• 2 days ago
Helen is appointed as acting governor. Crystal is on hunger strike to protest her positive drugs test and Charlotte tries to help clear her name. Di continues her pursuit of Josh


01:00Now then, Crystal Gordon. She's still refusing to eat.
01:17It's been five days now. Can't we just make her?
01:20She's as much right to starve herself to death here as she would have on the outside.
01:24Wish I had that much willpower. I could do with losing a few pounds.
01:28She's nothing to laugh at, you know.
01:30She's already getting very weak. At this rate, she's going to end up in hospital.
01:35Let's just keep an eye on her. Especially you, Di.
01:38All right. That's it. Thanks.
01:41Chop, chop. To work.
01:46Fenna? Yes, she is. It's for you.
01:52Hello. Speaking.
01:56I see.
02:00Right. Well, thanks for letting me know. Bye.
02:07What's up?
02:08They've appointed the new number one. Temporarily, anyway.
02:14Helen Stewart.
02:35Simon. I thought I saw your car nearly.
02:38You'll need to have a read through these before we meet up.
02:44I've asked my secretary to laze with yours over diaries.
02:48You must have a very pleasant sense of victory.
02:53Better enjoy it while it lasts.
02:55Well, I know I've picked up a poison chalice, but I'll do my best to keep a grip of it.
03:00You're just a pretty face to brighten up the board table, Helen.
03:04Till they pick their man.
03:07Come on.
03:29Come on. You lot should be at breakfast.
03:38And so should you.
03:43Oh, look, how long do you intend keeping this up?
03:47As long as it takes.
03:50You know, you'll be dead and buried before anyone takes any notice.
03:56Including Josh.
03:59I ain't doing it for him.
04:02I'm doing it cos I'm innocent.
04:05I didn't do drugs. I ain't never done drugs.
04:09Well, that's not what the test said.
04:12Well, then the test's wrong.
04:15You know, I'd like to believe you.
04:19I really would.
04:22I really would.
04:41OK, so I'll see you all next week.
04:50That's yes, ma'am, actually.
04:53If you don't mind.
04:55They've only gone and made me acting number one, haven't they?
04:58What? Are you kidding?
05:00Well, someone in the area must like my politics.
05:04You're not pleased?
05:06I don't know.
05:08I've said I'm still going to run the lifers unit.
05:15I think he'd thought you'd see what it means.
05:17Yeah, sure.
05:19It means you're top of the shit heap. Fantastic.
05:21I'll even get to see you for a group chat when he can fit it in.
05:24God, I can always rely on you for a hard time, can't I?
05:28Look, if anything, it means that I've got more chance of getting you out of here.
05:33And it sure as hell means count your days, Jim Fenner.
05:41Are you all right?
05:43Are you still on for tonight?
05:46It's going to come around to yours.
05:48After line dancing.
05:50Yeah, yeah. Yeah, why not?
05:53Maybe we'll go out and get a pit stay. I could do with a drink.
05:56Or I could bring a bottle of wine around.
05:58Be less noisy than the pub.
06:00Yeah, whatever.
06:05You OK?
06:07I'm fine, sir.
06:09Chris, why are you doing this?
06:11You know why.
06:13You're doing my head in now.
06:15You should have thought of that before you started marving me off as a junkie.
06:18It's not the fact that you took the drugs here. I just hate you lying to me.
06:21If you could just admit to it, then maybe...
06:23I hate nothing to admit.
06:25It happened to me more times.
06:43Chris! Darling!
06:45Oh, believe me, I'll jump.
07:04You're applying for permission to have a second test of your urine sample?
07:08And Crystal Gordon's.
07:11But you tested negative.
07:13I think there may have been some sort of mix-up.
07:19Are you telling me you should have tested positive?
07:23I'm telling you, if you want to stop Crystal from starving herself to death,
07:27you'd better be sure of your facts.
07:30You'd have to pay for a retest.
07:37That's the name of a clinic.
07:41The chances of any sort of mix-up are highly unlikely.
07:44We've got very stringent procedures.
07:47I'm entitled to an independent test. I've checked.
07:52I'm sure you have.
08:00How is she?
08:01Weak. The silly girl's refused to drip.
08:04All right, thanks.
08:14So you trying to kill yourself, or what?
08:17I ain't afraid.
08:19Look, I don't want to lose you, Chris.
08:25All right, it doesn't matter, yeah?
08:28So you lied. Who doesn't?
08:31But you've got to stop all this now.
08:36I love you, Chris.
08:39Is this what it's going to be like every time?
08:44I have to prove myself to you before you can believe me.
08:51I don't think it's worth having.
08:53Chris, look...
08:54Just go.
09:37Surveying your new empire, eh?
09:40Congratulations, by the way.
09:45Look, about that little incident...
09:48You know, I was under a lot of strain after the stabbing.
09:53I just wanted to apologise again.
09:58I see. It's the cold shoulder, is it?
10:03I suppose the next thing is I'm going to be given all the dirty little jobs round here.
10:08Yeah, well...
10:10There is such a thing as harassment in the workplace.
10:15Oh, I know.
10:18Yep. Hang on, I'm just checking.
10:24Ah, here it is.
10:26She's... A.B. Rhys is negative.
10:32I see.
10:35Yes, I know.
10:38OK. Thanks very much.
10:41Can I have a word?
10:43Not now, Jim.
10:45Looks like we owe Crystal Gordon an apology.
10:48Why? What's happened?
10:50That was the results of the retest.
10:52They found a trace of blood in Charlotte Middleton's urine sample.
10:59It doesn't match her blood type, so it can't have been her sample.
11:04A mix-up?
11:06Looks like it.
11:08Especially as the blood's A.B. Rhys is negative.
11:10Only 1% of the population have that.
11:13And Crystal Gordon's one of them.
11:15Come on, have a sniff.
11:20Stubborn as a bleeding mule.
11:22And what are they all for? Just to prove a point to the Screws?
11:25You think they give a damn?
11:27Yes, actually, some of us do.
11:30I'm sorry, Crystal.
11:32Looks like you were right after all.
11:44Hot day, have we?
11:46No, I'm going round to Josh's later.
11:49I did suggest going to the pub,
11:51but he was more for staying in with a bottle of wine.
11:54Oh, yeah? You know what he's after, then.
12:00He plays his cards right, he might just get it.
12:05Catch you later.
12:09Sorry, Julie, it's on full up.
12:11Well, it'll take a few more of them
12:13before you stop looking like a scarecrow, wouldn't it, June?
12:15Yeah, little enough on what you need.
12:19I owe you one.
12:21We didn't have to do that.
12:30Hey, Josh, got your sexy undies on?
12:32You what?
12:34This hot date you got me dying.
12:36Date? Are you joking with me?
12:38Think the joke might be on you, lover.
12:40I've got an Andy, that's all I can say.
12:51It'll be celebrating, then, won't you?
12:54It's brilliant news.
12:57Well, it's a pity some of you didn't believe me in the first place,
13:00innit, so...
13:04Yeah, I'm sorry.
13:06We're all sorry.
13:07Yeah, well, sorry isn't good enough.
13:09Cos we all wonder if Crystal got fixed up, don't we?
13:12No, that couldn't happen, sir.
13:16Then tell me, Mr Prison Officer...
13:20How is it that one woman's test, all signed and labelled and everything,
13:24ends up in someone else's test pot?
13:26Tell him, Charlotte.
13:29Tell me what?
13:31What have you got to say?
13:33I knew I'd test positive and I didn't particularly care.
13:36I even told Miss Barker that before I had the damn test.
13:42I tell you, Mr Mitchell,
13:45something stinks around here,
13:47and it ain't just them piss pots.
13:50Right, come on, girls, fill up your floss.
13:52It's nearly time for lock-up.
14:06Chris, no-one knows about us, do they?
14:13Or just Miss Barker.
14:17Well, she's my personal officer, innit?
14:21Don't worry, she ain't gonna say nothing.
14:23You all stick together, you lot, don't you?
15:08Right, come in.
15:12Hope you like red.
15:14So you didn't go line dancing, then?
15:18It's country and western, innit?
15:20Checkered shirts and jeans and stuff.
15:22Oh, yeah.
15:24Well, usually I do,
15:26but sometimes I like to glam up a bit.
15:30A bit?
15:32Do you like it?
15:34What's what I think?
15:36Well, maybe I've put it on specially,
15:39for somebody who's not standing a million miles away.
15:46Look, I'm not even that much interested in you.
15:52I've already got a girlfriend.
15:57Crystal Gordon.
15:59In fact, we're planning on getting married.
16:04Well, I've got to say...
16:09You've let yourself become involved with one of the prisoners.
16:15You're just at the start of your career.
16:18I don't think that's very sensible, is it?
16:23She'll be out of prison soon.
16:25Not the way she's going, she won't.
16:31I know she seems like a lovely girl,
16:34but she's a drug addict.
16:36They lie, they'll cheat,
16:38they'll do anything they can to get a fix.
16:40She's probably just trying to soften you up
16:42to get you to ship stuff in for her.
16:44Except that she don't do drugs.
16:46It doesn't matter what she says.
16:48The test proves it.
16:50You've just got to accept that.
16:53That's what I've...
16:55Except they done a retest.
16:57The results came through just before I left.
16:59Turns out Crystal's in the clear.
17:01Her sample got mixed up with Charlotte Middleton's.
17:08There's no way Helen Stewart's going to hound you out of your job
17:11just because she doesn't like you.
17:13She plays things by the book.
17:15Look how she handled the inquiry.
17:17Yeah, but there was so much evidence she couldn't ignore it.
17:20She's always had it in for me, Karen.
17:25Look, she can't sack you for nothing.
17:28No, but she could make something up.
17:30I wouldn't...
17:34Well, I wouldn't put it past her
17:37to trump up another sexual abuse charge against me.
17:40Now you are being paranoid.
17:44Helen Stewart's straight as a die.
17:46If there was the slightest chance she'd do anything like that,
17:48do you think I'd let her get away with it?
17:50You're probably right.
17:52Maybe I need that holiday more than I thought.
17:55Charlotte told you she was going to test positive.
17:58Is that when you got your little idea, yeah?
18:00I don't know what you're talking about.
18:02You're a liar.
18:04You already knew about me and Crystal cos Crystal told you.
18:06I thought she was making it up.
18:08You wanted to split us up, yeah?
18:10You wanted her out of the way cos you had some crazy idea about you and me.
18:13That's ridiculous.
18:15Is it? What's all this then?
18:17I do not have to stay here to be abused.
18:19Crystal could have died because of you
18:21and you would have just stood there and let it happen.
18:23No! I never meant for things to go that far.
18:29I never meant to hurt her.
18:32I wanted to say something to help but I was too scared.
18:37I know it was an awful thing to do.
18:39I'm sorry, Josh.
18:42I'll make it up to Crystal.
18:44I promise.
18:46I'll go and see the Governor and say I made a mistake.
18:48A mistake?
18:51Well, if I tell them the truth, I'll lose my job.
18:55I need the money.
18:57My mother's ill.
18:59I'm all she's got.
19:02If I lose my job, she'll get taken into care.
19:07Look, I'll make things right.
19:10I promise I will.
19:16Dye, is that you? Home?
19:25Shut up.
19:29Shut up.
19:31Shut up.
19:35Shut up.
19:39Shut up.
19:41Shut up!
19:43Shut up!
20:12Look at you.
20:14Sitting there feeling sorry for yourself.
20:17It's me you should feel sorry for.
20:20Running up and down the stairs at your beck and call.
20:23Cleaning up shit and piss night and day.
20:28And you still stink the air.
20:30God, no wonder Josh won't have anything to do with me.
20:35Oh, don't leave me, Dye.
20:37Help me back into bed.
20:39Help yourself.
21:21Look, I've done... I've done wrong, OK?
21:24I should have trusted you.
21:26You should have.
21:29Look, I know I don't deserve it yet.
21:32Maybe just give me another chance.
21:35Why should I?
21:37Because you were set up, Chris. We both were.
21:43By Dye Barker.
21:46I don't know how the samples got mixed up.
21:49But if I'm being accused of doing it deliberately,
21:52then I want a representative from my union here.
21:55Dye, I'm not accusing you.
21:57Well, that's what it sounds like to me.
22:00Look, anyone can make a mistake.
22:02I just need to find out how a strict step-by-step procedure can go so wrong.
22:06What's step-by-step when you're trying to make girls go to the toilet for you?
22:11Look, I do it cos it's my job,
22:14but I don't watch them every second, I'm sorry.
22:18Get enough of that at home?
22:23My mother.
22:26She's the reason that I'm half worn out by the time I even get to work.
22:30Backwards and forwards with the potty, that's me.
22:33My old life's a stinking piss test.
22:38You know I'm going to have to make a note of this in your record.
22:41So take this as an official warning to be more careful in future.
22:46Yes, ma'am.
22:48I'm very sorry.
23:01And all this time she was making out like she was my friend.
23:05I hope she gets sacked.
23:07I'm going to report her.
23:09Yeah, but then it'll come out about us.
23:11Yeah, she'd tell and then I'd get transferred.
23:15I mean, that's if there still is a us.
23:20Yeah, well, you've dumped me twice now.
23:23You mess up again.
23:26You mess up again.
23:29I won't. I promise.
23:33I've missed you, Chris.
23:35I really missed you.
23:38Me too.
23:40As soon as you get out of here, I want us to get married.
23:47I'd better go, yeah?
23:50See you.
23:56You've been keeping secrets from us, Crystal.
24:02I think we need to talk.
24:04No, you don't talk to me.
24:06Don't even look at me.
24:13So come on, out with it.
24:15Let's have it.
24:16Me and Josh are getting married.
24:19Crystal, that is fantastic news.
24:22That is fantastic news.
24:24We always knew you two was meant, didn't we, Jo?
24:26You seen it in the tea leaves, didn't you?
24:29Hey, if we get out in time, can't we come to the wedding?
24:32You'll be out in time.
24:34It's not going to be for years, is it?
24:36If I go down for this rap, I might get lucky.
24:39You could always apply to get married in here.
24:41Yeah, yeah.
24:43Maybe they'll arrange the honeymoon suite for the bride and groom and all.
24:48But you could get married in secret.
24:50He's a decent sort of bloke.
24:52We could ask him to keep it under his hat.
24:54You're joking.
24:56He's just another screw with his collar on back to front.
24:59Well, that's a pity.
25:01Could have got Babs to have a word with her easy.
25:04Cos she's welling up the altar.
25:08Absolutely not.
25:10Oh, why not? You're religious, aren't you?
25:12Yes, but I'm not a vicar and I'm not pretending to marry Crystal.
25:15End of story.
25:16Well, can't you say you're one of them...
25:18what's it, lay preachers or something?
25:20I am not going to lie to her.
25:22It's all right, we'll do the lying. You just nod.
25:24It wouldn't be legal.
25:26It's never bothered you before. You're a bleeding bigamist.
25:37Well, as long as I have the support of the new number one,
25:41there's no reason why something shouldn't improve overnight.
25:44Music to my ears.
25:46The first thing I want is their NHS records.
25:49How can we provide equivalent treatment for these women
25:52if we don't have their medical history?
25:55And from what I've seen so far, it's no surprise to you, I'm sure,
25:58but a lot of my so-called Muppets may be psychologically damaged,
26:01but they're not mentally ill.
26:03They shouldn't be on bloody double doses of antipsychotic drugs.
26:07There's just obviously been a policy of dope them up and lock the door.
26:11Do you mind me asking, what is that you're eating?
26:16Peanut butter and raspberry jam.
26:20Oh, now, come on, you can't have tried it.
26:23Or you wouldn't pull that face.
26:25I have, actually. When I was a kid.
26:27Oh, well, you see, I'm sticking with the kids.
26:30Give me crisps, chocolate and ice cream any time.
26:34Come in.
26:38I didn't expect you till later.
26:40I've got some news for Nicky Wade.
26:46So I'd have a strong word with them if I were you.
26:49Although I suppose their hearts weren't in the right place.
26:52It could be years before we can get married.
26:54No, I don't think I don't understand.
26:57I remember how Peter and I felt when I couldn't get my divorce.
27:00You and him.
27:02I mean, I know it was legal, like...
27:04But you felt married, didn't you?
27:07Oh, yes.
27:08Well, as far as we were concerned, we were married, in God's eyes.
27:16Nicky, Miss Stewart wants to see you.
27:20Says it's urgent, apparently.
27:48Well, you said it yourself, you didn't want to wait.
27:52Yeah, but I didn't mean...
27:57It's a bit risky, innit?
27:59Well, we can trust my mates. They ain't going to say nothing.
28:04I don't know, Chrissie.
28:06If we got caught, then I'd lose my job.
28:11Yeah, I suppose.
28:16Well, it don't matter.
28:18It's just an idea.
28:24All right, solid. Let's go through.
28:28Do you mean it?
28:30I mean, what if they do catch us?
28:33Then they can lock me up with you, innit?
28:39You're my life, Chriss. You know that.
28:42I ain't got no-one else.
28:49I love you, you know.
28:52I love you.
29:01It's hard to know.
29:02Come in.
29:07Thanks, Gina.
29:11Hi, Nicky.
29:13Take a seat.
29:21Go on, then, just tell me.
29:24This came this morning from the Home Office,
29:27saying they're going to submit your case to the Court of Appeal.
29:31Which means they must think you've got a very good case.
30:01Jo did it all herself. It's good, innit?
30:03Oh, no. Must nip them out the garden.
30:06Oh, and, er, favours.
30:08Oh, there it is. Hiya.
30:11Now, I've been given half an hour off during association to practise the hymns for Sunday.
30:15Half an hour? That's all I could get.
30:17So it'll have to be a very shortened version of most things, will it?
30:21It's coming.
30:23See you later.
30:32OK, OK.
30:33Thanks. You're welcome.
30:35Thanks for everything. No problem.
30:37Speak to you later.
30:39Thank you, Claire.
30:43God, isn't that the most brilliant news?
30:47Still got a minute, though.
30:49Yeah, but you heard what Claire said.
30:52Oh, Nicky, you're almost there.
30:56Um, no, I'm sorry, no, oui, effe, yeah.
30:59Fake bloody yes!
31:03Thomas. Sorry, I just, um...
31:05Sorry, um, this is Nicky Wade. I told you about her case.
31:08Nicky, this is Dr Thomas Poole, the new SMO.
31:13Nicky has just found out that she's going to get her appeal.
31:16Oh, well, fantastic.
31:18Congratulations, Nicky.
31:21I'll catch you later, yes? Go for a drink?
31:24Have one on me, yeah?
32:17Look lovely, don't they?
32:19Have you got enough bog roll?
32:21Ready then?
32:25Some occasion, is it?
32:31You cleared the supper things away early today.
32:34People was angry.
32:36They ate up quick.
32:38Did Crystal have any food?
32:40Only I've been looking around for her and I still can't find her.
32:44You wouldn't know where she is.
32:46No, miss.
32:49Shall I look in the laundry?
32:51I don't know.
32:55Maybe the gym?
32:57The gym, miss? Yeah, that's right, innit, you?
33:00Didn't she say something about wanting to go to the gym?
33:03Oh, yeah, that's right. She said she was feeling flabby.
33:09Well, maybe I should just start by looking in the chapel.
33:19Just let go of me!
33:23Can I hold you, you stupid woman?!
33:43You look beautiful, darling.
33:45I've got butterflies.
33:47Don't worry.
33:49Only a busload of screws could burst through the door at any minute.
33:54Look, you picked the right fella there.
33:57And I'm well-trained in spotting a-wronging.
34:18We're gonna be put down on the block for this.
34:20At least. I really stayed back a bit.
34:23It's still worth it, innit?
34:26Yeah. Yeah.
35:06Oh, where the bloody hell are they?
35:08They're here! They're here!
35:10Sorry! Sorry! Physicians, everyone!
35:13Come on, come on, come on!
35:16Don't be nervous.
35:18Right, let's get on with it.
35:27Bloody hell, perhaps we've only got ten minutes.
36:17Miss Barker!
36:23Don't just stand there, you're really on timing!
36:30Will you, Josh Mitchell, take Crystal Gordon to be your wedded wife?
36:34Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her,
36:37and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?
36:41I will.
36:50Will you, Crystal Gordon, take Josh Mitchell to be your wedded husband?
36:53Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him,
36:56and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?
37:00I will.
37:03Will you, the friends of Josh and Crystal,
37:05support and uphold them in their marriage now and in the years to come?
37:08We will.
37:14I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage.
37:18With my body, I honour you.
37:21All that I am, I give to you.
37:24And all that I have, I share with you.
37:33In the presence of God and before this congregation, I therefore...
37:37God, therefore, proclaims that they are husband and wife.
38:02Let's go.
38:27You OK?
38:29You don't know.
38:33It's funny, you know.
38:35I never thought that I'd spend my honeymoon in a linen cupboard.
38:47But you'll look up soon.
38:54I just wish we could spend the whole night together in a bed.
38:57Yeah, me too.
39:02This ain't right, you know.
39:04Me going home and leaving you here.
39:08Josh, tell me they're not going to find me guilty.
39:32I love you.
39:53Yvonne said she had a surprise for us.
39:55You was right.
39:57The Lord ain't going to get us this far, then let us down.
40:05Oi! Oi!
40:07Move it!
40:09You're not allowed up there!
40:11Oi! Oi! Oi!
40:14Wait here, bud!
40:16Oh, I've seen better.
40:20What's going on?
40:22It's a celebration.
40:24Whatever you want.
40:27What's that?
40:28I don't know.
40:30Look at this!
40:37I like that bit.
40:40Get out! Get out!
40:42Get out! Get out!
40:44Get out!
40:46Look at that over there!
40:48What's that?
40:51What's going on here?
40:53Oh, no!
40:56OK, would you like to get off the van now, ladies?
40:59Some of us have got homes to go to, you know.
41:02It'll be like this all the bloody way.
41:06What's this, bonfire night?
41:08Yeah, must have heard we was coming.
41:09You reckon?
41:11Right, come on.
41:12Are you shoving a piece of sheet?
41:14Just move it, laddy girl.
41:15Leave it, Al. We want our dinner.
41:18You want to watch yourself, young lady, or you'll find yourself on reports.
41:21Oh, I'm scared.
41:22Well, you should be.
41:25Get out! Get out!
41:26Get out! Get out!
41:27Come on, ladies!
41:28Get out! Get out!
41:29Get out! Get out!
41:30None more bleeding big mouth kids.
41:33Get out! Get out!
41:34Get out! Get out!
41:35Get out! Get out!
41:36Get out! Get out!
41:45I know exactly what you've been up to.
41:49Did I tell you not to talk to me?
41:53And what's Miss Betts going to say about your little secret service?
41:57Let's go and ask her.
41:59And while we're at it, I can tell her why you swapped them piss tests.
42:03She won't believe you.
42:05It's your word against mine.
42:08And Charlotte Middleton's, saying that she told you that she'd test positive.
42:12Oh, and maybe I'll let Miss Betts know about all this harassment you're giving me.
42:18And where's the proof of that?
42:22Gina, has Di ever made out that me and her are having a thing?
42:27You kidding? Only ten times a bleeding day.
42:32You know what, lady? You need help.
42:36I'm seriously sick.
42:51You all right?
42:55What's the matter?
42:56I don't know.
43:01Come on, love, you can tell us. What is it?
43:06I'm just not feeling very well.
43:08She's had a shit day.
43:10Think I'll drive her home?
43:12No, um, I can manage.
43:14Don't argue, I'm taking her.
43:16No, honestly.
43:17Get your coat, Di. That's an order.
43:20Come on.
43:26I'll see you at the airport tomorrow.
43:50I'll, um, I'll come in with you.
43:53Um, I'll be fine now.
43:55Thanks, Jim.
43:56Are you sure?
43:58Thanks ever so.
43:59All right. Take care now, yeah?
44:28Bloody hell.
44:59Are you all right?
45:01Yeah, fine.
45:03Sounded like you were being attacked.
45:06Must have been the telly.
45:10Oh, is that my cardi?
45:13And goodbye, and, um, have a nice holiday.
45:17You sure you're OK?
45:18Yeah, I'm fine. Really.
45:25Look, where are you going?
45:27Will you just go on out, please?
45:29Just go on out, please.
45:30Di, let go.
45:31Just let go.
45:35Oh, Christ.
45:43Please don't tell anybody.
45:47I left my job.
46:17I'm sorry.