The Bold and the Beautiful 8-27-24 (27th August 2024) 8-27-2024

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00:00Luna, this is insane! You drugged me and then you locked me up!
00:07I'm protecting myself!
00:09You're making it worse! Think about what you're doing, my God, just let me go!
00:14I can't, Stephanie! You know too much!
00:17Yes, I killed Tom and Hollis, and no one is ever going to find out.
00:30I need to go, so don't reach out to me, okay?
00:35I'll be in touch, but I have to leave right now.
00:41I love you.
00:44Man, Finn.
00:47So, you really messed up, huh?
00:54You and Hope?
01:19Hope? Honey?
01:21Hi, Mom.
01:25Where were you just now?
01:28Or do I even want to know?
01:45Mom, it has been a really, really long day.
01:49I mean, first Finn reading me the riot act at his office,
01:54and then coming back and finding out that apparently everyone knows about the kiss,
01:58not to mention Taylor being back in town.
02:01So, yes, I am trying my best to move past these feelings.
02:07It just is very, very difficult to do so when I feel like I am under the microscope.
02:14So, you were thinking about Finn.
02:17I meant what I told you before.
02:20I will get a handle on these desires, because I do not want to be that person.
02:26I don't want to be that woman, even if Steffi left Finn yet again.
02:34You spoke with Steffi?
02:36Yeah, at my dad's house. She came running in looking for me, all upset.
02:41She said she's leaving town, and she asked me to watch Kelly while she's gone.
02:47Well, thank you for that.
02:50But I already know that, and you know that I know.
02:54So, why did you come all the way over here, Liam?
02:58Do you want to give me a lecture?
03:00What I want is for you to tell me what the hell is going on.
03:04You and Hope kissing? I can't even believe that.
03:08So, it's no wonder Steffi left.
03:14Help! Somebody help!
03:17Get me out of here, please! Help me!
03:21I don't even hear you.
03:22Head to the apartment building.
03:24That one is about to be demolished soon.
03:26Do you not see the signs, the empty parking lot?
03:29Everyone's moved out. It's only just me and you in here.
03:31So, you can yell and scream all you want.
03:33You are not going to get away with this.
03:35The truth is out. You're not going to get away.
03:38I need to get out of here. I need to get back to Finn.
03:41Get me out of here. I need to get back to my kids.
03:44No, Steffi.
03:45You're not going anywhere.
04:00Steffi left town.
04:02She didn't leave Finn. She didn't abandon the marriage.
04:06Well, she's certainly not working on it.
04:09She'd rather come and lecture me than try to repair her relationship.
04:13So, what did she say?
04:15Well, she let me have it.
04:18Just as we expected, and I do deserve it.
04:22But she shouldn't go out of her way to punish Finn for something that I did.
04:27He doesn't deserve that. He shouldn't feel guilty about any of this.
04:32You're not helping anybody by getting involved.
04:36I'm just trying to be supportive, Mom.
04:38I want to be there for Finn, to remind him that he is a good father.
04:41He is a good dad, even when Steffi loses sight of it.
04:44Because, honestly, I don't think that she truly appreciates what a remarkable man he is.
04:52I don't have to explain this to you.
04:55Well, Steffi asked me to look after Kelly.
04:58So, I'm involved now, like it or not.
05:00And I thank you for that.
05:02That's not...
05:05Look, I'm always going to be there for my daughter.
05:07And I have a right to know what's going on in her life.
05:10This thing, it affects all of us.
05:14Okay, for the record, Liam, Hope kissed me.
05:17Okay? Not the other way around.
05:19And I didn't want to get into that with you, because I know you and Hope have a history and a daughter.
05:24And I have already made it clear that I am not okay with what Hope did.
05:29Because she put me in a terrible position.
05:32Hope wouldn't do that. She wouldn't do something like that out of nowhere.
05:36Well, if there were signals I missed on.
05:41Maybe you were the one sending them.
05:45Look, I'm telling you that Hope is...
05:49She's a deliberate person.
05:51She would not go ahead and kiss you if she didn't know that you'd be okay with it.
05:56Well, I wasn't.
05:57And unlike you, Liam, I am and will always be 100% committed to Steffi.
06:03And since I don't know where she is or how long she's going to be gone, she's my only concern right now.
06:11What happened to you, Luna?
06:13Do we even know you at all?
06:15You killed two men, and now your mother is in jail for your crimes.
06:20You don't know what it's like.
06:22Growing up in her world, I had no stability.
06:26She dragged me from one place to another while she just took her drugs and jumped from man to man.
06:31And she was just so damn free and easy.
06:34That doesn't excuse what you've done.
06:36So don't get it.
06:38My mom had a one-night stand with a wannabe rock star, and then that's my fate?
06:43That's my family?
06:45But this nobody is going to be my dad?
06:48I mean, what kind of future could he provide for me?
06:51No, I deserve better.
06:53I was...
06:54I had enough of that life with those Luthers.
06:58I couldn't stand the idea of Tom Star being my father.
07:03So you targeted Bill.
07:08Then I have a bond.
07:10You're not his kid, Luna.
07:13No, but we have a connection.
07:17One that's going to get stronger.
07:20Much stronger.
07:28Steffi doesn't appreciate Finn?
07:31Honey, you can't talk this way.
07:34Can't I want more for my friend?
07:37You have to remember that Finn is Steffi's husband first.
07:41I am not pursuing him, Mom. I told you that.
07:44Okay, just put him out of your mind.
07:48But I can't do that either.
07:51Mom, why does Steffi get to decide everything?
07:56Who made her judge and jury?
07:58Why does she get to decide what is right and what is wrong?
08:01I mean, I do recall her making quite a few mistakes in her lifetime.
08:05And so what, she gets to be the boss and tell us what relationships we can have,
08:10what relationships we can't have, what lines get funding,
08:13which ones get cut, all of her personal grievances.
08:16I mean, Mom, when she came in here earlier,
08:18she not only went after me, she went after our family.
08:22Talking about, oh, the Logans again.
08:27And then, of course,
08:30the piece de resistance.
08:33She told me that I can't have any relationship of any kind with Finn ever again.
08:43If you're so concerned about that kiss, the person you should be talking to is Hope.
08:48Believe me, I'm about to.
08:51But don't act like you played no part in this.
08:58I was at a family party to support Steffi.
09:01And I want to support her now.
09:03But thanks to all this, I don't know where she is.
09:09You know, Finn, this is not the first time Steffi has had to get away.
09:16And I want her to come back.
09:17She's all I'm thinking about right now.
09:19My only concern is my wife.
09:21I share that concern.
09:23But I'm also worried about Hope, right?
09:26I mean, first Thomas and now you, she's all over the place.
09:29And I get if that doesn't worry you, but it does worry me.
09:33And you're like right in the middle of it.
09:35And then there's Steffi.
09:36And listen, I don't know if it's a thing you do on purpose or not or whatever.
09:41But you keep wreaking havoc on her life.
09:46And I'm just saying maybe stepping away for a little bit is healthy for her.
09:56Bill is too smart to get conned by you.
09:59Every man has a blind spot.
10:01And for Bill, it's family.
10:04So I saw him getting closer to my mom and I asked them how they met and when.
10:09And the timing matched up.
10:11So I just started asking over and over, could Bill Spencer be my father?
10:15And Bill asked my mom too.
10:18But she said no.
10:20But I didn't let it go.
10:22Because I knew eventually she'd want it to be true just as much as I did.
10:27And luckily for me, Bill wanted that too.
10:30Bill was excited.
10:31He loved the idea.
10:33Yeah, but a man like Bill was going to need proof.
10:36So I had to get ready.
10:38Be prepared.
10:42Steffi, the Internet is amazing.
10:45There's literally nothing you can't get on the dark web, including phony paternity tests.
10:53Guaranteeing you would say Bill was the father.
11:01Yeah, I panicked when my bitchy aunt Leigh showed up and demanded to do the test herself.
11:07But thankfully, she showed up with the same at-home kit.
11:11Only I was already holding the positive results, so it was just a little switcheroo.
11:16You know, it all worked in my favor.
11:20Because Leigh didn't want me to be Bill's kid.
11:23She hated my mom.
11:25She always looked down on us.
11:27She could have offered me a way out.
11:31A chance at a better life.
11:34But all I ever got from her was pity.
11:37Until she finally did something useful for once.
11:41I mean, Leigh, the doctor, no one was going to question her results.
11:45I mean, everything was perfect.
11:48Everything was going according to plan.
11:51Bill wasn't going to turn his back on his only daughter.
11:54I mean, right away, he welcomed me into his family.
11:57That for life.
12:04Someone who actually wanted to take care of me.
12:08No way I was going to lose all that.
12:10Tom Starr crawled out of the woodwork.
12:14I have to take extreme measures.
12:17I have to stop him from screwing everything up.
12:20Extreme measures like murder.
12:33I'm going to be judged by you, Leigh.
12:37You really don't see the chaos you're causing?
12:40You weren't there. You don't know what happened.
12:43Finn, I'm telling you from experience, it's the pattern.
12:46Okay? It's the pattern.
12:48She gives you another chance, and then you return the favor by letting her down again.
12:53I love my wife. I didn't betray her.
12:56I told Hope to never do that again, and I went straight to my wife.
13:01Okay, but then what? What did you say?
13:04You assured her that everything's going to be fine, you're taking care of it?
13:08Okay, then that's the problem. No wonder she left, because that's the same language you used about your connection to Sheila.
13:14Yeah, well, I asked her to stay, and I wish that she had.
13:18Because I can't help worrying about Steffi and where she could be.
13:22I wasn't going to let that has-been ex-rock star and Hollis ruin my future.
13:27You had a future at Forrester.
13:30You had a good job. You were dating RJ.
13:33He's sweet. Kind.
13:35I mean, he's the crown prince of Forrester Creations, but come on.
13:39Bill Spencer has an empire. I mean, nobody could give me the life that he could.
13:44So you traded up.
13:47I saw an opportunity.
13:49Until my loser father showed up.
13:52You knew Tom was your father.
13:54I mean, his letters weren't exactly a secret.
13:58I've been reading them for years.
14:00Yeah, my mom had no clue that I knew about those pathetic, desperate letters.
14:05And I was never going to meet him.
14:07I was never going to let him claim me as his own.
14:10Oh, my God, I was so mortified when I found out that he was working at El Jardino, because I knew what he wanted.
14:16I had to stop him.
14:30What about Hollis?
14:50Collateral damage.
14:52Bad luck.
14:54He was your friend.
14:56I found Tom's backpack and all the letters that my mom returned.
15:00And, my God, he wanted to tell everybody.
15:02Bill, the police.
15:05I had to stop him, too.
15:07Luna, you're not going to believe what I found, okay?
15:10I don't know exactly what it means, but I think I know who your dad is.
15:13And it's not Bill Spencer.
15:15He was so proud of himself.
15:17Solved the big mystery.
15:19And I had to thank him for it.
15:22Wow, Hollis.
15:26I'm stunned.
15:27I don't know what to say.
15:31Oh, you know, I totally forgot.
15:34One of Deacon's staff says that he needs to see you.
15:37I don't know, it sounded important.
15:39Oh, okay, thanks.
15:40Well, listen, Luna, don't go anywhere, because we're going to get to the bottom of this.
15:48What's going on?
16:15Are you sure that it was Deacon that was looking for me?
16:18Because Candace said he already went home.
16:21Oh, I thought so.
16:22I don't know.
16:23I am so flustered right now.
16:24I don't know what I'm saying.
16:27I know.
16:28It's crazy, right?
16:30I mean, look, Tom could have been wrong.
16:34He never said anything to me about being your dad.
16:40But I thought you'd want to be sure, you know?
17:06What's happening?
17:08I feel...
17:09Here, have some more.
17:10Maybe it'll help.
18:18You walked away.
18:19You let Hollis die.
18:24He should have stayed out of it.
18:26Left it alone.
18:27You set up your mom to pay for your crimes.
18:32You're not gonna get away with it.
18:34Yes, I will.
18:36And nothing's gonna stop me, Steffi.
18:39Especially not you.
18:40No, you're gonna do a damn thing to me.
18:42No, you're not.
18:43You're not gonna do a damn thing!
18:45You're gonna get me out of here, Luna!
18:47Luna, get me out of here!
18:49No, no, no, no, Luna, help me!
18:51Get me out of here!
18:54Get me out!
18:58You're not gonna get away with this!
19:02Get off me!
