The Apprentice UK S04E05 (2008)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:14This task is all about portraits.
00:16You're going to photograph customers and sell them their portraits.
00:21The challenge, start a photo business in Europe's biggest shopping centre.
00:26Let the camera create the illusion that you are wearing something really regal and nice.
00:31Simon's glamour theme failed to hit the mark.
00:34Get yourself on my settee right now.
00:38For Helene's team, their lookalike scored.
00:41Did you know who was going to be here today?
00:44But Lucinda couldn't get the photos out of the computer.
00:47No matter how hard I try, I'm not a technical person.
00:50It's about teamwork, it's about being assigned a role and getting on with it.
00:52I am happy doing it, but you put people in the appropriate skill sets.
00:55Oh for Christ's sake.
00:56While Simon's team was all negatives.
00:59Don't tell me how to manage, please don't tell me how to manage.
01:00But I am.
01:01I'm in charge of this, so it's my neck on the line this time.
01:03In the boardroom, Helene swept to victory.
01:06A runaway success.
01:08Well, well done.
01:09Then Claire went for Simon.
01:11You were shouting, you were sweating, and he was just not particularly pleasant.
01:15And Sir Alan went for Claire.
01:17You are showing no respect whatsoever to this man.
01:19Get back to the house, because you're going to be the next team leader.
01:23I'm sick of looking at you at the moment, get out that door.
01:26Simon became the fourth casualty of the boardroom.
01:29I'm sorry my friend, I think you're a bit out of your depth here.
01:32You're fired.
01:33Thank you for a wonderful opportunity.
01:38Now 12 remain to fight for the chance to become the apprentice.
01:56I'd rather not be project manager and let somebody else have a go, but...
02:00It's crazy, isn't it, that you're going to be one,
02:02and there's five other people that still haven't.
02:05Maybe I should just learn to keep my gob shut from day one.
02:17Morning, Sir Alan.
02:18Good morning, Claire.
02:19Wish I was more appropriately dressed.
02:20Could you get all the other people out?
02:22And I'll have a little chat with you.
02:24Sir Alan's here, so can you just put some PJs on so we can meet in the lounge?
02:28Are you serious?
02:29Yeah, obviously he doesn't like to be kept waiting.
02:44Good morning, everyone.
02:45Good morning, Sir Alan.
02:47I'm going to balance the teams up a little bit.
02:50Kevin, I'd like you to step over here and join Renaissance.
02:56Claire, I'm not going to go over again what we discussed the other day,
03:00but I want you to be the team leader.
03:02Alpha, your team leader's going to be Lucinda.
03:06I've listened to you over the past weeks.
03:08You don't like technology.
03:10You don't think you're very good on sales.
03:12I've got to find out what you are good at.
03:14Now, I've selected two farms that you're going to visit today,
03:18and those farms specialise in making ice cream,
03:21but they don't sell in the London area yet.
03:25What you're going to do is develop several flavours of ice cream
03:29to expand their business into London.
03:33You're going to go out and sell those flavours to the trade.
03:37The team that comes back with the highest amount of orders in sales volume will win,
03:42and the team that doesn't will lose,
03:44and in that team, one of you will get fired.
03:47OK, off you go.
03:50The teams get straight down to brainstorming ideas for their ice cream flavours.
03:55Can I just say before we kick off,
03:57that obviously I know that I'm project manager for a second time,
04:00and I'm really looking forward to this task and working with you all,
04:02but I'm conscious that I am very direct and I can't overpower people,
04:06so please, if I do that, can you just tell me straight away so I stop doing it?
04:14Right, we've got to have an idea of which flavours we'll create.
04:17We need to have a minimum of three.
04:19My idea is to go for different cocktails, the flavours of the ice cream.
04:23Pina Colada.
04:24Vodka and Coke, or Tequila Sunrise.
04:27I'm just not sure that I could see a family going into a cinema
04:31and for their children wanting to purchase a Sex on the Beach ice cream.
04:36Heading up the other team, business analyst and part-time aromatherapist, Lucinda.
04:41All right, are we ready to move on?
04:44OK, just in your own time.
04:46I don't believe you need to be a bitch in business to succeed.
04:49Project managers are there to facilitate teams, not necessarily dictate.
04:54Working together and having fun, that brings outstanding results.
04:58So far, I've got carrot, nuts.
05:00Ginseng and ginger.
05:02Ginseng's an aphrodisiac.
05:03Goji berries, wheatgrass.
05:05What about, like, a normal cup of tea?
05:07You can get coffee ice cream.
05:09You can get tea ice cream.
05:10It's like it's the nation's drink, isn't it?
05:13Everybody thinks Lucinda's a bit eccentric, a bit of a fruitcake,
05:17and the reality of it is we have seen four tasks now where she has been so lazy.
05:22She can't be selective, but I tell you what, if I'm not in charge,
05:25I'm going to sit here and have a cup of coffee and not do a fuck-all for anybody else.
05:29So we'll see.
05:30Let's go.
05:33Tomorrow, the teams must get bars and restaurants in London to buy their ice cream.
05:39Today, they're off to the countryside and the two dairy farms they will represent.
05:47It's lovely in here.
05:48I've seen green for weeks and weeks.
05:51I know.
05:52Just in the city.
05:54They must produce samples of their ice cream,
05:56then organise a local tasting to help decide on the flavours they'll launch in London.
06:03OK, at half past eight this evening, we are having our tasting session in the village hall,
06:08which is behind the village pond.
06:11I know, there's going to be one person who's going to turn up a toothless crow.
06:16With one arm and seven shins.
06:18There might be someone with, like, webbed feet.
06:24Bockingfold Farm in Kent.
06:28Claire and her team will represent Alastair and his ice cream business.
06:32Welcome to Kent, which is the garden of England.
06:36OK, we're going to be making three ice creams.
06:38The first one's called Berrymania.
06:40Blueberries, strawberries and cherries will be going into that.
06:43Chocolate orange and then cider and elderflower.
06:47OK, now the chocolate orange ice cream,
06:50you'll need to go out and buy probably about 50 oranges
06:55and hand squeeze every single one.
06:59Very laborious, but it gets the really finest flavour.
07:04The secret is to be organised.
07:07We'll be very efficient.
07:10Project manager Claire divides her team,
07:13leaving Kevin, Alex and Sarah in the kitchen to start on the ice cream.
07:19There you go, down the little hole.
07:21I nearly do realise we have 1,100 eggs.
07:27Claire has taken Jen and Michael on the hunt for additional ingredients.
07:32Hi, we're needing to purchase 50 oranges.
07:35And obviously you've got four.
07:37Is there a fruit and veg shop in this village?
07:40Not in this village, no, but if you go up Cranbrook Road,
07:43there's a farm shop, Hartley Dine.
07:45OK, how far is it from here?
07:46We're talking three or four miles down the road.
07:54Downsview Farm, East Sussex.
07:56Lucinda's team are still struggling to finalise their flavours.
08:00So we've got toffee apple.
08:02Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan.
08:03What about blue cheese and cranberry?
08:08Just an avocado ice cream.
08:10We really need to make a decision.
08:11We need to make a decision now.
08:13I'm just not an avocado fan,
08:14but I'm not going to stop anyone else from putting that forward.
08:17I've got cosmopolitan, toffee apple and avocado.
08:24Having made Lindy her second in command,
08:27Lucinda sends her off with Rafe and Jennifer
08:30to drum up interest in tonight's tasting session.
08:35I've come to bring you some good news.
08:37There's a local farm, we're producing ice cream with them.
08:40So we are doing a free taste test session.
08:43You get free ice cream, don't you?
08:44You do, you get free ice cream.
08:45Can I count on your attendance, Patrick?
08:52Back in the kitchen, Lucinda's bought her ingredients
08:55and their first batch of ice cream is under way.
08:59So this is our avocado and chilli.
09:02Sarah, the farm's owner, keeps an eye on progress.
09:06Now press the start button.
09:08And off it goes.
09:10So we could actually now be starting to do our second batch.
09:14Oh, do you know what I smelt there?
09:20I love it.
09:21Lucinda has quite a good manner of managing her team.
09:24She makes it apparent what she wants them to do,
09:26which is not being dictatorial or seemingly over-demanding.
09:29716 grams of avocado.
09:31Do you want to start mixing with the mixer?
09:34The last task, it was obvious there was no love lost
09:36between Lucinda and Helene.
09:38They're working together, they haven't come to blows yet.
09:41I think she's doing quite well.
09:42I haven't tried it.
09:43Is it?
09:44Is it?
09:46That is a seller.
09:47Yeah, absolutely.
09:48It is a seller.
09:49Buy more avocado.
09:50We need to get another batch on the go right now.
09:53Over in Kent...
09:56..Alex, Kevin and Sarah complete their first flavour,
09:59Very Berry.
10:01That is delicious.
10:02That's perfect.
10:03Do you like it?
10:04It's next level.
10:05Are you proud?
10:06That is perfect.
10:07But there's no sign of project manager Claire and the other ingredients.
10:11I'm going to call the guys and ask them where they are with the oranges
10:14and where they are with the cider.
10:15Orange and cider now.
10:18I'm concerned that we're almost going to have to scrap
10:21the chocolate and orange ice cream.
10:23Claire and Michael are ten miles away at a local brewery,
10:27tasting cider.
10:29It's actually quite nice.
10:31It's a good year.
10:32I think we need some more.
10:34Plenty of body.
10:41Where are you?
10:42Oh yeah, sorry, we've been stuck at the cider place
10:44buying the cider for the ice cream.
10:46We just need to get the oranges and we're on our way back.
10:48We've been as quick as we can.
10:50We can't do anything until we've got oranges,
10:52so we're just stood not able to do anything.
10:54It's just got to be really slow here in the country.
10:59I am 100% happy with everything that is going on in there.
11:04However, we can't sell anything ultimately tomorrow
11:06if they delay us so much that we hit 8 o'clock
11:08and we've not finished the ice creams.
11:12Hello, good afternoon, hi.
11:13My name's Rafe, I'm CEO of Alpha Luxury Ice Creams.
11:19In East Sussex, Lucinda's sales team contact retailers in London.
11:25We are launching some brand new flavours of ice creams
11:27and I really want to set up an appointment to come and see us.
11:30Jennifer has set her sights on a chain of cinemas.
11:33I'm available around 11.45.
11:35Yeah, 11.45, that's fine.
11:37Get ready to taste some of the best ice cream
11:39you have ever had in your whole entire life.
11:42Bye now, bye.
11:43Bring it on.
11:44One hit.
11:45It just keeps rolling.
11:46It just boosts your confidence and you just,
11:48you suddenly get more and more, it's like a snowball effect.
11:51Do you know what?
11:52The other guys might have to go and see some of these appointments
11:54if they're too close together.
11:55I want to make sure I do those appointments myself because...
11:57You've got built up the relationship.
12:00I'm very pleased with the independent cinemas, plural,
12:03that I managed to bag today.
12:05I think I did an absolutely fantastic job.
12:10With six appointments secured, Lucinda's sales team put down their phones.
12:15Wow, thanks.
12:16And pick up their knives and forks.
12:19Guys, well done.
12:20Well done, yeah.
12:21I'm feeling bloody confident about tomorrow.
12:23I am feeling great.
12:27After four hours scouring the countryside,
12:30Claire has finally tracked down her missing ingredient.
12:34Guess what we've got?
12:36Our retakes.
12:37Thank you, RJs.
12:38We've made two appointments now, we're getting there.
12:40Right, brilliant.
12:41We need to really get on with it.
12:42OK, fine.
12:43Shall we get out of your hair?
12:48The delay has left the team just two hours
12:51to get their ice cream ready for tonight's tasting session.
12:54This is a fucking journey.
12:57And with no-one invited, Claire heads for the village.
13:01I don't really think a huge amount of things will happen around here.
13:04This might be the talk of the town for the next...
13:08There'll be old ladies talking in the post office going,
13:10Oh, did you see that cider ice cream?
13:14The village pond must be round here.
13:16Looks like the village centre.
13:18The village pond.
13:20Oh, there's a yoga class going on.
13:22Yeah, let's hit the yoga class.
13:25Sorry to disturb you.
13:26We are making some new and exciting ice cream
13:29and we would love a contingent of people to taste them,
13:33a bit of a sample taste.
13:35Are you guys available around about half past eight in here?
13:39And we can come and bring...
13:44Not a problem.
13:45Sorry to have disturbed you.
13:47Enjoy your class.
13:50I just think about it.
13:51They're in their village all doing their weekly yoga class
13:54in walks.
13:56A random guy asking them about ice cream.
14:06In Lucinda's kitchen,
14:07their final flavour is coming off the production line.
14:10Oh, yeah.
14:14I'm telling you now, that is a toffee apple.
14:16I'm telling you now.
14:17We're going to make millions, right?
14:20Ice cream.
14:21You're going to make millions.
14:22Yes, yes, yes.
14:24Led by Lindy, Lucinda's sales team rush their samples
14:27to the tasting test at the local football club.
14:33OK, ladies and gentlemen,
14:34everything we're doing is about supporting the local farm
14:36and local produce,
14:37and we're really thankful that you've sort of joined us today.
14:41We've got three different flavours of ice cream.
14:43Has everybody got a spoon?
14:46Absolutely everyone. Great.
14:49The team is looking for two flavours
14:51to launch their farm's ice cream in London tomorrow.
14:54Our ice cream that you've just tasted is actually a cosmopolitan.
14:59I'm not sure.
15:00It's actually got a great deal of flavour.
15:02So it's a cocktail that we've made into an ice cream.
15:05Tastes like a mashed potato.
15:09Next up, their most unusual flavour.
15:12So what you've actually been eating is an ice cream
15:15that has been made from avocado with a hint of chilli.
15:19Oh, my God.
15:20It was really quite tasty, and as you can see, I'm eating it all.
15:23OK, you ready for the last one?
15:25Tantalising toffee apple.
15:27Very nice.
15:28And I think from the smiles on your faces,
15:30it may be one of the favourites, am I right?
15:33The avocado and the toffee apple, would you say that was a good decision?
15:36Yes. Excellent.
15:38You have helped us make one of our most important business decisions.
15:41Thank you very much.
15:43I think me, Rafe and Jen will have no problem tomorrow
15:46hitting our appointments and making some really good sales,
15:49doing exactly what's been asked of us
15:51and blowing the other team out of the water.
15:53It's going to be a walk in the park.
15:57Let's go.
16:00Claire's team are still in the kitchen.
16:06And 30 minutes late for their tasting session.
16:14There's not many people here.
16:16Lights off.
16:21Is this the place?
16:27With no-one to taste their ice cream,
16:29Michael tries the local pub.
16:32Hi, guys. Sorry to interrupt you.
16:34We are sampling three new ice creams.
16:37We really need some people with kind of discerning palates
16:40who know about food and can taste the ice cream.
16:42Do you think we're going to have discerning opinions
16:44after a couple of little bottles of wine?
16:46Well, I think if you've got a good palate, you've got a good palate.
16:49It doesn't matter how much you drink.
16:52I know you're busy and...
16:53Oh, we're pretty busy.
16:55Yeah, I think we'll be good.
16:59I'm not going to tell you what's in it at the moment.
17:01I want you to try and discern the flavours.
17:07Interesting expression you've got on your face there, sir.
17:11What do you think?
17:12There's a real local theme.
17:13Are you liking it or...?
17:14Bear with it.
17:15No, absolutely I'm liking it.
17:16It's actually cider and elderflower.
17:20I can taste it through my nose.
17:23Do you think your wives would have the same idea
17:25or do you think that they would have liked different ones?
17:28I don't have a wife, but I think my sister-in-law
17:32would definitely go for those ice creams for kids.
17:37I think my ex-wife...
17:38Oh, sorry, sir.
17:39...would have gone for the first one.
17:42Thank you so much for coming.
17:43Thank you so much.
17:44I really appreciate it.
17:46London, 11.45pm.
17:49Lucinda and her team are back at the house.
17:52Thank you all very much indeed.
17:54We've got our flavourings out finally.
17:56We're going to mix the teams up tomorrow,
17:58if that's all right with everyone.
18:00I was going to put Lindsay, you with Lee and Helene.
18:03You lead that team because you've obviously made the appointments,
18:06you've got your market, and then I was going to go with Rafe and Jen,
18:09so we mixed up the expertise.
18:14That went down like a lead balloon.
18:16Nobody liked it.
18:17Nobody liked it.
18:18That's fine. Great.
18:19All right, we're all tired. Let's go to bed.
18:27Today, the teams must get restaurants, bars and retail outlets in London
18:32to buy their ice creams.
18:36So we've got spoons, we've got the ice cream.
18:38We've got the appointments.
18:39She's got the great attitude.
18:40Come on, let's go and do it.
18:42With six appointments booked, Lucinda and her team head off.
18:49Second in command, Lindy, has held on to the ice cream.
18:53Second in command, Lindy, has held on to her sales force of Jennifer and Rafe.
18:58As a group, we've worked so well together.
19:00We've built up a rapport, we've built these appointments,
19:03and I think it would be a shame to ruin that
19:05by changing the dynamics of this group.
19:07The reason I didn't want to give her all our appointments
19:09was because we worked very hard to get these appointments.
19:12At the house, Claire has kept her team back for a strategy meeting.
19:17OK, South London.
19:19In Clapham, you've got Clapham Picture House,
19:21which is an independent cinema.
19:22We need to target them,
19:23but we couldn't get through on the phone yesterday.
19:25How many absolute, 100% concrete appointments do we have today?
19:29We've got two.
19:30We've got one at 3 o'clock and we've got one at quarter past 11.
19:33My duty wasn't to be making calls,
19:35it was to make the ice cream, which got done under intensive pressure.
19:38And I just think three people calling non-stop all day
19:41could generate more than two appointments.
19:43It's terrible.
19:44You'd get fired alone in a telesales company for that.
19:48You know who you're seeing?
19:49Yeah, Mr Caulfield. OK?
19:52At an upmarket grocer's on the Kings Road,
19:55Lindy and her sales team make their first pitch.
19:59So this one is called Avocadolicious.
20:01It's never been done before.
20:03I'm confident that you will want to place an order straight away.
20:07Project manager Lucinda heads for an appointment
20:10made yesterday by her sales team...
20:13Hiya there. an ice cream parlour.
20:15I'm working on behalf of a company called Downsview Farm.
20:18We've recently gone into production for making beautiful ice creams
20:21that we'd like you to try and just give us your feedback
20:24and hopefully see if you'd like to buy.
20:26Well, the fact is we make our own ice cream
20:30and I'm happy making it myself.
20:33Thank you very much indeed. I appreciate your time.
20:35You're the best.
20:37He told them that he had no need for ice cream
20:39and that they had their own ice cream maker.
20:41Bit of a fuck-up.
20:42But let's take it forward.
20:43Yeah, it's not just about getting an appointment,
20:45it's getting an appointment that's worth it.
20:47The other guys are calling.
20:50Hi, guys.
20:51Hiya, Lindy. How are you doing?
20:53We've got our first order for...
20:56..15 litres!
21:00That's brilliant.
21:01That's brilliant about your first order.
21:02A couple of things I'd like to check with you.
21:05..had no need for ice cream.
21:07They had their own ice cream maker.
21:09Do you know what, Lucinda?
21:11Can I just tell you some experience here?
21:13Even if they've got their own ice cream maker,
21:15we can still sell to them.
21:17Of course you're the sales team, you know.
21:19If they're not going to take it, they're not going to take it.
21:21We need to know that first and foremost.
21:24See you. Thanks. Bye.
21:26Are you worried?
21:27No, I'm not.
21:28I just find it annoying when people tell you how to do things
21:30that you know how to do.
21:36With just two appointments booked,
21:38Claire's team is forced to hawk its ice cream door to door.
21:42I literally wanted a few moments of your time
21:44because we're supplying some quite innovative ice cream.
21:48Do you have a few moments to talk about this?
21:50Yeah, sure. Great.
21:52This is the Very Berry ice cream, which is extremely popular.
21:56This particular ice cream actually contributes significantly
21:59to your five-a-day portions of fruit.
22:02So for any of your discerning customers, this is the one.
22:06Instructed by Claire to target an independent cinema in Clapham,
22:10Alex, Kevin and Sarah meet the manager.
22:13We've got some samples with us. Right, OK.
22:15One is called Very Berry.
22:17Secondary to that, we've got Scrumptiolicious,
22:19which is cider and elderberry.
22:21And with the new cider market opening up, it's quite sexy.
22:24Quite a lot of people are starting to drink cider.
22:26It's kind of like the new, almost champagne.
22:28It's different, isn't it? Yeah, it's very different.
22:31I like them. Yeah. I think they're good.
22:33But we don't just own Clapham.
22:35We own 18 cinemas across the country.
22:38And all the selling and buying products,
22:40we have to go through the head office.
22:42So, from my point of view, if you could come back
22:44and we could arrange for my guy to come down as well,
22:47then it would obviously expand your sales.
22:49Yeah, it's been interesting. Thank you so much.
22:51I really appreciate that. Thank you.
22:53Hi, Alex. I've got some news for you.
22:55I've just been into Clapham Picturehouse.
22:59Right, OK, and I've spoken to the guy and we have 18 cinemas.
23:03Oh, my God.
23:05And we've got another meeting with him back at three o'clock
23:08and we're potentially going to secure an absolutely massive deal.
23:13So, he's pretty much, definitely, I feel, going to purchase.
23:17Oh, brilliant. Oh, my God, that's brilliant.
23:19Well done to you guys. We're going to smash it.
23:21We're going to absolutely take it.
23:25Let's go, go, go.
23:27But in Notting Hill, Lindy, Rafe and Jennifer
23:29arrive at another cinema in the same chain.
23:33Yesterday, they fixed an appointment
23:35with the cinema manager and head buyer for the group.
23:39The reason we gave you guys a call
23:41is because of the type of business that you run.
23:43It fits in completely with what we're trying to do.
23:46You know, we want to go for something a bit different,
23:48which I think is what you guys are all about.
23:50It's interesting. Yeah.
23:51You can definitely taste the avocado.
23:53You can definitely taste the avocado.
23:55Yeah, I think I kind of like it.
23:57If you decide that you want to make an order today,
23:59which I hope you will and I'm pretty confident you will,
24:02you will have exclusive rights in your cinemas to have this ice cream.
24:07So effectively, you will be the only cinema
24:09to have these type of flavours,
24:11which would be a huge selling point for yourself.
24:13Based on taste and, you know, where it comes from
24:15and kind of the ethics behind the product,
24:17I think, yes, it's something we would try.
24:19In central London, we would do 100 litres across the two products.
24:24Now, what I will do is I will give you a breakdown
24:27of where I want that stock to go.
24:28To Brixton, to Clapham, to Stratford East,
24:31to Greenwich and to the Gate.
24:33Great doing business with you. Cool.
24:35Thanks very much.
24:36Thank you so much.
24:37Good news for Lucinda's team is bad news for Alex.
24:43Alex Wotherspoon.
24:45Alex, hi, it's Alex there from City Screen.
24:47Hi there.
24:48We've just today placed a large order with a company called Alpha
24:51for a large amount of ice cream.
24:54What, at the Pitcher House?
24:55Yes, we have.
24:57Right, OK. All right then, thanks very much.
24:59Should we go back in there and discuss this?
25:02Alex, let's go back in there.
25:03I'm going to go back in and speak to him and find out what's going on.
25:06Hi, Mike.
25:07Hi, Mike.
25:08Good to see you again.
25:09I just got a call from someone called Alistair.
25:11She's from your head office.
25:12Alistair from head office?
25:14He's spoken to a company called Alpha.
25:17At the same time, we were actually in conversations
25:19with another supplier of ice cream,
25:21so we're not going to actually be able to take an order from you guys today.
25:25All right?
25:26All right, yeah, thanks very much.
25:29All right, OK.
25:32It's game over.
25:34I cannot believe that.
25:37It's just annoying how he was making it out as if he was the big cheese.
25:43Hi, Kevin.
25:44Hi, Claire.
25:45We've just had a call from the Pitcher House
25:47to say the whole chain, which is 18 cinemas,
25:51have taken an order for Alpha
25:54because they've gone directly to the head office.
25:58Right, OK.
26:01What a shame.
26:02That's really bad news for us.
26:04We can't say anything about it now.
26:06It's quarter to two and we've got five and a quarter hours to keep on selling.
26:10All right, see you soon. Bye.
26:12Oh, shit.
26:19Four and a half hours to go.
26:22There's a restaurant there at Oriente.
26:24It's closed.
26:26Claire's door-to-door strategy has shifted just 30 litres.
26:30I mean, I've got a freezer, but I don't really sell ice cream this fast.
26:33I'm really worried. Yeah, I am really worried.
26:36It's incredibly frustrating going door-to-door with everybody
26:39because it's very time-consuming.
26:41So we're sort of in a catch-22.
26:43We've got to keep on being positive.
26:44We've got to keep on getting the sales in
26:46and not let it affect our momentum.
26:48If you can't go for 25, go for 20 of the very berry,
26:51go 20, and you have my word that you will not go wrong.
26:53100% profit margin, Nero.
26:55They sell themselves.
26:58Can we shake your hand on that? Yeah, Nero?
27:00I don't think it's about the single deals.
27:02It's about the bigger picture and getting the big deals.
27:04We've got a massively high-end product,
27:06walking around the streets, going into restaurants and little shops,
27:09trying to sell it by the five-litre tub,
27:11and that's not the way it should be.
27:13If you fail to prepare, then you prepare to fail,
27:15and that's exactly what she's done.
27:17She's not prepared any kind of pre-qualified leads,
27:19and because of that, we're about to fail as a team,
27:23and it's not good.
27:26We're being very careful where we're taking it,
27:28because it is a specialist bespoke ice cream.
27:31The last of Claire's pre-booked appointments.
27:35I would personally only order enough to fill our fridge this once
27:38and see how it goes, see how long it takes to shift.
27:41This shop is the perfect shop for this sort of product.
27:44It wasn't a big order,
27:46but if they had one of these orders every hour,
27:49because they'd planned properly and structured it
27:52and targeted their market,
27:54they would be doing well.
27:56At the moment, I'm concerned for them, to be quite honest.
27:59I think they're in trouble.
28:05Following her sales team's bad lead at the ice cream parlour,
28:09Lucinda has focused on selling to specialised outlets.
28:12This one, this is the avocado and red chilli.
28:14It could be used as a starter,
28:16on a bed of maybe rocket leaves or something like that,
28:18or as a dessert.
28:20Actually, I was just going to change my menu in two weeks' time.
28:23That's perfect. We can get a few within two weeks.
28:25Fantastic. Well, I'm glad we popped in.
28:27That's what I'm talking about.
28:29I wasn't confident with Lucinda before she took the task on,
28:32but she's been absolutely brilliant.
28:34Lucinda has been brilliant.
28:36Cool, calm and collected when others might have panicked.
28:38Anything we can get, anything.
28:40Lucinda's clearly a manager. That's what she does.
28:46Lucinda's second-in-command, Lindy,
28:48is in West London for negotiations
28:50with the chief buyer for a chain of gastropubs.
28:53I'm interested in both flavours because I think they're unique.
28:56We like to go out and try something new
28:58and we're prepared to have a go at that.
29:00Is there an opportunity for you to agree
29:02that it won't go into any other pubs for at least three months?
29:05We can put that as a condition on the order
29:09that will guarantee you exclusivity for three months.
29:12OK. Most definitely.
29:14We could probably order between 100 and 140 litres.
29:18140 litres was a one-off trial.
29:20Thanks, Ed.
29:21The first pub in London to have avocado ice cream.
29:24How do you feel about that? How do you feel?
29:26Three-month exclusivity.
29:28Oh, that was nice and easy.
29:30It's an order for 130 litres.
29:33We've just sold 540 pounds worth of ice cream!
29:40Come on!
29:41Did we blow your target out of the water, mate, or what?
29:44That's what I'm talking about. Targets are there to be broken
29:47and we're smashing them targets!
29:49We are sizzling hot superstars.
29:52You know, I'm just overwhelmed by how good we are.
29:55We've just strolled around, swanning from one appointment to the next.
29:58Not even a sw... You know, a bead of sweat.
30:02We're absolutely amazing.
30:06It just doesn't get any better.
30:11Alex, Kevin and Sarah wrap up another deal with a small retailer.
30:15Thank you, bye.
30:17I'm confident that we did a fantastic job.
30:19I'm not confident that we can beat a national cinema chain
30:22with eight small shops. I'm not confident as a team.
30:2520 minutes to go.
30:27This has to be hard, straight to the point.
30:30They're fluffing around, guys.
30:32Project manager Claire has fixed one final meeting...
30:35OK, let's do it. a trendy bar and grill.
30:39So, this is our first sample.
30:42It's called scrumpalicious.
30:44That's pretty good.
30:46It's a concoction of cider and elderflower,
30:48which we thought was quite a novelty.
30:50Very unusual for ice cream.
30:52We would very much like to supply this product to your restaurant
30:55and we would like to know if it would be something that you would consider.
30:59I think from what we taste, I think the quality's definitely there.
31:02We currently make all our own products.
31:04We're aware of that.
31:06Pretty much everything in-house, so the initial price you're asking for
31:09is probably going to be a little bit too high.
31:11If we did an order today, we will be able to offer you a discount
31:14if we can get it signed, sealed and delivered this evening.
31:17Yeah, that's great. Thank you very much.
31:19Thank you. Thank you very much.
31:23At 200 litres, it's their biggest deal of the day.
31:29I looked at it in the calculator and thought, fuck.
31:32I was like, this can't be right.
31:34I did it again and I was like, £800?
31:44That is the sign of a good salesperson.
31:46We kept up the momentum... Yeah.
31:48..against all odds.
31:50Oh. Oh.
31:56Both teams are back at the house.
32:00The fucking shit I've been pulling out of the bag today.
32:03That's how you are, Jay.
32:05We are not only going to kick your ass, we are going to make history.
32:08What's Lucinda like on team manager?
32:10Lucinda's Lucinda at the end of the day.
32:12Whether she was there or whether she was not,
32:14we still would have done what we had to do.
32:16The results that our sub-team achieved...
32:18Were phenomenal. ..were just incredible.
32:20And they would have been achieved regardless who was team manager.
32:23Well, I was the second in command. Yes, you were.
32:26And a very good second in command, I might add. Thank you, Jay.
32:34Today, it's the boardroom.
32:37The candidates are packed and heading for their appointment with Sir Alan.
32:41I felt more of a project manager than Lucinda.
32:43It was definitely my team, me, Jen and Rafe.
32:47We did incredibly well and everyone worked incredibly hard.
32:50People knew what they were doing
32:52and they were comfortable with what they were doing.
32:54I just simply don't think that people see that or realise that.
32:59It is the most amount of pressure I've been under in a work situation.
33:02During the last boardroom, Sir Alan screamed at me.
33:05So much that I knew that I had to deliver on this task.
33:08And I really feel the guillotine literally inches away from my neck.
33:31I'm going through to the boardroom now.
33:53Good afternoon. Good afternoon, Sir Alan.
33:56So, it was a very important task, this one,
33:59in the sense that you were out getting new customers
34:04in new territories for these new businesses.
34:08This was no joke.
34:10I mean, they're going to actually deliver the stuff that you innovated.
34:14Now, Renaissance,
34:17bearing in mind that she was under a severe warning here,
34:20how was your team leader?
34:22I thought she did exceedingly well.
34:24I saw a number of changes in Claire and her approach to her team.
34:28She became extremely receptive to everyone else's opinions,
34:31which I thought was commendable.
34:33Good job on them.
34:35What were your ice creams?
34:37The first one was Very Berry,
34:39which had five different types of berries in it.
34:41We were going for the healthy option.
34:43What could be healthy about ice cream?
34:45Well, it's got berries in it which are high in antioxidants.
34:48What about all the fat?
34:49A bit of a hard sell, that is, healthy ice cream.
34:52It worked.
34:53What's even harder, Alan, is that there was an idea
34:56that perhaps they could persuade mothers
34:58to give their children five of these ice creams a day,
35:01because the government says that five helpings of fruit a day are healthy.
35:05We capitalised on being on the country
35:07and did a cider and elderflower, which we called Scrumplicious.
35:11You know, I asked you to go and have some kind of market research
35:14and go and get it tested on people.
35:16What happened there?
35:17The numbers of people that turned up at the village hall
35:20were much lower than we'd expected,
35:22and we actually had two guys from the pub
35:24who I believe may have been slightly intoxicated.
35:27Two drunks?
35:28Well, they were drunk.
35:30I'm going to have a flying guess at which one they liked.
35:32Yes, you'll be correct.
35:34It was the cider one, was it?
35:36So I disagree with that.
35:37I think that they...
35:38What, they were drunk?
35:39They weren't drunk, and they gave us a good reaction.
35:42Two blokes that had just bowled out of a pub?
35:44Statistically, it meant nothing.
35:46Two fellas.
35:47Well, you know, I think that's a bit of an error there, Claire.
35:51You know, I've innovated lots of things in my time,
35:54and one thing I've learnt is that I have to take my own mind
35:58off of what I think is a success,
36:00and I have to look at and see the reaction on others.
36:03To me, it's critical.
36:05Did you manage to put on a little show for people?
36:09How many people did you get?
36:1015, 20 people.
36:11Useful to you, was it?
36:12Yes, all ages.
36:14Anyway, Lucinda, what did you end up with then?
36:17Avocado and chilli.
36:19Avocado and chilli?
36:21And toffee apple.
36:23So, good team leader?
36:25Very good to her.
36:26Good, yeah.
36:27I think she ran the back office very, very well,
36:29and that's why our product was so good.
36:31This was the first task I saw Lucinda be very positive,
36:35which makes a change, to be honest with you,
36:37but I wouldn't put my hand up and say she was a great team leader.
36:42Let's get on to selling.
36:44Lucinda put me second in command of Rafe and Jennifer.
36:48We managed to book six appointments.
36:50Three of them made their own ice cream.
36:54Three made their own ice cream?
36:57Didn't you think of inquiring about that, first of all,
36:59before you wasted your time going?
37:01To be honest with you, Sir Alan, even had he said,
37:03I make my own ice cream, I would have still turned up.
37:07Because of my belief in the product.
37:09So if you phoned me up and said,
37:10I want to come and show you my latest satellite receiver,
37:13and I said to you, look, son, I make them myself,
37:15you're still going to turn up?
37:16If I have absolute belief in the product,
37:18I will come and try and sell you that product.
37:20Really, you'd be wasting your bloody time in that instance,
37:22I can tell you.
37:23Would you sell to any of those three
37:25that make their own ice cream?
37:26No, Sir Alan.
37:27No, OK.
37:28At that stage, I actually wanted to mix the teams.
37:30I wanted to have someone from the kitchen
37:31on the marketing team and vice versa.
37:32That's a good idea.
37:33Very good idea.
37:34What happened, did you do that?
37:37I didn't do that.
37:38And I didn't do that for a very good reason.
37:40But it's a great idea.
37:41I've often used that for myself,
37:42to have someone from the shop floor
37:44who knows what goes in the stuff,
37:46to be out selling.
37:48The response I actually got was very negative
37:50and I didn't want to be putting people in a position
37:52in an unhappy team.
37:53And can I just say, I've not once expressed negativity.
37:56I said I'm happy to do whatever you want.
37:58Listen, that was a very good idea.
38:00You should have done it.
38:01And you should have asserted your authority
38:03and you should have said,
38:04this is what I want to do.
38:06Now, Margaret, let's have Alpha's numbers first of all,
38:10shall we?
38:11Alpha have total orders of £1,273.64.
38:17That's good.
38:19And Nick?
38:21Well, Renaissance came home with orders totalling £1,455.45.
38:31Very good.
38:32That £800 deal got you home.
38:34And look, the good news here is that
38:37it's not the absolute amount of money that you took today.
38:40You see, in the trade business,
38:43this is like gold dust.
38:45You've found this farmer 13 new outlets
38:48where he's not only going to enjoy the sales that you have made,
38:51but he's going to hopefully enjoy future business with them.
38:54That is gold dust to him.
38:55So that's very, very well done.
38:57And in return for that,
38:58I have got a helicopter standing by for you all.
39:02And you're going off to Bowood Estate in Wiltshire
39:05where you will be learning archery and golf.
39:10Have a good time and I'll see you on the next task.
39:19Come on.
39:24Lucinda, despite taking £1,270, your team lost.
39:31We need to unravel this.
39:33Off you go.
39:40You've done a bit of good for British farmers anyway.
39:43Well, also, your little chance done some good with Claire.
39:46Well, it appears so, yeah.
39:48She was a changed person.
39:49Yeah, she seems so. She got the support of her team.
39:51She's taken on board what I've said makes a change,
39:53but anyway, there you go.
40:00Come on!
40:04Come on!
40:06Come on!
40:28Oh, shirts.
40:39I'm so happy.
40:40So you should be.
40:41I just want to say a big, big thank you.
40:43My neck was on the line,
40:44so I owe a lot to all of you for working incredibly hard.
40:48Even though the other team had the audacity to tell us that we'd lost.
40:52Jen said to me yesterday when I came back,
40:55we won!
40:57Kind of like that, and right in our faces.
40:59Don't hackle and hackle like witches round a cauldron.
41:02We proved them wrong, didn't we? We did. We smashed them.
41:04Anyway, who's having the last laugh now?
41:09Not once did I ever say,
41:11I don't think you should split the team.
41:13So if you're going to accuse me of something, make sure...
41:16It was the looks you gave.
41:17And also, people in this team were not comfortable
41:20with how you were and how you are.
41:24I'm not going to be name-calling here.
41:26They can stand up for themselves.
41:27Guys, listen to me.
41:28Not once did anybody say there was an issue with the team.
41:31And as soon as you're in the ballroom, there's a fucking issue.
41:34Excuse me, that's bullshit.
41:35Yeah, because we gave Lucinda our full backing.
41:38Listen to me. She did lead by example, Jen.
41:41I didn't say you were a bad project manager, I just thought... was indifferent to me.
41:48Jenny's looking after herself.
41:49She can be quite vicious, she is very, very bitchy.
41:52Lucinda exceeded my expectations, in all honesty.
41:55She did listen, she took on board feedback,
41:57she finally got her finger out of her arse.
41:59I would fire Jen because she is manipulative,
42:01she makes people feel uncomfortable.
42:03I do not trust her and I would not have her working in my business.
42:06I am absolutely gutted.
42:09I felt that this was one of my best tasks.
42:11It's typical, isn't it? Gutted.
42:34Could you send the candidates in, please? Thank you.
42:39Sir Alan's ready for you now.
42:56The key to this task is getting people to buy from us.
43:02To buy from you, to actually create some leads.
43:05You had six leads, three of which make their own ice cream.
43:09What were you thinking, the marketing team?
43:11We made as many calls as we could on day one.
43:14We managed to book six appointments.
43:18Admittedly, some of them weren't as good a quality as they should have been,
43:22but I think, as a sort of threesome,
43:25we put our all into everything that we did and we came back with a result.
43:28These are all clichés, we put our all in, we gave it our all,
43:31we did our best, we did all this stuff.
43:33You should know by now, I don't like all that.
43:36I like to hear specific details.
43:38Helene at nine o'clock in the morning phoned up,
43:41cold-called and got an appointment.
43:43This is not her bag, this is your bag.
43:45So I don't understand how that was possible.
43:47I'm not a salesperson.
43:49However, that is one of the first questions I ask.
43:51Would you be interested in buying ice cream?
43:53So in a nutshell, Helene, who's responsible for the failure of this task?
43:57There has to be some accountability on the sales side.
44:00The production of this product was absolutely fantastic.
44:03Lucinda, we spoke earlier that you wanted to spread the experience.
44:10And who was the main opposition to not wanting to do that?
44:13The non-verbal cues and Jennifer... Jennifer, I'm afraid.
44:17Did you ever want to flip teams?
44:19I had absolutely no problem with splitting the team.
44:22I had every confidence in myself doing the pitch or whoever.
44:25That's what I said.
44:26I was also scared because there's been certain conversations
44:29about my concern in treating people.
44:31And the people who I have in my business,
44:33I want to ensure that they're going to be treating their team appropriately
44:36and the public appropriately.
44:38And I know that Helene had already raised concerns about you
44:40and I didn't want to be putting her in with you
44:42because I didn't know how that would work.
44:44What concern are you talking about, Lucinda?
44:46I mean, this... I just don't really want to...
44:48Helene, can you just clarify the concern?
44:50What do you mean by that's not true?
44:52You have said to me that you feel that she's a snake and she's evil
44:54and that she's detrimental.
44:56Don't speak on my behalf.
44:58If I was a woman, if I was uncomfortable with working with Jennifer,
45:01I would have said so.
45:03If I was going to be uncomfortable working with anyone,
45:05it would have been you.
45:07You can say what you like cos I don't believe you.
45:09Can we get off this? Can we bring it back to business?
45:12One large deal from a cinema group,
45:15you offered them exclusivity without being asked.
45:17They accepted the price that you quoted.
45:19What, like, exclusivity?
45:22I offered them exclusivity if they took the deal.
45:25I thought it was a good business decision to make.
45:27They had a lot of cinemas all around the country.
45:31Exclusivity of the whole of London for cinemas?
45:36And that was offered, not part of the deal?
45:39I offered them that, yeah.
45:41On what basis would you do that?
45:43Let alone your own team leader.
45:45Surely the farmer should have been consulted.
45:47I thought the farmer would be very happy
45:49cos I know they could handle the orders that
45:51and be able to cope with the orders that the cinema requires.
45:53This particular mob have got about 11 cinemas, haven't they?
45:56They've more around the country.
45:5810, 15, 20, whatever.
46:00If the guy had 1,000 cinemas, I could understand.
46:03Rafe, did you know about the exclusivity offers?
46:06Was you there?
46:07I was there. I was most certainly there.
46:09I was present.
46:10We didn't discuss exclusivity prior to going to the appointment.
46:13In hindsight, obviously, we should have done.
46:15That was an oversight on all of our parts.
46:17Are you saying Jennifer just did it on the fly on her own, then?
46:20I think Jennifer was just attracted by doing the deal.
46:25You can do any deal, can't you, really?
46:27You can say, buy 17 pots of ice cream off of me
46:30and I'll give you a Rolls Royce.
46:32We keep on talking about the exclusivity of one deal,
46:36but it was actually on two.
46:38Lindy agreed to the exclusivity with the pub.
46:40Is that right?
46:41The pub is an offer of exclusivity for three months
46:45and it's only for chains, chains of pubs.
46:48You sold to individual pubs.
46:50We had a chain. Mexicans are chain.
46:52OK, right, well, that was last minute
46:54and that was if we didn't do that, we wouldn't have got the deal.
46:57There's no right offering any exclusivity whatsoever.
47:00First of all, you're not authorised to do that.
47:04You're out representing a farmer
47:06who's trying to build up a business in London
47:09and here you are giving away his total opportunity now
47:13of selling to cinemas.
47:15And you are giving away three months' worth of exclusivity to bars.
47:19I didn't give it away. The gentleman asked for it.
47:22Because he asked for it doesn't mean he can have it.
47:24Sometimes you have to turn a deal down, you know,
47:26a deal which is not good for the long term of the business.
47:30Did you cancel any other appointments afterwards
47:32once you granted exclusivity?
47:34Yeah, we had to cancel.
47:35There you go. You haven't even done it yourself.
47:37You've done it yourself.
47:39You've demonstrated to yourself
47:41how you have limited the farmer's business.
47:44Had I known this earlier on,
47:46these sales would have been void,
47:48in which case you would have lost big time.
47:53Lucinda, will you tell me the two people
47:56that you're going to bring back into this boardroom?
48:04and Lindy.
48:08You other three go back to the house.
48:10You three wait out there and I'll call you back in shortly.
48:21You don't go to a cinema and say,
48:23oh, I'm going to see that film today
48:25because they've got toffee apple ice cream.
48:27I mean, it's a nonsense anyway.
48:29She wanted a snatcher sale.
48:32You know, the thing is, is this Lucinda,
48:35she's blossomed a little bit in management.
48:37No, am I overcooking that?
48:39No, to start off with, she was managing them well.
48:42I saw that on day two she had enough drive
48:45or she pushed them enough to make the sales.
48:47I'd say her spread of skills is greater
48:49than those possessed by Lindy.
48:51Possibly, yeah.
48:55Send three candidates in.
48:56Frances, please.
48:57Yes, Sir Alan.
48:59Sir Alan's ready for you now.
49:13Lucinda, I made you the team leader
49:16and, OK, you came up with some good stuff in the kitchen,
49:20but I think you didn't have enough control
49:24with the marketing people, and that's a big flaw.
49:27I feel with this task, everyone has said that they enjoyed it
49:30and that it all worked well.
49:32Well, it's enjoyed it, you know.
49:33No, no, no, it's important.
49:34I mean, my people enjoy themselves when they go off to Las Vegas.
49:37Whether it brings in any bloody money is another story.
49:40It's not about enjoyment.
49:41I didn't send you out to the funfair.
49:43No, absolutely.
49:44I take your point.
49:45In terms of the planning,
49:46I planned who was going on each team
49:48to ensure that we had a good balance and a good mix.
49:50That worked very well.
49:51I also...
49:52You think you used your skills that you do for your day job, do you?
49:56Um, yes, I do.
49:58I really do.
49:59Your forte is risk assessment, is that right?
50:02Well, you'd better start assessing the risk
50:05of you getting fired here.
50:08Sir Alan, I believe you shouldn't fire me
50:10because not only am I dedicated,
50:12I am hard-working regardless of what's been fed back through.
50:15I have led this team exemplary.
50:17We have, you know, we've come back with nine different leads.
50:20Not only did I consider it from the sales side,
50:23I considered it from the farm side.
50:26Yes, Sir Alan.
50:27You were made deputy team leader
50:29that kind of ran the sales and marketing.
50:33You lost this task on sales, which you were put in charge of.
50:36Um, I don't think my...
50:38The guidance I gave to the guys when booking appointments
50:41was to sort of call people, obviously,
50:44that had the potential to buy.
50:47In regards to the exclusivity situation,
50:49when we were in the first meeting at the cinema,
50:52Jennifer offered exclusivity in the meeting.
50:56I didn't know where it came from.
50:58Why didn't you pipe up at that point?
51:00At that point, I would...
51:01If I did that at that point,
51:03I think the potential would have been
51:04that we may have lost them as a customer.
51:06What I did do...
51:07Sometimes you have to, really.
51:09Sometimes you have to.
51:10You can't give away the shop, can you?
51:11No, I totally agree with you, Sir Alan.
51:13I think we're missing a vital point here
51:15because Lindy was made second in command.
51:17She was there at all my pitches, she was there at all my phone calls,
51:20she was there when I made all the appointments.
51:22And I did say to you, Jennifer, after the first meeting,
51:24when you had to cancel the meeting with the other cinema,
51:27that I think we made a mistake making that exclusivity deal.
51:30Why did you agree to the exclusivity with the bar?
51:33We all agreed we made a team decision.
51:35If you remember what he said, I want three...
51:37So it's a team decision with that, but not with the...
51:39You said it, Jennifer, without consulting anybody.
51:41It came out your mouth without consulting anybody.
51:43Jennifer. Yes.
51:45Why shouldn't I fire you?
51:47Sir Alan, I don't think I should be fired
51:49because of the decision I made with the exclusivity.
51:51If you ask any project manager, apart from Lucinda, who I've worked with,
51:55they will tell you I have given my absolute support.
51:59Would you go along with that?
52:01I've always felt there's a bit of a chill in the air.
52:06Really? Between you and the others.
52:08That's my observation.
52:09But what contribution do you think she makes in tasks?
52:11Is it mainly sales?
52:13Yeah, that's what I've seen, and she's good.
52:15I'm not a bad apple, and if you're going to fire anybody,
52:17it should not be me, it should be Lucinda.
52:19I'm trying to look at the bigger picture here,
52:21and in the bigger picture, you're looking for the best candidate,
52:24and I don't think you want somebody in your organisation who lies.
52:27First and foremost, I've never lied, and I would not lie.
52:30And who shifts the blame and responsibility onto others.
52:35Lindy, why shouldn't I fire you?
52:37I've been on the winning team three times out of five,
52:39and I truly believe if I haven't been...
52:41And my problem with you is I ain't seen anything, really.
52:44OK, let me tell you... I think you may be lucky.
52:46No, a second in command, I achieved everything I was asked...
52:49Who should get fired, then? my project manager.
52:51Who should get fired? If it's based on just this task...
52:54Does anyone mind about based on?
52:56Who should get fired, then, for this task?
52:58Can I just say one more thing?
53:00Because I think it's important for me to say...
53:02I'm exhausted listening to you. OK, I'm sorry, Sir Alan.
53:05I think, based on this task, I would fire Jennifer,
53:08but throughout the... Since I've been here...
53:11Can I just butt in on that?
53:13Because this is my only chance I'll get to say this.
53:16Throughout, you know, the task, you congratulated me,
53:19told me I was doing a great job. You actually said, word for word,
53:23Yeah, and your words to me at the end of the day was,
53:25Lindy, you led from the front, you led by example.
53:27Yeah, you're right. And that's exactly what I did.
53:29The problem here is the exclusivity, Jennifer, and you...
53:36Lucinda, risk assessment manager,
53:40have you assessed your risk yet?
53:42What is the risk here of you getting fired?
53:45The probability is one in three.
53:48Oh, that's great. That's brilliant.
53:50I mean, what a brainstorm that was.
53:52Do I need risk assessment managers?
53:54I never needed a risk assessment manager the whole of my life.
53:57I take risks.
53:59Jennifer, the exclusivity thing,
54:03the thing you took on your own back, is unforgivable.
54:06I'm not sure whether you get on with people.
54:09I do know that you've been classified as very good at sales,
54:14but I'm looking for someone that's got a few more skills other than sales.
54:20Lindy, you were second in command.
54:24Second in command for what I think was the most important part in this task,
54:29identifying the customers and the selling of the merchandise.
54:35And it's sales that you lost this task on.
54:38And that brings me to a conclusion that, Lindy, you're fired.
54:43Jennifer, you say in your application
54:45one of your worst business qualities is giving idiots a second chance.
54:49Well, maybe something's rubbed off in this room here
54:51because you've got a second chance.
54:53Thank you very much.
54:54Go back to the house and I'll see you on the next task.
55:20Lindy had to go.
55:21She was in charge of that sales team
55:23and ultimately she's got to take responsibility for its failure.
55:26Including telling people not to give exclusivity.