The Bold and the Beautiful 8-16-24 (16th August 2024) 8-16-2024

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00:00I should have never done that.
00:07You kissed me in the middle of the party.
00:09I have to tell Steffi.
00:11Please, Finn.
00:13I made a mistake.
00:14I had been drinking and I made a reckless, impulsive decision.
00:18So you planted one on me.
00:20And you can't do that.
00:22I know.
00:23And I am sorry, Finn.
00:25But please, just don't tell Steffi.
00:27Please, just don't tell Steffi.
00:37No way.
00:40No, no, no way.
00:49No way.
00:52Oh my God.
00:54Mom? Oh my God!
00:56Oh my God, you can't believe you're here!
00:59Oh, straight from the airport to see my beautiful daughter.
01:03I'm so happy to see you.
01:10Excuse me, Jerry.
01:16Hello, Penelope.
01:18What does the opportunity test say?
01:25Are you my father?
01:44Thank you for coming.
01:46I couldn't resist seeing my little sister in jail.
01:49How long ago did you end up here, Penelope?
01:51I didn't do it, Lee. I didn't kill those men. You have to believe me.
01:55You're a lot of things, but a murderer?
01:59Have you spoken to Luna? I'm really worried about her.
02:06What are the results?
02:08Two stripes, you're my dad, and one stripe, you're not.
02:13One stripe.
02:17You're not my dad?
02:34This is quite the entrance.
02:38Quite the entrance.
02:40Well, I wanted to surprise you, but not sneak up on you, all things considered.
02:44Yeah, I really appreciate that, but I'm still in shock. You are right here.
02:50I promised you I'd come home soon.
02:53You have no idea how much I needed this.
02:57I miss my sweet girl.
02:58I miss you, Mom.
02:59I miss you, Mom, so, so much.
03:03Oh my gosh.
03:05I'm so glad you're here.
03:09I know that I messed up, and I feel terrible.
03:15I'm happily married, Ho.
03:17And all the time that I spent helping you with your migraines,
03:22and all the time that we spent talking about our parents,
03:26and whether or not to go to the wedding, I shouldn't have done any of that.
03:30I don't know what the hell I was thinking.
03:33Because Steffi warned me to stay away.
03:35Because I would never cross that line.
03:37You didn't.
03:39You were being a friend.
03:42I am the one who crossed that line.
03:45I am the one who made the mistake, Finn, and I am so, so sorry for that.
03:53So can we please just try to move on, and just forget that any of this ever happened?
04:13I can't believe this.
04:18I made a vow to you, Luna.
04:21That I would always be by your side.
04:25You've had a very difficult life.
04:28And now your mother's in jail.
04:31I've never met anybody like you.
04:35I mean, your dedication and your commitment to me,
04:39to someone who's not even your daughter anymore.
04:46You will always have a special place in my heart.
04:52Even though I-
04:53Yes, of course. Always.
04:58I can't tell you how much that means to me.
05:01What about my mom?
05:06I don't know.
05:08What do you think?
05:11And the evidence against her is so compelling.
05:14And now we know that that original paternity test was somehow tampered with.
05:20It must have been.
05:23Was this all part of your mother's plan?
05:26Was this all part of your mother's plan?
05:35I know it doesn't look good.
05:37All the evidence points to me.
05:39You've admitted to using drugs, Penelope.
05:42I did not kill Tamara Hollis.
05:44And I did not alter the paternity test either.
05:47I swear.
05:55You were on a long flight.
05:58How often do I get my mom all to myself?
06:02Seriously, I mean, I have to admit, I was a little jealous of Thomas
06:05when you were spending so much time with him in France.
06:08It was wonderful seeing how smitten your brother is with his fiancée.
06:13He and Douglas are very much enjoying their life with Paris.
06:17I'm really happy for him.
06:19Yeah, I am too.
06:21Now I get to see my other grandchildren.
06:24I've missed all of you more than you could possibly know.
06:28We missed you too.
06:30So, tell me what's going on with the latest in Forrester.
06:34I still can't believe Brooke's stepping back into the limelight.
06:37Oh, God, here we go.
06:39Yeah, yeah, Brooke's relaunch, it's...
06:42It has been successful, and it is great for the company,
06:46but Brooke is already flexing, demanding that we keep Hope for the Future afloat.
06:50Is that possible?
06:51Yeah, I think it is.
06:53Profits from the bedroom line, they exceeded our expectations.
06:57And that can cover Hope for the Future's shortfalls.
07:00But Dad, I mean, Dad is more focused on being a designer than a CEO.
07:05And now it's been all about Brooke.
07:08You can only imagine.
07:11I am trying to be professional.
07:15But the truth is, I don't trust Brooke.
07:20And I certainly do not trust Hope.
07:23What about Hope?
07:25You're still concerned she's spending too much time with your husband?
07:32You made us pretend that that kiss never happened.
07:38I have a wife.
07:39Hope, I made a vow, and I can't keep secrets from Steffi.
07:44It didn't mean anything.
07:47This ring means something to me.
07:51I know.
07:53And that is why I am so sorry that I put you in that position,
07:57and I am really hoping that you accept my apology, Finn,
08:00because I do not want to lose you as a friend.
08:02And if you tell Steffi, I mean, our families are going to be completely at war,
08:10and there's already enough tension as it is.
08:12Yeah, I don't want you fighting either.
08:14But I love my wife above everything else.
08:18Steffi, she needs to know.
08:22She deserves the truth.
08:32You know me, Lee.
08:34I couldn't even kill a spider when I was a kid.
08:37I still can't.
08:42Always were, Softie.
08:46It would be really nice if you believed in me, Lee.
08:56I do, Penelope.
09:03I do.
09:09Don't worry about Luna, okay?
09:12She's going to be okay.
09:16I'm really happy that she has Bill.
09:21I know that he will take care of our daughter.
09:28Now that we know it isn't me, I have to assume it's Tom Starr.
09:33And now he's dead.
09:37I'm so sorry, Luna.
09:40I know he would have adored you if he'd ever been given the chance.
09:47I can't believe I'm even asking this, but...
09:52Did my mom really kill my dad to keep me from knowing who he actually is?
09:58I don't know how to answer that.
10:01I can't wrap my head around any of this.
10:05But we were so happy.
10:08And everything was so perfect.
10:10And now...
10:13And now...
10:16We grieve.
10:20We share the loss of what we thought could have been.
10:25What we thought was ours.
10:28And I...
10:30I saw such a bright future for us as a family.
10:35Not anymore.
10:38It's just me again.
10:41You're not alone, Luna.
10:43I don't ever want you feeling that way.
10:46This is a loss for both of us.
10:53It's a...
10:54It's a mutually shared trauma.
10:58You thought that you finally found your father.
11:04And I thought I had a daughter.
11:15I'm sorry.
11:16I'm sorry.
11:17I vent to you about Hope on the phone and text messages and voice chats and...
11:24Now you're here and what do I do?
11:25I'm venting about Hope again and I'm so sorry.
11:28Stop it. Stop it. It's okay. That's what moms are for.
11:32I'm just so happy to be here with you.
11:36It's just Hope was such a bad influence on my husband.
11:40And I don't want her anywhere near him.
11:43You don't think she's turning into her mother?
11:47I wouldn't put it past her.
11:50Look, I told Finn countless times to stay away from Hope.
11:55Like, do you think that he could be drawn to her?
11:58You think that?
11:59No! Of course not.
12:01Finn loves you, sweetheart.
12:04Yeah, yeah. No, you're right. I don't...
12:06I'm sorry.
12:08I'm just really grateful you're here.
12:10I'm really grateful.
12:13I need you.
12:18Telling Steffi doesn't help anybody.
12:20It is just going to make her upset.
12:23Why'd you even do it?
12:28I guess I just got caught up in the moment.
12:31There was champagne, there was music, and then there was you.
12:33And I do feel something...
12:36Bridget, why don't you just stop?
12:38See, because that's the problem.
12:40Whether or not you're attracted to me,
12:43or you're just trying to get under my wife's skin
12:46and perpetuate this crazy Logan Forrester feud,
12:50I don't know.
12:51But guess what? I don't care.
12:53Because I'm not going to be in the middle of it.
12:56I thought I could play peacemaker,
12:58but not if you're going to act like this.
13:02You can't change my mind.
13:03I'm telling Steffi.
13:04I'm telling Steffi.
13:08You really screwed things up.
13:14I'm sorry, Fen.
13:21I'm sorry.
13:35You kissed me in the middle of the party.
13:39I have to tell Steffi.
13:40Why'd you even do it?
13:42I have to tell Steffi.
13:49Why'd you even do it?
13:50You kissed me in the middle of the party.
13:53Steffi warned me to stay away.
13:54You can't change my mind.
13:55I'm telling Steffi.
13:56Why'd you even do it?
13:57You kissed me in the middle of the party.
14:01Steffi warned me to stay away.
14:02I'm telling Steffi.
14:11You kissed me in the middle of the party.
14:13You kissed me in the middle of the party.
14:18You really screwed things up.
14:19You really screwed things up.
14:20You really screwed things up.
14:24Sweetheart, Fen's a great guy.
14:27A loving, loyal husband.
14:28There's nothing to worry about.
14:30No, there is something to worry about.
14:32And her name is Hope.
14:34And now having you here, like, I...
14:37I have to say, I do feel a lot better.
14:41It's nice to have someone who has my back.
14:45Steffi, you and your brother are the most important people in the world to me.
14:49Always remember that.
14:51I have your back no matter what.
14:56I love you.
14:58And I'm gonna keep your passport.
14:59Never give it back.
15:00And so you never leave, okay?
15:01Okay, deal.
15:02But I would like to freshen up after the flight.
15:06I love it.
15:27Fen, hi.
15:28I didn't know you were coming back.
15:33We need to talk.
15:35Okay, what is it?
15:38It's about Hope.
15:46I'm not going anywhere, Luna.
15:49I'll be here for you.
15:50Whatever you need.
15:53Thank you, Bill.
15:56I'll always remember how kind you were to me.
15:59And how welcoming.
16:02I mean, you filled this void in my life with so much love.
16:15Ever since I was little, all I've ever known was uncertainty.
16:20I was constantly moving, switching schools.
16:24My mom was always dropping me off at random babysitters.
16:27And she always made it seem like it was some big fun adventure.
16:31But it wasn't.
16:35I had no stability.
16:37I had no friends.
16:39I had no childhood.
16:40I mean, my mom kept me from my own dad.
16:45God, I hate to think of my mom that way, but...
16:50I mean, she was so happy being with you.
16:54And this life that you've given us, I mean...
16:57It was so different from how I grew up.
17:02Because it was hard.
17:05It was a lot harder than me and my mom admitted to.
17:09I'm so sorry, Luna.
17:14When I first came to L.A.
17:17And I got my internship at Forestry Creations, I was so proud of myself.
17:22Because it felt like I was finally accomplishing something that I've always dreamed of.
17:26And I could finally break free from my mom and her crazy, careless lifestyle, but...
17:35The scars of my childhood were always there.
17:39You know, I'd always put on a brave smile and act like everything was fine.
17:47But it wasn't.
17:49Not at all.
17:52Not until you came along.
17:57What you've given me is, like, the greatest gift.
18:02It's the closest thing I've ever had to a stable life.
18:09I am so enormously grateful for you, Bill.
18:15No, you're not my dad, but...
18:19You're just a man.
18:20You're just a man.
18:23You're the most...
18:31Incredible man I've ever met.
18:50I love you.
19:08Here's what's ahead.
19:09I know that was the last thing you were expecting.
19:11Taylor Hayes, looking wonderful as always.
19:14You always know the right thing to say.
19:16Tell me, what's going on with Hope?
19:18I am sorry.
19:20How could you kiss Finn?
