The Bold and the Beautiful 8-2-24 (2nd August 2024) 8-2-2024

  • last month
00:00Oh my gosh. I'm so excited about Monaco. Aren't you?
00:07Yeah, I'm just a sad dead Steph. You forgot a passport and missed the flight.
00:15I know you're disappointed, but we'll make the best of it. We always do.
00:25You and I will have a wonderful time together. Okay?
00:38So, you're telling me I won't be missing any of these?
00:44Yeah, you can thank my frazzled brain for that.
00:47I'm sorry, babe.
00:49I don't know. I was really looking forward to going to Monaco.
00:53I know. It's frustrating, but I am selfishly happy to have you here in my arms.
01:09I feel terrible.
01:12That is not the introduction I wanted with your son.
01:15Please, just don't worry about it. Will was taken by surprise and he'll cool off eventually.
01:22I'm sorry too, Dad. I mean, I feel so bad. I didn't mean to cause any trouble.
01:33Come in.
01:45Flowers for Miss Katie Logan Spencer.
01:48Oh, okay.
01:52Will! Oh my gosh!
01:55Hey, Mom.
01:56Hi! Oh my gosh! Oh, I'm so happy to see you. I'm so glad you're home.
02:05I know.
02:19Of course, you're innocent, Sheila. Cops never should have taken you for questioning in the first place.
02:25I'm just happy to be back here with my handsome husband.
02:32Now we can really focus on what happened.
02:35That's what I'm saying.
02:37You know, I'm starting to think that you're right. I don't think that these deaths were an accident.
02:48You did nothing wrong, Luna. And neither did you. Will shouldn't have behaved that way.
02:54No, it's okay. It's a lot for him to deal with, Bill.
02:57Yeah, I mean, I'm sure I'd be pretty freaked out too.
03:00Yeah, but think about it. Walking into his childhood home and finding two strangers?
03:04You're not strangers. You're part of this family.
03:13Oh, Will. Let me look at you.
03:15Let me see you. Oh, you look so good.
03:18Oh, this is the jacket I brought you for parents weekend.
03:21Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you'll be glad to know that I ate all that food you bought me too.
03:24Good. Good boy. I'm so thrilled to see you.
03:28I knew you were coming home, but not tonight because you didn't call your mother.
03:32Well, I wanted to surprise you.
03:34You certainly did. I missed you so much.
03:38I missed you too, Ma.
03:45Don't let it ruin your trip.
03:47I know.
03:50But this was important for Stephanie.
03:52She wanted to be part of the summit and meet the prince and not be involved.
03:59We're going to meet him right after we land.
04:02So we couldn't wait for Stephanie to go back to the office and try to look for her passport.
04:10Don't worry.
04:12I'm sure she'll make good use of her time back in LA.
04:18Hey, guys. I, um...
04:21Oh. Oh, hey.
04:23Sorry, I was just, um...
04:25doing a bad job of hiding my excitement that my wife isn't on the other side of the world.
04:31Now into playing with myself.
04:33Well, lesson learned, I guess, but I'm sure you don't want to hear that from me.
04:38Um, listen, if you guys have business, I can just... I'll leave you two.
04:41No, no, it's okay. You can stay. I'm sure you'd hear about it anyway.
04:46Hear about what?
04:47Oh, uh, Stephanie is threatening to cut funding for Hope for the Future again.
05:04Yellow roses are my favorite.
05:08Yeah, I picked them up on the way over from Dad's.
05:11Oh, you saw your father?
05:14Yeah, but, uh, it didn't go so well.
05:18Why not?
05:20He was in bed, and he wasn't alone.
05:24Oh, wow, that, um, that must have been awkward.
05:27Yeah, totally.
05:30And, you know, it was so weird seeing another woman in our house.
05:33I felt out of place, like I was interrupting or something.
05:37And if that wasn't bad enough, his new daughter comes in calling him Dad.
05:41I mean, obviously I knew about her, but...
05:43It was jarring. You'd rather ease into it?
05:47Yeah. Like, maybe give me a minute?
05:51I don't know for a long time, but who are these people taking over our family and our house?
05:58Will's going to have to accept the fact that you're my daughter, Luna.
06:01No, I don't want to push it on him. I mean, I can't imagine what he's going through right now.
06:05How about we put a pin in this for now? It's been a very eventful day.
06:10To say the least.
06:11Yeah, and I do think that Luna and I should head to our apartment.
06:14I don't want Will to feel unwelcome in his own home.
06:17But this is your home as well.
06:19No, it's fine, Dad, really. Mom and I want to be helpful.
06:22Yeah, and besides, we have some packing to do before our building gets demoed.
06:27But I promise we'll be back.
06:33Okay, maybe you're right.
06:36I know you're feeling caught in the middle.
06:38But please know that you are all so appreciated.
06:41You've completely transformed our lives, Bill.
06:54So the pilot says we're ahead of schedule and we're going to land soon.
06:59Well, maybe we'll have some time for some sightseeing before our appointment with the prince.
07:03Or we could go to the hotel and do some sightseeing of our own.
07:06What do you think of that?
07:08Yes, we could do that.
07:10We could do whatever we want.
07:13Because this is our special little getaway.
07:17Well, of course, we'll make some time for work too, right?
07:22Let us not work. It's a social media place.
07:25Brooke Logan's going to take the world by storm.
07:30I can't wait.
07:32Monaco, here we come.
07:40You're thinking about cutting Hope to the future?
07:42Hope already talked to you about it.
07:44We had a meeting, remember?
07:45Yes, a meeting that felt like you were specifically targeting me the entire time.
07:51Okay, it's not my job to help you understand.
07:53It is my job to keep the cash flowing and the lights on.
07:55I don't need to baby you.
07:56Baby me?
07:58The last consecutive quarter, the numbers have been going down.
08:01We've had many losses.
08:02Okay, you guys, you guys.
08:03Obviously, this isn't my field of expertise.
08:06And there's no question you were going to make the right decision for the company.
08:10But I do see how this would be upsetting for Hope.
08:22I wish you had had a better welcome home at your dad's.
08:29Maybe I blocked it out, but gosh, I just didn't realize that Luna and her mother were basically living there.
08:35Yeah, Poppy's made herself right at home.
08:38It's such a wild story.
08:40Dad hooks up with her at a, at a music festival?
08:44Okay, A, I don't know if I can picture Dad rocking out in a park.
08:47You and me both.
08:48And B, he spends one night with this Poppy lady.
08:52And decades later, she decides to come out of the woodwork with a daughter?
08:56I hear you.
08:57It's been an adjustment for me, too.
09:01Dad's always putting you through something.
09:04I mean, obviously, I love the guy.
09:06A part of me will always look up to him.
09:10I'll never forget how he disrespected you in the past.
09:14It was a rough time for our family.
09:16It broke us, Mom.
09:20I'm not broken.
09:22I'm okay.
09:24I'm just worried about you.
09:25I don't want you to think badly of your father.
09:28I'm not saying it isn't cool he's taking responsibility for his kid.
09:33You're just feeling uncertain.
09:35I understand.
09:37I've got a lot of questions, too.
09:41Especially about Poppy.
09:44It's just that I can't stop thinking about my last encounter with Hollis.
09:49He found Tom's backpack in the storeroom and...
09:54He really thought it might have a clue as to what happened to Tom.
09:57See, even he was suspicious.
09:59I mean, he knew it didn't make sense.
10:02I brushed him off.
10:03Deacon, I told him to toss it clearly.
10:06He thought it was important.
10:07He was trying to tell me something.
10:09Baby, please, don't do that to yourself.
10:11There's no way that you could have known.
10:12If I would have looked in that backpack,
10:15there might have been something that I could have done to prevent Hollis from being a victim.
10:22It's strange being back at our place.
10:24Feels like we've barely been spending any time here.
10:26Well, we have Bill's estate.
10:29Hey, have you seen my tablet?
10:30Anywhere I left it here somewhere.
10:32Uh, no.
10:34Oh, shoot. I was hoping to bring it back to Dad's.
10:36Alright, well, while you look for that, I'm going to grab some things from the bedroom.
11:14You both put your hearts and souls into your work, and you both want what's best for Forrester.
11:37No, Hope wants what's best for Hope.
11:39That is ridiculous, Stuffy.
11:42You just have a problem with supporting anything that's Logan-related.
11:46You don't want to focus on what's best for the company.
11:48I mean, she's even annoyed that my mother is representing a line that she created herself.
11:53We are not talking about Brooke.
11:54We are talking about how poorly your line is performing.
11:58Well, is it possible that Hope for the future needs some time to readjust after Thomas' leaving?
12:02And who pushed him to do that?
12:06Well, let's stay on track here.
12:10You have every right to be concerned about low numbers.
12:13And you have every right to fight for your line.
12:15Thank you, Finn.
12:17I don't know, what do you think?
12:18Should we hire him as a full-time referee?
12:20I know, right?
12:21This is so great.
12:24Look, this is a business decision.
12:26Nothing personal.
12:28I'm not saying that we're going to eliminate your line, but we need to pull it back.
12:32Way back.
12:39Well, here we are.
12:41Monte Carlo.
12:42This isn't the way to the Princess Palace.
12:45I thought we'd take a little detour.
12:54The casino.
12:56So beautiful.
12:58I gotta say, I'm all in betting on you, love.
13:01Oh, bitch.
13:07Not much lately.
13:09Things change.
13:10Life moves on.
13:12But I miss home.
13:14My family.
13:15Oh, well.
13:17I've missed you so much, I can't even tell you how many times I wanted to fly and kidnap you and make you come home.
13:23But I knew that you wanted to study abroad, and I think it was good for you, right?
13:27And it was.
13:28It was a great experience.
13:30But this is where I want to be.
13:33Does that mean you're staying?
13:36If I'm wanted.
13:38Oh, honey, of course you're wanted.
13:40How could you even ask that?
13:43You're the love of my life.
13:46I love you more than anything else in this whole world.
13:49Well, I know how you feel, Mom.
13:52But I'm not so sure about Dad, now that he has Poppy and Luna in his life.
14:04Why didn't I listen to him?
14:08Because we weren't even questioning Tom's death at that point.
14:11I mean, we both figured that he slipped up and started using again.
14:16I was so dismissive, Deacon.
14:20I never thought that that backpack could be evidence in a murder.
14:25I just, I wanted it out of the restaurant.
14:28I'm guessing that Hollis probably threw it in the trash.
14:31I told him to.
14:33Yeah, well, it was probably going for good.
14:35Look, I don't know, but I...
14:38Something just tells me that there were drugs in that bag.
14:41I mean, that could be a clue to all of this.
14:44Could be.
14:47That could be the smoking gun.
14:50That would have led us to the person that killed Tom and Hollis.
15:33I'm sorry.
15:54I hope someday I can be in Luna's life, and know that I am Luna's father.
16:03Hello, Poppy.
16:04She needs to know her father, and I want to know my daughter.
16:08I am Luna's real father.
16:22Poppy, what happened to you?
16:24It's very hard to say.
16:27I don't know.
16:29I don't know.
16:30Poppy, what happened to you?
16:32It's very hard not to be around my daughter during the holidays.
16:41What are you doing?
16:45Luna, I asked you a question. What are you doing?
16:48These are...
16:50Are letters.
16:51From Tom Starr to you.
16:54There's a backpack full of letters of him claiming to be my father.
16:57Why do you have Tom Starr's backpack?
16:59I don't know. I just found it here.
17:02You knew about this?
17:03Yes, I read them years ago.
17:06I sent them all back.
17:08He was a drug addict and a stalker, Luna.
17:12Tom... Tom Starr is...
17:14Is the guy that died at Il Giardino.
17:17From a drug overdose, or that's what everyone thinks.
17:24What are you saying?
17:25Oh my God, Mom.
17:28I'm shaking right now. You wouldn't do that, right? Would you?
17:33Was it you? Was Katie right about you?
17:37Did you kill Tom Starr?
17:45It's a text from my dad. They made it to Monte Carlo ahead of schedule.
17:49Wow, that's early. It sounds like they had a perfect flight.
17:52Maybe there was enough time for me to come back here and get my passport.
17:56I know. You wish you were there. You're bummed. I get it.
18:01I love you.
18:02I know it won't be the same without you, Steffi.
18:05But I'm sure that they are getting swept up in the beauty of Monte Carlo.
18:22I love you.
18:50Here's a look ahead.
18:51I'm very excited to show you and the world...
18:54Your bedroom.
18:55Brooke's about to break the internet.
18:58Places are past.
18:59In the Bill and the Spencer family, there's our future.
19:02You need to listen to me. Your life could depend on it.
