FTS 16:30 04-09: Mexico's Lower Chamber approves judicial reform in general

  • last week
FTS 16.30
*Venezuelan Defense Minister assures a coup is underway.
*Israel escalates its military actions in occupied West Bank.

These and many more stories now!
00:00In Mexico, the Chamber of Deputies approved in general the reform of the judicial branch
00:17by 359 votes in favour and 135 against.
00:24In Venezuela, Defence Minister Bladimir Padrino Lopez denounced that a coup d'etat is still
00:29underway by far-right agents after the July 28th presidential election.
00:36And the Israeli army continues its siege on the occupied West Bank for the eighth consecutive
00:47Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia from Telesur Studios in Havana,
00:52We begin with the news.
00:53The Mexican Chamber of Deputies approved in general on Wednesday the reform of the judicial
00:57branch by 359 votes in favour and 135 against, after a session that lasted 11 hours.
01:05The session took place in an alternate headquarters due to protests that tried to prevent the
01:11The reform aims at democratising the judicial system in the country by, among other things,
01:16establishing the election of ministers, judges and magistrates and other public positions
01:21through popular vote as well as the reduction of the term in office.
01:25Furthermore, under the principles of republican austerity, it intends to put a stop to the
01:29excessive and onerous expenses of the judiciary.
01:41During his speech this Wednesday morning, the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López
01:46Obrador, celebrated the approval of the reform that will go to the Senate.
01:51Ah, well.
01:58It is very good news.
02:00Very good news.
02:02It passes already to the Senate, 357 against 130.
02:08How much was needed?
02:10Three hundred and thirty-four.
02:11Yes, very good.
02:16During her intervention in the President's morning programme, Elisabeth GarcĂ­a Vilquis
02:20affirmed that they have repeatedly denied scandals against the reform in the past.
02:26They created a scandal in social networks and WhatsApp groups to try to deceive people,
02:31and so it goes.
02:35This is the fifth time that in this section we deny this fake news.
02:41They don't get tired of their deceiving attempts.
02:44In this context, GarcĂ­a Vilquis went on to further deny the scandals and false news published
02:49against the reform in the media and social networks since September 3rd.
02:56Last Tuesday morning, September 3rd, a sort of synchronized swim in lies happened against
03:01the reform to the Constitution of Mexico City regarding private, public and social property,
03:10as it was repeated everywhere that with the entry into force of this reform, private property
03:16would disappear in Mexico City, and that the owners of houses, apartments or land would
03:22be obliged to hand them over to the government, or else the administration could expropriate
03:28But all of this is false.
03:30The President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, denounced new attempts to destabilize the
03:34peace and institutionality of the Central American country.
03:37The head of state repudiated any type of meeting between drug traffickers and politicians who
03:42only seek to generate chaos in the national territory.
03:45She also rejected the plan of these destabilizing agents to overthrow her government and destroy
03:51the next electoral process in the nation.
03:53Likewise, the President stressed that the same coup forces of 2009 are re-articulating
03:59with the national and international media to plot a new coup d'etat while urging the
04:04population to repel such actions against Honduran institutions.
04:08She also stated that her government will not allow the extradition treaty with the United
04:12States to be used in a selective manner.
04:19Honduran people, in relation to the video of 2013 published today in networks, I condemn
04:37all types of negotiations between drug traffickers and politicians.
04:43As I expressed in previous days, after the threats of the Ambassador of the United States
04:50accusing the Joint Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces and the former Minister of Defense
04:57of drug traffickers, I ratify that peace and internal security of the Republic are at risk.
05:08The plan to destroy my socialist, democratic government and the next electoral process
05:18In Venezuela, the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino LĂłpez, assured that a coup d'etat
05:22against the country is still underway after the July 28th presidential election.
05:27Padrino LĂłpez stated on a lecture at the Military Academy of Caracas that the July
05:3129th and 30th criminal incidents right after the presidential elections were not the end,
05:37but are part of a coup plot that will continue seeking to undermine the Venezuelan institutionality.
05:43In addition, Padrino LĂłpez denounced the supportive actions of foreign governments
05:46favoring these attacks that attempt against the country's sovereignty and peace by targeting
05:51its services and institutions.
06:00Just a couple of days ago, on Friday, we received an attack, one of those of the fourth
06:05generation and the fifth generation of warfare, an attack on the power grid, which is not
06:09the power grid per se, but it is the water, the communications, everything that implies
06:14stopping a country and taking away its electricity.
06:17We have just seen it and therefore, he draws as conclusions this is a coup d'etat which
06:21has not ended as it is still underway.
06:24And we see Mr. Doctor, the extraterritoriality and international scope of the coup d'etat,
06:29a coup d'etat that was well planned, well done, which disturbs then, intends to disturb
06:34the conscience of the Venezuelan human being.
06:37Likewise, the Minister of Defense of Venezuela granted that the armed forces are a blatant
06:43target of U.S. imperialism to break down the institutionality of the Bolivarian Republic.
06:52We must realize we are actually facing permanent aggressions, PhD Professor Moncada drew as
06:57conclusions that since 2002, since that decade we were already facing the attempts of the
07:02U.S. imperialism to disrupt the Venezuelan institutionality, to destroy it, precisely
07:07the U.S. is willing to take over the country, we must be aware of it, and from now on, we
07:12must develop all forms, first of all, we must be aware of what the Venezuelan people is
07:17going through, of what Venezuela as a nation and the armed forces as an institution are
07:22going through, because we are a permanent target of U.S. imperialism that is breaking
07:26down the Venezuelan state and breaking down, breaking down the national spirit of the people,
07:31its institutions, its democracy.
07:35Venezuelan Minister of Transportation Ramon Velasquez-Araguayan denounced on Tuesday a
07:39new sabotage against the electric system of the railroad at Libertador Simon BolĂ­var's
07:45station in La Rinconada, Caracas.
07:47The minister affirms this attack took place in the early hours of the night, where a fire
07:52was detected in the electric plant.
07:54Moreover, Velasquez emphasizes that thanks to the works of the fire department, the operation
07:59of the railroad has been re-established with total normality.
08:03He condemns these criminal acts and has requested an investigation in this case to find those
08:08responsible for these actions intended to disturb the peace of the Venezuelan people.
08:25From the Ministry of Transportation, we condemn these events.
08:37It is not the way to do politics.
08:39These are actions that disturb the peace of a people that is determined and clear about
08:45the direction we must take.
08:47As our president, Nicolás Maduro, the leader of victory, calm and sanity, has indicated
08:53to us.
08:58We will continue moving forward to prevent the extreme right from affecting the tranquility
09:04of the Venezuelan people.
09:06We are already requesting and organizing the necessary investigation to consolidate this
09:13accusation that we are making publicly today and to find those responsible for this act
09:20who seek to affect the tranquility of the Venezuelan people.
09:24But they have not succeeded and will not succeed.
09:29Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok and tell us in English
09:33where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and more.
09:36We'll be right back, stay with us.
09:47Welcome back.
09:48In Brazil, a fire of big proportions consumed 9,500 out of 48,000 hectares in Brasilia National
09:54Park, with the largest natural reserve in the capital.
09:58Local authorities reported that the fire spread through the vegetation affecting several regions
10:03of the federal district, including water springs that are key for supplying the population.
10:08In this context, authorities suspect the fire was intentionally originated, as some people
10:13were seen in the place, as several outbreaks happened at the same time.
10:17Meanwhile, agents of the fire department continue working to extinguish the flames and prevent
10:22them from spreading further.
10:27In France, in the southern city of Avignon, a 71-year-old man is on trial charged with
10:32enlisting dozens of strangers to abuse his drugged wife.
10:37This way, allegations against Dominique Pellicott were exposed in 2020 when he was caught filming
10:42up women's skirts in a supermarket.
10:45During searches, investigators came across thousands of photos and videos showing his
10:49wife, Giselle, being sexually abused by strangers recruited via online.
10:56The trial, due to conclude in December, holds rape charges against Pellicott and 51 other
11:02men who were effectively tracked down, while the number of actual suspects rises to 72.
11:08The victim, who was unaware of the abuse that went on for a decade, has asked for the trial
11:13to be open to the public as she wants the shame around these cases to change sides.
11:24She also believes that, even though there will be some extremely difficult moments,
11:29she doesn't have to hide or be ashamed of what she's been through, as many victims of
11:33sexual assault, rape and other serious crimes sometimes feel.
11:38And it's also a way for her to say that we can overcome this ordeal, even if it's just
11:42the beginning today, and that it's important for this to be known and for shame to change sides.
11:49On Saturday, UNICEF launched an emergency tender for mpox vaccines to aid nations most
11:54affected by this virus.
11:55However, the shortage of vaccines is still a reality in the Democratic Republic of the
12:00Congo, one of the countries hardest hit by the disease.
12:03Through a joint communiqué, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the Gavi Vaccine Alliance
12:08and the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, stressed the need to
12:13both secure immediate access to available mpox vaccines and surge production.
12:18While the organizations are trying to negotiate profitable deals and reaching conditional
12:23supply agreements, the DRC reported over 18,000 mpox cases so far this year, with a death
12:29toll of 629.
12:32In this context, doctors are concerned about the vaccine shortage.
12:39At the moment, in any case, it would be nice if we could have the vaccines, because I see
12:46patients asking for the vaccines themselves.
12:49So you find that right now it's a worry, and it would be desirable for it to be given urgently.
12:55We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
12:59channel at Elessir English, there you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
13:03special broadcastings and more, hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell
13:08to stay up to date on the world's most recent events.
13:10Fine, our short break, don't go away.
13:39Welcome back to From the South.
13:41In Palestine, the Israeli occupation forces continue their siege on the Gaza Strip for
13:46the 334th day since the onset of its genocide against the Palestinian people.
13:51In this context, civil defense teams recovered one dead body and six wounded after the Zionist
13:57regime shelled a residential apartment in the Al-Tufa neighborhood east of Gaza City.
14:02In addition, an Israeli attack on a barracks housing a family in al-Shahshaba wounded four
14:07other civilians.
14:08As health authorities reported, more people were injured in other parts of the devastated
14:13enclave following drone strikes and artillery bombardments launched by occupation forces.
14:19The death toll of the ongoing genocide in Gaza has increased to 40,819 since October 7.
14:29Meanwhile, the Israeli army continues its siege of the occupied West Bank for the eighth
14:33consecutive day.
14:35At least 33 Palestinians have been killed and 130 wounded since last Wednesday, most
14:41of them in Jenin.
14:42Israeli military vehicles destroyed the streets of Jenin as part of the campaign of harassment
14:47and collective punishment against the Palestinian people.
14:50Municipal authorities reported that 80% of the city's infrastructure has been severely
14:56Authorities added that at least 30 Palestinians have been arrested since Tuesday night.
15:04In this context, mourners gathered for the funeral of 16-year-old Palestinian teenager
15:09Lujain Osama Mosley, who was shot dead by the Israeli army during a military operation
15:14in the Jenin governorate in Kafr Dan in the occupied West Bank.
15:23When she opened the curtains, the sniper was in front of her, but she didn't see him.
15:28The sniper saw her.
15:29A little girl, unarmed, she didn't represent any danger, a bullet to her forehead.
15:35She was martyred on the spot.
15:37She was 16 and a school student.
15:40She had wanted martyrdom since she was 10, and she got it.
15:44In the United States, pro-Palestinian demonstrations were resumed at Columbia University in New
15:50Prior to the beginning of the new academy year, dozens of students protested against
15:55the aggression perpetrated by the Zionist Israeli army in Gaza, that is supported by
15:59the United States government through economic and military assistance.
16:02Among the expressions of protest that several students resorted to, the Alma Mater statue
16:07of the campus was stained with red paint, in reference to the blood shed by thousands
16:12of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
16:18In Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan received his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah
16:23el-Sisi on his official visit to the Turkish capital.
16:26The Turkish head of state greeted el-Sisi at the city's airport in what would be the
16:31first visit of an Egyptian head of state to Ankara in 12 years, and comes amid a process
16:36of re-approachment between the two countries after a decade marked by tensions on both
16:42In this regard, the leaders agreed to expand bilateral relations and signed 17 agreements
16:47to enhance cooperation, as President Erdogan affirmed that relations with Cairo are at
16:53a high level.
16:58The government of Turkey applied for full membership in the BRICS group, ahead of the
17:02bloc's summit to be held in Russia in October.
17:05Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his interest in expanding his global influence
17:11and forging new ties beyond his traditional Western allies.
17:15According to the Turkish administration, the geopolitical center has shifted away from
17:20developed countries, which is why the nation is now seeking to broaden its horizons.
17:25On the other hand, Russian advisers assured that the request of the Turkish government
17:30is under evaluation, as are those of Venezuela, Malaysia, Thailand and Azerbaijan.
17:39The Russian government denounced the involvement of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
17:44NATO countries in the conflict with Ukraine.
17:47The spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Minister Maria Sakharova assured that the West is promoting
17:52the military aggression of the Caif regime against the Russian territory.
17:56According to Sakharova, the Western nations that claimed that their interest was to support
18:01Ukraine's path to democracy now prize and support the attack against the citizens in
18:06the Russian Kursk region.
18:08Furthermore, the diplomat assured that within the framework of these hostilities, Moscow
18:13is ready to give an immediate response to NATO in case of new terrorist attacks against its territory.
18:26In this context, the Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov warned that
18:30the United States maintains a destructive role for the security of the European continent.
18:35According to the Kremlin's spokesman, Washington receives economic benefits from its strategies
18:41to undermine security in Europe.
18:43In this regard, he denounced that the United States is getting more involved in the conflict
18:47with Ukraine and constantly rising aggressions, which raises suspicions about its limitless
18:53pretensions in the region.
18:59We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
19:03on our website at telesuryenglish.net and join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram,
19:08Telegram and TikTok as well.
19:10For Telesur English, I'm Alejandra Garcia.
