The Bold and the Beautiful 8-9-24 (9th August 2024) 8-9-2024

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00:00So, let me get this straight, Luna found Tom's backpack with the letters inside of it claiming
00:20that Tom is Luna's biological father, but Poppy says she has no idea how the bag even
00:25got there.
00:26How else would it end up in her apartment?
00:28Luna has no idea.
00:30Okay, so if Tom was right and he is Luna's biological father, that would jeopardize their
00:36relationship with Bill and then what, he suddenly turns up dead?
00:39I mean, come on.
00:40Listen to me.
00:41Listen to me.
00:42Luna didn't want me to say this to anyone, but I felt like you needed to know.
00:47Is this for real?
00:50Is Poppy really capable of murder?
00:56We need to clear this up.
00:58This is why I came back.
00:59I want to know how this got into our apartment, Mom.
01:02Well, so do I.
01:04You really have no idea?
01:06Luna, I had nothing to do with those deaths at Il Giardino.
01:12You believe me, don't you?
01:21I didn't realize I'd be back here this soon.
01:24Not that seeing you isn't always a tremendous joy.
01:27Yeah, yeah.
01:28Save it.
01:29You need my signature story of my life.
01:32Hey, dollar bill.
01:35The fact that this Toronto deal is actually closing, I mean, we should be out celebrating
01:41right now.
01:44I give you a hundred million dollars and you give me sure?
01:49What is something is going on with you?
01:51What is it?
01:55I'm concerned about Poppy.
01:58Oh, it's been a long time since you let me just rub your shoulders like this.
02:14I'm a little more stressed than usual.
02:18She has a business to pick up.
02:24It's been slow since Tom and Hollis.
02:26Yeah, but it will.
02:28You just give it some time.
02:33So you said Katie was asking questions?
02:35Yeah, she was asking about their deaths.
02:38I wonder why.
02:40I don't know.
02:41I don't know the specifics because I got called away, but it's got something to do with the
02:45new lady and Spencer's wife.
03:11So what's changed?
03:42This morning.
03:43Why are you concerned about Poppy now?
03:44It's just a feeling in my gut.
03:47Like another guy?
03:49Well, I don't know.
03:51I mean, I what then?
03:53What do you think it is?
03:54I'm not sure, but I know Poppy pretty well at this point and something's troubling her.
04:02What about her?
04:04I get the feeling Katie's not a huge fan.
04:07Katie is Bill's ex.
04:10There might be a jealousy issue there.
04:12I don't know about all that.
04:13But what I do know is we're not the only ones wondering what really happened here.
04:17God, you know, I just keep thinking back to that night if I would have just listened to
04:25Some of the answers that we're looking for, they could have been in Tom's backpack.
04:35I can't explain how it got here.
04:36OK, well, it didn't just magically appear out of thin air, mom.
04:39I mean, who else has our keys?
04:41I don't understand it either, Luna.
04:44I am just as confused as you are.
04:46But it wasn't me.
04:47I had nothing to do with this.
04:54Poppy killed Tom and Hollis.
04:57I can't imagine Poppy doing anything like that.
04:59Can you?
05:00It's a terrible accusation.
05:01But who else would have wanted them dead?
05:11Poppy met with Tom the night that he died.
05:29Well, you said Poppy's happy.
05:31Oh, listen.
05:32A thousand percent.
05:33I mean, this might make you want to throw up in your mouth a little bit.
05:36But all we talk about is how happy we are.
05:40Well, what that implies to me is that whatever's going on with her, it's got nothing to do
05:47with you.
05:48Well, I'm sure you're right, but I want her to feel like she can confide in me.
05:55She can trust me with anything and everything.
06:01There's no doubt she is going to come to you with this eventually.
06:04It's just, look, it's a lot right now.
06:06You're both thrust into this new life together at warp speed.
06:10Well, I'm having no problem adjusting.
06:12In fact, I'm loving every minute of it.
06:15I can tell.
06:20You know, having a daughter has softened you.
06:25And before you say anything, I mean that in the best way.
06:30No, you do.
06:34Having Poppy and Luna in my world has enriched my life in ways I could never imagine.
06:43And I know, just give it some time, you, Wyatt, and Will are going to feel exactly the same way.
07:00He was so intense.
07:03Hollis was adamant about showing me Tom's backpack.
07:06Well, I mean, he must have suspected that Tom's death wasn't an accident.
07:09I mean, he probably thought that he was holding onto some clues.
07:14And I just wanted it out of here.
07:17I didn't want that filthy thing here.
07:20I had him throw it in the dumpster, and now it's long gone.
07:25Along with any clues that could have potentially had anything to do with their deaths.
07:34That's on me.
07:40The door was locked, Mom.
07:42Has anybody else been inside our apartment?
07:44Not that I'm aware of.
07:47Okay, so you said the bag was never in your possession.
07:50I saw it for the first time when you showed it to me.
07:54Okay, then who put it here? Because that person must be responsible for everything else, then.
07:58Well, it wasn't me.
08:01Look at me, Luna.
08:03I am your mother, and you know me better than anyone else in the world.
08:06And you know, you know, deep down, I would never hurt anyone, let alone take someone's life.
08:15Sweetheart, you have to believe me.
08:17Please, I didn't do this. You believe me, don't you?
08:24Yeah, I do. I believe you. I know it wasn't you.
08:31You do?
08:35Oh, thank God.
08:37Thank you, sweetheart.
08:46So, Poppy saw Tom the night he died?
08:49Yes, and Poppy said something to Luna about taking matters into her own hands.
08:54Oh, my God. So not only did she have motive, she had opportunity.
08:58Plus, she's a known drug user, and now two men are dead.
09:01They overdosed.
09:03Yeah, but what if they didn't know they were ingesting drugs?
09:05What if it was intentional? Cold-blooded murder?
09:08I mean, did you see inside the backpack? Was there any evidence of drugs?
09:11No, I didn't really look.
09:14Why would Poppy want to eliminate Tom?
09:17I mean, she really stands by the fact that Bill's the missing father.
09:20Of course she does.
09:22We just need to be careful before we start accusing people of things. We need facts.
09:26Okay, I hear you, and I appreciate you telling me this. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.
09:31Maybe it is just a horrible coincidence, but the more I hear it, the less I believe that to be true.
09:39Your pizza's ready.
09:40Thank you, Alexis. I appreciate this.
09:42It's okay.
09:48Just be careful with this information.
09:52I will.
10:08Deacon said you were asking questions about Tom and Hollis.
10:13I was the last one to see Hollis alive.
10:18What did he say? Did he say anything about Tom?
10:25He wanted me to see his backpack.
10:30You saw Tom's backpack?
10:46Why are you so interested in Tom's belongings?
10:50Two men are dead because of a drug overdose.
10:53Tom never did drugs while he was working here.
10:56Tom had a history of addiction, but you know what? He spoke about it openly, and I'm telling you, that guy was on the straight and narrow.
11:03What about Hollis?
11:04Hollis never did drugs a day in his life.
11:06Hollis barely drank.
11:08Well, then how did he die of a drug overdose?
11:11It's a question we keep asking ourselves.
11:14Just like everything seems like it's off.
11:18Since we lost him, even this place, it doesn't feel the same.
11:22I don't have the words to express.
11:26They weren't just employees, they were friends.
11:31I really am sorry for your loss.
11:35Did you know them both well?
11:38No, not well. I knew Hollis a bit, but I hear that Tom lived a very interesting life.
11:46Yeah, you can say that. From rock star to the streets and back again.
11:49Talk about resilience. The guy was a real mensch.
11:53It's too bad that they both died so suddenly.
11:58Yeah, it's heartbreaking, actually.
12:02But if you're wondering about Tom's backpack, it's gone.
12:07Long gone. It's probably in a landfill somewhere, so we are never going to know what was inside his backpack.
12:14Look, Katie, I know you've got a lot of questions. Believe me, we do too.
12:18I'm sorry, I have got to get back to work, though, okay?
12:21Yeah, of course, I was going to take...
12:25I have to get out of here.
12:41Hi, Chief Baker, it's Katie Logan.
12:46I was hoping that I could talk to you about the deaths at El Jardino.
12:51I think I might have some evidence.
12:59Poppy can do no wrong in my book.
13:01You got a badge.
13:03What's not to love? She is beautiful, warm, loving, patient.
13:09That's the one she's going to need most, living with you.
13:13What are you talking about? This is the new easy-going version of me.
13:18And you know what? I am so happy that Poppy and Luna got to just skip ahead to the chill years.
13:26Oh, they deserve it. We all deserve it.
13:29Couldn't do this without my boys.
13:32You'll never have to. We all support you. We just want what's best for everyone.
13:39Thank you, son.
13:42The best is yet to come.
13:48Okay, well, let's get out of here. Let's go back to Bill's.
13:54Yeah, honestly, I'm getting an eerie feeling just being here.
13:57Yeah, well, we don't ever have to come back here if you don't want to, Luna.
14:01I mean, it's being knocked down anyway.
14:03We do not need this place anymore.
14:06This place is our past.
14:08And Bill and the Spencer family, that is our future.
14:20Hey, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to talk to you about Poppy.
14:24Yeah, I want to talk to you about Poppy, too.
14:26Alright, look, if this is about...
14:27No, no, no, you need to listen to what I have to say because your life could depend on it.
14:48Oh, what is this?
15:03It's tonight's special.
15:05That is not on the menu.
15:07It is for you, but only you.
15:10It's my grandmother's famous recipe from the old, old world.
15:16And it's a chicken potato stew, guaranteed to cure stress and a worried mind.
15:24Oh, you shouldn't have.
15:26Alright, let's give this a shot. This looks delicious.
15:31Very big bite right there.
15:38What? What is it?
15:40It's spicy.
15:42It's not peppery.
15:44Oh, my God.
15:46Oh, my God.
15:48I must have grabbed the cayenne instead, baby.
15:50I'm so sorry, but I do know Daddy likes it hot, so...
15:54Oh, my God.
15:56I just wish there was more we could do.
15:58I think you've done enough.
16:00You've done enough.
16:08I guess, you know, I'm just coming to grips with the fact that Tom and Hollis are never coming back.
16:17No, they're not.
16:19But there is an open investigation, and hopefully somebody will find out why they're not with us any longer.
16:27And that justice will be served if there was foul play.
16:31You know, Katie seems very interested in this case.
16:37Yeah, I don't...
16:39I don't quite understand that.
16:41I don't know. She's got a lot of questions.
16:43And they all lead back to Bill's new girlfriend.
16:55I think you could be in trouble, Bill.
16:57Because of Poppy?
16:59Yes, I just found out something very disturbing.
17:01Okay, Katie, you gotta leave her alone.
17:03No, no, you can't shut me down. You have to listen to what I have to say.
17:05Bill, I don't think you understand what you've gotten yourself into.
17:09This is serious.
17:11I'm not trying to intimidate your girlfriend or hurt her precious feelings.
17:15Your life could be in jeopardy.
17:17I think you are in danger because of Poppy.
17:21Katie, what are you talking about?
17:23Okay, just listen to me for a second.
17:25Tom Starr played at that music festival the night you met Poppy, right?
17:29The same night that Luna was supposedly conceived.
17:35Yeah, and I know all about Poppy's mints.
17:37I know she does drugs, Bill.
17:39She did drugs. She doesn't do them anymore.
17:41And where are you going with this?
17:43Tom Starr shows up again and he's got a whole backpack
17:47full of letters that he sent to Poppy
17:49insisting that he's Luna's father.
17:51Yeah, I know. Poppy told me all about it.
17:53She only told you half of it.
17:55She saw him the night he died,
17:57right before he collapsed on the stage.
17:59You don't think that's strange, Bill?
18:01I think you're being a little strange, Katie.
18:03Why did Poppy wait decades to do a paternity test
18:07if she thought that you could be Luna's father all along?
18:11And when it was proven that Luna is your daughter
18:13they just move right in here
18:15and they just cash in on the Spencer empire?
18:18Tom Starr resurfaces.
18:21He continues his claim that he's Luna's real father.
18:26Poppy meets with him and suddenly he keels over and dies.
18:30Hollis gets a hold of the backpack.
18:32He reads all the letters and suddenly he's a liability.
18:34But before he can say anything
18:36he ODs two on the same drugs that killed Tom.
18:40Bill, two men are dead. Two.
18:44Your life could be in jeopardy.
18:47Poppy is dangerous.
18:50What are you saying?
18:52You think Poppy is a murderer?
18:54Yes, Bill. Yes.
