Met Office Wednesday Afternoon Forecast 20/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
20 March - National weather forecast presented by Luke Miall
00:00Hello there and welcome to your afternoon weather from the Met Office. We've got some
00:04rain out there through this afternoon but not all of us will see the rain. There will
00:08be some brighter skies coming in as well. It's down to this weather front that we've
00:11got just filtering its way very slowly from west to east across the UK. You can see a
00:15ridge of high pressure building into the northwest means that for these areas we'll see some
00:20brighter skies. Now this was the earlier satellite and radar picture. You can see where we've
00:24had some of the rain and some heavy bursts coming in across western parts of Wales at
00:29the moment. But behind it you can see the back edge to that cloud and that's where we're
00:32going to see the brighter skies through this afternoon. So for the likes of Western Scotland
00:37and Northern Ireland we'll see plenty of fine and bright weather through Wednesday afternoon.
00:41Further towards the south and east though, a lot of grey skies, fairly cloudy, outbreaks
00:46of rain and drizzle particularly over any higher ground. It will be quite a murky, misty
00:50kind of day. There will be some heavy bursts of rain just filtering their way through during
00:55the afternoon. But down towards the south east it will stay largely dry. Could even
00:59be some bright or sunny intervals and that will allow our temperatures to climb quite
01:03nicely through this afternoon. So highs of 15, 16 or 17 degrees Celsius. But feeling
01:09cooler up towards the northwest, just 8 or 9 degrees here. Through Wednesday evening
01:15then we'll continue to see this area of rain just pushing its way slowly away but filtering
01:20away and easing out as it does so. A lot of grey skies overnight but there will be
01:25some pockets of clearer spells and where we do see the clearer spells we'll see some mist
01:29and fog patches forming through the small hours of Thursday morning. Later in the night
01:34though towards the northwest of the UK, the winds whipping up and we'll see some bursts
01:38of rain starting to return for the likes of Western Scotland and indeed Northern Ireland.
01:44Should be a fairly mild night across the board though. Temperatures typically down into the
01:48high single figures. A few spots could get down into the lower single figures if we see
01:52any prolonged clear spells but I suspect the fog will limit there being much in the way
01:57of any frost. So for Thursday morning then, for some of us a bright start to the day.
02:02Most areas starting cloudy and pretty wet and windy in the northwest of the UK and the
02:06rain just continues to filter its way across Scotland. Edging into Northern England and
02:11North Wales later in the day. But for much of England and Wales it stays largely dry.
02:16There will be some bright spells. The winds will be stronger across the board so maybe
02:19not feeling quite as mild as what it does on Wednesday. But despite that in the sunshine
02:25we could still see temperatures getting into the mid teens comfortably. But again cooler
02:30up towards the northwest. And that is a sign of things to come then as we head through
02:34the latter part of the week. So first of all through Thursday evening, this cold front
02:39will continue to push its way southwards bringing some further outbreaks of rain, quite grey
02:44skies and some mist and murk on that cold front as it edges its way into more of Wales
02:49and the north of England. Behind it you can see a fair few showers packing in and with
02:54those winds coming together it will be quite a breezy picture through the rest of Thursday
02:59evening into Friday. Now there's the cold front I talked about. For the last few days
03:03we've been under the influence of this much milder air. That's allowed those temperatures
03:07to feel more like spring for many of us. But it's this cold front that then transitions
03:11its way southwards as we go through Friday allowing us to see much colder air spilling
03:17its way across the country. And these little occluded fronts just indicate where we could
03:21see an enhanced risk of showers. But tightly packed isobars means stronger winds, some
03:26showers pushing their way in and generally feeling a lot colder than it has through the
03:31first half of this week. Now of course as we head through into next week we are approaching
03:37the Easter weekend. Aidan will be back with your 10 day trend later on this afternoon
03:42so do check out our YouTube channel if you'd like to find out a bit more about what's happening
03:47as we head towards Easter. But for now I'll see you very soon. Take care. Bye bye.
