Tuesday afternoon forecast 10/01/23

  • 2 days ago
10 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, and welcome to your national weather update.
00:02There's lots going on for the wet and windy conditions
00:05to come for most of us over the next few days.
00:07And there are Met Office yellow warnings in place.
00:10Here's the big picture from space on Monday evening.
00:13A few showers across the UK, but this large area of cloud
00:17has been steadily moving in overnight,
00:20springing with it cloudy skies initially,
00:22and then some rain through the early hours in the west.
00:24And now that rain has spread to pretty much all parts
00:27during this morning.
00:29Now, parts of eastern England and southern England
00:30will turn a little drier, but further rain to come elsewhere.
00:34And we do have Met Office yellow warnings covering that rain.
00:37That could cause some disruptions to local flooding
00:39through parts of western Scotland,
00:41northwest England, and Wales.
00:43As I said, something a little drier this afternoon
00:45over eastern England.
00:46It may dry up for a time across Northern Ireland too,
00:49but for most, it's going to stay dull, blustery, and wet.
00:53It's also going to be mild, certainly temperatures
00:55a lot higher than they were yesterday.
00:57Obviously, it doesn't feel all that pleasant,
00:59with the wind and the rain, but double digits for most
01:01and into the teens across parts of the south.
01:04The wet weather will swing its way across the UK
01:07as we go through this evening, further gusty winds
01:09and heavy outbreaks of rain.
01:11The wind's particularly strong tonight
01:12over northern Scotland, where we have another Met Office
01:15yellow warning to cover those gusty conditions.
01:18It could also cause some disruption, maybe
01:21some structural damage.
01:22And plenty of showers packing in with those gusty winds too.
01:25Of course, western Scotland, Northern Ireland,
01:27some across northern England, and across the southwest too.
01:30But many central and eastern parts
01:32becoming dry through the night, leading to a bright start
01:35tomorrow morning.
01:35Not especially cold, but it will stay windy.
01:38So it won't feel very pleasant, I
01:41don't suspect, first thing in the morning,
01:43despite some sunshine over central and eastern England.
01:46And further west, we're going to have a lot of showers
01:48over Wales, southwest England, northern Ireland,
01:50and much of Scotland.
01:51Still very windy in the morning over the northern isles
01:54too, with heavy outbreaks of rain likely here.
01:57We'll see some snow mixed in with the showers
01:59over the Scottish mountains.
02:00And certainly further south, heavy downpours, hail,
02:03and thunder mixed in as these bands of showers
02:06move from west to east.
02:07They will be moving pretty rapidly because
02:09of the strength of the wind.
02:11And there will be brighter spells between the showers.
02:13Not going to rain all day far from it.
02:16Temperatures will be lower tomorrow.
02:18We'll see highs closer to average, 7 to 10 or 11
02:21across the south.
02:22But again, it'll feel colder than those numbers
02:25because of the wind, and certainly
02:26when the showers come along, of which there'll still
02:28be plenty through Wednesday evening.
02:31Further heavy showers for many areas
02:33before easing off before more persistent rain then
02:37comes in from the southwest.
02:38And again, after heavy rain throughout this year,
02:41this isn't welcome and could also
02:43cause some disruption and some local flooding
02:45from these weather fronts as they move in during Thursday.
02:48So another spell of rain, certainly
02:49across the south on Thursday.
02:51Then this low pressure brings more bands of heavy showers
02:54later on Thursday.
02:55And again, look at the squeeze on the isobars.
02:57Could get very windy for a time on Thursday and into Friday
03:01across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland especially.
03:03And then more blustery showers to come on Friday.
03:06As I said, lots going on.
03:08It may then even start to get a bit colder into the weekend.
03:12For more on all that, make sure you're
03:14following us on all the social media channels
03:17and subscribe to our YouTube channels.
