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The Jeremy Kyle Show (21 Feb 2017)
00:00You are watching On Demand. Please do not try to vote or enter any competition or other interactivity in this programme, as it may not count and you may still be charged.
00:10On today's show...
00:18So, he comes to you and he says, I know we've got three kids, I know we're in a blissful eight-year relationship, but by the way, I fathered a love child with somebody else.
00:26So, I'm going to pass a latex test and I'm going to call him.
00:31Jeremy, it's like she wants to meet...
00:37I made up a Facebook profile. He didn't know it was me and I sent him messages and he arranged to meet up with her for sex.
00:45And didn't he send pictures to you?
00:48What of?
00:51So, I'm only human.
00:57Stop sticking your nose in where it don't belong.
00:59Mum, you need to accept my husband or stay out of my life.
01:04It's just one thing after another with her. They're hostile.
01:07I've had enough.
01:09Who are you?
01:10Do you know I'm gay because she's in love with my son?
01:14She's not so big gay, you big man.
01:16You can start with women.
01:18She's there.
01:19I have an opinion on you and the lies she's told me.
01:24I'm serious. I'm serious.
01:25Do you know what? You're a little rat.
01:46Hello, my friends. Good morning. It is ever a big, big welcome to the show.
01:49Now, my first guest today, Melissa, is here to receive make or break lie detector results.
01:53As she says, she is utterly convinced her partner, Richard,
01:56has cheated on her more than the couple of times she already knows about,
01:59and, check this, could have fathered a second second love child.
02:06I think it would have been when he fathered the first,
02:08but the second might be the point at which she says, I can't do it.
02:10She says if he fails, it's over for good.
02:12This lady says today is D-Day. Melissa is on the Jeremy Kyle show.
02:15That way.
02:23You all right?
02:25You all right, love? Yeah.
02:26You look nervous.
02:27I am a little bit, yes.
02:28Are you? Welcome to the show.
02:29They told me that your biggest fear is that I'm going to have a go at you,
02:32that you're still with this bloke.
02:33So sit back, relax.
02:34You've been in a relationship with Richard for eight years.
02:36He's 34, you're 25.
02:38Let's just... How did you meet?
02:40We met at a house party.
02:42Nice. Yeah.
02:43Now, somewhere in the midst of all of this happy, blissful relationship
02:46where you met at a house party, this guy cheated.
02:50What do we know? What are facts?
02:54He's cheated twice on me, that I know of.
02:58And basically, I'm here today...
03:00Shut up!
03:02And I just wanted...
03:03I didn't realise I'd asked him to... Shut up!
03:08Did I...? Sorry.
03:12At what point did I...?
03:14I don't give a damn I'm talking about it to her now,
03:16so shut your mouth, sit down, and when I say you can speak, you can!
03:20He's a big jerk.
03:25So he comes to you and he says,
03:27I know we've got three kids,
03:28I know we're in a blissful eight-year relationship,
03:30but by the way, I fathered a love child with somebody else.
03:33Tell me how that comes to be, how that happens.
03:36I found out off one of our friends.
03:40Oh, yeah!
03:41Oh, yeah!
03:49I would have thought that a man that's done to a woman what you've done
03:52would have the intelligence, right, to shut your mouth until I...
03:55Ladies and gentlemen... Sit down and be quiet.
03:57Sit down.
04:02I love the fact that he can justify the fact that he's a toerag
04:05and has treated you like that by shouting out,
04:09He had a kid with somebody else.
04:11Yeah. Can you find that out? What happens?
04:13Obviously, I was devastated,
04:15but I also had a six-week-old baby in my arms.
04:17A six-week-old baby.
04:22Now, recently, so that creates no trust.
04:25You think he's done it twice.
04:27He's... Now, you have to help me out with this,
04:29cos I'm a bit of a...
04:30He sexted other women when you were pregnant.
04:32What does that mean?
04:33Well, he was, like, sending women dirty messages.
04:36You're the one who sexted that...
04:41What part of you're having a hard time...
04:48You're not funny. Shut up.
04:55I know that.
04:57Two... Two... I can't even...
04:59Do you know what? He's had two affairs.
05:02He's got a love child, right,
05:04and then recently you get another letter.
05:06What does that say?
05:08Social Services want him to do a DNA test
05:10to see if he fathered someone else's baby.
05:12I'm doing my night away.
05:14The letter was received last week.
05:16Social Services sent a letter saying
05:18he's fathered another love child, they want him to do a DNA test.
05:21The non-stop rumours make me paranoid.
05:23How can I trust a man who has cheated?
05:25Can I, without you getting upset...
05:27I understand that we love people... Shut up!
05:30I understand that we love people that perhaps we shouldn't love,
05:33but what part of you is working out that this guy is worth anything?
05:36Are you and your children not worth more than this guy, by a mile?
05:41And the fact that he's shouting like that tells me everything.
05:44I'm on your side, OK?
05:46What's your problem?
05:48What's your proof?
05:50What is your proof?
05:52Listen, here's the thing...
05:56When I say, you can come on, you can come on.
05:59Go. Go. Go.
06:04And you, you're supposed to protect me.
06:07Richard's on the Jeremy Carl Show, give him a round of applause.
06:10Go on, go.
06:16So, you meet this woman, eight years, three kids,
06:20and then you have, what, an affair, a one-night stand,
06:23you father a love child.
06:25And that's OK, is it?
06:27No, I'm not saying that's OK.
06:29Then why are you giving it large out there?
06:31Everyone makes mistakes. You make what?
06:33I'm a woman at the end of the day, I'm not a robot, am I?
06:36Well, obviously not. I do wrong things.
06:39I don't mean to do them, but I do.
06:41How many times have you cheated on her? Twice.
06:43And in that time, you fathered a love child?
06:46I don't know about that.
06:48What do you mean, you don't know about that?
06:50I didn't know at the time there was a kid involved.
06:53Why didn't you put something on the end of it
06:55and then you wouldn't have been a father again, would you?
07:00Have you ever stopped when you're shouting and ranting and raving
07:03and tried to work out what this indeed has done to this woman
07:06that you purport to love, yes or no?
07:08At the end of the day, I'm going to pass,
07:10at the end of the day, take the test, and I'm going to prove my love.
07:13Well, you know what I mean.
07:15I have a good laugh, everyone.
07:16I get mixed up with my words right away, you know what I mean?
07:18But obviously you don't get mixed up when you're taking your trousers off
07:21and having sex with other women.
07:23Do you?
07:24Catfish, brilliant. This is my favourite story.
07:26Please tell these good people in as loud a voice as possible
07:29how you got this tow-rag back. Go on, tell them.
07:32I made up a Facebook profile,
07:35and I set him up because he didn't know it was me
07:39and I was sending him messages
07:41and he arranged to meet up with her for sex.
07:44And he was out of the house for two and a half hours.
07:47And didn't he send pictures to you?
07:49Yeah. What of?
07:53So, I'm only human.
07:55But that is a...
07:58How much more proof do you need?
08:01I just want to know the truth.
08:03Yeah, but it wasn't with other women, or was it?
08:05It was literally her.
08:06You know, she was on the second floor.
08:09So how...
08:10So you didn't know it was her?
08:12Let's not mix up the words.
08:14How could I be cheating behind her back?
08:16Well, at the time, it was her at the whole time.
08:18So, you know, I don't see...
08:20But you didn't know...
08:21I don't understand much, but I understand this, you idiot.
08:24Catfishing means you didn't know she was.
08:26But, like, mentally, you were cheating.
08:28Did you know it was her?
08:29Oh, her? Yeah.
08:30Not at the time, no.
08:33Game set match.
08:34Yeah, but it's like when you go on Facebook, Jeremy, right?
08:37Well, I don't, so I wouldn't know!
08:39It's your problem, isn't it? Not mine.
08:44I'm just trying to explain my part of it now.
08:46There is no defence for what you've done.
08:48I've not seen it, is.
08:49How many times have you cheated?
08:51Twice, I said.
08:52So you will pass the lie detector?
08:54Yes, I will.
08:55I'm going to pass it.
08:57And then, you know, so this love child that you fathered,
09:00there was a letter recently from social services.
09:03What's that all about?
09:06Apparently, I'm a...
09:09I'm a potential father to another kid.
09:12How could she be if you only cheated on her twice?
09:15Which I didn't even know about, Jeremy.
09:19It gives me hope when I meet men like you, I must say.
09:24Have you tidied up your hair a bit? Maybe I'll show you.
09:38I don't know why this has become about me!
09:42On a serious note, note from the examiner.
09:44This is important, be quiet.
09:46Richard claimed that the two occasions he cheated
09:49were both one-night stands with two separate women.
09:52Richard admits that he has fathered two children,
09:56but claims that Melissa only knows about one.
10:01So you did father two children, yeah?
10:05Wet, wet, wet, darling.
10:09I think we'll do the rest of the lie detector results after the break.
10:12Don't go anywhere right now.
10:15I'm no monster.
10:17Well, why are you, then?
10:18I'm not for this, Rich. I really am.
10:22Her sister can't have an opinion on me because she's never met me,
10:25she's never sat down with me.
10:26Can't have an opinion on you?
10:27She's seen it for five minutes and that is it.
10:32Have you got a jealous partner?
10:34Are you the one that cannot control your jealousy?
10:37If you're 16 or over and you want to be considered for the show,
10:40text the word TALK TODAY plus your name to 63334.
10:43Text costs 25 pence plus one standard rate message.
10:46You can call my team today. It's 09011.
10:51Calls cost 25 pence plus your network access charge.
10:54Or email TALKATITV.COM to get in touch with one of my team.
11:07Thank you very much indeed. Welcome back.
11:12I need to read this to you.
11:13Richard claimed that the two occasions he cheated
11:15were both one-night stands with two separate women.
11:17He's fathered two children but claims that Melissa only knows about one.
11:20He denies fathering a third child with the woman who has accused him recently.
11:26Do you want me to do this?
11:28Apart from the two people you've admitted to during your relationship with Melissa,
11:31have you passionately kissed any other person?
11:33He said no.
11:34You won't be surprised to know that your boyfriend was lying.
11:38Apart from the two people you've admitted to during your relationship with Melissa,
11:41have you had sexual contact with any other person?
11:43He said no.
11:44You won't be surprised to know that your boyfriend was lying.
11:46In fact, I don't want to do this to you, but I'm going to tell you,
11:48he's lied on every single question.
11:50And not only did he arrive here saying he'd only fathered one love child,
11:54he's now admitted it to two.
11:58So what's the truth? How many?
12:01Even that's not the truth, is it?
12:04How many love children have you got?
12:07No, you haven't. Go on.
12:09What would you know? Where are we?
12:10Why have you only told her two today, then?
12:12She knows it's only two.
12:13She's just making a silent dance about it all.
12:15I know about Reg.
12:17You haven't even said on the phone before you've done the lie detector.
12:22You've fathered two other children with two other women,
12:24and apart from that, you've failed this lie detector,
12:26and you're having a go at me, are you?
12:28No, I'm not having a go.
12:30How do you expect this woman to react?
12:33It's disgusting.
12:34It's natural, isn't it?
12:36What's natural?
12:37The way she's feeling now. It's natural.
12:39How many times have you cheated on her?
12:41Then why have you failed this lie detector?
12:43Do you know what I mean? It was twice.
12:46So the only two times you've cheated,
12:48you've fathered a child on both occasions?
12:51I haven't actually fathered them because I haven't seen them.
12:53I stopped seeing my kids.
12:55But you've got two love children, yeah?
12:57Yes, I've got two love children.
12:58But she only knew about one.
13:01She knew about the two.
13:02Can you help me out here, Melissa?
13:04I only knew about the one.
13:05She only knew about the one.
13:10I love the fact that you're that so full of yourself
13:13that you think the only twice you've ever had sex
13:15with two other women, you've fathered a child.
13:17You've cheated on her non-stop, haven't you?
13:19God knows how, but you haven't.
13:20No, I haven't.
13:21Yes, you have.
13:22No, I haven't.
13:23Why don't you tell her the truth, you horrible man?
13:24I'm not a monster.
13:26I'm not a monster.
13:27Well, what are you, then?
13:28Well, I flashed them badly the other day.
13:30Talk to him, darling, because you know what's going to happen.
13:32I've had enough of this, Rich. I really have.
13:34It's over today.
13:36I told him that before we came on the show.
13:39You know what?
13:40You know what?
13:42Hold on a second.
13:43You told my team,
13:44Richard admits that he's fathered two children
13:46but claims Melissa only knows about one.
13:48That's what you told my team?
13:51What do you want about...
13:52How do I know about two, then?
13:53I only know about one.
13:54So you, in essence, didn't know, did you?
13:58So you lied to her?
14:00I didn't lie to her.
14:01Yes, you did.
14:02She didn't know.
14:03I didn't lie to her.
14:04I just kept it away from her.
14:07I was basically lying.
14:08I didn't lie to her.
14:09I just didn't tell her the truth.
14:11Here's the thing I need to say to you.
14:13Really easy for me to say and hard for you.
14:17I can sit here and I can go,
14:18How much more are you going to take?
14:19Why don't you dump this bloke?
14:21You're worth more, but you won't.
14:23A relationship works when there's two ways.
14:25Trust, honesty, communication.
14:27This guy has disrespected you for far too long.
14:30And I know that the thought of being on your own
14:33with your kids and finally admitting or accepting
14:37that he is everything that everybody else has said
14:39is really, really horrible.
14:40But look me in the face.
14:41What did you get from this guy?
14:46Well, that rather sums it up, doesn't it?
14:48I know you've got two children,
14:49but at the end of the day, they and you deserve better.
14:51I know you'll go home with them.
14:52I know you'll work it out.
14:53But I'm telling you something now,
14:54whether you like this or not,
14:55this relationship is doomed forever.
14:58Because he is a habitual liar.
15:01And you are worth more.
15:10One thing's for sure, isn't it?
15:12When this goes out, nobody's going to touch you with a bargepole.
15:15Give her a round of applause.
15:20Good luck to them, Ryan.
15:21My next guest today, Michaela and mum Kay,
15:23who both say they're very concerned that Laura,
15:25who is Kay's daughter and Michaela's sister,
15:27is a compulsive liar.
15:28Michaela refused to go to her sister's wedding
15:30to her husband, Anthony.
15:31Michaela and Kay both say that they are struggling
15:33to have a relationship with Laura,
15:35as they believe she puts Anthony before them
15:37and they want to get to the bottom of the why.
15:39They are here, Michaela and Kay.
15:40Give them a round of applause.
15:41Michaela, hello.
15:42Are you all right?
15:44Listen, help me out,
15:45because it is a little bit confusing, this.
15:48Let's start with...
15:49Well, whoever.
15:50Start with Michaela.
15:52Laura is your sister.
15:54What's the...
15:55Help us out.
15:56What's the issue, really, overall?
15:58Well, it all started a few years ago.
16:02Laura and Anthony had a short relationship.
16:06I'm at home, I get a phone call,
16:09and there was an allegation,
16:10a very vicious and serious allegation...
16:12You've had nothing to do with me on this relationship.
16:14..made against Anthony.
16:16So, me and my husband drove over there, picked her up.
16:19Yes, yes.
16:20This lie was carried on for four...
16:22Let her speak, darling, please. Go on.
16:24This lie was carried on for four months.
16:27Then it came out that it was all a lie.
16:31That she'd made it up?
16:33She carried it on...
16:34I can go into it, but it was a very serious allegation.
16:37You say that you believed at that moment
16:39that nobody that could be anything other than vindictive
16:42and a manipulative person would do that.
16:44You refused to go to her wedding.
16:47Are you saying that you're on his side?
16:49Are you saying they're as bad as each other?
16:51Why would she need to do... You weren't even invited to the wedding!
16:54Be quiet. Why would she need to do that?
16:56Well, it was to cover up...
16:58She didn't want the family to know
17:01that she was actually the one that was arrested
17:03for putting a brick through somebody's window.
17:05So she turned that on him and made all of us feel sorry for her.
17:09If she made up this sort of serious allegation
17:11and we found out that she...
17:12Why is he still with somebody who thinks it's all right to lie like that?
17:15I don't know.
17:16But I think that's where half of his aggression comes from.
17:18Wouldn't you feel a little bit hostile against somebody?
17:21Was the allegation true?
17:23Well, she says no. She admits to lying.
17:25So she says that she made it up?
17:27Yes, yes.
17:28What, for attention?
17:29Well, I don't know. She's been like this for years.
17:32She also claims that he's violent and aggressive towards her.
17:35You, as a woman, quite interesting, sitting here saying,
17:37well, there's a part of me that understands that.
17:40I'm not condoning it.
17:41No, not in any way, but you can understand his frustration.
17:43Well, yeah, yeah, I can.
17:45Yeah, I think I'd hold hostility towards somebody
17:47that made up something like that against me.
17:49I... It's just one thing after another with her.
17:51They're hostile.
17:53The night of the wedding, they didn't even go home together.
17:56He spent it in a flat, getting drunk with friends.
17:59Why do you two feel the need...
18:01Do you feel like... I mean, it's quite interesting,
18:03cos most people will come on and they'll say,
18:05my sister's husband, my daughter's boyfriend,
18:07her husband-to-be is a nightmare, we don't want...
18:09But you're almost saying, it's my daughter, it's my sister.
18:12It's both. It's both.
18:13It's both.
18:14He got arrested on his wedding night, didn't he?
18:16Yeah, well, that morning, yeah,
18:17and then he got sent to jail for wounding with intent.
18:19Laura made a video...
18:20It's a romantic night, isn't it, your wedding night?
18:22Arrested for wounding with intent.
18:25Why are you bringing up my past? I'll bring yours up when I come on, watch!
18:28There you go, she's had a five-minute sprain.
18:30Right? No? Right.
18:32Why are you here, though?
18:33Why don't you just let them get on with their lives?
18:35Are they impinging on yours?
18:36Every time...
18:38It's me, I'm...
18:39Every time I say to her, I've had enough,
18:42she always comes back, I need my sister,
18:45I need this, I need that,
18:47pulls on my heartstrings, so I go toddling back.
18:50And do you know what? I've had enough.
18:52Everywhere she goes, it's hostile.
18:55Everywhere she goes, there's a path of destruction.
18:58What do you want to say to her today?
19:00Get help!
19:01Why do you think it is, it is attention?
19:03Yeah, I think she does something wrong,
19:06and she doesn't want to accept that,
19:09so it's, right, OK, well, let's turn that round on you.
19:12How can I make you out to be the bad person,
19:14take the attention away from me?
19:16What do you think about your daughter, her behaviour?
19:19I think it's the pair of them.
19:22Antony's had, um...
19:24Don't they just laugh?
19:26Most of it that I know about Antony is hearsay from Laura,
19:29what Laura's told me.
19:31She told me that Antony's violent,
19:33sometimes she used to flat up, throws things.
19:36But then she's been found out in lies, lots of lies.
19:43She's actually said to me that...
19:45What do you want to say to her today?
19:47She's had help in the past and I accepted it.
19:49What I want to say to Laura, you both need help,
19:51accept it and follow it through.
19:53All right, let's get her out. Laura's on the Jeremy Carr Show.
19:55Give her a round of applause.
20:03Token pull of the chair.
20:05What's going on here, Laura? Help me out.
20:08Right, well, the lies of my past,
20:10I'll admit I lied and I'll admit I lied about something I shouldn't.
20:13Something pretty horrific. But at the end of the day...
20:15Why would you make something like that up?
20:17I don't want to go into too much detail,
20:19but it's disgusting by anybody's standards. Why did you do that?
20:21Because I wanted attention.
20:23My mum's never given me attention my whole life.
20:25You made up the most serious allegation a woman can make
20:28against a man that you're married to to get attention from your mother.
20:31What do you think that does to the rest of the women
20:33who might be victims of such a thing
20:35and are too scared to speak out, love?
20:37What do you think about that?
20:43No? Nothing? Nothing from you?
20:46When? She didn't even tell my mum to begin with, it was me.
20:49If she wanted attention from my mum, why did you ring me?
20:52Answer your sister.
20:54Why was it me driving all the way over there to pick you up?
20:57Why was it me coming over every weekend to collect you?
21:00Why was it me that you was putting all the pressure on?
21:03You wanted attention from Mum, why did you come to me?
21:06That is a feeble excuse.
21:08Are you in a volatile relationship?
21:10If it depends what you mean by volatile, no, it's not volatile.
21:14Who are you?
21:17Who are you?
21:19Go. Go.
21:23I want to know what this relationship is like.
21:30With you and Anthony, why do you feel the need to lie about it to get attention?
21:34I haven't lied about my relationship, I've just lied about that accusation.
21:37But that's appalling!
21:39Anthony will tell you himself I haven't lied about the relationship.
21:42Help me out here, guys, I'm confused.
21:44And I'm being honest.
21:46You know, after today, you lied.
21:48You lied about everything that went on.
21:50Your wedding morning, you did a video statement
21:52saying he's this massive, feeble thug,
21:54picking people up, smashing them over his knee with his back.
21:57Don't say you didn't.
21:59My wedding morning, that sat next to you was with me, so that's a lie.
22:02Really? Yes.
22:04You were the one that rang me and Mum and you told us.
22:06Day after the wedding.
22:08Day after.
22:10OK, day after.
22:12Has your relationship with your sister always been volatile?
22:14Yeah, well, I don't care, I don't want nothing to do with me.
22:16So what is this, is this just a jealousy thing,
22:18you're trying to score cheap points by saying I'm with a guy who's violent and aggressive?
22:21I don't know, I don't even know why they ask him.
22:23Let's get him out, Anthony's on The Jeremy Carr Show.
22:32What's the story here, are you violent and aggressive?
22:35Not towards Laura, no.
22:37What does that mean?
22:39I've never hit her, I've never punched her.
22:41I've punched walls, punched doors, windows, and what?
22:44And what what?
22:46And what? Yeah, and what?
22:48Why have you started on her? Someone should come out and start on me.
22:51What are you starting on a woman for? I'm not so big, are you, big man?
22:54You can start...
23:01Why are you so angry, pal?
23:03Why are you so angry?
23:05I don't understand.
23:07Because I'm angry? Yeah.
23:09Because I've seen things in my life, things have happened in my life.
23:11It's not to do with what she made up, nothing at all.
23:14Is your relationship with her good? Yeah.
23:17And what, they're interfering?
23:19They don't even know me, so...
23:21Do you know what I mean?
23:23I don't understand.
23:25They've never seen... A sister can't have an opinion on me because she's never met me,
23:27she's never sat down with me. I have an opinion on you.
23:29She's seen me for five minutes. Well, then talk to her, she's there.
23:31I have an opinion on you on the lies she's told me.
23:34She tells me that you do that to her.
23:36What do you expect me to think?
23:38Four months, I believed you'd done that.
23:40Four months of her coming to my home,
23:42telling me explicit details
23:44about the police being involved, what they were doing.
23:46Four months, Anthony,
23:48to find out that it's a lie. Is it a lie?
23:50I don't think she knows the truth of my lies.
23:52Why would she lie about such things about you, pal?
23:54That's what I'm asking. I don't know.
23:56Didn't that absolutely rock you to the core?
23:58Course it did. Course it did.
24:00And that's a different excuse. Because I know I've done nothing at all.
24:02So why are you still with her, pal?
24:04Because at the end of the day, she's my wife, I love her to pieces,
24:06and nobody's ever going to split us, and that's why.
24:08How long have you been married for?
24:10Not even a year. 28th of May last year.
24:12And she made that accusation.
24:14And you sit there and say nothing. I'm struggling.
24:16I don't know what people want from this.
24:18We've got your mother, she's coming out next.
24:20Don't go anywhere, I'm right back.
24:22What do you want from today? Help with my husband's anger
24:24and them to go away and never talk to me again.
24:26She didn't even come to her grandson's funeral!
24:28Yes, she did!
24:31Psychic was right on one, could be right on this.
24:34What does today mean, darling?
24:36Have a Sunday. Let's do it.
24:38Give me those results, please.
24:46So this just in, and it's breaking news this morning, apparently, Graham.
24:49Something big is happening in Media City.
24:51Yeah, let's find out what's happening from our weatherman.
24:53There's a storm brewing, Mr Kyle.
25:00Good morning and a big, big welcome to the show.
25:13Get out of my studio. Get in there.
25:19Stop it, get off me.
25:21My little man, Brady.
25:23Come here, come here.
25:30Get away, get away.
25:34You're on stage now.
25:38Don't you dare!
25:51Have you got a jealous partner?
25:53Are you the one that cannot control your jealousy?
25:56If you're 16 or over and you want to be considered for the show,
25:58text the word TALK today, plus your name, to 63334.
26:01Text costs 25 pence, plus one standard rate message.
26:04You can call my team today. It's 09011.
26:07It's 123456.
26:09Calls cost 25 pence, plus your network access charge.
26:12Or email TALK at ITV.com to get in touch with one of my team.
26:26Look, just, Michaela, Kate,
26:28it's almost like everybody's dragged in.
26:31This is about, what, sisters at war,
26:33a daughter who wants her mother's attention?
26:35What is this about?
26:37A daughter that maybe does want her mum's attention.
26:40Different ways of getting it.
26:42She's always had it.
26:44Can you answer that?
26:46I don't know what she means. I'm there for her.
26:48I've supported her in lots of difficult situations in her life.
26:51The person I call mum, which is Julie,
26:54has done more for me in the last two years
26:56than what that's done in my whole life.
26:58That? Yeah, that.
27:00Julie's on The Jeremy Carl Show.
27:08How did you feel that she made up an allegation
27:10we can't go into fact about your son and he's still with her?
27:13We're not here for that allegation.
27:15We're not here for that allegation. No, but I don't...
27:17I don't care. I don't care.
27:19Let me answer my questions, please.
27:23I couldn't understand why she'd done it, to be honest.
27:25Did you ever get to the bottom of why she'd done it? No.
27:28I mean... I did ask, but...
27:30There are cries for help,
27:32there are moments when you want attention,
27:34but that's ridiculous, isn't it?
27:36All right, make it very simple. What do you want from today?
27:39Help with my husband's anger and them to go away
27:41and never talk to me again. You have got anger problems.
27:44Next time something goes wrong, don't come knocking on my door.
27:47Yeah, you have to listen. That's relevant.
27:49You know what? She was there for everything for you.
27:52She was there. No, she wasn't.
27:54When you was having an affair, she was there.
27:56When your son passed away, she was there.
27:59No, she wasn't. She has always been there.
28:01She didn't even come to her grandson's funeral.
28:03Yes, she did. She was there.
28:05No, she didn't. Ask her. Ask her.
28:07She did. Ask her. I came to one, but not the other.
28:09You came to your grandson Gareth's funeral?
28:11Cos you told me I wasn't allowed in.
28:13The one that you was going to get arrested for.
28:15She was there. She was there.
28:17You weren't there. Shut your mouth.
28:19You were going to get arrested.
28:21See you. See you.
28:23Do you know what? You're a little rat.
28:25Drop dead. Drop dead.
28:28Rat. You're a rat.
28:30So you're ready to walk away from your family,
28:32but you want us to help your husband with his anger issues,
28:36which I hardly am surprised if you make up the lies you do.
28:39Ask him if that's what it's because of.
28:41He didn't want me to mention it cos he's going to kick off.
28:43Obviously there's some hostility there if I'm not allowed to mention
28:46what the allegation was.
28:48So this is a deep-seated problem you've had for years, yeah?
28:51Yeah. But you stand by your wife?
28:53Yeah, course I do. So for us, the resolve is we get you help
28:56with anger, anger management, something like that,
28:58to make your life easier.
29:00And you two and you three, never the twain shall meet.
29:03Is that right? Yep. Is that right?
29:05Yeah, it seems so. It's good enough for me.
29:07You go that way, you go that way.
29:11Sometimes it's just best to walk away.
29:13We'll let you know. Right, my next guest today,
29:15Tracey's here for life-changing DNA results.
29:17Check this, this is really interesting.
29:19After a psychic told her the man she believed to be her father
29:21actually is not, she says,
29:23the psychic has predicted things that have come true in the past
29:25and she is petrified that David is not her father.
29:28It's a massive day, she's understandably nervous.
29:30Tracey is on The Jeremy Carr Show. Give her a round of applause.
29:38Thank you so much for coming on.
29:40Thank you. Are you OK? Yeah, I'm very nervous.
29:42I know you are, and I feel...
29:44I just... I feel very sympathetic towards you,
29:47but I'm also fascinated, because a lot of people watching this
29:50will have visited a psychic, a lot of people will just,
29:52at this exact moment, be going, what a pile of old twaddle.
29:55What I find fascinating is that you went to see the psychic in 2001.
30:01Instantly, from their mouth, that was said and the doubt set in.
30:06Yes. Did you mention to anybody?
30:08Did you mention it to David at all?
30:11Yes, I did to him and say...
30:13I said to him, and he said it was a load of...
30:18I said he didn't believe me. I don't want to upset you,
30:20but she also predicted something else would happen.
30:23What was it that she said?
30:25She predicted in 2002 that it was going to be a tragic accident.
30:29You lost your son in a house fire.
30:31Yeah, and said all the family would be there.
30:33It destroys you. Yes.
30:35Now, your dad doesn't believe any of it, he thinks it's nonsense.
30:40You, backed up by the tragedy that you went through,
30:43don't know what to believe.
30:45You don't know what to think, I suppose.
30:49You've been very close to him over the years.
30:51Has this caused arguments recently?
30:55My dad's my rock, he's my soul mate.
30:57Can I absolutely tell, talking to you, what this means to you
30:59and how much of an important moment it is for you?
31:01I think, obviously, I need to get the issue dealt with now,
31:05because I've just actually started bereavement counselling.
31:08Psychic was right on one, could be right on this.
31:11What does today mean, darling?
31:13I was in.
31:15Give me, like, peace of mind and looking.
31:17What if he's not?
31:20When you look at him, do you think he's your dad?
31:22I'll be gutted.
31:24I've got a temper like him. Have you?
31:26He's got a temper, he's a wee man, but he's got a temper.
31:28Nothing would change if he's not, but I'm so hoping he is.
31:31I need some luck, yeah? Shall we get him out?
31:33Yes. All right, darling.
31:34David's on the Jeremy Carr Show. Well done.
31:46David, welcome to the show.
31:47I know you said, take a seat, my friend.
31:49This is the last place on earth that you thought you'd be.
31:52You're 99% sure she's mine, but at the end of the day,
31:55there's always that little doubt.
31:57Do you think she's yours?
32:00What does she mean to you?
32:01A lot.
32:03Oh, you're so nervous.
32:04An awful lot. Aren't you?
32:10Let's do it. Give me those results, please.
32:12Are you OK?
32:15It's a difficult one because, you know, on the one hand,
32:17you want to go, as I said to you at the beginning,
32:19some people think it's all a pile of twaddle,
32:21others think it's very genuine.
32:25The DNA test does not show that David...
32:29..he's your dad!
32:38All right?
32:40All right?
32:47The difficulty for me, the difficulty for me is
32:50it's not right for me to say all psychics are right,
32:52it's certainly not right for me to say all psychics are wrong,
32:54but the truth of the matter is you've got the answer
32:56and you've spent, what, 15 years worrying about this,
32:58and God bless you, I hope.
33:00Thank you very much.
33:01Is that good?
33:03Happy? Oh, bless you.
33:04Give her a round of applause.
33:06Father and daughter, lovely.
33:08Well done.
33:11Good luck to them, Ryan.
33:12My next guest today, Maureen, says that just 18 months ago,
33:15she was introduced to a man named Chris
33:17who could potentially be her half-brother.
33:19She says that when she saw Chris for the first time,
33:21she was taken aback at just how much he looked like her late dad,
33:23and today she says she needs to know
33:25if their shared surname is just a coincidence
33:27or if, in fact, he is her brother.
33:29Big day for this lady.
33:30People come on this show and they go,
33:32is this a sibling, is this my mum, is this my dad?
33:34Massive, massive moment for this lady.
33:36At 53, is there a half-brother out there?
33:39Maureen is on The Kyle Show. That way.
33:50Are you? Glad you're here, though.
33:52Why are you nervous? Of them, they should be at work.
33:54Don't worry about them. Lazy, lazy.
33:56This is sort of an amazing story and a shocking story as well.
34:01Potential half-brother in Chris, 49, you're 53.
34:05You say that you met him 18 months ago.
34:08Before we talk about that, growing up, what...
34:10I mean, tell us, help me out.
34:15As far as I know, there was just five of us,
34:18my three brothers and my sister.
34:21My mum and dad parted when...
34:24My youngest brother was something like 18 months, so...
34:28Was he your dad growing up?
34:30No, no. I didn't get to know him until I was, like, 15.
34:34So, erm...
34:36Just got on with our lives.
34:39And then, erm, my youngest son was 26.
34:43About 18 months ago, he's gone on a boat with a girl,
34:48one of the estates.
34:50And, erm, she told my friend, my mum's friends,
34:54coming round later on, how they introduced her to him, so...
34:59This is when Christopher walks in, my potential half-brother.
35:02Listen to this.
35:04This guy walks in the kitchen, a friend of a friend,
35:06on an estate that she'd just popped in for a drink.
35:08He said it was like the ghost, she'd seen a ghost,
35:10it was like a spit of your dad.
35:12So, Christopher walks in to Luke's girlfriends
35:17and says, Hello.
35:18I said, I'm Luke.
35:19He said, Hello, I'm Christopher.
35:21I said, Oh, what's your last name, son?
35:23He went, Oh.
35:25I said, Oh.
35:26He said, Er, funny, this is supposed to call my real dad.
35:30I said, Er, what was his name?
35:32He said, Oh, Bernard, that's my granddad,
35:34call my granddad Bernard.
35:35So, I went, Oh, funny enough,
35:37this is supposed to call my real dad Bernard.
35:39So, Luke comes home and tells me the story.
35:41He said, Mum, have you got any brothers and sisters
35:44that you don't know about?
35:45And I burst out laughing.
35:46I said, Do you know what you're on about?
35:48He said, Er, are you sure you haven't got no brothers and sisters
35:50that you don't know about?
35:51I went, No.
35:53So, I said, I met this guy.
35:55I said, I'll call him Chris.
35:57He said, My granddad's his dad.
35:59I went, Nah.
36:00I said, Too coincidental.
36:02He said, Hmm.
36:03He said, Can I bring him round?
36:04I went, Bring him round if you want.
36:06When I said hello to him, he said,
36:08Oh, I've just moved down the same street as you.
36:10No way.
36:11He'd moved about ten doors away from me.
36:14Your dad died 15 years ago.
36:16You say people were aware that he had affairs behind your mum's back.
36:20You say it's such a shock because not only does he live close by,
36:23friends say we laugh and act the same like siblings would.
36:27It's bittersweet as well.
36:28I got this today.
36:29You said, I'll be upset if we're not related
36:31because we've grown close,
36:33but if I am, you know, we'll cherish every day,
36:36but I'll regret all the years that we missed.
36:39Do you think that you bonded with him too much,
36:41seeing as how you don't know the truth yet
36:43or have you left a line, really?
36:46We make each other laugh and, like, my potential half-sister, like,
36:51she's got a photograph of me, what she showed her friends.
36:54I said, Oh, when did you get that done?
36:55She said, Oh, it's not me, it's my half-sister.
36:57I said, What half-sister?
36:58Now I've got a photograph.
36:59He was a busy boy, wasn't he?
37:00Probably your dad.
37:01I'd been showing it to my friends.
37:02My friends went, Oh, when did you get that done?
37:04Do you want him to be your brother?
37:06Shall we get him out?
37:07Yeah, yeah.
37:08Oh, look at the grin.
37:09How are you going to be if he's not?
37:11He's got stage fright.
37:12He's had stage fright all day.
37:13I've had it all year.
37:14What are you going to do if he's not?
37:18Well, we'll just, I don't know, keep in touch and...
37:21Keep a balance to you.
37:22I don't know the answer, but keep a balance.
37:24Chris is on The Jeremy Carr Show that way.
37:35You like grinning, don't you, for God's sake?
37:37I'll sit there with Jeremy.
37:38All right, son?
37:39All right.
37:40This time it's a complete shot.
37:41This kind of thing doesn't happen.
37:42Maureen was introduced to my family.
37:44Photographs were dug out.
37:45We all look the same.
37:46We live in the same row, yet our paths never crossed.
37:49I'm 50 years old.
37:50I never thought there would be another side to my family.
37:53Differing now.
37:54All right.
37:55It's his turn now.
37:56She's a bit gobby, isn't she?
37:59Oh, yes or no?
38:01Well, I've got...
38:02Listen, I'm sat next to her, I can't say.
38:04Say what you want, mate.
38:05Can I ask you a question, Chris?
38:06I'm not being, you know, same surname, similar faces,
38:09same area, all that.
38:10I know that.
38:11You want to know about the blood.
38:12But you have bonded quite soon.
38:14Yeah, of course I have, yeah.
38:15What if she's not?
38:16What if you're not?
38:17Is that going to destroy you both?
38:19No, no, no.
38:20I mean, well, cos I'll lose my cleaner as well.
38:22She cleans back off.
38:23Tell me about it.
38:24I was trying this salt in the hotel.
38:26Sorry, hold on a minute.
38:27What did you just say?
38:28You just said, like, am I going to be a thingy?
38:30Well, clearly I will be bothered if she isn't,
38:32do you know what I mean?
38:33But I'll lose my cleaner.
38:34Do you clean for him?
38:35Yeah, I do his washing.
38:36Do you charge him?
38:39If she's your sister, she shouldn't charge you.
38:41Exactly, so...
38:43He charged me.
38:45She cost me a big buck, said.
38:47What's the matter?
38:48Brilliant, I love it.
38:49I only do it for six hours.
38:51I only do it for six hours.
38:53Six hours.
38:56I'm joking.
38:57Do you want her to be your sister?
38:59Yeah, of course, yeah.
39:00It's a closure for my twin and my own children.
39:04Good for you, mate.
39:05I've got grandkids as well, do you know what I mean?
39:07So it's a closure for them.
39:08Have a look at this photograph.
39:11That's your dad, right?
39:12So it's possible, yeah.
39:14I never met him, did I?
39:16You never met him?
39:17What was he like?
39:19He weren't a bad old stick, actually.
39:21Busy, wasn't he?
39:23Busy dad.
39:26He just made a lot of mistakes.
39:28Alison, if you took...
39:29Made a lot of mistakes.
39:31Sibling DNA, as you know, we can only test
39:35for being half-brother or sister,
39:37which would mean that you share one sibling in your case.
39:39One parent, which in your case would be your dad.
39:42So let me get this absolutely right.
39:43Your son, who's 26, went to a house party on the same estate.
39:46No-one sees girlfriend.
39:47Oh, you're just going to ruin me.
39:49Come on, then.
39:50Coming out of it again.
39:51But anyway, he came across him.
39:52We've said, I've got the same surname and I've got a grand...
39:54And that's how this started, 18 months ago.
39:56Yeah, yeah.
39:57So it all started, quite literally,
39:58when your son went to see his girlfriend and bumped into you.
40:01Sibling DNA, do you share the same father?
40:03The DNA test results show that Maureen and Chris...
40:08You are half-brother and sister!
40:12That's amazing!
40:13That's amazing!
40:15Look at that!
40:17That's good.
40:24Is that good?
40:25I know, she said, to be fair, she said bittersweet, right.
40:28She said...
40:29I knew as soon as he walked through me door, I knew.
40:32But you're not going to charge him now for cleaning and washing,
40:34are you?
40:36Reduce rates though, isn't it, Shirley?
40:38Listen, half-brother and sister, get out of here,
40:40give him a round of applause.
40:41Very nice to meet you.
40:47If she was pregnant three weeks in,
40:49there's a chance that it's somebody else's, right?
40:51Oh, God, his name's Harry.
40:53What does he mean to you?
40:55He means a lot to me.
40:58The DNA test results show that Ryan...
41:10It's the UK's most controversial talk show...
41:13We've been waiting a year and a half for this.
41:15I cannot wait!
41:17..and internet sensation.
41:28Thank you, Jeremy.
41:30Raw emotion.
41:31Is my daughter having an affair with my husband?
41:35I have never seen anything like that in my life.
41:38Explosive results.
41:40No, she's there, the other side of the door.
41:42Offset with his best friend, yeah?
41:45Tom, dick him, haven't you?
41:46Absolutely outrageous.
41:48Light-changing moments.
41:51I don't want you on this show, so why don't you do one, then?
41:55All at 9.25.
41:57What did you just call me? Stand up.
41:59Get off the stage!
42:00This lady found out James is now living as a woman.
42:04Why should I defend you?
42:12Unmissable TV.
42:16Are you having problems with your ex?
42:18Are they interfering with your relationship?
42:20If you're 16 or over and you want to be considered for the show,
42:23text the word TALK today, plus your name, to 63334.
42:26Text costs 25p, plus one standard rate message.
42:29You can call my team today.
42:31It's 09011, it's 123456.
42:34Calls cost 25p, plus your network access charge.
42:37Or email TALK at itv.com to get in touch with one of my team.
42:42Thank you very much, Katie. Welcome back.
42:44My next guest today, Ryan, is here for definitive DNA proof
42:47as to whether or not he is father to partner Katie's two-month-old
42:50baby son.
42:51Now, Ryan says that Katie fell pregnant three weeks into their
42:5411-month relationship and says she told him that she had had sex
42:57with another man two weeks before meeting him.
42:59He says he's supported her throughout the pregnancy,
43:01he's raised this kid as his own, but he says the rumours in the local
43:04media are that he's had an affair with another woman.
43:07He says he's supported her throughout the pregnancy,
43:09he's raised this kid as his own, but he says the rumours in the local
43:12area that he isn't the dad has given him doubts.
43:15And honestly, this is a lovely, lovely couple,
43:18and just everybody's fingers are crossed.
43:20She's been very honest, it was before.
43:22Fingers crossed for them. Ryan's on The Kyle Show that way.
43:24Give him a round of applause.
43:32I have to tell you that I've done this a long time,
43:35but one of the words on this show says that you've been an absolute
43:37diamond, you've been polite, you've been brilliant.
43:40What does today mean for you and Katie?
43:42Today means a lot. I mean, it means the world.
43:45It really does mean the world.
43:46I need to find out, because these doubts,
43:49they call it the back of your head.
43:52They do...
43:55Been together a year, engage.
43:58Tell us about Tyler.
43:59You were told almost immediately that you got with her
44:02that she was pregnant.
44:04Did you at any point know that there was a huge chance that you weren't?
44:08Yeah, and it calls it, yeah,
44:11and the doubt that it could not be yours does break your heart.
44:16I mean, I've been there for her constantly.
44:19I've brought her things, I've brought Tyler things,
44:22I've done unimaginable things,
44:25but I've been at the scan for her, each scan I went for.
44:28I think I only missed one by accident,
44:30and that was because I needed to go to work.
44:32I went up, got to work, I cycled to work.
44:34I'm always there on time.
44:35I've got to make sure that I'm doing it, if you know what I mean.
44:38I need to be the man.
44:40Yeah, I'm doing the man.
44:42I was...
44:44I was there at the birth.
44:46I see Tyler come out.
44:48I've got his... I've got his name tattooed.
44:51What does he mean to you?
44:53It means the world to me.
44:56Could you get over the fact that if he wasn't,
44:58do you think you and she could survive this or no?
45:01I'll try my hardest. I will do it.
45:03This guy works at a fast-food chain that's quite well-known.
45:07He works long, long hours.
45:09He spent this morning saying to my team,
45:11should I pay for the hotel, should I...?
45:13He's been... Honestly, I've never had it in 12 years.
45:16Never. Never.
45:21I can't... The difficulty for me is I can only read out what's on that card,
45:25and there is a chance, is there not, if she was...
45:28If she was pregnant three weeks in,
45:30there's a chance that it's somebody else's, right?
45:33There's the little man.
45:34Shall we get out the love of your life?
45:36Kate is on the Jeremy Carr Show. Give her a...
45:46He's a bonnie lad.
45:54How are you, sweetheart? I'm all right, thank you.
45:56How scary is today? Quite scary.
45:59Gut feeling for me that he's not...?
46:02I'll be devastated. Really, really heartbroken.
46:07Could you survive?
46:09It will be hard, but I think we'll work for it, obviously.
46:14How would you describe him as a potential father?
46:18He's absolutely amazing. He's one in a million.
46:21I wouldn't have dreamed of having anyone else to be Tyler's dad.
46:24He cries with happiness when he's with Tyler. Their bond is unbreakable.
46:27It is, yeah. It is beautiful.
46:30I couldn't tell her at first about the doubt cos I didn't want to upset her.
46:34I didn't want to... I couldn't do it at first.
46:37I mean, the first time we did tell her about the doubt
46:40was literally the day before coming here.
46:43It was in the hotel, so I didn't know how she would react.
46:46Cos I love her that much. I don't want to lose her.
46:49I don't want to lose Tyler. I love him.
46:53Oh, God.
46:56I actually don't like my job right now.
46:59Are you all right with this? Yeah.
47:03I hope so, but I please... I want you to know that if he's not,
47:07then there is a chance, OK?
47:09A real, real chance that you can make this work.
47:12The DNA test results show that Ryan...
47:17..is yours!
47:23Where's your son?
47:25Where's your son?
47:30Ryan! Ryan!
47:38Happy? Thank you.
47:40I tell you what, I meant what I said.
47:42I rarely have heard... I've rarely heard a young man make such an impression.
47:46All the women fancied him, by the way.
47:48But you were just so decent. I am absolutely delighted.
47:51You got a diamond there. Thank you.
47:53God bless you, cos she was honest as well, and you're a family.
47:56She was honest all the way.
47:58I see so many families that can't make this work, and you two can.
48:01I will make it work. God bless you.
48:03Give him a round of applause. Thank you for coming out.
48:09I'm out of time. If you want to be on the show, you need my help.
48:12Visit my website. The details are on screen.
48:14To the guests, to the audience and to you at home, thanks for watching.
48:17See you soon. Bye!