Wednesday afternoon forecast 10/11/21

  • 2 days ago
10 November - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin
00:00Hello again. A brighter day across much of northern Britain. Some sunshine to be had
00:05here, although it is very windy across the far north. In the south, the winds are lighter.
00:10It's a rather drab November day with rain and drizzle in some spots lasting for much
00:16of the day. What's going on? Well, the bigger picture shows things quite nicely. The stripe
00:20of cloud is a wriggling, waving weather front that's been slowly trickling southwards. To
00:27the north of that, some brighter skies and a bit of sunshine. But this waving weather
00:31front is going to linger through much of the day, bringing rain and drizzle over the Midlands,
00:35South Wales, parts of southwest England, Lincolnshire and into Norfolk. The odd shower further south
00:40with much of southeast England staying dry. Northern England brightening up. Northern
00:44Ireland, southern Scotland seeing sunny spars. There will be a few showers over the Highlands
00:48and as I said, it is quite windy across the far north, pretty blustery conditions here.
00:53It's also cooler across the north, temperatures still the roundabout average for the time
00:58of year, 9, 10, 11, maybe 12 Celsius. But for the south, it's really very mild, 15,
01:04maybe 16 degrees in the London area, particularly see any brightness. But mostly it will just
01:08stay pretty grey and we'll see a bit more of that rain and drizzle over the Midlands,
01:12pushing into east Anglia and across southwest England during this evening. It does tend
01:17to fizzle out as we go through the night. There'll be a band of showery rain pushing
01:20into northern Scotland. It stays pretty windy here, although the winds will be easing. In
01:25this central zone where the winds are light and we could see some clearer skies, that's
01:29where we could see some thick fog patches forming, particularly over parts of northern
01:33England and north Wales, especially over some of the hills. Some of the higher routes, M62,
01:38not very clever through the early hours in particular. Temperature wise, well, dropping
01:42off where we've got the clearest skies across the north and the cooler air. So here we could
01:47see some rural locations get close to freezing. But for the south, we're a long way from
01:51that, a very mild night and a mild start to Thursday, a rather drab start to Thursday
01:57here. And in fact, for many, it'll either be cloudy or misty. We should see things getting
02:02brighter through the day, northeast Scotland, northeast England, seeing some decent spells
02:07of sunshine. But elsewhere, I think overall staying cloudy, just brightening up a little
02:11bit before setting western areas, the likelihood of some showers developing as we go through
02:17the day and the winds starting to pick up also. But those winds continue to feed in
02:22mild air. So if we do see any brightness, well, it'll feel pretty pleasant with temperatures
02:27again up to 14, 15 degrees. The wet and windy weather, though, will take over as we go through
02:33Thursday evening. Initially across northern Ireland, this band of rain tied into a swirl,
02:38an area of low pressure that's going to bring all of us a spell of wet and windy weather
02:43as we head into Friday. So this low moves in. The ice bars squeeze together. It turns
02:49windy during Friday. The weather front is lingering over the northern isles, bringing
02:52persistent rain showers for most. But it does tend to fizzle away and fill, as we say, by
02:59the time we get to Saturday. So Saturday is a drying up day. And by the time we get to
03:02Sunday, high pressure is in charge across the UK. So things will be drying up through
03:07the weekend and some wet and windy weather around Friday. A 10-day trend video will be
03:13available by Wednesday afternoon across social media. So keep an eye out for that. And also
03:18on YouTube, we're streaming events from COP26. So check out the Met Office YouTube channels,
03:24particularly the Science and Services channel, for that feed from COP26. Bye for now.
