Bad Girls-1999-S01-1-Ep-05

  • 2 days ago
Helen investigates Rachel's death. Nikki attacks Shell. Dominic struggles to cope with the pressure of being a prison officer


00:07🎵 Can anybody tell me where to go? 🎵
00:14🎵 Take a little time to take it all 🎵
00:21🎵 Got nowhere to hide 🎵
00:25🎵 Got nowhere to fall 🎵
00:28🎵 Standing with my back against the wall 🎵
00:35🎵 Standing with my back against the wall 🎵
00:43Deadline news at 8 o'clock.
00:45The prison service has promised a full investigation
00:48following the suicide of another female prisoner, the second this month.
00:5219-year-old Rachel Hicks, an inmate of Larkhall Prison, South London,
00:56appears to have hung herself...
00:58Hanged! The word's hanged.
01:00A Home Office spokesman said...
01:02Half past three I woke up this morning.
01:06I'm just...
01:08I can't believe Rachel could...
01:10Yeah, well, it's getting to us all, Dominic.
01:12Yeah, but I was her personal officer.
01:15She asked me for help and I just told her to shut it.
01:18What? And that made her top herself?
01:21I don't think so, Summer.
01:25I need you to cover for me. I've got to see the governor at nine.
01:28A couple of transfer reports. And guess what it's about.
01:32It's funny, isn't it? The guiltier they feel, the bossier they get.
01:36I don't see what she's got to feel guilty about.
01:38Really? Rachel told us she was desperate because her mum had put her kid into care.
01:42So what does Stuart do?
01:44Puts her on G1 dorm with a bunch of nutters as punishment?
01:47She smashed up her cell. Helen could have put her in the block for that.
01:51Well, she ended up putting her in a coffin.
01:54Look, the fact is she's the wing governor and the buck stops with her, OK?
02:16I don't know if I can manage it this early.
02:18Shut it.
02:20You were doing like I told you and keeping out of her way.
02:23If you're bullshitting me...
02:25Honest, I was. Ask Denny. He should tell you I was trying to be friends with Rachel.
02:29Look, the number one's on the wall path. There's going to be a lot of questions.
02:33If they pin anything on you, you're going to be in deep trouble.
02:36Yeah? Well, if I'm in deep trouble, I don't reckon I'll be the only one, Mr Fenner.
02:40You listen to me.
02:43You just keep your head down and stick to your story.
02:47This is going to get messy.
03:05Careful. Sorry about the reports, but the governor, he wants me in on this.
03:16Come. Allow me.
03:22Have a seat. Thank you.
03:24Jim, good of you to come along. Thank you, sir.
03:28It's an unpleasant business, so we might as well start.
03:31Unless you want tea or coffee. No, thank you.
03:33I'm fine, thank you, sir.
03:35I take it you've done a preliminary report.
03:39Rachel Hicks' body was found in her cell at 7am on Wednesday.
03:43The doctors estimate she'd been dead three hours.
03:46Cause of death, strangulation.
03:48The police came and interviewed everyone straight away.
03:51Foul play's been ruled out.
03:54Chair of the Board of Visitors?
03:56She came in yesterday afternoon to look at the cell.
03:58She's quite happy that the police aren't going to take further action.
04:01So, are we any nearer finding out how this tragedy happened?
04:05The day she died, her mother told her that she was going to put the daughter, Maddy, into care.
04:10I thought that was probably why she smashed up her cell.
04:13Didn't you think to put her on suicide watch after that?
04:15No, I didn't consider it to be a suicide risk.
04:18I take it you're not a mother.
04:21Whether I'm a mother or not is irrelevant.
04:24Look, I know that she had bad news that day. Very bad news.
04:27But there's something else at the root of this.
04:29Something that she wouldn't tell me about.
04:32So you established she had a whole series of problems, and you put her back in basic?
04:36With respect, sir.
04:38Smashing up a cell is a criminal act.
04:40Now, I was sufficiently worried about Rachel not to put her on the punishment block.
04:43So, instead, you sent her back to a dorm on G1, where she killed herself?
04:52What do you want this morning, Daddy, my darling?
04:54Your drawing made her do it. She thought you wanted to cut her head off.
04:56You got rid of it, didn't you?
04:59Well, then, we could get another ten years for this.
05:02Look, no-one's got anything on us, OK?
05:09Rachel Hicks was a little whore.
05:12Pity Rachel didn't listen to you, Nicky.
05:14No good thinking the Screws are gonna look after you.
05:16Still, look on the bright side. At least there's an extra helping today.
05:20You son of a bitch!
05:31Rita Hotel, Sylvia!
05:36Emergency assistance required. ASAP.
05:52Couple of animals.
05:58Don't! Don't!
06:00Jimmy, get her!
06:02Get her!
06:07Get her!
06:09You son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you!
06:13Bloody animals!
06:15This girl is the first suicide I've had at Lark Hall in over two years.
06:20And how long have you been here?
06:22I tried to take an interest.
06:24I could see that the girl wasn't fitting in.
06:26I mean, it was a tragedy that she ever ended up in here.
06:29So I made sure I got her a job cleaning in our office.
06:32Excuse me, Jim, but as wing governor, I'm the one that authorised that job.
06:36Well, that's hardly the point, is it, Helen?
06:40I mean, a young girl has died in our care.
06:53If you've finished with me, sir, I'm expecting Mrs Hicks.
06:58Then I wouldn't dream of keeping you.
07:02Better have Jim with you. Safety in numbers.
07:04I don't think that's necessary.
07:06It's a tricky situation.
07:08I'd rather see Mrs Hicks on my own, sir.
07:12Jim, would you leave us, please?
07:14Of course, sir.
07:27Have you got a problem with Jim Fenner?
07:29I'm sorry?
07:31Do you have a problem with Jim Fenner?
07:37Well, I couldn't help but notice a degree of resentment coming from you.
07:41Let me give you a piece of advice, Helen.
07:44Someone in your position can't afford to alienate staff,
07:47especially experienced officers like Jim Fenner.
07:51We've just had a suicide.
07:53There's clearly been a lapse of judgment on somebody's part
07:56at some stage before it happened.
07:58Under the circumstances, I would have thought
08:01you need all the friends you can get amongst your colleagues.
08:08And with any luck, you'll be transferred out of here.
08:11Give us all peace.
08:18If you ask me, Cheryl deserved all she got.
08:21I felt like slapping her myself.
08:23You should have.
08:25What if Ollenby gets Nikki transferred?
08:27She won't.
08:29Poor Rachel.
08:31There's always something sad about her.
08:33Yeah, well, we only knew her, didn't we?
08:35She went straight up to G3.
08:37But I always had this feeling. I said to June...
08:40That's what I said.
08:41That's what she said.
08:42Rubbish. Superstition. That's what it is.
08:44Listen, love, for your information, I'm a medium.
08:47A medium.
08:49She's got sod all to do with superstition.
08:51She wasn't cursed, she just didn't know what to do
08:53with the two good fists God gave her.
08:55Think how I feel.
08:56I woke up this morning and see her staring at me
08:58with these big poppy eyes.
08:59Oh, stop it.
09:00That's what she looked like, innit?
09:02My nerves are shot to pieces.
09:04Doctor's going to have to give me something.
09:06You love that, baby. You wouldn't take nothing.
09:08Not even for a headache.
09:09I do love it. I didn't get rid of it, did I?
09:11It can't be good for it, me being in this state.
09:15You shouldn't be getting nothing after what you've done to me.
09:20Sir, she's got a letter with her. That ain't allowed.
09:23Piss off, Doc Lee.
09:25Move along, Michelle.
09:37You're in it now, Nicky.
09:38So what? It's just another bang-up.
09:40Throw away the key if you want.
09:43I'm fine. I'm bloody marvellous being locked up in here 24 hours a day.
09:49I won't swing if that's what you're worried about.
09:52Two in two days, that'll give them something to think about.
10:05Excuse me, Gav.
10:06We've had to put Nicky Wade on block.
10:08Nearly killed Cheryl Dockley. It's all here.
10:10Oh, great. That's all I need.
10:12I put her on report. She kicked up something terrible.
10:15Look, I can't deal with this just now.
10:17Bring her to see me in my office at 11.30.
10:19What, here?
10:20She's on report, Mum. She's due an adjudication.
10:23Lorna, if you ever make Wayne governor,
10:26you'll know how annoying it is to be told how to do your job.
10:29Sorry, Mum. Just worried we're not following procedure, that's all.
10:37Shit-faced doctor wouldn't give me a sodding thing!
10:40Mind your language!
10:42I've got any smack down?
10:44Please, Dad, I'm going out of my head here.
10:46Tough shit.
10:47I'll buy you back.
10:49Oh, God!
10:51Lord, now I know what Daniel felt stuck in this den with these two scumbags.
10:55Who are you calling a scumbag?
10:57You and her!
11:00What are you doing, people?
11:02That's locked up in a place where a girl's done herself in!
11:05You're animals!
11:11Mrs Hicks to see you, Mum. Send her in.
11:14If I were you, I wouldn't apologise too much.
11:18I'm only trying to give you the benefit of...
11:20Of your vast experience, yes, I know what I can do with her.
11:23But I'm not going to let you get away with this.
11:26I'm only trying to give you the benefit of...
11:28Of your vast experience, yes, I know what I can do with her.
11:31Mrs Hicks, Mum.
11:37Mrs Hicks, I'm Helen Stewart, the wing governor.
11:39This is my deputy, Jim Fenner.
11:41Look, I don't care who you are, I just want to know what's happened.
11:44Of course. We all do.
11:46Well, something must have driven her to this.
11:50I'm sorry, but we don't know yet why your daughter took her life.
11:54Well, being stuck in this stinking place, were you a lot looking after her?
12:04About time, too.
12:08Sir, the doctor, he's not going to be able to deal with my nerves, sir. They're wrecked.
12:12Did you tell him that?
12:13He says I'm putting on.
12:14And what do you do if you wake up to find a dead girl swinging from the window?
12:17Her tongue licking her knees?
12:20Sir, will you go and tell him I've got to get benzos? Please, sir.
12:23Don't be daft, Sandra.
12:24I hate this place! I should have left it when I had the chance.
12:27Yeah, well, you'd have been looking at it an extra three months.
12:29If only you'd have caught me. I could have got as much snot as I could have ate.
12:32Shut up, Sandra.
12:33I didn't want you and Miss Rose to get into trouble, did I?
12:35We won't get into trouble.
12:37Only because I'm keeping my mouth shut.
12:39And letting a prisoner escape? That's something you hear about on telly, isn't it?
12:42Look, if you want to get something off your chest, you go right ahead and do it.
12:46It doesn't bother me one bit.
12:48I've got to have something. Help me cope.
12:51The doctor's told you there's nothing.
12:56Smashed her cell up?
12:58That's not like my Rachel.
13:00She never had a temper before she came in here.
13:03Well, unfortunately, she wrecked the place. We had to move her.
13:06Oh, just like that.
13:08I thought you people were supposed to be professionals.
13:12You must have seen she was suffering.
13:15Well, clearly, I...
13:17She had a lot on her mind.
13:19Didn't you tell her that day that you put her baby into care?
13:26Wait a minute. What are you trying to say, that I'm to blame?
13:30No, it's not a question of blame.
13:32I'm just saying that we know that she was very upset about her baby.
13:36Well, she might have been a bit upset, but not enough to top herself.
13:39So don't start, right?
13:41Mrs Hicks.
13:42It's not as if she was especially close to Maddie.
13:45I mean, Rachel must have spent all of eight weeks with her since she was born.
13:50And I get the blame for saying enough is enough.
13:53She dumped that baby on me from morning till night.
13:57It was Muggins...
13:59..who had to...
14:06Mrs Hicks.
14:08Look, there's no point reeking over the past.
14:11Not now.
14:16And she just said, straight up,
14:18I'll see you in my office at half-past eleven.
14:20If Nicky Wade's not shipped out of here, I'll want to know the reason why.
14:24Well, if you ask me, the gov thinks she can bring her to heel.
14:27The gov does too much thinking.
14:29It's about time she got her hands dirty
14:31and did a decent day's work, like the rest of us.
14:35Donna, listen, we've got a problem.
14:40Sandra Plackett.
14:42She's just been threatening me.
14:44Get me Benzo's or I'm telling the gov I legged it.
14:47I'm talking about blackmail.
14:49A little tart. I'll blackmail her.
14:51Yeah? How?
14:53I say we go to hell and tell her what happened at the abortion clinic.
14:56Don't be wet.
14:58Listen, Sandra's a junkie. She's out of control.
15:01But sooner or later she's going to tell someone she did a runner.
15:04We've got to get in there first.
15:06I'm sorry, mate, but there's just no way.
15:08So we just wait for her to drop us in it?
15:10It's her word against ours.
15:12One phone call to the abortion clinic and they'll confirm Sandra's story.
15:16Don't let a stupid prisoner get to you.
15:18Miss Plackett is acting up. She needs slapping down.
15:21Leave it to me.
15:28We'll have a memorial service in the prison chapel.
15:30I'll let you know when things are arranged. Thanks.
15:33Mrs Hicks, before you go, I, er...
15:35I wanted to say how sorry, how very sorry I am.
15:38I was very fond of Rachel. She was a good girl.
15:42You must have been very proud of her.
15:44What did you say your name was?
15:45Fenner. Jim Fenner.
15:47She told me about you in her letters.
15:49You were very kind to her.
15:51Well, I did what I could to make Rachel happy.
15:54Well, I'm very grateful.
15:56And I know Rachel was.
15:59How are you going to get home in the taxi?
16:01I hadn't thought.
16:03There was a package she wanted me to pick up.
16:06She gave me the name and address.
16:09She begged me to pick it up. I didn't want to do it.
16:12I felt sure it was drugs.
16:14But Rachel kept telling me no,
16:16that it was jewellery for some girl on the wing.
16:19Michelle, I think, was her name.
16:23Just a minute, Jim.
16:25Can you see Mrs Hicks out, please?
16:27But I was going to talk to Dockley right away.
16:29I'll see Michelle myself, thank you. Thanks for coming.
16:39Sam, a little chat.
16:51I'm hearing things I don't like about you, doll, from Mr McAllister.
16:54Hmm? I didn't ask him a favour.
16:56Cos I'd done you two a favour, didn't I?
16:58Well, get this, Sandra.
17:00Mr McAllister isn't going to be doing you any favours, and neither am I.
17:04That's a shame.
17:06That's a shame.
17:08For you.
17:09Listen, lovely, I'm not scared of you.
17:11Then what are you doing here, then?
17:13To warn you. No more threats and no more blackmail.
17:16Remember, it's your neck on the block if the gov hears you tried to escape.
17:19And what will happen to you?
17:21Well, nothing, of course.
17:23For letting a prisoner escape?
17:25Why didn't you give me the keys and let myself out?
17:27I'm not willing to discuss this any more. Just keep that shut, OK?
17:33You're sweating like a pig.
17:35Look, watch it, you!
17:37Well, if you aren't going to help me, then I'll have to go and see Miss Stewart.
17:40And don't tell me they'll bang me up for running away, cos I don't care!
17:43I don't care one bit!
17:48Now, come on now, my love, calm down.
17:51I'm having a baby, and no-one cares about that!
17:58Steve Kennedy.
17:59Number two, Bourne Grove.
18:02I thought you might know him.
18:05Do I never help remember things by rushing?
18:11I suppose it's called Steve.
18:13That's why I thought the address might help.
18:18Sorry, miss.
18:21Perhaps it would help if you knew why I was asking.
18:25Doubt it.
18:27Do you know why Rachel Hicks asked her mother to pick up a package from there?
18:30Why should I?
18:32Because the package was for you.
18:36I think you do know who he is.
18:38I told you!
18:43Rachel's dead, what the hell.
18:46Go on.
18:48She was desperate to get her hands on something.
18:51Anything, she didn't mind.
18:53She asked me to give her the name of a dealer.
18:55Cos if I'd have any contacts, by the time I'd been in...
18:58I tried to put her off, but would she listen?
19:01You and me both know what people are like when they're desperate to score.
19:04Just get on with it, will you?
19:06Well, that's why I gave her Steve's name.
19:08Hand on heart, I didn't want to.
19:11In fact, I thought he'd have moved on by now.
19:15Oh, Christ.
19:17Did she kill herself cos she couldn't get them drugs?
19:20We don't know why Rachel killed herself.
19:23You're not just saying that to make me feel better.
19:27No, I'm not.
19:29I know, I know. It's hard for you.
19:34But I'm your friend. You can talk to me whenever you want to.
19:41There's a pool competition later. That'll cheer you up, won't it, eh?
19:45Won't it?
20:00Just wish there was something I could do for her.
20:03Too late now, I suppose.
20:05Wait a minute.
20:07There's gonna be a memorial service for her, ain't there?
20:10Only, I thought I could sing at the service.
20:13Oh, please, miss.
20:15I'd love to do just one last thing for her.
20:23I'm sorry.
20:25I'm sorry.
20:28Why do we keep doing her?
20:31This. The prison service.
20:33I mean, is it really worth all the hassle?
20:36What else are you gonna do?
20:38There's loads of things.
20:40Yeah? Like what?
20:41I don't know. I'm driving a bus or a dispatch rider
20:45or going back to college.
20:47Anything's better than locking up women for a living.
20:50You need a good night's sleep, son.
20:52No. I need to get out of this place.
20:55I'm gonna quit.
20:59I asked Lorna to bring Nicky Wade to my office at 11.30.
21:02Can you check on that, please, if you've got a minute?
21:04Course I will. I'll do it myself.
21:13Can you get me Nicky Wade's file, please, Dominic?
21:28Cos the lady boss wants to see you, that's why.
21:30You can tell her to sod off.
21:36Up. Now.
21:43You must be missing Rachel more than any of us, Mr Fenner.
21:47One more quip and are you waded off?
21:50Sorry. Did I say the wrong thing?
21:56Well, this should keep me gone for a while.
21:59Can I talk to you for a minute, please, boss?
22:02Can I wait, Dominic?
22:04Yeah, sure, if you're busy.
22:06What's the problem?
22:08It's this place.
22:10Well, that gets me a long wait.
22:12She's waiting outside your office.
22:14If you ask me, we've had enough of Wade's antics.
22:17Let's ship her out and have done with her.
22:19What, and offload the problem somewhere else, you mean?
22:21We've done all we can with her.
22:23She's a pain in the arse.
22:25Well, she's not the only one, is she?
22:35If she's not careful, she's going to end us up in deep shite.
22:39Oh, well, Nicky's not the easiest.
22:41I meant Stuart.
22:43Oh, come on, Jim. Helen's doing a good job.
22:45Well, then you and the Governor choose to differ.
22:48When you've been in the job as long as I have,
22:51you'd know that she's got too many good ideas.
22:54Keep them calm, keep them quiet.
22:57That way, everything runs smoothly.
23:00Start changing things around and it all goes up the spout.
23:04More cancelled leave, more crap all round.
23:09When you find that alternative career of yours,
23:12see if there's a job for me, will you?
23:15See if there's a job for me, will you?
23:24Suicide now?
23:27Is that what you call changing things for the better, miss?
23:30Sit down and listen.
23:35I said sit down!
23:42I'm not having this, Nicky.
23:44You're not going to undermine the good order of this wing.
23:47So transfer me, put me on report, do what you like, I don't give a shit.
23:50Oh, when are you going to grow up and stop all this macho crap?
23:58Why did you attack Michelle Dockley?
24:00I don't know. A touch of PMT.
24:04Sit in that chair!
24:10Don't you wish it was electric?
24:12It's on its way.
24:14What have they done? Forgotten to piss in it?
24:16For your information, Dockley, there's been a problem with the lift.
24:19Well, it can't go cold. It was never off.
24:22Had a chat with Miss Stewart this morning, did you?
24:24Came and screamed me blue murder at me about drugs.
24:27I put her right.
24:28How did you do that?
24:29I told her the truth.
24:31About Rachel, begging me to give her the name and number of a dealer.
24:34The truth, the old truth and nothing but the truth.
24:36Good for you.
24:38I've offered to sing at the memorial service,
24:40you know, as a friendly gesture.
24:42Maybe you could find me somewhere quiet to rehearse.
24:45I'd be doing us both a favour.
24:52The only option you leave me is to get you transferred.
24:55Send me where you like.
24:57Is that what you want? To be moved far away from Tricia?
25:01I don't give a toss about Tricia.
25:04She was getting on my tits, so I chucked her.
25:07She was getting on my tits, so I chucked her.
25:10Was it... Was that a long-term thing?
25:14Nine years.
25:16Nine? It's a long time.
25:17Spare me your sympathy, will you? You probably don't think it's for real cos we're dykes.
25:20Oh, why don't you just shut...
25:22Just shut up!
25:28Heard the latest, Laura.
25:30I think our colleague here's going to be handing in his notice.
25:34Ask him. Maybe you could talk him out of it.
25:38You are joking.
25:42So you can relax.
25:44No more nagging you about telling Helen.
25:46There won't be any more travel from Zandra, I promise.
25:49I've had a word with her.
25:50You're kidding yourself.
25:53Look, you know, Helen's not that bad.
25:57Anyway, I don't give a shit if she sacks us.
25:59Yeah, bloody do. I love this job. I've got ambitions.
26:02Look, so you get a black mark against your file.
26:04It's not the end of the world.
26:06Yeah, it will be, when there's one there already.
26:09Yeah, I had a prisoner once on suicide watch.
26:12Begged me to let her say her prayers in the chapel.
26:14Little softy me turns me back for, like, half a second.
26:17She's gone and cut a vein open from there to there.
26:20Full inquiry, hauled before the garth, etc, etc.
26:23It's lucky I won't give them my marching orders there and then.
26:27So, you see, Dom, my son,
26:30one more slip-up and I'm a goner.
26:33Isn't this usually how it goes?
26:37You break the rules, you're thrown into segregation.
26:42You come out more bitter and twisted than when you went in.
26:47And then it just happens all over again.
26:51Yeah, that's about right.
26:53It's how I happen to get on with it. How many days do I get this time?
26:56Well, I don't know.
26:58It's how I happen to get on with it. How many days do I get this time?
27:02Oh, you love playing the martyr, don't you, Nicky?
27:05I'm not sending you to the block. I'm giving you a warning.
27:11A warning?
27:13Is that it?
27:17I'm sticking my neck out here, Nicky.
27:21I don't know why, but I am.
27:24Can I go now?
27:45Don't stand by your man.
27:47How can she do that when she's dead, stupid?
27:49You were the wind in her sails.
27:53You were the wind beneath my wings.
27:55Yeah, that's pretty good. Nice and sad.
27:57Oh, like a virgin.
28:04Surprised to see her, don't we?
28:08Sir, what is going on?
28:11She assaulted me. I could press charges.
28:13How come she's back on the wing?
28:15She just is, all right.
28:21I'm sorry.
28:33Glamour photographer?
28:35There's no need to take the piss.
28:37I'm just taking a friendly interest in your alternative career plans.
28:41You want to throw away good money and a decent pension, that's up to you, mate.
28:45Felt like throwing up coming in this morning.
28:47OK, we've got a lot to get through.
28:51Investigation into Rachel's death.
28:53Before we go on, Helen, I'd like to raise the matter of Nicky Wade.
28:56She assaulted a fellow prisoner.
28:58Now she's back on the wing. Why?
29:00Because I said so.
29:02Well, excuse me, but we're professionals trying to do a professional day's work.
29:06We can't do that if the good order of the prison
29:08is going to be disrupted by troublemakers like Wade.
29:10I agree.
29:12I made a deal with Nicky.
29:14Oh. So what, we're negotiating with them now, are we?
29:17Look, Jim, you said yourself
29:19Nicky Wade is one of the most difficult prisoners you've had to deal with.
29:22I'm trying a different tack.
29:24Treating her like a human being and trusting her.
29:27Well, excuse me, ma'am.
29:29It's all very well for you to say that you trust Wade,
29:32but we're the ones at the cell door.
29:34We've got to take the abuse and the assaults, not you.
29:37I think we should give it a try.
29:39And maybe it'll work.
29:41Let's face it, nothing else has.
29:45Look, everyone, I know this is unusual,
29:48but you have to remember the whole wing has been tense since Rachel's death.
29:52Shell's joke was tasteless.
29:54And I've since discovered that Nicky's partners
29:56just ended their nine-year relationship.
29:58Oh. I've heard it all now.
30:02Sod the rules cos some lesbian's gonna dump her girlfriend.
30:08Thanks for your support.
30:10I agree with you.
30:12Look, um, that's what I wanted to speak to you about this morning.
30:18It's my resignation.
30:20Oh, come on, Dominic, you've got to be kidding. Why?
30:23I've had enough, I suppose.
30:25I've had enough.
30:27I've had enough.
30:29I've had enough.
30:31I've had enough.
30:33I've had enough, I suppose.
30:35What, just like that?
30:37Look, I know the Rachel thing's getting to you,
30:41but you've got future in this service.
30:43You know that.
30:45I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind.
30:47Thanks for trying that.
30:55They don't like my flair, are they, the suit?
30:58Even supposing you can see it.
31:01I'm making Rachel a wreath.
31:03Actually, it's Rachel I want to talk to you about.
31:05What are you asking us for? We don't know nothing.
31:07Nothing? You shared a room with her, didn't you?
31:09You must have seen or heard something.
31:11Sandra, did Rachel ever say anything to you?
31:13Me? No.
31:15She don't even know her own name.
31:17Shut it, you.
31:19Look, I want some answers!
31:21Rachel killed herself in this room.
31:23Now, was there anything in her behaviour
31:25that made you think that she might commit suicide?
31:27Did she say anything?
31:29We told you.
31:31There is one thing she told me.
31:33The reason why she smashed up her room?
31:35She wanted to be on her own.
31:37She was expecting you to send her to the punishment block.
31:41She wanted to get away from her.
31:43Look, she's talking crap.
31:45She was frightened of her.
31:47She wasn't.
31:49You kicked her. I saw you.
31:51Is this true?
31:53She stole my fags.
31:55You kicked her.
31:57She stole my fags.
31:59Did you kick Rachel?
32:01Look, all I did was give her one little kick.
32:03She was always bullying her.
32:05Always telling her to keep her mouth shut.
32:07Always stealing from her.
32:09Mr McAllister, Miss Chisholm.
32:13Take Daniella Blood down to the block.
32:15No way. You ain't sending me in that shit hole.
32:17No way.
32:19Get off me, you bastard.
32:21Come on, Danny. Stop acting up.
32:23You ain't going down there.
32:25You bleeding grass.
32:29Thank you, Crystal.
32:31Might want to talk to you again.
32:33She deserves all she gets.
32:35She's a sinner.
32:37Like most of you in here.
32:43Got a lovely big portion for you, Dane.
32:45I hate it in here, Cheryl. It's doing me nothing.
32:47Crystal, I'm going to cut her head off.
32:49Oops, I should have said that.
32:51It ain't fair. Why am I the one that's getting all the blame?
32:53Then it should be the bastard Fennery.
32:55All right, you two. That's enough chat.
33:03Sir, would a screw be in trouble
33:05if they let someone escape
33:07and then tried to cover up?
33:09What? What do you want about now, Zandra?
33:11I was wondering if they'd be in trouble.
33:13Must be pretty serious, letting someone escape.
33:15Yes, it is. Bloody serious.
33:17So don't go getting any ideas, OK?
33:19Sir, look at her.
33:23I've just been to see Den.
33:25Colin knew all sorts she was.
33:27Reckons it's you she'd be banged up
33:29for what happened to Rachel.
33:33It's a tribute to Rachel
33:35that so many of her friends are here today.
33:37All of whom
33:39valued her for her integrity.
33:41I know
33:43that Rachel was someone
33:45people turned to when they were in trouble.
33:47How tragic then
33:49that when she was
33:51confronted by problems
33:53she chose a desperate remedy.
33:57We may never know
33:59what led Rachel to take that course
34:01and it has touched us all deeply.
34:03But let us
34:05remember her life
34:07and to help us to do that
34:09and to provide us with some time for quiet reflection
34:11Michelle Dockley
34:13is going to sing for us
34:15Rachel's favourite song.
34:27When you walk
34:31through a storm
34:35hold your head
34:37up high
34:41and don't
34:43be afraid
34:47of the dark
34:59Walk on
35:01walk on
35:05with hope
35:07in your heart
35:09and you'll never
35:19you'll never
35:53Where is
35:55death's sting
35:57when great
35:59thy victory
36:01I triumph
36:03still if thou
36:05abide with
36:13Ladies and gentlemen
36:15I just want to take this opportunity
36:17to say how personally devastated
36:19I am by Rachel's
36:21tragic and untimely death
36:23and I want to assure Rachel's
36:25family and friends that no
36:27stone will be left unturned in our
36:29efforts to find the cause.
36:37I was just thinking in there
36:39how ill you looked
36:41maybe I'll have a word with the doctor
36:43see if he's got anything he can give you
36:45Why do you miss?
36:47Be ever so grateful
36:49Part of my job is to look after the health of the prisoner
36:51that's all I'm doing
36:59your adjudication
37:07You know why Rachel topped herself don't you?
37:11so do you
37:13It was good of her kid wasn't it
37:15her mum putting it into care like that
37:23You saw how upset she was
37:25she was crying about his name all night
37:27wasn't she
37:29wasn't she
37:31Am I going to get out of here?
37:35Am I going to get out of here?
37:37Just stick to the story
37:41and you'll be alright
37:53Have you got a mo
37:55Daniela you're
37:57charged with a very serious offence here
37:59you're not doing yourself
38:01any favours
38:03That's not a kick
38:05that's not bullying that's just a kick
38:07a small kick
38:11A couple of weeks ago
38:13Rachel was admitted to hospital with a stomach injury
38:15Do you know how she got it?
38:21She had internal bruising
38:23consistent with a blow of some sort
38:27Another little kick maybe
38:29You're telling lies about me
38:33It's a question
38:37It weren't me who made Rachel top herself
38:39it was her mum giving her little girl
38:41I think we all know why Rachel committed suicide Danny
38:43but you shouldn't have done what you did
38:45so why don't you just apologise to the Governor
38:47for kicking Rachel
38:51I'm sorry
38:53Anything else Mr Fenner
38:55No mum
38:59saying you're sorry
39:01is not going to bring Rachel back
39:09You've got a long record
39:11of violence and bullying Danny
39:15I'm going to report this latest incident
39:17to security
39:19If there is so much as a hint of this ever again
39:21I'll have you transferred
39:24Do you understand me?
39:26Yes miss
39:28In the meantime
39:30I'm sentencing you to 7 days on the block
39:34Miss that ain't fair it wasn't even my fault
39:36That's enough
39:38Mr Fenner you said
39:40Take her away
39:42You bastard Fenner
39:44Get off me
39:46Get your filthy hands off me
39:48Certainly got your favourites haven't you
39:50I'm sorry
39:52Rachel gets a slap on the wrist
39:54Danny gets put down the block for a week
39:56for kicking someone
39:58Daniella Blood is a bully Jim
40:00I'm surprised a man of your experience doesn't know the difference
40:12I've been to see the doctor he's agreed to see you again
40:14You've got an appointment Monday morning at 11.15
40:16That's brilliant miss
40:18So I'm not sleeping not a wink
40:20I'm thinking about how I'm going to cope with a baby and all
40:22I'm not promising anything you being pregnant but
40:24He bloody well better give me something
40:28I'm writing to my MP
40:42Night girls
40:46Coming through
40:50Can I get out now miss
40:52I've learnt me lesson
40:54Do some exercises
40:56They took my shoes
40:58There's cockroaches all over the floor
41:00Just stand on them
41:02I want to see the governor
41:04Well she's gone home my love
41:06Won't be in till Monday
41:08I know what happened to Rachel
41:10Morning miss
41:12Have a nice weekend miss
41:14Let's skip the pleasantries shall we
41:16You've got something to tell me about Rachel
41:18I don't know if it's
41:20You know
41:22If it's
41:28Well let me decide
41:30I don't want nobody saying I'm a grass
41:32If you've got some information
41:34Then I'd like to hear it
41:36It's Mr Fennell
41:38It's Mr Fennell
41:40Mr Fennell what about him
41:42He was shagging her
41:44You know having it off with her
41:48Don't be ridiculous
41:50He was
41:52Tell me Denny
41:54How come you know so much about Mr Fennell's sex life
41:56Rachel told Shel
41:58Well Shel got it out of her
42:00Somehow but it ain't Shel's fault
42:02It's Mr Fennell's
42:04He's the one that was doing it to Rachel
42:06If I was to ask Michelle Dockley to confirm your story
42:08Would she
42:14So we've just got your word for it then
42:18Can I get out now miss
42:20You're lucky I'm not giving you another week
42:22Making false allegations
42:24Against my staff
42:38How are you feeling
42:40So so
42:42Nikki can I speak to you in strict confidence about something
42:46It's about Mr Fennell
42:48You once said that you had a fan club
42:50Can you elaborate on that
42:52What do you mean
42:54Well what form this fan club took for instance
42:56Seemed an unusual thing to say
42:58Are you asking me to be a grass
43:00Nikki a young girl has hanged herself
43:02Now I promised Rachel's family I'd investigate her death
43:04I'd expect a bit more cooperation from her friends
43:08I can't prove anything
43:12I'm not naming any other names
43:14But I did warn Rachel off Fennell
43:16I thought he was taking advantage
43:22Well it's a piece of shit
43:26That's what I thought
43:28At first
43:30I don't believe this
43:32Danny said that Rachel told Shell
43:34And now another prisoner's told me
43:36That she thought you took advantage of Rachel
43:38Oh let me guess
43:40Nikki Wade by any chance
43:42Another man hating lesbian
43:46Something's beginning to smell Jim
43:54If you think for one minute I took advantage of that poor girl
43:56There's not a shred of truth in it
44:00And you repeat one word of it
44:02I'll have you
44:06Don't threaten me Jim
44:08It makes you sound guilty
44:18Well how'd you get on
44:20A couple of jellies
44:22Good let's you and me quit then
44:24No more favours got it
44:26Yes miss
44:28See you all next time
44:34So Helen
44:36What's so important
44:38Any good news to report from G-Wing
44:40Sir I think I might be getting somewhere
44:42With my investigation into Rachel's death
44:48In the strictest confidence
44:50Look Helen
44:52Jim Fennell's been to see me
44:54He tells me you're accusing him of having had a sexual relationship
44:56With Rachel Hicks
44:58He told you
45:00Yes he did
45:04Sir I think there's something in it
45:06Last week you said you didn't have a problem with Jim Fennell
45:10Now you're accusing him of the worst breach of professional conduct
45:14You've got no evidence against him
45:16Except for the say so of a couple of very difficult prisoners
45:18Isn't that the case
45:20Yes I suppose
45:22But I felt they were telling me the truth
45:24Well that tells me a lot about your judgement Helen
45:26That you've got none
45:28Well what was I supposed to do
45:30Just ignore these accusations
45:32I have a duty of care to these women
45:34Helen you're really disturbing me
45:36If you can't see how wrong you are about this
45:38Then I think you should go home
45:40And seriously ask yourself
45:42Whether you should be doing this job
45:46Poor Danny
45:48Must be hellish for her being down there
45:50You want to feel sorry for someone
45:52You feel sorry for Rachel's little baby
45:54Stuck in some home for orphans
45:58Yeah well
46:00They'll be a bed far and near in 15 years time won't they
46:10Alright Helen
46:12So you went to see your buddy Simon after all
46:14I'm not having you slagging me
46:16I could teach you how to run this place
46:18Because believe me love
46:20Your dicks would still be alive
46:28Love you Shell
46:30Miss Shell
46:32Love you Danny
46:36Sing us a song someone
46:40Do you want to hear the latest number
46:42From the two Julie's
46:44Ha ha ha ha
46:46I'm going to get that farting cow
46:54Are you listening to me
46:56You're going to pray in Satan's fire Shell
46:58Burn, burn, burn