Met Office Monday evening weather forecast 15/04/2024

  • 2 days ago
15 April - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hello again. The weather is finally settling down, both in the longer term, more on that in a moment,
00:06but also in the shorter term it's going to become less windy overnight and less showery,
00:12although there's still going to be quite a blustery breeze and a number of showers moving in on that north-westerly.
00:19The showers by the end of the night are more focused towards eastern Scotland and parts of eastern England,
00:23but there will still be some showers moving through central parts as well as Northern Ireland.
00:27And with the wind overnight it's going to keep things less frosty than they would be otherwise.
00:34But a bit of a chill in the air as we start off Tuesday with temperatures in the mid-single figures fairly widely,
00:40perhaps a little lower in some sheltered spots.
00:43But it will be a bright start for some of us. Scotland faring well for early morning sunshine.
00:48Northern England then as well, parts of Wales and the south-west seeing some sunny spells.
00:53Thicker cloud I think along the eastern and central parts of England with further showers coming in from the North Sea,
00:59along with that gusty wind continuing. But it is going to be on the whole a less windy and less showery day compared with Monday.
01:05Some afternoon showers will bubble up across central and southern parts, Northern Ireland, northern and western Scotland for example,
01:11but in between these showers there will also be some sunny spells and a decent amount of sunshine for some of these central parts.
01:18Northern England into parts of Wales and the south-west by the afternoon.
01:22And with lighter winds it's going to feel a lot more pleasant I suspect compared with Monday,
01:26even if temperatures are still a little below average for the time of year.
01:30We're looking at a peak of 15 Celsius somewhere towards the south of England, but otherwise generally 11s, 12s, 13s on the map.
01:38Now, a bright end to the day, but we're going to see further showers arriving into northern parts,
01:44Scotland, Northern Ireland, Northern England and then north and west Wales by midnight.
01:49And with the winds turning more northerly, those showers will be falling as snow over Scotland's hills and mountains.
01:57But otherwise clear spells in places as we start off Wednesday and with lighter winds.
02:02Again, it's going to be a cold start to the day, slightly colder compared with Tuesday morning with a frost more possible in many places,
02:11particularly sheltered parts of southern Scotland and northern England into central areas.
02:15But compensation, plenty of sunshine as we begin Wednesday.
02:19The cloud will build and by the afternoon it will be mostly cloudy I think,
02:23and that cloud will give some showers into Scotland, parts of northern and eastern England.
02:28Longer spells of damp weather into Northern Ireland, but actually not much rainfall.
02:35And many places will stay dry, especially towards the south, for example,
02:39and western Scotland seeing some decent bright spells into the afternoon.
02:43Another chilly day to come with that northerly breeze, 10 to 12 Celsius.
02:48So, yeah, it's turning gradually less wet, but temperatures are still going to struggle.
02:54However, higher pressure is on the way.
02:58We have to be patient because there's this next area of low pressure that moves through on Thursday and Friday
03:03and it's going to bring more rain or showers with it.
03:06Then, it's after that moves through, high pressure finally arrives from the Atlantic.
03:11It becomes centred over the UK for the start of the weekend.
03:14Don't expect a heatwave. It's going to bring a lot of cloud initially and some fairly cool air with it.
03:20So, yeah, temperatures about average this weekend, but most places are going to be dry.
03:25Finally, a break from all the relentless wet weather we've seen recently.
03:29We'll keep you updated right here on YouTube and on all our other social media channels.
