The Bold and the Beautiful 8-22-24 (22nd August 2024) 8-22-2024

  • last month
00:00i mean it hope you stay away from my husband you don't need to worry stuffy i will not try
00:14to kiss him again there's never going to be an opportunity because you won't be alone with my
00:18husband finn and i are finn and you are nothing you two are nothing the sooner you get that
00:27through your thick skull the better never come near my husband again
00:34taylor you're back in la did you seriously just say what i think you said hope kissed finn
00:45of course she did of course brooke logan's daughter is kissing my daughter's husband
00:57i i can't i'm i'm struggling to process what you're even telling me arrested like actually
01:13arrested and poppy is in custody right now for the the deaths of il giordino i can't make any
01:21sense phillian i mean i'm still in shock to some degree these enormous changes in my life
01:28yeah including the fact that apparently luna's not even your daughter
01:43i'm so glad i finally get to see you i've been worried about you
01:48texting just hasn't felt like enough you know i'm sorry i just
01:55coming into the office just hasn't seemed possible i'm just anticipating all these
02:00questions and looks not not for me though you know i'm always going to be in your corner
02:05i just can't believe it and i don't believe it at least i don't want to about your mom
02:16i'm sorry it's just it's too disturbing i get it
02:20the evidence against her is so strong rj oh my god my mom might actually be a murderer
02:40hey dad
02:41dad are you are you okay because this is this is a lot right i mean you had these two women
02:54in your life one of whom you were obviously falling for the other a newfound daughter and
02:59now it's like so you lost them both i haven't lost anything yet just because poppy was arrested
03:08doesn't mean she did it as far as luna i know how much the relationship boom meant to you
03:16it still does even though she's not my daughter i told her that i will always be there for her
03:25there's something i need to tell you okay it's shocking rj i mean it changes everything
03:33what what is it what's going on
03:39bill and i took another opportunity test two actually and turns out the original one was wrong
03:49i'm not bill's daughter
03:51wait before you go any further i am just as appalled by this what was hope thinking really
03:58i don't know i don't i wish i did but i'm not gonna make excuses because there are no excuses
04:04brooke none she went after another woman's husband like mother like daughter
04:20i told finn the same thing he knows exactly where i stand where i stand with you please
04:32don't be upset with finn finn doesn't need you defending him finn would never willingly betray me
04:41but you huh betrayal is just it's in your blood it's who you are
04:48i urge finn to stay away from you oh yeah he didn't listen and unfortunately just like she
04:57he had to learn the lesson himself
05:02and boy did he ever
05:09exceed who you are now so whatever friendship you thought you had with my husband
05:16no and she could have come after me for my money a long time ago and if that was her motive then she
05:25would have right i don't i don't know
05:32why why would she've waited 20 years to come after the money like that
05:36right i don't i don't know
05:42why why would she've waited 20 years to come after the money liam she could have conned me
05:46any time along the way not if she really thought tom was the father though in which case she would
05:55have had to wait until she could fit
06:05it's just it she didn't administer the paternity test
06:12lee well i know but lee is her sister and obviously she would be willing to do that for her they don't
06:18get along at all then i
06:31i don't know bottom line is luna's not your
06:38her and poppy is the prime suspect in these deaths
06:48i mean i just don't know what to think i mean i cannot wrap my head around any of this
06:54and if that's how i feel imagine what luna's going through
06:57she thinks she finally found her father moves in here and boom
07:03well i have got that sweet innocent little girl's back no matter what i thought i was
07:10finally getting to know my father you know getting a family brothers place to call home
07:16and now i can't imagine you must have a lot of conflicting emotions
07:32you know you can come stay with me if you want for as long as you want you know i'm
07:36sure things are awkward right now over at bill's so that's sweet rj and i appreciate that but um
07:44as difficult as this has been bill says that i'm still welcome he still cares about me
07:54and i'd love to crash and stay with you but i feel like i should
07:57stay with bill right now you know this has been really tough on him too and i need to be there for
08:03him let's not turn this into a forester versus logan thing it's exactly what it is though
08:17classic logan behavior find the most inappropriate man possible and go for it she's got a point
08:24all the guys to choose from this i don't think she was choosing him i just think
08:30if you say she was following her heart i don't know what she was doing okay i'm just trying to
08:36find the best way to support her i can tell you what she was doing going after a married man and
08:42not just any man my daughter's husband all of this was my mistake so the idea of you punishing finn
08:53for for something that i did banning him from friendships and inappropriate friendships you
08:58bet i am finn did nothing wrong this is on me i am the one to blame and finn he loves you stephy
09:08he loves you so much you are lucky to have him i don't want to hear anything you have to say about
09:14my marriage how lucky i am any of it finn knows what he did was wrong he should never have allowed
09:22you to kiss him honestly i don't think you saw me coming okay well you should know this
09:32i'm gonna be leaving town for a bit
09:36why why are you leaving i just need to go i need some space from all of this
09:42but i still love finn i'm 100% committed to him
09:51yes i am very disappointed but i owe it to myself and my marriage to work through that
09:56disappointment so do not try to make a play for my husband while i'm gone stephy i promise promise
10:07really yeah my mother heard plenty of those over the years i don't care about your promises
10:15just rein in the instinct you inherited from your mother and if you can't do that if that's
10:21impossible go and seduce someone else's husband because you're no longer allowed around mine
10:49wait so you're telling me that you're not gonna move out of bills even though your mom's
10:54she's gone now i mean and you guys had no family connection to begin with why well i lost a father
11:03and bill lost a daughter he's hurting right now and he needs me
11:10and i need him luna's whole world has turned upside down she's in a very fragile vulnerable state
11:24so vulnerable in fact that
11:28well let's just say she's uh confused
11:37very confused
11:40and even though we now know that i'm not her father it's important to me that she still knows
11:44i'm in her corner well that's um it's really honorable of you and knowing what you know now
11:54nobody would blame you for walking away well it's not gonna happen and i've made that clear
12:00liam are you hey hi your assistant said you'd be here yeah yeah is everything okay is kelly okay
12:07what's oh everything's fine yeah kelly kelly's fine uh bill i i heard about poppy's arrest
12:16my thoughts are with you and luna thanks it's been hard
12:23i'm sure there has to be some kind of explanation like i don't believe that this is true
12:29look liam i'm uh i'm actually gonna go out of town for a little bit and i was just wondering
12:34if possibly you could watch kelly okay no problem great thank you yeah look i i do think that sheila
12:41is behind those two deaths okay and remember she is out there so you just need to stay alert and be
12:47really careful yeah kelly the three of you just want to get away for a while you you and finn and
12:52haze i i i get that um no uh finn's gonna watch haze i'm gonna go away on my own oh yeah business
13:10steffi what what's going on something happened and i just need some space
13:21you're saying something happened with finn
13:28hope kissed finn
13:35she kissed him and he allowed it
13:49hope fought her genetics as long as she could but it's inescapable
13:53she's turning to her mother you must be so proud of having her on your team this isn't about teams
14:02oh but that's what you're making it into right two different sides you and your daughter and me and
14:09hope yeah that's exactly what i'm gonna do this way can we just take that out for one second
14:15just take a breath this is not about any of this is about steffi and what your daughter did was
14:20pretty it's pretty rough but steffi's gone through
14:27taylor what are you um hi this is such this is a surprise i'm not the only surprise of the day is
14:36that were you purposefully targeting steffi's husband what am i saying there's no question
14:45about it you were
14:55just finn yeah are you being serious what are you shocked because i'm not just when did this happen
15:07that's what makes it even more disturbing it happened at my grandfather's house
15:11look i don't really want to get into it right now
15:15thank you so much for watching kelly okay i just need some space right now of course
15:19i've always got both your backs you know that i appreciate that i really do thank you again
15:27i'll let you know when i get back all right good luck
15:44for a long time i believed you were different that you had a sense of morality you grew up
15:50watching brooks behavior and were ashamed by her choices oh wow that is your interpretation
15:56what i have said and done over the years those were my decisions but you didn't want to turn
16:02into her did you didn't want to bounce from man to man within the same family didn't want to try
16:08actively destroying marriages can we take a breath here i'm just all over again bridge i mean first
16:14there was a back and forth with liam then you set your eyes on thomas steffi's brother now you're
16:19going after her husband any idea that you are the one logan with an ounce of dignity is gone
16:27i'm realizing more and more you're just like your mother
16:42hey welcome home thanks where you been i was with rj yeah i needed to talk to him about
16:58everything good well i'm sure it helps to talk to your boyfriend yeah um but i'm not sure if he
17:09really understands exactly what i'm going through i mean no one does except you
17:18it's hard to explain what this feels like yeah i mean my mother being arrested and having all
17:26of the evidence point towards her being a murderer and then on top of that finding
17:29out you're not actually my father yeah it's a lot it's a hell of a lot and you're handling
17:36it with so much grace i don't think i am like this all feels so impossible
17:45won't you sit down take a breath
17:54you're gonna get through this you will with my help but you have no reason to help me now
18:03well i'm not your daughter i mean we only thought that i was for a brief time there's no reason for
18:08you to pay attention to me anymore i still care about you are you confused about a lot but don't
18:14be confused about that no i'm not your dad but i'm still here for you you've been hit with so much
18:26your mom's in jail paternity test okay it feels like my whole world's crumbling apart
18:32but it isn't right not entirely you've got me you can lean on me you can count on me
18:42i'm not going anywhere and you don't have to either and stay here as long as you wish
18:49i can't believe how kind you've been no and how generous i mean opening up your home
18:57in your heart no wonder why my mom fell for you
19:04how could any woman not you are so committed and loyal and so strong and handsome
