Friday afternoon forecast 11/11/22

  • 2 days ago
11 November - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. Another windy, cloudy and very mild day out there. Temperatures started off in
00:06the mid-teens in places and rising a little further by this afternoon. But there's a lot
00:11of rain still across northwest Scotland. It's been raining heavily here for 36 hours or
00:17more and that rain continues across parts of the northwest of Scotland. We still have
00:21a Met Office yellow warning in place and a yellow warning too for the gusty winds across
00:25southeast Scotland through this afternoon. The rain will spread a little bit into Northern
00:30Ireland, just a bit patchy here as it will be across southern Scotland. Most of England
00:34and Wales dry bar a bit of drizzle over the hills in the west. Mostly it's cloudy but
00:40there are some breaks in the cloud to the east of England. So a bit of sunshine coming
00:44through and even where it's cloudy, temperatures are well above average for the time of year
00:4916, 17, 18 degrees in a few spots, particularly with some brightness there along the Moray
00:55Firth. But it is blustery, gusty winds particularly across western Scotland and across southeast
00:59Scotland, hence why we have that warning in place. Now as we go through the evening, that
01:04rain will trickle a little further south, perhaps arriving in northern England for a
01:08time, maybe even north Wales. Before that line of rain then actually starts to push
01:12back further north, back across Northern Ireland into southern Scotland by dawn. To the north
01:18of that, it will turn a little chillier, certainly compared to recent nights. Temperatures
01:23well down into single figures here in the countryside. Further south though, another
01:27pretty mild night, not quite as mild as last night, but we'll still stay in double digits
01:33in some towns and cities. And as temperatures fall and as the winds ease a touch, it will
01:38turn quite murky. A few fog patches likely through the early hours and on Saturday morning.
01:44So it's likely to be a bit of a grey, misty, murky starts and denser patches of fog, particularly
01:49over the Midlands, maybe eastern England. A damp start for Northern Ireland and southern
01:53Scotland, but quite quickly that rain will shimmy away to the north, perhaps even clearing
01:58away from the far northwest. And even as it moves through here, it won't be as heavy as
02:03it has been over the past couple of days. And you can see, skies should brighten in
02:07many areas, may stay fairly glum over parts of northern England, particularly to the east
02:12of the Pennines. But elsewhere, we're likely to see some sunny spells. The wind's not as
02:17strong through the course of tomorrow, but still wafting up warm air. So with a bit of
02:24sunshine, 16, 17, maybe 18 Celsius, where it stays grey, more like 13 or 14. But again,
02:31still above average for the time of year. Staying fairly mild, heading out on Saturday
02:35evening. And again, most places will be dry. A bit of a breeze in the west, but the wind's
02:40lighter in the east. So it's here where we're likely to see things misting up once more
02:45and some fog patches forming as we head towards Sunday morning. So again, a bit of a misty,
02:51murky start to Sunday. But again, for most places, it is going to be a dry day. Some
02:56places seeing some sunny spells developing. The wind's not as strong. And again, it is
03:01going to be very, very mild. For all the latest and perhaps a bit of a change into next week,
03:07make sure you stay up to date by subscribing to our YouTube channels and following us right
03:11across social media.
