Week Ahead – A wet start to August but not for everyone 01/08/22

  • 2 days ago
It’ll be a wet start to August but not necessarily for those areas so in need of rain. Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern has the forecast for the week ahead.


00:00Hi there. Following an exceptionally dry July for many parts of the country, particularly
00:05towards the south and south-east of England, there is some rain in the forecast for the
00:10start of August, but not necessarily in those areas that are so in need of the wet weather.
00:17What's happening is we've got this humid airflow coming our way over the next couple of days
00:21from the Atlantic. That's coming around an area of low pressure centred towards the north-west
00:26of the UK. A number of weather fronts now pushing in to central and northern parts of
00:31the UK, so a wet night in many places. The heaviest of the rain by the start of Tuesday
00:37will be affecting southern Scotland, northern England, north-west Wales. Odd rumble of thunder
00:41possible here as that heavier rain moves through. But it does move through, and so that by lunchtime,
00:46well it's a damp picture for northern and western England, as well as Wales. A gloomy
00:50picture, a lot of low cloud covering the hills and coast, but also most of the rain is light
00:56and on and off, and mostly over higher parts of this area, whilst Scotland and Northern
01:01Ireland brighten up by the afternoon. Some sunshine coming through, scattered showers
01:06for the north-west of Scotland, otherwise mostly dry. South-westerly winds will be gusty
01:11at times, but also they'll be bringing a humid feel to the day. So, in many places, low to
01:16mid-twenties. Twenty-five Celsius there for Aberdeen, twenty-four despite the cloud for
01:21central parts of the country, but thirty Celsius in London and the south-east, where hot sunshine
01:27will prevail rather than cloud and rain. Into Tuesday night, the low that brings us the
01:34unsettled weather moves across northern parts of the UK. Trailing cold fronts introduces
01:40cooler air to the north, whilst we keep the humidity to the south. And actually this front
01:45does pep up a little for a time. Around the south-west, around south Wales, Bristol Channel
01:51coasts, there could be some moderate rain during Wednesday morning, and ten to fifteen
01:56millimetres, possibly more in places. But it fizzles out by the time it reaches east
02:00Anglia and the south-east later in the day, and it stays very warm and humid here, twenty-eight
02:06Celsius. Cooler conditions further north with high-teens, low-twenties more likely, and
02:11after a windy start to the day in the far north of Scotland, those winds ease. But still,
02:15scattered showers for northern Ireland, Scotland and northern England. And this weather in
02:20the north will continue really into Thursday, as well as Friday, where the front clears
02:27out of the way. High pressure builds in from the west, low pressure though still closer
02:31to the north, and as that front pulls away, we're bringing cooler air in from the north-west.
02:37So Thursday starts off brighter, less uncomfortable night for sleeping I think on Wednesday night.
02:44Some sunshine across southern and eastern parts of the country, but scattered showers
02:48for the likes of the Midlands into northern England, and more especially Scotland with
02:52some heavy downpours in the far north. The breeze pushing them through, but also making
02:57it feel cooler, eighteen or nineteen Celsius. Still fairly warm in the south, but not as
03:01warm or as hot, twenty-one to twenty-five Celsius. And yeah, it's staying dry in the
03:07far south and south-east. Dry once again on Friday, showers mostly isolated in the north,
03:13but I think for Scotland, more scattered in nature. And it looks like in the south, plenty
03:20of sunshine developing, twenty-three or twenty-four Celsius, whilst it stays fairly breezy, that
03:25breeze feeling cool in the north. This area of rain then comes along for the north-west
03:31of Scotland later on Friday. It spreads across the rest of Scotland, bringing increasing
03:35cloud and some outbreaks of rain for northern Ireland and northern England as we start off
03:39the weekend. But on the whole, this high is moving in and this has been a familiar theme
03:44through the summer, high pressure building in, especially across southern areas. So that's
03:49going to continue the dry theme, especially in the south this weekend. And after those
03:55outbreaks of rain over the next few days, much of the country will see drier, brighter
04:00and somewhat cooler weather this weekend.
