Wednesday afternoon forecast 31/08/22

  • 2 days ago
31 August - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hi, there. Welcome to your national weather update with me, Alex Deakin. Some fine weather
00:05again across the country today and tomorrow, but the weather is on the change as we head
00:10towards the weekend. There's warm weather front lurking to the south, another one up
00:14to the northwest that they are going to come together. But for the time being, it's high
00:17pressure dominating. There's a bit of an easterly breeze around that high pressure, bringing
00:21a cool feel to some of these North Sea coasts. And it's a bit more cloud across the east
00:26as well. Maybe one or two scattered showers. We've seen one or two this morning, and we'll
00:30see one or two this afternoon over parts of Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, maybe still
00:34across northern England and southern Scotland. But they're few and far between most places,
00:38dry and bright. Some clouds, quite a bit of blue sky and temperatures climbing up with
00:43the help of that sunshine getting into the low to mid-20s across the south. Cooler on
00:49the east coast, and it's a bit cooler for Scotland and Northern Ireland, mostly here
00:53in the high teens. Quite a chilly night across Scotland and Northern Ireland, and what will
00:57be largely clear skies. There's still the possibility of one or two showers feeding
01:01in off the North Sea into northeast England, and a bit more of a breeze still across the
01:06south. We'll keep the temperatures up here in double digits. Towns and cities across
01:11the south actually likely to stay in the teens. But further north, we're down to single figures
01:15and well down into single figures through the sheltered glens of Scotland. Quite a cold
01:21start here to Thursday morning. A chilly start, but a sunny one for Scotland, Northern
01:26Ireland, much of northwest England. Again, a bit more cloud across northeast England.
01:30Maybe here one or two showers which could drift westwards through the day. Further south
01:35again, some cloud here and there, but most places dry and bright with hazy sunshine across
01:41the far south. Just the likelihood of some showers drifting up from France across the
01:45Channel Isles by the end of the afternoon. Temperature wise, well, similar across England
01:51and Wales, mostly low to mid-20s, perhaps a little warmer, certainly a touch warmer
01:56for Scotland and Northern Ireland by the afternoon. It'll be a cold start, but come the afternoon,
02:0020 or 21 Celsius likely here. During Thursday evening, we'll start to see a little bit more
02:06of those showers coming up from France into the Channel Isles and perhaps crossing the
02:10channel along the south coast of England. Some uncertainty about the timing of that,
02:15but notice also weather fronts bringing some rain not far away from the far northwest.
02:21Those two things are going to combine, this area of low pressure and this weather front
02:26joining forces, spreading showers more widely on Friday and then into the weekend. These
02:31weather fronts bringing bands of rain, slow-moving bands of rain, and that could be joined by
02:37another low pressure bringing more heavy showers into the southwest on Sunday. So a very different
02:42weather charts for Sunday compared to today, all change with much wetter weather on the
02:48way. There's more details on all of that if you follow us right across social media.
