Bad Girls 1999-E01-Ep-07

  • 2 days ago
Lorna struggles under pressure from Shell until Dominic finds drugs in Shell's cell.


00:00Morning meeting.
00:13Ready for your shower?
00:45Oh, Pauline.
00:46Here you go.
00:47Hey, I bet your pleas erupt into this talk.
01:07The dead king, just be gentle with them.
01:09Will they be gentle with me?
01:11Of course.
01:12You'll love them.
01:13They don't make any sound like their mother.
01:16Oh, please.
01:19I think you'd make a pretty good mother.
01:22That's what you keep saying.
01:24Sounds like an early midlife crisis coming on.
01:30I just think it'd be nice, you know, to be a bit normal.
01:34You know, kids, wedding, engagement.
01:39It might have all you want, of course.
01:42Is this a proposal?
01:45What do you think?
02:09You took your time, didn't you?
02:27Well, it's hard, isn't it?
02:30I'm going to try and write your mum a letter later.
02:33Not now, you ain't.
02:34We've got business to see to.
02:35What kind of business?
02:38Just got time to powder my nose.
02:40I'm so excited.
02:41You're making me jealous.
02:43You never hear from Tricia?
02:45Well, I had a couple of letters, but they've stopped now.
02:47You don't keep in touch with your parents?
02:50I left home when I was 16.
02:51They didn't like my lifestyle, if you know what I mean.
02:54Do they know you're in here?
02:56It was in the papers.
02:58Just to confirm everything they thought about me.
03:01You're a lovely girl, Nicky.
03:03Why don't you write?
03:04Try and make contact with them.
03:05What, like play happy families?
03:07Not like you and Spencer.
03:13Marie, innit?
03:16Piss off, Marie.
03:20Crystal, any chance of you stranding that thing somewhere else?
03:25Oh, for God's sake, put a sodding sock in it, will ya?
03:28This is my cell.
03:29You don't order me around in my cell, you understand?
03:34Crystal, you got me all wrong.
03:37Can I have a word?
03:38What about?
03:39Look at her.
03:41All the girls he's worried sick about Zandra,
03:43taking all them jellies and her nearly seven months pregnant.
03:46You just noticed.
03:47That's why me and Denny is gonna find them jellies
03:49and flush the little bastards down the bog.
03:51You expect me to believe that?
03:53We all take a little something now and again.
03:55I don't.
03:56I'm a mother myself, Crystal.
03:58I hate to think what she's doing to that little baby.
04:01It's wrong.
04:02You know that.
04:05Look, you want to search her, I'll help you.
04:08We need someone on lookout, Crystal.
04:10Why don't we just get one of the screws and get them to find the drugs?
04:13Because then Zandra will go straight down the block, won't she?
04:16Look, what's happening here is a scandal.
04:18Drugs, drugs, drugs.
04:19Look what they're doing to her.
04:21I have to look at that face first thing in the morning, last thing at night.
04:24Cuts me up bad.
04:25Do you hear me, Zandra?
04:26Cuts me up.
04:28We'll get them off her.
04:29Listen, I ain't stupid, sister,
04:31but right now I don't care what you do with them
04:33as long as you take them far away from her.
04:42Come with them.
04:53That's me off.
04:54Bye, babes.
04:55Hang on a minute.
05:00I ask you to marry me
05:02and you throw on your coat and shoot out the door.
05:05I'm in a hurry.
05:07Am I going to get an answer or not?
05:09I can't believe you're this possessive.
05:12Remember when I asked you to move in with me?
05:14You took a month to decide.
05:17Things change.
05:21Look, if you really don't fancy it, that's OK.
05:25I'm not going to bulldoze you into anything.
05:28It sounds like you are.
05:30OK, I am.
05:33Are you trying to give me a complex?
05:38Oh, I love you.
05:42So marry me.
05:44Can we talk about this later?
05:46I've really, really got to go.
05:49Bye, darling.
05:59What is it?
06:10Don't you want a hug from Mummy, darling?
06:12Lindsay, sit down.
06:14You know the rules.
06:20Is everything all right, Spencer?
06:26Did you get that bad cough?
06:34Aren't you going to talk to Mummy, darling?
06:36Heidi, a drawing for you.
06:38A drawing?
06:39I took it off me.
06:41They'll give it to me when you've gone.
06:44I'll put it on my wall.
06:47Can I get a drink, Mum?
06:50Of course.
06:54Would you mind?
07:00Mummy's got no money, darling.
07:14You ain't looking too well, Zan.
07:16What's with the water?
07:18He was out of it, Zan.
07:20Well out.
07:22In fact, some might say spaced out.
07:26Tell me, Zan.
07:27Is it true you and Miss Rose have got a little thing going?
07:31What thing?
07:33Lorna Rose is bringing you prezzies, isn't she?
07:36I don't know what you're talking about.
07:38Don't lie to me, placket.
07:40It's a load of crap.
07:41Who said Lorna Rose was going to bring me in any gear?
07:44And how come you're valid up Sky Eye all bloody day?
07:48It's the stuff the doctor's given me for this.
07:51It's making me all woozy.
07:53I fancy that.
07:57Let's see.
08:00You are woozy.
08:04I'm surprised you can feel anything the amount of jellies you've had.
08:07Enough to knock a frigging horse out, you little lionhead. Get up.
08:10Please help.
08:11I really don't want to.
08:13I said up.
08:33Never had Miss Rose down as a lipstick lezzer.
08:37And you can stop blubbering. You've got work to do.
08:41Oh, dear darling.
08:45I want you to come home.
08:48Mummy does too, darling.
08:54It might be a long time.
08:56We're not of in there.
09:02Oh, Spencer.
09:06Can't one of you people get him a drink of water?
09:09Incredible, isn't it?
09:11We're not waiters, you know.
09:14Is he being looked after?
09:16What are you feeding him on? He's lost weight.
09:19That's it, everybody.
09:21Time's up.
09:22Come on, I said that's time.
09:24Come on.
09:29Spencer, wait.
09:33Look at that poor boy.
09:35He's not got a clue what's going on.
09:39Come on.
09:46Miss, can I see you for a minute?
10:10You're going to have to get me some more stuff, Miss.
10:12No can do, Zarn. Sorry, my love.
10:14I'll have to go and tell Miss Stewart I legged it when I was supposed to be cuffed here.
10:17There's no point in doing that.
10:19Cos Missy, the boss already knows.
10:23I saw that in the open.
10:25Miss Stewart's been told, the number one's been told, I'm in the clear.
10:31I'm in the clear.
10:33I'm in the clear.
10:35I'm in the clear.
10:40No more running little errands for you, got it?
10:45Surprise, surprise.
10:47It's amazing what you hear when you're doing a number two.
10:50What's going on?
10:52I told you, a number two.
10:55Looks like Miss Rose don't want to play Santa no more.
10:58If you think I'm going to be stitched up by a couple of cons...
11:03That ain't very friendly, is it, Zarn?
11:05Not when Miss Rose is a con herself.
11:07Then watch it, you!
11:09Well, let's look at the evidence, shall we?
11:12Bringing in Class C drugs for a prisoner.
11:15Recognise this, dear?
11:19What is it you want, Cheryl?
11:21And is it true what Zandra's been telling me?
11:24You've been taking letters to her old boyfriend?
11:28What is the Governor going to say about that?
11:31And I'm sure she wouldn't like to hear you went and asked the doctor to give Zandra more gear.
11:34She wasn't feeling well.
11:36Brings tears to your eyes, that does.
11:39All that care and attention for Zania.
11:42And you know who's going to believe that, don't you?
11:46No bugger.
11:48Cheryl, please.
11:49It's all right, Miss.
11:50We really appreciate what you're doing for us.
11:53In fact, all the girls will tell you.
11:55Miss Rose has got an heart of gold.
11:59Of course, we are going to have to take advantage of this generous nature of yours.
12:05Otherwise, well...
12:09I don't think I'll need to spell it out.
12:23It was like...
12:26Like he was scared of me.
12:30My own son.
12:31It's all dead strange to him, Monica.
12:33He'll get used to it.
12:36Give it time.
12:37For God's sake, I don't want him to get used to it.
12:41Look, at least you've got a date for your appeal.
12:43I thought I had.
12:45I haven't seen my lawyer in weeks.
12:46Not a word from him.
12:47Well, get on to him.
12:48Tell him to pull his finger out.
12:50Tell him you want a meeting.
12:51Phone him.
12:52I don't want to hear bad news.
12:54I don't think I could bear it.
12:58Just sit around moping for the next three years until your parole board meets.
13:02I'll cheers Spencer on.
13:16You all right?
13:18Oh, yeah. Just a sock in my eye.
13:21Do you want me to take a look?
13:22No, it's fine.
13:23Come here.
13:24No, I said.
13:26I'm only trying to help.
13:27Sorry, Dammit.
13:29I'm not feeling too good.
13:32Are you still pissed off at me about telling Helen?
13:35Well, I could have backfired.
13:37Yeah, but it didn't.
13:42I'll be fine.
13:45It's not going down in our records, you know.
13:47You'll get your promotion.
13:54Come on.
14:19Give me that magazine.
14:24What do you want with that? You can't read.
14:26I'm learning new words, innit?
14:29Well, why don't you try this?
14:31Because it's a pile of bleeding mints, man. That's why.
14:34You watch your mouth, sister. You want to learn good words.
14:38Them jellies is mine.
14:40Shut it.
14:41I'm never going to read you another thing your mum sends you.
14:44I won't need to.
14:45Because I'll be able to read them by myself.
14:49Twenty tell-tale signs to know your lover's a liar.
15:06So now we can install a TV and video in the visitor's centre.
15:09The officer's mess needs a new carpet.
15:11Yeah, well, this one is for the women's welfare, Sylvia, not for you.
15:14Right. Now, I see that we've got a vacancy in G3.
15:17I'd like to put Nicky Wade up there.
15:23Well, don't all talk at once.
15:25Wade? On Enhanced?
15:27Are you joking?
15:29Obviously I'm not, Jim.
15:34Lorna, you're Nicky's personal officer.
15:36What do you think?
15:38I don't know.
15:40Lorna, you're Nicky's personal officer.
15:43What do you think?
15:45Yeah, fine.
15:46Fine? She's worse than ever since she was put on that university course.
15:51No-one is denying that Nicky is difficult.
15:55So, Helen, what exactly are you trying to prove?
15:59Look, Nicky Wade's a pain in the arse.
16:02But recently, you've got to admit...
16:04A few weeks of good behaviour and she gets the run of the place.
16:07We all know you won't be in favour of anything, Syl.
16:09Excuse me?
16:10Come on, hang on. Let's just calm down.
16:12We've tried everything with Nicky. Nothing's worked.
16:14Exactly. I don't want to pass on our problems to another institution.
16:18Not until I know that we've done everything we can.
16:21Well, the number one's not going to like it one bit.
16:23Once you get round to telling him all about it, I'm sure he won't.
16:27Look, we can all see the difference in Nicky since Helen's been in charge.
16:30She's more accommodating, she's keen to get on with her work, and now she's studying.
16:34I mean, Christ, I even got a hello from her the other day, and that's all down to Helen.
16:42Well, we've gone round the houses a bit here. Let's move on to the next item.
16:46What are you after? A gold star?
16:53Well, I've heard everything now from Nicky and Wade.
16:56You know what that's all about, don't you?
16:58Ball-crushing cos you can't do a job properly.
17:00Don't talk shit, Jim.
17:02Oh, so I'm talking shit, am I?
17:04She's doing the right thing, moving Nicky Wade.
17:06Listen, son, she could take the girls out Christmas shopping, you'd still defend her.
17:10Thanks, Greg.
17:11What do you mean by that?
17:13Now, come on. What, you think I can't make up my own mind about what goes on in this Nick?
17:17Of course you can, son, as long as you've checked it with her first.
17:20Yeah, well, there's a lot worse than Nicky Wade about.
17:23Shel Dockley, for a start.
17:25Shel? She's harmless.
17:27Yeah. There's never anything you can pin on Shel.
17:30Makes you wonder if someone's tipping her off.
17:39Well, at least there's no excuse for him being cold.
17:43Get your stuff together.
17:45You're moving.
17:47Why? What the hell for?
17:49You're moving to G3.
17:55You're winding me up.
17:57You're winding me up?
17:59Miss Stewart's instructions.
18:02You've obviously made a very favourable impression in certain quarters.
18:06Well, maybe you can fool Miss Stewart, but you can't fool me.
18:10I've been in this job too long to have the wool pulled.
18:13Fifty years now, hasn't it?
18:14Never mind comments. Just hurry up.
18:21I'll be watching you, Wade.
18:23One wrong move...
18:28Oh, God.
18:31Bloody hell.
18:50What's going on?
18:52Say hello to your new next-door neighbour.
18:54Come on, come on. Keep moving.
18:56She can't move up here.
18:59This it?
19:01Very nice.
19:06Lovely curtains.
19:08Oh, nice duvet cover.
19:11Mm, luxury.
19:16No wonder everyone wants to get moved up here.
19:19And, um, is it true that we can go anywhere we want?
19:22Miss, that ain't fair.
19:24She tried to kill me two months ago.
19:26She should be on basic with the other psychos.
19:29Miss, don't whine at me, Dockley, as if it's my bright idea.
19:33Seems like it's the Governor's decision, Shell.
19:36You must be shagging her.
19:38That's enough, Dockley. Clear off.
19:40Well, she must be.
19:41Any more of that and you're on report. Scram. Now.
19:47See you later, Shell.
20:12They're mine.
20:14The only one they ain't.
20:15It was me that got them brung in.
20:17Look, son, there's plenty to go round. We'll cut you in for a shower, all right?
20:20I want 50-50.
20:22I'll get all of this dumped on your bleeding head if you don't shut it!
20:25What's the problem, love?
20:27Good afternoon, Mr McAllister. Lovely day, innit, sir?
20:30Ooh, we got some extra chips on today, doll.
20:33You look like you could do with a bit of building up.
20:35Look at the state of those arms, Mr McAllister.
20:38Off you go.
20:40That yours, Shell?
20:42Of course it's mine. Whose else could it be?
20:45I thought I saw it on a new girl. Marie?
20:47My boyfriend gave me this for our anniversary. I've had it ages.
20:58Look, Shell's got exactly the same necklace as you.
21:03Where's yours?
21:05I lost it.
21:07Yeah. Of course you did.
21:19Hi. How you settling in?
21:24Great view.
21:26Feels different being up here. Officially.
21:29Nicky, I'm sure I don't need to spell it out,
21:31but being on Enhance does have its responsibilities. You know that, don't you?
21:36I need to know that I can trust you.
21:38I promise to behave myself and say my prayers before I go to bed, all right?
21:47Look, I'm not very good at this sort of thing,
21:51but thanks.
21:53Thanks a lot.
21:56It's OK.
22:12Settling in, are we?
22:15Listen, sorry about earlier.
22:18Just a bit of a shock you being up here.
22:20Yeah, well, you stay out of my way and we'll get on fine.
22:26What's this about?
22:28Put it down.
22:30What's in it? Lesbi love poems?
22:32Put it down and disappear.
22:35That ain't very nice.
22:38I only came in to say hello.
22:44Well, go on, then. Hit me.
22:49What's up, dyke? Are you scared?
22:52Want me to spill some more?
22:54What's going on?
22:59Thanks, Nicky. I was parched.
23:12Neat place you got here.
23:14Yeah, well, it's the first rung on the ladder.
23:17Not a lot of storage, though.
23:20You know who you've got to thank for this, don't you?
23:23Yeah, the governor.
23:25He's shown a lot of faith in you.
23:28I don't know why.
23:30Just don't cock it up yet.
23:32What's going on?
23:34Suddenly the places are washed with nice screws.
23:37Body bag will be bringing me cups of tea next.
23:40Goodnight, Nicky.
23:42Goodnight, Mr McAllister.
23:54Sean, come on!
23:56I'm coming.
24:04So do you think they'll like me?
24:06Posh get banging on about plants.
24:09Listen, if things do turn nasty,
24:11then you can always push the panic button on the classroom door.
24:16For God's sake, joke!
24:40Come on.
24:42Share them around.
24:44I want a sweet tea.
24:46Oh, go on, you mean cow.
24:48I like the blue ones.
24:52Didn't your mum teach you to offer the packet?
24:55Gosh, you are a mean cow, aren't you?
24:57Next time, get your own.
24:59I will, love. Don't worry.
25:09If you look here, you can see there's a lot of root growth.
25:12Oh, they look like a pair of hairy balls.
25:15Can we get a feel, sir?
25:17This is a sign that they're not healthy.
25:22Can you see this long, spindly white shoot?
25:25Sir? Go on, sir, give us a feel.
25:27Shut up, Shell.
25:29Don't tell me what to do, you stuck-up bitch.
25:31Shut it, Shell. Some of us are interested in this.
25:34Yeah? And some of us are interested in hairy balls.
25:36No, you're not.
25:39So you're saying it's best if the bulbs have no shoot growth?
25:42Ideally, yeah.
25:44If you buy them...
25:47If you get them delivered as early in the season as possible,
25:50you shouldn't find much anyway.
25:52But what you want is the ones that are heavy,
25:54they've got a nice, clean surface, and the bigger, the better.
25:57Sir, I want to go to the toilet.
25:59Can I take some toilet paper?
26:01Sir, didn't you know?
26:03We don't get bog paper unless we ask for it.
26:06One square now, then.
26:08Sir, can I take four squares?
26:10Sir, we're only allowed two squares.
26:12You should put her on report for taking all of them.
26:15You want to go give Denny a hand?
26:17Be a first, cos usually Denny wipes your arse.
26:21This can't go on, Cheryl. I'm going to get found out.
26:24Can you tell me how come Wade's got a self-put-on here?
26:27Are you listening to me? I said it can't go on.
26:34How much have you got?
26:36I don't know.
26:38How much have you got?
26:40I don't know.
26:42How much have you got?
26:44I don't know.
26:46How much have you got?
26:49How much have you got?
27:00Is that all?
27:02My mum's not got any more.
27:04Well, you'd better make sure she gets a doctor to give her some more.
27:08I can't order my mum to the doctors.
27:10Well, maybe you should think about making an appointment yourself.
27:13You're looking pretty stressed out, if I may say so.
27:17It'd solve a lot of problems, wouldn't it?
27:36Have you got a garden at home?
27:38I haven't got a home.
27:41Maybe one day.
27:43Well, if it's got a garden, I owe you a few hours' weeding.
27:46Thanks for the support.
27:48I was dead nervous.
27:50You were great.
27:52Hiya, Nicky.
27:54So how did it go?
27:55It was hell.
27:57I thought about using that panic button you mentioned.
27:59Anyway, home time.
28:01And you're doing the cooking.
28:05Sorry you didn't Sean tell you. He's my partner.
28:09Well, he won't be calling me that for much longer.
28:12She just asked me to marry her.
28:14I'm happy to say he has.
28:18So, how did you enjoy the class, Nicky?
28:21Well, look,
28:23you learn something new every day.
28:47Are you doing anything?
28:48Nothing special.
28:49I want to give Cheryl Dockley's cellar a spin.
28:51I think she's dealing.
28:53Come on.
28:54Can't it wait until after lunch?
28:56No. I need you to do the strip search.
28:58Come on.
29:15Never heard a knock in.
29:17I could have been having a piss.
29:20You got any drugs in here, Cheryl?
29:24Well, we've got reason to suspect you have.
29:28Let's get on with it, Cheryl.
29:30Now, I told Mr McAllister you wouldn't be stupid enough to do drugs.
29:34So we start with the strip search.
29:36If you bear with us, we can get this over with nice and easy.
29:39Thanks, Tom.
30:10Here comes the blushing bride-to-be.
30:12Get that quiet, didn't he?
30:15Sean had just asked me to marry him.
30:18Not that it's any of your business, actually.
30:21Why are you telling me, then?
30:23I really don't know, but I certainly don't have to explain myself to you.
30:31You know, for some odd reason,
30:33it seems to upset you, Sean and I getting married.
30:36Odd reason? That's a good one.
30:39Nicky, what the hell is this about?
30:41You really don't know?
30:43If I knew, I wouldn't be asking you, would I?
30:46You want to know what this is about?
30:49It's about this!
30:53Jesus Christ!
31:09Oh, my God.
31:40Can you bring me Nicky Wade, please?
32:10She told you I'm clean.
32:12Butternut shell.
32:16Nothing. No luck?
32:19Not yet.
32:20I ain't got nothing.
32:22Yeah, well, good job for you.
32:32Hang on.
32:33I've done the birdcage, Tom.
32:57They ain't mine.
32:58Yeah? Whose are they, then?
33:04Someone's planted them on me.
33:06That Nicky Wade, she done it.
33:08Everyone knows she got it in for me.
33:10Yeah, well, you can tell the boss that at your adjudication.
33:13It's that Carol Wade, I'm telling you!
33:16I knew it.
33:21You're gonna make sure I get off.
33:23Cos if I get put on basic...
33:25I can't get you off. How can I get you off? I can't.
33:30All right, then.
33:31Just have to fetch Mr Fenner for me.
33:52Take a seat.
33:59Look, I'm sorry. I was out of order. I was just...
34:02I don't care what you wear, Nicky.
34:07You'll understand if I'm blunt.
34:09Now, I know that you're a lesbian,
34:11and you're comfortable and so on with that,
34:14but I'm a heterosexual, and I'm gonna get married very soon.
34:18I find your behaviour inappropriate.
34:20You seem to want to go out of your way to make me feel uncomfortable.
34:24Why would I do that?
34:29I like you, Nicky.
34:32I've encouraged you to do a degree.
34:34I've put you on enhanced.
34:36But everything that I have done for you, I have done for professional reasons.
34:40Now, I can assure you that's the case.
34:44If you say so.
34:45If you ever do anything like that again...
34:56Even if I were attracted to you, which I'm not,
34:59there is no way we could have a relationship.
35:02I mean, for a start, I would be sacked.
35:06What I'm trying to say to you is find another focus for your attention.
35:10Get back with Tricia, anything.
35:14But don't waste your time on me.
35:18I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble, miss.
35:35Why didn't you come to me first?
35:37It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
35:39You're out of order.
35:41I am Cheryl's personal officer.
35:43I told you, you weren't around.
35:45Crap, Dominic. You couldn't wait a few minutes till I was tannoyed.
35:48Look, what's all the ago about?
35:50I thought Cheryl was up to something and I was right.
35:53She tried to blame Nicky Wade, but me and Lorna saw right through her.
35:57Yeah, well, it's hardly a major drugs haul, is it?
36:01Cheryl's got too much power.
36:03She should be put on basic where we can keep an eye on her.
36:06God, you can be bloody naive at times.
36:09Really? I'd say you had a bit of a blind spot where Cheryl's concerned.
36:12No, it's not a blind spot.
36:15It's called common sense.
36:17Cheryl's useful to me. She lets me know what's happening out there.
36:20How the hell do you think I managed to stamp on any trouble before it starts?
36:24Now you've probably turned her against me. For what?
36:26A couple of bloody tranquilisers? Jesus!
36:30Cheryl Dockley wants to see you.
36:43Fancy a cuppa?
36:47I don't care what Jim says.
36:49Cheryl Dockley deserves everything that's come into her.
36:55Fuck you.
37:15What's your game, Dockley?
37:17Jim, I didn't... Ow!
37:19Don't you ever summon me again. Are you listening to me?
37:24Jim, don't.
37:26I'm upset.
37:28Mr McAllister found drugs in myself.
37:30That's because you've been a stupid little bitch.
37:32They ain't mine. For Christ's sake, Cheryl, just shut it.
37:35They ain't mine. Lorna Rose gave them to me.
37:38Lorna Rose? Yeah.
37:40But you told Mr McAllister they were Nicky Wade's. I just said that.
37:43Well, no bit of bloody heads are mine.
37:45They're Lorna Rose's. I'm warning you, Cheryl.
37:48Look what she's been bringing in drugs regular. Alessandra.
37:51Don't prick me about!
37:53Ow! You're hurting me!
37:55I'm already a deep enough shite defending you.
37:58Any more of this and I promise you, you'll be transferred out of here so fast
38:02your arse won't hit the ground.
38:04That's after you get a good kicking from everyone, me included.
38:36Jim, I...
38:38You don't have to worry about me doing my job any more.
38:41I've just thrown the bloody book at Dockley.
38:43I never said you weren't doing your job.
38:45What did she say?
38:47Oh, you know, the usual rubbish.
38:49Everyone's to blame but her.
38:52She said Nicky Wade planted them on her.
38:55Yeah? Well, she doesn't blame anyone now.
39:12I'm so hopeful now.
39:14I've just seen my solicitor.
39:16He's very optimistic.
39:18Well, thank God for that.
39:20I've asked Sister Jill to pass on the good news to Spencer.
39:23There's a very good chance Mummy might be coming home.
39:27You're lucky you're a white woman, girl.
39:29You only got five years and now you're gonna walk.
39:31Oh, don't be daft, Crystal.
39:33She'd have been black, she'd have got life and no appeal, lad.
39:36That's a fact.
39:37Don't worry, Crystal. I know I'm one of the lucky ones.
39:41I'll say a prayer for you.
39:43Only he can save you.
39:45Him and a good barrister.
39:49When's Cheryl's adjudication?
39:53Is she gonna grass Lorna Rose up?
39:55Dunno. I friggin' would.
39:57Sounds like bloody well right if she gets put on base.
40:00She stitched me right up.
40:19I hope you know what I've done for you.
40:27Why did you change your mind?
40:30Cos I like you.
40:32I told you I wasn't gonna dump you in the shit.
40:35I thought...
40:37I thought I was gonna tell Jim Fenner.
40:40Well, I couldn't...
40:42get him down to it. I just couldn't grasp.
40:48I really...
40:51Just remember...
40:53I stuck to my side of the bargain.
41:33Hey, I thought we were supposed to be going out to dinner?
41:38Well, you'd better have a shower quick. We're late.
41:41Do you mind if we leave it for another time? I really don't feel like eating.
41:44Of course you do.
41:45Once we're there, you'll be fine. I don't!
41:49I'd rather stay in if that's all right with you.
41:52Are you all right?
41:58You don't seem yourself.
42:00I'm fine.
42:05You're not regretting already, are you?
42:08You know, about getting married.
42:10Oh, don't be stupid.
42:12You can always put it off for a while, you know, if you feel not ready for it.
42:17It's only dinner that I want to put off.
42:20Look, I love you and I want to get married as soon as we can.
42:43Come on.
42:52You'll be stripped of all your present privileges.
42:55You'll lose your job in the kitchen
42:57and your present spend will be halved for a period of 42 days.
43:01You'll also be moved back into G1 and basic regime.
43:04Have you got anything to say?
43:06Miss, I told you, them drugs was plotted on me!
43:08Shut it, Cheryl.
43:11As a personal officer, do you have anything to say in your defence?
43:15No, Mum.
43:36Off on your holiday, Cheryl?
43:39Send us a postcard, won't you?
44:01That's what you get for being a lying bitch, Dockley.
44:04Should have put her in solitary and chained her to the wall.
44:19I can't stay in here, it's horrible!
44:21Well, we'll fix you up with a nice flat in Park Lane.
44:24That suit?
44:30Now I know what singing like a canary means.
44:44I didn't realise I qualified for a home visit.
44:47I'd love to spend the day with Spencer, if it's possible.
44:50Of course it's possible. I'm going to get on to it straightaway.
44:54You know, you've made such a difference to this place.
44:57We've even got Nicky up here.
44:59We've all got faith in you. Haven't we, Nicky?
45:03Haven't we all got faith in Helen?
45:06Oh, yeah. Loads of faith.
45:11Anyway, I'll leave you to it.
45:22All yours, girlies.
45:37Christ, Cheryl, what happened to Charlie?
45:39What do you think?
45:42His heart broke, leaning in this dump.
45:46I mean, but how did he die?
45:48He just fell off his perch.
45:52Just keeled over.
45:54I don't know what I'm going to do with that Indian, I really don't.
45:58It's horrible being in here.
46:01Yeah, don't suit yourself.
46:13When were you told Agave those jellies came from Miss Rose?
46:15Oh, don't be a dickhead. Do you think she'd believe me?
46:18Well, I'll tell her then.
46:19Cos if she don't believe me, she's sure as shite ain't going to believe you, is she?
46:22No, we've got to wait till we've got hard evidence.
46:25Screws don't ever believe one of them's bent until you can really prove it.
46:29I'll get some jellies from Rose. You're going to need them.
46:31No, leave her alone. We can't get too greedy. She's beginning to crack as it is.
46:38Don't you worry.
46:40When the time comes, I'm going to get my hand back on that bitch for watching.
46:50Do you mind if we go and pool?
46:56I don't want to go out there.
46:59I'll see you later then, yeah?
47:26Love you, Dad.
47:29Love you too, Shell.
47:32I haven't rushed poor Charlie down the bog.
47:37Another day gone, Monica. How many have you got left?
47:43Not many, I hope.
47:45What about you?
47:48I'm not sure.
47:50Not many, I hope. What about you?
47:55Roughly 3,655.