The Bold and the Beautiful 8-23-24 (23rd August 2024) 8-23-2024

  • last month
00:00You are so committed and loyal and so strong and handsome.
00:15No wonder why my mom fell for you.
00:19How could any woman not?
00:30Well, that was quite a surprise seeing Taylor here in the office.
00:53You'll never see more of her.
00:56She wants to restart her practice.
00:59Well, I'm sure that Steffi's going to be thrilled having her mom back in L.A., but of all the
01:08days for her to re-emerge.
01:10You know, she probably would have found out about Hope kissing Finn at some point, don't
01:15you think?
01:17The timing was bad, and she started jumping in on Hope all over again.
01:22Jumping in on Hope?
01:23You don't think she had a point in all that?
01:25She had every right to be upset.
01:27Your daughter, she crossed the line.
01:29This is a big deal.
01:32We're all aware of that.
01:33So is Hope.
01:34Is she aware of it?
01:35Is she aware of the fallout, of the consequence?
01:39Come on, I'm trying my best to make sure these families love each other and can stay together,
01:44and now we got this.
01:47I understand why you're upset.
01:51I'm concerned, too.
01:52We will handle Hope.
01:53All right.
01:56At least if you and Finn are okay.
01:57And so are we.
01:59All right.
02:02Hey, I need to talk to you guys.
02:03Oh, what is it, honey?
02:17Phil isn't Luna's father, after all.
02:43What about the paternity test they took weeks ago?
03:12It wasn't legit.
03:13What do you mean?
03:14Uh, somebody must have altered the results.
03:17Oh, good.
03:18You're all here.
03:19I won't have to give my PR pitch twice.
03:23Uh, isn't there something else you want to talk about?
03:26Uh, like what?
03:27Well, like the new paternity test that Bill and Luna just took.
03:28Do you know about this yet?
03:30She doesn't know about it.
03:31Bill took your advice.
03:32He ran a brand new test.
03:33Took two, actually, just to make sure.
03:34They both came back the same.
03:35Luna's not Bill's daughter.
03:38Luna, I told you, you can't kiss me like that.
03:42Even though I'm not your father, it can't happen again.
03:48I'm sorry.
03:49I just...
03:50I've never met a man like you before.
03:56You know, you're just...
04:02You're so...
04:03You're so...
04:04You're so incredibly kind and gentle and just no one's ever been as kind to me as you have.
04:12I don't know like ever since the day we met I just felt this
04:16this connection between us like like you were this missing piece and I...
04:30I know you're going through a great deal of turmoil right now
04:34and this is very disorienting for you. It is for me as well.
04:41That's why I offered to get you some help.
04:50I'm still here for you like a father would be and that's what this is.
04:56Thanks um I should probably get going. You don't have to. As I said you can stay
05:04here as long as you wish. Your room is still yours. No I just have to take care of some work stuff.
05:11Okay I'll see you when you get back.
05:45honestly I thought you'd be one of the first to know. Would have thought Bill would have told you
05:50already. I'm sure he's very hurt and upset I mean I'll reach out to him this affects Will too.
05:56Well I want to mention that besides Luna and Bill we're the only ones that know about this so.
06:02God I need not to trust her. I honestly thought that Bill might be in danger and then I found
06:08out about these letters in Tom's back Tom's backpack claiming to be Luna's father. And
06:14the wheel started spinning. Oh yeah fast I mean made me doubt Poppy's story even more. I mean
06:19clearly this was all just part of her master plan to get to Bill's wealth. Play for Spencer money.
06:26I wonder where that leaves Luna. I don't know. I just know she's really vulnerable right now.
06:42Thank you for coming Lee. Well your tech said it was urgent. Is Luna okay?
06:47She will be. But she's not my daughter. What do you mean Luna's not your daughter of course she is.
06:58No turns out she isn't. Bill you were right here in this room we did the DNA test. Yes you
07:06administered the original test. But with Poppy getting arrested and the circumstances surrounding
07:14it I made the decision to retest. Luna agreed and the results were negative. What? That was my
07:24reaction. So I did a backup test again negatives. How can that be? They tell me. Me? I had no way
07:38of knowing it was faulty. Faulty? Or were the results of the test changed intentionally?
07:46Tell me Lee. Did you manipulate the results of the original paternity test?
07:51I can't be so careless. Stephanie may have seen me kiss Bill.
08:09Luna? Stephanie? Hi uh what are you doing here? I know what you're up to Luna.
08:21Luna. Poppy was more dangerous than we realized. Tom Starr was getting in the way of her fancy new
08:39life and Hollis was starting to put the pieces together. Look what happened Tom. And you could
08:44have been next if she figured out that you were under her. I'm just glad the killer is behind bars
08:49before she can hurt anybody else. It's chilling to see how far she would go to maintain that
08:56lifestyle. She's so odd. Poppy she never gave me the impression once that she cared about material
09:01things. I was all just a ploy. I mean she never had any genuine feelings for Bill. She just used
09:06her daughter to manipulate him. Bill and and Luna are the victims in all this. I just feel so bad
09:13for her. I do too. She thought she finally found her father. Yeah it's all a charade wasn't it?
09:19She was so excited to just finally meet her dad. She's really come to love Bill.
09:27Was it you Lee? Did you rig that test? No of course I didn't.
09:35I'm a doctor. I would never do anything so unethical.
09:38I promise you Bill. I promise you. You are everything my sister's ever wanted in a man.
09:48You've changed her life in bigger and better ways than she could ever have imagined.
09:54But my sister and I we haven't been close. Why would I help her? I hardly wanted Luna to be
10:00your daughter anyway. And if you don't believe me I'm happy to take a polygraph test to prove it.
10:08No. No that won't be necessary. I believe you.
10:18Somebody rigged that test. You think it was Poppy? I couldn't say for sure.
10:27But one thing I do know Penelope is a gold digger. But a murderer?
10:33No. I think someone set my sister up.
10:44What are you talking about? I heard about Poppy's arrest.
10:50Yeah it's been really hard. My mom being arrested and as if that wasn't painful enough Bill and I
10:56actually did another paternity test and it turns out he's not really my father.
11:04So are you kissed him? What? I was there earlier on. I left my phone and I came back and
11:13I saw that you kissed Bill.
11:17It wasn't like some sweet innocent kiss. A kiss of gratitude. It was more than that.
11:25Look Luna I understand that this might be a very difficult time for you and you're really
11:31confused right now. I get that this is hard but you really got to look in words and realize
11:38that's wrong and you shouldn't be doing any of this. Yeah it's been really hard and thank God
11:47I have Bill. He's been so understanding even though I'm not actually his daughter.
11:53I see you know it's really hot out there.
12:02God you must think I am such a nut job. I am so mortified by what happened Steffi. I know it was
12:08so wrong of me to kiss Bill.
12:14I know I shouldn't have done that but there's just so much going on right now with
12:19with my mom being in jail and the paternity news. I just...
12:24Are you trying to justify your behavior Luna? No not at all. I'm just trying to
12:30no not at all. But you know Bill is a very attractive man and
12:35maybe it was just like a transference of feelings. I'm not sure.
12:40But what about Poppy? Your mom and RJ? That's my brother. That's your boyfriend.
12:53Like I don't know what's going on here. I don't know who this is.
12:57I mean who are you Luna?
13:17You have every reason to be concerned about Luna. I know I love her and I just
13:22I want to do something to help her but I just don't know what I can do. I just know she's
13:26going through hell and... You're a sweet thoughtful boyfriend and you care deeply.
13:33None of this is her fault. I don't blame her for any of it but these are odd circumstances. I mean
13:40her mother's being charged with double homicide. We know you care about her just get a little
13:46careful okay? I hear you. I just I just want to help. I just want to do something but she's going
13:52to stay with Bill. She says that she needs him and that they're both going through it right now
13:56and that they need each other. She's been spending a lot of time over at his place.
14:04Why would someone set up Poppy? What would they have to gain?
14:22God you must have been so freaked out seeing me kiss Bill especially since he didn't know that
14:28I'm not really his daughter. You know it's been a lot to process. We're both experiencing the
14:36same loss because he lost a daughter and I lost a father and no one really understands it except
14:43the two of us. So I don't know maybe that's why I kissed him. You're talking about the man who's
14:49been dating your mother up until the moment she was taken into custody. Yeah that was not very
14:54cool on my part. It's just my feelings are just all over the place right now especially since
15:00more and more it seems like my mom might actually be responsible for the deaths at El Jardino.
15:07You don't think she's innocent? I didn't say that. It sounded like you did.
15:12Luna, this isn't you. Like where's the Luna I know? The Luna who's an intern at Forrester
15:22who works for my grandfather who's dating my brother RJ. You were living with him at the
15:30at the beach house and now you're
15:35living at the Spencer estate.
15:42Huh quite the rise.
15:48What are you implying Stuffy?
15:54Your mother had an affair with Tom Starr who insisted that he was your father and now he's
16:01dead. Yes and it's awful but my mom loves Bill and she loves the life that he's given us and
16:09my mom said that she'd do anything for me.
16:17Yeah I guess Poppy had so much to lose if Tom Starr was your father.
16:28You had so much to lose too right?
16:30I mean look at the life you have now.
16:35Your future's set. Everything's fine. You're living at Bill Spencer's house. Oh my god.
16:47This is all starting to make sense.
16:51That's why you kissed Bill.
16:53You want him all to yourself.
16:58Is that who you are?
17:01The kind of person who will do whatever it takes to get what they want?
17:05Money? Power?
17:10Even if it means murder?
17:12Money? Power?
17:17Even if it means murder?
17:29You did it.
17:32You killed Tom and Hollis.
17:38Oh my god.
18:43Oh my god.
18:55Here's a look ahead. Poppy killing Tom and Hollis is just surreal.
19:00God that maniac is out of Bill's life. I swear to you I am innocent.
19:04She's gone. She's gone? What does that mean? My wife left town.
