אוקסנדרולון לבניית השרירים האם זה באמת עובד, אוקסנדרולון התמכרות, בריאות והשלכות ארוכות טווח

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אוקסנדרולון לבניית השרירים האם זה באמת עובד, אוקסנדרולון לבניית השרירים האם זה באמת עובד, אוקסנדרולון התמכרות, בריאות והשלכות ארוכות טווח. #אוקסנדרולון
00:00Oxandrolone is a drug from the family of anabolic steroids
00:03that is known under the nicknames of, for example, Oxanadrine, Anabar, and more.
00:08Hi, this is Kobi Ezra, your health and fitness expert.
00:11So today, to talk about Oxandrolone and its effects in sports,
00:15or why sports actually use it,
00:18Oxandrolone is actually a drug that was developed already in the 60s of the 20th century.
00:23The main goal of the drug was to improve recovery processes
00:27and to improve anabolic conditions, such as building processes,
00:31what bodybuilders want.
00:32The goal was different here.
00:34The medical goal was to help the body's medical conditions
00:37to recover from severe diseases,
00:40such as paralysis, or trauma,
00:42constipation, muscle spasms,
00:44symptoms of significant loss of body weight,
00:47especially in muscle mass, and more.
00:49In fact, it is a synthetic component of testosterone,
00:52or more precisely, dihydrotestosterone, or in short, DHT,
00:56Oxandrolone is one of the most popular steroids in bodybuilders and athletes.
01:02And if you ask me why,
01:04it is because it is a substance that has undergone a chemical change in its structure,
01:09which makes it less androgenic and more anabolic.
01:13This means that it has a greater effect on building muscles,
01:17for most of the muscles,
01:18and less on the memory system.
01:20Because of this, it is considered one of the most popular anabolic steroids,
01:25along with a lower leviathan effect profile,
01:28compared to other steroids.
01:30Especially androgenic effects,
01:32such as hair loss, acne development,
01:35and menopausal and menstrual disorders, of course.
01:39And thanks to its strong anabolic effects,
01:42along with its leviathan effects,
01:44it is considered one of the lightest steroids in the market, of course,
01:48yes, but one of the lightest,
01:50which makes it the most popular choice for many athletes in general,
01:54who want to improve their body shape and their athletic performance.
01:58And for its high anabolic properties and low androgenic properties,
02:03oxandrolone is considered a relatively light steroid,
02:06in terms of leviathan effects,
02:07which makes it the most popular for men and women alike,
02:12and especially among women, of course.
02:14Among bodybuilders, oxandrolone is especially effective for body swelling purposes.
02:18It helps to improve physical strength and muscle mass,
02:22in order to reduce body fat percentage,
02:25and to have a more defined body shape,
02:26and not to cause excessive muscle pain,
02:29which is called a water reaction.
02:30Its anabolic effects are due to its ability to improve the synthesis of fat,
02:35that is, the formation and production of fat in the muscles,
02:38and to break down the muscle tension in the muscles.
02:40That is, the more the muscle tension is positive,
02:44the more anabolic we are,
02:46that is, we build muscles, for many muscles.
02:50As a result, we create a more comfortable environment for the growth of muscles,
02:53and a positive immune system, as I mentioned,
02:56based on the process of replenishing and building muscles from intensive exercises.
03:00Oxandrolone has the ability to burn fat,
03:02because it can promote the response of lipolysis,
03:05fat separation.
03:06It helps the body to use the fat in its cells for energy,
03:10while maintaining this muscle mass.
03:13That is, it is also anti-catabolic, anabolic for the muscle,
03:15and also catabolic for the accumulation of fat,
03:17that is, it disperses fats for energy, in fact.
03:20That is, Oxandrolone helps with fat separation,
03:22and also in the fat cells,
03:24especially in the most acute points,
03:26and at the same time, it protects the muscle mass from catabolism,
03:29also during the diet of calories.
03:31Therefore, athletes who go on a diet
03:34with the aim of losing weight,
03:36or to strengthen the body, to win competitions,
03:39are helped by it to reduce the process of liposuction during the diet.
03:43And we can sum up the advantages of Oxandrolone in athletes,
03:47as it increases muscle mass and strength,
03:49it improves athletic performance,
03:51and the explosive power,
03:53it improves muscle visibility,
03:56and reduces the percentage of fat in the body.
03:58In addition,
03:59because it is considered one of the individual steroids
04:01that can be used in women,
04:03in low doses, of course.
04:05And many athletes expect, at the beginning of their workouts,
04:08in terms of improving muscle mass,
04:11within a week to two weeks at most.
04:13And the medical uses for which Oxandrolone is developed,
04:16are increasing weight,
04:19in patients suffering from severe injuries,
04:21or surgeries, or chronic injuries,
04:23general pain that is related to osteoporosis,
04:26treatment of Turner syndrome in girls for increased height,
04:30unhealthy use, as I mentioned,
04:33sometimes it is used in a bad way,
04:34with athletes and bodybuilders,
04:36in order to increase muscle mass,
04:38and improve athletic performance.
04:40And of course, this kind of excessive use,
04:42with sports authorities, in professional sports.
04:45And a few words about the side effects of Oxandrolone,
04:48Oxandrolone is the drug, in fact,
04:50that is relatively reduced,
04:51compared to the rest of the anabolic steroids,
04:54in side effects.
04:55Although it is considered one of the most safe groups of steroids,
04:59and is reduced more in side effects,
05:01but it is still an oral medication,
05:05that is, through the mouth.
05:06And as I said, it is a drug from the Alpha-17 Alkylated family,
05:09which is more effective on weight activity.
05:12A few words about Alpha-17 Alkylated,
05:15in a number of 17 molecules,
05:17they added these molecules,
05:18in order that our weight would not separate it,
05:20and then it would be the biological invitation to go down.
05:22Our weight, after all,
05:24and the specific treatment for hair loss,
05:25rheumatism, and infections.
05:27And side effects are relatively reduced, of course,
05:29as I mentioned, compared to other steroids.
05:31Oxandrolone has fewer side effects,
05:32related to testosterone-astrogen levels,
05:35such as gynecomastia.
05:37Relatively fewer side effects on weight,
05:39even though it is oral,
05:40even though it is in the Alpha-17 Alkylated family.
05:43Although it can still create,
05:45in high doses, side effects on weight,
05:46and in continuous use, of course, mainly.
05:48As well as a relatively moderate reduction,
05:50of the testosterone-astrogen hormone,
05:52which can lead to symptoms,
05:55such as fatigue, changes in mood,
05:57low blood pressure, and more.
06:00But it can be said that Oxandrolone,
06:01is known for its relatively low side effects,
06:04compared to other anabolic steroids,
06:06which makes it a preferable choice,
06:08in athletes and bodybuilders.
06:10The ridiculous statements,
06:12in athletes, who use Oxandrolone,
06:15are usually between 50-100 mg per day.
06:18These are the ridiculous statements,
06:19in athletes and bodybuilders.
06:21But for beginners, I recommend,
06:22of course, lower dosages,
06:23of 20-30 mg per day, of course.
06:27In women, half of the dosage is anal.
06:29And a few words,
06:29about Oxandrolone's pharmacokinetics.
06:31So, its biological immunity,
06:33in terms of orality, is high,
06:34in the Alpha-17 Alkylated family,
06:37which I told you about.
06:38Lifespan is between 9-10 hours.
06:41Its operating duration is between 8-12 hours.
06:44Oxandrolone's biochemical properties,
06:46so its operating mechanism,
06:47is linked to androgenic proteins,
06:49in the various cells.
06:49It promotes the synthesis of fat,
06:51and maintains a protein balance.
06:52This way, it actually stimulates,
06:54the production of fat,
06:55the production of bone fat.
06:56It increases the amount of minerals in the bone.
06:59This way, it also prevents osteoporosis,
07:00and improves the density of the bone.
07:03It, of course, improves the growth of the ribs,
07:05and the strength.
07:05As well as the words,
07:06about Oxandrolone's anabolic-androgenic ratio.
07:09So, as I mentioned, Oxandrolone,
07:10has a higher anabolic side effect,
07:12compared to a lower androgenic side effect,
07:15And the anabolic-androgenic ratio,
07:16is about 3 to 1,
07:18up to 13 to 1,
07:19depending on which test,
07:20which lab test you did,
07:22or which bibliography you checked.
07:25And a few words,
07:25about Oxandrolone's astrogenic activity.
07:27After all, it's a type of hormone.
07:29So, the astrogenic activity,
07:31is lower,
07:32because the drug is not called an astrogen.
07:35And, of course, if you have any questions,
07:36or comments,
07:38ask me here in the comments below,
07:39and I'll be happy to answer you.
07:40And, of course,
07:41I don't recommend taking drugs,
07:42just like that,
07:43without checking with your family doctor,
07:46who knows your history,
07:47and so on.
