The Bold and the Beautiful 8-1-24 (1st August 2024) 8-1-2024

  • last month
00:00Nothing is going to tear us apart.
00:30Nothing is going to tear us apart.
01:00What do I have to do to convince you to come over?
01:13Do you like fancy party, party on the beach, nice dinner?
01:20You know I love work.
01:21I miss you, but you know, it'd be nice if we had some time alone.
01:23Yeah, soon.
01:24I'm sorry.
01:25I've been spending so much time at my dad's.
01:28It's fine.
01:29I want that for you.
01:32I don't know.
01:33I just feel like it's really important to be with my mom and dad right now.
01:35You know, especially because we're becoming a family.
01:40That's wonderful.
01:42I just hope your mother remembers that you're not Bill's only family.
01:48I thought you were messing with me when I got your text.
01:56I wish I was.
01:57No offense, but I'd much rather be in Monaco right now.
02:00So that's it?
02:01You only miss Regent Brooks fight, biker-murph?
02:05Well, look, the other jet that I wanted to go on, it's delayed, so I can't go.
02:11I would miss the prince's meeting, so I'm just going to stay here.
02:16I just still can't believe I lost my passport.
02:19This is crazy to me.
02:21Steffi, wait!
02:22Steffi, wait!
02:23I told you, Hope.
02:24I don't want to hear it.
02:25No, but Steffi, I have-
02:26Bye, Hope.
02:27Bon voyage, Steffi.
02:48They're not good.
02:49No, they're not good.
02:50They're not good, but we can give them more time.
02:53Have you heard from our parents?
02:57Oh, they must be having a nice flight.
03:00Just the two of them, halfway across the Atlantic.
03:18I got a text from Ridge.
03:22He asked me to lock in the summon itinerary before they land.
03:25But that's a business trip, not a romantic getaway.
03:30The Prince is media liaison.
03:32He's going to meet them at the jet and escort Ridge and Brooke right to the palace.
03:37Talk about the royal treatment.
03:40But I mean, that's really no big surprise.
03:43As we all know, the Prince is a big fan of Forrester Creations, but not just that, my
03:48mother as well.
03:49Yeah, I would have loved to have seen the Prince, but obviously, the whole passport
03:55Well, I can't be there for Brooke's bedroom announcement, but I'm here now so we can focus
04:00on other collections.
04:02Mainly hope for the future.
04:04Katie, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I really don't appreciate you trashing my
04:16I mean, the accusations you made against my mom were so uncalled for.
04:20What accusations?
04:21Katie suggested that my mom might have something to do with the deaths at El Jardino.
04:27And I couldn't be further from the truth.
04:28I mean, Tom and Hollis both died from tragic accidental drug overdoses.
04:32Well, what if that's not the case?
04:34What if someone had something to do with it?
04:38There could be a murderer on the loose.
04:47Oh, my God.
04:49Oh, my God.
04:56My son, you're home.
04:58This is Will.
05:00This is my son.
05:02My son.
05:14Listen, Katie, we're all freaked out by what happened at El Jardino.
05:17And Hollis was a friend.
05:19His death shocked me too, but to call it a murder and blame my mom for it?
05:24It's way over the line, Katie.
05:26Well, believe me, I don't want to think about Bill being involved with somebody like that.
05:32He isn't.
05:34I'm sorry, but I don't want to break my instincts.
05:37Every time the subject comes up, Poppy freaks out.
05:40Well, maybe she's feeling a little attacked.
05:43Maybe it's not her, Katie.
05:44Maybe it's you.
05:45You just feel weird about this change in Bill's life.
05:48Listen, I'm not calling you out or anything.
05:50I'm just saying that Bill tried to win you back for a really long time.
05:54And now he's moving on? He has a new, serious relationship?
05:58I'm not jealous. I'm concerned.
06:01This all happened way too fast.
06:04So, that's your real problem?
06:07My mom and me being involved in Bill's life?
06:10Why did she wait so long?
06:12If she thought that Bill Spencer was really your dad, why did she wait years to tell you?
06:18She did what she thought was best at the time.
06:21And I'm not going to hold that against her.
06:23Especially because we're so happy now.
06:25Does Poppy seem happy?
06:27Because she seems a little edgy to me.
06:30Katie, my mom and I have been on our own for a really long time.
06:35And all of this has been a huge change for us, but it's been an amazing one.
06:40And I just want you to know that we're not interlopers.
06:46Okay? We're family.
06:48And Bill asked us to move in with him because he loves us.
06:52And I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to accept that.
06:59I'm sorry, RJ. I promise we'll spend some more time together, but right now I need to go home.
07:05To my mom and dad.
07:16That's Will, your son with Katie.
07:19Not exactly a great welcome home, walking on his dad half naked with his girlfriend in his bedroom.
07:25In fact, you've got to give me a few minutes. I want to catch up with you before he leaves.
07:48Hey, Dad.
07:51Hey, son.
07:56Give me that, huh?
08:00Look at you.
08:04You scraped your braids.
08:10Maybe not for you.
08:12Catching us like that, I'm really sorry.
08:17Just tell me.
08:19Is that her?
08:29Well, I didn't schedule any meetings today because I thought I was going to be in Monte Carlo.
08:33But now that you're stuck here, Enridge is the way you want to discuss my line.
08:38Well, Carter and I have some time to dig into the Hope for the Future numbers.
08:42Yeah, the media interest, the preview requests, the churn rate for the sub boxes, the internet traffic.
08:49So, for the future being searched online, is it getting any traction? Getting some social media heat?
08:55Historically, your client base has been very engaged on the app, across social media.
08:59I will say, though, your philanthropic tie-in.
09:03That's doing well. Those numbers are good.
09:05It's good, but it's not great. Overall, it's not great.
09:09I mean, like I said, the numbers are down. There's been many losses.
09:14I hate to say it, Hope, but I think your line's in trouble.
09:26Wow, Steffi, you're wasting no time. I mean, Ridge hasn't even been gone a whole day.
09:33My father is focused on designing. I'm running this company.
09:36And your first order of business is to threaten my line?
09:39It's not personal, Hope. The numbers don't lie. Hope for the future is falling short of projections.
09:45We have a scheduled preview. People haven't even seen the new designs yet.
09:49But we're not getting any calls about it.
09:50And sales follow interest.
09:53But we knew that this would take time. I have a whole new team.
09:57And we were hoping that would bring a spark to this campaign, get the attention of the press, young influencers.
10:02It will. Hope for the future's time's running out.
10:08Carter, could you give me a minute alone with Steffi?
10:17I'll leave the rapport.
10:23Okay. Nice try. I know what you're up to, Steffi. And I'm not going to let you get away with it.
10:34I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset Luna. That was not my intention.
10:39Then what was your intention?
10:41I didn't want to make you angry either.
10:44This is my fault.
10:46What are you talking about?
10:48Well, I shouldn't have told you about Poppy's mints. That was a mistake.
10:51Oh, you mean her drugs?
10:53Why do you think Poppy had something to do with the overdoses at Il Giordino, Katie?
10:57I can't say for sure. But you gotta admit, there's enough evidence to suspect or suggest.
11:03Suggest? You said you had a feeling? Why are you thinking this?
11:07Okay, I did some digging. And this might not mean anything to you.
11:10But Tom Starr was playing at the music festival the night that Poppy and Bill met.
11:16The night that Luna was supposedly conceived.
11:20Tom. The guy from the restaurant. The first guy who died.
11:22Yeah, he wasn't a big deal back then. But Poppy should have remembered him.
11:27But she didn't?
11:28No. She acted like she had never thought of it. Like it never crossed her mind until I brought it up.
11:33And then she was like, oh yeah, that Tom Starr. Now I remember.
11:36Hey, do you remember every single band that you've ever seen play in your entire life?
11:40This was the most magical, important night of her life.
11:44She just met Bill. Someone she'll never forget.
11:47But she doesn't remember the act that she and Bill saw that night?
11:52Listen, this doesn't make sense. I don't trust her. It's too contrived.
11:58Bill is normally so cautious.
12:00But now, in a very short amount of time, Poppy and Luna have moved into his house and created this instant family.
12:08I guess I should have called first.
12:10No, you don't have to call. This is your home.
12:16I'm sorry. Could we just start this again?
12:21I really missed you. And I'm so happy to see you.
12:26You didn't answer my question, Dad.
12:28Is that her?
12:33Yes. That's Poppy.
12:37And she's really important to me. I want you to meet her appropriately.
12:42Maybe this isn't the best time.
12:44No, no, it's fine. Let me just go get her.
12:46No, no, don't. It's okay. We don't have to do this now.
12:52There's no time like the present. You know, this doesn't have to be embarrassing or awkward.
12:58We're all grown-ups here.
13:00What about Mom? Is she completely out of the picture?
13:05I thought you were still hoping...
13:09Do you see her at all?
13:13Hi, Will.
13:16I have heard so much about you.
13:18I'm Poppy.
13:23I can't imagine what you're thinking. I'm so sorry we're meeting like this.
13:28I didn't mean to interrupt.
13:31Go? No, no. You're not going to go. You just got here.
13:35Yeah, well, please don't go. I've been looking forward to meeting you. Don't leave on my account.
13:42Oh, hey, Dad. I'm glad you're home.
13:48Is this...
13:51Who are you?
13:54This is your brother, Amuda.
14:04Hey, Amuda.
14:06Your sister.
14:09Your sister.
14:22I know how you feel about Bill.
14:24He's not my favorite person.
14:26But he's not the over-you-make-him-out-to-be. His family is the most important thing to him.
14:31That's what Luna says.
14:33That also makes it a very big blind spot.
14:38Luna is his daughter. They did a paternity test. It's...
14:42He's thrilled about that. He wants her to be a part of his life.
14:45Well, it seems like you're having a really hard time accepting that.
14:48That isn't about me.
14:49Are you sure? Because everybody else is really excited about Bill's new family, and...
14:53You don't have questions about this?
14:56What questions? That Poppy's some kind of psychotic murderer?
15:00That's insane. Luna's right.
15:03What if she's not?
15:07Listen, I can't change how you feel about Poppy or anything else,
15:12but I think this whole conspiracy thing, it's not good for you.
15:17We're both just trying to take care of the people we love.
15:21I get that, but can't you just try to be a little more positive?
15:30Luna's wanted to know who her father is her entire life.
15:34And having Bill as a dad, it's a dream come true for her.
15:39I think this is good for everybody.
15:42I mean, Will has a sister now.
15:53This is Luna.
15:58And her mom.
16:00Hi, Will.
16:05I don't suppose there's any chance you'd want to give your sister a hug?
16:14I don't know if I'm ready for the whole hugging thing yet.
16:17No, yeah, I totally understand. This is a little bit weird.
16:20It's cool. It's nice to meet you.
16:23I think I'm gonna go stay at Mom's.
16:25No, no, no. Come on, your room is ready for you.
16:29It's exactly as it was. I haven't done anything to her.
16:35No worries. We'll catch up another time.
16:38Will, Will, please wait.
16:41If you want to spend time with your dad, Luna and I can stay at the apartment.
16:46Bill, we don't want your son to feel unwelcome.
16:48We're not unwelcome. He'll never be unwelcome. This is your home.
16:53I just want us to spend some time together as a family, getting to know each other.
16:59I raised you to be respectful, Will.
17:03Can't you just show some kindness to Luna and her mom?
17:06I don't know them, Dad. This is your deal and I'm not a part of it.
17:10Yes, you are.
17:12You guys hooked up a hundred years ago and now you expect me to act like this is my family?
17:17Hell no.
17:21Will, come on. Will!
17:30You won't let me get away with what?
17:34Running this company?
17:36Doing what's best for this business?
17:39Steffi, you can't keep doing this.
17:41I'm trying to have a rational discussion with you.
17:43Let me guess, about cutting my line? Is that what you're going to suggest?
17:47Hope, look at the numbers.
17:49Look, I don't need to look at a spreadsheet to tell me that you were just doing this to mess with me.
17:54I am doing my job.
17:56And I am trying to do mine.
17:59It just makes it a little difficult when the CEO has it out for me.
18:03Carter, my father, they wanted to give your line some time. We did that.
18:07But the orders are down and the costs are up.
18:10I don't think that's going to change.
18:12Look, this is Zenday and RJ's first time working on a collection together.
18:16I am just asking you to please give them a shot.
18:19I think they're very talented, but I also think they might do better working on something else.
18:25So in other words, they aren't the problem.
18:29It's me.
18:30I mean, hasn't that always been the case when it comes to hope for the future?
18:35I mean, really, Steffi, you aren't looking at this from an objective business decision-making place.
18:43You are using your position as co-CEO to attack me.
18:47To attack my line because you know how much it means to me.
18:51You've seen how much hard work I put into it.
18:53How much of myself I give to every collection, every campaign.
18:57It is a reflection of me.
18:59Not to mention, it makes a difference in the world.
19:01And I am not going to let you destroy that.
