The Jeremy Kyle Show (7 March 2018)

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The Jeremy Kyle Show (7 March 2018)
00:00You're watching On Demand. Please check the closing time before trying to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show, everybody, Jeremy Wright, makes mistakes, but you have committed some of the worst and some of the most publicised, right, of anybody that's ever been on this show.
00:21This is your chance. What do you want to admit to?
00:26Are you violent to women, Jeremy McConnell?
00:29Do you think you deserve what you've got?
00:32I've seen your son for eight months. How can you be described as a good father?
00:37How do you earn a living?
00:39What do your mum and dad say about the way you've lived your life in the last 15 years?
00:46She said her holiday was wild. She kept walking around naked the whole time.
00:49Well, this is what I put in sleep sneakers.
00:52She always wanted to see me with my top off all the time.
00:55It was very intimidating.
00:58As soon as we got there, Lauren nearly got us arrested.
01:01Please, are you having a laugh?
01:04She was drunk.
01:05That is not true.
01:07And you told everybody they paid for everything, which is a lie.
01:10You lied.
01:31Good morning and a big, big welcome to the show.
01:34Today, I'm going to be meeting guests who have hit the headlines
01:37and earned the notorious celebrity status from their outrageous
01:40and sometimes scandalous behaviour on and off our TV screens.
01:44Now, my first guest today has been in and out of the National Papers
01:47since hitting our screens in 2016.
01:50So here to tell his side of the story and explain the truth behind the tabloids,
01:53please welcome Jeremy McConnell to The Jeremy Carl Show. That way.
02:05All right? Take a seat.
02:07All right? Yeah, I'm good, mate. I'm good.
02:10I was sitting thinking, what was the right way to start this?
02:15So I'll be as honest as I can be.
02:18Since we announced we were going to do this, somewhat of an uproar.
02:23A lot of people with what's been written about you would say,
02:26why are you interviewing somebody like that?
02:28A couple of things I want to say.
02:30This show has always been about both sides of an argument
02:34and giving people the chance to put their side,
02:38answer allegations and be honest.
02:41Today, I'll do it as I always do. I will be hard.
02:45Today, I'm hoping that you might show some remorse for what you've done.
02:50You all right with that? Yeah, of course.
02:52So let's start.
02:54Are you violent to women?
02:56The relationship wasn't very healthy from the get-go.
03:00That was due to the fact that I wasn't...
03:03Infidelity issues when I started off.
03:06I wasn't really genuine at the start. Do you know what I mean on that?
03:10So you cheated on her? Yeah.
03:11I have to be very careful and I have to say to you at this point,
03:14because always on The Jeremy Carl Show,
03:16there is, quite rightly, legally, the need for a right to reply.
03:20I can't talk about what Stephanie Davis might or might not think about anything.
03:24This is about what I, and I hope the viewers, want to learn about you.
03:29I'm not coming on to slag her off.
03:31I think everyone's sick of the tiff or tat and that.
03:33Why do you keep doing it then?
03:35It's very hard because I try to stay dignified as much as I can.
03:39I would say I'm stupid because we have been embroiled in these Twitter wars,
03:43as they're called.
03:45Sometimes when they say, don't believe what you're reading,
03:49a lot of people do.
03:51My problem with don't believe what you read,
03:53and anybody who's in the public eye would acknowledge
03:56that the press have a job to do, be it written or spoken,
04:00and if you are in that and you welcome it in,
04:03then you have to accept what you're going to get.
04:05I don't do Twitter, this show does, I don't do any of that.
04:08You very much do that.
04:11Why, if you are pretending today or saying that that's not really you,
04:16why do you welcome it with opening arms every single day of your life?
04:19First of all, I'd never come on to a show and pretend to be someone different.
04:22I think, if anything, I've been very open
04:25and I've always taken responsibility for my actions.
04:28I've been open with my addictions.
04:32If you've been open, then we've been talking for three minutes
04:35and you haven't answered my question.
04:37Are you violent, Jeremy McConnell, to women?
04:39I'm not violent to women.
04:41There was an incident that happened in Ireland,
04:43the incident which I was convicted of, and I accept the responsibility.
04:47What were you convicted for, for people who don't know?
04:49Common assault.
04:51For that incident, I'm not going to get into the ins and outs.
04:54At the end of the day, I was convicted of a crime and I'd done my punishment.
04:58As a man, how did that make you feel when you were convicted?
05:03I'm still obviously going to prison and spending...
05:06I'm not playing the victim.
05:08I took it on the chain, like I said, I'd done my time,
05:10I'd done my five weeks in prison, I'd done my tag.
05:13I just want to move forward now and see my son.
05:16It made me feel...
05:18You're a good father. I haven't seen your son for eight months.
05:21How can you be described as a good father?
05:23I think, obviously, when you look at the way it's happened,
05:25me and Steph are living together.
05:27When the incident happened, I went to court.
05:30The restraining order was put in place.
05:32I can go through the correct channels to see my son, yeah, I can do that.
05:36Do you miss him? Of course I miss him, I love him.
05:38I love him to bits.
05:41When you look at that picture, what do you think?
05:44It's sad, do you know what I mean?
05:47Why is it sad?
05:49Because I look at him like that's the link to my mum and dad.
05:52My mum and dad passed away and that's my little boy,
05:54do you know what I mean?
05:55I never wanted a broken relationship with Steph.
05:57I was a... He was my language, do you know what I mean?
06:00I had my part to play in the relationship, that was bad,
06:03but I'm not a bad person, do you know what I mean?
06:05I think if anyone saw me, I'd be brother and that, do you know what I mean?
06:08That was me being a genuine bloke and I've always been like that.
06:11Stick with that picture a minute.
06:13You got emotional when you watched that and you talked about...
06:16And I'll give you some credit here.
06:19Listen, a lot of what we do in our lives
06:23comes about when things happen to us
06:25and you lost an awful lot of people.
06:27As a young man, you lost, I think, your mother.
06:30You lost your brother, your sister, within a year and a half.
06:34You lost your dad recently.
06:36I don't want to upset you, Jeremy.
06:38I want to give you the chance to show some remorse.
06:40Already in the first five minutes,
06:41I think you've been more honest today than you have for a long time.
06:43Look at me.
06:44What do your mum and dad say
06:45about the way you've lived your life in the last three years?
06:47Disgusted, Jeremy.
06:49It's hard, like I've never...
06:51I've always put on a front, like...
06:53You know, it is scandalous, do you know what I mean?
06:55My dad always brought me up as an athlete, do you know what I mean?
06:59I played semi-professional football, professional football,
07:02I was getting paid to play it, had a healthy lifestyle.
07:06And then I kind of went into the, you know, the modelling side of things
07:11and, you know, women, drugs, everything, you know, it just...
07:15Him. When you look at that photo...
07:17It's heartbreaking, like I've missed out...
07:19Is he going to be proud of a man that's been to prison?
07:21Of course not.
07:22Is he going to be proud of a man that's done what you've done?
07:24Of course not.
07:25The drugs, the cheating, the infidelity, whatever, is he?
07:27Of course not.
07:28How are you going to become a role model for him?
07:31By making the correct moves, which I'm doing now at the moment.
07:34I'm only, like, I've only come off my tag, do you know what I mean?
07:37Are you still on drugs?
07:38No, I haven't done drugs since prison. I am drinking, though.
07:41I know, last night, yeah?
07:42Yeah, it was my birthday last night, so I had a bottle of wine.
07:45But, like, don't get me wrong, I drank heavily, like,
07:48when I came out of prison, really heavily, you know.
07:50But that's just blots it out, doesn't it?
07:52It doesn't deal with it.
07:53Like, it's like, I went to rehab, do you know what I mean?
07:56I came out of rehab and...
07:57Was that the last time you took drugs?
07:59No, I relapsed and then...
08:01What drugs?
08:03Where did you get the money for that from? How do you earn a living?
08:06I had sponsorship deals, I had everything when I came out of Big Brother.
08:09Can I make a point?
08:11Jeremy's not being paid for this interview today,
08:13and for the people who would say, you know,
08:15why are you doing this?
08:16Because this show has always been about both sides of the argument.
08:19How do you provide a future for him, be it morally, financially?
08:23How do you do that, from where you are?
08:25I think the best way to do it is kind of get out of this game.
08:28Like, obviously, my job offers are...
08:30I'm not coming on here to try and, you know,
08:32it's not damage control or anything.
08:34I know my career is over on TV.
08:36No-one's going to touch me with a ten-foot pole.
08:39But once you have... My name is tarnished, you know, and I accept that.
08:42Do you not think there's a way of changing that perception,
08:45being honest, showing some remorse?
08:47That's what I'm doing, you know, and I've accepted that.
08:49Do you know what somebody said to me about you this morning?
08:51What's that?
08:52He likes the bad boy image. He's loved the whole thing. He's played it.
08:55I think there's a bad boy image,
08:56and then there's a front that you can put on to portray that.
09:00So it's a shield?
09:01I would say so, yeah. Massively. A massive shield.
09:04Because of what, hurt in the past?
09:06Yeah, I would say so, yeah.
09:07But you've ended up being massively hurt and hurting other people.
09:10I'm hurting myself as well, and now it's Cabe,
09:12and then you think, he's going to look at this one day.
09:15I'm not a scumbag. People call me a scumbag.
09:17Do you think people out there think you're a scumbag?
09:19100%, yes.
09:20How does that make you feel? Horrible.
09:22How do you change that?
09:23I said to you at the beginning about showing some remorse.
09:25This is your chance, OK?
09:27What do you want to admit to?
09:41Let's go back to the drugs. How bad was it?
09:43You said you were spending shed loads of money.
09:45Yeah, the drug, it got particularly bad
09:49when my dad was diagnosed with cancer.
09:51I dabbled in drugs a lot from the modelling days.
09:55In nightclubs, you're introduced to it.
09:57First of all, you get a sniff in the toilet, then it escalates.
10:00Then you're buying drugs.
10:01Eventually, you got to the stage where I was sitting in my...
10:04We'd have a pre-party in the house.
10:06I'd sniff and I wouldn't even go out.
10:08I'd sit in the house and do the drugs on my own.
10:10Did you earn lots of money from your career?
10:12It wouldn't be like I did, you know, but, yeah, it was quite...
10:16Lost it all?
10:18Yeah, it went, like my dad said, up against the wall, yeah.
10:23It's a horrible business to be in this,
10:25if you don't play your cards right.
10:27If you go and self-destruct, you know,
10:29if you do it right with a business head, it can be a very...
10:33So you blew most of what you earned on drugs?
10:36I would say that, just being so irresponsible with money,
10:39like, yeah, when you look back, you know,
10:41when it's coming in and that, it's nice to have it,
10:43but when you lose it, you're just like,
10:45what was I doing, do you know what I mean?
10:47Worst moment, worst moment with drugs?
10:50Touched on it, my dad, he was a massive part of my football career
10:54and he wanted me, he'd done everything, you know,
10:56my breakfast would be made in the morning, everything physio,
10:59everything was...
11:00He wanted me just to be, do what I was good at, you know,
11:03and that was play football.
11:05He came in one day when I was still on a session,
11:07I was really bad, I used to get really bad paranoia, really bad,
11:10you know, accusing my friends of stabbing me in the back,
11:13you know, and especially in this industry,
11:15if there's a source, quote, you're questioning everybody, you know.
11:18He came in and he saw me in the bed, surrounded by Jack Daniels,
11:21there was numerous bottles of Jack Daniels there.
11:24I must have went through about half-ounce of cocaine in 24 hours,
11:27sitting there looking at him and I was just, like,
11:30just disgusted, like, you know.
11:32What did he say?
11:33It was actually worse, cos he didn't actually say anything,
11:36but, you know, you can see in someone's eyes, like, that they're...
11:40It was...
11:41Did that kill you, that he died, knowing that you were in a bad way?
11:46It did, like... Yeah.
11:50Couldn't be proud of you then, at the end?
11:52He wasn't. He told me that.
11:54Was he embarrassed? What did he say?
11:56I wouldn't say...
11:57I think it was beyond the point of being embarrassed, you know.
12:01I think he was just totally ashamed of me.
12:04Do you think that the paranoia that you talk about,
12:07the desperation to score the drugs, the money that you owe,
12:10do you think that was a contributing factor
12:13into you being abusive in the relationship?
12:16I think I got very, very arrogant. I think I lost myself.
12:19But you hit a woman, didn't you?
12:21I mean, let's be perfectly honest.
12:23There was a lot of domestic abuse in that relationship.
12:26I mean, that, by anybody's standards, is disgusting
12:30and it's wrong for any person to do that.
12:32And it doesn't matter whether you're a celebrity on television
12:35or you're a man or a woman in the street,
12:37any violence is fundamentally wrong.
12:39And we can sit here and we can say...
12:41You had a drug problem and your parents, you lost them both,
12:44but there are plenty of people, Jeremy,
12:46who do that and they don't beat up their girlfriend.
12:48100%. Listen, I'm not trying to come on here and give a sob story.
12:51I'm saying that there was a part of my life that was a really dark patch.
12:55Who's throwing people off here who beat women up?
12:57Why am I not doing that to you?
12:59What I'm saying to you is I take full responsibility.
13:01So the conviction was right, it was proper?
13:03It was just. I'd done my time.
13:05And you have to live with that forever?
13:08Wife beater?
13:09That's what I'm going to be called.
13:10How does that sit?
13:11It's horrible because if people look inside me,
13:14they know that's not in my nature.
13:16I'm not a scumbag. People call me a scumbag.
13:18You think people out there think you're a scumbag?
13:20100%, yes.
13:21How does that make you feel?
13:23How do you change that?
13:24This is what I'm hoping today.
13:26I'm trying to be as genuine as I can, literally.
13:28It's not in my nature to be like that.
13:30I have a massive heart and I do.
13:32Honestly, I'd help anybody out.
13:34I'm not an aggressive person.
13:35But we go back to your son who's going to grow up and read this
13:38and my dad was a violent bully.
13:40Jeremy, I'm living with that every day.
13:42It's not a nice thing.
13:43Do you get abused in the street?
13:45I wouldn't say abused, but it's not nice going into Tesco's
13:48and then there's maybe a few girls behind you
13:51and their opinion on you is that.
13:54Do you blame them?
13:55No, because that's what it is, isn't it?
13:58Everyone that speaks to me, it's not what we read in the press.
14:02I am a genuine person.
14:04I know you've had people come on here and they bluff you
14:07and manipulate the situation.
14:08If I take what you're saying, that the lights come on
14:11and you've changed, what was that moment?
14:14Was it prison?
14:15Prison was a nice thing.
14:16Was it seeing the girl that you'd been violent to in court
14:19when you were convicted and sent down?
14:21Was it knowing that you haven't seen your kid?
14:23Was it the realisation that your son will read?
14:25All of that.
14:26It was the fact that I need to stop being selfish.
14:29Or are you just...?
14:31Don't get upset.
14:32You acting.
14:33Have you changed or are you just crying out for people to go,
14:36It's not in my nature to...
14:38What you're saying today is true emotion.
14:40I speak from the heart.
14:41I'm not here to give a premeditated speech.
14:44I watched you in prison.
14:45Where are you hiding from me?
14:47What have you not admitted to me?
14:49Today, here, these people, here and at home,
14:52I said to you at the beginning about showing some remorse.
14:55This is your chance, OK?
14:57What do you want to admit to?
15:00What do you accept you could have done differently?
15:03How does Gerry McConnell put his hands in the air?
15:05I've done my time.
15:06I accepted my punishment.
15:08Like I said, I could go into the relationship in detail.
15:11No, no, you.
15:12Infidelity, yes, hands in the air.
15:15Paranoia, accusations.
15:19Drinking, drugs, assault.
15:21Probably, you know, maybe being emotional.
15:25Do you know what I mean?
15:26I'd be paranoid if I was doing drugs, you know.
15:30But, again, it's not coming from a place of...
15:32It's not coming from a vindictive place in my heart.
15:35Do you blame what happened in your life?
15:37Do you blame the public scrutiny and doing Big Brother
15:41and suddenly being thrust into the spotlight?
15:43Or is this you inside that did this,
15:45irrespective of whatever pressure,
15:47and you have to take responsibility?
15:49I think you have to take full responsibility as a person.
15:51There's always going to be distractions in life.
15:53That causes you a great deal of stress or whatever, but you can't...
15:57Like I said, that's projection, isn't it?
15:59It's passing your problems on to someone.
16:01At the end of the day, you have to live with it.
16:03Do you wish you hadn't done Big Brother?
16:05Did you wish you could walk down the street and nobody would know you?
16:07I thoroughly enjoyed Big Brother. I loved Big Brother.
16:09And I met some fantastic people on Big Brother.
16:11It was my problem when I changed.
16:13Big Brother didn't change me.
16:15I changed after Big Brother. I got cocky.
16:17There was money coming in.
16:18You skinned?
16:19There's no... My what?
16:20You skinned.
16:21No, I haven't... Like, I've saved.
16:23And, again, for cabing, do you know what I mean?
16:25Not that I have to explain it to people,
16:27but, of course, I have the foresight to be able to put stuff aside for cabing.
16:30Do you know what I mean?
16:31Of course, I'd ride a birthday car if I'm in it.
16:33In the future, obviously, with the restraining order,
16:35I can't knock up to Steph and be like...
16:36How long does the restraining order go on for?
16:37Three years, like.
16:38So you can't see your son for three years?
16:40I can, like I said, through mediation.
16:41But, like I said...
16:42You're in a contact centre. Why aren't you, then?
16:44Like I said, I'm only out of prison. I got my tag off.
16:46There's stuff that has to be sorted legally.
16:48But every day on this show, I arrange...
16:50It's contact centre.
16:52It's the first thing that...
16:53And do it, right?
16:54Of course, 100%.
16:55Because you know what? And I do this every day.
16:57What will happen is the detractors will go,
16:59you can give a damn, you'll go out the night before,
17:01get high, get drunk, have an argument, he won't turn up,
17:03and then she'll be able to say to your son,
17:05look, I gave your dad my advice to beat,
17:07and I don't see this as any different story than any other Jeremy Carr
17:10bunging a bit of celebrity.
17:11The truth is this, right?
17:12You go to that contact centre, you only get two hours,
17:14it breaks your heart, but you play with him
17:16and you prove to him over time,
17:18and it builds and it builds and it builds.
17:20That's a way of getting your respect back,
17:22doing that from scratch.
17:23It doesn't matter how famous you are or what money you might or might not have
17:26or what you've done.
17:27He, and there will be a moment, I guess, if you're being honest,
17:30where you will be able to say to him, look, man's are in the air, I messed up.
17:33But I've tried for you.
17:35Exactly, and I'm not saying that I'm in a perfect frame of mind,
17:38do you know what I mean?
17:39This stuff that's happened has eaten away at me every day.
17:41I get terrible abuse on Twitter and that.
17:43You can find yourself getting very self-absorbed.
17:46That's what you should be thinking.
17:48Trust me, I know, and trust me, Jeremy, I am.
17:50In prison, trust me, when I'm sitting and not doing a sob story in prison
17:53on Christmas Day, do you know what I mean?
17:55That was a really big wake-up call.
17:57So it was a bad kind of time.
17:59Do you feel that watching this, people will go,
18:03ah, or do you think watching this, people will go...
18:06I think people will say, what happened to him?
18:08Do you think people will go, actually deserved what he got?
18:11Well, that's the core, isn't it?
18:14Do you think you deserve what you got, or do you think...
18:17Listen, I was given a sentence on O'Donoghue,
18:20and that will not happen again.
18:22Where do you go from here?
18:24The main thing is being able to, you know, get settled.
18:28You know, like...
18:30I think a lot of people will walk away from this and go,
18:33he was accused of a lot of things that he's put his hands up to,
18:36but 20 minutes isn't going to change our perception.
18:39Maybe we've had a chance to see underneath.
18:43Is that an act? Is it real?
18:46I'm just being straight with you.
18:48But your son and his opinion.
18:50Somebody said to me one day, this is deadly serious, said to me,
18:54that'll be a legacy, won't it? And I went, what?
18:57And they went, The Jeremy Carr Show.
18:59And I must have gone like this, that's not my legacy.
19:02My legacy will be, please God, that my four kids said,
19:06he did all right, he did, he wasn't always perfect,
19:09but he was a good dad.
19:11Everybody, Jeremy Wright, makes mistakes,
19:13but you have committed some of the worst
19:15and some of the most publicised, right,
19:17of anybody that's ever been on this show.
19:19Where you go from here is about you and your kid.
19:23I know.
19:24The test's for you, isn't it? Like I said, yeah.
19:26Or you can slip off the side again and feel sorry for yourself,
19:29take drugs, do whatever, you'll never see your son.
19:32I wouldn't even be thinking about my careers in tatters,
19:35I'd be thinking about, is my chance of being a dad in tatters?
19:39Because if I don't change now, that is done.
19:41I know it sounds stupid, but I'm kind of like,
19:43even though it's not physical contact,
19:45there's things set aside for him.
19:47So in a way, I'm being maybe a future dad.
19:49That doesn't even make sense, but does that mean there's things
19:52put aside for Caban? It's just contact.
19:54Do you know what he wants?
19:55He wants a father.
19:56He wants his dad to be honest, to be real, to be decent,
20:00and to be a role model.
20:02And you would be honest and say you haven't been a role model.
20:05Can you be one?
20:06100%, that's all I want to do, is what my dad wanted me to be,
20:09kick ball with him. So I'm missing that now.
20:11I don't want to be going there, but it's self-destruct.
20:14In life, I know one thing.
20:16People can tell you, your team, whoever it is,
20:19you, in there, right, that's it.
20:21The bottom line, if you want to turn your life around,
20:24you turn your life around. I appreciate you coming here.
20:26Yeah, thanks so much for having us on the reception.
20:28I'm going to finish as I started.
20:31Are you violent to women, Jeremy McConnell?
20:33I have been.
20:35Thanks for coming on the Jeremy Carr Show.
20:45Now, apparently, some people might describe
20:47my next two guests as national treasures.
20:49Socialite Lauren has been in the public eye since she was a child
20:52but says that life as a celebrity is far from easy.
20:55Lauren's here today to confront her friend Lisa,
20:57an ex-Big Brother housemaid,
20:59who is now infamous with the paparazzi
21:01for doing things like this, ladies and gentlemen.
21:08Putting the bins out in your knickers.
21:12It's hard to believe these two ladies have much in common
21:14but both tell us they forged a special friendship.
21:16However, it went badly wrong.
21:19Now, the lady in the pants and the other lady are at war
21:22and, from what I gather, it's centred around
21:24a girly holiday in Benidorm.
21:29In their pants.
21:31Lauren is on the Jeremy Carr Show.
21:42How are you? I'm all right, thank you.
21:44Hello, everyone.
21:46Let's be honest, if I'd sat down and thought,
21:49let's put two people together on a girly holiday in Benidorm,
21:52it wouldn't have been Lauren Harris and Lisa Appleton.
21:55No, well, I take people at face value.
21:58How did you meet, on Twitter or something?
22:00No, no, I knew her on Twitter
22:02and then I started talking to her on the phone.
22:04If these things happen, and it's very difficult...
22:06Well, it doesn't to me, cos I'm not on Twitter.
22:08No, but it's very difficult to have a relationship with celebrities
22:12but I thought she was just a spiritual person like myself,
22:15although she's outrageous. You thought she was genuine.
22:17I thought there was a heart in there.
22:19But then, of course, the holiday.
22:21Tell me about that, I've never been to Benidorm.
22:23Well, she said to me she wanted to go to Benidorm for four days
22:25and I'd already been and I like Benidorm,
22:27so I thought, well, that's great.
22:29I've got a description, can I just do this? Yes.
22:31I just wanted to be asked, too, a week in the sun,
22:33relaxing and eating...
22:37Cos they make you look younger, 20 years younger if you eat an avocado.
22:41But Lisa ate all the avocados and told me they were off.
22:44She said we'd be cooking...
22:46She said we'd be... I wanted to cook every day,
22:49I wanted to stay in the apartment and then just lie on the beach.
22:52But, of course, her entourage was six people, like, oh, my God.
22:56You thought you were going to lie on the beach and eat avocados.
22:59Yeah, and other food, of course.
23:02She planned for a slightly different trip
23:05and suddenly all the mates arrived and it was a big party every night.
23:08Yeah, but basically, there's two things that she's done.
23:13The first night, I have curvature of the spine,
23:17so I do very well, considering, but my medication wasn't taken.
23:22Most of my tablets were taken out the bottle.
23:24By whom?
23:25By one of the people in the club. I'm not blaming anybody.
23:28You put them in your ice cream!
23:31She just said you put it in your ice cream.
23:33Any glass of wine?
23:34I don't eat ice cream. I don't eat ice cream.
23:37Is it avocado-flavoured ice cream?
23:39I don't eat ice cream.
23:40She doesn't eat ice cream.
23:42And regardless...
23:43Let's start on camera again.
23:45Have your turn, Lisa Appleton.
23:48It's like being on the Jeremy Kyle show.
23:50She always wanted to see me with my top off all the time.
23:53It was very intimidating.
23:54You said the other day it was wild,
23:56she'd get walking around naked the whole time.
23:58Well, Lisa Appleton sleeps naked.
24:00She is a very, very flamboyant person,
24:03but she's also a meditation,
24:05and that's the sort of person I thought she was,
24:07but then I soon realised that she wasn't.
24:10What's this about being stranded in Benidorm?
24:13Don't even go there.
24:14On the last day, her friends said they'd pick me up to take me home,
24:20take me to the airport, which is fine,
24:22but the car never came, because apparently the car was full of stuff.
24:26So there was no car, nothing, so I had to run.
24:29My feet get swollen in the sun. Run, run, run, run.
24:32Half an hour to get to the coach.
24:34I get on the coach, and then I've got 20 minutes
24:37to get through security, get through customs
24:39and get on the EasyJet plane.
24:41Or any other leading airline.
24:43Or any other leading... No, any other plane.
24:45Did you make the flight?
24:47Well, I couldn't...
24:48Did you make the flight?
24:49I did, but with no shoes.
24:50They said, put some...
24:52They said, put some... Are you all right, madam?
24:54I said, well, I am, I'm fine.
24:56So you lost your shoes?
24:58I lost my shoes on the way there, and they said...
25:00This is a nightmare. put your shoes on, madam, cos you're not allowed on the plane.
25:04So to sum this up, right, you went to Benidorm,
25:07you thought it would be a nice girly holiday
25:09where you'd lie in the sun and eat avocados.
25:11As it turned out...
25:12She ate the avocados.
25:13I haven't finished now.
25:15She invited an entourage of six, wanted to party every night.
25:18You allegedly took your medication for the curvature of your spine,
25:21and she says it was on ice cream, da-da-da, you did not.
25:24Then you get stranded at the airport, you lost your shoes,
25:27you came home, and it's all been a disaster.
25:29Why are you here today?
25:31Well, I want a public apology from Lisa Appleton.
25:33Will you get it?
25:34Lisa Appleton's next, after the break.
25:36Don't go anywhere. Right back.
25:38We had a lot of fun on holiday, and you were a handful.
25:41You were a handful.
25:43You admit it, you are a bit of a diva.
25:55Hi, everyone, welcome back from the break.
25:57I was talking to Lauren Harries, talking about her fallout
25:59with Lisa Appleton over several avocados and naked people
26:02and medication in Benidorm.
26:04She says you're a liar, you're a disgrace,
26:07you crushed your own pills and put them on your own ice cream.
26:10I've got no idea.
26:11Lisa Appleton's on The Jeremy Kyle Show!
26:21Hi, Lauren. Hello, Lisa.
26:23Hi, love. I don't know where to start.
26:25Hi, Jeremy. We'll start at the beginning,
26:27cos I'm completely confused. How did you meet?
26:29We'd both come through a lot of depression, hard times,
26:32and we were there for each other.
26:34We didn't have many friends at the time,
26:36and we were just supporting each other through all...
26:39We wanted to go away for a girly holiday and have some fun.
26:42As soon as we got there, Lauren nearly got us arrested.
26:47What do you mean, arrested? Hang on a minute.
26:49She ordered a vegetarian meal. Oh, yeah.
26:52Because the avocados had pips in them.
26:54And then they said they were going to call the police.
26:57Are you having a laugh?
26:58Call the police on my salad.
27:00I've got a right to complain about my salad.
27:02She says, this avocado is... No, I said the olives.
27:05Was it? Well, I'm sorry...
27:07These are olives, which had pips in them in a salad.
27:09You do not put pitted olives in a salad.
27:11My father was a cook.
27:13We were allowed to complain about the food.
27:15You said she's a man-eater.
27:17She was pulling on the first night, may God strike me down,
27:20everyone's husbands and boyfriends and girls were hitting her,
27:23and I had to protect her because I was worried she was going to get...
27:26Is that true? ..attacked.
27:27Well, I don't know whether my...
27:29And I know the people who own the nightclubs.
27:31You don't know what?
27:32I believe my dink was spiked on that night.
27:35She's part...
27:36You said you wanted to stay in the apartment and eat avocados.
27:39Now she says she'd thrown yourself around better done with anybody
27:42that's got a pair of trousers on.
27:44She said, lifting her dress up and getting all provocative,
27:47just like this...
27:51Right, that's it, Lisa. If you carry on like that, I'm going.
27:54No, she was drunk.
27:55So, this fella...
27:56No, I was... Somebody's put something in my dink, Lisa.
27:59Yes, to protect you.
28:00No, yes, but if you protected my bag, it would never have happened.
28:03Can I ask you about that? Can I ask you...
28:05Jeremy is a nightmare. Can I ask you to protect her?
28:07So, basically, she was...
28:08The men were prostitutes outside...
28:10I am allowed to have... I'm allowed to be...
28:12I'm allowed for men to come up to me.
28:14Are you jealous or something?
28:15So, what happened, guys?
28:16She's... On Twitter, everyone's saying,
28:18oh, what have you done to... What has Lisa Matheton done to Lauren?
28:21She's saying to me, no, we had a lot of fun on holiday
28:24and you were a handful.
28:25You were a handful.
28:27You admit it, you are a bit of a diva.
28:30So, listen to me, Lisa Matheton,
28:33I've been doing this job for 30 years.
28:36So, it's a job.
28:37And no-one's ever called me a diva before.
28:39But you're the one who's the diva.
28:41No, you walked out.
28:42You walked out of the restaurant and you weren't paying.
28:45That is not true.
28:47And you told everybody that I was...
28:49They pay for everything, which is a lie.
28:51You lie, just like that.
28:53It comes up your finger.
28:54The first night, the meal was paid for.
28:56My friend bought everybody the meal.
28:58One night.
28:59And you're saying to everybody you didn't have any food.
29:01Because I gave 50 euros for the deposit
29:03and I didn't have my cards with me.
29:05Because I didn't know we'd be going out every night.
29:07Do you want me to be honest?
29:08Can you shut up a minute and listen to me?
29:10Well, you always say that to everybody else, so we will.
29:12Well, why would I not say it to...
29:14Why would I not say it to you, darling?
29:16I don't care what you say. Come on, tell me.
29:18What do you want to say?
29:19Yeah, tell me.
29:20I think you're both as false as each other.
29:21I think it's about time you got to a point
29:23where you actually were honest about what you truly feel.
29:25I've explained.
29:26No, you've explained that I'm a...
29:28You do all these horrible, awful things.
29:30Yeah, I've got something for you with...
29:32You need medication, you're in pain and...
29:34No, you weren't sympathetic.
29:36I had to ask her to go to the doctors.
29:39It took eight days to go.
29:41That was on the first day.
29:43Are the real people, the real Lauren Harris,
29:45the real Lisa Appleton, what do they want?
29:48What matters to them?
29:50You see, somewhere along the line, when you connected,
29:53and you talked very honestly, both of you,
29:55about depression, about relationships,
29:57about the traumas and the times that you'd had,
29:59because nobody can know what it's like
30:01when you get in the public eye.
30:02It can be, yeah, to people watching it, very glamorous,
30:04but actually it can also be very, very difficult.
30:06So that connection was obviously, was it genuine, was it fixed?
30:10Yes, it was genuine.
30:11Right, is there any way that that can be revisited with our help?
30:16Yes or no? I believe so, yes.
30:18Do you believe so? Yes, I'd like to.
30:20Do you believe so?
30:21All I'm saying is I'll take it on board.
30:23Why don't you just apologise to each other?
30:25I'm a busy person.
30:26I don't think Lisa's going to apologise to me.
30:28OK, shall we do that thing, like, on...
30:30Can you just say sorry?
30:31After one, two, three, see what you say.
30:33One, two, three.
30:36Stop it.
30:38Right, get out of here.
30:39Graham's going to have a word with you.
30:41Give him a round of applause. Thank you very much indeed.
30:43Thank you, thank you.
30:47Good luck to them.
30:48My next guest today, Octavio,
30:49is here with former best friend and bandmate Bradley.
30:51Now, he says that their friendship, and even a budding romance,
30:54has been left in tatters,
30:55but is it all as a result of their brief brush with fame?
30:58Now, they appeared on The X Factor a few years ago as a duo.
31:01However, two years on, and with their reality TV bubble now burst,
31:04Octavio's working in Tesco's and says his friendship with Bradley
31:07is in ruins. He's here to tell us more.
31:09Octavio's on The Jeremy Carl Show. That way.
31:20How are you? I'm good, how are you?
31:22Sorry, I really want to ask you this.
31:24Do you wear that in Tesco's?
31:25No. God, no. No, they wouldn't allow it.
31:27How are you? I'm good, how are you?
31:29I'm all right. Do you know why I wanted to do this story?
31:31Why? Because there are a lot of people in this society now
31:36who crave fame, who crave any sort of fame,
31:40and it's quite interesting, is it not,
31:42to talk about what happens afterwards.
31:44Let's just talk about your story,
31:46because you and Bradley were inseparable.
31:49Yeah, so I knew Bradley...
31:51Well, I've known Bradley for about five years now,
31:54and we shared some really incredible moments together,
31:57but somewhere along the line, something just went wrong.
32:00Why did you do The X Factor?
32:02I did The X Factor because I was serious about singing.
32:05I've always had a passion for music.
32:07You said that if you could do it all again, you wouldn't have auditioned.
32:10I wouldn't have auditioned as a duo.
32:12I would have waited and applied as a soloist.
32:14How far did you get?
32:16So we got to the live shows, and then, sadly, we were voted out.
32:19So, as you can imagine, it's humiliating.
32:22That bubble bursts.
32:24Straight away? Yeah, literally.
32:26Like, one minute you're living in The X Factor house,
32:29an amazing house, and then the next minute, that's it,
32:32you're back to reality, and I hit reality hard.
32:35It's interesting, you did have a hard time.
32:37X Factor reject admits that he was offered cash for sex
32:40after going broke before landing a job at Tesco's.
32:43X Factor flops, Bratavio split,
32:46as Bradley ditches Octavio to pursue solo.
32:49X Factor star rejected from normal jobs after chasing Fame Game.
32:52That's what this is about.
32:54Let's talk about you and Bradley, because that's the reason we're here.
32:57You're in love with this guy, you were in love with this guy,
33:00you were very close, you went on this rollercoaster,
33:02were you romantic together, were you intimate?
33:04Yeah, so I did try, like, showing my affections to him,
33:09because there was a point where, yeah, I wanted to be with Bradley,
33:12and I feel like, I think a part of me will always belong to him.
33:15Did you ever sleep with him?
33:17I tried it, but it was just, like, there was an...
33:21It just didn't work.
33:23Was the fame for you misplaced?
33:25Was it all about being in love with this guy,
33:27or was it about being with a mate and trying to achieve everything?
33:30What was the truth?
33:31I suppose doing The X Factor meant I could be with Bradley longer,
33:36and, yeah, like, be with him more.
33:38Your report said that after it finished,
33:40he pursued a solo career, ditched you, you found it very hard.
33:43Are you talking nowadays now?
33:46Is your relationship today finished?
33:49I hope not.
33:50I mean, I approached the show not to seek fame or anything like that.
33:54This is about fixing a broken-down relationship,
33:56and it's very important to know, because, obviously, like I said,
33:59five years of some incredible moments, like, really amazing memories,
34:03I can't just sweep that under the carpet.
34:05Do you think The X Factor caused the breakdown in your relationship,
34:07or the fact that the two of you were very different
34:09and wanted different things from your lives?
34:11Possibly, Jeremy, because when you're in that bubble
34:13and you're doing a reality show like The X Factor,
34:15there's a lot of pressures to conform.
34:17Do you know what I think? And I'm interested to get this guy out,
34:20and I appreciate your words.
34:21Somebody asked me once about doing this,
34:23and I'm absolutely delighted that I never went on television till I was 40,
34:26because if I hadn't lived a normal life
34:28and found out what actually matters before,
34:30I'm put in that bubble and I absolutely get...
34:32It's hard. It's hard for anybody.
34:34And at 21, 22, 23, when you're chasing fame,
34:36you come in with a good friend of yours,
34:38that friendship maybe meant more to one than the other, I don't know,
34:41but the downside is afterwards, and it's difficult.
34:44So this is the first time you've seen Bradley since when?
34:47Since I said I don't want to be part of Bratavia any more.
34:50Let's get Bradley on the Jeremy Carl show, that way.
35:02What was the nicest look you gave him?
35:05Well, a few things he's been saying just then was a bit...
35:10..varied story, wasn't really the truth.
35:12Talk to each other.
35:14You said about splitting from me, but it's the way in which you did it
35:18is what really hurt me, obviously.
35:20You said, we're doing a song together,
35:22and you said to wait till you finish your Master's degree,
35:25and I said, yeah, that's fine, I'll wait till you're finished.
35:28And when you finished your Master's degree,
35:30you blocked me on everything, already had your solo song planned.
35:33It was like you tried to get ahead and made me wait,
35:36saying we're doing one together.
35:38He told my team, he's always been jealous of me,
35:40I've always been more popular, and he can't stand it.
35:42That's what you said, didn't you? Yeah, in a way.
35:44But I mean, I don't mean that in a big-headed way.
35:46I mean, I felt bitterness all the time.
35:49But you're saying that he dumped you, he went to do his single thing
35:52and left you high and dry. You said the same about him.
35:54Why don't you talk about it instead of just look at each other?
35:57Yeah, I think, Bradley, and I've told you this in the past as well,
36:00I'm a very complicated person, I will admit it.
36:03Yeah, and there have been times where I have been jealous of you,
36:06which I've told you, and very sensitive.
36:08All I can say, Bradley... And you left me in Hollywood as well, on my own.
36:11I left you, Bradley, in Hollywood, if you want to speak about that.
36:14I left you in Hollywood because you left me... No, no, no.
36:17You left me and a friend, you got drunk, you started dancing on tables,
36:20you were out of control, I even attempted to come to you and say,
36:23Bradley, I'm going home, but now back to the hotel, and nothing.
36:26I don't recall that, but... Well, I do.
36:29So where do we go from here, peeps? What do you want from this?
36:32I'm here today to try and get a resolution.
36:34I don't know, I'm not really happy, actually,
36:36because I feel like he's come out of playing victim.
36:38I don't think he's played victim. I'm not playing a victim!
36:40I think if you ask the audience, he's far more genuine
36:42than you've appeared today. I'll be... I'll be...
36:45I'll say everything. I will...
36:48I'll put... I'll put my... Look, I'll put... I'll say everything.
36:52He wouldn't be angry because he wasn't the one that got blocked,
36:55he wasn't the one that you bitched about. I don't really understand that.
36:58What I'm talking about is you've got a front, but you've still got on,
37:01you're not actually being genuine. I didn't do anything bad to him,
37:04so why would he be angry? I think he's a lovely...
37:06Yeah, but that's what I'm saying. I think he's complicated,
37:09so I'm going to be angry, obviously.
37:11It's just really sad that in a society that we live in,
37:14where it becomes so important, apparently, to be famous,
37:16that you two could go into something like that, as mates, as lovers,
37:19whatever, not my business, and come out of it at loggerheads,
37:22because that's a shame, that's a warning to all sorts of people,
37:25and so the offer here is to try and put it right by,
37:28don't take it the wrong way, not sitting there being fake,
37:31being honest and saying, I don't want to see you again
37:33because there's too much water under the bridge,
37:35or, oh, my God, I miss you all, I wish I hadn't done that.
37:38That's the point, right? So it's conflict resolution,
37:40that's the point of being there. But there was a point...
37:42I think it's difficult for him, though, and I'm going to say this
37:44in his defence, because you are in love with him, absolutely patently,
37:47and the first thing out of his mouth was,
37:49it's never been like that for me.
37:51So how do you keep a friendship going with somebody
37:53under the label of friendship when they want more?
37:55Maybe that's the reason why he pulls back, I don't know.
37:57Would that be fair? Yeah, I just wanted a friend.
37:59Well, then say that. I like you better as a friend, obviously.
38:05Listen, I think it's really important, Bradley,
38:09that we do this story.
38:11We live in a world that's obsessed with fame,
38:13and you two today on this show, this isn't...
38:17This isn't me being horrible, this is me being honest.
38:19God knows how I ended up here, but it's all well and good
38:21to look at the winners of X Factor with their million-pound contract,
38:24but what about the people who have had the taste of that
38:26and it's ripped away? And adjusting back to normality is difficult.
38:32And I guess when you try and adjust back to normality,
38:34you need your mate, and if your best mate's the person
38:37you've gone into it with, and you're now at loggerheads,
38:40to me that just seems a shame, do you know what I mean?
38:43Do you think you could be friends with him without wanting more, Octavia?
38:47Do you think? I think so, because, like,
38:50I feel like I've passed that now.
38:53There was a time where, yeah, I was infatuated with him,
38:55I'll be honest, I did love him.
38:57Did you ever tell him that? Yeah, many times.
39:00Did he? And to be fair, you did always say,
39:04oh, look, I don't feel the same way and all that, but then...
39:07So you were honest, that's good.
39:09So maybe I'm a stubborn person, I just kept trying, you know,
39:12sometimes you try and try and maybe you get what you want, but...
39:15Would it not be fair to say that after what you shared
39:17and after what you went through, that the readjustment to,
39:20I hate the word normal, but you know what I'm saying,
39:23wouldn't it be worth trying to work together with us
39:26so that you can actually support each other
39:28and not ignore each other or fight each other or slag each other off?
39:31Don't you think that the one person in the world that you both know
39:35who's been through it and experienced it with you is each other?
39:39Do you not think that actually you could,
39:41if you can get rid of that barrier of romance or whatever, rejection?
39:45That's what I mean.
39:46Don't you think you're both best placed for each other
39:48to help each other get through this? Yeah. That's the point.
39:51That's what I'm trying to get to, yeah? You understand?
39:54I really, and I mean this, I've always been really honest
39:57and I'm sure certain people aren't like this.
39:59I read this this morning and thought, oh, my God,
40:01and then I started thinking about, as I keep saying,
40:04the world that we live in.
40:06Very rarely do you win X Factor.
40:08What does happen on all of these sorts of shows?
40:11It's like being a celebrity.
40:13Somebody once said to me, you're quite cool with it.
40:16I said, it's not my oxygen. I've got four kids.
40:19But there are plenty of people in the public eye and it is their oxygen.
40:23And when that oxygen is taken away,
40:25when the TV show, the record deal, whatever, finishes, what do they do?
40:29And it's really... That's the point of doing the story.
40:32So let us try and help you both as friends.
40:35I know Graham wants to spend a bit of time. Is that all right?
40:38And I really mean this. I really appreciate you coming on
40:40because for me it was very interesting.
40:42I ask you both to go that way. Is that all right?
40:44Thank you very much indeed. Go that way.
40:49This is, by anybody's standards, a heck of a story
40:52because in January you woke up in the morning to discover hundreds of messages.
40:56Now, I'm not very good at social media,
40:58but there had been reported your death.
41:12Are you being trolled online?
41:14Perhaps you're being accused of something you haven't done.
41:17Maybe you're a victim of revenge porn.
41:19If you're 16 or over and you'd like to be considered for the show,
41:22email talk at along with your number.
41:24Text TALK plus your name to 63334.
41:27Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
41:29Or you can call my team today.
41:31It's 09011. It's 123456.
41:34Calls cost 25p plus network access charge.
41:46Welcome back.
41:47My next guest was thrown into the public spotlight
41:50when taking part in reality TV show Big Brother in 2009.
41:53This male ex-housemate went on to grab the media's attention years later
41:57when it was revealed he was transgender and now living as a woman.
42:00What followed, nobody would ever have predicted.
42:02A media frenzy started when this reality TV star
42:05was accused of faking their own death on Twitter in order to gain fame.
42:08Here to tell us more and set the record straight,
42:11let's get Rebecca on The Jeremy Carr Show. That way.
42:23You all right?
42:25This is, by anybody's standards, a heck of a story.
42:29Let's start with Big Brother in 2009.
42:34You entered the house as Rodrigo.
42:36You described it as an unforgettable experience.
42:39What was it like?
42:40It was just fun. I just remember it was fun.
42:42You said that at the time of going into the Big Brother house and after,
42:46you thought you were gay,
42:48but you found yourself attracted to straight men
42:51and then you started talking to transgender people
42:53and the light sort of... Yes.
42:55Tell us about that.
42:56Because once you find yourself in a male body
42:59and fancying someone of the same gender,
43:01the first thing you think is, like, wow, I'm gay.
43:04And once you start living in the gay world,
43:07you realise that maybe you don't see yourself in that world.
43:11So it's like, I think it's step by step,
43:14especially because in my times we didn't have all this.
43:17When I was a child, we didn't have programmes to talk about this,
43:20so I think it's really important to talk,
43:22because I didn't know what I was.
43:24I thought I was gay, I thought I was just...
43:26I thought I had a default, because how can I be...
43:30How can I be gay and like straight men and see myself as a woman?
43:35Am I crazy? Probably.
43:37No, no, but to be fair to you,
43:40if you grow up wherever you come from, Brazil, anywhere,
43:44if you know that you're caught in the wrong body,
43:47that must be an incredibly difficult thing to do.
43:50What I admire about your story enormously,
43:52and I was reading it in detail this morning,
43:54here you are in Great Britain, you've done Big Brother,
43:58you've had this fame and it started to diminish,
44:02I'm being totally honest.
44:04You then decided to transition four years later, July 2013.
44:09How brave is that, to do that in a country?
44:12You lost family, you lost friends,
44:14you were ostracised by a lot of people, pushed out,
44:17but you did it anyway. How difficult was that? Talk us through that.
44:20I think it was the most psychological pain
44:26that someone could ever feel,
44:28because I've been through 16 surgeries,
44:31but that's not just...
44:33To be honest with you, when I had the main surgery,
44:35I spent the whole month in hospital by myself,
44:38and it was just sad, you know?
44:41It was just to know that I was doing something,
44:45that I had a very uncertain future,
44:48because I had lots of dreams as Rodrigo,
44:51I had so many dreams, you know?
44:55And suddenly, I had to start my new life as my new self, and...
45:02Are you glad that you had it?
45:05Well, I just want people to know that it's fun, yes, it's good,
45:10I feel good now, but what you see here,
45:13like, people say that I look good, it's their opinion,
45:16but, like, what people see is just a mask, you know?
45:21It's just something that I get dressed,
45:23to show that I'm confident, and I have, like, body and things,
45:27but inside, I feel a bit, like, inside, I'm a weak...
45:32Like, I'm quite a vulnerable person inside, and emotional,
45:37so I've done...
45:39I left so many dreams behind, special, professional dreams,
45:43to maybe to achieve the dream of having a family one day,
45:49because I always wanted to be a mother, and...
45:53I know I can't get pregnant,
45:55so I'm not going to be coming here for DNA.
45:59Brilliant, I love that.
46:01Let's talk about fame, because in January,
46:04you woke up in the morning to discover, I believe,
46:07hundreds of messages.
46:09Now, I'm not very good at the old social media thing,
46:12but there had been reported your death.
46:17We're sorry to inform you, everyone,
46:19of the sad news that our wonderful and lovely Rebecca
46:21died unexpectedly on Wednesday night.
46:23We ask that you respect the family's privacy at this time.
46:25That's not great to wake up to, is it?
46:27No, I didn't wake up to this, I woke up to many messages on my phone
46:30of people saying that I was an angel,
46:34and saying, rest in peace,
46:37because now your problems have finished, and things like that,
46:41and for a second, I thought, am I dead?
46:45It's funny now, but it's not good emotionally,
46:49it's very damaging emotionally.
46:51Not only did you have to deal with that,
46:53but that's obviously somebody who's hacked that,
46:55and they have an incentive, and that's terrible.
46:57You were then accused by people of organising this yourself
47:00as a publicity stunt because of an insatiable quest for fame.
47:05How difficult was that?
47:06Well, I don't want to be arrogant or anything like that,
47:10because I'm not, but who are the people
47:13who said that I was faking the news about my death?
47:22You know who? A couple of losers.
47:25But you know where they are now?
47:27I don't either.
47:29People who troll, people that do that, people who hack, no time for.
47:33You've been through an incredible amount, an incredible journey.
47:36You're very intelligent.
47:38You went through a massive, massive life change on your own.
47:43You're proud enough to stand up and go,
47:45that's who I am, that's who I want to be.
47:48That's brave, that is.
47:50And clever it is.
47:54And to set the record straight, you didn't fake your own death,
47:57it was another sad muppet somewhere in a...
47:59I don't know where, that's jealous or whatever.
48:02And I really respect you, glad you came.
48:04I was very scared to meet you. Why?
48:06Because someone said to me, you were going to eat me alive.
48:12But I actually, I thought, I also thought I wouldn't like you.
48:15You might get people... I really like you.
48:18I really, really respect you.
48:20Thank you very much indeed.
48:22Are you all right? Thank you very much indeed.
48:26Fascinating, fascinating.
48:28What happens when fame goes, I'm out of time for today.
48:31If you want to be here, you need my help.
48:33Visit our website, the details are on the screen.
48:35We'll be back with this audience and to you at home.
48:37Thank you for watching, I'll see you very soon.
48:39Take care, goodbye for now.