Met Office Tuesday evening weather forecast 23/07/2024

  • 2 days ago
23 July - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Good evening. The weather is going to be a bit changeable over the next few days, fairly typical summer fair.
00:06For many, though, it's going to be a fine day on Wednesday, and for many it was a decent day on Tuesday as well.
00:11We did have a few scattered showers fading away through the evening time,
00:15and generally it's going to be a dry night with some lengthy clear spells.
00:19Temperatures holding up in the teens across the South, 15, 16, maybe in some towns and cities here, a little cooler further north.
00:29On to the details then for Wednesday. As I said, for many it is going to be a fine day,
00:33certainly dry for the vast majority to begin with, with plenty of sunshine around as well.
00:38We are going to see the cloud increasing out west, and particularly for Northern Ireland,
00:43that cloud is going to thicken up to bring some outbreaks of rain, probably starting to spread in here around about lunchtime.
00:50We'll also then see some showery rain getting to West Wales, Cornwall, Isles of Scilly,
00:55and maybe North West England and South West Scotland by the end of the day.
00:58Across the East, many places dry, but in this zone, parts of East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, down to Cambridgeshire,
01:04there is the possibility of one or two potentially heavy showers.
01:07They'll be pretty well scattered, but you might catch a heavy one here.
01:10For most, though, across Central and Eastern England, much of Central, Eastern and Southern Scotland,
01:15it's a dry and a fine day with some decent spells of increasingly hazy sunshine, a bit warmer than Tuesday as well.
01:22Widely up into the mid-20s, could get to 27 in and around the capital.
01:26It will be a little cooler further west because we'll have the cloud and the outbreaks of rain.
01:31It could pep up a little bit, one or two heavier bursts likely, particularly in West Wales and western parts of Scotland
01:37during Wednesday evening, and we'll keep further outbreaks of rain pushing in across Scotland during the night.
01:43A lot of mist and low cloud coming into western areas as well, so quite a murky old start to Thursday,
01:49a fairly dull and grey start, quite a warm and humid night as well.
01:53A little bit warmer to start Thursday compared to Wednesday, many places staying up at 15 or 16 degrees.
02:00Thursday, then, generally a cloudier day, still some sunshine to be had, especially across the Moray Firth,
02:06parts of Eastern England generally dry and bright.
02:08But in the south, some wetter weather comes pushing in.
02:11Could be some heavy bursts mixed in here again, those brighter colours spreading up towards the southeast
02:16during the end of Thursday.
02:18And some heavy showers too, zipping across Scotland and Northern Ireland.
02:21They will move through because of a fairly brisk breeze in between.
02:25Many places largely dry, one or two showers, but fairly cloudy.
02:29And generally cooler after that warmer night.
02:32Temperatures are going to struggle to rise much because there won't be as much sunshine around
02:36and generally a bit more cloud.
02:37Certainly a cooler feel with this wetter weather across the south.
02:40That's from this weather system.
02:41That zips through and we'll continue to see weather fronts and low pressure just milling around.
02:48But high pressure is never too far away, particularly so from the south.
02:51So, as I said at the start, it's looking a bit changeable through the next few days,
02:55but there'll be a lot of dry and bright weather with temperatures at or maybe a touch below average.
03:01Because although we've got some warmth moving in at the moment,
03:04once this weather system moves through, followed by the next one,
03:06notice how the slightly cooler air under the influence of this low pressure will dominate
03:12as we head through the latter part of the week and into the weekend.
03:15So, perhaps feeling a touch cooler, but still, it's July.
03:18So, when the sun's out, it shouldn't feel too bad at all.
03:21For more details and for more information, check out the rest of our YouTube channel,
03:26in particular, the deep dive available on our main YouTube channel.
