Saturday evening forecast 31/12/22

  • 2 days ago
31 December - National weather forecast presented by Marco Petagna.
00:00Hello and welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office. We're ending the year
00:03on a very unsettled note across the UK. Low pressure is in charge, bringing wet and windy
00:08weather. Notice fairly tightly packed dice bars on the chart here, indicating there's
00:11blustery winds. It's quite mild though towards the south and south-east of the UK, but colder
00:15towards the north and north-west. And as the ridge of high pressure tobbles in from the
00:19west over the next few days, it will generally turn colder across all parts, at least for
00:23a time. So looking at things in more detail through this evening then, and wet and windy
00:26weather is moving its way north across England and Wales. And as we head towards the all-important
00:31midnight hour, that rain reaches Northern Ireland and the south of Scotland, turning
00:34to snow on hills across southern Scotland above about 200 metres. To the north of that,
00:39it's clearer but icy, and down towards the south and south-west it's blustery, with some
00:43showers moving in from the south-west. We hold onto those showers towards the end of
00:47the night too, with the best of the clearest spells out towards the east and south-east
00:50of England, temperatures across the south staying up in double figures in one or two
00:54spots, but it is very cold towards the north, very frosty, icy, with temperatures here
00:57below freezing. Into New Year's Day itself, the rain and snow, the snow mainly on the
01:02hills as I say across the north there, only gradually petering out through the day. We
01:06hold onto a bit of brightness towards the far north and north-east of Scotland, and
01:09down across England and Wales it's generally brighter, with a mix of sunshine and showers,
01:13those showers quite blustery, moving in from the west on quite a keen west-to-south-westerly
01:18wind. Temperatures still quite mild in the south, at 11 or 12 degrees, although that's
01:22down on New Year's Eve's values, and still chilly towards the north there at 4 to 6 Celsius.
01:27As for Bank Holiday Monday, well on the whole it's a much brighter picture across all areas,
01:31that ridge of high pressure moving in from the west after a frosty start, plenty of sunshine,
01:35notice one or two showers are up towards the north and north-west, and it will be a cold
01:39day after that cold frosty start. Temperatures only getting up to around about 4 to 6 Celsius
01:43as we head into the afternoon, 6 there in the south is just 43 in Fahrenheit, and several
01:48degrees below the seasonal average. That's pretty much it for me, but of course you can
01:52keep tuned to the Met Office forecast by following us on social media. Have a very
01:56happy new year, and I'll see you soon. Bye bye.