FTS 20:30 03-09: Venezuelan U.N. Rep. exposes U.S. destabilizing actions

  • 2 weeks ago
*Russian army foilded attempted attacks of Ukranian regime in Kursk region.
*Israeli attack on school in Gaza leaves 2 dead and 30 injured.

These and more stories now!
00:00Venezuela's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Samuel Moncada, denounced
00:13in Caracas on Tuesday the United States' actions to destabilize the South American
00:18nation during and after the July 28th presidential elections.
00:27The Russian army followed several attempts at attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces in
00:31the Kursk region.
00:37And the Israeli occupation forces carried out an airstrike against the Old Man School
00:42in the city of Gaza.
00:44Hello, welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Marrero from the TeleSUR headquarters in Caracas,
00:54I'm Ana Marrero from the TeleSUR headquarters in Caracas, Venezuela.
01:09Venezuela's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Samuel Moncada, denounced
01:12in Caracas on Tuesday the United States' actions to destabilize the South American
01:16nation during and after the July 28th presidential elections.
01:22The presentation was held at the Theater of the Military Academy in Caracas during
01:26a lecture on unconventional welfare.
01:29Moncada points out that elections constitute a moment of vulnerability in the political
01:34systems and that Washington took advantage of that situation to manipulate public opinion
01:39to obtain its own benefits.
01:41The Venezuelan official also denounced that Venezuela is being the focus of attacks from
01:46all angles aimed at criminalizing President Nicolás Maduro and to try to isolate the
01:51country and provoke social commotion.
02:01During the lecture on unconventional welfare, Moncada explained the structure of the attack
02:07strategy led by the United States and compared it on an octopus.
02:12And that's why the image I use is that of an octopus.
02:16That octopus on the right is like an octopus in which each tentacle is an attack line of
02:20different kind, diplomatic, economic, and communicational.
02:24The communicational battlefield is a battlefield, as it is the economic, the political, the
02:30diplomatic, and the military, and the interesting thing is that the octopus has a head.
02:35The tentacles are not loose on their own.
02:37There is a master coordinator, there is a central command.
02:41Here the idea of the central command is very well understood.
02:45And another image to try to be pedagogical is the orchestra.
02:51The Venezuelan prosecutor's office is currently investigating likely electoral crimes.
02:55As part of the case, three Samoans have been issued to form a presidential candidate off
02:59the far right, Edmundo González, who has failed to appear before the authority.
03:05Our correspondent Leonel Retamar brings us more information on the details behind González's
03:12The Venezuelan prosecutor's office issued an arrest warrant against the former presidential
03:17candidate of the far right, as González has not appeared, on the three subpoenas issued
03:22by the Attorney General for questioning him.
03:26For the alleged commission of the crimes of usurpation of official functions, counterfeiting
03:30an official document, public incitement to disobedience of the law, cybercrimes, criminal
03:35association and conspiracy, by virtue of the allegedly false or forged documents uploaded
03:41on the www.resultadospresidentialsvenezuela2024.com website as well as the already denounced massive
03:48cyberattack on the Venezuelan electoral system.
03:51González disregards he is being investigated for electoral crimes and alleges political
03:59And coward Mr. Edmundo González does not appear anywhere.
04:03He does not show his face to his own people.
04:05He and the far right wing summoned a number of youngsters to death.
04:08They summoned them on July 29.
04:12He did not serve the subpoena of the Supreme Court of Justice, either he didn't appear
04:16at the investigation hearings on the electoral process, as neither he, nor the political
04:21parties that supported his candidacy presented evidence to prove his claim of fraud.
04:28It could lead to a deeper political clash that accentuates the Venezuelan political
04:32conflict without taking into account neither the institutions of the state, nor the mechanisms
04:37of dialogue and negotiation that settle any existing dispute in the country.
04:42The underlying danger of this institutional contempt triggers violence, as it occurred
04:47after the electoral process.
04:53The route of violence, a more insurrectional route, is a route that may be seeking some
04:57kind of commotion, disregarding institutions to generate some kind of chaos and even adventures
05:01as those we have been witnessing in the past, assassination attempts, foreign intervention
05:06Along with the former presidential candidate, other far right leaders are also under investigation
05:12by the Venezuelan justice system.
05:15Let's take a short break, but remember you can now join us on our Tik Tok account at
05:22TELESUR ENGLISH where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates and
05:27Stay tuned for more news.
05:36Welcome back to From the South.
05:40In Argentina, social discontent grows after President Javier Millet vetoed a reform that
05:45was meant to increase pensions in a context of severe economic crisis.
05:49In response to the veto, the Argentine justice system received the first legal actions for
05:54the elite branch of the duties of the public official against President Millet.
06:00The Compliante states that presidential measures should be investigated as part of a policy
06:04of mistreatment of the elderly, which leads to noncompliance with the guarantee of human
06:10rights and should also be considered as an attack from the state of the most vulnerable.
06:28The Russian army foiled several attempts attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces in the Kursk
06:34According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the units of the Northern Group of Troops
06:37also attacked the personnel and military equipment of the Mechanized Brigades, as well as the
06:42National Guards and Security Brigades of Kyiv.
06:45In total, the Ukrainian regime lost at least 400 soldiers, 12 armorial flying vehicles
06:50or two European pieces, 12 cars and two units of Indian equipment.
07:03The director of the state corporation Rosatom reported that the Kursk nuclear power plant
07:09remains in operation despite constant attacks on the territory by the Ukrainian regime.
07:14He also warned that a large number of missiles are shot down by the Ukrainian army near the
07:20facilities of the nuclear power plant.
07:32Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Mongolian counterpart, Ugyen Kurelsokh,
07:37in Alambatra on Tuesday.
07:39During the meeting, Putin thanked Kurelsokh for the invitation, noting that relations
07:45between the two countries are already developing on a new basis, and despite the difficulties,
07:50the growth trajectory of trade relations is being maintained.
08:01Russia is one of Mongolia's main foreign economic partners, and in the first seven
08:07months of this year, trade turnover has increased by over 21 percent.
08:12Moreover, commercial settlements between our two countries are carried out almost entirely
08:17in currencies alternative to the dollar.
08:22For his part, a Mongolian president expressed his confidence in Russia's leadership in matters
08:26of international cooperation.
08:30Let us express our confidence that our eternal neighbor, Russia, will show leadership in
08:35actions for world peace, security, sustainable development, and the welfare of mankind, and
08:41will make a valuable contribution to strengthening the trust, mutual respect, and cooperation
08:46of the countries of the world.
08:51As part of his tour of Asia and the Pacific, both France is a lead on Tuesday morning in
08:56Jakarta, a capital of Indonesia, home to the largest number of Muslims in the world.
09:01On his arrival at the city, he announced to the public a group of refugees hosted by the
09:08Jesuit Refugee Service, orphaned children raised by nuns and homeless people.
09:13On Wednesday, the Supreme Pontiff will hold a meeting with outgoing President Joko Widodo,
09:20and deliver his first speech at the presidential palace to more than 300 people.
09:51Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel at
10:07TELUSURI ENGLISH, where you'll be able to watch our interviews, top stories, special
10:10broadcasts, and more.
10:11Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
10:15world's most recent events.
10:16We will follow you shortly.
10:17Don't go away.
10:18Welcome back.
10:19This is Rally Occupation.
10:20The Israeli Occupation forces carried out an airstrike against the Old Lodnomak School
10:49in the city of Gaza.
10:50According to local media, the attack took the lives of at least two Palestinians, while
10:57around 30 were injured, several of them seriously.
11:02Israel justified the attack by claiming that the institution was being used as a command
11:07and control center by the Hamas resistance movement to apparently direct and carry out
11:11attacks against Israeli targets.
11:13These attacks followed another one perpetrated by Tel Aviv troops on Monday, September 2nd
11:19against the Safa School, which serves as a shelter for displaced Palestinians, and in
11:23which at least 11 people were killed.
11:33In the United States, pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched in the streets of New York City in
11:38solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
11:40Let's listen.
11:41So we demand arms embargo and demand the cease permanent ceasefire and demand people in Gaza
11:48should go back to their homes, should be free of Israeli occupation, and just release
11:54all hostages.
11:56This is the only way that leads to that.
11:58We are here in Union Square today because there is no words to describe the unbelievable
12:03genocide which is taking place in front of the whole world and the whole world asylum.
12:09We are here as Jewish people to say that we are embarrassed with what the Zionist state
12:13of Israel is doing.
12:20Hundreds of people took to the streets of Turkey in an anti-U.S. demonstration rejecting
12:24the United States interference in the countries and the world.
12:27During the protest, citizens demand that the United States withdraw its military troops
12:31from the country, including the unsecured base, the largest and most strategically important
12:37base housed in U.S. nuclear weapons.
12:40Hours before the demonstration, about 15 activists of the Turkish Youth Association attacked
12:46two crew members of the U.S. ambitious assault ship in the city of Sindra.
12:51The movement points out that the U.S. soldiers carried the blood of Turkish soldiers and
12:55the blood of thousands of Palestinians on their hands.
13:03In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 129 people lost their lives in an escapist attempt
13:10from the Makala prison located in the city of Kinshasa.
13:13Deputy Prime Minister and Head of Interior and Security Jekmene Shabani reported that
13:19of the victims, 24 were killed after being summoned while the rest died due to pushing
13:25or suffocation.
13:33The provisional death toll stands at 129, 24 of whom were shot after warnings.
13:40The others were jostled, suffocated and some women raped.
13:44The commission also identified 59 injured, who are currently being treated by the government
13:49for appropriate care.
13:53The government is delighted that calm has been restored, deplores these unfortunate
13:57incidents and offers its deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims.
14:02Investigations are continuing and the public will be informed of the outcome.
14:06In China, Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a ministerial conference ahead of the Forum
14:11of China-Africa Cooperation in Beijing.
14:13The FOCAC 2024 summit will run from September 4 to 6.
14:18This year's summit will have four high-level meetings on the topics of state governance,
14:23industrialization and agricultural modernization, peace and security and high-quality bail-and-roll
14:29The summit will adopt two outcomes documents, the declaration and the action plan, to build
14:34major consensus and chart a path for implementing high-quality China-Africa cooperation.
14:40China is Africa's largest trade partner, with bilateral trade hitting $167.8 billion
14:48in the first half of 2024.
14:59In this context, the President of China, Xi Jinping, held a meeting with his Kenya counterpart,
15:03William Ruto.
15:04The Chinese president indicated that both countries have completed a series of projects
15:09that contribute to economic and social development.
15:12Xi Jinping pointed out that Beijing and Nairobi are working to defend their comprehensive
15:16strategic cooperation partnership, allowing two participations of the Belt and Road and
15:22strengthening friendly ties.
15:24For his part, the President of Kenya had appreciated the efforts of the government
15:28of China to increase investments in the African country and expand bilateral cooperation.
15:39The government of China accused the U.S. of prompting a Cold War mentality and encouraging
15:45a global confrontation.
15:47Chinese Foreign Minister Spokwo Oman Maoning stressed that his special committee on China's
15:52of the U.S. House of Representatives is repeatedly defending her country and the Communist Party.
16:00The foreign ministry representative pointed out that U.S. politicians use ideologically
16:05prejudging rhetoric to create exclusive circles that contradict global trends and exaggerate
16:13so-called Chinese trade.
16:15In this regard, Maoning urged the U.S. to stop inciting tensions and emphasize the importance
16:22of contributing to regional and global peace, stability, and cooperation.
16:26Hello Changing Topics, Paraguay's Minister of Tourism Angie Duarte welcomed on Tuesday
16:47the proposal to prioritize future nominations of countries' natural and cultural sites
16:53as a World Heritage Site before UNESCO.
16:56In an article published by the Uruguayan news agency ADP, Duarte says she was deeply
17:02committed to the mission of promoting and protecting the nation's rich heritage and
17:07efforts she considers a crucial step towards the global recognition that the country's
17:12treasures deserve.
17:13The minister assured that all the sites proposed have been recognized for their outstanding
17:19universal value, which makes them ideal candidates for the submissions to the United Nations
17:25Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
17:36UNESCO proposed a plan for the protection of the world's cultural properties through
17:41a convention concerning the protection of the world's cultural and natural heritage
17:47approved in 1972.
17:49In total, the Latin American Caribbean region currently has 96 cultural, 37 natural, and
17:55five mixed properties, for a total of 136 sites declared as a World Heritage.
18:00Eight of them are endangered.
18:02Mexico is the country with the most cultural and natural World Heritage properties in the
18:07Americas, with 35 of them.
18:10Ecuador has the first two properties declared World Heritage, the city of Quito, the first
18:14cultural heritage site, and the Galapagos Island, the first natural heritage site, declared
18:20in 1978.
18:21And with that, we have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and
18:30many other stories on our website at telesudyinglish.net.
18:33You can also join us on our socials, we're on Facebook, On X, and on Instagram as well.
18:37For TELESUDYINGLISH, I'm from the south, I'm Ana Marrero, thank you for watching.
