Tuesday evening forecast 19/09/2023

  • 2 days ago
19 September - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there, welcome to your weather update from the Met Office.
00:03Some high rainfall totals over the next 24 hours associated with an area of low pressure
00:07which will also bring gale force winds.
00:11So let's just pick up on the rain warnings over the next 24 hours through Tuesday evening
00:14and overnight.
00:15We could see up to 60mm of rain across the higher ground of western Scotland and the
00:19southern uplands.
00:20Further south across the north west of England as well as mid Wales down towards more southern
00:24parts of Wales over the higher ground.
00:25Between around 50 and 100mm spot values could come in around 200mm over the highest ground.
00:32This is an active cold front so through Wednesday it pushes from Northern Ireland and Scotland
00:36down towards the eastern counties of England.
00:38A real squeeze on the isobars across the north west of Scotland and that's where we're likely
00:42to see gales.
00:43In fact through Tuesday evening gales across Irish sea coasts up towards the north channel.
00:48This is the weather system in the centre of the low just here and you can see the winds
00:51are relentless.
00:53Also notice the bright echoes representing some heavy pulses of rain pushing ever northwards
00:58across Scotland and then sliding down towards northern England through the early hours of
01:02the morning covering much of Northern Ireland and eventually we'll see the rain across the
01:05Isle of Man, western and northern parts of Wales.
01:08Breezy further south, a mild night here, a fair amount of clouds, the odd showery birds
01:12can't be ruled out and then the winds really pick up some strength through the early hours
01:16of the morning across the north west as this low slowly tracks towards the north of Scotland.
01:21Now through the morning we'll see some clearer skies but the shower rain does continue for
01:26a time across the bulk of Scotland becoming a bit more sporadic but more persistent rain
01:31across Shetland just clipping Orkney down towards the Western Isles and those winds
01:35along the western side of Scotland.
01:37Showers then move in across the western side of Northern Ireland.
01:40In shelter though you should see some brighter weather and then we run into this cloud and
01:45this rain anywhere from south west Scotland, northern England, the west midlands Wales
01:49and the west country.
01:50A bit of it, perhaps even some brighter skies to start the day but notice this rain is pushing
01:54towards these parts.
01:56By around lunch time we'll see the rain just come in across the east midlands and then
01:59home counties through the afternoon.
02:01There is a back edge to this rain which means brighter skies through the latter part of
02:05the day for western parts and northern parts of Wales, north east England as well as eastern
02:09counties of Scotland but the winds will pick up further later on in the day across the
02:14far north west of Scotland as this low tracks towards the north east.
02:18Showers continue across the western half of Scotland as well as Northern Ireland and
02:22temperatures struggling a little bit, 15, 16 Celsius hanging on to some milder values
02:27towards the south east but through evening time that's when we could run into some problems
02:31with evening rush hour, lots of surface water on the roads across these parts of England.
02:37Now through Thursday it's a classic day of a cool breeze, a blustery breeze and also
02:42some showery bursts of rain.
02:44Sunshine and showers across England and Wales on Thursday as well.
02:47The heaviest pulses down towards the south west of Wales and the west country.
02:52Temperatures are notched down here and a similar situation on Friday.
