The Bold and the Beautiful 7-23-24 (23rd July 2024) 7-23-2024

  • 2 months ago
00:00I'm so glad to see you, my hot, sexy, doctor husband.
00:13I'm happy to be with you.
00:16Well, I was expecting you a little sooner. What held you up?
00:30I find you attractive. And I would be lying if I said I didn't think about you and what it would be like to be with you from time to time.
00:43I know. We are adults.
00:51Can a girl dream?
00:56Oh, there you are. Did you hear? Sheila got released from custody.
01:02Oh, yes, I heard.
01:05You did?
01:06Yes, I was with Finn when Dad texted him.
01:18You know...
01:21Luna isn't home right now.
01:23Are you saying we have this whole place to ourselves?
01:27Uh-huh. So I figured that we could start in the bedroom.
01:34Start, huh? I do like the sound of that.
01:39But I don't think I'll have the time I need to devote to those activities.
01:45I have someplace I need to be.
01:48But I promise I'll make it up to you later.
01:52All right, I'm going to hold you to that.
01:53You do that.
02:01All right, I'm going to take this upstairs.
02:04But I'll see you later.
02:11Hey, what's going on?
02:16Katie. What a pleasant surprise.
02:21Yeah, well, I need to talk to you about our son and all the changes in your life.
02:43I know this seems like I'm not letting this go, but I'm concerned.
02:48Your life has changed so much, so quickly.
02:51You have no need to be concerned.
02:54Poppy and Luna being in my life, it's all good.
02:58See, that's just it. I'm not so sure it is all good.
03:02I'm sorry. This is a bit new for me.
03:04I mean, I've been concerned or worried about you in the past, but that was different.
03:08This is...
03:10This is different.
03:11You've always been so self-assured and stubborn and pig-headed.
03:16Self-assured, stubborn, pig-headed. Yes, those are the ABCs of me.
03:22See what? You're right.
03:24I just don't like that you're not paying attention to what I'm trying to tell you.
03:29This thing with Poppy and Luna, I...
03:32I don't know if it's everything it appears to be.
03:36And I'm worried.
03:46What about my sexy CEO wife?
03:52How are things here?
03:57Not so good?
04:00I'm just a little frustrated.
04:06Come here. Hey.
04:11What's going on?
04:13I'm all yours.
04:17Broken hope.
04:20It's all Logan's.
04:23All the time.
04:25So, you were with Finn?
04:29Yes. I, um...
04:32He happened to run into me, and I was with him when he heard the news.
04:37Dad thought he should know right away.
04:40Hmm. Okay.
04:42That's all quite shocking.
04:44I mean, we all believe that Sheila was responsible for the deaths of Hollis and the homeless man.
04:52Were you able to talk to your father about this?
04:54Um, we've been texting, but he said that he would give me a call once they got settled at home.
05:01I can only imagine how stiff he took the news.
05:04And I'm sure that Finn is beside himself, too.
05:08Actually, I think Finn might be a little relieved, knowing that Sheila was released.
05:26Happy about Sheila's release?
05:30I said relieved, Mom. Happy is not at all how I would describe Finn.
05:35Well, I'm just surprised he would have that kind of reaction, after what he said to Chief Baker.
05:40Well, I mean, he's not naive. He knows what Sheila's capable of.
05:45Well, that's why I thought he'd be upset. Enraged, even.
05:48Okay, Finn obviously wants her to be questioned.
05:51That is the right thing to do in this circumstance, given Sheila's history, given her threats to his family.
05:58He just wants to protect them as best as he can.
06:02He wants due diligence.
06:05But I believe that deep down, perhaps Finn didn't believe that Sheila was behind Tom and Hollis's deaths.
06:15I'm really just worried about Finn having to tell Steffi the news and what her reaction might be.
06:24Hope's just been particularly difficult lately, and I'm trying so hard not to lose my patience.
06:31You two just don't understand each other's motives. Maybe that's why you're...
06:39Don't say what I think you're going to say here.
06:42Wait, what am I going to say?
06:44I don't know, that maybe Hope and I align on more than we think.
06:49Okay, maybe Hope and I have similar adjacent goals, but Hope is fighting me on everything.
06:58And Brooke isn't helping. I feel like I'm in this impossible situation with these two women who are against me.
07:07Hold on, let me check this. I think it could be the distributor.
07:12Oh, that's my dad.
07:18Is everything okay?
07:19Sheila, she's been released?
07:28You already know?
07:30You can just text me.
07:34Why didn't you tell me that?
07:36Well, honestly, I was torn.
07:38Sheila's been released?
07:41What are they thinking?
07:44Don't you think that everything, this whole situation with Poppy and Luna has just moved a little too fast?
07:52I've already missed out on so much, Katie, and I don't like wasting time. You know that about me.
07:57That doesn't mean you have to move them into your home and create this whole family unit.
08:02I mean, how well do you know them?
08:04I know enough. They're family.
08:06What more do I need to know?
08:09All right, listen.
08:12I really do appreciate your concern.
08:15And if the roles were reversed, I'm sure I'd react the same way.
08:20Okay, fine. Fine, yeah, I would be, I'd be much worse.
08:27But I'm telling you, your concern in this case is unwarranted.
08:31Well, I wish I felt the same way.
08:37You said you wanted to talk about Will.
08:39Yes, Will. He's going to be home soon.
08:43And I'm concerned about how he's going to fit into this whole thing with Poppy and her, and your daughter.
08:55I'm sure it's all going to work out.
08:57Our son is nothing if not resilient.
09:01And you know what? He may love having a sister.
09:06Okay, I can see that we're going to come to no sort of agreement on this thing.
09:12And I have some more to go.
09:14Okay, well, I've got some paperwork that I need to find for Will.
09:18And I think it's, I think it's around here. I think it's in that drawer.
09:21Okay, well, you're good with that. I've got to get to this meeting, right? You're good?
09:23But before you go, I know that you're enamored with the idea of having a daughter.
09:31It's not an idea, Katie.
09:35Luna is my daughter, and I love her.
09:39And I vow to take care of her.
09:43In fact, we have discussed adoption.
09:49I'd like to make it official and give Luna the Spencer name.
09:54Oh my God, Bill.
09:56Poppy and Luna have not been in your life that long.
10:00I mean, you've moved them into your home, into Will's home,
10:04and now you're talking about adoption and giving her your name?
10:10You need to be careful here, because I know you don't want to believe it,
10:14but I get a weird vibe from Poppy.
10:18Just please tell me that you're being cautious.
10:30I'll be cautious.
10:38I've got to get to this meeting.
11:01Anything I can help you find?
11:04Oh, I didn't know that you were here.
11:09You know, this is becoming a habit.
11:12What is?
11:13Walking in and finding you in Bill's arms.
11:26Well, I hope Finn doesn't tell Steffi that he's relieved,
11:30because I don't think that's going to go over well.
11:32But his feelings are valid, Mom.
11:34He should be able to tell his wife how he feels without it being some big betrayal.
11:40Steffi has been very upfront with Finn when it comes to Sheila.
11:44And Finn has been a wonderful husband to her.
11:47He has been loving and understanding and...
11:52Right. Committed.
11:55To Steffi.
11:58Now, I don't need to remind you, do I?
12:02That he is married to Steffi.
12:05You can stop reminding me, Mom, I know.
12:09But I do question more and more if Steffi deserves a man like Finn.
12:20No, no, no, Finn, this can't be happening again.
12:22No, no, no, no, no.
12:23It's just, it's shocking.
12:24No, no, how, how, how do the authorities just let her go like that?
12:30God, I thought that I could finally feel safe again, that I could finally breathe, and then...
12:35I can't believe I allowed this.
12:36I can't believe I allowed this.
12:37I can't believe I allowed this.
12:38Wait, wait, wait, what did you allow?
12:39Okay, her release isn't on you.
12:41No, that I allowed myself to believe that justice would finally be served.
12:47But now Sheila is out again.
12:49And now she has another opportunity to strike.
12:51She has another opportunity to show up at her house unannounced.
12:56You could be manipulated.
12:57She could hurt me or the kids.
12:59It just adds a whole other level of panic.
13:02How is this not over?
13:03How is this not over?
13:04I thought this fear could finally subside.
13:06This nightmare was over.
13:09Oh my God.
13:11I don't understand this.
13:13It had to have been Sheila.
13:23I keep finding you in my home.
13:26Bad-mouthing me to Bill.
13:28Well, I care about Bill.
13:30He's the father of my son.
13:32He's important to me.
13:34Bill is also the father to my daughter.
13:37So, obviously, he's important to me too.
13:41Well, if you want to know what I was saying to him, I'm happy to tell you.
13:44I'm not here to hide anything.
13:45Oh, no need.
13:46Because I heard it all.
13:49Every word.
13:51How you think this is moving too quickly.
13:53How he doesn't know us well enough.
13:56And I agree.
13:58Katie, no one is more surprised and shocked than I am.
14:01Luna and I are not trying to invade or overtake anything.
14:05We are here because Bill invited us.
14:09And he's been more than generous and an absolute gentleman.
14:13Ever the accommodating girlfriend.
14:16That's right.
14:18I am his girlfriend.
14:20And I'm not going to hide how much I love him.
14:24You let him go.
14:26You're having a little bit of seller's remorse, Katie.
14:30It's kind of obvious.
14:33You want Bill back.
14:36Don't you?
15:20I hate how upset you are.
15:24And I totally understand.
15:28All I can do is assure you that you and the kids will always be safe.
15:36No, you make me feel safe.
15:38You do.
15:41And when you supported me when they took Sheila in for questioning, like that meant the world to me.
15:46Is that this woman is evil.
15:49And she is capable of doing something like this.
15:52I agree, she's capable.
15:54And don't get me wrong, I am grateful that Chief Baker took her in for questioning.
15:57It was the right thing to do.
16:00Well, if Sheila didn't do it, who did?
16:13Just admit it, Katie.
16:14This is not about Luna and me.
16:16It never has been.
16:18This is about you and your feelings for Bill.
16:23Something doesn't make sense.
16:24I mean, you show up in town and seemingly overnight you have this daughter with Bill.
16:32It's so abrupt, so sudden.
16:34I mean, I have a right to question that.
16:38This is the house where Bill and I raised our son.
16:42Not anymore.
16:43This is now the house where Bill and I are raising our daughter.
16:48You know, Bill will be home soon.
16:51He's going to be here, which means I'm going to be here.
16:58So you'll visit.
17:01And then you'll leave.
17:08Something doesn't add up.
17:12Bill doesn't see it, because he's so in love with this idea of having a daughter.
17:18But I see it.
17:20Your story has holes.
17:23You hooked up with Bill at a music festival a long time ago.
17:29So if you were that casual with men, then there must have been others.
17:34How many?
17:36You know, I've talked to Luna.
17:38She's told me how much she wanted to know who her father was and how much she wanted to have him in her life.
17:45And yet you've suspected for all of these years that Bill could be her father and you kept it from her.
17:54I mean, why would you wait 20 years to take the steps to find out for sure to finally take a paternity test?
18:04Now you're here.
18:07Lady of the Manor.
18:08Lady of the Manor.
18:10Detecting your relationship with Bill as if you're worried that someone's going to sneak in and take it away from you.
18:19It's almost as if you're hiding something that could ruin everything.
18:26Well, I've got a lot of questions about you, Poppy.
18:31And I'm going to find out the answers to every single one of them.
