oh, don't get sad.
22:43That's your head in the net.
22:45And there's too much time to think about things.
22:48So this Fenner, what's he like, then?
22:51Reckon he's up for more?
22:53He's a greedy enough bastard.
22:55But I wouldn't trust him, Charlie.
22:58He wants to call all the shots now.
23:00Says he wants it one-to-one, just doing him, and no third parties.
23:04And I'm to tell you, what else?
23:07Sounds like he needs putting in his lowly place, a cheeky clod.
23:11What are they like, eh?
23:14Kiss a kiss.
23:20I'm sorry, but you're going to have to say your goodbyes now.
23:24I'll be thinking of you all the time, Charlie.
23:28So they love conquers all, don't they, eh?
23:43OK, then.
23:45Right, would anybody else like to talk about when they've let men take advantage of them?
23:50Yeah, I do.
23:52Go on, then, Michelle, but no games this time, please.
23:55Well, it's his screw, right? Do you want to hear about it?
23:58I don't want to hear any names. Just call him Mr X, OK?
24:02Well, everyone knows who Mr frigging X is.
24:05So what are you saying he did to you?
24:07Took advantage. And he bloody batted me. And he got off with it.
24:11You're saying this man forced you to have sex with him?
24:14Yeah, loads of it.
24:16And he's got you.
24:18You're saying this man forced you to have sex with him?
24:21Yeah, loads of times.
24:23But you made it clear to him you didn't want it.
24:26Men don't care what you want, do they?
24:29They just act for themselves.
24:31Well, let's just talk about this particular man, Michelle.
24:35Did you actually tell him you weren't interested in having sex with him?
24:39I was scared of him. I told you, he hit me.
24:43Yeah, but what I mean is...
24:45What? You're saying that's OK?
24:47No, of course he shouldn't have hit you.
24:49Well, he did. So now you know what he's like.
24:52All right, let me ask you another question.
24:55Did you ever enjoy having sex with this man?
25:01Are you trying to make me feel guilty or something?
25:04Do you feel guilty about it?
25:06This is bollocks, man.
25:08You're better off stuffing envelopes. Come on, let's go.
25:11So you're going to give up just when it starts to feel uncomfortable, are you?
25:15Well, it's up to you.
25:17Only don't pretend to yourself you're leaving because you're bored.
25:20How do you know what I'm thinking?
25:22Why do you feel guilty about sex, Michelle?
25:26You coming?
25:32Well, we'll start it now, won't we?
25:55You're going to lose that, Barbara.
25:58Barbara? Hello?
26:01Such a hanky.
26:03Sorry, miss.
26:05Off somewhere nice, were you?
26:11Oh. No, actually, miss, I was wondering about when I'm going to get my appointment...
26:17with Miss Betts.
26:19It's hard to say exactly, but I'm sure it'll be as soon as she can fit you in.
26:22But I'm entitled to it within 24 hours, aren't I?
26:25Strictly speaking, yes.
26:27So what do I have to do, then?
26:29Write to my MP?
26:31You've soon picked up a bit of an attitude, haven't you?
26:35Look, leave it with me, Barbara, and I'll see if I can put a word in.
26:39Thank you, miss.
26:50Want a word with you?
26:54So you think you're Big Sister, do you?
26:56Excuse me?
26:57Sticking your nose in, doing the screws job for them.
27:00Lick their arses for them, too, do you?
27:02Look, I'm busy.
27:04I'll tell you what you are, you piece of snot.
27:08You're a narc, ain't you?
27:10Look, I don't know what your problem is, I'm not interested.
27:13So why don't you save your breath and go run round the playground instead?
27:29Take that!
27:31I'll be right in, I'll be right in, I'll be right in!
27:37Get off me!
27:39I saw that.
27:41What happened?
27:42She just went for me. She tried to kill me.
27:44You lying shit, you don't believe that?
27:47I didn't see it.
27:49He's bollocks. She's a headcase!
27:51You're back on basic, darling. Move! Come on!
28:02OK, anything I should need to know?
28:04Well, I wanted to ask about Tessa Spall.
28:07I went down the block to see her yesterday
28:09and I got the impression she was more frightened than violent.
28:12I was just wondering if we could take a chance and bring her on the wing.
28:15Are you crazy, Dominic?
28:17I just think they're making her worse down there.
28:20You don't know Tessa.
28:22She can put on any act that suits her, believe me.
28:25I don't believe you.
28:27You don't know Tessa.
28:29She can put on any act that suits her, believe me.
28:31I was going to ask, has she got a nickname?
28:33Yes, Mad Tessa Spall.
28:36And you're still wondering why.
28:38I meant a name she prefers.
28:40Not that I know of. Why?
28:42It's just she said I didn't even know her name.
28:45He doesn't know the time of day.
28:47You should have asked her what she meant, Dominic.
28:50She got a bit heated by then.
28:52Well, look, I've got to see her myself soon anyway.
28:55I'll try and find some time and let you know what I think tomorrow.
28:58Oh, I was wondering about our new reception, too.
29:00Um, Barbara Hunt?
29:02She was getting a bit uppity about wanting to see you.
29:04Oh, right.
29:06You know, to be honest, I was quite surprised
29:08when you said Nicky Wade had given her a slapping.
29:10What's this?
29:12During exercise, Dom and me saw it happen,
29:14and it wasn't provoked eye.
29:16That was Wade chucking her weight around.
29:18Anyway, on the upside,
29:20I'd like to say about Yvonne Atkins...
29:24She seems to be settling down well now.
29:26She's been a pretty good mum to some of the kids.
29:29I think we should give her some encouragement,
29:31put her up a level.
29:33I think you're right, Jim, speaking as her personal officer.
29:36This is a bit of a change of heart for you, isn't it, Sylvia?
29:39Well, I like to feel I've had some influence on her, actually.
29:42And if you're moving Wade off the threes,
29:44why not do a straight swap?
29:46Why, it's a point. Simple.
29:48Right, well, look, I'll find some time after breakfast.
29:51Bring Barbara Hunt up to see me then.
29:53OK, Jim.
29:55Right. You two unlock.
29:57We'll sort out the moves.
30:15Just back from holiday.
30:17Hey, if they're moving her down, that means...
30:21Hey, they're not giving it to Atkins!
30:24I'm really sorry about this, Nicky.
30:26Not your fault. Fenner's a complete bastard.
30:28You're lucky you're not going down the block.
30:30I'm lucky I keep all my privileges in here.
30:33But you can't touch them.
30:52Why are you being so stupid about this?
30:54If it wasn't your fault yesterday,
30:56why don't you go and see Miss Betts and tell her what really happened?
30:59Forget it. What for?
31:01Few extra quid in a duvet. It's all shit.
31:03Oh, come on.
31:05Look, I'm not interested.
31:07If you lot want to believe a total headcase, that's your problem.
31:10I just wish I hadn't saved Dotley from her.
31:14She was going to do her over.
31:18I've got to check something out.
31:21All right for you?
31:23Yeah, it's great.
31:25Just wasn't expecting it.
31:27It means you get more spends.
31:29And extra visits.
31:33So when do you want your reward?
31:38I'll phone your old man later from a call box.
31:40That's when I'll say where and when.
31:42And I hope you'll encourage him to be generous.
31:44Oh, don't worry.
31:56You're in luck this morning, Barbara.
31:58Miss Betts will see you now.
32:02Thanks to my powers of persuasion.
32:04So hop to, otherwise she'll be back on her budgets.
32:09I'll see you later.
32:19Can I get my handbook?
32:21Only, I wanted to take notes.
32:23All right, but be quick, then.
32:46Come in.
32:48I've got Barbara Hunt for you.
33:01I've got a letter for you.
33:03Oh, thank you.
33:05It's from your father.
33:07Oh, thank you.
33:09It's from your father?
33:17Hello, Miss Betts.
33:19Remember me?
33:25There seems to have been a bit of a mix-up.
33:30Why don't you sit down?
33:32Get your finger off there, right now,
33:34or you're going to be HIV positive.
33:44Told you I'd get you back one day.
33:47Didn't I?
34:01I want to phone my solicitor now.
34:03Yeah, I'll get you everything you need.
34:05I can't stand it in here. There's no air. I can't breathe.
34:08Look, I just need to ask you one question.
34:10What is your full name?
34:12How many times do I have to tell you people?
34:14I am Barbara Anne Hunt!
34:16Oh, shit.
34:18Give her her clothes back, for God's sake.
34:20Where are you going? Don't leave me!
34:22Let me out! Let me out!
34:26Sit there.
34:28Tessa, why do you want to make things worse for yourself?
34:30Shut your gob.
34:33There ain't no worse for me, Miss bloody Betts.
34:36There ain't no worse for me, Miss bloody Betts.
34:41You did that.
34:44Cos you took away the one lovely thing in my whole shitting life, didn't you?
34:50My Debbie.
34:53You took her away.
34:55And you turned her against me, you bitch.
34:57Tessa, it wasn't like that.
35:00I had no choice.
35:02Don't lie to me.
35:05You were my personal officer.
35:08You had the old bloody say over me.
35:10And I was doing all right, wasn't I?
35:12I was keeping me nose clean.
35:14There were... there were other issues.
35:17Oh, yeah? What, like you not wanting me to get close to anybody?
35:23Things you wouldn't have known about.
35:25The point is, it wasn't because I wanted to hurt you.
35:28You knew what would happen to me.
35:31You knew my head would go pop.
35:33You just didn't give a toss.
35:48When are you taking Barbara Hunt to the govs?
35:50I've already took her.
35:53Cos she's not her.
35:55What's this?
35:56There's been a cock-up.
35:57The real Barbara Hunt's down the block.
36:00That means Karen's seeing Tessa Spawn.
36:02Are you sure about this?
36:04Right. I'm off up there.
36:05Dom, call control, tell them what you know, then come on after me.
36:08Di, get everyone locked up till we know where this is going, all right?
36:12I'm trying to explain, Tessa.
36:14What happened between you and Debbie was... was complicated.
36:17Only cos of you.
36:19Just admit you had it in for me.
36:21It wasn't like that.
36:23Why are you telling me lies?
36:29Do you want me to stick this in you? Now?
36:33Cos I bloody well know if you're going to treat me like a mug.
36:36I'm not, Tessa, please.
36:38Then stop trying to wriggle out.
36:41Cos I know it was down to you what happened.
36:43Cos Debbie told me you said you needed protecting from me.
36:45That's not how it was, Tessa.
36:47Then how was it?
36:54There's a spot of bother in Miss Bette's office.
36:56Tell all your lot to stay clear of the corridor, all right?
36:59All right.
37:01I'll tell you what really happened.
37:04You won't like it, but the fact is...
37:07I split you and Debbie up because she asked me to.
37:12That's the honest reason.
37:14She wanted to get away from you.
37:27I don't believe a word you're saying.
37:31Why are you doing this to me?
37:37You evil bitch.
37:39Tessa, you asked me for the truth.
37:42That's it.
37:45Debbie told me she was frightened of you.
37:48She said she'd wake up in the middle of the night
37:50and find you there by her bed, staring at her.
37:53She said you didn't like her talking to anybody else,
37:55or going to classes or anything, if you weren't there with her.
37:58Cos I had to look after her.
38:00Cos she was too smiley with people, I told her that.
38:03She kept on getting the wrong kind of attention.
38:06It was your attention that was scaring her, Tessa.
38:10She said she felt like she was your prisoner.
38:13But that's all wrong.
38:15Debbie crutched her when she first came in.
38:17I found her in the showers.
38:19She needed me to protect her.
38:21I know that's what you wanted to do.
38:24But she ended up feeling controlled by you.
38:26You're lying to me.
38:28She said it was you I had to blame for everything.
38:32Yes, I know.
38:34Because that's what I told her to tell you.
38:38Because I thought it would make it easier for her.
38:41And for you, Tessa.
38:43That you attacked an officer.
38:45Cos I was wound up.
38:47Cos that's what I thought.
38:49I was wound up.
38:51Cos that's what you made me.
38:53Well, how do you think I'd be, for Christ's sakes?
38:55Don't matter bollocks if I'm good or bad, does it?
38:57All I am is a piece of shit that none of you bastards want stuck with.
39:01Right, Tessa.
39:02Jim, don't!
39:05You know what this is, do you?
39:09You're not going to do anything without Tessa.
39:15Tell him to get back!
39:17Jim, stop. She is not joking.
39:19So get back. Get away from me!
39:21OK, OK.
39:23Just go steady.
39:25I'll tell you where I'm going.
39:27Right out of here.
39:29You're driving me.
39:31And if anyone tries to stop us, she gets it, right?
39:39Take us to your car.
39:41You go first. Open the gates.
39:43I'll have to collect my keys from the lodge.
39:47Just start walking.
39:55Jim, don't do anything.
39:57Get that gate open.
39:59You, lie on the floor and don't twitch a finger.
40:02Kill him!
40:03Do it, Dominic.
40:11I'll get the others.
40:19Pass your keys through. Take them.
40:25Right. You open the next gate.
40:36Come on.
40:50Police are on their way. Could be five or ten minutes.
40:53Give us your keys. Call the gate lodge.
40:56Say Karen's going to pretend that she's left her car keys with him, OK?
40:59And tell them no bloody heroics.
41:01That bitch could do anything.
41:06This is stupid, Tessa.
41:08Shut it!
41:19Her car keys?
41:21Just stall her as long as you can, OK?
41:23And Jim says no heroics.
41:25Don't worry, mate. I don't want AIDS.
41:28Get over. Where's the gate lodge?
41:30Down there.
41:32Move it!
41:34Move it!
41:57They should be on here, but they're not.
41:59Find them!
42:00One of my colleagues must have moved them.
42:02You'd better not be pissing me about or you've had it.
42:04I think he knows what I'm up against.
42:08Dominic, give us a hand, will you?
42:11I don't know where else to look.
42:13Stuff her keys. Just give me somebody else's.
42:17Give her yours.
42:20Take that. Go on.
42:24Which is it?
42:25Blue Astra.
42:26Get the gates open.
42:30Tessa, wait!
42:31Do it!
42:33Right, get back inside.
42:34Please. Just listen.
42:36If you stop this now, I'll give you another chance.
42:38What chance? All you'll do is shit me straight out?
42:40No. I'll take you off the circuit.
42:42You can stay on here at Larcall.
42:44I mean it. I owe you that.
42:46You'll never pay me back what you owe me.
43:00You all right?
43:23Grab her now!
43:25Grab her!
43:26Go on!
43:31Go on.
43:40Thanks for the soaking.
43:42Sorry about that.
43:58So what's going to happen to Tessa Spall now, then?
44:01I don't know for sure.
44:03She was crying like a baby when we took her down the block.
44:06Jim says Karen's going to have another talk with her.
44:09Is it like me?
44:11There you go.
44:13Cheers, mate.
44:16Don't suppose everyone calling her Madeleine have helped?
44:19Well, at least they're not calling her Barbara.
44:30What's this stuff doing in my cell?
44:32Ah, Wade.
44:34You can introduce yourself to your new roommate.
44:36What are you talking about? I don't two-up. I'm a lifer.
44:39Well, you'd just have to learn to be sociable, wouldn't you?
44:42In you go, Hunt. Get your bed made up.
44:47Hang on a minute.
44:49You've got a spare single where you put that psycho. Why can't she go in there?
44:52Because she's got a problem.
44:54Why don't you ask her about it?
44:59Look, I'm not being funny or anything, but...
45:01She means I suffer from claustrophobia.
45:04They seem to think I'll cope better if I share a cell.
45:07Though, if you want my own opinion, I think we're merely comparing types of hell.
45:11Now, where do you want me to put my toothbrush?
45:23No, man. You're still grizzling.
45:26I'll go and sum it for you later. Get you some Nambu, spark you up.
45:29Anyway, find out while we're all back up tomorrow.
45:35Oi, Sally.
45:39Help! Mr McAllister, quick!
46:02You fainted.
46:04Oh, my head.
46:06She's getting worse every day. You've got to get a doctor to give her something.
46:10Go to the office. Tell Miss Barker to call an M.O.
46:18Why do you keep taking this stuff?