The Bold and the Beautiful 8-28-24 (28th August 2024) 8-28-2024

  • last month
00:28Help! Help me!
00:30Help me! I'm in here!
00:32I'm in here!
00:34Help me!
00:40I'm in here!
00:49Scream all you want.
00:51Nobody can hear you.
00:55So, how did you sleep last night?
01:01I slept like a baby.
01:03Big plush bed at the Spencer Estate.
01:06The home that you were trying to push me out of.
01:09Linda, please. I have children.
01:12Please, just let me go.
01:13No, no, no. They'll be okay.
01:15You know, they have a big, loving family.
01:17And don't forget, Ben's my cousin,
01:19so that makes your kids my family, too.
01:22And I'll make sure that they're well taken care of.
01:25Oh, no. No, don't you dare say something like that.
01:30Let me out, please.
01:32Luna, just get me out of here.
01:34Don't do this again. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:36No, no, no, no.
01:38Help me. Somebody help me.
01:48I wish I knew where Steph used.
01:52I was hoping she would at least call
01:56and let me know where she went.
02:00I really messed up.
02:02You didn't do anything wrong, Finn.
02:04Hope kissed you.
02:05It doesn't matter.
02:07Stephanie warned me to stay away, and I didn't listen.
02:09And now my wife would rather be alone
02:11than in the same room with me.
02:14I love her, Mom.
02:17And I miss her.
02:24You know, I can't believe you came all this way
02:27just so I could say I told you so.
02:30How is it possible that I could have believed
02:32that you, uh, would hurt someone?
02:34All righty, here we go.
02:36Ow, ow, easy. Okay, okay, okay.
02:37No, no, no, no, no.
02:38It's okay, it's okay.
02:39Oh, my gosh, what happened to your arm?
02:41Oh, I guess I overdid it down at the dojo.
02:45Oh, that's not true.
02:46He did it unpacking a shipment.
02:48You know, snitches get stitches, all right?
02:51And she's right, you know.
02:52I-I usually...
02:53Hollis would help me out with that.
02:55I can't believe that Bill's new girlfriend, Poppy,
02:58killed my best friend.
03:17Poppy killing Tom at Hollis,
03:19it's just, uh, surreal.
03:22I know.
03:23I'm just glad that maniac is out of Bill's life.
03:26Have you spoken to Finn at all?
03:29Not yet.
03:30Luna's gotta be a complete wreck.
03:32At least she's got Bill to be there for her.
03:34I mean, talk about a perfect time to have her dad there.
03:37Actually, that's not quite true.
03:42What do you mean?
03:47If you're worried about Steffi, text her.
03:50She asked me to respect her wishes,
03:52and I need to do that.
03:54I mean, am I worried about her?
03:57But she's upset with me for not listening to her,
04:00so what am I supposed to do?
04:01Not listen?
04:03As much as it's killing me,
04:06I need to honor her wishes.
04:32I didn't say he was coming to see me.
04:35It's my baby girl.
04:46Actually, I can't believe this.
04:48So Bill isn't Luna's father,
04:50and Poppy killed Tom and Hollis just to keep it quiet?
04:53I'm so sorry, Deacon.
04:55I'm sorry.
04:56I'm sorry.
04:57I'm sorry.
04:58I'm sorry.
04:59I'm sorry.
05:00I'm sorry.
05:01Just to keep it quiet?
05:02I'm so sorry, Deacon.
05:04I know how much you cared about Tom and Hollis.
05:06Well, they both cared for Deacon as well.
05:09I hope that Poppy spends the rest of her life
05:12rotting in prison.
05:13She will.
05:14But I can't help feeling sorry for Luna.
05:18That poor girl.
05:20Her life has been completely turned upside down overnight.
05:24I mean, you should have seen the look on her face
05:26when her mother was arrested,
05:28now to find out that Bill is not really her father.
05:31I just can't even imagine what she's going through,
05:33and it just sucks that she's got to go through it alone.
05:36I mean, let's face it, her Aunt Lee?
05:38Not exactly the warmest woman in the world.
05:41No, but she's got my son.
05:44Her cousin.
05:45I mean, if there's anyone that can bring light to her right now,
05:50it's definitely going to be Finn.
05:53You and Steffi have been through so much.
05:56You'll get through this too.
05:58Never a dull moment in our family, is there?
06:03How are you holding up with Aunt Poppy being arrested?
06:10No one's more shocked than me.
06:12You really think this is something she could do?
06:22a lot of things, and has made poor decisions most of her life.
06:28She's a bum, Finn, and that's fine.
06:32It's her life.
06:34But when you have a child, you just have to do better.
06:39Penelope just couldn't stop being selfish enough to let that sink in.
06:45That being said, I know my sister.
06:50She's not a killer.
06:52Well, it doesn't look good.
06:54And they found evidence in her apartment.
06:57And, like you said, she's always wanted a man with money.
07:02If Tom, being Luna's father, jeopardizes that, then...
07:06What, so she kills him so the truth doesn't come out?
07:10No, she's not capable of doing that.
07:13Well, if Aunt Poppy didn't murder Tom and Hollis, who did?
07:22No touching.
07:33Are you okay, Mom?
07:35I'm sorry that was stupid. Of course you're not okay.
07:39Well, um...
07:42This steak's a bit overcooked.
07:44Other than that...
07:49Mom, be honest.
07:51How are you, really?
07:57I'm terrified, Luna.
08:01I don't belong in here, but you know that.
08:07I don't want you worrying about me.
08:10Mom, you're in here for murder.
08:12Yes, and I am innocent.
08:14The truth will come out and I'll be set free.
08:17What if it doesn't?
08:25No, I mean it, Luna.
08:28I don't want you worrying about me.
08:31I will be fine.
08:33But I need to know that you will be fine, too.
08:37I'm scared, Mom.
08:43And it breaks my heart.
08:48I thank God you have Bill.
08:51Because the thought of you being alone right now...
09:00Luna, what is it?
09:04After you were arrested...
09:08Bill and I took another paternity test.
09:16He's not my father.
09:33I would love nothing more for Aunt Poppy to be innocent and set free.
09:37But who would set her up and why?
09:40The way Tom and Hollis were killed was methodical.
09:46Knowing what dosage to use.
09:48Being able to drug them without getting caught.
09:50That's not Penelope.
09:53When things get intense...
09:56She packs up and leaves.
09:58She doesn't fight.
10:00Let alone plan someone else's demise.
10:03Even if it meant losing her life with Bill and what he could provide?
10:09Penelope is not a murderer.
10:11Well, then who?
10:13Mom, who killed Tom and Hollis?
10:16I wish I knew.
10:18Because while my sister is locked up for a crime she didn't commit...
10:22The real killer is still out there.
10:25Who knows who the next victim might be?
10:34Someone get me out of here!
10:42Mom, someone get me out!
10:45Help me!
10:48Help me!
10:53I always thought there was something strange about Poppy.
10:56I mean, the way she carried herself after she moved into Bill's house.
11:00And as much as I didn't like the idea of her in Bill's life...
11:04I know that he adored his relationship with Luna.
11:09I just...
11:10Bill with a daughter, I mean, who would have thought that?
11:13She really brought out something different in him.
11:17I mean, she loves him and he loved her right back.
11:21She always wanted to know who her father was.
11:24I think Poppy used that to her advantage.
11:27And killed two innocent people in the process.
11:30She killed Tom and Hollis because she thought it was threatening the life she was building with her daughter.
11:35Well, I think it had more to do with Poppy than Luna.
11:39I mean, that is a huge weight to carry.
11:42Her mother gets dragged off to jail, she loses her father.
11:46Her father is both Bill and Tom.
11:48Never gets the chance to know her real father.
11:52I just think it's terrible that someone as sweet as Luna is going through something so awful.
11:59I don't understand. What do you mean Bill isn't your father?
12:03He's not, Mom.
12:05I wish he was, but...
12:08But that doesn't make any sense.
12:10We ran a paternity test.
12:12Your Aunt Lee administered it.
12:14I know.
12:15But I think Katie got inside Dad's...
12:19Bill's head.
12:21Because out of nowhere he wanted to take another one.
12:24Because she thought I tampered with it, even though a licensed professional gave us the results.
12:30Katie was right, Mom.
12:32The original test was wrong. It gave us a false positive.
12:36Okay, well then how do you know this new test that you took wasn't faulty as well?
12:40Because we took two.
12:43Then they both came back negative.
12:48I'm so sorry.
12:49No touching.
12:55I feel terrible.
12:57Your mother was arrested.
13:01Bill isn't your father.
13:04I can't even hold you.
13:07Yeah, it's been hard, Mom.
13:09I mean, seeing you get taken away, that's a nightmare.
13:13And we've never been apart this long before.
13:17You know, sometimes I'd be alone, saying those all the power, expecting you to say it back.
13:26I'm sorry I can't be there for you, sweetheart.
13:29You will be.
13:31Because you're innocent and you're gonna get out of here.
13:34Just like you said.
13:36Alright, but who knows how long that's gonna take.
13:40I am stuck in here while you are out there alone.
13:44I know, but I'm not, Mom.
13:46Thank God I have Bill.
13:59You know, to be honest, I was worried about how Bill might respond to a negative paternity test.
14:05I mean, I know he said he'd take care of you no matter what.
14:08Yeah, and I was scared too.
14:10I mean, I thought that he was just gonna go tell me to go pack my bags.
14:14But he didn't.
14:16He said that the test doesn't change anything between us.
14:19That just makes a terrible situation so much better.
14:24And it makes me love him even more.
14:26Me too, Mom.
14:28Bill is an amazing man.
14:30And I want to always have him in my life.
14:32And you will.
14:34The three of us will be making sweet memories in no time.
14:37I can't wait for that.
14:38The three of us.
14:46It's hell in here.
14:50But do you know what keeps me going?
14:53Knowing that you believe me.
14:56Mom, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you did not kill Hollis and Tom.
15:03Time's up.
15:05Luna, Luna, I love you, okay?
15:07But please be careful.
15:08There is someone out there who's hurting people.
15:10They've been in our home.
15:12Stay close to Bill and do not leave his side.
15:15Promise me.
15:16I promise, Mom.
15:17I'll never leave Bill's side.
15:33So Bill is still going to be a part of Luna's life even though she's not his daughter?
15:41They've formed a genuine connection.
15:47I'm sorry, I didn't...
15:50I can't stop thinking about Tom and Hollis.
15:54They just didn't deserve this.
15:57No, they didn't.
15:59They didn't.
16:22I had these framed for you.
16:25That way they're always going to be with us.
16:48You had a message that you wanted to see me.
16:51Yes, thank you for coming.
16:53Let me guess.
16:55Your mom is innocent and you want us to release her.
17:01I wish my mom was innocent, but she isn't.
17:07What did you say?
17:09My mother isn't innocent and I can't cover for her.
17:13Not about this.
17:23Talk to me.
17:25I have evidence that proves my mom was guilty of murdering those two men.
17:37Have you spoken to Luna?
17:40No, I haven't. I've been a terrible cousin.
17:43Don't say that. You've had a lot to deal with.
17:46Yeah, my wife doesn't want to be around me.
17:48Stephanie just needs space, Finn. That's all.
17:51Just space to play.
17:52Yeah, that's all. Just space to think.
17:55Well, in the meantime, I'll check in on Luna.
18:00I mean, I can't imagine seeing your mother cuffed and arrested for murder.
18:05I mean, she and Aunt Poppy were always so close.
18:10I'll swing by her apartment.
18:12Just make sure she's alright.
18:23Oh, God.
18:45Finn, please help me.
18:47Please help me.
18:53Finn, where are you? Finn.
18:59I need you. I need you.
