Thursday evening forecast 21/12/23

  • 2 days ago
21 December - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, thank you for joining me for your latest Met Office weather update. It is
00:04going to be a bit of a wet picture for many of us as we go through Thursday
00:08evening, overnight into Friday and still a blustery one, although the strongest
00:12winds from earlier on in the day have eased. That's because the deep area of
00:15low pressure that was named Storm Pier by the Danish Met Service has now
00:19drifted away towards the east, but tightly packed isobars indicating that
00:24it is still a blustery windy picture as we go through the rest of Thursday and
00:28into Friday. Notice as well we have some cold air towards the far northeast of
00:33the UK, however elsewhere we're generally under that milder air. As we go
00:38through Thursday evening then, some clear skies to start across eastern parts in
00:41particular, but turning increasingly cloudy from the west through the night
00:45as outbreaks of rain push their way in. We are likely to see some sleet or snow
00:49over modest higher ground of Scotland and also for Shetland too, here a bit of
00:53an ice risk as we go into Friday and with that snow and those strong winds we
00:59could have some blizzard conditions as well. Like I said, it is a mild story for
01:04much of the UK, especially towards the south-southwest. Here some places will
01:08stay in double figures through the night, a much chillier story though across the
01:12far northeast. Here some places will dip below freezing. As we look through Friday
01:16itself then, a mostly cloudy day for many of us. There will be further outbreaks of
01:21rain, some of them could be a little bit heavy at times and I am expecting a bit
01:25more sleet or snow across parts of Scotland. We could start to see some
01:29accumulations building up. Towards the southwest here, a drier picture, a few
01:34spots of rain possible, but also some bright or perhaps even sunny skies
01:38developing as we go through the afternoon. Temperatures in the south
01:42ranging from highs around 10 to 12 Celsius, a little bit lower than this
01:46further north and in fact across parts of northeast Scotland, temperatures will
01:50be suppressed into just mid-single figures and all the time, although the
01:54winds on Friday won't be quite as strong as on Thursday, it is going to be windy
01:58and blustery and so that will make it feel colder than these temperatures
02:02suggest. As we go through the evening and overnight on Friday, we see a spell of
02:07more persistent rain pushing initially across western parts of Scotland, but
02:10then feeding across much of Scotland and into parts of northern England, perhaps
02:14Northern Ireland too, through the early hours of Saturday morning. Likely to see
02:18some snow, particularly on the leading edge of this, so we could again see some
02:22accumulations building up and again an ice risk, which is why we do have a
02:26warning in force, but it's across western parts where we're really going to see
02:29some totals building up. Further south and it's a mostly dry night, but quite a
02:34cloudy one and we still have those blustery winds, so again temperatures
02:37aren't going to drop much. Many places holding up in high single figures or
02:41double digits in a few spots, but again some frost is likely across the far
02:46northeast of Scotland. As we go through Saturday, a wet start across much of
02:51Scotland and some rain across northern England, Northern Ireland for time for a
02:54time. Like I said, the heaviest rain likely across western Scotland and this
02:59combined with the fact that we could have some snow melt means there may be
03:02some issues due to the amount of water we see there. A drier story further south,
03:07a few spots of rain possible, but quite a cloudy picture here too. Temperatures,
03:11well they're going to be near or a little bit above average for the time of
03:14year. Highs around 11 or 12 Celsius for most places. Still a windy theme to
03:19things though, so that will make it feel a little bit chillier than these
03:22temperatures may suggest and a bit chillier still towards the northeast.
03:25That colder air I highlighted at the start, not going anywhere particularly
03:29fast. As we go through into Christmas Eve then, we are going to see that rain
03:33across northern parts continuing for a time, but then this waving frontal system
03:38gradually makes its way southwards. So bringing outbreaks of rain across more
03:41central areas as we go through Christmas Eve and then gradually
03:45clearing away towards the south southeast as we go through Christmas Day
03:49itself. I emphasize gradually because it could take quite a while to clear
03:53through and so it's possible that particularly southeastern parts might
03:57have a largely wet day with the rain not clearing until well into the evening.
04:01Further north, there are likely to be some blustery showers around and some of
04:04these could be wintry, so it may be that we have a technically at least a white
04:08Christmas across some parts of Scotland. Anyway, we will have more information
04:12about the forecast through the festive period across our YouTube channel, our
04:15website and our app. I'll see you later, bye bye.
