The Bold and the Beautiful 9-3-24 (3rd September 2024) 9-3-2024

  • 2 days ago
00:00Stephie never made it to the Wellness Center. No one has heard from her.
00:07Did you talk to her parents?
00:10I'm talking to her parents after this.
00:12And you think Luna...
00:14I was at Bill's house when Luna came in. She was acting so different.
00:19I know it's crazy to say, but it was as if she wanted to be the new woman in Bill's life.
00:24I know, I know, but it was not the Luna that we thought we knew.
00:28A lot has happened. Two men are dead, and if your sister didn't kill them...
00:32She didn't. She's not capable of murder.
00:35I don't think so either, but someone did.
00:38The last time anyone saw Stephie was at Bill's, the place Luna has been living.
00:43Even though she's not his daughter.
00:45My gut is telling me that there is a connection.
00:48That Luna is somehow involved in the disappearance of my wife.
00:53You're insane, Luna.
00:56You're going to keep me in this building.
00:59It's about to be done.
01:04It didn't have to be this way, Stephie.
01:07If you just didn't see me kiss Bill...
01:10You're looking for your girlfriend?
01:12Not here.
01:14Actually, Bill, I came here to talk to you.
01:17I was hoping you'd have some insights.
01:22About what's really going on with Luna.
01:27What do you mean, what's really going on with her?
01:30Like, I hardly ever see her anymore.
01:33She never comes to the beach house. I mean, I barely even see her at work.
01:39She's got a lot going on, Archie.
01:42I know.
01:44I'm just starting to think...
01:46I'm just starting to think...
01:48Maybe there's more going on with Luna than what she's saying.
01:52And if anyone knew about that, it'd be you.
02:16You're insane, Luna.
02:19You're insane, Luna.
02:22You're insane, Luna.
02:25You're insane, Luna.
02:28You're insane, Luna.
02:31You're insane, Luna.
02:34You're insane, Luna.
02:37You're insane, Luna.
02:40You're insane, Luna.
02:44It's understandable you'd be concerned about Luna.
02:47So am I.
02:49She's been hit with a lot all at once.
02:52But instead of turning to me for support, her boyfriend, she's decided to completely keep her distance. Why?
02:59I wouldn't read a lot into that, Archie.
03:02Bill, come on. Don't you think it's a little bit odd?
03:05That in this situation, she hasn't reached out to me at all?
03:08I mean, I just...
03:10I just want to be there for her.
03:13I'm sure she knows that.
03:15She's not... She hasn't been acting like it at all.
03:18Bill, she hasn't been acting like herself.
03:24I know.
03:27So you've noticed this too?
03:32After the latest paternity test revealed that she wasn't my daughter after all, it was obviously shocking to both of us.
03:41But for Luna...
03:48She's just very confused.
03:51Okay, so that's why she's been spending so much time here? You've been helping her through this?
04:00I'm trying.
04:03But it's complicated.
04:11Luna, responsible for Steffi's disappearance?
04:14I know how that sounds, but...
04:17We're talking about your cousin here, Finn. You've always liked her.
04:21The Luna I thought I knew? Yeah. But what if that's not who she is now?
04:25Okay, son, stop.
04:27No. Luna has been through enough. Okay, for you to turn on her this way...
04:31No, I am not turning on her. Okay? But I'm not turning a blind eye either.
04:35Not when my wife is missing and Luna could be involved.
04:38In what way? Finn, you're not making any sense.
04:41You don't know everything I do.
04:45So tell me.
04:47This is gonna blow your mind what she did.
04:51She kissed him.
04:54Luna kissed Bill.
04:57You kissed the man you thought was your father.
05:01You're forgetting that I knew all along Bill wasn't my dad.
05:05It didn't stop you from faking a paternity test and make him think that he was.
05:09Yeah. That was plan A.
05:12And it was working brilliantly.
05:19To eliminate a really big problem.
05:22But then another big problem showed up.
05:26Taking another paternity test.
05:28You might prove that you aren't his daughter. You switched gears.
05:32You tried to seduce him.
05:35But that's not gonna work with Bill.
05:38Maybe not right away.
05:40But if I'm patient and I play my cards right,
05:44I'm confident that I'll keep my spot in Bill's life.
05:53The End
05:59Listen, you said it's been complicated helping Luna through this whole situation.
06:04So what did you mean by that?
06:06Exactly what I said.
06:08She's in an emotional tailspin.
06:10And I'm doing everything I can to help her.
06:13Okay, so have you thought about recommending professional help?
06:16I've already done that. I offered to get her someone to talk to.
06:21Luna says she's still processing everything.
06:24You know, maybe she just needs some good news.
06:26Like the police calling and saying that they have dropped the charges against her mother. That's all.
06:33You don't believe that's actually gonna happen, do you?
06:37I want to believe in Poppy's innocence. I really do.
06:40But if she rigged that paternity test and then she got rid of Tom and Hollis to cover her tracks...
06:47Well, that's something I could obviously never forgive.
06:51I wonder if Luna would be able to, if it comes to that.
06:55Luna has a big heart.
06:57I can't imagine her ever turning her back on her mother.
07:01But Poppy is looking at going away for the rest of her life.
07:05And Luna still has to live hers.
07:08And we would have to help her do that, RJ.
07:11Yeah, I want to do that.
07:13It's hard for me to help her when I rarely ever get to see her.
07:16And ever since she's moved in here, she's just completely given me the kiss off, Bill.
07:27Well, I hope that is the truth.
07:29She needs you, RJ.
07:35I'm just... I'm really worried about her, Bill.
07:38And I know that everybody has their breaking point.
07:41And I don't know if Luna's close to that yet, but...
07:45I'm scared for her.
07:49I think you are too.
07:52Bill? Luna kissed Bill?
07:55On the lips. Twice.
07:58Who told you this?
08:02He thought she was just acting out because of everything that happened.
08:06Well, I'm sure that's true.
08:09Look, I'm not saying she wasn't wrong to kiss Bill.
08:12Especially when a few days ago, she thought that he was her father.
08:15Okay, look. I don't want to think that Luna could be involved any more than you do.
08:19But she was living at the place where Steffi was last seen and making moves on Bill.
08:25Son, listen to me.
08:27If you're asking me to believe that somehow a kiss makes you think that your cousin killed those men at El Jardino...
08:33And also be responsible for Steffi's disappearance...
08:37This is different, Mom. She's changed.
08:40What? Into a killer?
08:42Framed her own mother for two murders?
08:44Okay, I know. I know how it sounds.
08:46But I've been thinking about this.
08:48Okay? The paternity test that you ran was proven wrong.
08:51Two men have been murdered.
08:53If Aunt Poppy is falsely accused, who has the most to benefit from this other than your sister?
08:58There's only one other person, Mom.
09:11You're getting weaker.
09:13You should probably eat something.
09:17Water, then. A sip or two.
09:20I've drugged you before. I'm not gonna let you...
09:22Fine. You're only making it harder on yourself.
09:27The longer this goes on...
09:30The worse it's gonna get for you when you're caught.
09:34I'm not gonna get caught.
09:36I have their prime suspect.
09:42Your mother.
09:47You're really gonna do that to her?
10:04I know this is really difficult for you, Luna.
10:13Poppy, your mother...
10:16Maybe there was no stability in your life.
10:22No real foundation.
10:27Your childhood was lost.
10:33So I understand.
10:37Maybe you understand why you might want to hold on to Bill.
10:43You want that lifestyle.
10:50But not like this.
10:58Please, Luna, just let me out of here.
11:01Just let me out of this cage.
11:03And I'll go to the police.
11:07I'll go to Bill and I'll just tell them that you were just a...
11:11An innocent young girl who...
11:14Lost her way.
11:25I can't fathom it.
11:27Sweet little Luna?
11:29I'm responsible for killing those two men?
11:32I know it seems impossible.
11:34Because it is, Finn.
11:36Never in a million years would I suspect your cousin.
11:39And what I truly don't get is what does any of this have to do with Steffi?
11:43I told you. Bill's house was the last place Steffi was seen.
11:46And I found her phone there.
11:49Yeah, that's why I haven't heard from her.
11:52That's why all my texts and calls have been unanswered.
11:55She doesn't have her phone with her, and that is not like her.
11:58No. No, Steffi may be upset with you, but she would never not have her cell in case the children needed her.
12:04Exactly. She would come back for it if she could.
12:08But Luna's living at Bill's, and according to him, Aunt Poppy and Luna's apartment is deserted.
12:15That's not true. A lot of their stuff is still there.
12:18Wait, seriously? Why would Luna tell Bill the exact opposite?
12:21I can't answer that. But what I do know is Luna was with RJ the night Tom Starr died.
12:26I talked to her about it a while back.
12:28Okay, well, I hate to say it, Mom, but I don't think we can trust anything Luna says anymore.
12:32Okay, look, I gotta go.
12:35I gotta speak to Steffi's parents, and I definitely need to talk to RJ.
12:39Or maybe you know something.
12:40You'll find her, son. Whatever's happened, wherever Steffi is.
12:44I'm thinking no one's gonna stop me from getting to her.
12:47I love her, and I need her.
12:50And I got a feeling that finding out the truth about Luna's gonna lead me to my wife.
12:57We can get out of this situation, Luna.
13:00It's not too late.
13:05You don't want to harm me.
13:10You don't want to harm anyone that's not who you are.
13:17Think about your cousin, Finn.
13:23Think about how grateful he would be if you end this right now.
13:28Think about RJ.
13:31How much he loves you.
13:34Think about Kelly and Hayes.
13:38Two innocent children who just want their mom back.
13:44Please give them their mom back.
13:49Luna, let me go.
13:52And I'll help you.
13:54I will.
14:05I love you.
14:18I need to speak with you. It's urgent.
14:20What, is it about Steffi? Did you find Steffi?
14:22No, just her cell phone. It was at Bill's. She must have left it when she, uh...
14:25Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me Steffi left her phone at Bill's and she didn't come back for it?
14:28Well, there's more, but right now I need information about Luna.
14:32I don't know what to tell you. I mean, I hardly ever see her anymore.
14:37I don't even know where the two of us stand. It's like...
14:40You don't even know her any longer? Well, maybe you don't know her.
14:43RJ, maybe none of us do.
14:46Finn, what are you saying?
14:47I need you to think back to the night that Tomstar was killed.
14:50Were you with Luna? Were the two of you together?
15:02Unlock the door. Let me go free.
15:07We'll deal with whatever we have to together.
15:12I promise, Luna, I'm not gonna abandon you.
15:16Finn won't abandon you either.
15:20Just let me out, okay? Let me out.
15:32Not happening.
15:33Luna, you're lying. You're using me like my mom did.
15:36You're doing better than she is.
15:37I'm not. I'm not. I'm not puppy. I want to help you.
15:40You're helping yourself. You'll say anything. You'll promise anything to get out of here.
15:45No, I won't. No, no, no, no. I'll help you. I promise, Luna. Luna! Luna!
16:10Remember the night Tomstar collapsed at Eldridge? Do you know?
16:13I... I remember the next day when we found out the news. We were all shocked.
16:19Right, but I'm asking you about that night specifically. Was Luna with you?
16:24Yeah, she was, Finn. We were here at the office.
16:29It was... That was the night she found out that Bill was gonna adopt her.
16:32She was ecstatic. She was gonna be a sponsor.
16:34And then what happened?
16:35What happened?
16:36After you guys finished work, what happened? Did you two leave together?
16:48No, I think she might have...
16:50RJ, RJ, I need you to be sure here. This is important.
16:53Okay, um...
16:56Well, we were here, we were working, and...
17:03I thought...
17:05She just had, like, an appointment or something, and I didn't see her for the rest of the night.
17:11Finn, tell me, why are you asking me where Luna was the night that Tomstar died?
17:15It all goes back to my Aunt Poppy being arrested, everyone thinking that she's a prime suspect, but there was someone else who had more to gain.
17:21There... Who? What?
17:24Tom and Hollis are both dead. They both found out the truth, that Luna is not Bill's daughter.
17:30Aunt Poppy is in jail, and Luna is still living at Bill's, and that's exactly what she wants.
17:35Look, I understand that this is probably hard for you to accept, but more and more I'm feeling like I'm right, and now that Steffi is missing...
17:44Wait, what does that have to do with this?
17:46I just told your dad and Taylor, too. Steffi was supposed to check into a retreat. She never made it.
17:54The last place that she was seen was at Bill's house, where Luna is living, and I don't know why or how, but I'm afraid Luna is not only responsible for Tom and Hollis' death, but for possibly abducting Steffi.
18:06I know.
18:08Okay, you're in shock, I'm in shock, this is my cousin I'm talking about, your girlfriend.
18:13But RJ, if I'm right, if this is true, Steffi might be in real danger, and the only person that can lead me to her is Luna.
18:37Finn, where are you?
18:47Hello, Luna.
18:53What are you doing here?
18:56Waiting for you.
