The Bold and the Beautiful 8-8-24 (8th August 2024) 8-8-2024

  • last month
00:00Oh, I'm so glad you're back.
00:06Was Monte Carlo as exciting and glamorous as it looked like in the picture?
00:09Yes, we had the best time.
00:11I love it.
00:12But most importantly, you had a successful time.
00:16Social media drop was a hit.
00:19And it continues to be.
00:20Hope and I were texting about it last night.
00:21We're really thrilled for you.
00:22I mean, come on, a better compliment.
00:23Your kids are thrilled for you.
00:24Yeah, see?
00:25I saw Hope when I got home and she's very supportive.
00:29Everyone has been blowing up my phone.
00:30And of course, I'm getting all the Logan love from this one.
00:34Because Brooke's bedroom is back and better than ever.
00:43So Will's home.
00:44That's great.
00:45It is.
00:46The timing left a little to be desired.
00:49Why is that?
00:51He walked in on Poppy and me.
00:55In the bedroom.
00:56Oh, God.
00:57Poor kid.
00:59That's not the point.
01:00The point is, it was already awkward enough.
01:02And then Luna came home.
01:05And Will, I mean, he was still trying to wrap his head around the whole Poppy situation.
01:14And I asked him to embrace his sister.
01:18Yeah, I know.
01:19I know.
01:20It's probably not the smartest thing I've ever done.
01:22It's not that it's not smart.
01:23It's just it's a bit much.
01:26Look, I think that he is really going to love them once he gets to know them.
01:31I mean, who doesn't love Poppy and Luna?
01:35These two remarkable women that I'm lucky enough to have in my life.
01:40I still can't believe this, Mom.
01:42I mean, Tom's backpack is here and his letters and everything you sent back over the years.
01:49It doesn't make sense.
01:50Like, why would he be here?
01:52Luna, I swear I do not know how his backpack got here.
01:57So he basically harassed you throughout my entire childhood, writing letters and claiming
02:03to be my father?
02:05And Bill knows this, by the way.
02:09He knows all about the false claims and about my relationship with Tom.
02:14He understands.
02:15Luna, I need you to understand, too.
02:27Guys, this it's still trending and still being bombarded with orders.
02:43But we got to talk about that right ramp up production already on it.
02:47All the departments have modified target dates.
02:49See, this is it.
02:50This is what we keep them around.
02:51Good job.
02:53Anything else we missed while we were gone?
02:56Um, here at Forrester, I mean, you haven't been gone that long.
03:01What about L.A. in general?
03:04What's going on with the deaths at El Chartino?
03:10We were only shut down for a brief amount of time.
03:13Do me a favor, please.
03:14Can you just reassure your readers that we were given the all clear?
03:19Of course we're going to survive.
03:20I mean, you know, it was a dark chapter.
03:23But it was a short one.
03:24Yeah, that that was definitely the hardest part of losing two friends.
03:29You know, the question you ought to be asking yourself is why it happened.
03:34So like, where is Will?
03:37Is he upstairs by the pool just hanging with his mom?
03:41Oh, let me guess, he doesn't feel terribly welcome here at the moment.
03:48Seems that it might take him a little time to accept that he has a sister.
03:55And the fact that her mom is living with you instead of his.
04:02It was such a relief finding out that Bill was your father.
04:05I mean, I always believed that he was, but there was always this lingering doubt that,
04:12I don't know, a concern that maybe Tom was right.
04:18Thank God he wasn't.
04:20Did you know that he was in Los Angeles and working at El Doradino?
04:24Yeah, I saw him there.
04:28Bill and I were on a date and Tom accidentally spilled water on us.
04:33And you only saw him that one time?
04:38He also delivered a pizza to the house.
04:43That's right.
04:44That's why you were so upset.
04:45And now everything is making sense.
04:48Wait, wasn't that the same night as the concert?
04:54There was there was a flyer on the pizza box.
04:56It was an advertisement for Tom.
04:57Yes, there was.
05:00And that is when I decided to take matters into my own hands.
05:04Mom, what does that mean?
05:09No, no, I figured.
05:17As you can imagine, we're still on the edge.
05:21OK, thanks, man.
05:24Nothing new on the El Doradino case.
05:28Anything new about the deaths maybe being accidental, at least?
05:33Sounds like they're considering all possibilities.
05:34Well, not all possibilities, they've released Sheila.
05:38It's got to be her, right?
05:39And who else would run around killing people?
05:41Well, whoever it is, I hope the police get to the bottom of it.
05:44And soon we need to find out what happened to Hollis and Tom before somebody else gets
05:50But that's just it.
05:51If it was an accidental overdose.
05:52Yeah, well, but that's a big if I mean, until it's proven, I think that we should all be
05:58on guard.
06:01You know what?
06:02Excuse me.
06:03There's some place I need to be.
06:04Well, don't worry about Will.
06:19He's resilient.
06:20He'll come around.
06:21There's going to have to.
06:22I'm not going to hide how much I'm enjoying this new life.
06:25Yeah, no.
06:26And nor should you.
06:27I mean, it's funny having a daughter.
06:30It's changed you.
06:33In kind of a profound way.
06:37I know I can see it.
06:41I think everybody can.
06:45It's nice to see you happy.
06:47It's all thanks to Bobby.
06:50I don't mean to imply that I had anything to do with his death.
06:54I did not.
06:55You said take matters into your own hands to stop him spreading lies, Luna, not kill
07:02I told him that he had to stop this, sending letters and insisting that he was your father.
07:10I needed him to accept and understand is your father, not him.
07:17And you did this the night that he performed El Jardino.
07:21That's the same night that he died, Mom.
07:25I don't understand why you didn't tell me any of this.
07:29Because I'm trying to protect you, Luna, and I still am.
07:33I see how happy you are now finally knowing your father.
07:37I didn't want to burden you or stress you out the knowledge that Tom was out there.
07:43Stress that I thought was gone when he died, but but now this, how did this get here?
07:51Tom must have snuck it in at some point, maybe when everyone else was moving out.
07:56Maybe he wanted you to find the backpack and read the letters.
07:59I don't know.
08:00All I know is for certain is that Bill Spencer is your father.
08:04And now the only person to question that is dead.
08:08I have a tragic drug overdose that I had nothing to do with or that other death either.
08:13You have to trust me, Luna.
08:17You have to believe in your mother.
08:23Let's just try to get through this with some of that good old Nazawa power like we always do.
08:41I'm going to head over to Bill's.
08:43I want to see how things are going with Will.
08:46You want to come with?
08:48Uh, yeah, I'll try to join later.
08:51Right now, I'm just, um.
08:54You, you go ahead.
09:20Looks like you're on a mission.
09:22I am.
09:23I have some questions about the two deaths that happened here.
09:37Did something seem off with Katie?
09:39I think she might be overwhelmed.
09:41I'll go check on her.
09:42Yeah, do that.
09:43We keep adding stuff to her plate, but I know she can handle it.
09:46No, you're right.
09:48Sorry, you guys.
09:49I, uh, I have to go to Luna.
09:51She texted me.
09:52It sounds urgent.
09:53What is happening?
09:56You got two exciting parents?
09:58Boring where?
09:59I got two of the most exciting parents on Earth.
10:01Well, this exciting parent needs a pizza.
10:03You said you were going to pick one up.
10:04Yeah, yeah, yeah.
10:05I'll pick it up after.
10:08So you're not concerned about me being hungry now?
10:09Oh, my God.
10:10You better go get it now before he gives you a guilt trip.
10:14All right.
10:15Well, welcome home.
10:16And I'm very excited for both of you.
10:18Oh, thank you, sweetheart.
10:21Love you.
10:22Love you, too.
10:23Say hi to Luna.
10:26Pepperoni mushroom.
10:31So what about you?
10:33You gonna leave me as well?
10:37I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.
10:40At work.
10:42In my life.
10:46In your arms.
10:56What do you want to know?
11:02Well, first of all, my condolences.
11:05I know that Tom and Hollis were friends of yours.
11:09Yeah, it's tough.
11:10Every time I come here, I just...
11:12Realizing I'm never gonna see him again.
11:15So Sheila was questioned and then released?
11:18Okay, Katie, look.
11:19If you're here to make accusations about my war...
11:21No, no, I'm not.
11:22I'm not.
11:24Actually wondering about someone else.
11:29The new woman in Bill's life.
11:31Poppy Nozawa.
11:42I've missed you.
11:43Oh, what a coincidence.
11:45I've missed you, too.
11:47How are things at the apartment?
11:54I got your text.
11:55What's going on?
12:00Hey, what's wrong?
12:01You're upset.
12:03Yeah, you could say that.
12:07Is it me?
12:08Did I do something?
12:09No, no.
12:10God, no.
12:12What's going on?
12:13Is there something I can help with?
12:15I don't see how.
12:19Look, it's not like I...
12:21I want to keep something from you because I don't.
12:24I never want to do that again.
12:26I don't ever want that...
12:28That feeling of guilt.
12:30What happened?
12:31Did you do something you feel guilty about?
12:35Not me.
12:38I'm afraid that someone else has.
12:41Not me.
12:42I'm afraid that someone else has.
12:45Not that I believe it.
12:47I don't, but...
12:50I'm not following.
12:51Go back.
12:58I found this here.
13:02An old backpack?
13:03What is it?
13:04Come on, you can tell me.
13:05Tell me what's going on here.
13:07You're not going to believe what's inside.
13:12All of these letters.
13:18They're letters to your mom.
13:23Wait, these are from Tom Starr.
13:25That's the first guy who died at Il Giordino, right?
13:36Your mom and Tom, they knew each other.
13:40What was he writing her about?
13:43Tom insisted that he was my father.
13:51Go much?
13:52Yeah, he was a bit obsessed.
13:54Your aunt did a paternity test.
13:56What was your dad?
13:59Yeah, but that was a recent development, RJ.
14:02I mean, my mom had all these years to rule Tom out, and she didn't.
14:06Instead, she sent all these letters back.
14:09I can understand why that would be upsetting, but...
14:12It's not why I'm upset.
14:15Not the only reason.
14:20I can't figure out how this backpack got here.
14:24I asked my mom about it, but she said she has nothing to do with it.
14:29The thing is...
14:31She admitted to me that...
14:34She went to go see Tom to set him straight.
14:37The night of his concert.
14:39The same night that he died.
14:41Wait, what are you saying?
14:44I mean, my mom is like the sweetest person, right?
14:46So she'd never hurt anyone.
14:51She'd probably do anything for me, and she knows how happy I am that Bill's my father.
14:56My God, you think your mom was involved in Tom's death?
14:59Is that what you think?
15:00No, she'd never.
15:03Oh, I don't know.
15:04I don't know, I mean, I asked her about it, but...
15:07You know, let's be real.
15:08She does have a history of drug use, and that's how Tom and Hollis both died.
15:12From drug overdoses, so...
15:17Maybe she had the means.
15:19Maybe she had a motive if she thought...
15:22That Tom was gonna start harassing you?
15:23Is that what you...
15:25She swears that she has nothing to do with it.
15:27And I have to believe her.
15:29I have to, but...
15:31I don't know, this whole situation is just freaking me out.
15:34I could see why.
15:37God, I'm sorry.
15:38Now I'm dragging you into it.
15:40I didn't mean to open up to you like this, I'm sorry.
15:42It's okay.
15:44You can talk to me about anything.
15:49It's gonna be okay.
15:52We're gonna figure this out.
15:53We're gonna figure this out.
15:58Spending time in the apartment was definitely a reminder...
16:02Of how much I appreciate being here...
16:07In a home...
16:09With a man that I love.
16:13Life with you is everything that I'd wished for Bill.
16:17And I never wanna lose you.
16:20You won't.
16:22I'm committed to you, Poppy.
16:25To you and our daughter.
16:33Poppy Nozawa?
16:35Yeah, you know her, right?
16:36I mean, she and Bill come in here an awful lot.
16:39Yeah, yeah.
16:41I'm guessing you have a problem with the new flame in Bill's life?
16:45I'm surprised.
16:47I'm surprised there was a fool to ever let you get away.
16:50Well, I'm not jealous.
16:52I'm not.
16:53I'm just, I'm concerned for Bill.
16:55I mean, something doesn't add up here.
16:57I've had a weird feeling about Poppy from the very beginning.
17:01She seems normal enough to me.
17:03Aside from the fact that she wants to date Spencer.
17:06Don't you think it's odd that she waited over 20 years to tell Bill that he could have a child?
17:10That Luna could be his daughter?
17:12I mean, why did she wait so long to get a paternity test?
17:15And then she and her daughter have moved in with Bill.
17:18I mean, he doesn't know her.
17:20And now they're living together?
17:22Hey, Alexis.
17:23Here to pick up a pizza?
17:25Hi, Archer.
17:26I'll see if it's ready.
17:34It's a little weird, but then again, we're talking about Spencer.
17:37I'm just not sure what it has to do with me or with Hollis and Tom's death.
17:43Um, I hope that thought didn't take its toll.
17:48Hey, Katie.
17:51Uh, is Luna with you?
17:53No, I'm just here picking up a pizza.
17:55Uh, I just couldn't help but overhear you guys were talking about Tom's star.
17:59Oh, yeah.
18:00I have some questions about how he died.
18:03I might have, um, some information, but if I tell you about this, you need to keep this confidential, okay?
18:16It has to do with Poppy.
18:18And her drug habit?
18:20I don't know.
18:21It could be related.
18:24Tell me.
18:26Luna invited me over to her apartment.
18:29She was freaking out.
18:30She was physically upset.
18:32And she showed me this old backpack.
18:35And it turns out that it belonged to Tom's star.
18:39Wait a minute.
18:40Tom's star's backpack was at Poppy's place?
18:44And she showed me what was inside of it.
18:47And inside of it, there were all of these letters that Tom had written to Poppy over the years.
18:51And inside them, he's claiming that he's Luna's father.
18:57Oh, my God.
18:58Are you telling me that another man claimed to be Luna's dad, and then he suddenly just dropped dead?
19:05Could I be right?
19:07Was it Luna's mother?
19:08Was it his mother?
19:12Did Poppy kill Hollis and Tom?
