The Bold and the Beautiful 8-7-24 (7th August 2024) 8-7-2024

  • last month
00:00you were incredible hit of the summit money Carla it's always been good this
00:06says nothing to a monocle this is you or you
00:14it was a magical trip
00:30every update keeps getting better hits on the website are still surging when
00:44the organizers at the summit they're so happy with all the media coverage I
00:47can't believe it Brooks bedroom is still trending worldwide are you seeing this
00:55the website crush is getting major coverage I am getting calls non-stop
01:00from buyers I mean they love seeing my mom front and center again except I know
01:05this might be hard for you to admit but Brooke Logan is back and better than
01:55I hope the bedroom line has always been popular well it's soaring now with my
02:07mother back in the spotlight which can only mean one thing it's time to stop
02:13fighting the Logan influence and be grateful for it
02:20hey I just I heard the news congratulations
02:35all right get ready to take off well this trip has been amazing so much has
02:41happened in such a short period of time so when the prince said you're welcome
02:47anytime did it mean both of us suggesting you too of course
02:54Monica's incredible it's beauty and it's hospitality we've had so many memories
03:01here so let's stay a little longer make some more that would be nice but we
03:08could also go home and start working on Brooks bedroom that is she's so happy
03:16the numbers are ridiculous I know I'm just shocked I mean it's it's an
03:24incredible rollout wondering how Stephie's feeling about all of this
03:39Oh Katie's sending the social media stats to our buyers well definitely wants
03:46to be a part of it mm-hmm schedule a meeting with the production
03:50Carter we got a booth the inventory got it sounds like you got a lot going on
03:55here I don't want to pull you it's fine it's fine I want to celebrate with you
04:00go come on yeah hey may take you to my office and hey is there anyone you need
04:11to see before we go no that's good because let me my mom just picked up the
04:18kids so the plan for us is under way oh you have plans mm-hmm the minute I heard
04:26about the news from the side you guys should go have fun tonight
04:31sounds like my mom really gave everyone a reason to celebrate when does she get
04:36back she's actually she's in the air right now so sure you're really excited
04:43to see your mom after this I get it it's always good when your mom's around look
04:50I'm gonna grab some things in the design office I'll meet you in the elevator
04:56yeah you uh you gotta be filled for the problem of her she put herself out there
05:07and it paid off oh that's what Logan's are famous for right I'm happy for you
05:21hope I can see how much this this means to you thanks
05:41numbers are still ticking up I can't believe it's all you baby it's all you
05:52relaunch could not have gone better hope this is amazing these numbers I
05:57know it's everything mom and Ridge wanted and more I don't know I don't
06:01know how she does it but no one gets the world's attention like Brooke Logan she
06:04is a true fashion icon I just hope Steffi realizes that too
06:22you said your mom has the kids she's keeping them overnight
06:30well it sounds like a nice evening for sure it begins with this
06:49these comments are so touching are you just showing me the good ones how would
06:55I do that I'm just like this I'm all on the web thing this is what it's showing
06:59us okay well now I feel a little bit silly
07:05being so nervous didn't seem nervous just seemed like you were taking the
07:10world and taking the internet it's all because of you rich because of your
07:17encouragement you help me and I pushed me to do this
07:23photo shoot and lingerie and that's what people are reacting to and that's what
07:29all the success is about and all these women complimenting me on my
07:36self-confidence and my security well that's how I feel
07:43the only thing I did was guide you to the spotlight the rest was all you
07:48people are waiting what books bedroom they're raving about you because what I
07:52said for the sexy father beautiful
08:06it's great news for the whole company hope not over it I know you've been
08:13stressed about work lately for a good reason huh
08:17yes Effie she's been writing you a little oh she's stressed out too right
08:25she's carrying the family legacy it's on her to make sure Forrester's thriving
08:29and healthy well into the future well the thing is Carter you can be a strong
08:34leader without being cruel look at you well it's not my name on the building I
08:42don't think she's being cruel no she's being um pragmatic but it often comes at
08:51my expense though just remember you're more the success that's good for
08:55everyone and you're right you're right increased web traffic it helps every
09:03collection and it's already boosted the bottom line and that's gonna take the
09:07pressure off of everyone but according to stuffy my my line is hanging on by a
09:12thread well Brooks bedroom can give hope for the future lifeline oh there
09:18is irony in there somewhere I realize there's been tension between you and
09:26Steffi I'm just glad I'm not the only person seeing it I don't like it I don't
09:35like feeling like I'm constantly under attack but and I enjoy working here at
09:40Forrester Creations I want to be able to contribute to its success it's just a
09:45little hard when every step of the way I feel like I'm being undermined so that
09:51is where the tension is coming from I feel like I'm being put in this position
09:55where I have to be Steffi's adversary and believe me I am doing my best to keep
10:06things from getting even more complicated dinner is ready in the
10:10kitchen anytime you want it yeah the um soba noodles from a place you
10:17know that sounds delicious but I really just want to be here I don't want to
10:23move an inch this is yeah exactly what I needed yeah I figure you just want to
10:28stay home and relax yeah I just want to be here with you listen to the sound of
10:35the ocean this is exactly what I need that's paradise a hiker hopefully you
10:42feel a lot less stressed know that looks announcements yeah I feel like I've been
10:49facing this battle all on my own for so long I really hope that changes I don't
10:59talk about Brooke or any Logan for that matter but Brooks bedroom launch and we
11:07brought up a lot of stuff for you some really conflicted feelings I get that
11:14again I don't want to be together debate what I mean the resentment you feel
11:22Michael's way back Oh foresters versus Logan's yeah yeah look I am really tired
11:34and relaxed right now like I said I just don't want to deal with that kind of
11:38energy and like I said I don't want to talk about it anymore that's cool okay
11:42listen the point is is I just want my beautiful hard-working wife to know I
11:48understand and I care I will be here for you always
12:06I knew was gonna be hit I knew it because you were part of it you out in
12:12front of it had to be hit that's more web traffic than we've had any other
12:18fashion show or media drop Brooks bedroom has done that before not like
12:24this I'm so proud of you and I want to thank you for believing in me giving me
12:34the opportunity to prove myself again you're electric you the way you grab
12:41people you lift them up to you motivate them I've never seen anything like it
12:45and you do it you don't even try to do it it's just you're just full of this
12:49joy for life and this this giggle I can't get over
12:55he's just
12:59you're part of my world and I never want to let that go
13:25here in Australia like everywhere else around the world we're waiting for the
13:30launch of Brooks bedroom for us to creations Wow look at you book well
13:47cut me down to size what is that supposed to mean really what could you
13:54possibly attempt there's nothing you can do to me hope
14:07oh you are so beautiful and kind and passionate and committed to what you do
14:13and you fight hard to make a difference in people's lives every day all the while
14:18if a smile that lights up the world no you deserve the best I hope the absolute
14:45forget about dinner
14:49that's exactly where this night is headed but yes they don't need to rush
14:54you don't need to rush okay well I put my rounds to be a later
15:02baby morning you plan this entire evening I need this to last all night
15:10okay you just don't get a lot of time with this they know moments like these
15:16they're like you're like a teenager just like the two of us oh yeah on the
15:19couch no one around your dad's gonna walk in
15:23no he's not he's still on a plane coming back from Monte Carlo okay well then
15:28look at us yeah lucky us I am really grateful for this
15:39no yeah these last few months it's been kind of stressful
15:46everything that's been going on everything with
15:49Sheila and work two men die and Bill Fardino and I hope getting
15:57into your ears like just all of it is is really crazy and
16:02sometimes we just need to like stop and take a moment
16:05and realize what we have it's just amazing you know we have our
16:12children and they're growing up so fast we just want to like hold on to that and
16:16slow time down and just appreciate these
16:20really special moments like moments like this moments where we can
16:27recharge and reconnect it's important that is yeah it's a lot
16:33of fun too
16:36I mean aren't we I don't I don't need a lot no yes no I love just being with you
16:41like if we're sitting on a couch relaxing or
16:45going for a walk on the beach oh so should I just
16:48cancel that violinist and the fireworks what
16:52don't do that no move back once as long as I know that you're devoted
16:58and committed to me that's all I really need and I'll give that right back to
17:01you you show me that every day well tonight
17:05I'm really reveling in it no yeah okay well before we revel in it
17:11I want you to know that I feel the same way sweetie you have made me
17:15the luckiest man in the world our life our kids
17:24the first time that you looked at me everything changed
17:30and in that moment I wanted to know you
17:35more than I wanted to know anything
17:38our eyes met and that was it for me yeah until Hayes was born and then
17:46I'm holding him and you in my arms and I just
17:52I told myself never let this go because there is no one in the world
17:58just like you stuffy there is no one as uh passionate
18:07intelligent you are just gorgeous and devoted
18:15you're devoted to your family and your work
18:21I'm never gonna let this go
18:25ever ever ever ever
18:28oh there's nothing stronger than our love for each other
18:35I feel like I love you so much
