Met Office Friday evening weather forecast 06/09/2024

  • 2 days ago
06 September - National weather forecast presented by Annie Shuttleworth.
00:00Hello, a beautiful end to the day for some of us but torrential downpours to
00:04come for others. It's been a very wet day across southern areas once again. Now
00:08that rain is going to push into parts of South Wales, northern areas of Devon in
00:12particular where we've got a weather warning in force through the early hours
00:15of Saturday morning as well. We could see 50 millimetres of rain falling in just a
00:19few hours. Elsewhere it should be a fairly dry evening. The clearest skies
00:23are expected across the northwest where they have been through much of the day
00:27but because it's been such a warm day today it's not going to be a particularly
00:30cool night. The temperature is holding up quite widely in the mid-teens possibly
00:34getting down as low as 11 or 10 degrees rurally under the clearest skies but a
00:38pretty warm start to the day for this point in September. However some cloud
00:43will drift in across northeastern areas once again. We've got an easterly wind so
00:48that will persist through the mornings over the next couple of days. Now the
00:51rain from tonight will push into parts of Wales and the Midlands overnight will
00:55tend to fade away so a drier start to the day but that will likely allow some
00:59showers to break out into Saturday afternoon. Now some of these could be
01:02quite torrential. There's a risk of thunder as well in there too so we could
01:06see some further travel disruption particularly across central areas of
01:09England as well as parts of Wales where we've already had quite a lot of rain
01:13over the past few days. Now across the south coast probably a drier start to
01:18the day. Best of any dry weather from recent days to come tomorrow morning but
01:22there is a risk of showers from the near continent pulling up northwards and so
01:26that threat will increase as we head into the afternoon. So a slightly warmer
01:31feeling day across many southern areas. Temperatures are 21 or 22 degrees but in
01:36central areas where this rain and cloud lingers through the day it's going to be
01:39a considerably cooler day tomorrow compared to today. The best of any
01:43higher temperatures though across the north and west once again 24-25 degrees
01:48across parts of the Highlands. So very warm indeed much warmer than it has been
01:53through a lot of the summer in fact. However on Saturday night it becomes a
01:57little bit more widely unsettled. Further outbreaks of torrential rain are
02:01expected. There is still some uncertainty in exactly where the heaviest rainfall
02:05will be but as you can see it's expected to affect a large proportion of England
02:09and Wales and could bring some further surface water and localised flooding by
02:14Sunday morning. Across the far north and west though it should stay largely dry
02:18and clear through the night but we're starting to develop more of a north
02:20westerly wind direction so it will feel slightly fresher and there will be more
02:24in the way of cloud around to start the day on Sunday. So if you're heading out
02:28and about on Sunday it's likely to be a fairly slow day on the roads across
02:31parts of England and Wales with a risk of some heavy rain through much of the
02:36day. It's an area of rain swirling around this area of low pressure and so they
02:41will likely linger through a lot of the day and some of the rain might take a
02:45while to clear. However as we head into the start of next week the area of low
02:49pressure moves away to the east and this north westerly wind becomes much more
02:53dominant so it will turn fresher and that fresher feel will start to arrive
02:57across parts of Northern Ireland and Western Scotland by Sunday afternoon so
03:01temperatures down a good few degrees on Sunday afternoon compared to Saturday
03:05and widely we're around 19 to 21 degrees. Not too bad but I think with all the
03:10rain around it's not going to feel particularly pleasant at all. Now that
03:14cooler feel will become more widespread into the start of next week though it
03:18does look a little bit drier across the south but for the time being further
03:21heavy rain to come so please keep up to date with the weather and you can do
03:24that by subscribing to our YouTube channel. See you again soon bye bye.
