The Bold and the Beautiful 9-5-24 (5th September 2024) 9-5-2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00I'm okay now, I'm okay.
00:09I told you I'm okay.
00:10Put him in a cage.
00:12But you, you gotta go after him, you can't let him get away.
00:15I told you babe, the wound is not getting away.
00:18I gotta get you out of here, I gotta get you to a hospital.
00:22And I knew you'd find me.
00:25And I knew you'd save me.
00:31Where do you think you're going?
00:34I don't have time to explain.
00:37Oh, Phil was right.
00:40It was you.
00:43You killed those men at Il Giordino.
00:47Kidnapped Steffi.
00:48Get out of my way.
00:49You're not going anywhere Luna, except prison.
01:01So, Will told me that you two had a nice long chat this morning.
01:06Yes, we did.
01:08He was concerned about everything.
01:10Poppy's arrest.
01:12The news about Luna.
01:15No news sister after all, I guess.
01:20Not that he was thrilled about the prospect in the first place.
01:24But, you know, who knows, maybe they could have some kind of relationship.
01:28I mean, Luna is a very special girl and they could be friends.
01:36Although her mother did try to scam you and is currently in jail accused of murder.
01:42So it's not a great start to a new friendship.
01:47I still don't want to believe that.
01:50I could not wrap my head around Poppy being capable of murder.
02:28I'm sorry.
02:43Of course, you don't want to believe that the woman you trusted,
02:46the woman who you thought was the mother of your child,
02:51could be a homicidal maniac.
02:54I know this is difficult for you.
02:56Your head is telling you one thing, your heart is telling you another.
02:59And you don't have to pretend that it's easy.
03:03The evidence is overwhelming.
03:05And I realize that, Katie.
03:08But if you knew Poppy the way that I do,
03:12I'm just not convinced.
03:15And I'm worried that Poppy could spend the rest of her life behind bars for something she didn't do.
03:20And I'm worried about if that could affect Luna.
03:23I mean, a sentence for Poppy is a sentence for Luna.
03:27She could lose so many years with her mother by no fault of her own.
03:31And how the hell is that fair to Luna?
03:34You killed two people.
03:37You framed your own mother.
03:38Oh, don't act like you care about that.
03:40Oh, excuse me?
03:41What, if my mom spent the rest of her life in prison?
03:43You wouldn't care. You hate her.
03:45What are you talking about? I most certainly do not.
03:48Just because I disapprove of some...
03:50Yeah, rightly disapproving.
03:52Lee, she's awful.
03:54You have no idea what it was like to grow up such a horrible mother.
03:57She was on drugs half the time, bringing random men home.
04:00She never cared about my needs or helping me build a future for myself.
04:04And I finally got the stability that I've been craving my entire life.
04:09With Bill Spencer?
04:10Yes. He was going to give me everything I ever wanted.
04:14And no way I was going to give that up.
04:16Now get out of my way.
04:26Luna's insane.
04:30When's the last time you've had anything to eat or drink?
04:33I don't know.
04:34Luna poisoned those men I didn't want her to do to me.
04:51Here. Drink this.
04:53It'll keep your heart safe, okay?
04:56It's hot.
04:57I'm trying to just sit down.
05:10There's no weak spot.
05:11Where did she put the key? Did you see it? Where's the key?
05:14Luna has the key.
05:17We gotta get you out of here.
05:44This isn't working.
05:46Finn, this whole building is a construction zone.
05:48They're going to tear it down.
05:50Maybe you can find something like a crowbar or a pipe or something.
05:53I'm not leaving you, honey.
05:54No, I'll be fine. Just go out there and find something that can break the lock.
05:58Okay, listen. I'm going to be back soon.
06:17You're going to be there for Luna, no matter what.
06:20Yeah, but it's not the same, Katie.
06:22I mean, I can't replace her mother.
06:24And now, knowing that I'm not her father.
06:26There's no reason why you can't be a father figure.
06:29And I've tried to convey that to her. I really have.
06:36She just sees me differently now.
06:41It's hard to explain.
06:44It's hard to explain.
06:47But the vibe just isn't the same.
06:56Hey, Justin.
07:01Are you serious?
07:04Was there been an arrest?
07:08Okay, well, keep me posted.
07:11I'm going to head over there right now. I don't want to be there when she finds out.
07:14In fact, I want to be the one to tell her.
07:20What's going on?
07:23I was right.
07:24Poppy's innocent.
07:26She didn't kill Tom and Hollis.
07:38So now you want to step in?
07:39Now you want to do the right thing?
07:41Stopping you from getting by, you bet.
07:43When you've never stepped in before?
07:45When you had a million chances to do so?
07:48I don't know what you're getting at.
07:52You let your walking disaster of a sister do whatever the hell she wanted in raising me.
07:58You always looked the other way when you knew that my mom was making extremely poor decisions.
08:04You were so consumed with your outrage for her that you never paid attention to me.
08:10At all.
08:13You could have made a difference.
08:14You could have guided my mom to be the kind of mom that you were.
08:18But no.
08:20I mean, do you even know how jealous I was of Finn?
08:24Of the family he had?
08:27I offered your mother plenty of advice.
08:31Advice that she always ignored.
08:34At a certain point, I had to just come to terms that she was determined to mess up in life.
08:38And that's exactly what she was about to do with Bill.
08:41Mess it all up.
08:43Because the stupid top star was back again.
08:47I just, I did what I had to do.
08:50Starting with the fake paternity test and dealing with that loser biological father.
08:55I mean, who knows if he even is my dad.
08:57There were so many candidates.
09:00Why kill him if he...
09:01Because he believed it.
09:03He was convinced.
09:05I mean, my mom doesn't know this, but I read all those annoying letters over the years.
09:11I just, I couldn't afford for him to come forward and bring questions into Bill's mind.
09:19Poor Hollis. I mean, he really was a sweetheart.
09:24He thought that he was showing me something new when he told me about the letters.
09:29Lee, I didn't want to kill him.
09:32I just, I couldn't have him jeopardize everything I worked so hard to create.
09:37Being Bill Spencer's daughter.
09:42And I thought your mother made poor choices.
09:46Yes, she's a train wreck, but she's not a murderer or a kidnapper.
09:54How could you do that to your cousin's wife?
09:56My cousin's wife?
09:58My grandson's mother?
10:03Your luck's run out, you know.
10:05Get out of my way, Aunt Lee.
10:16He's out of power.
10:17Out of power.
10:24Lopez, in here.
10:28Here's your murder.
10:42This isn't just a rumor? You trust Justin's contact?
10:45Justin's contact is in the department and they're friends.
10:48There's no way he'd give him false information.
10:50But if Poppy didn't do it, then who did?
10:53I don't know, but I guess we're about to find out.
10:55They're heading over to arrest whoever did do it right now.
10:58I can't believe that Poppy's innocent.
11:02Well, listen, I'm sorry.
11:04No, no, no, of course. Yeah, go. Give Poppy the good news.
11:21What's going on?
11:23Why am I here?
11:25Find out soon enough.
11:34Dr. Trinnegan?
11:36Oh, Chief Baker, thank God you're here.
11:38My sister's innocent.
11:40I know. Your son called, explained everything.
11:42Happy to turn her over to you.
11:43The person who really killed those men and kidnapped Steffi Forrester.
11:48My niece.
11:50Luna Nozawa.
12:13Trin, is that you?
13:27Look, it's not like I want to go back to my cell, but what am I doing here?
13:32No cuffs?
13:43Could you give us a moment, please?
13:53What's going on?
13:56I have news.
14:01Justin has a contact in the department.
14:04And that contact gave him some remarkable information.
14:07And I was able to confirm its accuracy on my way over.
14:11Justin was right.
14:14Okay, right about what?
14:21The police have apprehended the person responsible for killing Tom and Alice.
14:30You're being released.
14:34What are you doing?
14:36What are you doing?
14:39What are you doing?
14:47So they know I didn't do it.
14:50They're going to let me out and I'm innocent.
14:53They know.
15:01I wanted to rush right over and free myself.
15:05I knew deep down that you were innocent.
15:07That you couldn't possibly be capable of that kind of violence.
15:21Do you know who did it?
15:24Who killed Tom and Alice?
15:29I hope I didn't step on your toes, Chief Baker.
15:31Chief Baker?
15:33I'm one to give popping the news myself.
15:38So it's true.
15:39You caught the real killer.
15:42We did.
15:43Well, who was it?
15:44Who killed those men?
15:54My God, you're just in time.
15:56They know I didn't do it.
15:57I am innocent.
15:58They caught the real killer and I get to go home.
16:06Luna, what is it?
16:10Baby, what's wrong?
16:28I'm sorry.
16:44I still think that we should go to the hospital.
16:46No, no, no. I'm fine.
16:48After the questioning and the statement, I just want to be here, home with you.
16:53Have some food and water and just get some big hugs from you and the kids.
16:56Okay, well...
16:58Here, come sit down. You're going to get one of your big hugs from the kids soon.
17:02I've arranged for them to come a little bit later.
17:04I want you to have some time to get your strength back.
17:07Yeah, yeah, okay.
17:10It's just I want them here.
17:12You're right.
17:13It'll be a little tough. I don't think I'm physically or mentally there yet.
17:18Okay, well, sweetheart, that's why I think we should maybe go to the hospital.
17:21No, no, no. Baby, I don't want to do that.
17:23Let's do it tomorrow morning, okay?
17:27I want to be here, right here, with you.
17:32And I didn't know if I was ever going to have this again.
17:37No, I know.
17:39I was worried too.
17:42I hope you felt my love for you.
17:45And just knew that I was thinking about you non-stop.
17:51I did.
17:53I did. Our belief in us.
17:57Our connection.
18:00That's what helped me get through it all.
18:04I was so...
18:07I was so scared in that cage.
18:12But the one thing that gave me hope
18:15was that you were going to come rescue me.
18:19I just had to put all my faith in that,
18:21that I was going to come back here and be with you and the kids,
18:24and you did it.
18:26You did it. You were there.
18:30You found me.
18:33Our love guided you to me.
18:36It truly did.
18:39You really are my hero.
18:48I love you.
